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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Hello My3Ksmom: Welcome to the thread. God has brought you to a wonderful place where you can receive support and prayer from wonderful women. It sounds like you have you are stepping out in faith to let God work through you. You seem to have a great attitude about losing weight as suggested by your doctor. I lost a significant amount of weight over the past two years and still have about another 10 to go. I did it for a number of reasons but mostly because my body is a temple and what I was doing to it was not pleasing to God so by His strength and support, I lost the weight. It did not go on overnight and so my journey to lose it was to take it off the right way. One of the things my breast surgeon told me was that it was one of the best decisions I could have made because breast cancer feeds on estrogen and estrogen feeds on fat. So losing the weight will not only benefit you in all those ways you mentioned but also help you fight cancer. If you ever need any help or support, I would be more then happy to be of support for you along the way.

    Mankato: I am so glad to hear that things are lightening up for you. You sure did have pretty rough week. I am praying for a better week to come.

    Cynthia: You go girl with your packing and all. I am so glad that things worked out for your electric. When do you move into your townhouse? I am thinking the first of the month. Don't you go and over do it. Remember that slow and steady is best. Take rests when you need it. Everyone have a glorious Sunday. It has gotten cold here. I was at a garden symposium all day to get my master gardener hours in before the end of the year. I got home and managed to get some time in cleaning out some of my perennial beds. I still have my canna and calla lily bulbs to get out now that they have been hit by some frost and of course there are the ever falling leaves. I like them so much better when they are popping out in the spring.

    Blessings to all of you.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013
    Lovewins – I was stunned by what happened to your best friend. Even though we know and trust that our Lord is in control of all things we can’t help but be shocked when these things occur. I’m praying for comfort for you. I’m sure you will miss her deeply. I’m praying for her family as well.
    Sewstrong/Sue – you are a wealth of information! Thank you for encouraging us with scripture as well as so many other helpful suggestions. You are in my prayers as you get ready for your LAST chemo. I know what you mean about getting lots done while on the steroids! I’m praying this last treatment goes smoothly with minimal side effects.
    My3Ksmom – Welcome! I’m so glad you found us. I’ve only been on a short while and have been so blessed to be here. We will pray for you and encourage you as you strive to lose weight and journey through this time.
    SaltyJack/Bev – I’m so happy that you are near MD Anderson. Thanks for sharing the huge donation for breast cancer research! I’m also so glad you’ll be able to have a new treatment! I’m praying for you as you get ready for your LAST round of chemo and for all to go smoothly with minimal side effects. Also, concerning your future surgery, I’m not sure what I would have done if I’d had a single mastectomy. I maybe would lean more towards reconstruction. But since I had double mastectomy I’m at least the same on both sides which makes it easier going braless around the house and fitting with a prosthesis has been easier. I have a friend who had the reconstruction process started at the time of her double mastectomies. It’s now been 7 years since her surgery. She’s pleased with the results but she says she still cannot sleep on her side or stomach. It took 5 weeks after my mastectomies before I could start sleeping on my sides, then at 6 weeks I was able to sleep on my stomach as well. Once I reached 6 weeks post op, I’ve felt great – it’s as if I never had the surgery. I’m just not sure I want to go through another surgery and to have to deal with possible problems years from now. If I was younger (I’m 57) I might decide differently, but at my age I’d at least like to sleep comfortably. Here’s a website I’ve found very helpful.
    Mankostate – I hate that your week has been so bad! Thankfully, you’ll never have to do this again! I can’t wait to be all done. I hoping I don’t get any mouth sores this next week which will be about the same number of days post chemo when I got the sores before. You'll continue to be in my prayers for relief and much needed comfort!
    Gardengal – that’s terrible what happened to your husband’s daughter. It’s hard to believe that anyone would treat someone diagnosed with cancer or any serious health problem that way. It’s always wonderful to hear when other people show compassion and help. A friend of mine just lost her insurance after having major surgery this summer, she had been told she was covered through the end of the year, but apparently was told incorrectly. Thankfully when her surgeon realized how she miss informed, he didn’t charge her for a follow-up visit.
    Cynthiaintx – I’m also wanting to lose some weight. I only need to lose 10-20 lbs and that’s the hardest for me to lose. Exercising and weight lifting is what I’m trying to do more of.
    Mini1 – so good to hear you are doing well after your surgery!
    Kate – You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. I was wondering when your next chemo is. I’m praying that you’ll get more answers when you talk with your doctor. And don’t hesitate to get a second opinion.
    I hope you all have a very blessed Lord’s Day! I’m staying away from church and crowds since my counts are to start dropping tomorrow. My doctor doesn’t prescribe neulasta but he’s already given me a prescription for levaquin if my temperature goes to 100.4. I’ve had fever and flu like syndrome after each treatment. The first round I took the antibiotic when my fever reached 100.8 and it stopped the fever and flu symptoms. The second round my fever never went higher than 100.1 so I endured the symptoms plus mouth sores for 5 days but did have some relieve from ibuprofen.

    I loved reading this passage last night when I couldn't sleep. May God give you all a good night rest! Deborah

    My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:5-8

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Deborahanne: I love that verse from Psalm too. Thanks for the prayers for my LAST chemo Monday. I get a strengthened dose each time so I'm praying SEs won't be any worse than some I've had. Overall, I've fared very well. I'm thankful for everyones' prayers that are getting me through. I want to share some of the profound scripture lessons from the book called When Life is Hard. I put it in my bag to take to chemo so maybe I can do it while having my chemo. Did I say LAST one. Oh yeah. I did didnt I? So excited. God bless everyone tonight and in the treatments facing all of us in the days to come. God is seeing us through and I give him all of the glory.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, Deborah (and all!) for your prayers and support. I checked out the link and will definitely look over it more. I'll meet with the reconstruction surgeon later this month and have more information at that point. So - I may be bothering you then!

    Hey, did y'all know Sharon's last chemo is tomorrow and mine is Friday? Silly what is good news in the world of BC, isn't it? :)

    Praying for you, Char, in your meeting with the doctor tomorrow. Hope it's all good news and any decisions are easy and clear as to how to proceed. Also for you, Kate, with your upcoming chemo. We'll just have to pray that the docs make some great advances with TNBC treatments really soon!

    Mankato, hope you had a good weekend with your husband and the side effects are just about done by now.

    Lovewins, praying for your SE and your friend's family through this hard time.

    Cynthia, so glad the rads and packing/moving are going well - prayers that all continues to go smoothly.

    Mini - yep, I'll probably be bothering you at some point, too. Did you have radiation after chemo and/or surgery? It seems like the wait has to be at least 6 months but some ladies seem to wait much longer?

    Blessings to you all and prayers for a wonderful week. Has anybody ever heard of Robert A. Cook, President of The King's College in New York years ago? He had a radio devotional every morning and would always end with, "Walk with the King and be a blessing!"

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    It looks like this week will be milestones for both SewStrong and SaltyJack. I am sure that the Lord will give you what you need to get through this last round. I of course will have both of you in prayer. You go girls!

    What wonderful news about the gift to your hospital  What an awesome and generous gift. This may bring about new treatments for triple neg. BC.

    Tomorrow I meet with my breast surgeon to discuss my future procedures. No mater, God has it under control and it's all in His hands.

    My thoughts and prayers are always with each of you. May this week bring, comfort, joy and peace.

    In Christ,


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Hi all...slowly getting better. Wow this last one really did a number on me. I have been anxious all day too. Not sure why. Maybe I am feeling like I need to be moving on to better things but just can't yet. Wonder if I should look for a job when this is all over and if I can even get one. Feeling like I am just letting life pass by while I deal with this so I am anxious to get on with finishing this up now. I really feel Satan attacking my peace of mind that I have had all though this. I guess when it's out of my control it's easy for me to place my worries in God's hands but when I feel I have some control...well that's when my human nature takes over.

    Deborahanne- I will pray for you to stay healthy and for no mouth sores. Funny my mouth sore come much sooner than yours. I really will pray that you don't get any. It's no fun to have anything messing with the beautiful taste buds God gives us. I am so ready to be done with my thrush and have a normal mouth again.

    Sharon- God's blessings on your LAST did it, you are here. I will pray all goes well for you. What is next for you? anything?

    Bev- I am sure I will be on before your last one on Friday...but God's blessing to you also! You are almost there! Oh and I think I have heard of Robert Cook. Would he have been on Moody Radio?

    Char- I will pray for you all to have wisdom in your decision making tomorrow. I go Friday to the Radiologist and I am sure I will have to start making more decisions again at that visit too. Aren't you just getting tired of having to decide everything. Ugh!

    Cynthia- God's blessings on your move. Wow a lot on your plate. Are you staying in the Fort Worth area? Are you at all near the Keller area? At one time you said you were going thru this alone. (I guess you have your church friends) but I lived in the Keller area and had a friend from church deal with Breast Cancer...she ended up passing away, but I might be able to find you some support up that way if you are needing some.

    Welcome my3kmom...I am fairly new here too. I hear you about losing weight. Now that I am done with chemo I need to figure out a way to eat better and start to lose weight too!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    I lost my post to everyone as usual. I'll try to get back during chemo. Thank you all for your prayers. I feel them and know that God is there with me thanks to his perfect love for us all. Don't be afraid if the surgery,Char, Ts much easier than the rest. Well, at least a lumpectomy is for sure.

    Gotta' get ready for the big C day. Last one feels great. Hopefully I can still say that in a few days.

    God bless you all as you reep the benefits of treatment and the bounty of God's Love. Dont forget to listen fit that still quiet voice. Sharon.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Hi all~

    I had a relaxing week-end with family. Will be seeing my MO tomorrow; my final path report is better than the initial (biopsy)report, in that my Grade was lowered from 3 to 2, stage 1a. I don't know that it will make much difference in the decision regarding chemo, though. I will see if I can get her to do an Onco test.

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss, lovewins. I cannot imagine how hard that must be for you. ((HUGS))

    Although we are all in different stages of our treatments, we all have God on our side to help us through. I continue to pray for each of you and that He will heal you and keep your SE's minimal.






  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    Congrats to all who are nearing the end of chemo!

    Salty - I had radiation, no chemo. I waited about 15 months after completing my radiation to have my surgery. I hadn't l hadn't planned on any recon at first but I changed my mind along the way. My doc won't do any recon for a minimum of one year after the completion of treatment for patients that have had rads. I am very pleased with my results. Still a little sore and having some nerve regeneration pains, but I had those with my previous lung surgery too. This too shall pass. :-)


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies!  I've only been gone for a few days and I see that a  lot has gone on.

    Lovewins, I was so saddened by your news.  I pray that God will give you peace over the next several days and weeks as you go through the grieving with the assurance your friend will be there waiting to greet you come the day the Lord calls you home.  Until then, no matter how many years that might be, she will be watching over you (Heb. 12:1).

    To all who are nearing the end of your chemo, I rejoice with you!  PTL He got you through!

    Blessings one and all.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Welcome back Mankato! You gave us a bit of a scare there girl. I am so glad to see you on the thread again and doing better. It sure sounds like you had the stuffin' knocked out of you this time around. I will keep you in prayer about peace over all of this. I am sure you want to move on with your life as I am sure everyone on here does. I remember when I first came to know the Lord as my personal Savior, I would listen to J.Vernon McGee on the radio each morning before I went to work. People either loved him or found him boring but I just adored him and I want to hug him in heaven one day for giving my some good Biblical grounding in my childhood days of my Christian walk. Anyway, he was laid up in the hospital for a spell at one point in his ministry and he expressed how anxious He was to get on with His work for God. But he said that God told him, J Vernon, you lay right down there in that bed and you stay there until I tell you that you can leave because I had to put you there to get your attention. Now that I have it, I want you to listen to what it is I want you to know. Basically, he said that sometimes God has to hit us over the head with a 2 X 4 or lay us out in a hospital bed to get our attention. Sometimes we have to endure the moment and try our best to wait on the Lord...for His time to take care of things. And while it may feel like an eternity, it is just a blink in God's eye.

    Sharon: I sure hope things went well today and I am thinking about you dear sister.

    Bev: I am praying that you have peace as well as you approach your final chemo treatment at the end of the week. I know how easy it is to be anxious to get it done with and move on to the next phase.

    Today, I went for my post surgical consult with my BS. It was interesting because I got to testify on the how much I learned in the past few weeks and to say how much my outlook has changed. I walked in with blinders on and was awaken to a world that I knew very little about. I told her that I wanted a breast lift for years and now I would reach down and kiss my breasts if I could. God has shown me that if I don't like my breasts He can very easily take them away. Now I don't want a breast lift anymore because I am so happy to have my little size A cup saggy I also told both the BS and her head nurse that I have had the opportunity to get to know so many courageous women that are going through this silent battle of breast cancer. I told them that your stories are incredible and that each of you are amazing. And I thanked her for all she has done and possibly will do in the future for me.

    So she shared my path report. No Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia cells were present in my tissue. Only regular ductal hyperplasia cells. No cancer cells and all margins clean....halleluiah! She proceeded to talk about risks and shared with me the Gail Model for risk of getting breast cancer. She shared the studies that took place for hormone therapy and she gave me her thoughts. She asked me to think about going on Tamoxifin. She shared the success of it in my situation. 50% of the women that used it did not get breast cancer in five years and the other 50% did. Side effects....blood clots, stroke, uterine cancer, (I don't have one),etc. I told her that I am 3.5% more likely to get cancer in 5 years and that means I am 96.5% likely that I won't. That is better odds then having a car accident. I also needed to know what the risk was to my liver because I have been on a seizure medication since the age of 26 and am showing elevated liver counts. She would have to let me know the risk. So now I have a decision to make as to the value of taking this for five years and I am asking that you pray that God gives me clarity on this matter so I can make a good decision. I liked that she did not try to persuade me. She could not give me any better reasons to take it except for the study and that in the extreme case anyone over 3.0% was recommended to take it. And so I ponder all of this. I do not need to go in every couple months. I was a bit surprised by that. She said that she would have asked to see me more frequently if more ADH cells were present but that I should do my normal monitoring and she would do my mammogram and an annual check up with her next July. So that it where I am with all this. Relieved but again having to make a decision. Okay...I have talked to much. I am very blessed and I got to spend time in my garden today as I dug up Calla Lily bulbs and cut down Canna stocks. Tomorrow I will hopefully get the Canna's finished and set up to dry out a bit for storing. It was a glorious day her today and I am happy to have some time alone with God in my garden so He could listen to me share my concerns.

    Blessings to all of you.


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2013

    Hello everyone- thank you so much for praying for me. No decision has been made regarding 4-6 treatments but I go in this Friday for #4 and feel like I have more questions written down than from my first meeting with him! Ultimately, I really just think that I will never forgive myself if I don't go for 6 and do have a reoccurrence. So barring any set backs...

    Sharon- prayed for you today! Hope you are curled up on the couch. :)

    Char- I just love your posts and want to see your beautiful garden! I just cut my basil and oregano to dry and have stuck our two gorgeous boston ferns on top of the armoire in our bedroom. I just can't keep myself from letting them die in the cold! Even though I just know they are going to drop their leaves all over! Ahh, It will give my 4th grader another chore to vacuum.

    Lovewins- I too gasped when I read about your friend. Sometimes life can be such a kick in the stomach... I will pray for you both. I can tell you are such a great, loving friend that I know your friend was blessed to call you one!

    SaltyJack- squeal! Last chemo this Friday! That will be such a great feeling! Get through the next week and it's only up from there! :)

    Thanks again ladies. What a wonderful group this is!


  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    Ladies, I haven't posted in a long time, but do read the thread daily. I've had a rough couple of weeks on the Afinitor/Aromasin combo I'm on. Had fever, acne out of control, and my right eye is almost swollen shut. My onc has taken me off the Afinitor until my acne clears up, and she may reduce the dosage.

    I had a mini meltdown today, and had to remind myself that God is our great physician. I just turn it over to Him, and know that He knows what is best for all of us, if we just trust Him.

    Blessings and prayers to all of you.


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    Hello ladies....thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I headed back up North to be with my folks for a few days before my next treatment. I pray for all the best for all of you. I am doing well for my circumstances, I am sure it must be God strengthening me because of the many prayers. I am thankful my friend did not suffer and went to be with the Lord quickly. I am thankful I saw her off before her surgery that morning and was able to give her a card and a little stuffed frog. I am trying to focus on the positive things because I know that is what I need to do for myself and my family to get through this. God is good all the time, even when we do not understand. Bless you all.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    lovewins- I am glad you've been able to spend sometime with your parents. Did they know your friend? Did you friend have a husband and or kids? I am still thinking and praying for you...what a shock I am sure!

    Gardengal- thanks for thinking and praying for me. I will be sure to pray for wisdom for you! So many decisions...ugh and how to know what is right in your own situation. Thankfully we have a God we can place our trust in and know he will guide us with our decision if we ask.

    Granna- I feel for you! I was having a bad week last week...weird SE and all I wanted was to be normal. I have said a prayer and will keep you in my prayers. Let us know when your eye gets better. I have had a droopy eye lid from chemo so I can kind of relate.

    Kate- prayers for wisdom for you. If God gives you the strength... I'd say do as the doctor recommended. But remember God is taking care of you and will give you the strength to make it thru. If you end up choosing 4 rest in peace that God is in control and nothing will happen to you that he didn't allow for your good! ( easier said than done)

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2013

    Hello Everyone! I'm now Day 11 post chemo and again with fever and flu-like-syndrome because my WBC is low. I'm feeling pretty good now since the ibuprofen is working but earlier I was feeling really sick with upper GI discomfort, muscle aches and my temperature spiked to 100.8. If my temperature goes up again (and I'm certain it will) I'm starting the antibiotic.

    Sharon - I'm praying that you are doing well and that the side effects will be minimal and tolerable.

    Kate and SaltyJack - You are both in my prayers with upcoming chemo. And Kate, I'm praying your doctor will have comforting words related to your treatment.

    Mankostate - The anxious feelings you are having could be a side effect of the chemo. I've experienced this side effect and as a result I've tried to avoid situations that might heighten it. You'll probably feel less anxious as the days pass by. I'm so glad that the worst of your last chemo is over!!!

    Gardengal - That's wonderful how everything went with you BS! I am curious why your doctor suggested Tamoxifen since your pathology report didn't show cancer.

    Granna - You really have been and are going through a lot! May God strengthen and comfort you during this difficult time. May He give you times of health so you can enjoy time with your family and friends. Rest in His promises. Psalm 16 is such a wonderful Psalm for us as believers - I pray you'll find comfort there as well as with many of the other Psalms. God is so loving, gracious and merciful to provide the His Word to comfort us in times of great need and to reassure us that better days, eternal days with no pain or suffering are ahead.

    Lovewins - Enjoy your time with your parents. I'm so thankful you had a chance to be with your friend before her surgery and it's most wonderful that she didn't suffer and she's now with the Lord!

    Keepthefaith - glad you had a good weekend with family. Praise God the tumor grade went down to 2. If you have an estrogen positive tumor, your doctor should do the oncotype test. The test provides additional information that will help with future decisions. I'm praying your visit with your oncologist goes well tomorrow.

    May God bless and comfort you! Deborah

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Has anyone on here gone through Radiation? I know there are boards for that but I thought I'd ask here gets too hard to keep up with multiple boards. If so I have a few questions to ask. Either private message me or just say yes and I will ask. Thanks.

    How are you today Sharon? Feel good to say chemo is over?

    Deboranne- are you done or a cycle or so behind me? I think our chemo dates were close. If you are like me you are starting to feel better but having a low white count week. I hate that because I am stuck at home. I cant risk getting sick and ending up in the ER with no husband around and kids depending on me. This time we have no food so I am digging to feed us all. It doesn't help that food is still not exciting to me either.

    Bev are you getting ready to get the last over with or just enjoying your last "good" days. Hope all is well. I will pray for your numbers to be up.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2013

    Mankat - I went through rads. Feel free to PM me with an questions you may have. I can't speak for everyone and may not have the answer you need, but I would be happy to share my experience.


  • Teresa195
    Teresa195 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2013

    Just found this website and chat room. I am 44 y.o. I have had a biopsy and all I know at this point is my cancer is grade 2. I have been given the option of mastectomy or lumpectomy and am confused and overwhelmed. Anyone have any knowledge to share with me at this early point would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

     MO ordered onco test today. Will see her again the 14th with results. She also mentioned the mammaprint test if needed. If chemo is needed, she said 4 TC's  every 3 wks....rads, then HT. NO tamoxifen, though. I really love my MO. She is so on the same page with me and what I would like to happen, if possible.

    Bev', I hope you are relaxing and "looking forward" to your last chemo on Friday. Praying that your SE's are minimal! I know you have a lot of treatments, surgery etc. to go yet, but you are getting there.

    Sharon, I  hope you are doing well after your LAST treatment yesterday! .

    Deborahanne, Praying that your counts go back up soon and you feel better, w/o anti-biotics.

    Granna, hugs to you for all you are going through. I hope things calm down for you very soon.

    Kate, good luck on your treatments. I am fortunate that I have a multi-disciplinary cancer center and they have conferences, etc to discuss treatment plans for their patients. That makes me feel better that it is not just one Dr's recommendation. Praying that you find peace in your decisions moving forward.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences. It is so helpful to know what to expect down this bumpy road of uncertainty.

    You all are such an inspiration and are in my prayers~

    Blessings and HUGS~



  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2013

    Jo-5 and mini1...thanks I will have some more questions to ask I am sure. Right now I am just wondering if there is any special cream beside what the doctor recommends that I should be buying ahead of time. I have my first meeting on Friday so I may get that answered by him, but if this is any thing like chemo...I am sure there will be a lot of helpful things left out. I am not sure yet when I will start radiation next few weeks but I do know if they don't sell it at our local Walmart I will probably have to buy it online and that can take a while. Just wondered if there is something I should be looking for before rads start.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2013

    mankatostate, I used Aquaphor. The doc and techs told me I would burn because I am fair with red hair but I kept it "slathered" on my radiated area. No one could believe how well my skin did. Be sure you continue to apply the cream after treatment is finished, it continues to burn. You will do well, I'm sure!!

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2013

    Evening everyone, I have two wonderful ladies that live two doors down from me and they have made up three gift bags of a beautiful head scarf and a fleece cap- all hand made. I have been telling them how wonderful and helpful you all are, so they wanted to do something nice. If anyone is interested, please PM me and I am happy to get a bag in the mail to you!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Lots happening this week - and lots of good news.

    Char, we're rejoicing with you over your good path report and praying for wisdom to decide how to proceed next. We've still got a month before frost here - I have to say I'm getting tired of all the leggy, overgrown plants and about ready to start doing some fall clearing. Enjoy your gardening! How is your husband making out with decisions about his treatment?

    Lovewins - you'll have your last chemo on Monday, right? Enjoy your time with your parents - what a special relationship you're able to treasure. I'm sure they love fussing over you!

    Terri - great news about your staging and I'm so glad you're so comfortable with your doctor. More waiting.....but we know God has all the answers and will help you with the decisions you need to make.

    Sharon, Mankato - hope you breeze through any more SE from the last chemo and get ready for rads. You're getting to the end of this trip! Deborahanne - will you have rads next?

    Granna - I'm so sorry you've been having such a tough time. Hopefully your MO will be able to find a drug combination and treatment that you can tolerate better. As I read your post, I remembered Joni Eareckson-Tada's testimony (thanks again, fondak for the link). Even though she's been a quadriplegic for 46 years (and a breast cancer survivor), Joni reminded us that our priority (as it is God's) must be healing our hearts and becoming more like Christ - and that any physical suffering is helping us on that endeavor. I don't remember who it was but somebody posted a great thought on the thread a while ago: God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors. Granna, I'm sure many people around you are watching you and being blessed by your spirit, strength and faith. We'll sure be praying for you.....

    Kate, enjoy tomorrow - Friday we play the chemo game again. We'll be praying for good communication with your MO about treatments and peace and wisdom about how to proceed.

    Mini - so glad all is going well with your surgery. Sounds like you made all the right decisions!

    Mom3K - Hope you decided to hang around. How are you doing?

    Oh yes - I forget who asked about Dr. Cook ("walk with the King today and be a blessing"). I think his program was on lots of "family radio" and Christian stations so he probably was broadcast on Moody radio. Dr. Cook died years ago but my dad (in Erie, PA) listens to him every morning on the local Christian station - many of Dr. Cook's devotions are timeless (kind of like I Love Lucy reruns, I guess?!)

    God bless you all. Thanks so much for the prayers, support and being there! - Bev

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited October 2013

    thanks Saltyjack I do have treatment Monday...I wish it was my last but I have a total of 6! Yuck!

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    saltyjack, you are such a blessing. I'm feeling a little better with my respite from the Afinitor - kind of like I'm getting my life back. I'm supposed to go visit my brother and sister-in-law in ocracoke, nc next week, and didn't think I could do it, but I'm starting to feel a little more human, so I think it will be good for me. My 89 year old mom is going too. My brother and sister-in-law are devout Christians, so I think it will be good. God is good and in charge!

    Blessings and prayers to all on this thread!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    So much going many stages just about completed and next steps to start. I am so glad to hear many of you are doing well. I am also praying for those of you that are still having issues.

    Granna: I am sorry for such tough going. It sounds like you have had a miserable time with things. I sure hope and of course pray that things will clear up.

    Lots of final chemos coming up. Rejoicing that you have made it through this time.

    Kate: I am continuing to lift you in prayer as you seek some answers. I am knowing how you feel about all of this. My BS is someone I am trying to get a handle on. She is savy and does not share her thoughts as to what one should do but presents and lets you maul it over to decide. Of course they encourage to call with questions. I have many..too many.

    Deborahann: Praying for your counts to improve and that you are back on your feet and feeling better. It is ironic that the drugs that are supposed to help you are those that also destroy so much too. I think that medicine is that way in general. While it may help one condition, its use or prolonged use is destroying something else. Then you take another drug to counteract that issue and so on and so continues with more and more till all the side effects almost are more then the original condition.

    I am a bit at a loss as to why Tamoxifin Deborahann. I think her reason is that some study showed it helped in fifty percent of the cases. It did not go on to say how many of those women had strokes, blood clots, cataracts, liver cancer and other issues. I have shared with some friends at work and many are feeling the same as me. I mentioned it to one of our school nurses and the other nurse piped in that all her friends are on Tamoxifin like it was just like taking daily vitamins. It was no big deal according to her. But if my doctor does not want to see me for a year with any more frequent monitoring, then why bother putting me on a cancer drug that only has a fifty fifty shot at preventing breast cancer in five years. Now if the study said that I would have a higher rate of no occurrence, then it might be worth considering but 50-50 does not really prove anything from the study. The other issue I have is that I stepped out in faith that God would take care of this and He did. And if He wanted me to have cancer, He certainly would have allowed it to happen. Am I saying, okay God I trust that you took this away and that I am okay but now I need to make sure of that and take precautions just in case you change your mind. breast surgeon could not even show me any evidence that this worked with her own patients. I also have been reading the effects and some are pretty damaging. I am a person that does not assimilate medicines well. It took forever for me to adjust to seizure drugs and I nearly died from an overdose of the drug. Sorry to be sharing all of this but sometimes it just helps to put it out there. I may explore homeopathic medicines and look at research along those lines. They support building up the entire body and the immune system to fight off disease. Basically they look at getting the body back in balance. I guess I am coming to the conclusion that for me this is a no. That I need to continue to step out in faith that God has His best for me whatever it may be to bring honor and glory to Him and to show others that do not believe that I stand by what I believe.

    Okay...I have spent to much on my "Me Box". This is what I often refer about some of my students that are very self centered and only think about themselves.

    Bev: My husband is trying to get things done around her in preparation for his surgery. It is taking place November 15th. We are moving our winter bird seed order from our garage up to our storage shed. My dad and husband are big birders and they feed them throughout the year and winter. So God does provide for the sparrow as He speaks of in the Bible. Lots of winterizing to do before the snow flies. But it will get done.

    Lovewins: Enjoy your time with your folks. I know how precious they are to you.

    Jo5 and Jlow: You are so wonderful to share your information with everyone. I am sure it is of great help to others as they prepare for the next step in their journey.

    Well it is almost midnight here and once again I am trying to get too much in to little time. God bless and sweet dreams to all of you.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    char, I've heard that tamoxifen and another drug blocks the estrogen that feeds the positive tumors and helps keep the cancer cells from growing or destroys them. The comparable drug for my Triple Negative BC is still in the experimental stages. We're praying for such a drug as tamoxifen to help keep this aggressive form if BC from metastasizing. my husband and I decided it would be better for me to let them hit me with every gun they have right now to shrink TN tumors because I have no pill to take for 5 years. I know what you're saying about side effects though, especially in young with a whole life ahead, but in 5 days, I'll be 69, so for me, any side effect is better than the alternative. I take that back. I'm heaven-bound just like everyone else on here; I just want to stay with my family longer, God willing, but if I were to join naan, praise God and my family and friends ( you all included) for praying for me and helping me get closer to God before I go. We do not live forever on earth so I'm not being morbid and giving up. Im trying to face my own mortality at my age. For the replacement of tamoxifen for me, since no one knows what feeds TN, I, too, have to get my immune system in tip top health. i have a book called Eight Weeks to Optimum Health that is great at explaining the benefits of different oils and foods. I have to lose more weight and get my basal metabolism in the right numbers, so I suppose that's the same idea you have. I think that will be good for all cancer patients, but if a pill is discovered, I'll probably take it. With the faith of everyone on this thread and with all of the prayers said, God will lead us to a clarity of mind so we will know what He wants us to do. I find that if I putter around the quiet house all day when everyone is gone and the TV isn't blaring out horrible news created by Satan, Gods voice can be heard so well. I had a lot of revelations one day this week. It was great to communicate and just listen to that still quiet voice. Before I close this book, Char, don't quit telling your "me moments" or we won't get to know you. I love reading your posts.

    Love wins, you won't regret having the rest of chemo. It might be just what's needed to kill those evil cells. Drink lots of liquid and this too shall pass.

    Granna, I haven't gotten to know you yet but I want to. When I pray for those I know, I also ask God to bless those don't because He knows what you need. He's an awesome God that lives right here in our heads. Father God always existed, came to earth in the flesh called Jesus, and left himself behind in those who believe called the Holy Spirit. That's how he lives today, in the hearts and minds of us all. He's one God with three roles just like me. I'm a mother, grandmother, and great- grandmother, and when I am gone away, I'll leave a part of me in the hearts and minds of my children and grandchildren and all of you.

    God bless everyone today. I love you all. You're experiences are helping me cope. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited October 2013

    Radiology RN told me yesterday to use castor oil to toughen up the underarm and breast skin. She said to put it on before bed and to wear an old cotton shirt and just wash it off gently before going to rads. I have Aquaphor and Aloe Vera ready. My brother is giving me an aloe Vera plant. That stuff is super on burns, although I've read a post by a RO that said radiation doesn't burn the skin, it keeps new skin from growing so we need to keep what we have tough and as healthy as possible. Start using it now beforehand. They don't want any lotions on us during rads, just afterwards.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2013

    Good morning! I'm getting ready for Bible study but just wanted to post this quick....and I think I've said it before but I think it's so good, I'm going to say it again - so bear with me.

    I was in a Bible study once with a retired missionary (she'd spent 40 years in India translating the Bible into dialects!). When we asked her how we can know God's will for our lives, she said "just start moving in a direction and God will open and close doors. He can't steer an anchored ship." I've used that idea for guidance in my own life and maybe it will help you, Char and Kate, as you pray and think about how you should best proceed. I'm praying that God will give you wisdom, peace, clarity and certainty as to how to move forward (can't you just tell those lawyers - always have to use about 10 words when one might do?!). Anyway - you know what I mean.

    Granna - so glad you're feeling better and will have a precious family time. The older I get, the more those family times mean to me.

    Fridaygirl - you have a treatment - and support group meeting - coming up, right? We'll be praying that God's light and peace will shine through you with the other ladies and that you'll know the right words to say or not say.

    It's raining here in Magnolia - and we're always on the edge of drought in Texas so we love the sound of raindrops (yep, even when I have to cajole the dogs outside and then dry off 12 big greyhound paws!)

    Have a blessed day - Bev