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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Praise the Lord Vickie. I am so happy for your good news.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    I love Charles Stanley I used to watch him on tv all the time!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Praise the Lord Vickie!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    manka: Mine are due to be finished right before Christmas, too. We can do this part easily.

    JO5, thanks for suggesting Charles Stanley. I have several of his books. He's a great messenger.

    Mini, I have received some of my greatest blessings from singing my hymnal. My husband sings At the Cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light, and the burden of my soul rolled away. It was there by Faith, I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day.

    I ran into yet another woman in Walmart who is praying for me. I am praying for her during knee surgery. God literally allows these people(his Body) to be unplaced where we need them. He is so good to me.

    The dog had a nightmare and woke me. I went to sleep very early and now, 11:00, I'm wide awake.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Vickie-Praise God! That is awesome news-I hope your BD test goes well.

    I hope all of you ladies enjoy your week-end in comfort and peace. Thank you again for sharing your words of inspiration and prayer.

    We are having wonderful weather here in Central TX. I plan to get outside and enjoy it~

    Blessings and HUGS!!!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    I ran 4.5 miles today after a lay off of which I was prepping for my surgery and recovering after it. It was a glorious day and I thank God for helping maintain my stamina. I was a bit skeptical that I would be able to do more than a mile. I was running 6 before my surgery. But it was a beautiful day despite the clouds and threats of rain. Running in the quiet of morning and seeing the beauty of the leaves allowed me to praise God, pray for all of you and thank Him for being with me all the time. I sometimes forget to focus on the good and dwell on the bad. But He lifted me through my knee pain that I am now suffering and carried me on my run like on the wings of an eagle.

    My thoughts are with all of you today as I prayed that God would meet each of your needs and bless you.

    I was singing hymns while I ran today.

    When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory.

    This morning I heard Katy Perry's new hit "Roar" on my walkman while running. It made me think of all of you. Fighters that are going to keep getting up and fighting the fight. If you have not heard it, listen to the words. Olivia Wise, a 16 year, who has run out of all her options is dieing from a brain tumor. She got to sing the song in a recording studio to show that she is not going out with a whimper but with a roar.

    While this is not Christian based, God will not allow us to be down long before He gives us the victory. We are so fortunate to say that we are one of His children.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    Char: thanks for sharing the video. That lifted my spirits. If she can Roar with all she has and at such a young age, we have nothin to complain about. Beautiful.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Dear Ladies,

    I called MO yesterday and he doesn't want to lower the dose of the antibiotic but he did tell me to take the daily dose in the morning instead of the evening. That was a blessing since skipping the dose Friday eve made it so I was able to easily fall asleep and slept very well except I was slightly nauseated through the night. I'm still feeling subtle side effects from the antibiotic that I don't like which is making the days that I was hoping to feel better not so good. Please pray that I will feel better tomorrow since I have a 2 hour drive to Louisville to take my daughter back to school and I'm hoping to also visit my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren while in Louisville, then I have the 2 hr drive back home.

    Mini1 - thank you for sharing your experience with AI's. I would want to quit taking them too if I had those side effects. When these sort of things happen, they can be the means that God is guiding you. I believe God can use the hormonal therapy to keep us from getting cancer, but I also believe He is the one who can keep us from getting the cancer even if we don't take these drugs. I'm praying for you that whether you find a hormonal treatment that works or not that you'll be a peace about this.

    Vickie - Praise the Lord about your good news! Did you have a baseline bone density test? Hope your tests shows you are staying stable.

    Sharon, Bev, and Kate - I'm praying you are doing well with your chemo.

    Mini1, Mankostate - I love the old hymns and I like some of the contemporary music. I like Big Daddy Weave and "My Redeemer Lives" is an old favorite of mine. I also love Hillsong and the Getty's especially "In Christ Alone"

    Jo-5 - Charles Stanley is good. I've heard his sermons but have never read any of his books. I really like Jerry Bridges. I've read Trusting God twice and have found it very helpful.

    I hope you all have a blessed Lord's Day no matter what circumstance you're in. May God bring you comfort and peace.

    When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. Psalm 94:19

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2013


    Thank you for your concern.

    I had a bone scan done 3 years before I was diagnosed. My MO had asked me about that when I first had the consult with him. He said Friday, that it is time to check again so has ordered another scan, waiting for the call for appointment time.

    I have been on Letrozole since Nov. 21, 2011. A few side effects, mostly achy joints, but that could also be from some arthritis. My hair (on top of head) has thinned quite a bit, but the "manhood' hair on the upper lip and chin are more.....I would be glad to give them to any teen boy... Winking

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow..It is always wonderful to be able to meet with other believers and praise the Lord!!!!!!!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Deboranne...I hope you sleep well tonight...thanks for letting us know that antibiotics can cause insomnia, I didn't know that. I pray for everyone to rest easy tonight and feel refreshed when they awake.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    Vicks: how did I miss your praise post? I've been under the weather since my last chemo on Monday and somehow didn't see it. Praise the Lord above all heavenly hosts, that is super news. God isn't finished with you yet. He has mighty plans for you. Our lives here are just a vapor in His time. He needs all Christians to get closer to Him so he can achieve his mission on earth so that we all can live with him forever in eternity. We won't want to go if our family and friends don't, so we all need to get busy listening to that small quiet voice. God bless you and all of us here in our quest to fulfill our mission on earth.

    Deborahanne, when you're in Louisville, you're 1 hour from me on I-71. It's a really small world. My sister lives in Louisville off Brownsbiriugh Road. I am praying for you to feel better as you travel and to have safety on the roads.

    James 5:16. Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. ( there are none righteous, no not one ...except through the forgiveness by Grace from The Lord Jesus Christ.)

    I have a feeling that subconsciously, I somehow felt that I wouldn't have SEs after my last chemo on Monday, but boy, was I mistaken. I guess my brain was telling me im done, but I feel that God is saying, Slow down, be still and know that I am Lord. This is my day 7, when I usually feel like I'm going back to normal, but this morning, I still have pain in my legs and back. I am going to try to have another quiet day so I will listen to God rather than constantly petition a request. I don't have to ask him again for specific things conserving all of you. He already knows what I've ask and what you need. I am just going to listen. When He tells me something that He has been trying to teach me, I will know its from his will for me. God bless all of you today in ways only God knows you need.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    thank you for the verse really spoke to me. I hope you feel better soon. So happy for you that you are finished with chemo.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies, I have to share: my 6 yr old grandson put my name on the prayer list at church! It was his idea...grandkids are the best! Gotta love 'em.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies - hope you all had a quiet weekend. I'm praying for you all - especially lovewins with last chemo tomorrow - yay!

    I had a really quiet day today - felt sleepy through Sunday School and church (partly because the greyhounds didn't get the time change reminder) and came home to sleep 3-1/2 hours. Last hard chemo, though!

    I'll be praying for you all this week - especially Sharon getting over SE and getting ready for rads, as well as Mankato - hope the weather up north holds up so that isn't a challenge!

    Blessings - Bev

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Thank you for your prayer saltJack...I wish it was my last....alas I have 6 treatments,

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Well, lovewins - I'll be praying that chemo today goes well, even if it's not the last one. You'll be finished before me - I had my 4th A/C on Friday so am figuring the hard ones are done - but I actually have 4 Taxol/Perjeta/Herceptin ones to go. I'll still be at the chemo bar till January.....

    God bless us all - wherever we are on the journey!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    SaltyJack...I will be done around the middle of Dec.  I was wondering about Perjeta, I was going to ask my MO today and forgot.  Today I have 1 cocktail down and two to go...the Dr scheduled me to some saline infusions for the next couple of weeks to see if it helps with SE's. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I wanted to let everyone know that I have been praying for all of you.

    For Bev, Sharon and Lovewins: For your lastest chemo treatments and that the side effects are not to severe and long lasting.

    Deborahann: That your issues subside and you can back off the antibiotics. Also that you will not have issues and that you have a nice smooth trip and get to enjoy some time with your son and family.

    FridayGirl: I hope all went well with support and that the Lord opened the door for you to share.

    Mini: I know about side effects. I like you have lots of issues with them no matter what I take. I found out I could not take any Benadryl products. It took a pharmacist to tell me why I had issues since it was a big conflict with my seizure medicine.

    Kisses from God to borrow from Bev: I have not been on here for the past two days. I ran Saturday and had a good day and then went out to run Sunday and got through about 3 miles of my run when my left knee went out. Severe pain to the point that I had to walk the rest of the way home. By Sunday evening I could not bend or straighten my knee without excruicating pain. On my pain scale of 1 to 10, I was about an 11. At one point today, I wanted to remove my leg from the knee down. I was able to get in to see a doctor and he took 1 1/2 syringe full of fluid off my knee. He was certain I tore my Meniscus. The fluid came out clear so he thinks it may be okay. Relief....and wait now to see if it clears up. That was kiss one because the pain has dropped significantly after removing the fluid.

    Kiss No. 2: I have been concerned with my dad. He has been retaining fluid again in his legs. His heart doctor has said that as long as his legs have gone down in the morning it was okay. But he has been retaining more than usual and he is laboring with breathing. My dad is 90 and I know that his time on earth is not much longer but I love that God has been gracious and allowed us to have him here. Today his swelling went down and he said that his toe nails did not hurt and he felt so good he wanted to take a walk. The bad news was his PSA numbers doubled and they are putting him on another drug to help reduce his prostrate. He is on so many meds that I worry about drug toxicity so keep him in prayer for that if you would.

    I am glad I do not have to teach today or tomorrow. I would have never been able to do it with my knee. But God knew that so he is taking care of it so I will be mobile again in a few days.

    Blessings to all of you...and thanks be to Him for His blessings to me.

    Love in Christ,


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    thank you for your prayers ladies. I am going in for extra infusions of saline this week and next. My MO said I would feel a lot better! praise God! I pray everyone is doing well and feeling well. It really sucks to not feel good and go thru other issues. I don't feel like I can properly mourn the loss of my friend. I haven't gone back to bingo to face everyone because I know it will be hard...I know I have to face it when I am feeling better. God must be allowing my heart to break so that when it mends it can hold more love and feel more compassion. Have a blessed night God lovers...sweet dreams.

  • bamrosak1
    bamrosak1 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2013

    My fiancé's mom, who has always been a strong Christian believer and loves God, is in need of prayers. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last week and is having a really hard time. To lift her spirits, give her joy in her life, and something to look forward to, my fiancé has made a project to raise money for her to build a rose garden, as it is one of her favorite things to do and will give her hope and something to look forward to as she endures this challenge of cancer. Prayers, donations, and/or kind/inspiring words are welcome:) Here is a link to the beautiful project:

    Please pray for Laurie! Thank you, peace and love.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    love wins, my heart breaks for you. God will reveal to you things as time goes on concerning your friend. I cried for my friend a few days ago when I was in so much pain. She would have known just what to say. I've lost two, as I said before. It gets easier not to cry and be devistated, but time does not heal all wounds, as that expression goes. I think of both friends when I have some good news or when I just need to talk. No one will ever replace her, but you will carry her with you for the rest of your life. I do. I talk about them and what they might have done or said in certain situations. God brought three people into my life since I lost my dearest friends. One i met one on the beach where we both went daily to the same beach searching for sharks teeth when we both lived in Venice, Florida for the winters. We met 9 years ago and we couldn't be closer. Her lifelong friend came to visit and actually, she and I are even more alike. We are now extremely close buddies. We visit one another and even spend the night in one another's homes. The third is my newest comparable friend that you know. It's Bev. We talk via text messages daily and keep up with each others progress. God knows the people that will fill your void, never replacing, but always complementing what you had with the friend you'll just lost. I'm praying that God fills your heart with His Love so that you not only get through your treatments, but also that you may possibly understand his will in all of the pain. We love you and care that you're hurting. We can't take it away, but we can be there to vent as you move through the grief that is consuming your life right now. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    char , I will pray for your dad as I pray for my 91-year-old dad. My brother is caring for him since he broke his femur on one of my chemo days. I know it's hard to lose our parents. I lost Mother several years ago and while it was hard, I knew she couldn't live in pain any longer. When I think of her now,I picture her with her mother and father and all of her precious aunts she loved so much. I will picture my dad the same way. I will pray God's will be done in your lives concerning your dad. I will pray for healing for your knee as well. God bless you all.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    ok Bev, I'll forgive you again for rubbing in the warm weather in Texas by saying you hope the weather doesn't create a challenge for us Northern folks. I love you anyway.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Thank you Sewstrong for your kind words. You are right, tonight I was taking my walk around the neighborhood and I found myself talking to my friend. Acknowledging that she is no longer here on earth but finding comfort that I can feel her in my heart. That took some time for me because I am so consumed with my own pain so it made me feel like I wasn't a very good friend. I think that is why your scripture spoke to me because I have been ashamed. I am glad you have found new friends and that you and Bev have found a connection. Thanks again for thinking and praying for me.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Char, you're amazing - what an inspiration to us all! Hope your knee is much better - I'll be praying for you and your dad. I'm very close to my parents (even though we've never lived near each other since I've been an adult) and I treasure them more and more as I get older. (one thing, though - I think it was fondak - not me - who originated the "kiss from God" idea but we all can be blessed by them!)

    Lovewins - glad your MO has a plan to help with the SE - and tough to have physical as well as emotional pain at the same time.

    KTF - so neat about your grandson and the prayer list. How are you feeling? What's the next step for you?

    Deborah - hope you had a good family time and are feeling much better.

    Blessings to all and a good week!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    lovewins: I felt my friend in the air and wind after her death. I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach when I saw her. I almost couldn't stand to go through the funeral. She was 48 and died in her sleep from a hereditary heart disease. Do not feel ashamed or guilty. That's Satan talking to you. You were the kind of friend she needed and no one else could have filled that void but you. Let God shower you with blessed awakenings from her. If she were here, she would not want you sad. It was her time to be with the Lord, so get yourself in a very quiet place and pray that God will reveal to you the peace that passes understanding concerning your friend. He will. He has always come through for me.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Lovewins: God hurts for you as His child. He feels your pain and He cares. I believe that God collects every tear we shed and will turn them into blessings. If we didn't love so much then it would not hurt so much. You are true testament to that love. I am praying for you to be comforted. Not one of us here knows what you are going through unless we have experienced that loss. I don't know why God takes people out of our lives when they do but I know that there is an appointed time for everyone one us. God will reveal that to each of us someday and then we will understand what our so limited minds can not understand now.

    I am praying for you side effects that you soon experience relief. I had to joke with my father last night because the one medicine that he takes develops breast tissue, so he now has one boob. I said that maybe the new one would give him another one so he has a matching set. He said that the intern must have wondered what was going on with him as he came in with support socks up to his thighs and had one breast developed. I can just imagine the image in my head and it makes me chuckle.

    I woke up with 100% relief today. Not all gone but I can walk better and I have some bend back. God is good. Thanks for prayers. I am still praising God. Off to in-service training and to vote.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Thank you all bring me such comfort with your knowledge of God. Today I am feeling good so far, will go get my neulesta shot today. Not looking forward to the next few days...I pray the infusions help. I am glad you are 100% better today...I have been trying to keep as active as I can by walking after dark. Take care...thanks for praying for me.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Lovewins, I have a very dear friend that has helped me in so many ways since I have been DX'd. I don't know what I would do without her. I pray that you find healing and peace as you grieve your friends' loss. Gods' timing is perfect...don't beat yourself up about not being able to grieve while you go through treatment. I hope chemo treatments go well after your SE "preventative" treatments. It sounds like you have an awesome medical team.

    I lost my father a few yrs ago and we were never close. He was an absentee dad and left when I was about 8 yrs old. So, losing my stepdad has been hard. All I can tell my half-sister now is how lucky she was to have her dad in her life and that she is able  grieve and feel the pain that she is feeling. It sounds strange, but I almost wish I felt that pain when my father passed, but it never came. So, I have a different kind of sadness. I pray that you all who have parents can create many more happy memories with them until God calls them home.

    SJ/Bev', I have had an onco test done and results to be in on the 14th. Will meet with MO then to discuss further treatment.  When I was first DX'd, it seemed as though I would have chemo; since then, my final path report showed my tumor to not be so aggressive as biopsy showed, so I may not need it. I will def do rads and probably HT though. I hope you are sailing through your chemo!

    GG, I'm so glad your knee is better!

    SS, yes, we are having balmy spring time-like weather here in Texas...just sayin':). So nice of you to share your testimonies of Gods' love. You are an inspiration.

    I will be keeping my grandsons' tomorrow while my DD goes in for her 32 wk  U/S and pre-natal ck up. Feeling blessed!

    I hope you all have a wonderful week~thanks again for being here.

    ((HUGS)) to all!



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Thank you keepthefaith I am so lucky that I still have my folks and they coaxed me into coming up a few days after my friend died. (My Folks are the best) I was there at the hospital and even though she was brain dead I got to say my good byes. I think I am coping better now and more at peace in accepting this. We spent a lot of time together. She is the closet person I ever lost. I am glad you have a close friend to go thru this with,,,it is so hard to find good true friends, At least for me it is. I have another friend who is a sweet angel in her mid 30's who is such a blessing to me. She was hit by a car on a motorcycle in Aug and seriously hurt but is doing great! Praise God.

    Congrats on being a new grandma again and have fun with your grandsons.