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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    KeeptheFaith, so glad surgery went well, but so sorry for your loss. Thinking of all you ladies and praying for peace, comfort and healing.

  • BeanBean
    BeanBean Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2013

    KTF - I have been waiting to see your post. I remembered you were going in for your surgery the day after me.

    Happy to hear that your surgery went well. Only 2 nodes - yay! Hoping your path report is good. I am three days post op. I think 2 or 3 nodes were taken. Should have my path report on Tues as well.

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy to say good bye to a loved one.



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Sewstrong, Lovewins, Thanks for your prayers. I am so glad you are feeling better! God is good!

    Mankato, I wish you well on your LAST treatment on Monday. So happy you are almost at the end.

    Deborahanne, I hope your SE's taper off and you are feeling better soon. You can do this!

    Patoo, I am praying  for your son and that your cellulitis is gone soon.

    Thanks SJ, GG, Fridaygirl for your continuos prayers and inspiration. I look forward to reading your posts every day. You are awesome and have such a wonderful way with words.

    Mini, love your rainbow story. It's those little things that keep us going every day!

    Blessings and Hugs to you all!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    KTF: I am sorry for the loss of your stepfather. My dad raised my mother's son from her first marriage just as if he were his own. I think it takes a big heart for someone to raise other children then their own. I am sure you will miss him.

    LateNightReader: Will keep you in prayer for a good path report as well. Looks like three of us should know Tuesday or Wednesday. I am trusting God, it is all in His plan and for His timing.

    I am going buggy and am heading outside to do some easy yard work. The leaves are piling up in my yard and the leaf collectors start Monday on their street cleaning rounds. They usually always come here first because they know we always have leaves ready for them to pick up at our curbside. I am off work one more day so I don't over do it or get smacked by some piece of athletic I start back Tuesday and start afterschool intramural program with my fourth and fifth graders. It will be a long day.

    Blessed Sunday to all in the US....and a good day to our friends abroad too.

    In Christ,


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    latenightreader, GG,

    thanks-I hope your paths are good as well! I have really not been too worried about mine and so far, my intuition has been right with everything that has happened! I hope we all have good news to share on Wednesday!

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    KTF-Sorry to read about your step-dad! I will pray for you and your family!

    Deborahann-Thinking and praying for you now...I think you are on TC also and I know those days 4-7 are the hard ones!

    Mini1- I love seeing's such a message from God to us believers! Every time you just can't help remembering God and his faithfulness and promises!

    Lovewins- it's been a few days, I hope you are feeling up again. It seems as I trudge along on this journey God is taking me on I am having more and more days where I need prayer to lift my spirit. But when I ask or ask others to prayer he is faithful and brings me out of the depths back to a some what normal life...but wow those days right after chemo are hard aren't they?!

    I had a surprise blessing from God the other day. I was sent to PT for some tingling in my fingers and toes. In talking with my PT lady she suggested during radiation, which I will start soon, to find a swimming budding to help get me out to the pool. I thought huh I have been going swimming on and off since March and haven't heard yet of anyone who uses the pool...nice thought but not gonna happen. Anyways the next day I walk into the pool and who do I see someone I know and who is more than happy to be my pool buddy. We know it was a God thing because I went a little earlier that day...and she lost track of time and went later than normal. Yesterday I also got an email from my old Pastors mom...who happens to live in this new town we moved to. She said she would love to help me drive back and forth to radiation any day I need help. She had heard my husband is out of town Tue-Thurs and I might be needing help for the 1/2 drive. She said Tue and Thurs. she goes swimming in the early morning so it would have to be later though. Not only did God answer my prayer about help with driving but I also found another potential swimming buddy!

    Tomorrow morning is my last Chemo...of course I have mixed feeling. Weird to think Lord willing I will be all done with chemo by this time tomorrow night...yet of course dreading the week and what's to come. Really praying hard to God this time that he might spare me the nasty SE effects...even give me none if he likes! My husband will be there with me tomorrow but then leaves town for the week so I have only my "boys" at home to help. I am thinking of keeping my 13 yr old home with me on Friday, usually the worst day of my chemo week.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Mankatostate: What wonderful answers to your prayers. God sure does work in wonderous ways for sure. I am glad that you will have not one but possibly two pool buddies to help you out. I have been trying to set up some swim time since early fall because I want to train for a triathlon this coming year. It's on my bucket list of things to accomplish. A half marathon and a triathlon now that I got a mini one under my belt. I will be praying that you have some peace of mind as you approach the next steps in your treatment.

    KTF: I am not losing sleep over waiting for my results either. I am feeling okay with whatever occurs. There is nothing I can do about it so worrying is not going to make a difference one way or the other. It's all in God's hands. My former principal once drew a circle on a board in front of our entire staff at the first monthly teachers' meeting of a new school year. She said that inside the circle are all the things that are going on that we have control over. Like planning lessons, teaching our students, doing our daily routine, etc. but outside here are things we don't have any control over like new regulations from the state or new laws and procedures. We can't change them and we have no control over them. She told us to just focus on those things that are in our sphere of influence and forget about the rest. I always think about that and how it is true with all things. There are just lots of things I have no control over like this whole crazy world going down hill fast. Our economy, the price of food, the climate, taxes, cancer. There is no point in me being concerned about it. I can pray about it but there is nothing I am going to be able to do to stop it so I may as well just stick to those things I can do something about and let God take care of the rest.

    I had a joyous day being outside in my yard and communing with God. I never feel so close to Him as do when I am in my garden. I also got to spend a little time with my dad today...he is nearing 90 in about another month. I try to reassure him that all is well with me no matter what happens. I am glad he knows that I am at a good place in my life. I would rather be here with God then to be here without Him.

    May all of you have lots of blessings this week.

    Because He Lives,


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Gardengal- I totally get what you are saying about worrying! I have always felt that way about trials God sends my way...I can't do anything about it but trust God and thankfully I know and believe in God so I can have peace to know he is in control and knows what is best for me. It's those little things that in my stubborn human nature I think I have control over that I get anxious about. I too wonder how people who don't know God can survive when their big trials come sad and depressing that must be for them!

    I dropped in with one more prayer request...I laugh because I just said I am not anxious when I can't control something but here I am concerned about this...only if God answered "no" I will have peace that he is in control...anyways last Monday I had to have a test done and they needed to inject a die in to my port...thankfully before they did they discovered I had the wrong kind of port for them to do this. However they had attached a different needle to the port and I have been brushed there all week. Tonight I started wondering if they might of damaged my port. I am asking prayer that all is well with the port and it will work one more time here for my last chemo tomorrow! Thanks so much if you do pray for me! I will let you know how it goes tomorrow!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited October 2013

    Hello All,

    Just checking in while at my professional conference in Houston. Nice city and beautiful weather here. I hope you are all safe and well and living as comfortably as possible. Even though I do not get on to this thread as much as I would like, I DO pray for you all each day and keep you in my thoughts. Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Luv and Blessings to All for a great week.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Mankatostate: Got you covered in my prayers about your port. Wow...good catch on the port. Praying you can get your last chemo in without any issues to your current port. Hope your bruising clears up and all is well. Let us know how things turn out.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thank you Manka I am feeling much better. Even went to play bingo with my best friend yesterday. The VFW gave us each a card because she was dx with uterine cancer about a month after my dx. I know I look like a cancer patient skin is so dry even thought I faithfully moisturize. My eyelashes are gone I just noticed this morning. I was never one to wear make-up so I am not going to do that, I bought some news clothes and head coverings...but I am not used to the pitiful looks yet. I was reading someone writing about feeling ashamed about having cancer on another thread and I think I understand what they mean now. I have made myself go places like my local grocery and bingo because I feel it is empowering because a part of me just wants to hide. This was easier before I felt like I looked really sick. Anyway not depressed just making observations. I feel like I am hitting another phase and the "honeymoon" period is over and I am facing reality now. A few days ago I found out they are doing a ultrasound on my Mom because they found something suspicious just like with me. My best friend at work was hit on her motorcycle in August and seriously hurt. I feel like I have had so many attacks on my life with the people I love... this post has ended up nothing like I thought it would but I am going to leave it. I am not depressed...just allowing myself to feel and deal with what is going on in my life at the moment. I pray for you all and read your post, I am sorry I am not the best at responding at times because I am overwhelmed by all this. You all are a wonderful bunch of faithfilled women and I respect and admire you all for it. God bless you all as we walk this journey.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Wow, lovewins - praying for you these days with all that going on in your head and life as well as chemo. I still have eyebrows and lashes but stopped using mascara because I don't want to stress those little hairs any more than I have to. I know - if they're going to fall out, they will....but I can hope, right?

    Mankato, hopefully last chemo today will go smoothly - I'll be praying for no SE this time. I have my last one next Friday and am thinking that no matter what happens, it's the last one so those SE aren't going to get me down this time!

    We have some friends visiting - just yesterday to tomorrow and actually I'm sending them out with my husband today to go to the Bluebell Ice Cream factory for the tour and ice cream. The tour (and sample at the end!) is great but I figure this way I can take it a little easy today (well, other than taking a dog to the vet, which is my excuse for not going on the trip). I'm wrestling a little with being annoyed at my husband - at this point, if I had to grade him on "cancer caretaker" it would be an F....well, maybe a D but not much more. He's the strong, silent type and asking me how I'm feeling (or just knowing without me saying) doesn't come naturally to him at all. I keep remembering Joni Eareckson-Tada's testimony last week (thanks again, fondak for the link). Joni talked about several times with her husband when she was tempted to snap out and instead prayed about it and gave a loving response. If Joni can do that after 46 years as a quadriplegic, I should be able to do it after a week or so of chemo SE, wouldn't you think?

    KTF and Gardengal - praying for peace while you wait and good results from your tests - but I know you know nothing will happen without God's permission and direction. Isn't that a great way to live - sure helps with the anxiety and worrying.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Bev- I can relate to the husband thing. You are not the only one with the strong silent type...maybe it's a cop thing. :-)

    Thanks for the prayers the port seems to be working OK. Just starting pre- chemo meds right now.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013


    Good luck with your chemo today! I don't have a hubby, but my ex has called me several times checking on me! I don't mean to generalize, but I think more women than men have the natural built in instinct to be caregivers and sometimes men just don't know what to do! I am so thankful for my good friend and kids that are awesome caregivers!


    I pray that your Mom is okay. I applaud you for getting out into the world in an attempt to feel better and empower yourself. That shows true strength! I too, think about the stares I will be getting, but hopefully I can find the courage to smile and they'll get over it! I think I worry  more about my kids reactions than anything, but, they will love me no matter what and that's what's important.


    You have come so far! I will be thinking about you and pray that your SE's are minimal for your last treatment. I think it's okay to get annoyed at DH...I have been kind of angry at this whole process so far; but, the past few days, I have been feeling better. Maybe you should get him the book for husbands...don't know the name of it.

    Blessings and HUGS to you all. I pray that you have a peaceful and pain free week.





  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thank you KTF...I so much appreciate your prayers for my Mom. I just want to get Tuesday over with, I pray she will not have to go through BC. When I heard the news I realized it is harder to see someone suffer than to suffer when you love them more than yourself. Being the person you are I am sure this will bring you and your kids closer. I know it has for my Mom and me.

    Manka...I pray you have no SE for your final treatment. I can't wait to say those words. I wonder if chemo will be like what some women say child birth is that we won't remember the awfulness of it?

    (((SaltyJack))) ...I pray your Husband surprises you in a way that gives you comfort in his way and the way you understand that knowone else can. I have a strong silent type in my life too.

    Peace, comfort and blessing to all in Jesus name.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2013

    there is an insanely good steakhouse here that offers a free meal this month every year for breast cancer people, hard for me to call us survivors, I just made my reservations. Thank you, Flame people!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2013


    Actually, we are all survivors from the time we receive the diagnosis!! I know, sometimes I find it strange to say that too, when we have to deal with the old BC daily...

    Enjoy your meal...

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for praying for me and for giving suggestions on how to deal with the side effects related to nasea. I never tried the ginger for nausea but I did take into consideration the low fat diet and that does help. The nausea is mostly gone now, today the side effects are more related to decreased appetite, with food and liquids less appealing, some neuropathy on the balls of my feet, fingers and even mouth (maybe) – it’s not too bad but I know it’s there. I just don’t feel like myself. I’m feeling a little achy and ibuprofen is not helping. Hopefully, each day I’ll feel better.

    Gardengal (Char) and Keepthefaith – I’m so glad you are both doing well after your surgeries and I’m praying for encouraging news related to your pathology reports.

    Mankatostate – I’ve been and will continue to pray for you as you are going through your last round of chemo. I’m praying it will be more tolerable and that you’ll return to your usual self soon.

    Lovewins – I’m so glad you are doing better after your chemo. I’m praying for your mom that she doesn’t have cancer. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 yrs ago. She had a lumpectomy and radiation and has been cancer free since then.

    I’m still reading through all the postings. Hopefully, I’ll be up to joining in more of the conversations when I feel better.

    For now I’m so grateful for moments when the chemotherapy side effects are minimal! "Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life." Psalm 54:4

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Lovewins: Will keep you and your mother in prayer. I know how you feel about your mother. I feel the same about my dad. I think for me it is the feeling of helplessness because there is nothing that I can do to make the situation better and like you said, it is someone you love more than yourself and you don't want to see them having to go through this. I will also pray for your friend as well. I don't think you sound depressed. I think you are looking at all the things that are going on around you and seeing everything for what it is. I also think its not enough to feel lousy when being treated for cancer but having to look bad on top of it doesn't help matters. And you are right about the pitiful looks. I lost all this weight over the past two years and most of the people that made comments about it first asked me if I was ill. I kept asking my husband if I looked that bad and he said that he thinks that when people lose as much weight as I did, it must be because I have cancer or some other illness.

    SaltyJack/Bev: My thought is that many men have a hard time dealing with their emotions. They are taught to be tough and suck it with it. And I think they have a hard time expressing their feelings. In truth, I think they are genuinely afraid. Afraid that they are going to lose someone they love. And again it goes back to what Lovewins said earlier; it is hard to deal with someone else that is ill because again it gives one the sense of how powerless we truly are and there is nothing we can do fix it.

    Deborahann: I am glad your nausea is going but doesn't it just stink that when something goes there always seems to be something else to take its place. On the ginger note; I start each day with a hot glass of water with lemon to help with digestion. Then I have a cup of green tea with ginger and local honey. I have not had a cold for the past two years. I have had the start of what I thought was one but pretty much kicked it after about 12 hours. I honestly think that this has been the reason and I am in the infection zone of all infections as kids cough, sneeze, wipe their nose on all the athletic equipment in my room. I also take Nox Vomica 30CC for nausea. It is a homeopathic. You should never take it unless you have 30 mins between eating. So no food for 30 before taking it and 30 min wait after taking it. I take it in pellet form and you suck on two or three under the tongue till dissolved. I repeat if it has not subsided in about 30 minutes. I have had lots of people with nausea or stomach issues agree that it does wonders. Just something to consider for future thought.

    Vicks: Your comment is so true and well said.

    Okay...cold weather is coming..yuck. I am longing to go running. May put the sports bra on tomorrow and do a 5K because my body is saying I need it. Been too much a couch potato then I am accustom too.

    Blessings to all of you.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    im sorry i havent been posting lately. After subbing, i was zonked. I still pray for all of you whether i have time to get on the thread or not. I think of you guys all day long. I am feeling pampered since my husband waits on me hand and foot. He wont let me do dishes even after he cooks. He hasnt always been that way si keep praying for those husbands. They love you but just dont understand what youre goung through.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    sorry I keep asking for prayer...I do read each post and pray for you as I go along. I seem to be having the same sort if allergic reaction or my gerd is acting up, but I am having mild cheast pain and difficulty drinking and swolling and slight breathing issues. My food and drink gets kind of stick like the wind pipe doesn't want to close at first. Any ways taking benadryl which seems to help but could use prayer for it. My husband just left town for the week so I am on my own...well thankfully I have the Lord and my teenage boys. My doc is aware of issue and of course said to call if gets's hard to tell if worse or if will just improve with time and benedryl. I go in for shot today so I will bring up again.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Mankatostate: I am praying for your situation. I am sure it is a bit more difficult with hubby gone, I am asking God to relieve your symptoms and give you improvement. Hopefully, they will address it when you go for your shot.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    I am binding my prayer to Gardengirl that your symptoms improve In Jesus name.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thank you Thank you for your prayers! Praise the Lord the DR told my Mom she could have it aspirated or they could watch it...but not to lose sleep over it. Thank You Jesus for Your kindness.

    GG...I just wanted to give you a special thanks...last night when I read you post I felt so understood. It felt so good to get my feelings out and it was so nice to be understood. Hugs to you...and everyone!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hi Ladies - well, my company is on the way to the airport so I'm back to my normal rut - missed you all the past couple of days when I only had time to read and post quickly. God has blessed me so much through you all - thanks again!

    Thanks to all for your encouragement and prayers. I agree, Mankato, it may very well be a cop thing. It's interesting - my one sister and I have grown so close over our adult years after not having much in common growing up since we're 5 years apart in age. My husband was a police officer and hers was an officer in the Coast Guard - that military/paramilitary training gets in the bones, I guess. Anyway - I sure hope your chemo/allergies/port/shot problems are or will soon be under control. We'll all be praying for you this week with your husband away and sons to keep you busy.

    Lovewins - so glad for a good report for your mom. Your parents have been such a support and encouragement to you through all this - God has blessed you with them. I know I treasure my parents more and more, the older I get!

    Gardengal, you continue to be such an inspiration to us all. Wish I had about 1/10 of your energy!

    Deborahanne - praying for you with the nausea. My third round of chemo had so many more side effects than the first two, I'm already thinking (no, not worrying, right???) about my last one next Friday. I know my body is getting beat up - hopefully those nasty cancer cells are getting the worst of it!

    Well, off to the food pantry for the day.

    Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Ps. 31:24.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Quick update before I crash. I just got back from my WB shot and was sent up to the ER. I got two breathing treatments and nigtrogin under the toung. I am feeling much improved but not completely better. I feel they are more on track with solving this cheast pain though. Have felt it to be connected to breathing/ allergies vs all these heart tests they keep giving me that keep coming back fine. Thanks for the prayers.

    Bev- sorry to see your company's nice to have a distraction...but it's probably also nice just to be able to relax and get healed again.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Manka...I hope you continue to feel better, glad you are getting some help.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    Mankostat - I had that same feeling and went to the Dr. She felt it was GERD which she surprised me, but took her word for it. I asked for a natural treatment and she recommended Aloe Vera; either liquid or capsules. I don't care for the liquid, so I took the caps. I am amazed at the difference. I take them a couple times a day. I found a brand with no other fillers and it only cost me about $8 a month. Oh, and it helped the first few weeks to sleep with a small wedge so I wasn't lying flat.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Mini - how are you doing after surgery? Hope all is well. I meet with the plastic surgeon next month and am interested to see what he has to say. The BS said I'll only be in the hospital a day or two after her surgery but maybe 7 days after reconstruction - so it sounds much more involved. You had a short stay, right? Of course, I'm still plodding through chemo so this is just all nice-to-know information for next year. :)

    Mankato - glad you're feeling better but sorry it's been so complicated - wow! Praying for you this week with the SE!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013


    I hope you feel better soon! That must have been frightening. So glad they were on top of it!

    Just got my call from my BS. Good news-all 3 nodes removed were negative AND they got clear margins!!!  1.5 cm . Do they stage based on your final path report or initial biopsy? Thank you for all of your good wishes and prayers and thank you Lord!!! I will be going to Canyon Lake (West of San Antonio) this week-end with my kids and grandkids. So looking forward to it.

    SJ, I will be thinking about you on Friday!

    SS, so glad your DH is taking such good care of you! You deserve it!

    Blessings and Hugs to all~