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  • RoseBuds
    RoseBuds Member Posts: 28

    Whippetmom, thank you so much, I will take this info with me to my next meeting with my PS.  I just don't want to end up concaved again..

    For now I just have to put up with these bricks on my chest, they now restrict my arm movements..


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    SavedbyGod:  I need your TISSUE EXPANDER information - not your implant info....

    With your vital stats, 535 ccs sounds like a good size for your frame, but probably not sufficient to place you where you feel you need to be, relative to the size of your native breasts.  I feel that you do need to wait a full month to see any changes.  But I would like to know about your tissue see where you started out and how your PS arrived at this style and volume of implant.  

  • Savedbygod
    Savedbygod Member Posts: 24

    He does not communicate with me I was huge with tissue expanders had to buy new shirts just to have something to wear I was 720 cc that's all I know so went from huge actually looked smaller than my original breasts but hard and very high to completely flat all my friends are confused they say why did u even bother with reconstruction if ur  going to look flat anyway I'm hoping that they will expand later it's only been day 3 after surgery but I'm very depressed so I'm looking for some answers his office said I have to talk to him on the 11th but they think that they will fluff up? I'm so confused

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290


    You should have received information cards for the tissue expanders (as they are medical devices, just like your implants) but if not, this information should be in your medical file. This is information that as a patient you have a right to have. I would call your surgeon's office and ASK for that info. The information should include the manufacturer, the model, and the size of the tissue expander. Whippetmom needs that info to determine what size implant might be appropriate for you.

    Even without that info I will say that if you were actually filled to 720cc in the TEs, and are now with 535cc implants, it is not surprising you look very different! Even if you switch to the same cc's in implants, they look smaller than the TEs as the implants are able to form more to your body than the hard-backed TEs did. It is not uncommon to expand the TEs to a higher volume than the final implants create some natural-looking ptosis, but generally it seems the fill in the implant is more like 50 or 60 ccs more than the implant, not almost 200ccs!

    Your implants WILL change in appearance over the next while, but certainly not to same appearance as the TEs. However, I would NOT listen to your friends on this...or let them get to you. 3 days after surgery is WAY too soon to judge final outcome after reconstruction. This is not like augmentation where you see a big (literally) change immediately. It is very normal for implants during reconstruction to take some time...months settle into their final appearance. Don't panic at this point! Go see your doctor on the 11th, prepared with some questions, listen, and if you are not happy with the answers discuss with him what can be done to get you to happy! If he won't communicate with you or whatever, then go get a second opinion.

  • Savedbygod
    Savedbygod Member Posts: 24

    Ok thank you, I will wait then I hope it all works out 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Thanks, MondaysChild.  I have that as well.  It's too short for me.  I'd have to get it small enough that I could barely fasten it to keep it from riding up at the IMF line.  

    Today I learned an important lesson.  Don't wear a sports bra that is too loose or doesn't give any compression.  Almost made it through the entire work day but tylenol wasn't cutting it.  Got home, took half a pain med, changed into better fitting and compressive sports bra.  Within 30 mins felt SO much better.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Savedbygod - Sorry you're feeling so discouraged right now, but as everyone else has written it is way too soon to make a judgement.  

    If you are not comfortable requesting the TE info from your plastic surgeon you can request the surgical records from when the expanders were placed.  There should be a page on which they put the stickers removed from the packaging.  If you don't want all the records then ask medical records to just make you a copy of the page with the stickers and give them the surgery date.  I was able to get a copy very quickly by faxing an authorization form after which they faxed me that one page.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    I have access to my records online and I believe most clinics have that option nowadays. This is great way to read notes and test results online. I can even view my MRI online although sometimes that's not a good idea :/ I logon regularly to read my doc's notes and review my visits. But sometimes I'll read something and think "Huh? They never said that!" It seems like they add stuff just to cover their butt. But it's nice esp. for those PS visits because it's quite detailed with the cc's filled each visit right along with the implant info. 

    Good luck!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    bc101 - You're right, it can be maddening to read those notes.  I once saw a specialist for a non-BC related issue.  He spent at least 20 minutes of my appointment time out in the hall before seeing me while they tried to locate my lost chart.  After spending all of 5 minutes with me (new patient) he had the gall to dictate that it was an extended 30 minute appointment.  This was after waiting 6 weeks to see him.  Argh!!! Didn't see this note until I requested my records to move on to another doctor.  Fortunately, no longer with that medical group.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    In one PS's note in my record I read something to the effect of "She is not sure if she wants to proceed with reconstruction..." That's because he walked out of the room halfway into the visit and instead let his resident do the talking. They must not have connected. Or he misunderstood me. I was very clear in asking to please put me on the schedule as soon as possible. Asked nurse coordinator WHEN we could get it scheduled. I couldn't get even a general timeline, so I went elsewhere. Reading the letter afterwards made it clear to me that it was the right decision to leave :/

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Personally believe they hear what they want to at times...sorry about that!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290

    Well, change of plans for me! The plan had been NS PBMX with TEs on May it is One-Step NS with Alloderm on date TBA. I met with a PS in Calgary yesterday and so am switching my surgery to up there. I just loved the PS, and I met the BS up there in November and think he is great too! The two surgeons here were good to, but I definitely feel more of a connection to this PS (great bedside manner) and he is experienced in one-steps. As I want to be slightly smaller in size it is a good option for me (I am 32DD) though he will also be trying to correct some aysmmetry (as I want to be closer to size of smaller breast, one step still works).

    We did talk about size goals. The PS said he will definitely bring in a few sizes with him into surgery based on my measurements and size goals (to be a bit smaller). He will use smooth rounds as he does not like using the textured anatomicals when using Alloderm. 

    So, whippetmom I need help again... I think you had suggested Mentor Smooth Mod Plus at 475-500cc. This PS however uses mostly Allergan. I am a 29.5" ribcage, 5'4", 120 lbs, currently a 32DD but wanting a bit smaller appearance. My thread on the pic forum with before pictures should still be there under the same name!

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105

    Good morning ladies.  I am in the expansion process and nearing the end, I think.  I was wondering which bras or undergarments I should avoid and which to wear.  My PS told me to just be comfortable and I could wear a cotton, non-wired bra if I want to.  But as you all know, the expanders are so tight and the pressure is so great, I don't even need a bra.  They are ROCK HARD! I've been wearing tank tops underneath my clothing since my MX's and have been doing great thus far. Also, I am getting anxious and a bit excited about the next step.  I really hope the implants natural and soft.  My PS hasn't shown me them yet.  I'm looking forward to that visit, finally!  I want to make an informed decision. Honestly, I just want to know what they will be like....squeezable? soft?  Or totally unnatural?  I need to know the truth.  Also, does anyone have any additional safety information regarding the best implants?  PBA danger?  Thanks for reading!  Have a blessed day.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Hi budr, 

    How exciting to be near the end! I have the same types of questions. I've heard from many women that yes, they are soft and eventually get squishy, so not to worry. My TE's are already soft and squishy - like 2 pillows, so I must have something different. I was told to wear a sports bra 24/7 to help with fluid and to help keep them in place. The Champion brand (available at Kohl's) has one that is longer in length and helps cover my expanding ta-tas quite nicely.

    I've not heard of anything related to PBA - what is that?

    I'm concerned that once I have my implants, I won't be able to find a bra that fits. I've read about women having A LOT of difficulty finding bras to fit. I was poking around the Cure Diva site which I only recently discovered and came across this bra

    It's expensive, for sure! But there seems to be a need out there that isn't being filled (pardon the pun, lol!).

    Did anyone else go out and try on bras while they were being filled to decide what their final size will be? I don't think my PS follows the standard overfill rule. He says he'll stop whenever I say they look good.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    You might enjoy the Bras thread here.

    Definitely do not bother trying bras on during your TE phase. In fact, you'll want to wait for 2-3 months post exchange before you invest any real time/money into bra purchasing. I got one or two well-fitted bras a couple of weeks post- exchange and wore them til everything settled. Then I went out and found bras for this new me. It can be time consuming shopping, but eventually you'll find your fit. Best wishes!!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Thanks for the tip on that thread, Dulcigirl, I'll check it out. I was just wanting to try on bras to see how I look now because I think I'm getting close to done. I won't buy any yet because I realize lots of changes are ahead. I'm think I'm obsessed with my foobs, lol! My PS said to do the tight white T-shirt test to determine when to stop fills, so I think I'll just stick with that.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Bc, make sure you go past where you want to be before you stop fills. For me, my 740 cc gummy bear implants look so much smaller than the 740 cc TE. The projection seems to be about half what the TE was. I had 800 cc rounds at first and they looked the same as the gummies do, just shorter.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    It's very common. Loopy

    I must warn you that obsession comes in several forms. Lol!!

    1) IS IT CANCER???? (Waiting for results.)

    2) Get cancer OUT. NOW!! (The diagnosis phase.)

    3) Are these things big enough? (The TE phase.)

    4) Really?? This is it??? (The immediate, tearful post-exchange phase...STEP AWAY FROM THE MIRROR!! And YES, it is VERY COMMON to feel VERY EMOTIONAL in the first few weeks after exchange. Post a note somewhere: "Feeling emotional is a stage. It will pass.)

    5) To nip, or not to nip? (After the implants settle.)

    6) Etc. Winking

    There are also several mini-phases that are more individual. Underwire/wireless is a common one.

    This post is meant in jest....but it really is something so many of us go through!!!!! The good news? I'm nearly 5 months post revision and there are actually days when I do not think about boobs, or compare mine to other people's, and then there are moments when the OCD kicks back in. (I used my DH's level to check my new nips. Yep.)

    I think the tight white t is a great idea! I also think it  would be a huge aid in nipple placement. It's hard to ignore the scars when trying to get the most natural placement. So use some round bandaids under a white t til you get them where you want them.

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    Yeah, I'm definitely on #3, lol! Great post, Dulcigirl (love the one on the level for nips)!

    As far as projection, my PS said he could do fat grafting for more projection and cleavage without further expansion. But I'm inclined to do as you've said, Sandra, and go bigger.

    Thanks again, ladies, I just LOVE this thread! Nerdy

  • Savedbygod
    Savedbygod Member Posts: 24

    Hello, it seems we are close the same size if you go with allergan don't get the 410 ff I am so flat its hard to deal with, I have no breasts I look like a buff man....My surgeon doesnt talk to me I called two days ago requesting my expander info for whippetmom so I could at least have some insight to weather this will get better or not, he doesnt call me back, I am so depressed.  I don't understand how they can expect a woman to go through all this work and then put in an implant that is no where near what she was before.  Good luck to you I hope you have a good PS...

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    bc - I also recommend expanding to larger than what you think looks good in the TEs.  I had 600cc TEs.  When I got to 600cc in fills I told my PS I wanted to overfill, because I had learned on this thread that you lose size with the exchange.  He agreed but warned me they would be 'hard as rocks'.  He was right!   When I was expanded to 750cc they really did look a bit too big and bulbous on me.  But.......when I exchanged to 750cc silicone rounds they were perfecto!  A much more relaxed look, just the right size.  I look very much like I did before BC.  Not the breasts themselves, oh my goodness no!  The originals were 52 year old pendulous boobs.  But when I'm clothed my figure is much the same - if folks don't already know I've had a BMX and reconstruction they wouldn't have any idea.

  • lindacam
    lindacam Member Posts: 97

    Hi whippetmom.  I never asked you questions but did read all the posts. I had a BMX, skin sparing, nipples removed Feb 17th.  My implants were Mentor 323, Cohesive III, Medium Height, High Profile 555 cc.  They look good so far, really nice profile and just a little smaller.  Thanks for your help.

    Forgot to add I did one step reconstruction with Alloderm.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Savedbygod, I don't think it's the Allergan 410's. In my experience, implants just don't project like a natural breast. They are mounds, not conical shaped. Unless you've had nipple sparing surgery, you are going to look different. I've had 800 cc silicone rounds and then switched to 740 cc Allergan 410 gummie bear anatomicals. They look and feel the same to me. I don't see a difference except that the 410's give me a very gentle slope down to the fullest part at the bottom. Your doctor should have told you what to expect. I wonder why he didn't put in an implant even close to the size of your TE's? No wonder you are shocked. 200 cc's smaller is not what you thought you'd end up with.

    Bc, I'm glad you mentioned fat grafting over the implant itself. I asked my PS about that yesterday. He said it can be done under the skin, on top of the muscle and implant, but it's difficult and could cause problems, even up to losing the implant and having to start over. He doesn't think the risk is worth it. I asked because I have a good sized circle of coldness on one foob. I can't feel it unless I touch it or my arm brushes it when I don't have clothes. I'm exactly three months out from the exchange. I only noticed this a few weeks ago. In fact, someone else talked about this subject around the first of the year and at the time both my new foobs were warm...I checked. So I was surprised to find one is cold...but only in a circle about two inches in diameter about where a nipple usually is. The PS said that is because the general surgeon who did the BMX took more fat from that side and my tissue is so much thinner. Thin tissue means less blood flow and less padding. I'm surprised that my body temperature isn't enough to warm the foob all the way through but I guess a little bit of extra blood vessels and fat can make a difference. I wondered if putting some fat into that area would help, but he says since it doesn't hurt or pose any kind of problem, it's not worth trying to fix it.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Sandra - I'm one of the ones who has cold boobs since exchange.  The funny thing is that they were always toasty warm with the TEs.  hmmmmm........

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Mine are cold too. All over. I don't notice it unless my arm bumps then in the shower, etc. But thanks to Sandra's post I will now look at it as a BS must have been extremely thorough??? Lol. I had never asked why they were colder since I had read so many women here experience it also. I would guess (not a science major!!) that saline in TE's conducts heat better than silicone? 

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253

    My foobs are cold too!! And to top it off I work outside, so in this extremely cold winter I have been known to use hand warmers to help keep them warm. Needless to say one guy in my office likes to brag that he gave me my booby warmers LOL.

    I also asked my PS about fat grafting and he stated he does not like to do for breast cancer patients as a much of it does not take and then also some of it may harden and is difficult to distinguish between fat lump and a reaccurance cancer growth

  • Savedbygod
    Savedbygod Member Posts: 24

    To wippetmom finally got the call back from ps office my chart had something different than what he told me but makes more sense So I had pmt 850 expanders filled to 670 cc and naturelle 410 ff 535 cc implants my rib cage is 28.  Do you know what bra size I might be I am 5ft 5in and weigh about 120lbs.  I have a real bad pear shape very small back and wide hips my breast used to even me out I hope I will still be ok.  Thanks for your help

  • raelan
    raelan Member Posts: 84

    Whippetmom -  When you get a chance would you mind jumping over to the picture forum and reviewing my recent post (under the same user name).  I'm getting TE's in 2 weeks and my PS plans to use Allergan 133LV 350.  As you know these are the low profile, which is the only style he uses in his practice.  He actually was involved in the invention of this style. Although I was previously a 34DD, I definitely want to go smaller and because of my prior radiation, he doesn't want to put in anything bigger than 500cc's.  My rib cage is 32".

    Although I won't be getting my implants for quite awhile, I'm curious as to which ones you think might work best for me?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    DiveCat:  Wow....a one step.  Well, with Allergan, it is a Style 15, and so I would say a range from 339 ccs to 421 ccs.  But it all depends on your skin flaps, how much skin is excised, if any, and how much ptosis your PS wants to have or YOU want to have.  But a Style 20/high profile might be preferred...I would say in the lower to mid 400 cc range.  When you have a one-step, it is really unpredictable.  You want to discuss sizes with your PS....find out what HE thinks and then come back here and we can discuss.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Raelan:  I went over to the Pictures Forum the other day and commented on your photo and gave you my ThumbsUp re: your doctor's plan for your reconstruction!