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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • delorisann
    delorisann Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2013

    Hello, my name is Deloris and I am 67 years old from Arkansas. I have been fighting cancer for 23 years now beginning with BC in 1990 and again in 2000. then in 2007  they found the mets in my spine and now it is in both femur bones, my hips and spine and skull and now my jaw. It seems like it just wants to consume me. I am very happy to say that the Lord has taken good care of me all of these years. I have never been hospitalized except for the two lumpectomys . I am the Choir leader at my church and we sing for the glory of the Savior. I am glad I found this forurm where I can talk to other older ladies. I was married the first time for 41 years to an alcoholic and finally decided I did not need to live my live miserably forever so since I divorced him , God sent me a really great man who I have been married to now for 8 years and we are very happy. I have three children and 7 grand children and now 4 1/2 great grandbabies. I am very blessed. I have had radiation 5 times with the last time a few months ago when the cancer cracked my jaw bone and destroyed a nerve in my jaw. My bottom lip and chin are completely numb and I had blisters in my mouth for about a month after that radiation, it as the worse by far. I have had Zometa, Faslodex and now am on the chemo pill xlodia. I am not in a lot of pain and the hydrocodone controls what pain I do have so far. Thank the Lord. I am planning a trip to Texas to see my 86 year old mom next week for two weeks and I really am looking forward to that trip as we never know when it will be the  last one. She is almost totally blind from macular degeneration and I have the beginning stages of that also. Taking injections in my eye to help save my eyesight, this is the third round for me. I know God has given me many valleys but each valley only makes me stronger. I pray you all had a great forth of July.. Deloris Blake 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Delores, bless your heart! I'm sure you have much to teach us about running the good race, endurance and resting in Jesus. I pray you will remain pain-free for a long time. I hope your trip to see your mom is wonderful. Praising and worshipping the Lord is a blessing to the hearers, to the Lord, and to ourselves!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2013

    Hello Delorisann, It is good to meet you.  Your post is so encouraging, I was diagnosed with a tumour at the top of my left femur in May this year, and for the first few weeks I was very depressed about it.  I love to hear of people who have survived a long time with mets, it gives me hope for my future.  I know of two women here in Ireland who had mets in their bones 20 years ago, and are still going strong, albeit with the help of radiotherapy and painkilling drugs.

    I asked my church to pray that, first and foremost, I would not have fear.  They have done this and it has definitely helped me.  It is wonderful the way that the Lord works, we can find good in all things through Him.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear delorisann!! Welcome to this wonderful thread! Thank you for sharing your incredible story, faith and testimony! God Bless You, and I am so happy that you have joined us!! Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Deloris. I know it probably sounds strange that your battle gives some of us out here hope, but though you've had to fight a hard fight, you are still here 23 years later! PTL God is using you in the midst of your trials and I thank you for joining us and sharing your battle.

    The ladies here are wise, kind, and supportive. God has blessed me many times with this thread. I'm sure you will find the same love and support here.


  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2013

    Jeannie, so sorry you had to endure the painful foot IV, and I'm sure it was exhausting. I am praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery. Keep your chin up!

    Deloris, welcome to the thread! You have a very powerful testimony. When I learned that I had breast cancer, it really exposed my lacking faith. I struggled greatly to understand how all of it was for my good, and yet I know now that God was, and still is, using it to draw me closer to Him. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Hey all you lovely ladies, I hope you feel the Lord's blessing and mercy upon you today. We've had company, non-stop for the last three weeks. I am worn out, so this week will devote some time to recovery and rest. I have a few small projects to work on and look forward to just taking some time for myself. I continue to lift your needs to the Throne of Grace. Loving you all.....

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Thanks, Rocket and everyone else for the prayers. I am doing better. However, a gal on a lymphedema thread says her oncologist says no foot IVs because it's a common site for blood clots to form! I actually know someone who died from a clot after ankle surgery. So now I don't know what to do. I could risk a hand IV but then wouldn't be able to wear my compression garments to help with swelling and I would risk getting hand LE. I have emailed my surgeon about this. It will all work out somehow.

    We've had lovely weather here in the Pacific Northwest. It's unusual for us and I'm so grateful to God for it! I am going to spend a couple of days with a friend on one of the San Juan Islands this week and then I will have company until the 16th with surgery on the 18th. Lots of distractions from the worries!

    God bless each of you with God's peace that passes understanding, hope that never fails, faith for the journey, healing of your bodies, and love because that is the greatest thing! I love what Rocket said about BC drawing her closer to God. Nothing better than that.

    Happy Sunday!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Dear Rocket, yes, Rest and relaxation should be on the agenda for you!! Jeannie, so glad that you can have some distraction for a few days!! I am sure your surgeon will be able to figure this out. Extra precautions will be taken!! Our Lord is surrounding you with a hedge of protection!!!

    Have a Very Blessed Sunday, my favorite day of the week!! May everything we do today be for His Honor and Glory!!!!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Welcome delorisann !

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Delorisann

    I am a stage 4 BC survivor, mets to the Liver.

    I also had stage Ovarian Cancer in 2003. in remission with that cancer

     You are an inspiration to meet. I am on Xeloda. It has not been the most fun for me as I have SE's esp severe constipation. I had too much Neuropathy even into my face with my first drug Abraxene, so we had to change...

    Welcome. and prayers and support from this thread of lovely  Godly sisters are with you.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Bestock, I've been thinking about you. Is the neuropathy getting any better? I hope you have some strategies by now for the constipation. That is so miserable! You are brave and strong in the Lord! I care!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Jeannie,

    Thanks for the Post. I start my cycle and have lactalose--- and miralax (my new way of trying to keep things moving)  if not successfrul we will have to move to another treatment. I would like prayer that I can stay on this drug. ..that is if my tumor marker count goes down...I will get another 27-29 this week to see what is going on. I think I feel the Lord's healing lately PTL I know He is always near.

    the neuropathy is getting better gradually. Thanks for the prayers I love you Ladies..

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Bestock, good news about the neuropathy and feeling the Lord's healing! I hope the Miralax works. I had good success with that while on Zofran during chemo. I'm praying you can stay on the lactralose with good results.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2013

    Praying Bestock. I suffer from constipation too, although not as bad as you, but I eat prunes every day to help along with taking a stool softener and occasionally some Miralax. Constipation is just miserable. I feel for you sister! Hang in there. I'm praying your blood tests give good results with your treatments.

    Hi Ladies, it's been a busy day, but also a relaxing one. Dh and I are getting ready to take our pups for a walk. This is the first day we have had without rain in a long time. It is so good to get outside!

    Loving you all and lifting you up in prayer.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2013

    Well, it's been a pajamas mopey kind of day. Don't know why. But I know the cure---Jesus.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2013

    I love that - "I know the cure---Jesus" - going to adopt that one.

    Hi everyone.  I haven't logged on in a couple weeks although I do continue to lift you up in prayer during my devotions.  Not here for long but wanted to send blessings your way.

    Welcome delorisann.  Thank you for that testimony.  We are children of an AWESOME God.

    "And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness..."  --- Romans 12:9

    Night friends.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Hi, Patoo, so good to see you ! I just finished reading the Book of Romans!! Very lively teaching on faith and life! I am comforted knowing that nothing "will be able to separate us from the love of God."

    I too love that Jesus is the Cure!! Thanks, Jeannie!!

    bestock, prayers coming your way that your tumor markers show a marked improvement. God Bless you!!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2013

    I could just cry. My arm feels like bees are stinging my armpit. I went to pool therapy today and could hardly use my arm. I also learned that we need to have three doors replaced on our house. They are French exterior doors and will cost a bundle, but if we don't replace them, we will risk rotting the subfloor and surrounding exterior. We just spent a small fortune getting the interior painted and the landscaping done which could have waited had we known about the doors. The house is only nine years old! Sorry for the rant, but I am pretty down right now. I know many of you have much bigger issues to deal with than I do, but I needed a place where I could just let out my concerns. The answer is definitely Jesus! Love you Ladies!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Oh, Rocket! Do you have LE in that arm? Have you tried lifting both your arms above your head and pump fisting 20 or more times. I do this quite often when I am feeling pain in my Left arm! I hope you feel better soon. Can ou also get another estimate on replacing your doors? I am lifting you up in prayer! Please rant away here, we are here to support you with prayer and encouragement. Blessings, Kathy

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2013

    Rocket, this is a good place to rant because we care for you.

     I will be praying, The problems you have should never be minimized, our pastor spoke regarding this. If it causes a brother or sister suffering then It is worth praying about and supporting that person.

    Hope the LE gets better as it must be very uncomfortable.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Dearest Rocket,

    Rant away my blessed friend!  I and all of our Sister Warriors can take all of your problems on and of course, give them to our Lord and Savior with extra prayers being requested for YOU.  

    A BIG "HELLO" to everyone else on this thread today too.  Stay cool out there folks with little pain and minimal to no SEs.  It is 102F today here in North Texas.  HOT!  Peace, Hugs, Prayers, Love and Blessings to ALL today and everyday in the future.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I know it's been awhile since I posted.  Last week I don't know what was going on but I couldn't sit to read or do anything without falling asleep and had no appetite all week.  I even went and poured 3 cups of coffee into a hug mug, sat down, drank it and fell asleep! I never drank coffee until I was in radiation and very tired.  One day my son suggested it might help and he made some and brought me a cup and it actually wasn't so bad.

    I am trying to catch up on everything. 

    Jeannie, Do you think you could ask for them to put a mediport in?  Even if they did it during the surgery for future use it would be helpful later.  I know it's generally used for chemo but they can give you all your IV's that way and draw blood that way too.  It's just a thought.  My nurse practioner told me that I can ask the surgeon to remove mine when I see him again but the nurse told me she would keep it if she were me.  I have been thinking about your upcoming surgery and praying for you.  I was wishing I could get started with mine now.  I think I will feel better.  I wouldn't have thought that but since it's hot I am just uncomfortable with the prothesis or whatever you call it.

    Rocket,  Is there any new news on the house?  How is your mom?  Has she settled in and getting use to her new place?

    Bestock,  I will be praying that you can continue on this medicine.  What is a 27 -29?  I should know I'm sure.  I am so thankful that the neuropathy is getting better!  You continue to inspire me.  I love hearing how you lean on our Lord!

    Patoo, Thanks for sharing Romans 12:9.  It's very encouraging!  Thanks also for your continued prayers.

    Kindergarten, Thanks for your faithfulness to pray and all the encouragement you continually offer all of us here.  I hope all of your family is well.

    Delores,  A big welcome and thank you for sharing your story with us.  I feel I can say we are all encouraged by it.  I know I was.  I was trying to do the math and thought ok she was 44 when she was first diagnosed.   Then I saw that was in 1990 and I thought that can't be right let me do this again.  It was right!  Time passes so quickly.  1990 was 23 years ago.....doesn't seem possible Smile.  I was diagnosed just after turning 46.  It's right at 2 years for me.  Oh how I would love to see grandchildren someday if God blesses my sons with children. I'll just have to wait and see.  You never know what plans God has for us.  All I know is they are not only good but best!

    I love all you ladies here and continually pray for you all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Hi, Fondak!! I hope your birthday was as special as you are!!! Thank you for all your wonderful, kind and thoughtful posts!! I truly believe coming here to this wonderful thread is the best medicine!! Our Lord has placed us here to be each other's prayer warriors and cheerleaders! We serve a Wonderful Father!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2013

    I have good news to report, and need help in interpreting what this means. My CA27/29(tumor marker in the blood) is now 26, I cannot believe it. (two mos ago it was in the 70's and had gone up to 135) I guess for me with Mets, it meant the cancer is not active(see dr in a couple of weeks)

    I am doing much better this week and the bowels are doing fine(I am not taking anti nausea--- that also causes constipation....)and am doing well this week, back on xeloda...

    Thanks for the prayers...

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited July 2013

    Great news about your Tumor markers, bestock!!! Coming down, means the treatment is working!!! Praise The Lord!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2013

    Praising God for your good report Bestock! That is so awesome! We serve a wondrous God!

    My arm paints caused mostly by damage to the nerves in my armpit when I had my lymph nodes removed. I also have LE, but it is controlled. It's worse in my chest than my arm. I cannot lift my right arm above my shoulder without considerable pain. My thumb and ring and pinkie finger on my right hand are pretty useless too. The thumb hurts all the time and the pinkie and ring finger are numb. I'm right handed, so it makes things very frustrating. The back of my arm continually feels burned and my armpit feels like there is something stinging it. The pain never goes away, but does vary in degree depending on external factors like the weather or if I try to use that hand or arm to lift something or to perform some repetetive motion like scrubbing or typing on a keyboard. My DH set up my IPad so that I can dictate text. I have to correct errors however as it doesn't always pick up my intended phrase.

    As for the house in eastern NC that we are rentingout, we spoke with our realtor and he recommended that we wait until March to get it ready to go on the market. Hopefully the renters will take care of the place until then. As for the house we live in, all the doors need to be replaced. It will cost upwards of $5000 at least. God will provide. He always has.

    My mom is doing very well in Maine. She's happy there. Thanks for asking Fondak. God certainly answered our prayers for her.

    I so appreciate your prayers for me. You ladies are awesome. I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Bestock, That's great news!!!!!  I am so thankful!!!!  Wow!  That is just wonderful!!!!

    Kindergarten, Thanks so much!  My birthday was rather crazy but very good.  I spent most of the day in traffic court.  They had given my son a speeding ticket on his way to work the day after Thanksgiving.  The ticket was in my name with my license number, date of birth and everything.  This was my 4th court date.  One they asked that I enter a plea and then told me to come back.  The other 2 they canceled.  I had even changed my appointment with my surgeon on one of those dates which made my 6 month appointment in 7 months.

    It was really revealing to me.  It was pouring rain and I make a run for the door and the officer can't come in.  I looked confused I'm sure and he open toe shoes.  I asked if I could take them off and he you have to be fully clothed.  I told him I didn't live here and asked if I could run to the store.  As I was leaving, a lady at the door said the probation officer has on flip flops and I'm standing here waiting on her to come out.  This only added to my frustration. The lady behind me was also having to go get more shoes and I told her....this is my 4th court date for 1 ticket and it was her 2nd.

    I got in the car and thought...Lord that was an attitude of grumbling...I really want to be sorry about that but I finding myself frustrated. So, I ran to Target and picked up a pair of shoes which I thought were grey with little flowers.  I got to the court house and notice what I thought were flowers were skulls!!!  I got back and a lady in front of me had flip flops on!  It took them forever to start and then asked if anyone's name wasn't called.  I raised my hand and they called me up and told me the officer had an emergency and I would have to come back in Oct on it was on my son's birthday.   I said...can't I get this worked out today.  This is my 4th date and my second time here.  The last time they called me as I was about to leave to say the officer was sick, and another time I had to change an important doctors appointment.  He said well, let me just ask you were you going 60 in a 45.  I said no.  He said what were you doing.  I told him I wasn't driving.  He asked who was....I said my son.  So you were in the car with him?.....No, just him on his way to work.  He talked to a lady there and said she's saying she wasn't driving and she began whispering and then he went to the judge and said it's her 4th time here and so on.  The judge said dismiss it!

    It did serve to remind me how thankless I can be.  I should have been thankful I was physically able to go, thankful the ticket could have been paid if I had to, thankful I have never had to be concerned with more than a speeding ticket with my son, thankful he is physically able to drive and on and on and on.  Much more to be thankful for than to grumble about yet I began to grumble.   So, that was my birthday and with a proper focus it was wonderful!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Hey Rocket,

    I started my post earlier and was sidetracked so after I sent it I saw yours.   I am so glad to hear your mom is happy there.  I know it's a big relief and comfort to you. 

    I am sorry your arm isn't doing better.  I can't remember, do you go to physical therapy for that?  My oncologist sent me to a bone specialist who said that I had a torn rotator cup of would think I would know that!  Either him or my oncologist said that it is common after radiation.  My oncologist thought that was it by my limited range of motion.  Hers was torn before and she said it was exactly like how I was.  She sent me to her doctor.  He had helped her avoid surgery with exercises and that's what he told me to do and gave me 3 specific ones to do each day.

    How are you feet doing?

    Hopefully, you will have really good tenants until your house sells. Do you know why your realtor suggested March?  I am curious because I'm trying to decide when we should put ours on the market.  I know people like to be settled in before August if their kids are changing schools. 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013

    Rocket....I wasn't ready to hit submit.  I wanted you to know I'm praying for you and hope you can find something that helps with your pain.

    Love you!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited July 2013

    Love you too Fondak. I'm sorry your birthday was so frustrating. My Dh reminds me all the time to focus on the positive things. Yesterday when I was in my LE pool class, the instructor was having us take deep breaths while lifting our arms to help us relax. My arm was in terrible pain and I couldn't raise it like the other one. She said, "As you breathe, think of all the things for which you are grateful." All of a sudden, out of nowhere, big tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks. "My worries and concerns filled my thoughts, and then I thought of Jesus and how He promises never to leave or forsake me. I was so overcome with emotion. Fortunately no one saw my tears. I was behind the other participants of the class.

    Please pray for my daughter. She is in the emergency room with severe bladder pain. She has a lot of health issues. She is only 29 years old and is disabled. She lives 3 1/2 hours from us. She is a strong believer. My heart just breaks when my kids suffer. I'm sure you Moms understand.