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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    layle: Where did you come up with the 370 gm Allergan 410? Your PS is probably not going to go that large, especially with an anatomical implant. There is no use speculating on the size, unless your PS is willing to do this. I think that unless you have a very lax skin envelope, 12.0 cm would likely be the largest (12 cm width) and you would have 5.7 cm projection. The volume of the TE does not correspond with the volume of the implant. The Allergan Inspira actually would be better, and there is more "wiggle room" in terms of volume. The 400 cc extra full projection Inspira (SRX) has 5.8 cm projection and is 11.5 cm wide - much closer to what you have with your TEs. That still might be larger than your PS has in mind, and so 375 ccs would be another option - 5.6 cm projection

  • BleuJay
    BleuJay Member Posts: 8

    Hi Whippetmom

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I need to contact my PS office to see if they can give me the additional info on my expanders. It is reassuring to hear that the expanders can be somewhat overfilled. Is there a general rule on how much can be overfilled, assuming the skin/body can handle it?

    I am still healing on one of my nipples, where there was a small amount of necrosis, so my PS is wanting to go slowly with the fills, which I think makes sense. I will be back with the additional info, but in the meantime....thank you very much!


  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470

    BleuJay, Another option for getting the TE information is to contact medical records at the hospital where you had surgery and ask for the surgical notes. Typically you have to fill out/sign a release of information, which can sometimes be found on line, but if you call medical records, they can walk you through the process.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    BleuJay: Please read #6 in the thread header

  • Nanpop
    Nanpop Member Posts: 12


    I am normally very careful and investigate all procedures. My fear of my breast cancer made me lose any rational thought I had.

    I had a bilateral mx on October 5, with tissue expanders placed with alloderm. I just found out what alloderm is and am very upset that it was not explained prior to surgery.

    I do not know what type of tissue expander were put in. My PS said because my breasts were large he used larger TE's. I have a tightness under my breast that feels like a wire cage. He filled up the TE all the way. So I never had them filled again.

    Do all TE Feel the same?

    Are all TEs sewn in underneath the breast?

    Is alloderm safe?

    Is the tightness normal?

    Will I ever feel comfortable?

    What can I do during the next reconstruction to fix all of this?

    Thank you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Nanpop - Please go back & read the header in detail and then list all your measurements & specs. The PS is required to give you a card with the info about your tissue expanders. And you can also get it from the hospital. Have you started chemo? When do you plan to have your exchange?

    In answer to your other questions, every one if us is different, just like every PS has different preferences. There are numbers of different ways for the incisions to be made. There are two good threads called 1) Exchange City, and 2) TE trouble, that should answer most of your questions. I think you'll find that very few of us were comfortable with TEs. Mine felt like a hard turtle shell or coconut shells and I could hardly wait the 3 months after final fill that my PS required to get them out. You can search for Alloderm on BCO to get more info about that. I didn't have it so I can't say much.

  • Nanpop
    Nanpop Member Posts: 12

    I found out that my tissue expanders are

    Natrelle style number 133

    Filled up to 450cc at time of surgery.

    I am 5'3 112 lbs. petite frame

    My breast size was 34 f European bras

    I just started chemo. This TE has metal so I don't know if that affect MRI and radiation.

    Should I remove the alloderm

  • LuckyLady17
    LuckyLady17 Member Posts: 11

    Good evening Whippet Mom.

    I would appreciate your help and opinion on sizing for my implant exchange. I had a bilateral mastectomy the first week of October with my plastic surgeon placing Mentor Artoura High Profile 375cc expanders along with Alloderm. I had my last fill last week, which put me at 400cc. I will not be having chemo or radiation. I am scheduled for my exchange the last week of December. She is leaving it up to me to decide how big I want to be but from our conversations and what she has gleaned from me she suggested Style 20 500cc. She told me to try on clothes and everything and decide if where I am with the expanders is where I want to be and she will try to go with whatever I decide.

    I am 46 years old and 5'8" at 150 lbs with a ribcage of 32" and absolutely no upper body fat (meaning you can see my ribcage and breast bone, etc). Pre-mastectomy I was droopy and wearing a 36B or 34C depending on the bra.

    I want a more natural look and don't want to look like I have balloons or cantaloupes on my chest and with these expanders they do have a slope to them with more projection at the base. I have tried on some clothes and I like the size of the expanders but I am kind of thinking slightly bigger than where I am right now would be nice as when I tried on a 36C bra there was just a little extra material ripple. Would going up to 550cc in Style 20 make any difference with that or do you have any other suggestions? I am not sure if she uses any brands exclusively.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Kattis894
    Kattis894 Member Posts: 150

    I am very confused regarding my upcoming surgery Dec 21st. My cancer is very aggressive and I am mostly concerned about that at the moment so reconstructions is so far away from my mind.

    They suggested to have an immediate expander placed during the removal of my breast. I have large breast and my tumor size is 6,5 x 4 cm and has grown that size during 2 years It has not noticeably shrunk during the neoadjuvant treatment so they are planing to remove the entire breast. I will start radiation beginning January, every day for 2 months as well as hormonal treatment, which kind I am not sure as of yet. I have a friend of a friend whom is a professor of breast cancer, she strongly advice me against placing the expander and using silicon at this point and instead just focus on getting rid of the cancer. She also said chances of complications of the implant might make the breast very hard and not comfortable at all. I will have the opportunity to speak with her on the phone tonight to ask more questions. I am more interested in reducing the size of my healthy breast, keeping the nipple to just make it more bearable for the years I have to wait for reconstruction, they said approx. 2 years since my treatment herceptin ends next September.

    Any thoughts here would be very appreciated. I understand it would be great to immediately get a breast even if hard but I am more worried about the cancer spreading and complications with the silicon. From what I understand now a flap is softer and more comfortable in the long run.

  • layle
    layle Member Posts: 6

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I'm trying to decide how long after final expansion to have exchange surgery. Do you know if there are any benefits to waiting a long time? How long do you suggest waiting?

    Also, do you typically see much over expansion for anatomicals being necessary? Just thinking if implant needs a snug fit, then over expanding would loosen the pocket more, thus higher chance of rotation.

  • Newgirls
    Newgirls Member Posts: 37

    hi lucky lady.

    I am 5'9 and 140. I have Mentor medium profile implants and don't have that melon look. That comes more with high profile. As the implant contents shift downward once it's inside your chest the profile is quite natural. I like mine.. I have a few ripples if I slouch but with a bra and clothes who knows

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Layle - every PS specifies a different wait time. Mine required 3 months after final fill. I have Allergan 410 anatomicals. I'm very happy with the shape & the feel and I've had then 3 years now. It's my understanding that the fit has to be pretty exact to avoid possible rotation problems. So you need a PS who has lots of experience with anatomicals.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Katie - I think this is your first post to this thread? If you will read the header and provide the details requested Whippetmom will be better able to address your questions. If you're talking about reconstruction, I believe that putting in the expander before radiation is preferred, and then doing the exchange later. Someone else will have a definitive answer. Also Whippetmom will probably talk about fat grafting for radiated breasts.

    I too was HER2+ when the cancer came back as IDC, so I understand your concern about focusing on the cancer. I did not have a complete response with neoadjuvant chemo. I had more chemo after surgery and then radiation, and then Herceptin for the year - with implants in place from 2 years before. Luckily there was no damage to the implant from the 2nd surgery & no problems with rads except a tightening up of muscles & skin. So far I have been NED for 3 years.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    LuckyLady - the boards are very quiet because of the holidays but Whippetmom will be around soon. Thanks for providing all the details in your post. She should be able to answer your question.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sorry for going AWOL on you guys! I was on vacation last week and so busy with grandkids! I will start reading tonight and get to my private messages tomorrow

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    A tissue expander with 450 ccs sounds perfectly fine for your frame. Tissue expanders can feel very uncomfortable for some people. You were filled to full capacity all at once, rather than gradually, so I can imagine that you might be feeling more uncomfortable than if you had gone through fills over two months time. It is not uncommon to do this though, with large breasted women who have ample skin flaps.

    Alloderm is used quite often in reconstruction. I have Alloderm and many gals on these forums have Alloderm or some other dermal matrix as a supportive function after mastectomy. It has not bothered me in the 8 years since my surgery.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    LuckyLady: Yes, I would vote for 550 ccs in an Allergan Style 20. It sounds like a good size for your frame. You should be able to get there just fine with your 375 cc TEs and your overfill.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Layle: It all depends on the patient, when determining how long to wait for the exchange post-last fill. If your skin has responded well to expansion, perhaps a month to two months. It is up to your PS. I do not see the need to overfill much if any at all if anatomicals are to be used. That is, unless there is a larger jump in volume anticipated by your PS.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I think it is a matter of choosing the option which will make you feel less stressful and anxious about your treatment. If it means that you will be worried or wonder what is going on with the implant during your aggressive treatment protocol, then delayed reconstruction will remove that stressor for this part of the journey. It is a journey - all of it - and removing stressors from your life is paramount to your healing and recovery. For some women, having a "mound" after mastectomy is very important and for them, THAT helps them cope more with the treatment issues. It sounds like you are talking about having only the cancerous breast removed. Am I correct? If so, and if you have immediate placement of an implant (not a tissue expander) it may not fare as well as a tissue expander. I have had gals go through rads with implants in place and they did fine, in terms of no rupture to the implant. You are at higher risk for capsular contracture with radiation, and this is why many women opt for a flap procedure. If you have ample tissue, and you are otherwise healthy, I have seen beautiful results with autologous flap breast reconstruction. I am not sure why Herceptin would delay reconstruction though. Many, if not most gals, here on have taken Herceptin during or after reconstruction. I know you need to wait a considerable length of time after rads, but why Herceptin? That is just not my area of understanding and perhaps one of the Her2+ threads would have more information to share in that regard.

    Please keep me apprised of how things are going for you and what you decide to do.

  • Keiki
    Keiki Member Posts: 32


    Where are you with your expansion/exchange? I have same 133MX-13T awaiting exchange on Dec 15. I am only 5'2" but at 600cc, What is your plan? I would love to know how you are doing

  • Kattis894
    Kattis894 Member Posts: 150

    Thank you so much for your reply Whippetmom,

    I agree with you; it is all about what makes you feel less stressed and more comfortable in the end. There are many aspects to consider for each individual. As I am 55, I am not worried about breastfeeding nor other issues that a younger person might understandably have. I have been working in the fashion industry my hole life so being flat chested (like most models) is actually something I am looking forward too at this point. I will ask for a breast reduction on my healthy breast but not sure when that surgery can be performed due to risks for infections prior to radiation. I hope they can do it immediately.

    Yes, I did have a chat with the professor, she was all with me on not having the expander put in at this point and she told me to ask the surgeon for another option than silicon. Her experience is that they can get very hard especially considering my age. I am trying to read up about flaps (will read up on autologous flaps) and was wondering if they need to save some skin in order to be able to do reconstruction further along while doing removing the breast?

    I am just glad I am questioning the "standard" protocol here in Sweden. The nurse seemed very surprised I did not want the expander so I think I need to stand my ground and feel certain about my decision. The professor told me that most plastic surgeons mostly just wants to use silicon over here since it seems faster and easier at first glance.

    Thanks again, I will be reading up about flaps.

  • LuckyLady17
    LuckyLady17 Member Posts: 11


    Thanks for your opinion. It's so hard trying to figure out what's going to end up looking right. I did more reading as I was waiting for your response and found that you say comparing the measurements of the expander to the implants to be most telling.

    The 550cc of style 20 is 1.5 cm wider but .8 cm smaller in projection than the dimensions of my expanders. I know I said I don't want cantaloupes but I also like the projection of the expanders right now.

    So I'm wondering if the Style 45 or Inspira SRX would be a better choice. I don't even know if she offers that implant but I thought I should ask you what other implants and sizes you think would suit me before I talk to her.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Kattis - Flaps can mean a number of things, but here we are speaking of latissimus dorsi, DIEP, SGAP, and other procedures where your own tissue *(autologous meaning self-donating) is used to create a mound. I know very little or next to nothing, actually,about these procedures, so you would need to go to the various forums where these procedures are discussed.

    Now when you talk about a "tissue expander", I just want to make sure you realize that the TE is not silicone. It is a firm shell with a port and saline is added to the device to create volume. You could keep this in for 6 months while you undergo treatment. Thereafter you could thave the exchange to silicone implants. There is nothing wrong with silicone implants. Most of us have them.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    LuckyLady: Certainly you can talk to your PS about Style 45 or the Inspira ultra full projection style implant. Find out what she is willing to do to get you to the size you desire. But .8 cm is not much you know. It is 5/16 of an inch.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Here is the Inspira SRX sizing chart:

  • Marimucho
    Marimucho Member Posts: 5

    Hi whippetmom! On January 7 I will be having a bilateral mastectomy. I have opted for tissue expanders with Alloderm and silicone implants and potential autologous fat grafting at the final reconstruction surgery. I am now a full B cup, but I was always an A. With age, almost 52, I have gained some weight and they are a big B. I am 5'1 and am a 34 when in shape and a 36 when not. What I think I am trying to say is my weight fluctuates. My frame is small. My plastic surgeon suggested a B cup for the implants. I feel that as an A cup I was so comfortable. He then suggested a small B and said we would have the advantage of living with each size before the exchange surgery. Do you think an A cup would be too small. I have been told that A cup implants don't look very good. What is your opinion?

  • Kattis894
    Kattis894 Member Posts: 150

    Thank you for your reply whippetmom,

    Yes I understand the expander eventually gets exchange and there are normally no complications with it. I also know many woman with silicon that are very happy with their breasts.

    However I have made up my mind pretty firmly at this point not to go ahead with the expander and will discuss with the surgeon on the 8 th of Dec if they can suggest any other alternatives, like the flaps. I have also decided to do a breast reduction on my healthy breast moving forward and go ahead with life pretty "flat chested". If anything positive will come of this, it would be that I will get a smaller chest. My boobs are very large and I would be happy with them being much smaller. I am aware I might have to wait 2 years for my reconstruction not doing the expander at this point but I am ready to wait as well. Dealing with this type of triple positive aggressive cancer makes my decision also easier since I just like to focus on getting rid of the cancer at this point. I do not have to wait that long for the breast reduction and they might be able to do that in-between my herceptin shoots.

    Still this is such a scary ride and I am very worried about everything.

  • LuckyLady17
    LuckyLady17 Member Posts: 11

    Thank you whippetmom. I scheduled an appointment with her for next Friday to see what she thinks. I'm obsessing and driving myself crazybecause I just want this to get this right the first time so this can be the last surgery.

  • willa216
    willa216 Member Posts: 162

    Hi Whippetmom - I'm a little lost! Hoping you might be able to help.

    I had a UMX in July with immediate over- the- muscle reconstruction using a saline implant. Everything went really well BUT I have in the last couple of months developed contracture. I just finished chemo and it seems to have gotten worse during that time but perhaps it's a coincidence. I've been massaging but suddenly everything is super tight and my foob is very projected and high. I feel like I'm bumping into it just breathing.. Ugh.

    I'm having my exchange on 12/28 with pre-op appt on 12/14. I'm trying to gather some information because I really knew absolutely nothing at my first surgery and felt surprised by a lot of things.

    I am 5"3"; 108 pounds; ribcage 29". I think my PS mentioned my breast was 180 gm. I only had one fill. The bras I had in the past were 34A or B, depending.

    I'm trying to match my "good" side which has some droop although the nipple still points up, if that makes sense. At my second follow up the PS removed some saline which helped keep the foob looking natural for awhile, anyway. Now, as I said, it's sitting high and is hard.

    Am I living in a dreamworld that there is any way to have an implant that is actually small? I am really wanting to maintain small, low profile boobs. When I first met my PS she was talking about maybe adding a very small implant to the "good" side. I don't want that. I guess I'd rather be a little lopsided than bigger.

    Do you have any suggestions? My PS hasn't made any suggestions yet about her approach. I'm sure this will come up at the pre-op. Initially she mentioned using a high fill implant if rippling became an issue. However, with this contracture I certainly don't have any rippling.

    Thank you for any insight you might have. You are a god-send.

  • sarsmile
    sarsmile Member Posts: 1

    I've been reading (and appreciating) this thread for awhile, and decided it was time to throw myself into the ring.

    I'm 5'4", 125 lbs. My ribcage is around 31' and before surgery I was wearing a 34/36C bra.

    I had a bilateral mastectomy at the beginning of the summer; they removed 325-330 ccs from each breast. My tissue expanders are Allergan 133-MX-T - the brochure says they are 13 cm wide, 12 cm tall and hold 500 ccs. I currently have 350 ccs in them and we're not planning on more fills.

    I'd like to end up as close as possible to the size I was before, but since implants are shaped differently than natural breasts and some of the tissue removed wasn't from the breast mound itself, I'm not sure what the best choice is. My priority is to be comfortable and active.

    I'm leaning toward the anatomical implants - my surgeon thinks they are a good choice for someone with my build, but is willing to do the rounds if I prefer. He's happy to do either Mentor or Allergan, but he likes the medium height implants.

    The one other option we discussed is the possibility of doing some pocket work to drop back to a 12.5 cm width rather than 13. Right now my implants touch in the center, and I'd kind of like a little bit of room in between. If we did that, obviously it would change the volume options as well.

    Any thoughts or recommendations?