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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Mankato, I haven't been on for a while so I wasn't aware of your chest pain. About three days ago, I had a very big pain in the center of my chest. I took an aspirin and a second omepresole (Prilosec) and drank a glass of water. I have acid reflux disease and have to take omepresole daily or I have heartburn. I also choke easily and things get stuck in my throat often. Last year, I had a scope test and the dr stretched my esophagus. I didn't have the problem for almost a year. Now, it's starting the same thing you described. I was told I have a slight hiatal hernia. Maybe that can cause the chest pain. You are given something to have that test so you don't know about it and it doesn't hurt. I'll be praying for you to get this resolved soon. You have a lot on your plate with teen agers to care for and all of the health issues. Sorry I'm so wordy. I thought it might ring a bell for you.

    Salty, I forgot to tell you about that, didn't I.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    KTF>>>What wonderful news...Praise the Lord! So happy for you!!!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Oh, KTF - praise the Lord! What a wonderful way to start a good family weekend - enjoy!!! (My last chemo is next Friday - 11/1 - but I need the prayers and God can certainly hold them for a week! :)

    Just finished my homework for Beth Moore Bible study - just wrote one sentence from it up on my fridge:

    To live for the greatness of God is to live a great life. May He be glorified - that's my prayer for us all!

    I know Sewstrong has her last chemo on Monday, 10/18. I have a note that Algranna has surgery that same day, right?

    Anything else coming up for anybody? There probably is but my list isn't always that good.....

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    I need to quit being so lazy and go upstairs and find my notebook where I wrote notes on everyone. I keep forgetting when everyone is having treatment and I don't want to do that. So many have lifted me up in prayer and I want to reciprocate. I promise I'll get it tomorrow. It's 10 pm here and I'm not only lazy, I'm tired! I love all of you sisters in Christ and in this journey.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    My LAST chemo is Monday, Oct. 28 and the very next day is my first consultation with my RO. That was a surprise. SaltyJack's last of her T/C is Friday. We kind of compare notes since we have the same chemo at almost the same time. Mankato is a treatment ahead, I think. I'll KNOW for sure tomorrow when I write it down. I'm getting old and this chemo brain doesn't help at all. God bless every one of you.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    well, did anybody notice I said Sewstrong and Algranna are having chemo/surgery on Monday the 18.....of course, I meant the 28. I wish I could blame chemo brain but I probably would have made the same mistake 3 months ago before I was even diagnosed.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    What a joy to read about everyone. I fervently prayed for all of you today. I hope you could feel God's hand on all of you and that He gave you such peace that passes all understanding. I went back to work today. Not too bad with a few squeezes from my kiddos. I won't pass on hugs even if their heads smack into my breast. I always think of Jesus saying " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Each of us must trust in childlike faith that everything will be taken care of.

    KTF: I am so happy for your good news. I am not sure the answer but I am sure the other lades can best answer this as I have not been down this road.

    My path reports are in. They called at 3:45 today but I was in the middle of doing my outside bus duty and getting my after school intramural program started so I have to call tomorrow morning at 8 AM. I have been so grateful to all those that have prayed for me. I have been blessed by such compassion from those I know and do not know. God is so good.

    SJ/Bev: I am sure that you are breathing a sigh of relief to get back to routine whatever strange way that may be for now. I love company but sometimes I love them best when they leave. Nothing like the peace and quiet of your own home. It is interesting to hear you talk about your journey ahead. You amaze me, as you tackle each new obstacle along the way. You have such a positive attitude....and I am sure it makes the process a bit easier to bear.

    Manka: I am praying that you experience more relief in your breathing and that your chest pain subsides. It is ironic that the moment my dad goes to the doctor with a bad chest cold or breathing issues, they are carting off to his cardiologist. His cardiologist even says that the GP's always over react.

    Mini: Your info on aloe vera is so interesting. I am really a proponent on natural treatments. I am constantly enlightened by the information that each one brings to the table and shares with others.

    Lovewins: I am so happy to hear about your mother's news. I fully understand how much she means to you. I know how blessed I am to have my dad around and thank God for allowing me share a little bit more of this life with him. I lost my mother in her 60's to early onset Alzheimer's. While I looked young for my age, my mother looked like she was in her 80's at that point in her life. Nurses would think I was making up her age and would question repeatedly about. My father has always been my rock, and now that he is getting older I have watched the roles reverse. That is why I have always asked God to be merciful to me and allow me the chance to see him through his life here on earth.

    Continue to be strong...and of good courage. God is not finished with us yet. We are the clay and He is the potter. He will mold us into fine vessels. Thinking of others too...Flowergirl, Rocket, MileHigh, FridayGirl, SewStrong, Kate, Kindergarten and those I am sure that I missed in mentioning.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    So I'm wondering... who is doing this adventure (for lack of a better term right now) on their own?

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Cynthia: Do you mean without a support system or as a single woman?

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    KTF: that news must have made you jump for joy. Staging is based on lymph node and involvement and tumor size mostly. I am guessing you are stage 1b. Now that is just a guess. You will have chemo and if you had a lumpectomy, you'll have radiation. I just learned of my BC in June, so I'm no expert, but I read as much as I can find on the topic. Praise God. That is a blessing, too say the least.

    Gardengal: fervent prayer for all of us is so great to hear. Thank you. We all need it. With the world turning so evil before our eyes, fervent prayer is all we have. God is in control, as we all know, so we're in good hands. It's really an honor to be part of God's family during these times. He is revealing so much to us through our journeys. What we all must have felt, in the beginning, as i did about our diagnoses, was that it was the worst thing we could imagine, but The Lord has turned it around to be one of our greatest privileges. We are chosen as strong Christian women to further the kingdom of God through our obedience to Him. It is humbling.

    Mankato: I hope the pain is gone and I'm glad it wasn't your heart. I'm praying for you for when your husband is gone, that you will feel the prayers for you that everyone here says on your behalf. I can't imagine my husband being gone when I don't feel we'll after chemo, and especially if I had a scary event like you've had. God bless you and your sons. I have four grown sons, and the older I get, the more of a blessing they are to me. They will take care of their mama. When one of mine texts me " I live you, mama. " it fills my heart with overflowing joy. Yours will do that, too.

    SaltyJack: five days for me and nine for you and T/C will be over. (Well, after the first week that is). It's a milestone for both of us. God is good to get us this far with as few SEs as we've had. I think radiation will be worse for me if my skin doesn't hold up. I'm surprised actually. God can keep my skin from breaking down through the fervent prayers we both receive through the wonderful Christian sisters we found here. To God be the glory.

    Mini: I need to get to know you better. With my handy-dandy notebook, I will. I'm just really forgetful and get people mixed up with my chemo brain.

    Deborahanne: I've had issues with my mouth, especially after my third chemo two weeks ago. I was prescribed a magic mouthwash which works very well. You might be able to get it from your MO. The pharmacist has to mix it. I don't know why they call it mouthwash because you swallow a teaspoonful after swishing it around all over your mouth. A fungus grows in your mouth and throat and can get severe (thrush). I had it this time. Also, I was told to put 1teaspoon of soda and 1 of salt in 16 oz of water to rinse my mouth 5 or more times a day. That helps prevent it. I'll pray that you can get a handle on it before you get a bad case of it.

    Vicks: I'll have to get to know you. I'm fairly new so haven't read a lot of your posts.

    ADJ: I see that you have a lengthy experience with BC. I noticed that you've had radiation several times. I thoughtthat once you've had one round of rads that you can't have it again. Is it that you're not having radiation to the same area? I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

    Love wins: I am starting to feel the same way about starting to look sick. My eyelashes and brows aren't totally gone but they're very thin. Although you don't like makeup, you could go to the Look Good Feel Better makeup class in your area. They show you how to do eyebrows and how to get a little color in your cheeks with powder so you will " Look Good Feel Better". I went and you keep about $200 worth of makeup. Use some as Christmas gifts. I'll be praying that God shows you the beautiful image that's in your heart when you look in the mirror instead of what satan wants you to see to make you feel bad. You'll have to pray the same for me because my image is looking very shabby these days.

    I have to go give the dog a pill. I don't mean to leave out anyone, but that's as far as I had time to read. God bless all of you today for your individual needs. I'll be praying since I'm just cleaning and cooking today. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Thanks SS; my path report says 1a, but I had a Grade 3 tumor, so we'll see what the MO says next wk. I want to do whatever it takes to insure it is gone but don't want to have long term SE's if they can be avoided. I am going to push my MO for the onco test that she was debating on doing.

    Blessings to you all and thank you for your constant prayers and words of encouragement! They are so appreciated. I am so proud to have gotten to know you all through this forum. I pray that you all continue to thrive and heal every day!




  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Thanks are right, I have always thought our spirits are what makes us beautiful, I will try putting my focus there. Thanks for thinking and praying for me.

    Tomorrow I go see the nurses for a blood draw to see where my counts are. In the past the forgot to tell me to do this. I have an issue in the corner of my right eye where I scratched it or something and I have a dry patch. My cpap doesn't help either cuz it scrunches it up and the wrinkles just stay put. And losing my lashes is causing it to water. I asked the pharmacist today if he knew of a cream but he didn't want to comment. I bought some Burts Bees eye cream that is helping a bit. Hope I don't have pink eye. I am suppose to stay with my friend on Friday..the day after her surgery for uterine cancer .I don't even want to mention it to her. It doesn't hurt at all though. I tell ya...the smallest things can really get on your nerves. It also twitches like crazy.

    Today I am just resting up and thanking the Lord for sparing my Mom. Got 2 loads of laundry done and that seemed like a big feat.

    I pray you are all doing well and thank God for all of you.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for praying for me, and for your suggestions and encouraging words! I'm so blessed to be among you. Praise be to God I think my side effects are more tolerable this time! Even though food doesn't taste as good, I'm planning on enjoying fried chicken tonight! Before chemo I rarely ate fatty salty foods like this, but I'll allow myself to at this time and I'm having rice and spinach so it will not be too bad for me.

    I am so excited for those of you almost through chemo! I cannot wait until my last one is over!

    Mankato - I'm praying that you are doing a whole lot better and that things go smoother through this last round.

    Lovewins - some days I have a hard time adjusting to my hair lost and wearing a scarf. The american cancer society gave me four wigs to take home last week to try. I appreciated it but they just looked fake so I'm going to return them. Sometimes I feel pretty good in my scarves when I can add some height (I wear a cotton cap from under the scarf) and when the scarf matches my clothing. I'm trying to wear brighter clothing, which helps cheer me up and I think others are more cheerful as a result. I'm also wearing some pencil eyeliner just to help my eyes brighten a little. I normally don't wear a lot of makeup so in someways my face doesn't look too different.

    Gardengal - I'm continuing to pray for a good pathology report for you.

    Keepthefaith - If you have an estrogen positive cancer your oncologist should definitely do the oncotype testing – I can’t even imagine why she would not. I had the oncotype testing done and mine was in the lower intermediate range which meant it’s really not known whether chemo will help or not, but the oncotype testing provided so MUCH more helpful information that I’m very glad it was done. MO recommended the chemo because he thinks it really can help decrease my chances of the cancer coming back, BUT he left the choice up to me. I have opted to do the chemo and it hasn’t been pleasant but it’s certainly not the worst thing to go through. I have no regrets with this decision. Thankfully, my lymph nodes were clear and since I chose double mastectomy my chances of the cancer coming back are further reduced. I have a lobular cancer that is harder to find on mammograms and when it occurs in one breast it often occurs years later in the other breast, this is why I had the double mastectomy. SIDENOTE – When I was little, I went to camp in the Texas Hill Country. I think we went to Canyon Lake for sailing, swimming, and water skiing. Hope you have a great time there!

    Latenightreader – I’m praying you are doing well after your surgery.

    Saltyjack/Bev – I saw your posting about surgery and reconstruction. Are you having mastectomies? I did and I was given the option to start the reconstruction process with the first surgery. By God’s grace, circumstances only He could control, I ended up only having the mastectomies done and I am so glad it turned out that way. I could have reconstruction, but I’m seriously leaning towards NOT having it done. Perhaps we can talk more about this sometime. You’ll be in my prayers concerning this decision as well as with your upcoming chemo.

    Sewstrong/Sharon – thank you for all your suggestions. I’m using the baking soda/salt water rinse and MO said he’d order something stronger if I need it. So far I’m ok, but next week when my counts drop, I might need something stronger. I’ll be praying for you as you are getting ready for your last round.

    Mini1 – I hope and pray all is going well for you.

    blessings to you all! Deborah

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    KTF. We can all tell you ways to avoid some SEs. Drinking about 3/4 gallon of water each day starting a couple of days ahead if each chemo and for about a week afterwards helps you not feel as bad and helps flush the toxic chemo through so it won't harm your kidneys. Do not eat any fat the day of chemo and for about 3 days after so you won't be nauseated. Don't eat a big meal after chemo because you'll feel good then but three hours later, you'll be sorry. Eat very light on chemo days. Rinse your mouth with soda/salt water to help avoid thrush, get medication quickly if your mouth gets sore, put diaper wipes by your toilet and use them each time so the chemo won't burn delicate skin, eat a healthful diet so your bloods counts will be good each cycle and keep drinking to avoid dehydration. Chemo dries out everything. Your stool will be concrete, no kidding. I like Mirilax and take it before going to chemo and every day for about a week. It is great. No cramps or diarrhea. There are other things I probably didn't mention. Ask questions and others can tell you what they did. Oh yes, and pray continually.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2013

    SewStrong, our old beagle is sniffing around, looking for treats. Have received great peace from our pets, through the years. Tomorrow I have simulation for rads on my left femur, just a few weeks post pinning for stability. Yes, all my rads so far have been to different sites for pain control. RO tells me the new equipment they are installing will allow repeating treatment .

    My 1st ever biopsy came back positive. God is in control.


  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Gardengal - umm.. both I think. As a single woman, and no real "support" other than virtual.

    I have my dad, but he's halfway across the country. My son is halfway across the country in the other direction! I guess I have no right to complain. My treatment is almost nothing compared to everyone else's. It just gets a little lonely around here....

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013

    Great news KTF!  Love hearing answered prayer.  Mankato - you doing okay today?  Praying for Divine intervention and healing for you.

    Salty, my company left Monday night.  I wasn't sure I could handle company in my small place and/or with doing the chemo thing.  Now that it's past, I do believe it's just what God wanted for me.  Too easy to hibernate and be a hermit.  So glad for the distraction and the fact that someone actually wanted to come visit!

    Blessings to you all.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Good evening from PA. I hope all of you are doing well today.

    SS Sharon: I think you worded best what I had wished I could have said to Lovewins about her image in the mirror. Well said and so very true.

    Deborahanne: I can not help smile every time I look at your photo. There is such a radiance that comes off your photo that says I love life and I am a child of God. I will not be beaten.

    Cynthia: Would there be some support groups in your area. I see there are some in the Fort Worth area listed on the web. I know it is not the same as having some family around but it may be helpful. I am sure that you will always find support on this thread even though it is not nearby. I am going to put this in my prayers that you can meet someone or some folks that you can share with in a more personal way. I am sure this must be difficult.

    SaltyJack: Another inspiring sentence from Bible study. How very true.

    Okay...before I share my pathology results I want to say that I have been truly blessed to converse with so many amazing women on this thread and want to say that it has been an honor to share and pray with each of you as you go through this journey in your life.

    I spoke to my BS's head nurse this morning. As I left my driveway to go to work, I wondered what kind of day this would turn out to be. I told God that I loved Him and no matter what the outcome, I would get through it as long as I knew He would be there to strengthen me. It is so much more difficult making the call then waiting for the call. I truly had prepared myself for the worse. As I told SaltyJack, I through fault of my own allowed myself to fall into a false sense of security before my first biopsy because so many of my friends insisted that it would be nothing and all them had gone through similar experiences. So receiving the call telling me that I was at risk for cancer really took me back a bit. Then I got it together and said....okay deal with it. You have a great physician and He can take care of it. And if he chooses not too, then so be it. He has something else in mind. This time I have been preparing myself for the worst and praying for the best. The nurse told me that my biopsy showed no cancer and that my lesion was benign. I guess it was a lesion since I did not have a lump and they listed it as a partial mastectomy. Anyway...margins are clear. She said that my BS will meet with me Monday to discuss the next steps in my care. I will always be a high risk and I still have a significant chance of developing breast cancer in the next 5 to 15 years. The BS said that my ADH could be going on in other areas of my breast or even in the other breast. No one knows until it shows up. I know that I will be in for lots of frequent mammograms and vigilant exams for the rest of my life and only God knows if it will ever show up again. I have decided to trust God and let His will be done. If it comes back, I will deal with it then and not be concerned about tomorrow.

    So now I have a question to ask each of you and I honestly will not be offended by any of your answers. While I am not going through treatment, I feel a bit awkward asking this but I would like to stay on this thread. I have met some truly wonderful women of faith and I feel such a connection to each of you as you have openly shared your experiences with each other. I think some of you have truly bared your soul to one another about what you are going through. I am so honored to have been allowed to fellowship and pray with each of you and I have been so blessed by all of you in ways you will never know. I was trying to tell SaltyJack in my inadequate way that God has been teaching me so much these past few weeks. Patience which is truly not my virtue as I have always been a lets get on with this type of person. Waiting has never been easy for me and He has really made that even more evident. I also have been given a bit of burden and a softened heart for what others are dealing with. I have been a caretaker all my life but I think that at some point I have been amiss on the sensitivity of how I dealt with that. Maybe more of it as a duty and responsibility and not necessarily with the compassion that God might have wanted me to have. But listening to each of you share your experience, He gave me a realization of how I need to be more sensitive to the needs of others and not so concerned with my own needs. Truly the best blessing come when one is helping others and this time He did a reversal and made me see how people showered me with love, prayers and compassion. I even got to see my brother in a different light as he showed up for my surgery last Friday. I was truly taken back as he and I have not been as close as we use to be through our differences. When I thanked him he said, I want you to know that I love you because you are my sister and we are all we have. Well I want all of you to know that I love you and you are my sisters in Christ. And if you would be so kind, I would like to stay on here and be a prayer partner for all of you. I may not have cancer but I certainly can pray for all of you each day. And Cynthia I can especially pray for you and your special needs dealing with this alone. I will honor and respect your thoughts and no matter what will continue to keep you lifted in prayer.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Cynthia, I read your stats and see that your tumor was insitu. That's wonderful as tumors go. Mine was only .6 mm but it was invasive when found and triple negative grade 3 and 9 Nottingham, the most aggressive and a type that has no 5-year med to kep it at bay. Anyway. I feel fortunate that mine is small and I don't have to have as many treatments as a lot of the others. Although you feel like you're not going through much, you are. You had surgery and now radiation, which isn't a walk in the park. I'm thinking its going to be worse than chemo for me. I have had a relatively easy time so far. The love and compassion that you get here can't replace a face-to-face hug, but for me, it's been priceless since my two best friends died and most of my friends are far away. If you want, send a private message just to talk or to have a long chat. I'm interested in getting to know you. I'll be starting rsdiation in a couple of weeks and need someone whose been there. I don't know why I can't talk w/I getting so wordy. Sorry. In Christ, Sharon ps: I didn't think this one went through so I said the same thing in the private message.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    GG...Whooopieeee. I am so happy for you! Although my next thought was maybe you were leaving us...please stick away we love and need you!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013

    Gardengal, that is wonderful news!!!!  PTL!  You keep on this thread - encouraging words are always welcome!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Well, I want to be the first (unless somebody is typing faster than me) to say Char, you sure better stick around. We need your inspiration, prayers and support through this all. As long as you promise never to laugh at all our coconut heads (Sharon/Sewstrong's description but it sure is accurate) and be patient as we whine and complain (always remembering, of course, that "we can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know they are good for us - they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. Romans 5:3-4)), we want and need you here! I'm not sure if spar2 (who started this thread) is even still around (and if you are, thank you so much!) but I certainly think the "Christian" is the most important word in the title of the thread. I'm 55 and I know mankato is younger than me and y'all let us on here - we're a pretty inclusive bunch. Your attitude about your diagnosis is such a blessing - I'd hate to have missed it if you weren't here with us!

    Cynthia - I feel so sad for you that you don't have a support group. How about your church? I've found that between this thread and folks at church, I'm really well set - it would be more trouble than it's worth to get myself to a physical meeting for support. Y'all are here whenever I need you - what could beat that? If your church isn't loving on you (Texas term, I think - I'm trying to get used to it), is there a Bible study in your area where you could get together with other ladies? I go to a big church and we have a weekly Bible study that's open to all the women in the community - maybe check into something like that?

    Yes, Sue, I know what you mean about company. It was good to get out of my chemo rut and be forced to cook and bake, then sit outside by the fireplace and watch the sun go down.

    Anita, praying for you for peace and wisdom to decide how to proceed. What's the next step?

    Deborahanne and Lovewins - we'll just keep plodding through those chemo SE. We'll be done before we know it - and giving God the glory for walking right beside us. Deborahanne, I'm having a mastectomy on my left side (where I had a lump and another area and at least 2 lymph nodes involved). I'm really thinking reconstruction at this point so yep, we'll have to talk more about the whole thing!

    Okay, from our Esther Bible study today (Beth Moore):

    Trust reverses the detours of adversity into the highways of destiny.

    Remember -

    The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials. 2 Pet. 2:9.

    The Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him. Isaiah 30:18.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    all right, so Sue and Lovewins beat me to it, Gardengal. I got too wordy...

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2013

    I too have and am learning and praying through all of you. GG your posts and prayers have honestly helped me tremendously- you must stay. Clearly, we all need each other! I will post more now that I am on the upswing from chemo #3.

    Will you all continue to pray that I receive clarity on the number of treatments I need? I am still just so upset and torn on what to do. I just can't get past the fact that of only having 4 and not the original 6.

    Thank you ladies!

    In Christ,


  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2013

    Salty, my church is awesome. If ever I need help, I just have to make one call, and everything is done. Like, when I had the embolism and had to be admitted to the hospital - quite unexpectedly! - it was my church family that went to my place and took my dogs for me, made sure they went to "doggie camp" and brought my favorite blanket and my laptop. And they sent me flowers, and brought me chocolate! How wonderful is that! I'm so blessed to be in this family - I've been part of this church since the beginning 14 years ago.

    I don't know that I'd feel comfortable in a support group - again, because I really haven't had much to deal with. Everything has gone so well - I have an incredible medical team. Rads is no problem at all, very little in the way of SE's.

    Maybe it's the weather - cooler temps make me think it would be nice to have someone (other than my dachshunds!) to snuggle with...

    Speaking of cooler temps - ladies, a really yummy treat is some cocoa (the kind from scratch) with a big splash of Caramel International Delight creamer, the sugar free kind. Oh yummy!!!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2013


    Before you send the wigs back, Take them to your hairdresser and see what she/he might suggest can be done with them. My daughter is going through Chemo for Ovarian/Fallopian Tube/Endometrium cancer and lost her hair too. Her hair dresser was able to style the wigs so they look great. Melody just had her 3rd treatment (3 more to go) today.

    When her hair started to fall out she had Rosie shave her head.

    Good luck with the rest of your treatments go as well for you as they have for Melody.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    GG, so happy for your good news!! As others have said, we love to have you here and welcome your prayers and inspiration! You are such a blessing!

    Cynthia, I too live alone, although I have people that live close by. I hope you find the support you need to get you through. Isn't it nice that we have the internet, cell phones, computers, skype? I have already told my daughter that she may have to rattle my cage a few times, for fear of getting in the rut, while I am going through chemo. Of course this forum has been so helpful!

    I will be leaving today to go on my mini vacation to Canyon Lake. I hope you all have a wonderful week-end full of pleasant surprises, comfort and peace.

    Blessings and HUGS~


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    my mom sent me an email today that said the cyst was full of air! she is fine they didn't even have to send it out! Praise the Lord!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    oh my gosh, Cynthia. That chocolate sounds delicious. I make mine from scratch too since I'm one of the golden oldies on here but I usually melt marshmallows in mine and eat them with a spoon. Thanks for reminding me. It's cold here.

    Love wins: that's great news about your mom. I know you're like me and would rather have the cyst yourself than to see your mother suffer. I lost mine four years ago it changes your world with the loss.

    Keep the faith: it sounds like you're in for some fun. Have a great time at Canyon Lake. My weekend's plans are to get ready for my last chemo on Monday. When I take the steroids, I clean everything in sight. I might even be known to give a stray dog a bath!

    Deborahanne: the ACS has some human hair wigs. I have one that is so similar to my hair that people dontknow it's a wig. I wonder if you can call and ask that one be sent to you. I think the rep that I saw said they are going to try to have more real hair wigs. I'll pray that you find one that you like. When I got mine, it took a tonic weight from my shoulders.

    Kate: I agree. We all do need each other. This thread has been such a blessing to me. I'm just now getting to know each one better. I added your request to my prayer list. I found that I can write the list on my note pad in my I- phone. That makes it easier than flipping through the notebook I started. I'll be praying for clarity so you will make the right choice for your health.

    Garden gal: I haven't read your post about leaving, but coincidentally, I was scrolling up from the bottom and making comments as I went. I saw where two people were telling you not to leave. Goodness gracious sakes alive, I look forward to reading your very spirit-filled messages to everyone. I scrolled down to be sure I got a message to you before I scroll back up to find your post. I am going to pray that you do not leave.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    GARDENGAL: I don't know how I missed that post telling about your pathology report, but I did. I even saw a post by me directly under yours. You do not have to have cancer for God to use you because you have been a true blessing to me and to everyone else on this thread. I am newer to this thread than you, so I feel odd telling you to stay., but on the other hand, I take pride in being counted as one of your sisters in Christ. You have a way with words that make each of us feel the Love of God. I'm not that good, although I try to convey my compassion. You actually have more of a chance of recurrence than I have because I don't have the gene (assuming you do). Your diagnosis is just a gift from God to one (you) who is a faithful follower and a mighty warrior for The Lord. He wants you to stay right where you are. You could learn valuable information for future reference from those who have been there. God bless you and thank you for all you've taught me in the short time we've been acquainted.