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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Bestock-great news!

    Ok let me see if I can share a thought from my Bible study today. I was reading the story about Moses and how the Israelites were fighting the Amalekites. Moses had to hold his staff above his head ALL day LONG in order for the Israelites to be winning. I was thinking about how hard a task that must of been and wow how much he must of wanted to quit but couldn't for the people. Kind of made me think of chemo and other cancer treatment and how much we don't want to do this impossible task and yet God gets us thru it. How he provides friends, love ones, Doctors and nurses to help...just like the people who helped hold Moses arms up when he grew tired. I then noticed that Moses built an alter as thanks to God for the victory. Made me think that at the end of all this...what can I do to show thanks to God for getting me thru this. Has anyone done something to specifically to show thanks to God to celebrate with him for their victory over Cancer? Not something to just celebrate being done with cancer treatment, but something saying to God thank-you for the healing. My husband is out of town so I need to discuss this with him, but thinking of giving a money offering to something to say thank-you. Just wondering if any of you have any thoughts...

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Bestock, So glad to hear your good news!

    Bev', I'm glad you are sailing through your new treatment! Keep it up!

    I hope all of you that are new to rads are doing well also. 

    My friends' husband has Multiple Myeloma. He is still going thru tests, but will go thru treatment soon.

    Going to dentist today for 2 fillings...

    Blessings and Hugs~


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    KTF: i had my second radiation today and am feeling fine. Thanks for remembering us. I don't know how some of you go like you do. Running to radiation 5 days a week 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back is rough and I've only gone twice. I had appointments every day last week running that much makes me so tired that i crash on the couch and sleep. Thats why i haven't been here much.

    Manka: i love the analogy of Moses' trial and our cancer trial. Very appropriate. One thing that I'm sure God has already noticed how we all have grown closer to him and we have learned to place our faith in him a lot more. When do/did your rads start? I want to see if your RO told you the same creams to use as mine. I was told the best is Miaderm. Walmart is supposed to have it. Then she said use Castor Oil at night and aloe vera in between. Im using an aloe vera plant.

    Gardengal: in the attic of this house that we bought after my husbands parents died, i found the same magazines. I threw about 75 out the attic window so we could trash them later, when i started selling things on E-Bay, I found that the old ones were in high demand. Possibly they're not now, but save everything if you will one day have an auction. Youll be surprised what people buy.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Thank you all for praying for me. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too well, today is a little better. I'm hoping I feel much better this weekend since my son is flying in from California for the weekend.

    A friend of mine sent me this video related to suffering - it brought tears to my eyes. Hope it encourages you.

    Becky - So happy for your good results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sue - I'm praying you'll have good results!

    Sharon - I'm sorry you are having to drive 45 minutes for your radiation. I'm not sure what I would have done if I'd needed rads since it's about an hour and 25min to where I'm getting my health care. I'm praying you'll be able to make the most of this time and not be too tired.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    thank you Deborahanne, i will make it. Sorry I was so grouchy. I ended up with a stomach ache a lot of the day so I've spent a lot of rime in the couch. Its almost 8 and I'm in bed. Very tired. Praying fir all of you for your particular needs.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Sharon- my rads start on Monday. I have about a 30 min. drive. Not quiet so bad as you but still no fun. It's in a town we lived in years ago so I plan to look up some old friends and reconnect. Also they have a mall so I will try to do some Christmas shopping. That is if I can get the energy to do it. Trying to make the drive worth it. Another bummer is my son has an away basketball game in this same town this weekend so I guess I will have to start my visiting of the town sooner than Monday.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2013

    Mankatostat I am encouraged reading your post about how can we give thanks. I have found the best way of showing thanks is when He sees us really turn to Him and strive to learn all we can about who He is and trying to live out what He has called us to do.

    I know I am always throwing out analogies but here's the best way I can describe what I mean.

    Sort of like if someone had a loved away....say a husband or son serving in Afganistan and while they're away the only means of communication is by letter and through writing they poured their heart out to the loved one. Upon returning home they walk in and happily see a special box made just for the letters.

    After all the celebration and a week of being home, they go over to the box and notice only two or three of...say...52 letters were opened. Then the soldier asks his wife, mother or whoever about the unopened letters and she tells him that she was really busy while he was away but planned to read them someday. You can imagine the soldier would not only feel unloved or valued by the one he wrote to, but it would be hard for him to believe the person appreciated what the sacrifices he was making to provide for his family and serve his country. That would be so painful yet many of us do that to God every day.

    Thanks for getting me to think about that!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2013

    Bestock, I'm so thankful for you news!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    Fondak: love the analogy. My son was in Afghanistan. I can relate.

    Manko: i am only 4 days ahead in rads. We need to stay greased up and hydrated. My RO said i didn't have to wash it off before treatment as long as it is 2 hours between.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    I am not surprised, as we weren't expecting to see anything, but just got a call that my CT scan that I had came back good (nothing funny looking) so I can move on to Radiation. Thankful to God for no surprises!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited November 2013

    Fondak, that was very well written and certainly speaks to me. It breaks my heart to think that if I tell myself I am too busy to spend time with the Lord (as I know I am guilty of doing) then I am in fact seriously rejecting him. You have definitely brought something home to me.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    thanks fondak I needed to read that also about turning to God and listening.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Mankato: Great news! Glad to hear you are moving forward with treatment.

    I am trying to pay it forward as thanks to God. For instance; a bus driver at our school has cancer and she has been going through chemo since coming back to school this year. I am one of two bus monitors. Yesterday, she stopped me to say that she got word that she is 99%cancer free. When I came back from my meeting at our high school, I stopped and picked up a card and mums to give her. She was very surprised to receive it and I said that you should celebrate every wonderful moment in your life and this one of them. I told that I will continue to pray for her as well. So, I will continue to do things as they come along.

    Have a wonderful day!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Good for you, Char - a kiss from God for the bus driver through you. That's something I've learned from this journey, too - trying to be more sensitive and to do things for other people to show them I care....not just say the "let me know if I can do anything" words. Praying for your husband this week with his surgery!

    Thanks, fondak, for the analogy - it's perfect and gave me a lump in my throat thinking of the many times I've done the same thing to God. His patience and forgiveness is just amazing.

    Becky and Kathy - so glad for good results and your faithfulness.

    Yesterday's reading from Jesus Today was such a blessing - I wanted to share an excerpt: God says:

    I - the Sovereign Lord - am your Strength....When your energy is running low, connect with Me - your Strength. Sometimes I pour abundant energy into you as you spend time in My Presence. At other times I energize you only bit by bit, giving you just enough strength to keep moving slowly forward. Though the abundant provision is more dramatic and satisfying, do not be discouraged when I choose to give you strength sufficient only for the moment. This may be My way of keeping you ever so close to Me on your life-path, leaning on Me....I, the Sovereign Lord, am in charge of your life and your journey - though difficult - is full of blessing.

    My husband and I met with the reconstruction surgeon yesterday (just a consultation at this point) and I'm thanking God because I ended up coming out of the discussion with a completely different (tentative) plan but so far, it's feeling pretty good. However - I'm hoping for some help and input from y'all, please! I'd been pretty set on an implant but now am thinking about a DEIP (or whatever they call it - basically a tummy tuck). Based on the doctor's guidance, as well as a couple of the threads I stumbled over that kept talking about lots of problems and infections with the implants, I'm leaning toward the DEIP. Help?! What do you think?

    I had an ultrasound today and more praise to God! Everything has shrunk (the original lump and lymph nodes) - that's all the radiologist would say....that everything is moving in the right direction so the treatment is progressing well. However - the 2.2 cm "area" (apparently it was inside so it could never be felt as a lump) is GONE! I was talking to the tech ahead of time and told her I knew she couldn't tell me anything but then when she was scanning, she said "wow" under her breath. I asked her if "wow" was good and she agreed and smiled. Thank you God and thank all of you for the prayers!

    Hope you all have a blessed weekend God is so good....all the time!


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Good Evening, Ladies!

    I was feeling pretty good today and got a lot done around the house, but now I'm feeling achy and running fever of 100.2. It's a disappointment since my son is visiting for the weekend. He flew in from California and this is the first time he's been able to see my since I was diagnosed. But even with this setback, I feel so incredibly blessed. God is most gracious, merciful, and loving to me. His provision through my loving, caring family is far more than I ever deserved. I can never praise God enough for all He is doing.

    Char - I hope and pray all goes well with your husband's surgery.

    Bev - I'm glad you and your husband met with the plastic surgeon. I saw my breast surgeon last week and he asked me if I was going to have reconstruction and I told him I was undecided but leaning towards no. He said some woman decide 5 or so years later. So I figure I don't need to rush. When I previously met with a plastic surgeon, I just never felt comfortable with any of the options she gave and her practice offers many choices. Even when they use our own tissue there are risks. At least you have some time to think and pray about it. And since you are having a single mastectomy, you are dealing with less complications whereas for me I'd have twice the chance for problems.

    Now that my last chemo infusion is over, I'm starting to look ahead and was encouraged seeing pictures on the hair loss board of women and how their hair has come back. I can't wait until that happens! I have also looked on the board related to setting weight goals and another board for keeping track of exercise. Even though my goal is already to weigh less and exercise more - I'm looking forward to joining these ladies for the extra motivation. Perhaps some of you would also be interested.

    Hope you all have a blessed weekend!


  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2013

    Sewstrong - How is your son doing? Is he still enlisted?

    Fridaygirl, lovewins and Saltyjack, I was really struck by thinking about...what do we do to thank God. I think it's a very good question. I am so amazed by His patience. I don't have to look to the world to see it. I see it everyday in my own life.

    Saltyjack, I'm excited about your good report!

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Deborah- Already said a prayer that you will feel better for your son's visit...bummer!

    I too am anxiously looking for my hair to grow back! I asked my 13 year old tonight so do you see any new hair? I hadn't lost quite all of it. He looked and said yes...paused and said well no maybe not. He then remarked he felt bad because I apperently had a huge smile that dissapeared when he said no. Some day soon I hope to see new hair!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Thank you, Mankatostate. Hopefully, you'll start seeing hair in about 2 weeks. Let us know when you do! :-)

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Here is where I saw pictures of hair coming back.

    Topic: Hair Hair Hair - Another question

    Forum: Chemotherapy - Before, During and After — Regimens, side effects, and support from others going through chemo.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    I wanted to write before I go out to do work in the yard and at my dad's home. Praise the Lord, I got a lot thrown out at my dad's this week and my brother who is on permanent disability came in yesterday and finished another corner area so the gas guys can get to it and put in his new gas hook up. The best news is that my hubby and I were going to tear out his sidewalk and put in a new one, but they are putting the new line down all of the sidewalks on his side so all them will get new ones. It is a big blessing a big relief for us. Praise God in helping in small and wondrous ways.

    I got out to run this morning in our balmy 35 degree temperature. My husband told me not to because of my knee issue but I tested it at work yesterday and ran with my kids during four classes for five minutes and it seemed to hold up fine without a brace. So off I went this morning and decided that I had to know if it was done for or getting better. I ran 4 1/2 miles with no knee discomfort and my stamina held up as well after being laid off for two weeks. So I may be out of the woods. I will rest it tomorrow and try again next week. But I am so thankful that it is getting better and does not appear to be a tear after all....just old age I guess.

    I am so pleased to hear everyone is moving on to new phases of treatment. I hope the past seems nothing more then a really bad dream. But with new rounds comes some anxiety and so I pray that God gives all of you peace during these treatments as well as few or no complications.

    Thank you for sharing Fondak. I am guilty of taking things for granted. God blesses me and what do I do in return for those blessings. Please keep reminding helps us keep life in perspective and accountable.

    Bev: Praise God for your results. He is so awesome. I hope your husband's eyes are opened more and more to God's miracles. But how wonderful to get such great news. Now I know your hair is going to return too. God never does things half way. Thank you for sharing Jesus Today. How very true is that about our energy. Reminds me of trying to keep my dog at bay when he pulls ahead all the time and I keep reeling him in. I guess God has to reel us in at times too. Reminds me of trying to teach pacing to my students. They take off in such a big way only to soon tire and walk or even stop. It is so hard for some of them to control all that energy. Yet there are those kids who stay with me because they know that I am keeping a pace they can handle and are able to successfully finish when we are out running together. Hmmm....sounds like God does the same thing to us. Don't get ahead of yourself or you will run out of steam. Stay close and I will help you along the way. Thanks for such a great share.

    Deborah: I have been praying you feel better and hope that you are enjoying your visit with your son.

    I am off for a very busy day. Wood to move, leaves to clean up, compost to move. Thank you for prayers for my hubby's upcoming surgery too. My school nurse told me yesterday that both she and her husband had this surgery and she said recoup time all depends on the person. I said do you mean whether they are male and female and she laughed and said yes. Women usually handle it better then men. Go figure.

    Have a blessed day,


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    fondak: no, my son finished his tour. He is able ti work as long as it doesnt involve heavy lifting. He is taking his CDL test either today or Monday, then he can take the job that is driving a semi within the grounds of North American Stainless close to home thanks for asking.

    Bev, WOW! Thats a great word when prefaced with a smile. I can't wait to hear what your MO says next week.

    Manka: my last chemo was Oct. 28, and I started feeling whiskers on my crown just a little after that. I think it started growing beforeI was finished. Now, its about 1/8 inch long so its sysrying not to feel stubbly. Get a magnifying glass so you can look around your hairline. Maybe its the old case of " a watched pot never boils." If im remembering correctly, your first radiation is Monday. Ill be praying for good results for you. There are lighted stars in a black ceiling over where i have radiation treatments. Ive slready picked out some for you. I pray on each star for someone. Ill keep doing that through my 30 treatments. I must say, ive had 4, it doesnt hurt at all, but i already feel a sensation on the side like sunburn. Im using Misderm 3 times a day. I hope your doctor tells you of a good cream to help your skin stay strong. Start using it right now.

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2013

    For you ladies in or beginning radiation, my doctor gave me a prescription called silvadene or something similar to that. If what you are regularly using doesn't seem to be enough, perhaps you can request something like that. When I had my radiation I had it to the front then the side followed by my back due to the lymph node involvement. My husband was away for my treatment and I could never get my back covered very well. It's funny the things I forget about! I hope you all are encouraged that what seems to be a challenge today may be forgotten down the road without something specific to remind you.

    Also, regarding the hair, mine came back in much quicker around the back and sides than it did on the top! Sort of like Tim Conway's hair line I guess. It came back during radiation which I finished a year ago this spring and it was long again by then.....and all over...not just the sides lol! I guess I would keep it shaved if the top didn't eventually pick up.

    Sewstrong, I hope your son's test goes well. For me, I believe cancer would be much easier than doing a tour in Afghanistan or having a son over there.

    Gardengal, That is great about the gas lines. Taking out sidewalks is a huge job! Talking about the kids makes me think of when my son was in Italy. They were doing mission work and none of the kids spoke English. It was the first year this small church had support come for a kids camp and one of our elders was leading the kids to the park. You know how they all hold on to the rope to keep them together? Well as he was walking them to the park all the kids were pulling the rope as they went along. Apparently this was a new idea to them.

    I wish I could have watched it. Neither of them spoke Italian and they tried to get the kids to understand that they didn't need to pull but simply hold onto the rope. I did see a photo. It was so funny. He had the rope tied around his waist and looked like it was taking the effort of a lonely sled dog to guide the children along. Kids are so precious.

    Praying for you ladies. I know I'm not here as often. I'm trying to get so much done here but I do check in and so many are new, I'm still trying to learn everyone. I do pray for you all.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies... been MIA - but now I have internet at home! Yah!

    Only 7 more rads treatments to go. That's fine by me, because I have a burn area about 2"x1", right in a skin fold. Also managed to get some sort of bacterial infection under the treated breast, so I'm on cipro for that. The fatigue has really hit me hard. And let's remember how radiation can affect your immune system - I now have a doozie of a cold!

    It's almost over, though. And no tamoxifen because of the embolism.

    Tomorrow after work/treatment I have a wedding to attend. I'll probably have the mindset of "just give me a slice of cake and let me go home" - I'm happy for my friend, but gosh I'm tired!

    Keeping all y'all lifted in prayer!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Welcome back Cynthia. I am glad to see you back and sorry to hear what you have been going through. I sure hope that your infection gets under control and that you are rid of your cold quickly. You are right about the immune system taking a beating. I certainly can see no Tamoxifen because it's issues of causing blood clots. I will keep you in prayer for your burn, infection and cold. I hope you are able to get through your wedding date but I think everyone would understand if you could not stay very long.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies - hope everybody had a good weekend and blessed Sunday. The topic of the sermon yesterday was healing - particularly poignant because we lost a dear friend to cancer this week. Patsy prayed and talked me through the darkest day I had, when I was first diagnosed and imagining everything from mets throughout my body to terrible chemo treatments. She fought Stage IV Lung Cancer for a year and a half and always believed that God would heal her. During the last week of her life, she realized that the healing wouldn't be in this earthly body - and then she victoriously claimed the truth of I Cor. 15:55-57:

    O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law; But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    A true warrior princess of God!

    In Sunday School, we watched one of Billy Graham's new videos, which you can see on-line and may want to encourage unsaved friends to watch: I'm going to ask my husband to watch "Defining Moments" - please pray that God will speak to him....and, of course, that many throughout America will be brought to Christ through this powerful movement. God is America's only hope, that's for sure!

    God bless America - and you all!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    So sorry to hear about your friend heart goes out to you as I pray the Lord comforts you.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies~

    Prayers for you Bev' on the loss of your friend.

    Cynthia, I hope your infection clears up soon~

    I will be doing TC chemo soon. Onco score intermediate at 21; MO said it's really my decision, but I can't imagine looking back in 10 yrs with BC if I don't give it my best shot now.

    Blessings and HUGS!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    keepthefaith: Sounds like you are pushing forward. I know that everyone here including myself will continue to keep you in prayer.

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my hubby came through his surgery today. He will be out of commission for months but he is ready to do what it takes to get his mobility back in his right shoulder. The doctor fixed the tear and put some sutures in his bicep tendon for support. He also cleaned out the edge of his shoulder which was extremely arthritic. No driving until he sees the doctor on the 4th of Dec. and lots of therapy to come. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers today.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Keepthefaith-I will be thinking of you and praying for you. When do you start TC? You are where I was just last August. I had a onco score of 22. And yes it seems like forever to get thru chemo, but God will get you thru it! Now that I am on the other side I am so glad I did chemo. My husband asked me how will I feel come November if I didn't do it vs doing it. Would I then say I wished I would have done it. NO Fun going thru it, but I am guessing when you are on the other end you will be glad you did. We will all be here for you as you go thru it!

    Char-Glad to hear your husbands surgery went well. I will pray that things continue to go well.

    Day 2 of radiation and so far no problem. I hate the fact that it takes twice as long to drive to radiation than to actually have radiation. The good news is I finally got to reconnect with an old friend who lives in the town where I have radiation. I have only lived an hour and a half away for the past 5 years but we have never connected. Going to radiation kind of forced me to drive on my own to the town...usually when I go there it's with my it was the perfect opportunity to connect. Had a great time catching up over lunch! Ugh it seems so weird though that I have to drive out there again tomorrow and the next day and the next...kind of weird after chemo getting used to the idea of daily treatment vs weekly doctor visits!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    keepthefaith faith- I haven't been posting much because I'm subbing so much, I'm just tired, but I pray for you by looking at the lighted stars in the ceiling where I do radiation. I look at one little star and ask Gid to give you strength, then on another, i pray for something else. My radiation treatments are very quick but today I was able to pray for three: you, Kathy and Bev. I prayed for you, KTF, that God would give you a peace about having chemo so that you will be able to get through it without too many issues. Bev, Kathy, and I, as well as others on this thread, have survived chemo and can help you know how to avoid different side effects as you go along. The main thing is dont eat fat before during or after chemo if you want to avoid nausea and drink as close to a gallon of fluid as you can on the day before, the day of, and the day with you. I was just above borderline and chose to do chemo so I would have no regrets. I'm glad you chose chemo too. My husband and I decided it would be better to have a lifelong side effect than to not survive.

    Mankato: I prayed for you during rads today, as well. I asked God to be with you as you begin your radiation journey and to give you peace. You've had a hard time so far. I prayed that you would find radiation much easier. I'm with you in the drive to radiation. It takes us 45 minutes to get there and I'm out in about 15-20 minutes. The drive is far worse than the treatment so far. It sounds like your drive is longer. It's nice that you found your old friend. I've had 6 treatments. I've been diligent at putting on Miaderm, aloe plant, and castor oil. I had some itching today and was told to use cortisone cream. Sometimes, I feel a little sunburned already. So far, skin doesn't even look red.