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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • flowergirl1
    flowergirl1 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2013

    Thank you GardenGal!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Welcome flowergirl~

    Gardengal, so nice to hear that you had a good week-end!

    I am hoping that you all have a stress-free and restful week-end and praying that everyones' SE's and pain are minimal.
    I have been thinking of you all as you are going through your treatments, blood draws, etc. I have another week before my surgery. I think am actually looking forward to it! I am a Realtor and decided that I am going to be evicting an unwanted tenant!
    Blessing and HUGS!
  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies! Hope everyone is blessed of the Holy Spirit today! I know the Lord gave me supernatural strength and stamina these past few days... I had a sewing project, rodeo queen sashes, and just totally forgot that I had to have them to my client by this morning. The original design just was. not. working. Tear them apart, and start over. They still came out cute, and I'm sure whoever wins will enjoy them. But it meant staying up til midnight last night, then up at 5 am so I could deliver them to her house in the country, and still get to work on time, then work all day, and radiation treatment. I'm home and in my favorite tee and yoga pants. Dinner was scallion pancakes and ranch to dip them in. I know, not the best nutrition, but it just tasted good, and was easy to make.

    Rads is going fine, I've been nuked four times now... no redness, no pain, nothing. I'm using the cream faithfully, so hopefully it will help.

    Hey, remember the youtube video I posted a few weeks back, "I Choose to Worship" by Prestonwood Choir? I have a solo with that song, I'm singing the second verse! I don't know the gal singing the first verse very well... the guy who is taking the bridge and ending has had an incredible journey these past few years - kidney transplant, then that failed, in a major accident, heart problems, jaundice, and to top it all off, his truck was stolen! He's a dad to three beautiful girls and has a lovely bride. Right now he looks really good, he's gained some weight back, and is no longer yellow... He certainly understands the choice to worship. If the whole church isn't up on their feet by the end of the song, call an undertaker cuz they're stone cold dead!!!I

    I really enjoy reading everyone's stories... I do need to keep up with it. I'm so bad with names! Please know that I pray for you all. The Lord knows each sister's needs, amen?

    No alarm clock tomorrow! I might work on making a necklace, pink crystals... I'm really into pink lately... hmm, wonder why? *grin*

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Hi everyone.

    Say I have been reading along and praying for people on here for a bit. I too am an August chemo group member. I know you have so many new members, but I hope you might let me pop in here every so often...I am a believer and I do need to have Christian prayer/support and not just use this site to get cancer advice. I have been afraid to post because I am on the younger side but I hope that it still is ok.

    I have had 3 chemo's and have a 4 and last one scheduled about a week and a half away. I could use prayer to be strong. I so want to quit and say 3 is something...but I have 3 teenage boys (and a husband) who need me so I need to keep at would love pray to stay on the course. It gets harder for me when I finally start to feel better because I just want to keep getting better and not do it all over AGAIN!

    Well enough for now...I just wanted to ask if you mind a 40 something joining this thread.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Hey Mankato! I used to live in Waseca, YEARS ago... my son is in Minny-Soda now, in a discipleship program. He's spent the week at the MN AG Youth convention, playing in the worship band.

    Welcome, no age limit here!

    Three boys! And it's football and marching band and all kinds of stuff going on right now! Please take plenty of time for yourself to rest. You'll find lots of comfort in our little group.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hi Mankato - I already told you in a PM that I think it's great if you join us here. I'm not sure where the original age came from but at this point, I think anybody who wants to pray and praise God through the BC journey is welcome here! We're getting a good little family and it's so fantastic to know that you all are thinking of and praying for me and each other every day.

    Cynthia, you go girl! So glad rads are going smoothly - and you have all the extra energy, too. I agree - sometimes when I'm laying awake, I can't remember somebody's name but I'll just ask God to bless the sister who..... God knows who needs Him right even if I can't remember a name.

    Lovewins, praying for your 3rd chemo on Monday. Mine today went very uneventfully....after they finally got started an hour late. We'd gotten there early for the bloodwork (it had to be repeated after the neutrogen shots) and there was very slow communication between the lab and infusion center. It was really hard to be patient because I didn't know if I'd be going ahead with chemo or just being told to come back next week. You can bet I was repeating my little mantra lots of times: I am God's His keeping....under His direction....and for His time. Biggest disappointment - my husband and I had planned to go to Red Lobster afterward (our favorite restaurant and it's just 1/2 mile from the hospital) for dinner. We were so late and knew the pups at home would be starving (and maybe doing other stuff that would need to be cleaned up), we just came home. We picked up tacos and a burrito - doesn't that sound like healthy, low-fat, non-greasy first-meal-after-chemo food? Hopefully I won't be really sorry about that....

    KTF - love your analogy about evicting your unwanted tenant - perfect - and good attitude. We'll be praying - surgery is on the 18th, right?

    Gardengal - so glad the camping trip went well. You're our inspiration!!

    Have a good night - blessings!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Hello everyone, I am in day 5 of chemo and haven't gotten off the couch the whole time other than do do necessary things. I don't think I have thrush, but my throat is very sore tonight. I'm using the soda/ salt rinse so I guess it would be worse otherwise.

    Mankatostate is a wonderful Christian woman with a family who loves The Lord. She will be a welcome addition to this this thread. Welcome to her.

    I have been praying for everyone. I hope you're all doing well tonight. I'm very sleepy so I had better take advantage of it and go to bed. God bless all of you in the way God knows you are in need. Sharon

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Hey funny Cynthia we lived in Fort Worth ourselves (it was Fort Worth but we had a Keller address) years ago too. My husband taught Criminal Justice at TCU. The chair of his dept was Thomas Kinkade's...(the artist) brother. (We actually moved to FW from Mankato and then back here to Minnesota...first another couple of small towns and now in New Ulm. When we lived in Mankato my kids went out to a Christian school in Janesville. Had a few families from Waseca go to school with them. Small world. How long ago were you living there? Where did you go to church...if you want to share...I have a friend who attended the e-free church out in Waseca....Is your son up in the cities?

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Hi Mankatostate,

    I too am 40 something! I got my diagnosis the day before open house where my son's were taking classes one day a week. I have twins and it was their senior year. We homeschooled. We made it and you will too! I remember thinking okay this is something I just have to go through. I can't go over it, above it, around or under it but I knew it was for my good and ultimately for God's glory.

    I really like this.....When Jesus encountered a man blind from birth, His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:2). Jesus replied, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." (verse 3) Jesus didn't respond that it was merely a birth defect that caused the man's blindness. Rather, it happened in the plan of God so that God might be glorified.

    This is from a book I'm reading called Trusting God Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges. It is a wonderful book. It's one of a few books that I will read many, many times. It is really very comforting and not from someone's own opinions but what scripture tells us to be true. It's a very easy read too. I would definitely recommend anyone reading it but certainly helpful for where we have found ourselves with cancer.

    I am sorry you are feeling so bad and I'm praying for you. For me, I would be going along and then have a day or two where I felt so overwhelmed but God was faithful to not only see me through but strengthen me along the way and showing me more of Him than I would have otherwise ever known this side of Heaven. I pray that you will look back and see that in your physical weakness His was making you strong. Several of the ladies here helped me along the way through prayer and encouragement and still do!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Sewstrong, I'm praying for you as well. What days do you go for chemo?

    If you are like me the further along I got into chemo the more taxing it was. I remember my plan was to go walking after leaving chemo each week. I think it lasted 3 weeks! The 4th, I parked the car to walk but that was as far as I got! Some people talk about exercising all the way through chemo and I wanted to be one of those but I just couldn't.

    The best thing I did was just resign to the fact that I needed rest on the 2nd and 3rd day after treatment. I did however work on making these felt flowers and I got a knitting loom....I can't knit otherwise. Do you have any sewing projects you can work on and just have them in you lap as you doze off for a spell? I didn't always know when I was going to fall asleep so I would often wake up and pick back up where I left off and then doze off again.

    Hope you rest well tonight.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Saltyjack: Thankful to hear you were able to get your treatment today. I remember with my first round of chemo I had to get the shots the following day. They must have really helped me because I was able to attend church during the flu season without missing a Sunday and not getting sick. My numbers stayed well also with the exception of my liver enzymes being really high one week. They told me if I hadn't told them that I had a really good week I couldn't have received the treatment. The next day I called my radiation oncologist (I had met with him earlier to discuss treatment after chemo). He was really big on natural supplements with conventional treatments. He told me to take milk thistle and the next week my enzyme levels were really good. I think they do that sometimes anyway from what I hear.

    Praying your numbers remain good throughout your treatment plan!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Well ladies, I have to get to bed. I wish I had more time to post to each of you but I will be praying for you all. Praying that God will make us instruments that He uses to build His kingdom and that each of you would find comfort and peace trusting in Him knowing He is worthy to be praised. Also, praying for the families represented here as cancer doesn't just impact it's carrier.

    Love you all!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2013

    I am recovering from my 2 nd hip nailing, supposed to help prevent breaks. Anyone else have this done? Soon I will have my 5 the round of radiation, this one to my new titanium areas. Will be back to full time work next month, on my feet for 8 hour shifts. Praying my phys. Therapy goes well. God has brought me through so much!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Good morning! Thanks, fondak for all the words of encouragement - great to have your perspective to help us along. Your reminder about the blind man in John 9 is similar to the book a friend gave me when I was first diagnosed, "The Red Sea Rules." I've loaned it to several people so don't remember the author but it's great. He recounts the time when the Israelites, camped between Pharoah's army and the Red Sea, learned that the whole situation was to show God's glory. That's what I'm aiming for through this journey - sure beats whining "why me?!" The Bridges book you referenced sounds like one I'm reading (that another friend gave me - God has given me so many "kisses" in the past weeks!) - "Don't Waste the Pain" by a brother and sister (David Lyons and Linda Lyons Richardson) who learned how close suffering through the cancer journey can bring you to wonderful peace with God.

    ADJ, I've never heard of hip nailing - is it supposed to help provide extra support from breaks or stress? I'll sure be praying for you through rads and PT - then work full time. Your faith is inspiring - and there's certainly no reason to think God won't continue bringing you through whatever you face every day.

    I've been feeling great since chemo #3 yesterday - took a Zofran last night and this morning and slept pretty well - not too much doggie licking/chewing (I actually prayed that they'd be quiet before I went to bed - an answered prayer!). Thanks so much for the prayers - I know that's the only reason this journey has been so calm. God is so good!

    Mankato, definitely praying that your allergies will resolve and you'll have peace and strength about proceeding with chemo #4 on Oct. 21. Do you have radiation after that?

    KTF and Gardengal have surgery on Friday (10/18) and Lovewins has chemo #3 on Monday (10/14). I just have to keep repeating everything so I don't forget - definitely want to keep you all in prayer. :)

    SewStrong - get that party dress ready and curl up your wig for the big reunion tonight! We want a great report tomorrow - so we'll be praying for a great day and night for you!

    love you all - SaltyJack/Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013
    Wow, I am amazed at how much has gone on in a week's time! You ladies are so awesome. Our cancer is just a speed bump in the road of life and we have so much more to look forward to.

    Jo5, I am with you on the prayers. It took me about 30-minutes to read through all the posts from this last week. I pray right there and then as I read them for each and every one of you. Welcome to all of our new friends who have joined us this week.

    I wish I had the time to get on the site more often but life and work seem to keep getting in the way. This last week I had yet another flood and no heat. It was exactly a year ago this weekend that I had the same dilemma. My little tiny condo is still torn apart waiting for the last part to arrive. Good thing my out of town company changed their plans to come next weekend unstead of this weekend, ha ha. What a mess!

    I am so grateful for all of you and the faithful prayer warriors on this site. Watch out when women pray!

    Blessings to all.

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2013

    Hello, so far chemo #3 has gone pretty well physically. Mentally, I have been thrown for a loop. I put it on the blog this morning and now it all seems a little silly to rehash it here. I will tell you all that this wonderful community on here is the first place I thought of to come for prayers of support. You are all wonderful!

    Kate W.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    keepthefaith, that's clever evicting an unwelcome tenant. I like to visualize the chemo like PAC- man gobbling up the tumor.

    Oh my goodness Cynthia, that made me tired just reading all you had to do. I'm sure they were nice. I'm glad you remembered in time. Things like that set up panic in me. I hate forgetting but do it all of the time.

    Fonda's, I had my 3rd on Monday, and this is day 6 and I still feel like I have a fever. I just took Percocet because my class reunion is at 6 tonight and I have to get ready. I think you're right. The farther along we get the more dragged down I feel. The shot pain want as intense because my MO decreased the dose, but I just feel like staying on the couch. My husband is trying to get me moving. Good luck with that.

    Kate you are wonderful, too. Were all in this together.

    Salty, I am getting ready in spurts. I didn't get up until noon because I just didn't feel that great. I took a shower then sacked out on the couch for a little while. I got up, curled the wig, put it on and hit the couch again. I have my clothes ready and hubby ironed his so all I have to do is makeup and clothes. It's been a major undertaking. The Percocet at noon helped get rid of the aches. My body wants to stay home but my brain overruled that a long time ago. I'm still praying for everyone on the thread. Don't you just love Kathy?

    God bless your evenings. I certainly will come back to tell how it went. Sharon

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Ok gals, I always thought I was a tough cowgirl, but... after getting nuked 4 times, I am sick to my stomach. I'm hoping it's not related, and maybe just a bug. Woke up at 5 am feeling a little...ugh... was able to go back to sleep. This morning I had coffee and biscuits, and sat and watched a movie (love saturdays!) and am slowly going downhill! I feel really nauseous now. I have phenigren (sp) but... that makes me loopy! Rads related?

    Mankato, my son is in a program called Master's Commission. He's at Heartland MC in Cold Spring. Absolutely loves it!

    Ok, gonna go lie down for awhile. Ugh. And one of my dogs was sick last night too, but she got into some trash. Silly girl.

    *edit to add* - just spoke with onc clinic, they said nausea is not a side effect... guess I picked up a bug somewhere. Popped a phenergan, hopefully will feel better soon!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    I'm reading your posts and hope things subside for you girls soon! We are all going through a lot, but at least we're going through it together!
    Sewstrong, I hope you can forget about everything else for a while and enjoy your evening tonight. Post some pics!
    yeah, cynthia, sounds like you got a bug...hope you feel better soon.
    Will be thinking of you all and praying for you daily.
  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Yes, Cynthia - as I was reading your post I was getting nervous....I thought rads were the EASY (dare I say fun?) part of this journey! :) Praying that you'll feel much better soon - and that the nausea is a once-and-done. You may have said it before but how many rads? Stay strong (and you are a TOUGH cowgirl!)

    Sewstrong - praying you through this night. Hope you're the belle of the ball and you don't even think about BC....well, at least till you come home and take your wig off.

    Kate - just read your blog and you have a wonderful support system - thank you, God! I can sure see why it would be disconcerting and worrisome for the doc to change the game plan halfway through. When will you be able to find out what he's thinking?

    I'm day 2 of chemo 3 and took Zofran last night and 2 today - can just feel my stomach a little bit so figure that's a win. I went to help out at our resale shop in town for a few hours (every Saturday - it's kind of a social time because all my friends are there - you can believe you me, I use the hand sanitizer every chance I get!) then came home for a 1-1/2 hour nap. Only one more A/C after this! I see from my scheduled appointments that the MO has my bloodwork 2 days before the chemo - so just in case I need the neupogen shots again, she's ready. We've got a plan!

    Hope everybody can get to church tomorrow - so you'll get lots of blessings, hugs and fussing from good friends! love you - SaltyJack/Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2013

    SaltyJack, I had no sooner than read your encouraging response about there being no reason to not believe that God will continue to bring me through than I was hit with super bad pain. Yes, God did bring me through.

    The hip nailing puts titanium clear on down to above my knee to provide support, as my bones are lacy with mets. Daily aromasin, monthly zometa, occasional radiation and lots of prayer hold me together, for indeed my strenghth comes from God.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Wow, ADJ - 17 hours ago, you told us about your hip nailing; 11 hours ago, I said you and God would do just fine; later you read the post just when you needed it. What a coincidence, huh? Our God is so amazing - knows just what we need even before we do. I remember from an earlier post that you said you'll be going back to work next month and on your feet alot - lots of prayer opportunities for us!

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.

    I'm claiming that for us all! Like Beth Moore said in our Bible study, we're God's warrior princesses - daughters of the King!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2013

    Considering the lilies of the field, good night.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Saltyjack: I will have to find that book. I am always fascinated with the Israelites journey. I think what most fascinates me is how I relate to it. I read and think wow...they saw the pillar of fire at night and the Red Sea parted, and all that took place leading up to the Exodus and still doubted. Not to mention how they complained and was never satisfied. It always amazes me how I can look so objectively at them and not see the very same thing in my own life. Like with cancer, I was scared. What about my sons? Then it was just like the Israelites saying.....what you brought us out here to die? My first thoughts were God, you have given me 46 years and you love my sons more than I do. You are worthy of my praise! I did know He was worthy of my praise but wasn't thinking of it until I was reminded by my sons. I was just is their senior year going to go with me in chemo and my husband out of the country....will I see my grandkids....will I even have grandkids? Just like the Israelites.

    I also read a little booklet called Don't Waste Your Cancer by John Piper and it was really good. He actually had cancer and I didn't realize it before then.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Sewstrong, I hope you had a wonderful evening and are resting well tonight. I have been thinking of you!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Hi ADJ, What a wonderful testimony!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Cynthia, Hopefully it's just a bug. I never heard any of the ladies complain with sickness like that while I was going through radiation (I talked with a lot of other ladies as we waited and often after I came out I would sit and talk with some there). It's not to say it couldn't be but I'm hopeful it's a bug and you will feel better soon. Now I've heard a lot about discomfort and fatigue.........I just looked back up there at your post and saw you think it's something you picked up somewhere...Hahaha both of us finished our posts with more information than when we started. Well, at least you did...I just forgot all the info!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2013

    Goodnight everyone! I'm praying for each of you and hoping you are able to worship and fellowship with others tomorrow!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Fondak...I really enjoyed reading your post...never thought about it like that true.

    I am up early and packing to go back home for 3rd treatment tomorrow. I have felt really great the last couple of days...Praise God. Thank you all for your prayers.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you all as we travel this road towards wellness and healing, God is with us and will do what is best for us in Has way and His timing. God bless all of you..M

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Way early, getting ready for first service - my eyes flew open at 5:40 and I couldn't go back to sleep! At least my tummy feels better... perhaps it was just a lil' 24-hour bug. Still not fun.

    Covering all y'all in prayer - be blessed in the Lord today!