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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Jackson was the same way this morning. He looked like a wet gopher when he came in. Barry dried him and he looked up as if to say, " Dry a little more under the kchin please."

    We don't write posts on this thread; we write books! I love it though but it takes a while to get through it all.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    I used Aquaphor as well at the start of rads. I received a lidocaine gel and a prescription for Silvadeen along the way. I also found relief from good old-fashioned aloe vera. It is my understanding that you don't "burn" with rads. You do, however, stop reproducing new skin, so the skin wears down several layers and causes the burning sensation. I was seriously raw in a few spots by the time I was done; especially after the boosts.

    I have very sensitive skin and was concerned how I would fair during and after the rads. As I said, I got pretty sore toward the end - thankfully it was summer and I could wear loose men's t-shirts - but my skin healed great, and did so pretty quickly after the treatments ended. Even with recon I haven't experienced any issues. My PS was impressed by my healing when I went in for the consult. I don't know what is typical, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. I drove myself to the hospital everyday. I had fatigue; especially towards the end, but all in all it was doable.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Hey, all - it was a good day in cancer land (which, of course, has very different definitions of good and bad than we ever would have expected pre-diagnosis). I went for my bloodwork and doctor visit today and am just walking on clouds - all thanks to God and lots of prayers (and I made sure to tell the MO and my skeptical husband that!). While Dave and I were waiting for the MO (after bloodwork), I started thinking that it would be just fine (last time it was way low - like .6 and needs to be at least 1.5 so I had to have two neutrogen shots) since I'd learned that all my worry and concern about side effects and the shots was no big deal to God - He completely handled it with just a few advil along the way. Then I started thinking "wow, I could tell Dave what I'm thinking - but what if I'm wrong - but no, I have to have faith" so I said out loud "My blood counts will be fine - I learned last time that I'd been too worried about them but now I know it will be okay." The MO came in and started going over everything - finally I asked about the blood counts and she said "they're 2.6 - good as mine - or Dave's - or anybody's!" (normal is 1.7 to 4 so I'm well in the normal range). You know I then had to tell the MO and Dave that it was because of all the prayers.

    But wait! It gets better! Then she tried to measure the tumor - I told her I thought it felt different/strange. She agreed - said she couldn't even measure it because of the way it had changed, which was good. She's going to schedule me for an ultrasound in the next week or so to see what it will show internally and said this is particularly encouraging because I haven't even gotten herceptin yet, which is specifically targeted to Her2+. She also said perjeta (the drug newly approved by the FDA) has been approved by my insurance and dramatically increases the effectiveness of the other drugs I'll get. I'll get both of them plus taxol on November 22 for 4 treatments every 3 weeks.

    Okay, that got into a really long ramble but you've all been so fantastic and supportive about caring and praying - I just had to praise God and thank you all.

    love you! Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Bev: Thanks for sharing about the missionary. It was very helpful. You are right about God opening and closing doors. As I walked down the front steps to my car this morning, I asked God to show me His will. If he wants me to take the drug because it will help me then I will do it, but if He doesn't put lots of road blocks in the way so I know it is not what He wants for me. Now I will wait on Him as I continue to move on with my daily routines.

    All I can say to you Bev is Yipeeeeeee! What great numbers! And the fantastic. A big kiss from God today for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for stepping out in faith and believing your numbers were good. Isn't God so good at coming through when we need Him to. I am so glad you got to give a little bit of witnessing in there too.

    Sue: Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Tamoxifn. I agree with your thoughts on hitting your cancer with everything they can throw at it. Like you, I look forward to one day to the day I will be able to rejoice in heaven, Despite all that is going on in this world and wondering what is holding back God's hand from saying enough; I still want to be here. And I totally understand what you are up against with TN. I earnestly pray that God gives man a break through and cure for it very soon. Maybe it will come through the wonderful gift that is going to Bev's hospital in TX. I guess if they said I had one cancer cell in my path report, I would be jumping on whatever I could take but for now I need to earnestly pray for clarity. I know that God will work it all out in His own time.

    Okay....I had another non chemo brain moment again this week. I receive grant money each year for raising money through our school's Jump Rope for Heart program for the American Heart Assoc. Anyway, I had a $1000.00 grant that was to expire today. So I stayed up till nearly midnight last night spending the money before it expired. Talking about doing things last

    Well,.....I am falling asleep at the keyboard so I am signing off. My prayers are with all of you as I hope you know. is to God opening doors at your support group. I am praying that He give you the opportunity to share your faith with others.

    Goodnight....and sweet dreams to all.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Bev- great news...glad to hear your counts are up. Continued prayers for your husband. I was going to check with my FIL to see if he had chemo on Friday, but my husband said he got an e-mail from his mom today saying he is done for now with chemo. He still has cancer on hip bone after his cat scan so they are going to try radiation. Maybe you'll run into him there.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    mini: thanks for the radiation info. I started my first radiation consultation today with a cat scan and tattoos. I am glad to see that you got through it so well. My RO told me the same lotion today-- Aquaphor. She also said castor oil for nighttime with a cotton shirt. I'll probably be picking your brain for more informatio since you know the ropes.

    Mankato- we can compare notes as we go through radiation. I have 6 weeks starting Monday. I'll have to go back and recheck your start date.

    I had a rough evening from about 7 PM until about 11:00. I had to take strong pain meds for the neulasta shot, but I feel better now. I have prayed for everyone today because I had lots of wait time. I put your names in my phone so I would have a reminder of each of you. I have had so many prayers from you. I hope you know that I'm always praying for you and concerned about how you're doing.

    Bev, you and I discussed your gift from God in our texts, but I have been so excited for you, I'll say it again. God went beyond our expectations and shrank your tumor ahead of our mortal timeline. Praise God that he loved us so much that he left us a comforter to get us all through these trials were going through.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    This might help someone else who is on a Medicare plan. Act quickly though. I didn't coin "a kiss from God", but I had another big one yesterday. God set me up royally. We wondered if we could keep putting out almost $1000 every 3 weeks for co-pays, until we reached the $6000 limit, but God came through as always. Here at tax time and Christmas, we were shelling out so much cash. God knows our needs and always provides for us. My Humana PPO is being terminated on Jan.1, 2014. Yeah. The one i was supposed to be able to keep if I like it.! We are considered rural where we live and couldn't get an HMO, which is better than the PPO we had to get. Other companies might have better, but we didnt know. We met with my agent yesterday to see what I needed to do. He gave two choices. Enroll in another PPO that is more expensive or, since I have this pre-existing condition, AND my policy is being terminated (Termination is the key word) I have the RIGHT to get a Medicare supplement that pays 100%. It will cost me $150 more per month, but I no longer have co- pays. I could have gotten that in the beginning because I didn't have BC, but now that I do, the only way I could switch is if the policy is terminated. My agent got it to go into effect TOMORROW, which means the last of our co- pays won't have to be paid. This is a one time opportunity since, with a preexisting condition, a supplement that pays all of what Medicare doesnt pay cannot be purchased. If I drop it next year, it will no longer be Available to me. It is just because my policy is cancelled. I feel blessed and put this out in case others if you might have a cancelled policy. You know, one of those that you could keep if you like it!! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. PS-the neulasta shot bone pain is really doing a number on me this morning.

    I will be praying for everyone today every chance I get. You are part of who I am now. I have to get an EKG since I've been having chest pain and my pulse was 136 yesterday. We got it to 128, but no lower. Hope it was anxiety. I'm going off of my anxiety meds so maybe that's all it is. God bless everyone. Sharon

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013 you Sharon and your insurance. I am so glad to hear that God revealed all of this to you so you will be covered. God is so good. Also praying for your pain and that radiation consult goes well.

    Blessings to all,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Oh yes, Sharon - praying for you today for the SE (but it's the last one!) and EKG and praising God for working through your insurance agent. At least here's one happy result of Obamacare - and you didn't even have to wade through the website yourself! :)

    Gardengal and Kate - I'm praying for you for wisdom with the decisions coming up - and know God will guide you!

    That reminds me - I got so wrapped up with the report of my doctor visit, I forgot to tell you what we talked about yesterday in Bible Study (Beth Moore - Esther). We're studying Chapter 9, where the Jews defend themselves authorized when the king issued a new edict after originally ordering that all the Jews would be killed. Beth pointed out that God could have done everything Himself - but He empowered the Jews (and us). Check out Isaiah 49:16 (God speaking) - "I have engraved you on the palms of My hands." Think about it - He's holding us that tightly, never to be released! "Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword." Deut. 33:29.

    Then Beth reminded us that God's grace is given in accordance with our need - but not what we've imagined in our mind, so don't let fear take hold. In case I might miss its application, the illustration she gave was a woman she knew who had breast cancer and sailed through treatment with God's help and strength. Now a year and a half later, the woman is doing fine physically, cancer free - but full of fear at every little thing that happens because she's worrying that the cancer will reoccur. Bet we can all relate to that, right?

    Well, it's still raining here in Magnolia - nearly 6" since Sunday and we're still happy at the sound of raindrops (well, except for the little trick-or-treaters later today).

    Have a blessed day, my sisters! love you - Bev

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2013

    SaltyJack and GardenGal, you are so good at remembering things.  Yes I do have a support group meeting coming up on Monday, and I will let you all know how I get on.

    GardenGal, regarding the Tamoxifen issue, there were at one time plans in the UK to put countless women who do not have cancer on a weakened version of Tamoxifen.  The thinking behind this was because it is such a very good drug at fighting off cancer, and they wanted to use a milder version to prevent women getting cancer in the first place.  The project was put on hold because the manufacturer has only tested Tamoxifen on women who have had cancer, and not on otherwise healthy women.  There would need to be umpteen tests before the drug could be used in this way, but it shows the respect they have for it over there that this was actually considered.  I was on it for a few months after I had completed my initial chemo and rads, then I had my ovaries removed to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back and they took me off it.  Apparently Tamoxifen is at its best when working on women who have not gone through the change or who have their ovaries.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Bev', so glad to hear your good news!   I know you must be elated. Then, knowing  you will also get treated with Perjeta. Great news all around. 

    Sharon, I pray that your Dr's can help you with your pulse, anxiety, etc. and that your SE's calm down. That's great that you got an answer for your insurance, too. Thank you for sharing the info. My Aetna policy will cancel next Sept., if something does not change. Not qualified for medicare.

    manka-prayers for your FIL and his treatments.

    yes, thank you for the rads info, mini. I will be doing that later also.

    Blessings and Hugs~


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Ladies!

    It's truly WONDERFUL seeing how God is working in our lives! "... for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all your works." Psalm 73:28

    As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:13-14

    Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. Psalm 54:4

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

    Thank you for praying for me. It turns out Tuesday evening my temperature went up again and I had the flu-like-syndrome with a cough. I then started the antibiotic and have improved significantly! I anticipate feeling better each day as my body gets ready for my LAST chemo on November 8th. Since l had mastectomies and my lymph nodes were clear I will not need radiation. I'll never forget those sweet words from husband immediately after I woke from the surgery "the lymph nodes were clear"!!! The next part of my treatment is taking one of the aromatase inhibitors for 5 years since my cancer was estrogen positive. I'm praying I'll have no side effects from this and that I'll resume an active healthy lifestyle. My main concern is that this treatment is harmful to the bones and can elevate cholesterol. Since these are issues that we all deal with as we get older, I'll have to strive a little harder to maintain the bone density and good cholesterol levels I currently have.

    I'm keeping you all in my prayers, asking for comfort, minimal side effects, and encouragement while praising the LORD who sustains us even in the most difficult times, drawing us closer to Him, reminding us that these trials are temporary for our good, for His glory, and for a testimony of who He is.

    love in Christ, Deborah

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    I didn't take Tamox for more than a year. I have reluctantly started recently. I feel like I'm decreasing my chances of one cancer recurring while increasing my chances of getting another. I struggle and continue to pray about it. I may go back to not taking it depending on the SE's, but it's so hard to know if God will work through the medicine or prevail without it. I try not to obsess but it is so hard. I feel like I have a lack of faith sometimes, but it's more that I'm trying to do what God's wants me to, but I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not. It's a constant struggle.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Mini: I have felt that way before. I remembered the scripture that talked about being still and knowing that He is God. I concentrated on just listening to the quiet as I cleaned the house. After the day was over, I seemed to have a clarity where I just knew it was from God. I am going to pray that specific prayer for you- a clarity of mind so you hear that voice. God won't talk to me when I'm around noise. It is always in the quiet. God bless you. You are seeking therefore, you will find it.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Sharon- Yes lets compare rads notes! I have my consultation tomorrow. I sure am hoping to be done by Christmas. I can relate to the insurance thing. My husband changed jobs a year ago and got great insurance. It's going to change under Obmacare to not so nice a plan. So my goal is to finish up by the end of the year before it changes. I guess if I had to get cancer this was the year to do it...God's timing is perfect.

    Just wondering, is what everyone is not liking about Tamoxifin, the uterine cancer side effect? I will have to go on that but no longer have my uterus. I wondered is there something else for me to watch out for. I figured I just need to take it to help prevent the cancer from coming back and since I don't have my uterus it shouldn't be so bad.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    Tamox SE's do include increased uterine cancer risks, but also increased chance of blood clots, pulmonary embolism and stroke, among other lessor SE's. I will say that it has not been nearly as bad as the AI's, which were horrific for me. My MO points out to me that the bad SE's happen to a low percentage of the people that take it. I remind him that those low percentages are real people and I could become one of them.

    I know, logically and spiritually, that it is what it is, and God is in control. And I know that all the worry in the world will not change things, and PTL, most of the time that mindset is dominant.

    Thank you Sew for the prayers. I can use all I can get.

    Blessings All

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Mini-yes something to think about. If we take the Tamoxifin and trust God not to give us the blood clots etc. why don't we just trust him not to give us the cancer in the first place and not take Tamoxifin...It's always so hard to know when to act and trust or to just trust. I had the same dilemma with chemo since 86% of the people like me turned out fine...but in the end I did it for that 5%.increase. I am sure I will follow along and take the Tamoxifin too.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Mankato: I'm like you. I took chemo for a very small increase in survival rate too. Every point helps. if I had a pill like Tamoxifen to take for Triple Negative, I would, but there is none

    Lets do compare notes. Maybe we will help each other know what to do. I had my consultation Wed., with a cat scan and ink tattoos ( not perm). My pulse was 137 so was sent today to have EKG. No heart problem. Probably withdrawal from Effexor. I have to see my gastroenterologist on Tues 5th because of choking and acid reflux. Then on Thursday, they will align the beams so we can start on Monday. I should finish on Dec. 23, if all goes well. I was told Aquiphor and Olive Oil. Oil at night w/ cotton shirt. The RO said the first 3 weeks, I may just look pink and even weeks 4-5 might just darken the skin but that last week usually gets us all. Some people don't have skin breakdown, so lets try hard to get through this with great skin. I was also told aloe Vera. My brother has a plant I will use. That stuff is great. Tell me your schedule. You might get a head start since I have these two issues. I'm glad not to start this week though. My chemo was Mondsy and I want to feel better before I start.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies...I have been reading and following along everyday, I do think of you all and pray for you all. I see some of you are approaching radiation time and I can't help but think of that too even though I am only half way through my chemo. I pray you all have an easy time of it and reap all it's benefits. I am feeling very tired this time. I think part of it is due to my friend passing taking a lot out of me. My parents are spoiling me rotten, even the dog follows me around and jumps up on the couch with me when I am resting. I do manage to get out and walk the dog a bit a couple times a day and my Mom and I have gone on a couple of shopping trips. I have noticed I feel a lot better if I don't eat meat so I am cutting that out for awhile. My Mom got me a book about alkaline foods and how it may be of benefits so I am reading that, I know I have to make changes or this BC may return and I don't know if I could go through it again. I am not depressed just really tired...sometimes I just go outside and scream at the top of my lungs and it helps. Having trouble sleeping. Sorry to be so full of complaints. It helps me vent here so thanks for listening. God bless you ladies.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    ladies doing rads soon,

    My RO told me there would be a break of a 3-4 wks between chemo and rads...are you not hearing that from yours? Just curious.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Mini1 - Did you try all the different aromatase inhibitors? What kind of problems did you have? I've read about the SE's and I think some of them I might already have and I'm not even on them yet. I have two friends who have been on them, one had SE's while on Femera and the other person had no SE's and she was on Aromasin.

    Mankatostate - I'm like you, I'm doing these things to decrease my chances of the cancer coming back. I think the aromatase inhibitors only increase my chances by a small margin so if I end up not tolerating the hormonal therapy I'll probably stop but I'm hoping I'll do fine.

    Sewstrong/Sharon - thank you for helping us to have some perspective. Sometimes we really need to vent and hear another person's side to help us think more clearly.

    I too have struggled with the issue of having some of these preventive treatments that can cause other health problems. I just try to not look too far ahead. There have been some times where I've had some concerns and once I spoke to my doctor, he was able to help me by giving me more information that helped me make a decision. I believe that those conversations and even the conversations we have here can be the very instruments God sometimes uses to help us make decisions. As long as we are doing what God makes clear in His Word, we are in His will. What's hard for us is that there are no clear directions related to cancer, chemo and treatment. If God wants to use these treatments to prolong our life, then He will. If He has another plan for us, then in time we'll know it by looking back seeing what happened. I'm sorry for rambling, hopefully, some of this makes sense.

    Now that I've said all of this - please pray for me. Since I've been on the antibiotic I haven't been able to sleep well. The first night I didn't go to sleep until about 4:30 and last night it was close to 3. Neither day have I felt like napping but I've been sleepy a few times. So tonight I looked online and insomnia is a SE! I never knew that was possible with an antibiotic. To make matters worst, I was on this same antibiotic with the first round and the dose was 500mg once a day and this time the dose is 750mg. I called the doctor's office today to make sure that was correct and they said it was and that MO wanted me to have a higher dose. I didn't have sleep trouble with the 500mg. I suppose I'll be calling my MO again tomorrow. Please pray that I'll be able to sleep I have plans to go out of town tomorrow to see my daughters and I'm concerned that lack of sleep could cause problems.

    Kate and Bev - I'm praying your treatments go well tomorrow.

    Lovewins and others - you all are in my prayers.

    thank you all! Deborah

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Deborah- praying that sleep finds you! I am sleeping so much less after going thru chemo so I can relate!

    Can you get a book on tape/CD to listen to from the library? I found that helps me relax and take my mind off of things and I have fallen asleep to that.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Deborahann: Would you be allowed to take Melatoni? For humans, it helps them sleep. For pets, it helps them calm down during stressful times like thunderstorms or fireworks.

    As a person with a health background, I have been researching dietary needs and the foods that promote estrogen production and increase risks of cancer such as process sugars, starchy foods etc. I am going to put it together and see a holistic doctor to work on supporting my immune system. While I revamped my lifestyle over the past two plus years, I can still do much better cutting out some other things that I occasionally sneak in my diet. I think it will mean even more discipline but hey that what is God wants from us anyway. He wants us to take care of our temples and to follow Him as His disciples here on earth. Still reading and still praying about my decision. No rush...its in God's time that He will show me what I need to do. I do think I am being steered in a certain direction.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Oh, Deborahanne and Lovewins - so sorry to hear of your rough time this week - hopefully the weekend will be much better. I'll sure be praying. Of course we know tiredness is a SE of chemo but I didn't know about insomnia and antibiotics. All these medications - we start taking one and then have to take 3 or 4 others to counteract the SE. Yikes! You're so right, Deborahanne, we just have to pray, trust God for wisdom and clear thinking....then (try to) stop worrying! Thanks so much for the Bible verses. It's always so neat to find verses that apply to so many different needs and situations - and know that the Scripture will speak to us in just the way we need it, based on what's happening in our lives at the time.

    I know you'd all be disappointed if I didn't come up with some little saying so here goes.... I think this was from The Red Sea Rules but I've read so many good books in the past couple of months (thanks to great friends who put legs on their well wishes!): "Sometimes God's will is more plodding than plotting. Don't worry about what lies dimly in the distance - just do what lies clearly right ahead." That's pretty hard for me to do - I'm such a planner! I always drive my husband crazy when I start planning my family's holiday get-togethers (since we live all around the country) in July. Oh well - he's used to it by now.

    Thanks, all for the prayers for today. I'll go for last A/C this afternoon and am preparing by drinking lots and lots of water! I've been preparing myself for a bad week next week but then slapped myself mentally. God's got this whole thing, right? Lots of ladies are saying chemo #3 was the hardest. Why should I be believing that this one will be worse? God just may help me sail through any SE.....and if He doesn't, well then I'll just be having a little opportunity to slow down a bit and have one of Sharon's quiet days with God, right?

    Mini, Kate, Char and Fridaygirl - praying for wisdom as you decide how to proceed at each step of your journey.

    Have a blessed weekend - praying we each get a kiss from God just when we need it most!


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Thank you for praying and encouraging me. Even if I don't mention your name or what you posted, know that you have encouraged me! I only was able to sleep for 4 hours last night and I'm starting to feel sick just from lack of sleep. Since it is caused by the antibiotic there really isn't anything I can do about it. It's just a temporary thing. My doctor doesn't want to reduce the dose or take me off it BUT he did suggest that I not take the dose this evening and to wait until the morning. So I'll give that a try. I still have a cough but no congestion. I feel like I'm on the steroids as far as feeling a little anxious and alert but my body isn't able to keep up. These words from one of my favorite hymns has been in my thoughts - may it encourage us all when we have having low times.

    Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;

    The clouds ye so much dread

    Are big with mercy and shall break

    In blessings on your head.

    Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,

    But trust Him for His grace;

    Behind a frowning providence

    He hides a smiling face.

    I'll be reading your posts and praying for you! Deborah

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2013

    Deborahanne - I did try several AI's. The SE's took a little longer with a couple, but they were fast and furious with Anastrazole. The longest I was able to one was 3 weeks before throwing in the towel. It doesn't do much good to be alive if all you are able to do is sit in a chair and stare like a zombie. I'm just one of the people that cannot take them. My doc has them listed as allergies for me. I had vision problems, balance issues, severe bone/joint pain, ataxia, incredible insomnia - only 8 hours sleep over 3 full days with one. And that was with Rx sleep medication. Then there was the brain fog and confusion. One day I sat in my car which I driven for 6 years and I couldn't remember how to put the window down. Thankfully I had the presence of mind to know that if I couldn't remember to hit a simple switch to lower my windows I shouldn't be driving. Lets see, what else? No appetite, weight loss, racing heart, extreme fatigue, bruising from something as simple as scratching an itch. I fell twice with no warning. One minute I was standing and the next I was kissing the hardwood floor. My vision is still not what it was before taking it, but my balance is much improved, although I have a way to go. Otherwise all the symptoms went away within a few weeks of stopping the meds.

    After reading more about AI's, I would not take them anyway, even without the SE's because I now have osteoporosis and the AI's are not good for the bones. I am considering taking Evista instead of Tamox. While it is a osteoporosis drug, it also has almost as high a benefit for BC as Tamox does. It has it's own set of side effects to consider, but it does not have the uterine cancer and other severe SE's. We'll see. I felt led not to take the drugs when I was first diagnosed, and then down the path felt I should. I'm just going with my gut. At least the hot flashes are coming in the winter. :-)


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2013

    I forgot to add that I was just incredibly blessed by hearing the songs Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave and My Redeemer Lives by Nicole C. Mullins. The music and the words were so timely. If you're not familiar with them, do yourself a favor and Google them and give them a listen.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Deborahanne- I love that fact that someone else here even knows hymns and has a favorite one. I am sad that the hymns are getting lost on the younger generation. Such good messages/ words from the ages past.

    Bev-hope all is going well with chemo.

    I just got back from my first visit with Radiologist. Sounds like I will get 25 treatments. Not too bad. Hope to be done right before Christmas.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Excellent book Jo5. The Source of My Strength by Charles Stanley is another one too.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2013

    Dear sisters!!!

    Here is a request that we each give a THANK YOU GOD prayer.

    I had a 6 month followup checkup today with a Diagnostic Mammo of both breasts, saw the RO and MO also.

    Mammo clean... NED. See MO again in 6 months and see both in 12 months. My RO saw me every 6 months for 2 years.

    MO has ordered a bone density test, because one of the SEs of Letrozole is thining bones and he just wants to be sure.

