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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for the prayers Sharon...I am glad rads seem to be going well for you too. Just think we have our own special count down to Christmas. I will be sure to keep you in my prayers too.

    It's a busy week for this stay at home do nothing lately mom. Starting with last Saturday I have had a basketball tourney, card club, my son sing in church, a doctor appointment, a bb parent meeting after school followed by a high school parent meeting about my older son's Washington DC trip, met up with an old friend for lunch, tonight a banquet for my sons soccer year, tomorrow I volunteer up at my sons school, Thursday my younger son has a forensic presentation/contest at a local college followed that night by a band concert and Friday the kids have another night of the Forensic presentation at crazy busy for my first week of rads of which I have to do about an hour and a half of just driving to get there and back..Takes up my whole morning doing that. Now for all you "crazy" ladies who have kept working during treatment this may sound like nothing, but I have hardly been doing anything lately so I feel like I am now a crazy lady for having so much to do on my first weeks of Rads... I can't wait until Saturday when I can just have a day to stay home and do NOTHING! Good night all...rads come early in the morning!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Thanks, ladies for your kind words about Patsy. I know she's breathing freely, not feeling any pain and praising God more loudly than ever!

    KTF, I'll be praying you through T/C. I finished A/C and start the targeted drugs this Friday - four more rounds. Lots of ladies are complaining about pain but most are saying these drugs are much easier to tolerate than A/C. God was so good through the past three months, I'm just praying and trusting He'll keep answering prayers. I'm sure hoping not to need rads (which will only happen if there's NO live cancer cells when they do surgery after chemo). Of course, I'm remembering our mantra.....I'm here by God's His keeping...under His direction...and for His time. So - it's okay!

    Char, so glad all went well with the surgery. I'm sure it was a long day for you waiting. As you said before, God's timing was perfect - you were able to finish all your procedures and decision-making before your husband took his turn. We'll keep praying you both through the next couple of months for complete healing!

    Cynthia, hope you're feeling much better - and were able to enjoy the wedding.

    Anybody (except Sharon, who's waaaayyy ahead of the curve) have hair yet after chemo? I'm still checking/hoping every morning but nothing. My last A/C was November 1. It seems like most ladies have some growth after a month?

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    I know about the travel issue with radiation. I drove my dog to Cleveland from Pittsburgh for 16 days of radiation treatment for cancer and turned around and drove home. It was almost 2 1/2 hours one way. So it was five hours on the road. It was pretty crazy. Then the night he slipped his collar, we drove back out there and searched all night and then found him 10 hours later, waited till 3PM to be radiated and drove back the next day. It was that or amputation. Anyway, I am praying for all of you as you go through this round.

    Looks like a long night for my husband. His nerve block wore off just before bed and he can't get comfortable from the pain. I hate going to teach tomorrow and leaving him here. I guess I will try and drive home during my lunch time to check on him and the dogs. Please keep him in prayer too.

    While I was waiting for him during surgery, I was reading an interesting article on reducing risk of breast cancer or its reoccurrence. It stated about eating orange veggies such as carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupe. It said eat broccoli. brussel sprouts and cauliflower. It said that exercise for an hour a day was important even with triple neg. breast cancer as it was none to help keep it at bay much longer once a woman was through her treatment. It also stated that the one thing women could do immediately was to lose excess weight and keep it off. It also mentioned dairy reduction, refined sugars, alcohol, organic food to avoid hormones added to food and not the elimination of plastics and metal cans. So basically organic, fresh foods.

    Okay, to get some sleep. Will be getting up earlier to walk dogs alone, feed them and get hubby dressed for the day.

    Blessings to all of you.


  • algranna
    algranna Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2013

    My hair started coming back during Taxol. I finished chemo 7 weeks ago and my hair is now about an inch long and very thick. It was very dark and no grey. Now it is a weird color with a lot of grey and so far is very straight. My eyebrows are coming back black and my eyelashes are blond. Strange! I have an appointment on Friday with my hairdresser. I am going to color it for the holidays. I am thinking of going blonde for once in my life. I will return to work in a couple of weeks. I am tired of wearing wigs, scarves, hats and caps. But....when it is cold I will have to wear something on my head.

    Back to the PS for another fill tomorrow. I will be so glad to sleep on my side again..

    Happy hump day to everyone

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Bev, Sharon, Char, Manko~ Your kind words and prayers warm my heart! I hope you continue to have few SE's thru your rads and chemo. My chemo will start either the 26th or the following wk.  I am soooo thankful for having you all here for advice and encouragement! You are an awesome group and a true testament to Gods' love.

    Char, your husband is so lucky to have you! I pray that his recovery goes well.

    Deborahanne, lovewins, I hope all is well with you. I know I am missing someone... 

    I know I will get through my treatment through Gods' will and your prayers.

    Here we go-will go find my big girl panties and get in the big girl chair :). Loopy

    Blessing and HUGS to all~


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2013

    I thought Charles Swindoll was very apropos today.

    Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    —Philippians 4:4–7

    We all have experienced anxiety, our Father. How helpful it is to be reminded, nevertheless, that we are to celebrate Your name, Your work, Your power, Your character, all day every day, so that we might come to the place where we revel in You. What a grand reminder it is that Your Son could come at any moment. Find us ready for that, Lord.

    Yet we cannot be ready as long as anxiety lives enthroned within us, so I pray that You will begin to do a work right now in the lives of those who love to worry. What a waste that we have spent so long in our lives fretting and worrying. Remind us today and in the days to come that prayer can truly displace our worries. Time with You can become such a magnificent turning point, not only in the moment but in the day—in fact, in our lives—so that we might begin to realize the power of Your peace as it settles us down. Give us the ability, the discipline of mind, to meditate on and focus our attention toward that which is true and noble, reputable and authentic, compelling and gracious.

    In the marvelous name of Christ, our Savior. Amen.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies!

    For all going through some sort of treatment, please try your best to stay healthy. Lots of hand-washing, use hand sanitizer at the store, etc. Because if you get sick, it's 10 times worse! Your immune system is horribly compromised! What should have been a short-lived cold has turned into several days of just plain yuck. I'm not getting any better. Today is doctor day (was supposed to be yesterday, but doc had to be out) and maybe he can give me something. Every muscle aches, I'm coughing and sneezing, congested... just not a happy camper. And I'm at work because we're understaffed. Not having a good time at. all.

    On the good side, I was able to go to my friend's wedding - it was lovely - but left early, before the bouquet toss. Good thing, too - those lil' gals didn't stand a chance against me. Saturday some guys from church are coming over to get the heavier furniture up the stairs - stuff that I could do if I weren't in treatment! Glad that will be done as I can get my sewing studio really ready to roll!

    Oh, and a big blessing! Received some refund checks - guess the insurance paid for stuff I had already paid for, it's not much but it'll go to my son's Masters Commission tuition. Every little bit helps, I'm so thankful for it!

    Keeping all y'all in prayer - there are too many for my rads-fuzzed brain to keep up with by name, but the Lord knows who you are.....

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited November 2013

    Aaaand... just found out a friend of mine (an online friend, who also is big into the horses and showing) has been diagnosed with Paget's.

    I haven't shed a single tear during this whole thing, from the initial mammogram all the way til today. But... I don't know if I will be able to say that tomorrow....

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Today was the first time since I was diagnosed that I broke down and cried because of my condition. I've just grown so weary with this last chemo treatment. I'm on day 13 and I've only had a handful of hours of feeling well, except for last Friday I felt fairly well during the day. All last week in addition to the usual side effects I had a low grade fever and body aches. Since Friday my temperature has spiked daily, I've had bouts of nausea, body aches, and a dry cough. I'm on an antibiotic but not improving. I really don't think I have an infection but it's because my WBC is low and until my body recovers, this is going to be my condition. It's been times like this when I couldn't sleep, read or watch TV that I've been praying even more for you and others I know who are in need. God never promises that we’ll not have affliction, but He does promise to help and sustain us during these times. He indeed is helping me get through this!

    Cynthiatx - I hope and pray you get over your cold soon - even though I don't have a cold I understand how difficult it is to not feel well. I have friend who also was just diagnosed with breast cancer and she had a lympectomy yesterday.

    Mini1 - thank you for the devotional. My aunt and uncle go to Chuck Swindoll's church.

    Keepthefaith - thank you for mentioning me. You will definitely be in my prayers as you start your chemo. My oncotype score was 22 and I had the same option as you. It can certainly be difficult going through the chemo but it's worth it. And it is doable. Sewstrong/Sharon has a whole lot of good suggestions to help make it easier. I've had a little harder time because my doctor doesn't give the injections to help your bones increase the the WBC. I'm not sure why he doesn't but because he doesn't I've had "febrile netropenia" and "flu like syndrome" every round. It's has gotten worst every treatment. That's what is going on with me right now.

    algranna - thanks for the update about your hair. I can't wait to have mine grow back and I'm really curious how it is going to look. I hope it's a color that I like because I'd like to stop coloring my hair. ALSO - let me know if you'll be able to sleep comfortably on your side. A freind of mine is 7 years post reconstruction and she still can't sleep on her side or stomach, but she does enjoy using a body pillow.

    gardengal777/Char - I'm praying your husband is getting the pain under control. I'm so thankful that all my pain after my surgery was well controlled.

    saltyjack/Bev - I'm sorry about your friend Patsy, it's hard losing those who have meant so much to us but I'm praising God she knew Him and now she's in the most glorious place of all for all eternity! I'm also praising God that your chemo has been effective! You'll continue to be in my prayers as you start on the targeted treatment.

    mankatostate - I hope you'll find some time to rest. Also praying you do well with your rads and that you stay healthy.

    Sewstrong/Sharon - Glad to see that the rads seems to be going well and you are finding time to work. Praying you also stay healthy.

    Lovewins - I hope and pray for are doing well. You'll continue to be in my prayers as I know you have two more treatments ahead.

    I hope I haven't missed anyone who recently posted. Even if I'm not on here often, I do read your posts, and am encouraged and am lead to pray.

    love and blessings to you all, Deborah

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Deborahanne, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope at least after you had a good cry that you felt better. I have cried too many times to count and at least it gives me some relief. My heart goes out to you and I pray you start feeling better. I know that this can all be so overwhelming..... Thank you for all the prayers you have said for me. God be with you.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Wow, so much good stuff today - from Char's ideas about foods to eat to Mini's devotional to Deborahanne's comprehensive list about what everybody has going on to Algranna's encouragement about hair....and eventually getting to the end of the road... to Cynthia's reminder about trying to be conscious about healthy habits (and so glad for the checks and help getting moved in for you!). I'm not always as conscientious as I should be but at least I always get the wipes at the grocery store and go over the cart handle and my hands. Six months ago, I would watch people doing that and think how silly and obsessive they were - now I'm one of them! Every time somebody near me coughs or sneezes, I flinch away - but with winter coming, it's only going to get worse. Arrrgghh!

    Kathy and Sharon - we're sure praying you through rads....not only the effects on your body but the travel and weather concerns. Just makes it more interesting and challenging, right?

    I had bloodwork today and the MO went over the ultrasound report with me - everything is shrinking and looks great. However - my neutrophils are the lowest they've been.... .5 and they have to be at least 1.5 for chemo. So - I got the neupogen shot today and will have another tomorrow. Last time, I had a little lower back pain and took ibuprophen - this time, it's not even that bad (although I think I'll take a couple before bed). So many prayers are being answered so wondrously!

    Terri, we'll be praying for you - if you start chemo on the 26th, you'll sure have a memorable Thanksgiving! Oh well - the sooner you start, the sooner it's over. You may have said - are you scheduled for A/C? How often and how many?

    Char, praying for your husband this week! Thank you for mentioning your concerns with tamoxifen - I researched it a bit and see why it's so scary. I asked my MO and she said I'll get arimidex instead (you may all know but I didn't - pre-menopausal women get tamoxifen, post get arimidex), which can cause problems with bone loss so they'll monitor it closely. I think, given a choice, I'd rather have bone loss than another kind of cancer - lovely choice, huh?

    God bless us all! Bev

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Mini, thank you for sharing those words. I needed that today.

    Bev', I'll be doing TC 4 every 3 wks. We will be having my family TG dinner this Sunday, so TG Day may be one I want to forget. So glad to hear your good news!

    Deborahannne, I am praying that you get some relief soon. So nice of you to post to everyone, even when you are feeling low! Prayers for your friend also. I am sure you will be a huge support for her.

    Cynthia, sorry to hear of your friends' DX also.

    I am cutting my hair this Friday. 10"  is what they need for a donation. It hit me today and I am having a pity party...I have wanted to cut it for a while and donating it has always been my intention when I did. I guess my plan and Gods' were the same all along, so why does it upset me so? Maybe it just makes it real... instead of surreal.

    God bless you all for coming here to share your thoughts, prayers and encouragement and being here to listen. It's just not the same as telling your family or friends who have never been through it.

    I sent thank you cards to my Dr's today; someone on another thread had suggested it. Isn't that a wonderful idea? 

    Blessings and HUGS~


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    char, I've been praying for your husband. I have had 3 rotator cuff/ biceps repair surgeries and will have shoulder replacement this summer on my left side. My advice to your husband is for him to keep the pain meds going on a schedule night and day until the pain subsides. The ice will help pain, too. I used the iceman machine and turned it down on low and slept with it. The therapy that he is to do at home needs to be done religiously if he wants to get his functions back as soon as possible. For my first surgery, my script said to do the exercises 4times a day. I literally exercised all day with little time to do much else. My shoulder recuperated in record time. My surgeon was amazed. For the second surgery, I asked why the script said to exercise 2 times instead of four. He told me he says 4 times for the first surgery to get patients to exercise twice!! It's that important. I'm praying he can get out of pain soon. It's horrific pain, but with all of our prayers, how can he not get better soon.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    Deborahanne: I'm praying that you will feel better soon. Thirteen days is a long time. I usually felt better on the 8 th day. I have read in several different sources that chicken soup and real lemons ( not in your soup) help the immune system. I don't know what you eat, but I really believe that lots of fruits and vegetables boost our immunity. Lentil soup is supposed to be good too. My taste buds aren't back to normal yet, so some of your favorite things might taste horrible. I took a bite of an orange during chemo once and it tasted like I imagine an old sewer pipe might taste. God bless you Deborah.

    Cynthia:so sorry you're not feeling well. That adds to the misery. Let the tears flow. That helps when all else fails. I cried yesterday for a woman in my rad department and yes, for myself, who is on her second bout of Triple Negative BC, like Naan. Her husband said she couldn't have any more chemo or rads after the rad yesterday. They have done all they can do for her. TNBC is a monster. I know. I have it, but if God can part the Red Sea, and if he needs me longer for his mission, then he will heal me. We just have to pray until the Spirit of God and our spirit agree. He has a hard time convincing me sometime, that He has this and doesn't need anything from me but prayer. I get in his way with doubt sometimes, like yesterday, talking to the woman's husband. Doubt about my own health crept back into my mind for a little while. I'm still trying to pray it away.

    KTF: when I cut my hair, it made it all real, too. I wish I hadn't cut it to 1" all over because it didn't all fall out. My hairline took a very long time to fall out. I could have used it with hats if I had left it longer.

    Mini: The Bible verses touched my heart. Thank you for sharing. God bless you in this journey we all are on. Hold our hands. It will give us strength along with you.

    Mankato: good grief. What a calendar full of things to do. The next time I feel tired, I'm thinking of you. Your children have a super mama. God bless you all.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    I just read this on this site.

    Research has shown that people who are treated with radiation after lumpectomy are more likely to live longer, and remain cancer-free longer, than those who don't get radiation. In one large study, women who didn't get radiation after lumpectomy were shown to have a 60% greater risk of the cancer coming back in the same breast. Other research has shown that even women with very small cancers (1 centimeter or smaller) benefit from radiation after lumpectomy.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    God showed me this verse this morning. I bolded some of the words for emphasis.

    "You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again;" Psalm 71:20a

    It's too soon to say I am physically better. Pray specifically for my body to recover, no fever, no cough, no nausea and if these problems continue pray that my doctor will know the best way to treat my condition.

    Thank you, your prayers and encouraging words help me immensely!

    A little while back I posted a short video clip (6.25min) that a friend sent me. It is very powerful especially if you are going through a very difficult time with your illness, death of a loved one, or any thing that is painful or hard to bear. It's a powerful song by Shane & Shane with a short message from John Piper from one of his messages "Do Not Lose Heart" (which I hope to find and listen to).

    "Though You Slay Me" (featuring John Piper)

    Thank you all again and may God exceedingly bless your day! Deborah

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for all of your good advice! I'll be starting my chemo on Dec 3rd. They were booked up for next week bc of the holiday; she is only at that hospital on Tues and Thurs.

    Deborahanne, praying that you feel better soon!

    Hoping you all have a wonderful week-end~


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies.  I haven't posted in a few weeks here but read and pray daily.  Had a bummer of an appointment today.  Mixed results on my latest scans.  Some better, some worse, some new evidence of cancer in new places.  I'm going to be taken off the Xeloda which after 8-rounds had actually shrunk my breast tumors and was pretty easy to tolerate.  Doc. doesn't want to risk it spreading elsewhere where it's not working.  Soooooooooooo, am being signed up for a trial which she says I'm a perfect candidate for.  I'll start literally the day after Christmas.  I'm nervous about it - yet another new drug and the schedule is pretty intense the first three weeks.  I'm all by my lonesome so I guess I'm going to have to stock up on my reading material with long stays at the infusion center.  Also bummed that I still have my hair and now am likely going to lose it.  Anyone else on the docetacel trial?  Would love to chat with you!

    I'm sure I'll be a little more upbeat tomorrow - just trying to get over the initial bummed out phase today and I know all of you can relate.

    Oh and ktf, I just got a hair cut this week and went with short and spikey, lol.

    Blessings all.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013


    You say you are "all by your lonesome"...does that mean you have no one to help you thru this? How about people from your church? I will pray for you as you go thru this and that God will bring you helpers. I had to go thru chemo "kind of " alone too. My husband works 5 hours away and travels midweek for his job...I had three teen age boys to take care of me. We had only been living here about 2 months before I was diagnosed, but God was good and brought a few friends along to help me. I have had even more say they will help me drive during radiation, but sometimes I must admit I find it hard to ask for help, even though people are offering. I see you are in Colorado...what area are you in? I have family out there both in the springs and Denver area. I am glad to hear your meds have been doing some good. I will keep you in my prayers!

    Yay it's the you know what that means Sharon (and anyone else with Rads) we get two days off! I am soooo looking forward to not having to make that drive tomorrow.

    Deboranne- is John Piper still here in Minnesota? I know quiet a few friends who really like his messages and what he has to say. Still praying that you feel better soon!

    Keepingthefaith-Glad you have a start date. Hope you are able to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. At least food will still taste good to you. I will keep you too in my prayers.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Hi Sue - I don't know anything about xeloda but I just got my first (of four, every three weeks) infusion of docetaxol today (along with herceptin and perjeta, because I'm triple positive). The nurse was very careful to start the dose slowly and took my blood pressure and pulse every 20 minutes or so during the 90 minute infusion. I got steroids in the infusion and have some oral ones to take the next couple of days - main SE they're watching for are itching and shortness of breath. Not sure if that information is helpful with what you'll be getting - is the docetaxol trial something different?

    I'll sure be praying for you - how hard to get that information right before Thanksgiving, knowing what's coming after Christmas. Just remember our mantra (which I repeated several times today - I had to be there at 11:00 for bloodwork, was scheduled for chemo at noon and thought I'd be on my way home by 3 - ended up waiting till 1:00 to even go to the big chair, didn't start infusion till 1:30 and didn't finish till almost 6. Can you say cranky and hungry?) I just kept saying "I'm here by God's His keeping....under His direction....and for His time."

    Yes, Kathy and Sharon - you'll be enjoying the weekend even more than the rest of us!

    Deborah, hope you're (finally!) feeling better.

    Char, praying for your husband - hope the pain is manageable and the weather holds so you're not out there shoveling snow by yourself!

    Praying for you, Terri, as you start chemo soon. As Kathy said, you'll have a wonderful family Thanksgiving - but we'll be praying that you can relax and enjoy it.

    I generally help out at the resale shop in town on Saturdays but winter has come to Texas - it's supposed to be rainy and about 50 tomorrow so my good friends said they'll handle everything and I can hibernate at home.

    God is so good....all the time. So glad we all found each other!


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Thank you for praying and encouraging me. My temperature spiked again to 100.2 yesterday evening but I'm now encouraged for my temperature was 96.9 this morning. The lowest in 12 days! I'm hoping this means no more fever and full recovery ahead.

    "Blessed be the LORD! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy." Psalm 28:6

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    YAY:) Way to go Deborahanne. I know that's a huge relief for you. You go GirlSmile

    Thanks ladies for your encouragement and prayers-I'll be having TG dinner at my house tomorrow. I can't wait to smell the turkey in the oven and have my whole family here with me. And the weather is cooperating with 30's and rainy, doesn't get any better than this!

    Got my short bob hair cut yesterday. Was pretty uneventful, actually went well. Will enjoy the new do while I can! My 5 yr old grandson came with DD for my hair cut and he was kind of worried about me cutting my long hair so short. I tried to explain giving it away so someone else could use it and he kind of gave me the look of confusion..."why, huh"? it was kind of funny~no telling what he was really thinking in his little head. But, then he carried my pony tail in the baggy for that boy:)

    Bev', I hope your new chemo treats you well! Praying for you~

    Sue, praying for you and your upcoming treatments. It seems I get bummed out, too, each time something new starts and it takes a day or two to get over it. We are here for you! Would love to see your new spikey look! I think I am just going to get the scissors when its' time and whatever happens, happens. Maybe I'll look like a troll!

    Have a wonderful week-end everyone~

    Blessings and HUGS!





  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies....been bummed all day and I know it is because I a facing chemo Monday. I have even been feeling nauseous in anticipation I think.

    I am sorry I am not good with names but I do keep up with your posts while I am here at my folks. I pray for all the best for you all.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Lovewins - remember.....I am here by God's appointment....etc. :)

    I'd had two chemo treatments before I read a post by a woman who said she went in for her first one and had to have several sedatives before they even started - admitted she's an oncology nurse and knew way too much. Boy, was I glad I hadn't read that before I went for the first one I had.

    I had the new chemo yesterday and was a little nervous because the MO gave me a prescription for steroids to take for several days for SE (I didn't have them other times). Well, I felt okay when I got up today and figured I'd wait to see what happened before taking any pills (since I slept lousy last night and she'd said I may want to taper off sooner than later if I can't sleep). It's 4:00 and I haven't taken any pills because I don't feel any different than I felt yesterday morning before chemo. So - see?! Just the same thing might happen with you! God's got it!

    Deborah, so glad the worst seems to be over for you - and the verse from Psalms is perfect. I'm finding so many good verses these days - so many treasures in the Bible when we take time to look for them!

    Terri - Happy Thanksgiving with the family!

    Have a blessed Sunday - Bev

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    My MO prescribed steroids prior to treatment as well. Is that for a possible allergic reaction to taxotere or the inflammation caused by chemo? I don't really want to be wired up, especially the day before chemo!  I already have a hard time sleeping. I got pre-meds of lorazepam, zofran, promethazine and dexamethason...I guess the dex is the steroid. promethazine and zofran for nausea; lorazepam is for anxiety and nausea pharmacist said...

    Bev', glad you are feeling well, so far! Did you tell your MO that you didn't take the steroids prior? Just curious as to what they said if you did tell them. I haven't talked to my MO about meds; only the nurse, who was not super informative. Maybe I will make a call into the Dr on Monday to see how important the steroids are...

    lovewins, remember we are in your pockets on Monday! Praying that you can rest peacefully until then. Have Dr give you something if you need to. So sorry you are having such a hard time.







  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Greetings and hugs to all of you for your prayers. God has been showing independent me how much my husband does around here. I guess I am seeing how much we have divided and conquered.

    Thanks Sharon for all the rotator cuff advise. Will pass it along to hubby. He is doing better with pain management. How did you shower? I managed to get him in real clothes yesterday and it gave him a big emotional boost. He even fed the dogs tonight while I vacuumed leaves in the snow. He did not want to ask for help for fear it would put more work on me. I told him that I am getting up an extra half hour so I can help him. I think he though I just felt like it.

    It has turned cold here. Wind hills are in the teens tonight. I could feel the front come through while out in the yard. I am so thankful for our neighbor loaning us his wood splitter. We got our tree cut up and the wood on the rack before hubby had surgery.

    Enough of me. Deborah, I continue to pray that you get back to a normal temp. and you feel better.

    PTL for blessings and answered prayer.

    Weekend break from radiation treatment.

    Love wins: praying that you have some peace and calm over upcoming treatment. When I feel anxious I always think "Be still and know that I am God". It helps me to remember that He has it covered.

    Sue: I am sorry to hear about your results. I can understand your nervousness about going on a new drug and atrial one at that. We are here for you. To listen and to pray. While we can't be there physically, know that we will be here as support.

    Teri: How nice to have TG at home with family. I am going to miss that turkey smell here. My sister offered to hold dinner this year because of hubby. Enjoy your day with everyone.

    I am heading to bed. Sweet dreams to all.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Dear Ladies,

    Even though my temperature was low this morning, it came back up this evening but not as high and I've had the body achyness with it. So apparently whatever is going on isn't over yet.

    lovewins - ((BIG HUG)) - I know the dread of the upcoming chemo. I'm already praying for you. Hope you can do something enjoyable tomorrow to help cheer yourself up. And definitely have all the medicine, food and comforts on hand to make this round as comfortable as possible. Do not hesitate to let us know how to pray specifically for you.

    Saltyjack/ Bev - so glad your new treatment went well. I went ahead and took the meds as prescribed since they help you tolerate the chemo. You may not start to feel the effects of the chemo - especially the taxotere until the steroids wear off. But since I was on the Cytoxan and Taxotere at the same time, my experience may be different than yours. I'm praying you'll continue to do well. God's Word certainly has spoken to me in amazing ways during this time.

    Keepthefaith/Terri - It seems your doctor is really good at giving you several different drugs to help you cope with the side effects. Mine only gave me the steroid and zofran. The steroid (dexamethsone) is to prevent the allergic reaction and to reduce the strong side effects so my understanding is that it is very important. I found the doses the day before and morning of chemo made me hyper while the the other 3 doses didn't probably because they were working to prevent the side effects of the chemo. For my first round the dosage was too strong (8mg per dose) for me so my doctor reduced the dosage to 6mg per dose. I only took zofran after my chemo but I almost took it as a premed the last 2 rounds because I was feeling nauseated on the steroid the night before chemo. My IV premed was aloxi which is suppose to work longer than zofran. I also received a low dose of lorazepam as an IV premed which helped take the edge of the steroid hyper effect. Enjoy your Thanksgiving meal - it's a real blessing that you will still have your taste buds so you can enjoy every bite. Also, concerning your hair. Not all of mine fell out so I still have some bangs and hair on the lower back of my head as well as very thin amounts of hair on top. I'm so glad I didn't shave it off because it feels so wonderful to touch my head and feel hair and when I wear a knitted cap, no one can tell that I've had any hair loss because they can see my bangs and hair on the back. I'll be praying that your first round of chemo goes really well.

    Hope you all have a very blessed wonderful Lord's Day!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Char, so glad to hear that all is going well after your husband's surgery - keep warm!

    Terri - my MO gave me the steroid pills to take AFTER chemo, not before. I sure wouldn't have taken a chance and not taken them before if she'd recommended it. I had dexamethesone in the IV and that's the pills she gave me for the next few days - but said I could wean off them if I could handle the side effects and wasn't sleeping. Since I DID have trouble sleeping the first night (presumably from the dex in the IV) and didn't have SE (at least so far - thank you, God!), I haven't taken any pills. I'm pretty much a compliant patient, though - if she'd given me the impression I needed the pills (and not that they were to make me comfortable), I'd have taken them.

    Deborah - still praying for all your SE. Tough chemo this round.

    Lovewins - praying lots for you tomorrow - peace, calm and no SE!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Deborah, Char, Bev!

    You are wonderful cheerleaders!

    Bev', I am a pretty compliant patient also, but I hate taking meds! I don't want over-kill, but sure don't want SE's either! I guess it's a balancing act, especially the first round. I think I will do fine.

    Char, I hope your hubby continues to recover well.

    Deborah, You are on the downhill slide!:) thanks for the encouragement on my hair loss. I think that worries me as much as anything.  I know it's a small price to pay to get to recovery and others have it so much worse...will try to keep that in mind when it's all falling out!:) I saved some of my ponytail to see if I can "make" some bangs out of it to slip under my caps...we'll see how creative I can be!

    lovewins, you can do this!

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

    Happy Lords' Day~

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for all the prayers, after Falsodex shots, I usually get vertigo. Praise the Lord, NONE this time I know it was the Lord.Happy

    I feel great and my Tumor marker( Ca 27/29) was

    28 , very good for stage 4 BC survivor...

    Thanks to all.