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  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Whippetmom, I was thinking I'd get closer to my original size with the saline implants. I had 900ccs removed and will be replacing it with 800ccs. If I go with saline I can get my regular size back. My PS used Mentor Implants only. Will I need to go with an ultra high profile so I can keep some of the projection I have with my 800cc TEs? I don't want to lose any more size than I already have.

  • Philagrl
    Philagrl Member Posts: 7

    hi there

    I'm hoping you can help me. I am planning a prophylactic mastectomy due to family history (no gene known). My PS says I am an ideal candidate for direct to implant, skin and nipple sparing procedure and can't imagine why I would subject myself to TEs. I am 5 8 and weigh 130 lbs. I wear a 34/36 and I am a small B. I am worried about having an implant that is too big or has too much projection. My PS is recc a round implant as she feels they give some cleavage and would be the best result (not that I have cleavage now). I do t want textured due to the added yet small risk of those. Do you have any thoughts? I am also interested in pre pectoral placement but realize that may be another issue . Thank you for any advice

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    from my experience with implants- you won't have to worry too much about projection. I am not an expert- just my personal experience. The most projection I had was when I had a Cap contracture. They are not flat- but they are man made- projection and having too much likely will not be a problem

    I am not an expert at direct implant either. But, I wish I would have had that instead of stretching my skin with stupid TE's - it made

    my skin too thin

    I would get a very experience PS

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Based on your current size, you will not be too large with a direct to implant. I agree with your PS regarding rounds.

  • Philagrl
    Philagrl Member Posts: 7

    thanks for your response. Do you recc a particular kind? Saline or silicone? What is gummy bear? Also, do you have any opinions about pre pectoral placement

  • Keiki
    Keiki Member Posts: 32


    How amusing... the bought and paid for comment. I'm surprised the PS was clever enough to get it. I got more than I bargained for but I must confess, I get excellent service at Home Depot now!

    Too bad we have to tiptoe around the insurance companies in order to achieve apropriate reconstructions. I'm sure no one had their breasts removed to get a "boob job".

    Glad you got what you wanted. Keik

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    The initial study regarding prepectoral vs subpectoral placement involved the use of adjustable saline implants with an acellular dermal matrix. Now they are using silicone implants - also with the ADM. Perfectly fine way to go.

    "Gummy Bear" was the name given to the anatomical Allergan 410 and Mentor CPG (and later the Sientra rounds and teardrop implants) by Grant Stevens, MD, a LA plastic surgeon. The latest "Inspira" silicone rounds by Allergan also qualify in this regard, although they are not as firm as the anatomical implants. I make no recommendations regarding anatomical vs smooth silicone rounds, although my personal preference is smooth silicone rounds.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    agree- we have to tip toe around the insurance companies on what we say or "HOW" and what terminology is used in an appeal letter" because we had cancer and want to look whole again ( or someone said bought-haha). I actually would like to get politically active re: women's health/rights. It seems we are back into the 1920's.

    Not sure how or where to start re: being active with womens health on a political level. Any ideas? I am not a politician by any means. It just grates me that some women have had bad circumstances where their reconstruction looks grotesque and they have to pay out of pocket because the physician may not have been competent in fixing the problem in the first place.

    What about these physicans that do fix it- WE (the client) ends up paying the well deserved physician instead of the insurance companies that we pay into. These phsycian's should "get paid for their performance"- BY the insurance agencies- not by us. "pay for performance" needs to be instituted into the insurance program with breast cancer patients- meaning phsycians that are highly skilled and resolve reconstruction problems should get the extra money from the insurance agency for saving the agency money in the long run and bringing wholeness to the patient physically and psychologically

    The majority of every day people don't even know this is going on. I work in a health care related field and had no idea. Maybe "the Donald" needs to be involved in this ...haha

    Any thoughts?

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    interesting points Stix. Wondering if there are any studies/scholarly articles that would look at the relation ship between a BC survivor having less $$$ spent on health care over the remainder of their life and what she considers a good outcome with reconstruction. If you could show a decrease in health care dollars spent they would have to pay attention. Locally we have a WONDERFUL independent breast cancer coalition. They welcome you arms, give you all the things you need for surgery (in a lovely canvas tote ) provide free classes (took my first yoga class yesterday!) Lobby locally, and on the state/federal level, and raise large sums of $$ that they hand out to local BC researchers. If you had or started a group like this it would be a way to be active and help.steer BC patients. God knows it was helpful to have someone walk me thru some of the insurance and outs of BC. In retrospect I am so lucky I found all of the health care folks that I did!

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    right. I would like to go more national possibly. I would like to change things-

    I did send my insurance company a chart of how much it cost them for me to have repeated surgeries. They did not care. They did not want to pay and said it was cosmetic and it likely would never be fixed- because I was a hard case-which is hog wash.

    Any other ideas are welcomed on the political aspect- please let me know

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Hi Carla.

    An update- My Inspira since the swelling has gone down some- seem pretty flat also. My naturelle 45-650 were not this flat- its only a 90 cc difference in each breast too- I have 560's now and had 650's. So, not too much difference in size- its not like I sent down 200 cc. My inspira presently are A lot flatter than my other ones.

    I am just over the one month mark- and I guess they could drop and fluff- I don't know. But if they stay this flat I won't like them. I will keep the board posted on the progress of the inspira.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Stix: Are you sure you have the SRX style

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I tried three times to edit and put a ? mark and it never "takes". Just reverts right back to my original post.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    Whippetmom ... When editing ensure that you hit your return key and insert an empty line below your last line. Your edits should take.

    I leaned this after way to many signatures as Coach Vick instead of Coach Vicky.

    Keiki ... Good news on your Home Depot service!

    As for the political comments, why not start a topic on this subject? I bet we'd gets lots on information on how to forward!

    Coach Vicky

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Coach - there are forums for politics of both persuasions, but I think you have to "know to go" so people aren't offended. Many of us don't want the constant "sturm & drang" in yet another location it's in our faces, & BCO is a safe place to avoid arguments. Check with the Mods.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    hi whippetmom,

    I looked at my card again thinking-hmmm maybe inspira was not put in me as discussed preop.

    I have naturelle inspira cohesive breast implants SCM 560. I can't seem to find anywhere the projection or width of these implants

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Minustwo- the polictical stuff was in reference to : insurance companies not covering or paying physicians fees they deserve (ie we are paying them) for complicated patient that in-network physicans can't fix

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261


    You got a moderate projection implant. The X is extra full, which would be two notches more projection than what you received. I'm not sure of the measurements but SCX corresponds to the measurements of SRX. The gel is just more cohesive and firmer than the SRX.

    Hope that helps.


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Hi whippet mom

    I just called the company. my inspira scm 560 is diameter 14.75 proj 4.9.

    My 45-650 were 13.2 diameter with proj 6.2 cm

    How long does it take them to drop and fluff?


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    carla- yes I know

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    If anyone has the sizing chart to the inspira- can you post it?



  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Wow Stix, those new ones are quite a bit wider and flatter than what you had previously. No wonder you notice a difference. You may notice some settling in of the implants beginning around 3 weeks.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    right. I have no idea why they would use moderate if i Had extra high profile naturelle prior to. srx would have been more like my old ones- with less volume to help the bottoming out side. I suppose he could fat graft if it does not round out. I is just over 4 weeks- so it still needs to fluff. It has dropped quite a bit actually. The scar he did looks amazing.

    Your comments are appreciated whippetmom. :)

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Right. Its only been 4 weeks. They could round out I suppose. Not sure why srx did not work / put in. . There must have been a good reason. SRX 550 has my same dimenstions as the previous ones but with less volume.

    But, these don't actually look wide on me- just flat-but its only 4 weeks.

    Your comments are welcomed whippetmom

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    I have been wearing a support bra from NOLA and also a tank top that has some support in it so this implant does not drop further.

    Whippetmom- any idea when the capsule forms- I heard 6 weeks it is pretty stable. I am thinking about continuing to wear the 2nd support for two more weeks. Whats your take on this whippet.? If it drop/bottoms out again I am considering having the implants completely removed

    I also read that some people don't form a capsule- wish I would have known that - maybe that could explain my bottoming out several times.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Stix: The capsule starts forming right after surgery, and continues to do so for weeks or months. Ditto to whatCarla said about settling. I don't use the term drop and fluff, because plastic surgeons do not use that term.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Fat grafting will not address the projection issue. Stix - my right implant has bottomed out. No big deal. I wear bras all day and a shelf bra camisole atnight. I do not plan to get it fixed, unless something else goes wrong and I need to replace the implants.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    SillyHeartVicky: hank you for the tip about editing.

    EDIT: Sometimes a letter just automatically drops and there is no retrieving it! SickTired