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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    SaltyJack: You are always thinking of others and keeping us up to date on what is coming up. I am with you on the whining. It is so easy to fall into that trap. Satan is always trying to make us feel sorry for ourselves and get us to find blame with God for our situations. In truth we don't even deserve to called His children. But thanks be for that great sacrifice of His Son, so that we are able to go boldly before the throne and ask for His grace and mercy and perhaps healing if it be His will.

    Thank you everyone for prayers for me. I am part of our fund raiser for Susan G. Komen at work and each year our school guidance counselor and a few others along with myself, donate raffle items to our staff that have made a donation. How so fitting that my surgery happened to be scheduled for this day. I did not know what day we would have it this year before I scheduled my surgery. Everyone will be wearing pink and so many have said they will be praying for me. But I truly covet prayers from true believers. I know their prayers reach heaven.

    A gal in my building that was diagnosed with DCIS last year and had a mastectomy this summer came in and gave me a lovely bag of goodies today. A couple magazines, scar tissue cream, lotion, healthy snacks, etc. It was just such a lovely thought. She has been very helpful answering some of my questions. Today my BC nurse called and asked me to call back. Yesterday they could not find my EKG that I had done about three weeks ago. She left a message for me to call back and I was not home in time before they closed. I hope there are no issues. I keep saying your Mantra.

    Well it is near midnight and I have to get up at 5:30 for another day at work. I love my job and I thank God that I am able to be fully employed and getting paid to do something I truly love. May all of you have a better and brighter day tomorrow.

    Because He Lives,


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Saltyjack, I appreciate how well you keep up with everyone! I can hardly keep up with what day it is so even if I can remember someone has treatment on Mon or Friday I may be thinking it's Fri on Thrusday!

    As for being thankful for cancer, I was thinking about something I heard from a passage in Mark yesterday. I am going through Mark and listening to Jesse Johnson. The sermon was called I See Trees Walking. The passage was Mark 8:22-26. This recorded Jesus' only 2-stage miracle. A man was blind. Of course there was a purpose in it being in 2 stages and I never thought about it before.

    After spitting on his eyes and laying His hands on him, He asked, "Do you see anything?" The man looked up and said, "I see men, for I see them like trees walking around." Then He laid His hands on his eyes: and he looked intently and was restored, and began to see everything clearly.

    Jesse Johnson was explaining the passage. He has been going through Mark and just before this Jesus had fed about 4,000 from 7 loaves and a few small fish. This was after feeding the 5,000 men from the 5 loaves and 2 fish. Now they are in a boat and had forgotten to take bread and began to discuss the fact they had no bread. Jesus said, "Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart? Having eyes , do you not see? And having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember when I broke the 5 loaves for 5000, how many baskets full of broken pieces you picked up?" They said to Him, "12." "When I broke the 7 for 4000, how many large baskets full of broken pieces did you pick up?" And they said to Him,"7".

    And He was saying to them, "Do you not yet understand?"

    Then they come to this guy. And Jesse Johnson was explaining how this was a metaphor for the disciples own spiritual understanding. They believed He was the Messiah but had yet to see it to it's fullest. They thought He would over take Rome at this point, not suffer and die on a cross. As with this blind man, they did not yet have 20/20 vision.

    It's how I can be thankful for cancer. I have glimpses come along the way about how cancer is a good thing but on the difficult days or days where you are wondering if the cough you can't get rid of is a recurrence, it doesn't feel like a good thing. That's when I can say I don't have that 20/20 vision yet BUT I know it's coming one day so I can rejoice in that! What looks like walking trees to me today will one day be seen for the wonderful work God was /is doing (in my life and possibly others) at that time.

    I would encourage anyone who will to listen at http://immanuelbiblenet/resource/sermons/message/i-see-trees-walking

    It's only about 30 to 35 min. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to start at the beginning of Mark and go through it on this website after listening to this.

    Joni mentioned passages from Mark today. I knew she also had breast cancer but didn't realize hers was stage 3. I loved hearing her. I hope it will be available online. I'll share it if it is.

    I will be praying for you all and Saltyjack praying for some of those glimpses I mentioned to encourage you along the way. It can be hard at times I know. I do know.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Gardengal, Your post went in while I was typing mine which means I started 35 minutes before you! It is wonderful to be employed with something you enjoy! If gardengal is any indication, I would guess you like working outdoors as well. I hope to have a small garden next spring. I love being outside working!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2013

    I have not been on the site for some time, but I am doing well with Falsodex. I do read and stay in touch with you, , my Sisters.and happy to see all of you new sisters.

    I get shots and blood work next week. My ca 27-29 has been low lately.

    Praise the Lord, please pray it stays that way.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    keepthefaith and gardengal77-Char - I'm praying for you as you both are having surgery tomorrow. Praying all goes well, and that any discomfort will mild and short. I had my first surgery 7/25/13. I had never had surgery, had all my children natural without IV's...basically surgery was a new territory for me. Thankfully, I had a wonderful doctor, but still there were a few bumps along the way but so minor compared to going through chemo. Right after surgery I had a lot of nausea due to the anesthesia and pain meds and the zofran didn't seem to help. But I never was severe pain because of the pain medication. The nausea was gone after 24 hrs. I took percocet at home (was discharged on the 2nd day) and gradually was weaned off. Ibuprofen worked best after 1 week since by then the discomfort was due to inflammation. I can share if you are interested. My surgery was double mastectomy so your situation may be different.

    bestock - glad to meet you. Praise God you are doing well on your meds. I'm praying your blood work looks good next week.

    fondak - thanks for sharing the sermon. I would have LOVED to be at that strange fire conference. I'm hoping all the sessions will be online since I've only listened to one during live streaming. I'm so sorry I missed Joni EaricksonTada. I have seen her videos about going through breast cancer and her chronic pain, they have been very encouraging.

    lovewins - I hope and pray you are still doing well.

    sewstrong, salty jack, Kate - I'm praying that you all are doing well with your chemo.

    CHEMO - 3rd round is tomorrow for me. I'm already having heartburn from the steroid and I need to drinks LOTS of water today, tonight and on the way to chemo since I don't have a port. Being hydrated really has helped the nurses get a vein on the first try. I'm not looking forward to the chemo, but with only 2 rounds left and since it decreases the chances of the cancer coming back, I'm going ahead with it. I'm ultimately resting in God's sovereignty knowing chemo may be what He uses to heal me, but He might have another plan. Regardless of His plan - it's always perfect, and for those of us who know Him, His plan is always for our good (Romans 8:28). We can rest in His promises which He so lovingly, graciously provides for us through His Word.

    "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

    blessing to you all, Deborah

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    sewstrong...I pray you are doing ok. I haven't seen you post and I know you were close to Julie. I am on day 4 of chemo and I might of missed you but you have been on my mind. Hugs to you and everyone here. I am sorry I don't have the mental or physical strength to post much more. I am having some issues with my bowel and it is so painful. Prayers would be appreciated. Love to you all....M

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    lovewins - love, hugs and prayer for you....oh, how I dislike the gastrointestinal problems. Don't hesitate to ask your MO for help.

  • flowergirl1
    flowergirl1 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2013

    I hope you feel better soon lovewins.....hugs....

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Fondak, thanks for sharing what you learned. I found it very interesting. It amazes me how you can read something so many times and just that one special time, God gives you the wisdom to see its true meaning and how it was meant for you at that specific moment. I love the little surprises I get from my Bible.

    I do love gardening. I am also a certified master gardener. It just means I took classes so that I could help others with their gardening needs. I have been trying to write a book about it for a while now. I am not sure of the title but it is about all of God's lessons that I learned while walking and working in my garden. Life for man began in a garden. Weeds snarl our garden just like sin. They creep in slowly and before you know it they are choking the life out of it and us. I think many of my life lessons have come from the garden. I have been gardening since a young girl when my grandfather and father shared their love for it. There is something about watching things come to life and flourish. No wonder Jesus told so many stories and parables using plants. It was something everyone could wrap their brain around back then and today.

    Deborah: Thanks for you prayers. I will keep you in prayer for round three of chemo.

    Keepthefaith: I know that God will be with you tomorrow as you go into surgery. I will have you in my prayers as well.

    Lovewins: Prayer for you too girl for relief of your bowl issues and that your pain passes.

    SewStrong: Sharon, I hope you are okay I know you had your reunion and hope it went well. My prayers go out to Julie's family now that she is gone. I miss seeing you on here. You are in my prayers. Life is just one breath away from heaven's door to the next life. God never promised any of us a long life. We are each given life according to His purpose. My only wish is that God allow me to see my father pass from this life to the next and allows me to stay healthy for that time so I can help care for him.

    bestock: I am praying for you as well. May your numbers remain good.

    I am off for a shower and going to head to bed early. I have to be in at 7:30 for my surgery. I guess I am the first one for the day.

    In His Keeping,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hi all - first, Sharon/Sewstrong is doing fine - just tired because she's been substituting 4 days in a row this week. Pray for her tomorrow - one more day with high school kids!

    Thanks, Fondak - I never thought about the two-stage miracle before with the blind man but it's absolutely perfect to apply to our lives in understanding God's plan and purpose. I'm reading "Don't Waste the Pain" (about cancer, what else?) and one of the points the author makes is that someday (maybe not till the other side of Heaven's Gate), our "why?" will become "wow, God, that makes sense!" It's the old we're only seeing such a tiny part of the whole picture He's looking at....

    Lots of prayers for Deborahanne, Gardengal and KTF tomorrow. Gardengal - love your garden book ideas! Every Thursday I volunteer at a local co-op garden (workshare - I get to harvest whatever the members are getting that week for working for a few hours). I love it because there are several other volunteers so we all can work as an assembly line to plant or harvest and the farmer does all the hard work - fertilizing, weeding, tilling, etc. I moved to Texas from PA so I'm having to relearn the seasons - here summer is pretty much the slow season since it's so hot (the only crops that grow are okra and eggplant, neither of which are my favorites!) and the spring and fall are when we grow the "normal" summer crops. It's always so great to see God's magic at work!

    Lovewins - hope you're feeling much better tomorrow. One more chemo?

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013

    Ladies, you all so amaze me.  It's nearly midnight here and I have company for the weekend.  So, I am advancing my morning prayers to tonight.  God is leading the charge for all of you having procedures/treatments tomorrow.  I pray for Divine peace through it all and you will feel all of our prayers lifting you up.

    Bestock - I've missed you!  Wonderful, wonderful news that the Faslodex is doing it's thing.  Wish I were still on it!

    Blessings my dear sisters.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    GardenGal, I didn't mean to worry everyone by not posting. Naan's death hit me hard because we had shared information in private messages and she had triple negative breast cancer as I have. She had had a relapse and I wanted to follow her progress, thinking possibly she could beat this rare form of BC. Her tumor was larger than mine in the beginning, but I've read so much about TNBC patients who don't live long after a recurrence. I know many do survive, as well. The receptionist at my MO is an 8 year survivor so that gives me hope. Also, what gives me hope is the prayer chain that is this thread. God's faithful followers. I am fighting the devil over naan's passing because he wants to make me believe that I will have a recurrence just as she did. I know the Spirit that is in me is greater than that which is in the world. I just have to keep reminding myself of it. Thanks for being concerned. That shows that you are a caring person.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Deborahanne- I hope and pray all is going well with you today. I will keep you in my prayers on Monday as I know it usually takes a few days for the pain to kick in. I have my 4th and last chemo on Monday so you will be on my mind.

    Lovewins....Yuck. I will pray that you are doing better today!

    Sharon- Good to see you on here. I know the passing of Julie is a hard thing to hear. I will pray that God keeps you strong and that you can hear past Satan's lies and trust in God that he has an unique plan for you and that he holds you in his hands.

    I am still new to here and don't know all what everyone is up with...someone has surgery today. But when I see you ask for prayer I pray for you as I read your request. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Surgery went well. I was my surgeon's first for the day. It seemed like all went well with no hitches. The last thing I remember before going under was my prayer to God for all of you and for keep the faith' s surgery. Then going through one more of SaltyJack' s mantra and I was gone.

    I am doing well. So far tolerating discomfort with only Tylenol and ice. God spoke to me this morning as I walked out my door to get in the car. A kiss. I tried growing a new container plant this year. It is called a pineapple plant. It gets quite large and then gets these tiny red flowers at the end that are quite obscure compared to the plant. All summer I would tend the plant and when September rolled in I was quite disappointed by the fact that it had never bloomed. While the plant was very impressive, I had hoped it would attract gunners to porch like my black and blue salvia does. As I was rushing by something pulled me back to the plant. I would like to think it was God. There all over the tips of the plants were tiny red flowers. I touched one and thought "so you finally bloomed". And then I heard an inaudible voice say ..."See, all things in My time". I believe God wanted me to remember that while I often want answers and results immediately, God has His perfect time and He did not forget...but He knows when the time is right. And I think He deliberately kept that plant from blooming till mow so He could show be this t this very specific moment. A kiss from heaven.

    Sharon...even though we have never met, l love you as my sister in faith. I care about you and I want you to always remember that you will be here as long as God wants you, me or anyone of to be. He has a plan for you and He is going to see you through it. He is greater then your cancer. If he can make the blind to see and raise Lazarus from the grave, he can cure your cancer. I am praying for the war that Satan is doing with you and praying that you stand against his spiritual attack. You are a child of God and He will not desert you. 

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Gardengal...thanks for sharing the plant story! Great reminder that God's timing is not always our timing! Of course I would pick God's timing over my own any day!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thank you for your prayers. I pray you all are doing well. I am glad yout surgery went well gardengirl. Praise God.

    I have been feeling a bit sad and depressed...I pray I snap out of it soon and quit being overly sensitive.

    This 3rd treatment is taking me longer to bounce back.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    GardenGal, thank you so much for caring and for reminding me of what I profess to believe. I do know that all I have to say is satan, flee from me in the name of Jesus and he cannot stay around trying to tempt me. I notice that when that happens now and negative thoughts seep into my brain, I immediately hear the quiet still voice calling me back. i know there is a day appointed to be born and a day appointed that we will die. I know that if I worry about something that I have given to God that I am not believing that God will do what I have asked. God brings me back gently with His Word that I have hidden in my heart and through all of you who believe in our risen Lord. I am more than grateful to all of you for your prayers, concern, love, and encouragement. What would we do without Jesus and what would I do without you. My two dearest friends for life have died and I do not have a close friend that I can run to, so I praise God for leading me to this thread. I am praying for all of you. I just don't know you well yet, but I will as I read more of your posts. Our faith will get us through.

    I love your story about the plant. I love to hear others encounters with God. They are special and help our faith to grow. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    love wins, I am noticing more chemo brain with this third chemo. I will be praying that you get out of your sadness and up into the light. Naans death hit me hard so I've been down, too. This thread is the place to be to help all of us keep the the face of God in focus and to know that He is always here with us.

    Mankatostste, I'm praying for you too. I'm so glad we all came to this thread. It is keeping me focused; although I keep sliding off of my path lately. The chemo brain is truly frightening since I'm old anyway and have been forgetful anyway. Satan tries to hit us at our spot of weakness, but since we know that, we can guard against it.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    My husband found each round of chemo more difficult and harder/longer to bonce back from. He really hated that it made his coffee taste like metal for years. He also said he missed his eyebrows more than his hair. He never realized how much stuff it kept out of his eyes. It's often the smallest things we notice and/or miss the most during these times. We think in terms in blessings as large things, but they more often than not come unexpectedly and are here for a few moments. Like last week. I was on my way to the library and turned the corner and there across the street was a huge rainbow. It was so cool. It was like a little gift from God. I loved it. It was gone when I came out of the library, but it was so unexpectedly beautiful. I loved it.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2013

    Hi my friends.  Sorry it's been a mad few weeks so I've been crazed.  They just 15 mins ago arrived with my son's furniture.  Picked up on 9/23 and took this long to get it.  I could have put it in a red wagon and walked it down NJ to FL in this time.  Extremely frustrating experience.  I feel, though, it is God's way of strengthening DS, teaching him patience and good things come to those who trust in Him.  My son does not, although I could feel through the phone and computer that he was more accepting of my prayers and words of encouragement about God's plan.  Please continue to pray for him.

    On top of that I ended up in ER Monday after being very sick all weekend.  Dx is cellulitis so had IV antibiotic and then continuing with oral antibiotic.  Right ankle and lower leg twice the size of the left but pain is much less; redness should start to go away soon.

    Earnest prayers and healing thoughts are with you who are going through treatment still.  I know it's difficult and you have every right to sometimes feel down and lost but remember our Lord is never far away.  There is no voicemail on his line; it is always open.

    "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." - Romans 5:5

    Blessings my friends

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    I have screwed up so much the last two weeks, you would swear that I had chemo brain. I headed to work when I should have hone dome where else. I forgot my work number of 22 years. I put the pizza on a tray instead of the oven rack and it was under cooked. The list could go on. I started thinking I was developing dementia. My mother died at 66 of early onset Alzheimer's. Satan always finds his way into the cracks of our mind... I need to hit him  with a good dose of Round up.

    Lovewins: Praying for you and the Lord will flood your soul with His Sunlight.

    SS: We are praying for you. And I know you know everything I shared and it was meant to encourage you and in no way meant to be a sermon. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of what I have known all along. God is our strength. Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the world.

    Mini: Love your rainbow story. God's promise to you. Though life may seem like it is flooding you with things. He will not let you perish in that flood. His bow was a kiss from heaven to remind you that He is here with you. What a special treat just for you.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    thank you gardengirl...just talked with my mom and she has to have a ultra sound after her mamo last Tuesday. She said she can't feel any lumps and she has gone thru this once before. I hope it is nothing. She has really been there for me during all this I pray she is ok. I pray the Lord will spare her the suffering of BC. I am sorry anyone has to go thru it or any kind of cancer.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Thank you for praying for me. My 3rd round was today. I'm not doing well this evening. Thankfully, additional medications given before chemotherapy kept me well for a while, so well that I enjoyed a delicious lunch out with my husband. Since then, I've gradually felt sick with nausea and other gastrointestinal discomfort. I'm guessing that part of our body doesn't have time to fully recover before the next treatment comes, so the assault is harder with each treatment. My husband reminded me that this is good because it's attacking the cancer. Thankfully, this discomfort is not long lasting, it's just something I'll have to endure. I covet your prayers. Please pray for comfort as I deal with the side effects which will be stronger over the next 4 days. May we all become stronger in our faith as a result of this temporary suffering. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

    Even though I'm not feeling well, I read through your posts. I'm encouraged by you all. And I'm thankful to God for how He is helping and sustaining us. I really would like to join in more of the conversations, but just don't have energy now. You are in prayers.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    Sewstrong, Gardengal and all others who are being attacked by horrible thoughts of the future getting into your heads, I want to tell you that I know what you are going through. While I was going through scans when it was suspected that my cancer was coming back I had terrible trouble with scary thoughts getting into my head. I asked my church to pray that I would be without fear, and I can confirm that their prayers have worked. Satan is so clever at planting what seems to be a reasonable, logical idea into your head, and you accept it before you have time to think it through. I initially thought of a thousand different deaths, forgetting that I could only have one. What happens to others does not need to happen to you, and I will pray that you are protected from these fearful thoughts.

    Deborahanne, my oncologist is no spring chicken but he has some very modern ideas about how to treat patients going through chemotherapy. I was told in 2010 that I was a very high risk patient, and he said he would throw the kitchen sink at me treatment wise, and warned there could be serious side effects. I was on chemotherapy from March until November and in all that time I only had nausea once. He told me to get ginger tablets from a health shop, and take them daily for the five days prior to my treatment day. I had never heard of ginger being good for nausea before, then a friend told me that here in Ireland they can always tell when a girl is pregnant and hasn't announced it because she is tucking into ginger biscuits to prevent morning sickness. It might be worth a try to keep the sickness at bay.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    patio: i love that: God's line doesn't have voicemail, it's always open. It definitely is. I didn't understand that as a child, but now, what that means to me is that if the kingdom of God dwells in the hearts of man and I am part of that "mankind", then God dwells in my heart and in the hearts of all believers. That's why I have an open, direct line to God through the Holy Spirit that dwells in my heart and so do you. The line is never busy. That is profoundly wonderful.

    GardenGal: I didn't take offense at anything you said. I loved it. I was just telling you a little about me. Don't stop writing. Your messages to everyone are beautiful. I pray for you and I like it that you pray for me.

    Fridaygal: thank you Sooooo much for that note to me. I don't let satan dwell long, but he definitely is cunning and sly. We have to put on the full armor of God DAILY to guard against the wiles of the devil. God is our protector, our ever present strength in times of need.

    Everyone:You may not know it, but all of you are filling in for my two best friends who died and left me with only friends that I can't seem to identify with as much. SaltyJack and I are becoming very close friends via private messaging. Isn't she wonderful? We are even planning to meet one day in Florida where we both go. She's inTexas and I'm in Northern Kentucky. We go to Venice and she goes somewhere around Orlando. We're going to set our GPS devices to some central location and have a great big hug. I want to know the rest of you that we'll, too. What a blessed day it would be if we ALL met somewhere one day. I know we will ultimately meet in Heaven, but I'm talking about the here and now.

    Deborahanne: I have had three chemo treatments so far and only became nauseous with the first. I stay away from ANY Source of fat for three days after chemo and while I don't feel well, at least in not nauseous. I hope that helps you avoid it next time. Ill be praying for you.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Good morning! When I went to the LGFB class on Monday, there was one other lady there who has ovarian cancer. As we were leaving, she asked if I'd found a support group - I replied that I hadn't but was doing fine with the folks from church and the breastcancer site. Yep, you ladies are my support group - and it's so wonderful to know we're all in this together, praying for each other, reminding us all of what we know about God, cancer, faith and Biblical principles. I think sometimes of how different this whole experience would be before the internet - when a weekly support group meeting would be such a lifeline.....but how lonely compared to what we can have with this group. Thank you, thank you, thank you - and thank you, God, for bringing us together.

    Deborahanne and Lovewins, I'll be praying for you. I'm on my 9th day from 3rd chemo and started feeling "normal" about 2 days ago. I had many more side effects this time than the first two - metal mouth and just kept feeling my stomach "there" - not really nauseous but different for about 4 days and very tired (2 hour naps every day) for the first 4 days. You can do it, though. Only one more after this, right? As I told Sewstrong, I'm sure looking forward to the last A/C and I hope I'm not being premature.....I still have 12 weekly T/H (and hopefully perjeta!) infusions to come. I know, I know - I just have to be faithful, take it one day at a time and know that lots of folks are praying for me! :)

    Patoo, so good to hear from you - and glad your son is finally getting settled. Your story about dragging his "stuff" to Florida in a red wagon reminds me of when my husband was hiking the Appalachian Trail. He mailed me a postcard from Harpers Ferry, WV then hiked up to central PA where we lived near Harrisburg - got there about a week later. He actually got home before the postcard arrived in the mail!

    Gardengal, the plant-with-red-flowers story is great. I have to smile at your recitation of chemo-brain-without-chemo....because from the little you tell us of your hectic schedule, I think you must be an excellent time manager and pretty good at keeping about 25 balls in the air at a time!

    Fridaygirl, I just love that we can be in touch with you across the miles! You're facing the same BC challenges we have but in a very different, challenging society with lots of "religious" baggage. You're such an inspiration!

    Just checked my list and see that Mankato has her last chemo on Monday - yay! Hopefully no SE or allergy problems this time.

    A blessed weekend to all!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    HI ladies,

    I am so glad everyone is making progress in their treatments! My surgery went well. Got in earlier than expected and out sooner also. I guess the SE's from the anesthesia were the worst part and they werent' too bad. I almost feel like myself now...BS only took two nodes, so I am taking that as a good sign! Will have my path report on Tues and appt with BS on Wednesday. I guess my port is more painful than anything else, but Tylenol seems to be working just fine for that. Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes! I think about you all every day and you are in my prayers~

    Blessings and Hugs~

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    keep the faith: I'm glad your surgery went well and you only had two nodes removed. That really is a good thing I'd say. Thanks for the prayers. I've become attached to this thread so I'm praying for all of you that I've met here so far. It's a great comfort to be able to talk this all out and to pray for one another. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers once again. Please pray for my family as my Stepdad has passed today. He suffered many health problems and I know he was ready to leave this life.  Thankfully, he passed peacefully and was with my Mom and his daughter when it was time. He was in the Air Force and married my Mom when I was 12. He raised 6 kids that were not his own and gave us everything we needed until we were grown. He was a blessing and will be missed.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    So sorry to hear of your loss KTF, I pray for your family anf thankful he passed peacefully.

    Praise God I am feeling much better today. Senekot really worked for me. Expensive but worth every penny, I think I will even be able to get out of the house today!