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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Happy Sunday!  Happy Sunday! Happy Sunday!  Today I go to the new member orientation for a wonderful Church I just joined here in North Texas.  I cannot wait!  I also cannot wait to "become" a full-fledged member and join their wonderful choir.  God is good!  

    Granna - what a beautiful, thought-provoking story.  Your grand babies sound like very special little folks (probably from your influence).

    Mini1 - still praying for your neighbors and their health and strength.

    And Ms JO-5 - Have a BLAST in Vegas Girl and again, Happy, Happy Anniversary!

    Peace, Prayers, Love, Hugs and Blessings to you ALL today and everyday into the future.  And again, Happy Sunday!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    Praises among the sadness. My friend Jennifer has left rehab after her anerysem and will finish her rehab with a nurse/therapist at home. That is truly a major praise. She has made major progress in what could have been a fatal incident. Also, my nephews tumor is benign and he is walking with the assistance of a walker. They were concerned he may not walk again. A full recovery is expected. PTL!!!!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Granna! Such a beautiful story!! My day is blessed!!

    Praises, Mini1!!!!!

    Carolyn!! May you find comfort, peace, joy and love in your new church!!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    FridayGirl!! I am lifting you up in prayer for comfort, peace and a long, long life!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Mini1, I add my words of condolence to you on your neighbor's tragic death. You wrote beautifully. That is such great news about Jennifer and your neighbor. I am praising the Lord with you!

    Kathy, praying for you! Moves are hard and sometimes just don't feel right or good. I pray you will soon be able to " bloom where you are planted" and feel more at peace and joyful about it. You have been such a great encouragement to all of us. It's your turn!

    Granny, your story gave me goose bumps! God is near. Thanks for sharing.

    Carolyn, I'm excited you've found a church where you can serve, grow and connect. I hope it feels like family.

    Thanks for your prayers for me. It is so comforting to share with other Christian women who understand how breast cancer is. A dear friend of mine was telling me yesterday how great it is that breast cancer can be treated and then you're done, it's over. I gently (I hope!) told her it is never really "over" for us but I appreciated her positive words.

    I hope your day is filled with peace that passes understanding.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Thank you, Jeannie !! I feel better already!! Prayers are so powerful!! Just a glitch in the road!! I hope you are having a great Sunday!!!!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    This thread has something special about it, with all of the gentle ladies becoming mighty prayer warriors for people on either side of the Atlantic, whether they are Christians or not, have breast cancer problems or other issues.  I want to say thank you to all who have lifted me up in prayer, and assure you that you are all in my pad for evening prayers that you will be comforted through the night.

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    We've been studying Job in my life group Sunday mornings, and it puts things in perspective. God never leaves us. We have to live by faith, and He gives His peace.

    Love and prayers,


  • peace777
    peace777 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2013

    Oh Granna, Thank you for sharing the story about your grandson.  It was such a blessing!!  I love to hear how God uses little ones to speak to us.  They are so sensitive to Him and have no barriers. Mmmm God is so good!!

    I'm going to love this sight! I'm fairly new at this, just starting this journey May 27th with finding the lump myself, then ultrasound,mammogram,biopsy, dx june 4, lumpectomy June 17 will have a reincision July 8th margins werent clear then july 9 will see mo  to set up next steps.  Through it all God has given me supernatural peace.  In return has been a good witness to others, I've learned.  I'm looking forward to seeing this part of my life see what God has planned.        

    I'm also looking forward to becoming a part of this group and sharing our stories, prayers, miracles, challenges, support, our blessings and Gods love.

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Sing it peace 777. That's the way I look at it too! An adventure God has sent us on and we just have to follow along His path and see where we go. Eventually, we know we'll be in His home forever.

    Love and prayers,


  • peace777
    peace777 Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2013

    You betcha :)  Amen! I great witness to use also: I tell friends and family that arent christians, dont cry or worry for me in the end I am healed.   At the end of the battle I know I am healed, whether in His loving arms or here on earth. 

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    JO-5 - HA!  I obviously have you mixed up with another Sister Warrior on another thread.  Whoops, sorry.  Vegas is not all it is cracked up to be anyway.  I got married there just about 10 years ago but when I became very ill in May of 2102 my knuckle head husband told me he did not have the time or inclination to take care of me.  His bartender job and golf game where much more important to him.  I took that message a a sign from our Lord and Savior and asked him to move out the next day. When he complied, I put MY home on the market in Reston, VA. and it sold in 3 days for a nice profit.  As mentioned, it was MY home and we were not even married for 9 years so I did not have to share any of the proceeds with him.  He left with what he arrived with in 2003 - NOTHING!  I pray everyday that God helps me forgive him and his short-comings but it is a very complex task.  I never imagined I would end up in this position but Praise the Lord for my wonderful family who took me in and cared for me when my soon-to-be-EX-husband would not.  I lived for 4 months back home in the Poconos (PA.) with my Mom and Dad and discovered the large lump in my left breast just before Thanksgiving of last year.  At the end of November 2012, my Sister's youngest son who suffers from ADHD was making very bad choices and had to be hospitalized so I traveled to her home in North Texas to help out.  Unfortunately, In December of 2012 the mammogram and ultrasound I had indicated that I also need a biopsy and breast cancer (BC) was the result.  Thankfully though, I am BRCA negative which helps protect my only Sister from having to also take this unexpected journey.  As you can see after my signature, I have IDC and I am the 4th person on my Mom's side of the family (including my Mom) to have developed BC.  All of this information is way more than you wanted or needed to hear though my Friend.  Again, sorry for getting you confused with a Sister on another thread here on this wonderful site.  I will include you on my daily prayer list so that the knee pain subsides ASAP.  In the meantime, peace, prayers, hugs, love and blessings to you and ALL of our Sister Warriors today and everyday in the future.  Stay safe and be well my Dear and thanks for setting me straight!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Hi friends.  Was just going to read, not post, and pray for you all in a little while but, as usual, your posts just get to me because they are so inspiring. 

    Welcome peace777!  Yours especially touched me because I don't think I've seen anyone on BCo say "I'm looking forward to seeing this part of my life unfold...".  JO-5 is right about making this journey without God.  Your attitude mirrors many on this thread because we know we need not fear because our Lord has a personal plan for each of us.  Thank you so much for sharing that positive attitude.

    JO-5 - LOL - I tried to go back and find where you said you were going to LV.  Thought maybe I missed it and would perhaps have the opportunity to meet up with you.  I'm going to be there in September for a few days with my2  sisters and another childhood friend.  None of us gamble nor go for raunchy shows but will use it as a base to visit the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon and maybe see a 50's or 60's oldie shows.  But happy anniversary anyway, whenever it is!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited June 2013

    Oh my!  I just lost my entire post.  I was putting the names in bold and got to Rocket and hit control R instead of B for bold.

    Anyway....thanks for all your prayers for my son and his trip to Italy.  There were issues with his ticket and we weren't sure he was going to be able to get on the flight until about an hour before it took off.  He didn't print it until Thursday night late and I was helping him get everything together and saw they had the wrong last name.  I was on the phone all night and finally got it sorted out at 5:30 am only to arrive at the airport and find out those changes didn't show up on the computer.  I was so afraid he was going to get to Italy where they were to switch planes in an hour and he wouldn't be able to get on there. 

    Please continue to pray for him and the others from our church there.  The pastor there has a church and started an Italian Theological Academy and the mission board over all the missionaries in Italy was just turned over to him. 

    I think losing that night's sleep has contributed to a very blah feeling I've had over the weekend.  I am having to remind myself not to focus on all the difficulties I'm facing these days and not even all the things that are going right as tomorrow they may be different....but to focus on the hope I have in Christ and what I know is true by His word.

    I want you all to know I'm praying for each of you and I'll try to resend my posts tomorrow.  I am going to have to start getting better rest and just take better care of myself all around. 

    Love you all!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Oh JO-5 I am so sorry.  I've got you confused with another Sister on another thread here on this site.  And now I've got other folks commenting on your "trip to Vegas".   My mistake.

    ALL - JO-5 who posts on this thread and joins us in prayer is NOT going to Las vegas.  My radiated chemo brain got her mixed up with someone else on another thread.  Sorry for the confusion.

    In addition to the potential damage that my brain has endured from the treatments, I have not been sleeping well at all.  It is almost midnight here now but every time I close my eyes. I just end up tossing and turning and getting more anxious.  Hopefully this will pass soon.

    Prayers and Hugs to ALL and goodnight.  

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Peace777, Welcome and I am so encouraged by your posts!! Fondak, I will continue to,pray for your dear son in Italy! I hope you can get some rest and needed sleep!!! Cymbernardi, I am lifting you up in prayer that you have more restful nights!

    Patoo, hubby and I only live 4 hours from Las Vegas! We really enjoy hiking at Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire State Park!!

    Hugs and Blessings to you all!!!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Mini, I was stunned and saddened to read your post regarding your neighbor's death. I have been praying for the family and for you as you seek opportunity to minister to them. I was also thrilled to hear of Jennifer's progress - a miracle indeed! PTL also for the news of your nephew!

    Welcome Peace 777. Your post was very inspiring. We are so happy to have you here, and you will come to love the ladies on this thread. I have added you to my prayer notebook for a successful re-excision and a solid treatment plan following your surgery. We are here to support and encourage you.

    Granna, your story was also very inspiring and comforting. Have you gotten your bonescan results yet?

    Carolyn, I was excited to hear about your new church. I am praying that it is truly a blessing for you in every way.

    Fondak, so sorry to hear of the difficulty with getting your son on a plane. Praying that he has smooth sailing from here on out. I hope he was feeling better.

    Jo, I hope your knee pain improves. I have pain in both knees and it can be so annoying when I feel limited. Praying that you start feeling better soon.

    Kathy, I so understand how it is when you move to another place. I have moved at least 14 times and the adjustment is always tough. When we lived in Connecticut I had a really difficult time. I was so lonely for my family and I didn't care for the area where we lived. As soon as I gave my frustration of living there over to the Lord, my husband got another job and we moved to Delaware. I much prefer living in the south. Now living in Western NC, I feel like God has blessed me with such beautiful surroundings and it is a balm to my weary soul. He has you where you are for a reason, but it's not always evident at the time. I am praying that God will reveal it to you. How are your DS and DIL doing?

    Bestock, are you feeling any better? I have been praying for healing and effective treatments. I also pray for emotional strength as well as physical. It is so hard to endure suffering and we can get beaten down over time. You are a very strong believer and warrior, and my prayer is that you can rest in Him.

    Fridaygirl, have you begun rads yet for the tumor in your femur? Praying for successful treatments and less pain.

    Curveball, I know how you feel remodeling your home and dealing with contractors. I have the painters here again today to finish up some touch up work and the ceiling upstairs. Keeping you in prayer for your upcoming CT scan.

    Jeannie, praying for your upcoming DIEP. Hopefully you won't struggle with anxiety. I always have difficulty with that.

    Hi CCFW, Patoo, and Netter. I hope and pray you are all doing well.

    I read all of your posts daily and pray as I read, but don't often get time to write because my life is still very crazy right now with guests and home projects. Please continue to pray for our home sale in Eastern NC or rather pray that our son sells his home so he can buy ours. He wants it, but must sell his first.

    Love to all you lovely ladies! Praying that your day is blessed and that you find peace and strength in our precious Savior!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Rocket, thank you as always for your encouraging words and prayers! We have been transferred many times as well, so I am not sure why I am not comfortable, but I am letting Go and giving it to God, because I realize now that God's plan was for us to be here, since both sons and granddaughter are here!! Bumps on the road, but I will be fine! God bless you!!! Prayers are coming for you and your dear son, that everything goes as planned with your house situation!!! What a blessing it will be for son to buy your home!!! That is so neat!!! Jeff and Liz are doing so much better, thank you!!!!!!

    I feel guilty sometimes with my prayer requests, because so many of you are dealing with such harsher issues!! Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers !!!

    I am reading the book of Romans now! Romans always uplifts and encourages me as I read about the riches of God's Grace!!! God Bless You!!! Kathy

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2013

    Dear Rocket,

    Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts, you have a word of encouragement for everyone.  I am still waiting to get a date for my rads, but I only have slight pain which is usually manageable.  I will pray that everything moves into place so that your son can sell his home and buy yours.

    Praying that all the ladies on this thread will receive The Lord's peace today.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Hi, friends,

    I am praying for all of these requests.  God bless you with peace.

    I was talking to my mom on the phone last night and she mentioned she has a lump under her arm.  She is 86 and had bc about 14 years ago (dcis).  She's going to get it checked.  I pray she is okay, for many, many reasons.  For her sake, my dad's sake, my sake......

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Jeannie!!! I am lifting your dear Mother and you up in rayer right now!! My mom used to get infected hair follicles under her armpit that would present in a lump, almost cyst like!! Please know you are both covered in prayer!!! Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Kathy! I am trying not to jump to the worst scenario!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    I certainly understand, it is so hard not to worry!!! We have each other here for prayer and support!! Jesus always takes the wheel, when we need him the most!!! Please keep us posted!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited June 2013

    Praying Jeannie for your mom, dad and you. The waiting to find out is so stressful!

    Well I just talked with my son and they don't feel they can afford our home with the cost of daycare. Soooooo, now we have to make a decision. Do we let the renters continue to rent until January or February and then get the house ready to sell next spring, or do we hop on it right now? We have already missed the prime selling market for this year, and our realtor told us the market should be even better next year. My concern is that the renters don't care for the home the way that we did, and I'll probably have more to fix up if we wait. On the other hand, their rent money is paying the mortgage. UGH! I hate all of this! Please pray that we would have wisdom and that God would show us what to do. Thanks Ladies! Love and blessings to you all today!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    I finished RADS today and will now look forward to skin care and the upcoming surgery.  Prayers for all of you Sisters who need them and of course, your families.  Thank you eveyone for such devoted care and support.  I am blessed to know you all and be a part of your lives.  All the Best today and in the future!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Yay for you Carolyn! Another treatment done. Thanks for your prayers for all of us. Prayers for you, too.

    Rocket, what disappointing news. I'll pray for wisdom for you and God's perfect timing. Also peace and rest from frustration!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited June 2013

    Dear Rocket!!! Prayers for wisdom and discernment are coming your way!! Some difficult decisions ahead, but just when you feel like giving up, Our Lord will reveal His Plan to you and the right decision will be made!! You are also such a wonderful prayer warrior, good things will happen!!

    Dear Carolyn!!! Your Rads are done, Praise The Lord!!! Prayers are coming for your upcoming surgery. Hugs and Blessings to all!!!!

    In His Precious Name, Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2013

    Rocket - I feel for you. We turned down a job transfer to Utah because we couldn't sell our house. It was two year's later when I was diagnosed with BC. I think the Lord knew I was going to need my families - church and home - to get through this. We wondered at the time is we should have stepped out on faith, but neither of us felt convicted the decision was right.

    Now from a non-spiritual, former property mgmt. point of view, I would not rent my home unless it was through an agency or real estate office. There are a lot of fair housing laws that you can break unknowingly (with lots of personal liability), and you do take a risk on damage and lost rent and refurb costs. Make sure you do a criminal backgrond and credit check. If you want to PM me, I can tell you some things to look for in a credit report. People are clever, but you can tell a lot from a credit report.

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited June 2013

    Well girls, I got the results of my bone scan, and unfortunately I have 4 new tumors in my bones, so she's trying to figure out if two pills can be taken with the Herceptin I'm on. If not, chemo. I can say I'm not sorry to stop the Faslodex shots. They were terrible. Has anyone ever taken aromasin or afinitor? Those are the two she would like to add.

    I am leaning real hard on The Lord right now, and would appreciate your prayers. I know that He will take care of me. I think I'm still in a bit of a daze.

    Love and prayers,


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2013

    Oh, Granna, I'm sorry! I will be praying for you that the right meds will be found and that you will feel okay on them, and for healing, of course. I pray God will give you peace and comfort.