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  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    Don't be too hard on yourself! TE dimensions are chosen based on the width of your native breast. My PS took measurements at my pre-BMX consult and used the width of my original breasts to determine the width of the TEs he would give me. Lots of math and science to it, and some artistry as well!! 

  • scubalady
    scubalady Member Posts: 49

    Whippetmom:  I appreciated your answer regarding the round TE with the remote injection dome.  Based on the information I gave you on my height, weight, and rib cage size, do you have any recommendations on what TEs might be good for me to ask my PS about?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    scubalady:  I answered that question on the previous page!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Dulcigirl is right!  If you do not yet have tissue expanders, I can only "guesstimate" what you might need or what might work for your frame.  It all depends on the width of your native breasts, and other ribcage/chest wall characteristics which only can be observed and measured by the PS at this point in the process. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    You girls!  Thank you for your sweet sentiments.....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Bcnotforme:  Yes, you can email me photos.  I will private message you with my email address.  We will figure this out!

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    whippetmom et al:  so knowledgeable, so supportive.

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    thank you whippetmom- just emailed you. Can't thank you enough for the support, hope, and your time you give. xo

  • Asb
    Asb Member Posts: 5

    whippet mom, I would love your advice on what size etc. TE would be right for me. I am 5'1", 115 lbs. my rib age is 30 1/2". I was not planning on surgery until this summer after the chemo but the tumor size is not changing so it looks like we might be moving surgery up then finish chemo after. I meet with my BS tomorrow to see what he thinks. I met with PS back in January but at the time did not know what to ask. I  am assuming I will meet with him again before surgery. I would like to be more prepared this time. I am leaning towards the gummy bear implants at the moment. Please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Asb: please clarify: are you going to have a unilateral or bilateral MX... If uni, I need details on your native breast size, amt of droop/ptosis, etc...

  • MCbeach
    MCbeach Member Posts: 43

    I had my exchange yesterday. All went well.  A bit surprised tho I was supposed to get 650 hps (around that) and woke up w 410s MF 640g. I told my PS I wasn't favoring those and before Sx he said we were going w the rounds. He did mention that my skin on top was extremely thin (tons of ripples in my TEs). I'm not sure if that is why he did the 410s?  Hubby and I are confused, we'll find out more when I meet w him. 

    I think the 410s look good so far. Still sore so can't comment on the firmness vs squishness. Much better than the TEs. I posted a couple of pics on the other forum. 

    Whippetmon - thanks so much for all your advice. You are an angel to help out so many of us!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    MCBeach - I just saw your results on the picture forum and I have to say that even though I know it's not what you'd expected, you look absolutely fabulous!   And I mean that sincerely - you look great!   I think in time you'll love them - because from what I can see, you've got one of the best results I've ever seen right out of the gate...  Heal well and carefully!

  • Asb
    Asb Member Posts: 5

    Sorry, I will be having a BMX.

  • Savedbygod
    Savedbygod Member Posts: 24

    Hello, I just went for a second opinion to a doctor referred by someone on our boards, I decided to change to him....He was very sweet and understanding, unfortunately for the best outcome on fixing what the first PS since he cut off all my original excess skin, I will not able to be my original size but I will have a better symetry.  He says in order to go as close to my size I want and to help fix the shape, I should redo the expander portion.  He also wants to put in different implants which I actually got to see, he says he will have many different ones in surgery on hand to acheive the best outcome.  Whippetmom, can you give me some ideas on what you think as options so I can have a better understanding on having the best outcome.  Here I go again, yuk twice over but at least I will look more normal, and be able to wear clothes without trying to manipulate everything.

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    savedbygod, I am so sorry you are still going through this!  Did he mention which styles he might go with? Best to you.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Mcbeach, girl, you look awesome! The fat grafting makes your upper pole look perfect!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    sandra4611 - Just wondering how you're doing?  I know that Friday is the big day and I've been sending you positive thoughts for a great outcome this time.  Lordy, girl, you've been through hell and back and still get back up and try again.  Bless you for your grit and determination!  Know that we'll all be with you on Friday to make sure that they do everything right!

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11

    I am two weeks post PBMX and I had a Sientra 2 chamber TEs placed.  I went into this whole process so, so sure I wanted anatomicals, but now I'm not so sure at all.  It seems to me that with my narrow ribcage 31" and native small but pointy breasts, I am getting the feeling that projection, projection, projection should be my real goal. I think I have been afraid of rounds looking like just too fake and too much.  If I want nice size (C/small D) narrow, breasts with nice do I communicate with my PS and keep this moving in the right direction?

    I currently have 250cc which was filled during surgery.  He does not do another fill until 6 weeks post op.  

  • Mimi68
    Mimi68 Member Posts: 69


    Congrats on your exchange!! I am headed over right now to see your new girls..Congrats! I am four weeks out today and I am here to say yes, they have dropped and fluffed. They will continue to and they are getting soft and mobile and squishy..yay!!! My PS was giddy with happiness at my outcome. 

    Also -I am using Blaine's Scar sheets off Amazon and they are affordable-$19.99 a box, I am using two boxes and alternating, I use them 24/7 and my scars are AMAZING! Fading, flat and healthy! I remove to shower and wash only every two weeks or so, they stay very clean as the sports bra I wear keeps them securely in place. I remove to work out and shower.  Highly recommend!

    Take care..


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    ZA85, thanks for asking. I'm pretty calm this time. Whether it will last until Friday a.m. I don't know. Last surgery I thought I was ok and then blubbered like a baby due to the stress of waiting to get wheeled into the OR when the case in front of me ran long. As long as things progress with no surprises, it's alright, but one little thing changes and I fall apart. Seems so silly. My PS said that day that he wouldn't do surgery #4 until I had taken a vacation. Three surgeries in three and a half months was just too much. So we went on a cruise and now I'm ready to move forward. There will be a surgery #5 in a couple of months and I hope that's it. Good thing I don't want any cosmetic procedures. Once this is over, I don't want anybody touching anything on my chest for any reason!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Asb:  I do not know what brand of TE your PS typically uses, but I would think that the volume might be anywhere from 275 ccs to 400 ccs in a short height variable projection or moderate height variable projection style.  Once you find out what your PS intends to use, come back and let me know.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    SavedbyGod:  Gosh...that is a multifactoral question and dilemma.  I do not know how much skin you have...but it sounds as though your PS needs to go smaller?  If so, implants with a vojume of around 450 ccs I would imagine?  If he showed you implants, what type of implants did he show you?  

  • Asb
    Asb Member Posts: 5

    whippet mom,

    According to his office he typically uses allergan but has also used mentor. I am meeting with PS next Wednesday to discuss the surgery, I will find out then what he plans to use. Thanks!

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    I have been very confused until now. I am still confused but only a little. I had bilateral mastectomy (nipple saving on both sides).  I had Allergan 133mv-12 tissue expanders placed and had my final fill of total 400cc (100cc ,ore than advised) two days ago. I was hoping to have my implants similar to a full d or dd cup size. I am 5'7" 135 lbs with a 34" ribcage. Somehow I feel I will end up with much smaller breasts than I am hoping for. My PS says my results will be wonderful. My concern is how will the pocket from a 400cc tissue expander allow for a much larger implant and exactly what questions do I ask or more specifically what does the math break down to so I know specifically which Natrelle series I should ask for?

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    mikishelley - I had my surgeries in St. Louis. You're in good hands with whippetmom. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mikishelly:  Your TEs are actually 300 cc TEs, which are overfilled to 400 ccs.  If you feel concerned about being too small, do not agree to anatomicals - Allergan 410s - because you need to match the footprint of the TEs and you might end up smaller than you had hoped.  You are a candidate for Allergan Style 20, 425 ccs...a high profile smooth round silicone implant.  I feel that this could be small on your frame, if you feel that you are too small with your TE volume currently. You could use Allergan Style 15, 397 ccs, and get more width (which you could use), and still have the volume needed.  Sientra has a smooth round high profile, and 435 ccs might be a good choice and quite doable, based on the dimensions of your TEs. Were you small breasted prior to BMX?  

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    Yes just a small B cup on one side and an A cup on the other. 

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11


    Sorry for a question that probably has been covered many times before.  I tried to send an email to get access to the photo site with no luck.  Can someone tell me how I can get access?

    Thanks a bunch!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    FLgrl32 - Go here and read the very first post in the thread -

    (not the heading that noweheregirl deleted by mistake).  Then you need to PM (private message) nowheregirl or Lilah for access.  It is a private and secure site and not a part of BCO.  Hope that helps....

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    thanks AZ85048, as I have the same question as FLgrl32 about seeing photos site. I  am still new to posting, so may be too soon for me. I had a PBMX in dec '13 and exchange to allergan 410 2 weeks ago. Infection in left implant so had surgery today to remove it. I want to revise to smooth round allergan style 20 I believe, as whippetmom suggested for me. Anyone else done this type of revision? I'm hoping to see photos of before and afters with revisions. 

    Many thanks!