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  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8


  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    cottoncandy 16 please help me my surgeon wants teardrop I want round because I want cleavage I've had 4 surgeries in 2 mo she won't tell me the brand she's using or how many cc I made a second trip to talk to her she. Said I'm using teardrop it feels like a lack of trust here and offered to give e a referal for another surgeon I said I just want to know about what size you r using every pic I've showed her from beginning has been round I told her I wanted to. R a d r DD she told me she didn't know why I was in her office wasting her time I left crying I'm so confused I told her I have never seen a masectomy patient with teardrop she had no pic of round r teardrop patients I don't know what to do I made a 3 hr trip to talk to her all I k ow is my expanders r 650 I'm filled to 700 cc after Shevardnadze knew I wanted to be filled to 800 she's has replaced both impants because they were punctured Mubarak rib cage is 34 I made 5 ft 1 125 lbs Shegave me no informtion about my expanders except they were 650 I was a d cup before surgery o believe her expanders r naturell o have only heard teardrop can rotate I can't do another surgery after this one my body is tired mentally n physically I live in Texarkana Tx I'm seeing a Dr in Dallas from Baylor I don't k ow any other dr I know this isn't much to go on my frame is small I just need some help my information on the profile I don't want to be round n flat but I want cleavage but I know illl never be the same as before she even told me you r never going to look good because u have had cancer she has wounded my heart and confidence she is a good surgeon I don't know what has happened to her lately she has been my surgeon for s year but I don't won't to make the wrong choice she said if I used round I could have a ledge I just want to use the one that will give me the best projection m cleavage if possible I told her I like the way my breast look now in my expanders I have cleavage n some projection ever or told me you were the best. With implants. I know I don't have much information but any help would be much appreciated thank u sorry this is so lo

    G I'm new to this site as of 2 weeks ago had s lot of Reys it was told to ask u I did have bilateral masectomy skin sparing nipple Spain he she said I had a lot of skin not thin I do realize I have no tissue r fat they r under the muscle

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    CottonCandy - it would probably be a good idea to remove your real name from your post. It can be seen by anyone on the web. Also, you need to choose to 'enable' My Profile so it will show under your post.

    I didn't realize you are in Dallas. You have a comprehensive cancer center right there for your second opinion. Harold C. Simmons Cancer Center at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas) As I mentioned in the other thread, Whippetmom may already know a doc there.

    Whippetmom will be along. Try to stay calm.

  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    minus two thank u for the information I didn't know if i put it on whipetmom post I'm not good at this I hope o did it right where she can see it yes o love in Texarkana Tx my dr is in Dallas I know the center you are talking about my breast specialist that done my masecectomy referred me to the reconstructive surgeon I am seeing she was great up until now I've had UTI infection so my surgery was canceled now I have 3 fingers infected which my surgery will be canceled again for this wed which buys me some time for my second opion just got to find a dr I hate this waiting I can't eat r sleep im so stressed over trying to decide which implant and Thebes's right Dr I've been waiting4 mo now I don' t know how to take my name off thank girl for helping g me

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    CottonCandy - go to your first post on this thread and hit "edit" at the bottom of your post. THen just scroll up to your name and back space over only the sentence with your name - then say "save" at the bottom and you're done.

  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    minus two I did it thank you agsin

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I will get back to you tomorrow with some recommendations. You are fine in your expanders and there is plenty of time to figure all of this out. It sounds like you need another PS to finish up the reconstruction.

    Hang in there!!!
  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    thank you so much whippetmom u have helped so many women on this site thank God I found it I've had several people reply to my questions but they all told me to go to you for help and what site to go to they all said get a second opinion I can send a picture if that would help but not on picture forum so I can try an email try to ask the dr office about my expanders they was a week ago wanted to know why I needed that information at a loss will be waiting for your reply thank us also re measured around my breast band under my breasts it's 30 not 34 that was what they measured for my size of bras

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    For the highest projection, you will want either the smooth round silicone, Allergan Style 45 - 800ccs, or Allergan Inspira smooth round - 650 or 700 ccs. Your tissue expanders are sufficient to get you there!
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Just find a new plastic surgeon and do not lament over what has occurred with your current PS. If you want smooth silicone rounds you should have smooth silicone rounds! I am somewhat alarmed thatyour TEs have been punctured twice during fills! With all you have endured, your PS should be bending over backwards to give you what you want.

    I recommend Allergan or Mentor high profile or extra full profile - 800 ccs or Allergan Inspira, SRX 750 ccs.

    You might also consult with Dr Heistein in Ft Worth. I will edit and add his web link to this message in a moment.

    You can send me photos by private message by using the landscape icon above the message box. If that does not work, let me know and I will message you my email address.


  • Keiki
    Keiki Member Posts: 32

    Cottoncandy, Whippetmom gives good advice. She helped me through a similar rough spot a few months ago. Your new breasts can be lovely. Just because you had cancer, you don't have to settle. I am a similar size, got Inspira rounds SRX 750. Message me if you want a photo. Get a second opinion, keep us posted. Take your time making a decision.
  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    thank you whippetmom you have been very helpful and I feel more st ease now that I have some good information o just didn't know anything about the teardrop implants and she offered no pictures to show me I just didn't want the natural look and not have clevage. She told me if I went with round I would have a big drop off r ledge so that scared me but I also didn't want to be flat I told her all I know about teardrop is they can rotate I don't need another surgery she said that wouldn't be s problem she offered no explanation about her choice I just wanted to know the brand the cc size she was using she said no one had ever asked her that so she said I didn't trust her for asking her what she was going to be putting in my body so I was very upset and confused thank u please send information about the surgeon because I don't know where to start when I make a trip the end I can't find wherever to message. U a picture please send me your email I'm not good at this thank

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    cotton candy, when I spoke with my PS last week he said that all implants will rotate, and when rounds rotate there is less of a problem than when teardrops rotate.

  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    keiki thank u so much everyone has helped me so much on here I have been alone thru this whole process this past year April of 2015 I had total hysterectomy I had s tumor on my right ovary size of grapefruit it was benign thank u Jesus then two weeks later I found out I might have cancer then after going to breast specialist in Dallas Tx and leaving biopsie 3 then lumpoctomy I found out I had invasive ductal cardonoma had small tumor so my journey began I had bilateral skinsparimg nipple sparing masectomy I've had 4 surgeries in two mo my implants were both punctured during fills I spent Chris having one surgery then week later had the other implant replaced I'm drained my surgeon wanted to do teardrop but I didn't know anything about them she said if I went round I would have a ledge r drop off I don't know she'sjust wouldn't that tell me the brand r I've so when I asked again she told me she could get me a referal that I didn't don't trust trust ER in was wasting her time I would love to see your picture but o don't knowhow to message whippetmom wants me to message her a picture of my breasts but I don't know how thank you for your kind

  • Cottoncandy16
    Cottoncandy16 Member Posts: 8

    2fun thank u for information I just don't know if I would like the natural look I want cleavage and haven't seen any one with a masectomy to know what they look like my ps couldn't show me any pic or give me any information on the teardrops she was wanting to use not brand not size or if I would have any cleavage do I was at a loss I know she said if I got round I would have a ledge and no projection just flat I like the look of my expanders I'm filled to 700 cc I'm just worried about what to do but whippet mom ha she helped me a lot just today now I have to find another ps in Dallas Tx area I'm from Texarkana Tx it's a 3 hr drive i don't know where to start thank i so much everyone I so kind

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Cottoncandy- I have sent you my email by private message

  • Memyself17
    Memyself17 Member Posts: 8

    Thank you will be good to be knowledgeable when I have the implant discussion with my PS. Is the only difference between the Allergan 45 and the Inspira is that the Inspira are a thicker not as much wrinkling? My PS waits 4 weeks after last fill until exchange surgery..saw you recommend 8 weeks...should I try for the longer wait? What is your 8 week suggestion based on? PS is hard to communicate's like pulling info from her. Thanks again.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    memyself, I would think the timing would also be dependent on how long after surgery it takes to fully fill. I was fully filled 4 weeks after TE placement, and PS wants tissue healed B4. Exchange.

  • Laneyss
    Laneyss Member Posts: 1

    Hello everyone, I am glad you're here. I was dc w high grade dcis on my birthday last year in Aug.. To reduce my chances of reoccurace as much as possible, I went w double mac.. I don't regret my decision. For me it was what I needed. (Btw, they found more high grade dcis when they went into do the mactecomy!) Anyway, to get to the point. My surgery was 1 week ago today, PS used Mentor 475 cc med high profile implants with fat grafting. The width of my new tatas are good but, not much projection. I do have some symmetry issues but, as time goes by, it seems to be getting better. Im wondering if as they drop will they project more or should I consider revision? If I do revision, I'm assuming the fat grafting my ps did will be ruined and I don't have much fat to spare for another surgery. Am I being to picky about the projection? Is it worth another surgery? I'm small framed at 110Lbs and height 5'3. I maybe a small C cup but only because my breast are so wide. Thank you for any input.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Are the implants moderate plus profile or high profile? The MP is 14.0 cm width and the HP is 12.9 cm width.

    In answer to your question though, it typically takes two weeks or more for the implants to settle. Continued changes can be observed even months down the road. So give it another few weeks and photo document the weekly changes. Let us know how you feel in a few weeks!
  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36

    I am planning for a double mastectomy next month and am in the process of meeting with and interviewing plastic surgeons. They've all come from personal recommendations (as well as being on a list from my BS), but I'm not sure I know what to ask or how to decipher between them. My issue is that I am very petite-- 5' 1" and 98 pounds-- and barely have an A cup now. I'm in favor of adding a little fullness, with an emphasis on "little". I met with one PS yesterday and asked to see an implant that would be close to what I'd want (apparently less than 200cc) but he didn't even have one to show me. Nor did he have TE's small enough to show. It's not to say that he would have an issue getting both for me, but I'd like to see beforehand just to have an idea. I'm in the Dallas area so there are plenty of well-respected surgeons here, but any advice for the size, shape (Based on a friend's results, I am a fan of the gummy bear anatomical implant), I'll take any advice. Thank you!

  • burner
    burner Member Posts: 32

    Hello, thank you all for this help. The options on implants are mindboggling... I am scheduled for a UMX with tissue expanders on May 11 (so soon, scared). I generally trust the plastic surgeon, but now am doubting my own preferences since a lot of women I've talked to said that they wish they had gone bigger or wanted more projection than they achieved with their final implants.

    Can you lovely ladies help?

    I'm 5'4", about 128 lb with my chemo 10 lb weight gain. Ribcage is 32" in circumference.

    I think the plastic surgeon is going to go with Mentor TEs with medium height as he wants to achieve a natural look with Mental textured anatomical implants eventually, even though I said I don't mind the "fake" round / shelf look. Upper pole fullness and projection is something I've never had, and I've always wanted more volume up top rather than cleavage or strict volume. I'm afraid I don't know exact model #s.

    I've typically worn a 34/36B U.S. bra size, but don't always fill out the cup, so I guess I'm a B- cup? I've typically worn the padded add-a-cup size bras from VS and like the look achieved with those, but the top of my breasts never get much volume, even with those...

    Originally I told the plastic surgeon that I'd like to try to achieve a full C cup when all is said and done, but in looking at photos, I think I like the look of D cups, just because I feel like it would make my 27-28" waist look smaller.

    Do you have recommendations that I can ask my plastic surgeon about with regards to fill size on the MX side and type/shape of implants eventually after exchange, both on the native and MX side? Thank you!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I sent you my email address a week ago. You need to check your private message box

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    noodlesmom: Louis Strock, MD in Ft Worth.

    The Mentor Artoura tissue expander - 225 ccs. Take a look at that one.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I think ultimately implants with a volume of around 550 ccs would be good for your frame. Well, 550 ccs on the MX side and whatever lesser volume would work for symmetry on the native side.

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343

    Whippetmom, I had fat grafting surgery and nipple reconstruction two weeks ago. How long does the bruising usually last?

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    I had the new ones put in me by : naturelle/inspiria 550's They are firmer and seem to aide in upper pole fullness more than 410s naturelle. Priior to that I had naturelle round 45-650 extra high profile: It seemed like I was too top heavy with those. I have a slim long torso and although I did not get them swapped out due to size It seems this is a better fit for my body thus far (the swelling is not totally down yet)

    I wanted something where it looks naturelle with my body. With the 650's it seemed like men were always looking at my chest mainly due to my slim torse and the implants were somewhat large in comparison to the torso. I was really attracting the wrong type of people if you know what I mean

    I am 5 feet 9 inches and 145 pounds. They seem to be the right size for me thus far- but all the swelling has not subsided.

    Maybe ask your dr. about the Inspira

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    As I recall (last FGT was 8 years ago) bruising was resolved after a month. The PS who performed my second FGT was quite "vigorous" in his approach.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you Stix, for commenting about the Inspira implants. If and when I need replacement, the Inspira implants are the ones I will choose, for that very reason that they provide a more natural fullness and projection. Fullnes and projection are a challengeto achieve with breast reconstruction.

  • trulygrateful
    trulygrateful Member Posts: 2

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I have just completed my second reconstruction surgery this past February. The first reconstruction attempt with shaped gummy bear implants failed due to the implant shifting out of pocket. The most recent surgery has left me with extensive rippling. I did switch plastic surgeons for the second surgery. I would like your opinion on what size and type of implants would be best based on the following information:

    Height = 5'7", Weight = 145, and Ribcage = 33"

    My pre-mastectomy bra size was 36B. However, I had recently lost weight and prior to that I was a 36C.

    8/4/15 Expanders - Allergan 500cc - 133MX-13-T both left and right side. They were filled to about 475cc.

    2/1/16 Implant Exchange - Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone Filled Breast Implant - 470cc - 410 MF both left and right side.

    2/13/17 Implant Exchange due to shifting out of pocket - Natrelle Smooth Round Silicone Filled Breast Implant - 397cc - 15-397 both left and right side. Some fat grafting was also done at this time.

    Any help you can give me is appreciated.