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  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Bumping this thread up the active list for Kae and others who are new & considering what to do.

    Please read the entire header before posting questions since providing all your information is important.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you Minus Two...ThumbsUp

    I was sort of enjoying the slow season here on the 101 thread....Happy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Ahh, so sorry. Maybe none of the newbies will pick it up. But you are such an amazing help.

    Let's hope the newbies realize they have to read the entire header. And they have to post all the information.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    MT, I am sorta kinda kidding. Things have been crazy the past few months. So having that "breather" was timely and much needed. Not too many surgeries planned around the holidays. Although I had mine the day before Thanksgiving in 2008. Those Oct/Nov diagnoses are tough. One of your gals you recommended did PM me already. So thank you

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470

    Whippetmom, Thank you for all your time and dedication. It really is so appreciated!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I am blessed to still be here and able to do this for y'all! Winking

  • sakop
    sakop Member Posts: 2

    Hello I am a newbie. I have been lurking for a year since my diagnosis and this site has helped me greatly. I had a BMX on Nov 2 2016. Expanders were put in at that time. This Monday is my last fill (yay). I am anxious because I have gained about 25 lbs. since my diagnosis and I want the implants or breast size to be larger than what they removed in case I do not lose the weight. Before all of this I was 148lbs, I am currently 178 (grr) I am 5'6" my ribcage is 38 my previous bra size was 38C. The expanders are Alloderm 133FX -15 800cc. Tomorrow I am getting another 60cc which will bring me to 490 doc said last time he will only do one more. I trust him but I'm nervous about the size. If I come out too small I may freak. Not in front of anyone but I'm worried it will really depress me to look at myself in the mirror. It's just so permanent. I feel guilty for worrying about something so cosmetic. Just lost my dear cousin age 34 to triple negative 8 days after my mastectomy. I have triple negative also. I was helping her recover when they found mine.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    You have sufficient tissue expanders to exchange out to 750 cc or 800 cc implants. Honestly, I would advise against anatomical implants, because you have the FX style TEs and the FX style corresponding anatomicals are oddly shaped, in my opinion. Many women who end up with FX style anatomicals are not happy and get them switched out for smooth silicone rounds. I would ask for the new Allergan Inspira implants, e.g., the SRX - 800 ccs or the SRF - 745 ccs.
  • sakop
    sakop Member Posts: 2

    Thank you very much.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    10 days out of breast implant surgery. Still in the vest and cleaning wounds. I cannot believe how much I love these new breasts! They are so pretty, soft, and cancer free. Thank you whippetmom for helping me get the perfect size and style.

    Coach Vicky

  • Serra
    Serra Member Posts: 2

    Hi whippetmom,

    I had bilateral prophlactic mastectomy and reconstruction (silicon implants-mentor) in a single procedure this last October and now awaiting revision step 2 surgery for some fat grafting in upper poles of breasts and possible change in impalany size if i desire. I need help with sizing. I am 5 feet 4" and 130 pounds and was previosuly a 32 DD which i thought was slightly bigger than desired (i have a narrow and thin stature). My PS used 450 silicon implants during reconrtuction which although dont look 'too' small but leaves my my boobs with excess skin. i personally think i look like an average C versus i wNanted to look like a D...PS asked me to think about the final cup size (she said she can easily swap silicon implants for a bigger size). what is your advice what size to go up to? will bigger implant size than now decrease the look of excess skin?if i get some upper pole filling and ask for a 50 cc increase in implant size (total 500cc after the increase) will it be too big for a narrow 32 inch rib cage? please keep in w

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    coachvicky: I am so glad you are happy and I am glad to have helped

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I think you need a high profile smooth round silicone - 550 ccs. I am smaller than you and that is the size I have. They fit my frame nicely. Nothing smaller than 550 ccs though.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    I am unsure if this is the right place to ask this so if there's another place to ask, please advise.

    I saw my Plastic Surgeon yesterday 13 days post op from my implant surgery. I am currently in a surgical vest.

    He said that I would need to wear a bra forever! This was a surprise to me. He said my implants would need the support.

    My implants are Natrell Silicone 45-600cc. I am 5'0" and 126 pounds. My ribcage is 30".

    Before this cancer journey, I would annually go to a bra specialist at a department store, get measured / fitted and make my bra purchases. His nurse said to wait on this. She recommended a bralet until I fully settled along with the surgical vest.

    I am just unsure how to proceed for support.

    Any suggestions?

    Coach Vicky

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Coach Vicky - below is a link that doesn't appear to be too active anymore, but I got sooooo much support from this thread about bras. Lots of good tips & links & information. Nordstroms does have fitters certified to work with mastectomy & reconstruction patients - just be sure to call ahead for an appointment. And yes, I would wait a couple of months before spending too much money since the swelling & settling can take awhile.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    Thank you MinusTwo!

    Coach Vicky

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    coachvicky: Yep - a bra forever. That is a wise plastic surgeon! I even wear a snug camisole with a built-in bralette for support as I sleep. As MT stated: Nordstroms for a fitting when you are cleared to wear a bra.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352


    Thanks in advance for the insight/advice. I am having BMX on 2/27 at MD Anderson. I have spoken to 3 PS's and given various options. I'm:

    • 5'2.5"
    • 98-100 lbs dripping wet
    • 29" ribcage
    • AA/A now
    • Would only be interested in small B at most (though I realize you said that doesn't necessarily equate at final -- but at least gives the PS an idea. I plan to show them a picture at next consult, like I do for my hair stylist! Ha ha.) If they were any bigger, even full A, that would probably be fine.
    • Nipple-skin/sparing is possible

    All surgeons seemed to prefer TEs (which I really did not want to do but am now maybe resigned to) but have offered to "try" the direct-implant with decision made in the OR. But they say they may not be able to place much bigger -- and there is no way I could go smaller! That would be nada. Radiation not planned but tumor is at noon, close to chest wall but not impeding, so not sure until final path. Probable use of anatomical, silicon, textured if I go the TE route discussed. I don't know brands, sorry! I don't want to push for what is not good for skin health, etc.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

  • Serra
    Serra Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much! I thought i needed a bigger size too so glad you seem to think so as well :

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I vote for TEs. You will get next to nothing with a direct to implant. I think you will get one of the smallest TEs- something in the 250 cc range. Implants in the upper 200 ccs to lower 300 ccs, depending on implant stule and your degree of skin expansion.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352

    Thank you for the advice! Seems all the PS also agree with TEs. I feel it's the best, too, but don't look forward to them. Perhaps they won't be too terrible in the long run. I will check back with an update when I have one!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352

    One question I should ask because I have no idea: do they fill over the TE limit? I've heard the word "overfill" used. So mine would be filled a little more than 250cc if the TE was that size or do you usually top off at the TE limit?


  • Goldene
    Goldene Member Posts: 7

    Hello, Whippetmom:

    I would appreciatte Your advice.

    I had BMX (skin and nipple spearing on my right side and skin spearing on my left side) in december 2016. At a time of BMX TEs are placed under muscle.

    TEs are Mentor CPX 4, Tall hight, Style 8300, volume: 350 cc, dimensions: w 11,3 cm, h 11,8 cm, p 6 cm, (anatomical).

    I stand 167 cm, 47 kg, ribcage 71,5 cm. Pre surgery I had very small breasts, I was flat, A/small B cup. I have small, thin frame, but IMO I'm not too skiny.

    At a moment I have 230 cc saline in my TEs, and I like this size, I would like to end up this size with implants. I'm aming to be nice, natural looking full B cup, with natural slope. I really hope NOT to have "(augmented) silicone breasts look". As I was reading this forum I understud TEs give more projection then same volume/size silicone implants, but I have no idea wich size/volume implant will give me look and size I want to be. PS pland to overfill me for 10%-15%, aperantly that should give me more natural look/slope. I'm really afraid I'll end up to big, if he strech me so much and have to use biger implant. I have sean table for coresponding sizes for TEs style I have, and recommended volumes for 350 cc are Mentor CPG Tall hight, high profile implants 330 cc and 380 cc. To me 380 cc sound hudge, and I'm worried will 330 cc give me look I want. Next smaller would be 290 cc, for that I'm afraid is too narrow and have smaller projection, and that one is recomended to replace 250 cc TEs.

    I prefer anatomical (contured) implants. My PS use Mentor and Polytech products (I live in Europe.) PS also think contured high profile implants are best for look I want, having in mind my body and thorax shape and size and I thrust him.

    I would much appreciate your advice and help. What do you think what implants would give me result I want?

    Thank you very much for your help!

  • Lookinup1
    Lookinup1 Member Posts: 2

    Whippetmom, I'm confused about what might happen with weight loss post exchange and wondered what you recommend.. My tissue expanders are Mentor Artoura High Profile Smooth 600cc,currently expanded to 720cc's and right now that makes me a C cup, it seems to me (I'm 5'7", 175 lbs, haven't experimented with bras because my drains are still in, 11 weeks after the mastectomies!) I like the cup size as it appears now well enough. However, before the mastectomies I was losing weight and I hope to continue and lose 40 more lbs. My exchange surgery is going to be scheduled as soon as the drains come out, I'm told. I'm wondering if someone who is 5'7", medium bone structure, who is a now a C cup with 720cc's would turn into a DD after losing 40 lbs. I'd like to stay a C cup. So I'm tempted to ask for a smaller silicone implant, but I don't know how much smaller. I hear that often the silicone has less projection than the expanders, so maybe I should leave well enough alone, stick with the 720cc's, and then when it's flatter than what I have, I'll get the projection back when I lose the weight? I'm worried about becoming a DD. My cup size pre-surgery was B and I liked the idea of having a fuller B or even a C cup, but at the lower weight. Thank you for any thoughts, suggestions!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    EastcoastTS: Please read number 6 above in the thread header!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Goldene: I do not have access to the European version of the Mentor implant products. Ours in the US are different than yours. Do you have a link for me

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I would suggest that you ask your PS about Allergan Inspira implants. 650 ccs in the SRX style should be a good choice. With regards to cup sizes, please read #8 in the thread header. If your PS is considering anatomicals, you would be looking at 685 ccs in a moderate height high projection CPG.


  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352

    Duh! (Read #6.) SORRY! ;)

    Thanks for the assistance!

  • Krma
    Krma Member Posts: 5

    I'm having a full mastectomy with reconstruction in a few weeks. My plastic surgeon says she can go straight to implants at the time of mastectomy. BS says she can do nipple sparing and skin sparing surgery. My PS says my breasts will be smaller with my implants. I am not happy about that and am thinking about using TEs instead so I can pick my size. Am I crazy to consider TEs if I could go straight to implants? I am very worried about the pain of filling TEs. I need advice. Did anyone go straight to implants? Were you disappointed with the size afterwards? Are TE fillings as bad as I've read? On a side note, I passed out during my core biopsy (I was sitting up). Hopefuly this isn't an indication of my pain tolerance or I'm in trouble

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Kma - If you'll read the header thoroughly and post your statistics, Whippetmom will be able to address your questions. From what I've seen, most women to not go direct to implant. They have TE's first. Although I believe there are threads that discuss direct so you can search. TE's are not fun, but the results is the thing, right? And Whippetmom is our guru.