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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dearest Rocket! You do have extensive nerve damage in your arm! I am so sorry !! I will pray for more pain free days! I shed tears with you ! I will pray for your dear daughter as well!! You are so right, we can not rest or be happy unless our children are OK!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Oh Rocket, What Kindergarten said is so true. Our children suffering, no matter how old they are, has to be the most difficult thing we can face.  Even with my diagnosis my first concern was my sons and then I was so thankful it was me rather than me seeing them go through it all.  I have prayed for you both and will continue to.  Hope she will be back home soon.

    Actually, only one thing could be more difficult and that would be a healthy, happy child who wants nothing to do with Christ.  I'm so thankful she loves the Lord and pray she will feel better soon.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Dear Rocket, I'm so sorry for your suffering and trials. That is so hard! Pain is so wearing. As for your thoughts, we had a great message Sunday on toxic thoughts. We are all full of toxic thoughts. I can't share it all here but it was so edifying and convicting, too. Phil. 4:8 is great! "Finally, brothers and sisters, fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy." I Cor. 4:7-18 is also so good! It's the "cracked pot" verse but so much more. I love you, Rocket. Whenever you or anyone else blows off steam here or is honest with us, it frees the rest of us to be honest, too.

    Fondak, I'm glad you got that ticket finally taken care of. I think smutty-face Satan was tempting you! You are the victor, thanks to your faith in Jesus.

    Bestock, what great news on your numbers! Thank you, Jesus! And you feel better, too! I am so happy for you.

    I was so blessed the past two days on my island trip with my friend! The weather, island and her sister's hilltop home were all gorgeous. I got exercise, fresh air, great food, rest and fellowship. We saw eagles, deer, bunnies, seals. I am thankful. Now I am jumping into high gear to get ready for company until the 16th, surgery the 18th. And I have what I hope is great news. I have an appt. with the anesthesia team to sort everything out before surgery: IV placement, throat tube size (small, please!), pain meds. Fondak, I had a port for nine months. Since they'll be pushing and pulling on my chest during surgery, I fear a port might interfere. I really don't want one again! Thanks for your concern, though. Regarding LE, there is a surgeon at my hospital who does lymph node transfer and some other procedure to help with LE. I am not up for that right now (!) but it would be interesting to know more about it.

    God bless you, friends.

  • peace777
    peace777 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2013

    Hello everyone I've been on this site before but its been a while.  I just had a re-excision monday the 8th. The next day I had an appointment with my oncologist.  I found out my results from the onctype.  My score was 32, so now im looking at chemo.  What seemed to be a straight forward plan, lumpectomy, radiaton, hormone therapy, has been changed.  Chemo for me makes it more real. And I'm really nervous about chemo. Although I know I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.   Can anyone tell me what the long term effects of chemo are?  What are some things you would have done differently maybe?  Any advice?

    Jeannie57 your post are so incouraging!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    peace777, nice to see you! I had a similar experience with lumpectomy and then supposedly rads and antihirmonals. What a journey it turned into, with bmx, chemo, rads, pneumonia, lymphedema and now the long process (for me) of reconstruction. I, too, was so fearful of chemo because I have had very serious reactions to drugs in the past. But it was fine! If I had a SE the doctor felt I shouldn't be having she even lowered my dose of Cytoxin. I was tired, nauseous at times (there are good drugs for that), dry everywhere and lost some hair. I was on it for six months! I had a milder form of chemo but I think you will make it through every moment by remembering God is holding your hand through EVERYTHING! As for long term effects, I can't speak to that as I just finished in February but I feel pretty good now, just a little more tired. Everybody's experience is different. I always say, remember it is chemoTHERAPY, meaning it is doing something good for you, like killing those little buggers. God bless you!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2013

    Welcome back peace777.  Our Lord is AWESOME and will be right there beside you as you travel this road.

    bestock, that's great news about your markers.

    fondak, kindergarten, rocket, I've read through your posts and sent up prayers as I did so.  Interesting about the day in court.  No open toes - what's that about?  Really!  $5000.00 for doors for a home only 9 years old.  Possibly covered by new home warranty (don't they usually go for 10 years?)  I also have a son, 30, who is disabled and I worry all the time about his future.  He has mild CP and emotional issues.  A sweet kid but life just seems to go against him at every turn and has caused him to turn away in anger from the Lord.  Breaks my heart and I keep placing his future on the altar and need to learn how to not pick it up again.

    "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." --Psalm 34:18

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear Peace, welcome back to this wonderful thread!! I did chemo almost nine years ago, and it was very doable! You will get through this and please come here for prayers, love, support and encouragement!!!

    Dear Patoo!! It is always so good to see you here! I love reading the encouraging verses that you share with us! In regards to your beautiful son, I pray that Our Lord will reveal His plan for him soon!! God Bless You!!!

    Hugs and Blessings to all!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    All that comes into your life will eventually work for your good and His glory!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Oh, I just hate to complain as what I am experiencing is NOTHING compared to what I have been reading  I pray for all of you with LE, in pain, with weird SEs and for all of the trouble this unforgiving cancer has bestowed.  That said, for one month now, I have had severe joint pain in my fingers, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and feet.  I take pain meds that really do not help and I cannot imagine what it could be.  Could these pains be the lingering side-effects of the Chemotherapy or the Radiotherapy???  My last Chemo was on May 1, 2013 and my last RADS on June 30, 2013.  I am heading into surgery next week to have the old ovaries and tubes removed and my MO has given me a prescription for Femera whose MAJOR SE is joint pain and stiffness!  I refuse to fill this script and have talked to my MO about this pain twice in the past month.  I guess tomorrow I will call his nurse and explain what is going on again and ask to be started on another AI.  Any suggestions out there?  I know you will all pray for me like I do for all of you but this is getting harder each day!  Oh, and the insomnia......  Thanks in advance.  HUGS to all!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Cmbernardi, I am sorry you are suffering so! Your sufferings are just as important as anybody else's! I will pray for you and for your doctors to come up with something that won't further hurt you.

    Patoo, praying for your son and Rocket, for your dear daughter. Please keep us up to date.

    Please pray for my oldest daughter. She left her husband in January after many years of verbal/emotional abuse. He asked her to wait to file because he promised to go to church and seek counseling. He has been doing so for six months and has been a good father, finally. My daughter has seen the consistency and after having no hope of getting back together with him is now open to counseling. Sadly, her husband can't tell her what about her makes him want to stay married to her. Please pray the counselor can help them air it all out and develop good communication skills, which will develop into renewed commitment and even love. I feel God is in this!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Thank you Jeannie for your words of encouragement and prayers.  I will say many, many prayers for your daughter and her hubby.  Seperation and divorce are not something I ever believed in but sadly, when I got sick last May, my dear spouse of 9 years told me he could not possibly take care of me and moved out.  I was forced to sell my home and just about everything in it and went home to PA. for a while and now I live in Texas with my only Sister and her family who take very good care of me.  I feel like a Nomad though but I am thankful for my family and for my faithful dog, Rudy the Pug.  I pray everyday that God helps me to forgive him and his family who have also all abandoned me and wish them no ill will.  I certainly hope that God shows your Daughter and Son-In-Law the way!  Have a blessed Friday and Weekend Sister Warrior.  HUGS!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Oh, cmbernardi, that is so heartbreaking! I so admire your faith with all you have been through. God is faithful in His love for you! Happy weekend to you!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Jeannie,  I am so excited to hear that you daughter and husband have not divorced yet.  I know you want to hear from your spouse at least a few reasons why they would like to stay with you but perhaps it may just be that God is at work.  When someone does the right things and don't really understand why as your son-in-law is doing it could be just the grace of God changing your son-in-law's will and in time He will change his affections.  1 Corinthians 7:13 says...And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. v14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife.........   That's even with an unbelieving spouse.

    I know that's a hard place to be but I will be praying her joy will come from being obedient in Christ by loving her husband and that he will love her.   One of my many life lessons is that love that God calls us do is all about actions and the way we think of love is feelings.  When we are obedient and act in love the feelings will follow.  I wish I knew your daughter.  I know this is hard but it is so worth it....not always because things get all lovey dovey but always worth it to not have a wall between you and God!

    I see what you mean about the mediport.  I just hate that you have to suffer through all the blood work.  Did you have yours removed in the doctor's office?  My nurse practioner told me to get him to remove it at my next visit but I didn't realize that was possible.  That just seems painful, very painful!!!! That's interesting about the lymph node transfer.  I have never heard of that.  

    I will be praying for your upcoming surgery and your daughter's family. 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    cmbernardi,  I am so sorry to hear of all your difficulties.  I don't know if you could take tamoxifen but my mom takes it and has no side affects at all.  It hasn't slowed her down on bit.  She was in menopause before cancer and she was also stage 1 with osteoporosis.  She only had radiation.  Everyone is different.  As for me, the aromasin has been a challenge but I am adjusting.  I spent too much time waiting to feel better until I finally just decided not to let my joint pain slow me down.  I'm sure being more active helps, even though I don't feel like it at times.

  • zaqismom
    zaqismom Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2013

    Hello to everyone!

    my mom was diagnosed last june. After the mastectomy,the final pathological diagnosis is "negative for tumor involvement all seven of seven isolated axillary nodes, negative for metastasis" . Praise God for this.

    I joined this site to meet other women who are going through this so I can help my mom go through this as well.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear Cmbernardi!! I am so sorry that you are having such severe joint pain and insomnia!! You have got to be exhausted and frustrated!! Please tell your onc all your symptoms! I just remember that it took a full year after chemo, radiation and surgery to recover ! My body hurt for a year!!!! I think the pain you are having might be considered normal, but please consult with your onc!! In the meantime , you are covered in prayer !!!

    Dear Jeannie!! I will be praying for reconciliation for daughter and husband!! I feel as well that God's arms are wrapped around them!!!

    Dear Zaqismom!! Welcome, and please let us pray for you and your dear mom always!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Patoo,  I didn't realize you were face with those challenges as a parent.  God has really given you so much strenght to have been through all that you have and have the ongoing concerns with your son.  You were already a blessing and if possible you have become an even greater blessing to me! 

    Rocket,  I have been praying for your daughter.  I hope she is better today. 

    Kindergarten,  How are you doing?  You barely mentioned your shingles when you had them.  I know you are always here encouraging everyone but thought I would just check and see if you have been feeling well.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dearest Fondak!! Thank you for thinking of me !! My Shingles and pain are totally gone!! I will ask for prayer for my oldest son! He has a baseball business: coaching, personal training and hitting lessons, but it has its ups and downs financially! He is thinking of totally going in another direction! The stress is affecting his relationship with Liz! He has a degree in Sports Mansgement!!! They have a beautiful daughter Lily!! Prayers for job security and peace!! Thank you!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all of the prayers and the good news some have shared.  I could not tolerate Tamoxifen for more than 6 days.  It put me in bed like I had the worst flu in the world and made my IBS go crazy.  That is why I have consented to the bilateral salpingo oophorectomy this Thursday and must try the AI's afterward.  I saw my MO on Friday and he was sympathetic to this persistent joint pain but asked me to at least try the Femora after the surgery and gave me Hydrocodone for this crazy pain.  Today my body feels like one big toothache.  YUCK!  I am praying for all of you as I know you are for me but I just want to feel good again.  I was in the pool very early this morning and even called a good massage therapist I have used but she is on vacation until Tuesday.  I'm sure this "whine" would taste alot better with cheese!  Well, my fingers are starting to ache from too much typing and it is time to take another pill so I will sign off and wish everyone a happy and blessed Sunday.  Oh, and if anyone out there would like the 84 Tamoxifen pills I have left, please PM me and I will mail them to you ASAP. Same goes for my two wigs but be warned, I have a very big head!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear Cmbernardi!! You have been on a very challenging journey , both personally and medically!! I admire your strength and positive attitude!!! I am lifting you up in prayer for relief of pain, and to just feel good again!! Please let us know how your surgery goes on Thursday!! I love your sense of humor, too. I have a big head too. I did not wear my wig much!! Have a very blessed Sunday!!!! Kathy

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Cool  Thanks again Kathy!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2013

    I haven't been here for a little while as I was unwell, and now I have read through all the issues it is quite overwhelming what so many of you are going through. 

    cmbernardi, I was on Femara for two years and my ankles and knees definitely stiffened up.  When they found the tumour on my femur recently they also told me that I had arthritis, so now I wonder if the aches I had were from Femara or from the arthritis.  I had an appt with my oncologist today and it was agreed that I should take glucosamine for the arthritis as it is generally one of the few things that doesn't interfere with other medication, I wonder could this also help with your joint pain.  I will pray that you get relief from it soon, and can make the right decision regarding Femara.

    Jeannie57, I will pray that the counselling for your daughter and son-in-law is successful, it must be so hard to witness these troubles happening to your loved ones.

    Rocket, I hope your daughter is better now after suffering with the bladder pain, she is also on my list for prayer.

    Kindergarten, I will pray for your son to have job security and peace and be free from the stress.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Thank you, FridayGirl!!! I will pray for your healing and hope you feel better soon!! You as well have a lot on your plate, so thank you again for your always kind and encouraging words!! Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    peace777  Sorry I forgot to reply to your post the other day.  I realized after I left the computer and I am just amazed that I remembered that I forgot or had forgotten! I met the sweetest young lady from Uganda last night and was surprised at how well she spoke English.  I told her that hers was probably better than mine!  I asked her if she had a hard time understanding Southerners and she but could you say milk for me.  I never noticed how long we can make that word.

    Anyway, I did want to share with you that I didn't realize that you shouldn't take supplements during chemo that build your immunity and fight cancer because it can make the chemo less effective.  Unfortunately, I was well into my chemo when I found out.  I had told the doctor and nurse everything I was taking but they didn't mention it to me until I read something and asked.  Other than that I would say it was not anything like I imagined.  The doctor had to me to be prepared because they were throwing everything at me INCLUDING the kitchen sink. 

    I drove myself to all my appointments which were 30 minutes away.  I started out walking downtown after my treatments.  That only lasted for about 3 treatments.  Before the end I was sleeping through my treatments and walking around Goodwill to get awake enough to drive home.  I love thrift shops and the Goodwill is huge, warm and I didn't have to be close to people like I would in most stores.  My chemo had a steriod type effect and I had a lot of insomnia but they also gave me benedryl in my IV before the chemo which made me sleep.  After it wore off I was plenty awake enough to drive home.

    I didn't miss one Sunday at church and we left at 5:45 because my sons played in the praise band and had to unload their equip and church was an hour away.  I intentionally had chemo earlier in the week so I would feel my best on Sunday. 

    I only threw up twice and once was because I took liquid iron.  It was disgusting.  The other time.....and this was the worse part of chemo for was from taking something for constipation.  Ask if there is something you can take to prevent it.  I honestly thought I was going to have to go to the hospital with it.  I was in so much pain from trying to go and then following that I couldn't sit or stand.  I would have to lay on my side for about an hour or more.  If I had known before I could have started taking something before it became so unbearable.  That wouldn't be what you would think would be the worst side effect of chemo but it was for me.

    Also, drink water before, during and after chemo.  That's really good for the kidneys. 

    Before you start think of things that you would like on days that you are tired.  Be thinking about pastors you enjoy listening to online and look for books studies or series you can listen to.  I have some I love and have grown so much from if you would like I can share those with you.  I would just use this time to learn more about Christ.  Be praying that as you go through this period in your life that He would reveal more of Himself to you and show you more of who you are in Christ.  It can really be a blessing.  I call it a hard you'd never ask for but you are better because of. 

    I will be praying for you.  Sorry so long.  I have a hard time being short with my posts.  Just be glad you didn't have to listen to it considering how long I can make such a short word as!

    Oh, and in Uganda they actually say y'all and it means the same thing!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Kindergarten,  I will sure continue to pray for you son and his family.  Marriage is truely one on the major ways that God sanctifies us!  I will be praying for them and the job situation.  I can relate to how stressful that is with our situation. 

    I'm so glad you are over the shingles and feeling better.

    cmbernardi,  I so hoped that the tamoxifen would be easy on you.  It is so strange how differently folks can respond to the same medication.  I was really optimistic that by the end of my 1st year I would have adjusted to aromasin.  I do have to say it's improved tremendously though. 

    Your comment about the wigs made me laugh and reminded me of a friend who told me about her sweet, precious college professor who had breast cancer.  As she was going through chemo, she told a few of her students......If I show up with hair on my chest and a boob on my head, please tell me!  She said it was even funnier because it didn't sound like something you would expect to hear from her.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Just want you all to know I am praying for you! There is just no way I can mention you all with my pre-surgery buzzing brain!

    God bless,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dearest Fondak!! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for my son and his family! I so appreciate your kindness! God Bless You!!!!

    Dearest Jeannie! I will be lifting you up in prayer for your upcoming surgery! Please let us know how you are as soon as you feel able to communicate!!! God Bless You!! Hugs and may you feel our prayer and Our Lord's loving Arms wrapped around you!

  • peace777
    peace777 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2013

    Fondak,   I was so inspired by your response and I do like your long responses because they are uplifting.  I will take this time to draw closer to Christ.  I had thought that would be a good time to do that.  I asked my daughter if we could do a bible study while i was getting chemo. I would love it if you could share some of the material you read or listened to.  I will be sure to drink alot of water !!  I've seen people post that alot.  Important Im sure  and I dont want to get constipated!  I dont start for a week and half and I cant remember the med.  Thank you for the info    look forward to your post.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2013

    Cmbernardi - I've felt your pain! I know how debilitating it can be.

    I'm considering reconstruction. I could use some prayer for wisdom and discerment.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear Mini1, I am lifting you up in prayer! I know it is a big decision! Through prayer and faith, it will work out! It has been almost 9 years since my bi-lateral mastectomy and I still have not had reconstruction! I was told that I could still have it done until I turned 70!! I am at the point now that I am not as willing to do it now!! It is a very personal decision, and I know Our Lord will lead you in the right direction!! Blessings, Kathy