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  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    No problem Whippetmom. I will keep the board posted as the swelling goes down re: if the fullness still exists. I am just a bit over 3 weeks post op. One side is flatter than the other I think due to cutting the majority of the bad tattoo out. I am hoping that can be remedied along with a few other areas that are not symmetrical- but could resolve with healing

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Also, thus far I have absolutely no rippling with these implants. I believe it is the way they are made. All the silicone does not drop to the bottom of the implant like someone told me the 410's do

  • burner
    burner Member Posts: 32

    Whippetmom, thank you! I think originally the p.s. was thinking 425cc for the MX side, but in looking at the latest pictures, I think we are considering bigger, so it helps to have your opinion being around 550cc.

    I'm a little concerned that he really seems to favor the textured, anatomical implants, thinking that I don't want a "shelf" look, but I told him that I like the look of round and full - like the Inspira that Stix mentioned. I'm not trying to convince anyone that my breasts aren't fake/enhanced... I'll consult with him again... I don't want the Mentor TE to preclude the possibility of getting smooth rounds versus anatomical textured.

    Bless you.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    hi Burner-

    The inspira look more natural on my body thus far- has nothing to do with trying to convince anyone that breast are not fake. I know its still early tho for me to judge.

    The shelf look was not for me with the 45-650's. It just did not look right for my taste. Some women it may look attractive on.

    I have a slender long torso and broad shoulders. Therefore with the broad shoulders and long slender torso- I felt i looked too top

    heavy for my taste. I would hesitate to wear a very fitted tang top- like I said- it attracted the wrong type of men.

    Only time will tell as it heals if I am still happy with it. As time goes on the evolution of the reconstruction process changes as we heal.

    will keep you posted

  • burner
    burner Member Posts: 32

    Stix- thank you for sharing your experience! I have broad shoulders and have always felt stout/strong with no curves at all, so I may just be wishful thinking. I'm glad that so far you like how the Inspira 550s are working out for you. Strangely enough, I've talked to many women in my in-person support group who are thrilled with their breast reductions/lifts post-MX, but no one that's gone the augmentation route, so this board has been quite helpful to me.

    I know everyone's individual and I still have a long road to hoe before I get to implants, but I guess I'm getting pre-surgery jitters! Wishing you a speedy and beautiful recovery.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    thanks burner

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261

    Burner, I am in the process of scheduling a revision to trade my 410 anatomicals for some Inspiras. I feel so matronly with these flat wide 410's and my new surgeon says someone as tall as I am needs breasts that are "front and center" and the 410's definitely don't do that for me.

    I encourage you to be confident with YOUR decision before surgery. I wish I had done more research rather than trusting the first surgeon.


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Carla. your surgeon should be an advocate for you. This is our journey- but they are the engineer of the process. This is what they get paid for Further, sometimes it is trial and error. However, I agree you definitely have to be an advocate for yourself also

    What erks me are these PS that put on nipples and they don't know what the heck they are doing. my first PS put it slightly off in the wrong area. I told him it was too high and he disagreed. He did some measuring tape think which is totally stupid. Every breast is different.

    Luckily I had my new PS cut most of his stupid nipple off that my 1st PS misplaced!. My first PS- his NP put on a pewkie yellow tattoo i went to Vinnie and got it re-done.

    Now i changed implants with NOLA due to CC and bottoming out and the majority of the substandard nipple that was placed by the first PS is gone- I could not be happier to get that memory off my body. :)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Just to present the flip side, I love my 410s - implanted Sept 2013. I have had no silicone shift to the bottom. I think if you have a PS who is an expert with anatomical implants, you won't have problems with rotation either The original pocket he made was perfect. I am 5'8" tall and medium weight with middle size shoulders & bones more to the small size. Usually size 10-14. The 410s look great on my body. They aren't too wide and I have fantastic cleavage. They aren't any harder than my very dense real breasts.

    That said - we are all different. Just wanted to weigh in that anatomicals can be great if the surgeon is very experienced.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    burner: I am 5'4" 115 pounds and my implants are 550 ccs. My ribcage is 29 inches. So 425 ccs would be a bit small, based on what you WISH to be after reconstruction. If you want silicone rounds, tell your PS that you want them!
  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    I agree with you MinusTwo, a lot really depends on the skill of the surgeon.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    Hi minus two

    great your happy with 410s. I think, and I am not an expert- the inspira prob.could benefit people with thinner

    skin ie) rippling. My current PS compared the two implants

    and said a lot of people have lack of upper pole with 410. I imagine that would be fixed with

    fat grafting. Did you need fat grafing with 410s How many cc's are yours?


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I think what the problem is that you were expanded with an extra full projection tissue expander and the anatomical was only a MF. So you had the following dimensions with all of your devices:

    TE: 13.0 cm width x 12.1 x 6.1 cm projection

    410: 14.0 cm width x 12.9 x 5.6 cm projection

    I think the anatomical which corresponds with your MX TEs would have been the MX style, either 445 gms: 13.5 x 12.5 x 6.2, or 520 gms: 14.0 x 12.9 x 6.5. All dimensions making for a nice snug fit to insure against possible rotation.

    Then, you were given an Allergan Style 15, 397 ccs, 13.1 cm x 4.2 cm. Narrower and now considerably less projection than the pocket initially created by the TEs. Hence, the rippling.

    What I would recommend would be either Allergan Style 20, 600 ccs - 13.8 x 5.7, or 650 ccs - 14.0 x 5.9. Another excellent choice would be Allergan Inspira, SRF: 605 ccs - 14.0 cm x 5.8 cm, or SRX 580 ccs - 13.5 x 6.4 cm or one size larger, which would have a width of 14.0 cm, to match what you have now, if the width is good for your frame. I think you very likely have sufficient skin envelopes to handle these larger volume implants. The Inspira would be the best bet to address the upper pole rippling, but the tried and true Style 20 is still a good choice.

    Please discuss with your PS.
  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Stix - no rippling, no dimpling & I didn't need any fat grafting. Great cleavage and no 'dog ears'. He matched the TEs and created the exact pockets needed. Exchange was easy & no problems with the 410 implants ever since exchange 6 years ago. But again, I had a PS who was an expert and did anatomical implants all day every day. Maybe an exaggeration, but he was really good and did a LOT of them.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    About what to get ... Listen to WippetMom and really reflect on what YOU want. If there is one thing positive from cancer we can get the boobs we want!

    My PS said he preferred a "natural slope on a woman of my age with reconstruction". I am 63.

    I calmly responded that I wanted to look "bought and paid for". I had not been thru this cancer journey to look the same! My PS is awesome and he understood. So, we went with a moderate profile, 600 cc, classic round style.

    I have some fat grafting in the fall but other than that all is perfect.

    Coach Vicky

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    coach vicki-

    In response to : we get a chest we want. No offense- but i wish it was not portrayed that way. Nothing can replace what I had at least. There is no comparison. Also, insurance companies are less likely to pay what physicians want for their fees if it is looked at "at least we get the chest we want"

    The general public should know imo- that this is definitely- excuse my slang lingo Not "a boob job"

  • trulygrateful
    trulygrateful Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Whippetmom!

    I will definitely go over this in detail with my PS. I am very disappointed that he did not take this into consideration before the revision. However, I am so thankful that you have this knowledge to share with all of us. Looks like another revision is in my future.

    I will let you know what we decide!

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36

    I'm still interviewing surgeons in Dallas and met with one Wednesday who I will NOT be using (rushed, didn't get the feeling he was listening to my request for small implants) but he said we wouldn't make a decision on round vs tear drop until after expansion? And that the gummy bear (which I've heard only good things about) could feel too hard? Any thoughts on that? I do remember the measurement as being 10.5 cm and that he would use a 200cc expander at most. I have appointments set up with 2 more surgeons before deciding but am hoping to get scheduled in May before the kids are out of school. Time is ticking. :)

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610


    My inspira are firmer than naturelle 45-650 high profile. I had a CC grade 2-3 on one size prior to- and it is not as firm as the CC that I had. I have come to realize you have to take some bad with the good. Nothing is perfect. I am so tired of having surgery I asked NOLA very few questions in regard to how they would feel- if they don't feel hard I am fine with it. I really don't care how they feel- I am tired of surgeries and I wanted the surgeon to do their job- I knew that he knows.

    - would it be easier to downsize later if you were unhappy ? then to up size later? that is a question for whippet mom.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Whippitmom, I'm thinking of getting the saline implants instead of silicone. Is there a major feel difference of an 800cc silicone implantto an overfilled 800cc saline implant?

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    You make a powerful statement in what you wrote about who (PS) you would not use. I think that gut instinct is so critical in finding who will help you get what you want in reconstruction. I have kept an attitude that these medical people work for me. I have fired one along the way of this journey for not listening.

    I hope others heard the power in your statement.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Coach Vicky

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    noodlesmom- to correct my statement. The inspira are definitely not bad. They are soft- but firm. The PS should have one in the office for you. I had dense breasts prior to my Breast cancer- They feel very very similar to my dense breasts On comparison to the naturelle 45-650- they are firmer.

  • burner
    burner Member Posts: 32

    CarlaEM, coachvicky, whippetmom- such wise, encouraging words. Thanks for giving me the strength and perspective to hound the p.s. office again! My p.s. is definitely in favor of "natural looking breasts", but he said it was totally up to me. I said yes, I really did want a round, full-projection look and that 550cc or however much to achieve the look in the pics was really what I wanted. He said it wouldn't be a problem! I'm relieved... thank you!! I feel SO much better and more informed based on your info- thank you thank you thank you.

    MinusTwo, and 2FUN- thanks for your alternative perspective on the anatomicals as well! Totally agree that it depends on the skill and physiology as well of the patient. So glad that you are pleased! We all deserve to be as happy as we can be with the aesthetics of the outcome given that we're losing breast(s).

    I agree with Stix... if I had my druthers, I'd prefer to keep my breast and nipple and sensation. Breast reconstruction isn't breast augmentation. But cancer... so let's get this damn disease out of me and try to make me feel like a sexy woman again.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Great attitude and best wishes!

    One more thing... take a picture of your chest with a necklace on. Just the chest not head. Have your PS draw EXACTLY where your scars will be. Mine are underneath and it helps me feel like my old self. I don't see the scars when I look down

    Coach Vicky

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36


    Thank you! It's hard to maintain our normal sense of power throughout this process. It's exhausting in so many ways, and I know that some doctors would prefer we just sit back and let them do their job. Once I know I can trust someone and that we're on the same page, I'll feel ok. Any doctors who are bothered by questions immediately raise a red flag for me. We are not just boobs on a table, we're people, with spouses and kids and friends and coworkers. And we have to look in the mirror when all is said and done and feel like we're looking at ourselves, not a stranger. Wow....I'm seriously on my soapbox today! HA!

  • burner
    burner Member Posts: 32

    coachvicky- good advice!! the breast surgeon said given my MX, the scar is going to be under my breast, not across, so I'm grateful that given chemo prior to surgery that I have that option. They would've had to cut across otherwise...

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306

    Right on Noodles!!! Love your soapbox. We are REAL people!!!

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    MinusTwo is so right Noodlesmom...

    Stay on that soapbox!

    Coach Vicky

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Why saline?

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610

    yes, why saline?

    I told my first PS I wanted saline the first time around (b4 I researched). He was blunt with me- he told me I did not want saline.

    I never did get them and was happy I did not

    BTW - right on noodles