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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Then Sientra is not the mfr for you.  Winking

  • stacet
    stacet Member Posts: 2

    Whippetmom- I sent you a private message and look forward to your response- thanks!

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105

    I wish I had the information needed for an informed decision.  My PS uses Mentor, that I know.  I have nothing to take my measurements with. (I can't find my tape measure).   I am 5'7 150lbs.  I am not overweight but definitely not considered "Petite".  I guess I have broad shoulders.  I was a B cup before BMX.  The plan is for a full C or equivalent measurement.  I have 3 more fills till we wait for the exchange in July. I have not had my pre-op appointment yet when my PS will take my measurements.  The other day she gave me a mentor booklet, and asked me to decide on saline or silicone.  The booklet has an informed consent for me to sign.  However, she is not really explaining anything!  When do I get to actually see an implant?  When do I decide the projection, style, etc?  At the pre-op appt?????

    (sorry if you get the impression that these questions should be directed to my PS.  They were.  She did not give me an answer.  She just said "when we get the measurements".)

    I am not signing the consent until she explains it, whenever that appointment is!

  • lindacam
    lindacam Member Posts: 97

    My PS has agreed to fat grafting but wants to wait until late fall to correct the capsular contracture.  Is it reasonable to wait 6 months or will the pain from CC get worse.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Why wait until late fall, Lindacam?  The point is to try to downgrade the Baker scale.  Wouldn't it seem easier to get it from a II to a I, vs from a III or even a IV to a I?  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    budrflygal:  You will have to call your doctor's office on Monday and ask for your SPECIFIC tissue expander data.  It is recorded in your medical chart.  The volume recommended by the mfr and the STYLE....and if it is Mentor, there are three styles.  If your PS is leaving it all up to you, that is fine by me.  After we get the numbers and data, you can tell her exactly what you want and there you go.  An ideal solution in my book.  I don't really need your ribcage circumference as much as I need that TE information.  

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    My ps said she will use Allergan implants. I'm filled to 650cc on each side. She's going to bring in a 600, 650, and 700 implant. I am not sure what exact type... Just allergan 600, 650 or 700.... Is there anything else I can ask my ps to get a more specific style? 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ladies - I was totally OCD about "getting it right" after whippetmom made her suggestions for me.

    I printed up the relevant pages in the Allergan Natrelle catalog, circled my possible implants (and fill dimensions) in red, and took the page into my PS to ask "Now THIS is what you are ordering, right?"

    Allergan Natrelle Product Catalog (also linked in the header on this thread)

  • grammakathy
    grammakathy Member Posts: 126

    Blessings - sounds like a great idea!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome:  Yes, ask her which STYLE of implant....Style 20 or Style 15....or Style 45?

  • jennie71
    jennie71 Member Posts: 7

    I had my exchange 8 days ago and I love the size of my implants.  Whippetmom had suggested 500 cc and that is exactly what my PS put in.  He brought in 450 cc, 475 cc, and 500 cc and used sizers at the exchange.  He said the 500 cc look and fit the best.  Thanks Whippetmom for your advice and help!!! I know the implants will drop and fluff with time but I think the size is a perfect fit for me. Smile

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    jennie....So happy to hear that YOU are happy, and that your plastic surgeon had the artistry to see what looked best....and the willingness to give you what you requested!  Congratulations!

  • stacet
    stacet Member Posts: 2


    Sorry to bother you just wondering if you have had a chance to view my pm? surgery is quickly approaching and I could use some guidance. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    jennie - chalk up another one for Whippetmom!  I also went with what she recommended (except mine were 750cc) and I think they're the perfect size for me to still look like me.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    stacet:  So sorry!  I DID respond and it was lost in the netherworld I guess.  Devil Yes, go for Style 20, 350 ccs minimally, or 375 ccs or 400 ccs.  I responded again to your PM just now.

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126

    I had my exchange on Friday to 410mx anatomicals. (Choice of implants different here because not in USA) thanks whippetmom for your input. 

    Had lots of "pocket work" on the right which is a bit bruised and swollen. Am trying not to obsess too much this early but they look ok, I guess. Paranoid about the naughty righty migrating up or turning so wearing compressing bandage above . 

    Have posted day 2 post op pics on the picture forum but still look a bit bruised and swollen so will post again in a week or so

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    What's the difference between each style?

  • TisAllGood
    TisAllGood Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I am new. This is my first post.  I have been diagnosed, met with the surgeon, had 2 consults w/ PSs and I am completely overwhelmed!!  The ball is in my court.  I need to let my surgeon know which of the PSs I want to go with and then they will schedule my nipple sparing double mastectomy.  I know which PS I want.  I just don't feel knowledgeable enough to stand for myself once I commit to the PS and surgery.  I want to let them know what I want, but I don't know!!!  I read the beginning of this topic and I know I am supposed to do something to get some guidance, but again I am overwhelmed.  I swear since I have been diagnosed I think something is wrong with my brain!!  Please point me in the right direction.  The good news is that I do know that I am going to live.  I just have to get through a lot first!  Thank you!  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    There are many styles and shapes of implants.  There are silicone round implants, which typically have three profiles used in breast reconstruction.  A moderate plus profile, a high profile and a ultra full profile implant.  

    Round implants - the moderate plus/midrange profile, high profile and ultra full profile are the ones used for breast reconstruction.  The moderate profile is rarely, if ever, used for breast reconstruction.  


    There are anatomical implants,  which come in a variety of styles in Canada and Europe, but only offer three styles in the U.S.  There are shaped implants, which are different than anatomically shaped implants.  

    Anatomical implants look like this:


    Article re: anatomical implants

    Anatomical implants require precise pocket dissection and placement

    Shaped implants:  Sientra 

    Round implant on the left and shaped Sientra on the right:


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Previvor...I will go take a look at your photos!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    What is your height, weight, ribcage circumference? Measure under the breasts with a measuring tape.  What do you want to achieve with reconstruction?  What size are your breasts currently?  Do you want to be smaller than you are now, larger than you are now or the same size?  


  • TisAllGood
    TisAllGood Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for getting back to me whippetmom!

    My stats are below.  With reconstruction I would like my breasts to be basically the same with some lift.  Definitely not bigger, just higher.  I have been blessed with a decent figure, but 3 kids and time have caused some droop.  Its not terrible, I didn't nurse, they are still full and roundish, just laying down a bit.  My nipples still look ahead.  Another way to describe my girls is that when its hot (all the time!) I wear folded paper towels inside my bra under my boobs to collect the sweat! I dream of not having to do that! 

    I should also mention that 10 years ago after 3 C-sections I had a tummy tuck. Its been great.  Instead of a hanging roll of scar material on my belly it has been a flat tummy on a long torso topped w/ decent boobs.  Now gravity causes the boobs to lay down on my torso and take away from my waist and it looks a little dumpy. So this is another reason I would like some lift.

     I hope that makes sense and is not TMI!!  I would be happy to send you pictures. 

    • height 5' 61/2"  
    • weight 154      
    • ribcage circumference 34.5"
    • current size 36 D

    This is still all very new to me and I guess I am in a little shock.  I am not afraid of the cancer.  I just want to be looking back at it. I might have to have chemo, but maybe not, no radiation probably just hormone therapy.  Also, I had hoped to have one of the analogous types of recon, but since I had the tuck I am not really eligible.  That was disappointing, but its been sinking in for a few days and its ok. So now I do know that my reconstruction will be the 2 stage type w/ expanders.  

    I appreciate your help and guidance. Thanks, Laura

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    TisAllGood - feeling overwhelmed by decisions at this point is perfectly normal.  There's a lot being thrown at you and not a single one of us was born knowing all this stuff.  YOu've come to the right place and Whippetmom is an absolute angel for what she does (insert angel emoticon).  I do want to share something with you, though, that may be a disappointment to you........I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction but STILL HAVE UNDER-BOOB!!!   That one of the main reasons I still wear a bra, especially in the warmer months.  If I didn't wear a bra I'd have under-boob sweat marks all the time......sigh.  Also, I would go ahead and PM Whippetmom with a photo of your breasts.  When I sent her my 'before' picture she indicated it's a great thing to help her with recommendations but many women just don't think to photograph their breasts pre-mastectomy.  Keep us posted - we're here for you!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Laura:  The tummy is not the only autologous location on the body.  You have the buttocks, thigh regions also.

    I think that you need at least 600 ccs to 650 ccs  in a high profile smooth round silicone implant.  You will never have that excessive droop again and you will not need to put paper towels under your breasts - AS LONG as your PS does not overfill.  It sounds as though there is no need to overfill or try to gain some ptosis/droop, because your skin is probably lax enough to provide a very natural ptosis.  So this suggests that a 500 cc moderate profile tissue expander would be good...if Allergan....and I think this translates to a 550 cc TE if Mentor.  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    The amount of ptosis after reconstruction hinges, to some degree, on the amount of ptosis you have prior to MX.  Also, as long as the pocket is not made too large....and the implants have a greater volume, the degree of ptosis will not be as significant. It really depends on your body habitus, degree of tissue laxity, pocket dissection, choice of tissue expander and degree of expansion.   So many factors.  I think Laura, you need to tell you PS you want things nice and perky and NO MATERNAL DROOP....

    Edited: depends on how much skin is excised at the time of MX....

  • FLgrl32
    FLgrl32 Member Posts: 11


    You're not gonna believe it... I think I have convinced my PS to go with the Allergan 20 like you suggested.  He wants to bring a number of sizes into the OR and the 410 just in case he does not like the way the 20 looks.  That sounds reasonable right?  I told him about the 650cc.  Boy, the sound of all those ccs scares me. :).  He's also gonna fat graft at the time.  Does this all sound like a better plan?

    You're an angel and I hope you are feeling better.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    FLgrl...Sounds good to me!

  • darriea
    darriea Member Posts: 5


    I'm looking for implant suggestions. I had simple skin sparing bilateral on April 15. No need for radiation or chemo. I have expanders in now.

    •  Allergan 133LV 15T. I have been filled to 270 in each and will continue the fills.
    • Height 5' 4"
    • Weight 135
    • Rib Cage 34
    • Before the mastectomy 34 small b

    I'm hoping to end up with a full c. Any input would be appriciated.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I would want to know what your PS had in mind when he used that style and volume of tissue expander.  I can only imagine that he planned to use an antomical or shaped implant....because a high profile smooth round would bring you up to 750 ccs in a matching width implant.  He might be able to use a 700 cc implant, which has 14.5 cm in width, but some pocket work would be advised.  There is a Sientra Textured Shape Oval Base High Projection 550 ccs which would be nice and would be within the width range necessary.  The Allergan 410 anatomical implant is the LF 540 gms. 

    Talk to your PS about HIS implant selection.  Find out if he is open to a smooth silicone round or to Sientra....just so that you know if you have options other than the anatomical implant.  


  • darriea
    darriea Member Posts: 5


    Thank you for you reply. He had told me I could decide the size and shape of the implants depending on how my skin tolerated the expansion process.

    He did measure the bottom of my breasts before they were removed. They were about 15cm which is why he choose the wide expanders. 

    He did use Alloderm to help create a pocket. 

    Thank you for your input.