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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    it is 8:03 central time where Bev is. She's still at the hospital. She's had blood work and urine test and is waiting to see what the MO suggests. She said she might get to go home. It's a really long ordeal. She doesn't know yet. I think she's been there for three hours already.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    now it's 9:18 Bev'a time and she's waiting on the results of her blood test. U think Dave went to find something to eat. She said he was starving.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2013

    Sharon, thanks for keeping us updated about Bev. I'm praying all is fine and that she will be home soon.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Prayers have gone up for Bev from me as well. This gives me great pleasure to know I am now part iof this very special blessed board of amazing Christian women.

    Thank you for letting us know about Bev.

    Tomorrow I go in for my second round of Abraxane. We are getting up early as it is a 2 hour drive. Suppose to have a little snow maybe. We shall see. Anyone have experience with Abraxane? Would like to know of the side effects anyone has dealt with.

    I will check in during treatment and let you know how I am feeling. I have added all of you to my prayer list. Thank you for being so welcoming.

    God is with us and will never leave us. He has also given us a comforter who is just a prayer away. We are so blessed. I wanted to share something I read last night during some reading time with my DH: Trials are used to purify you; it is the fiery affliction that God uses to get you in the place where He can use you. Before God puts you through the furnace of afflictions, He knows you will go through. Here is another: If you really knew the value of trials, you would praise God for them more than for anything.

    Blessings Abundant - Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, ladies! Wow, did I have a great post for you all....then I hit something and ended up closing the website so of course lost everything. Anyway, I'm so glad to be typing this from home instead of from a hospital bed - and thanks so much for all your prayers and support. Thanks, most of all, to my great prayer warrior friend, Sharon - who insisted on waiting up till I knew what was happening - it was 11:30 my time so 12:30 in Kentucky - and she got up at 5:30 this morning to substitute teach. Amazing!

    Deborah, you were right - it was low WBC - even though they came back at 2.4 (after 2-1/2 hours - supposedly they had to manually analyze my blood because the counts were low and couldn't ever get the neutrophil count). After 6 hours, they gave me a couple of antiobiotics and I'll follow up with the MO this week. By the time I got home and again this morning, my temperature was 99 something - so I'll live! I had to laugh, though - as has happened so often with medical providers recently, the nurse was a young man, the doctor appeared to be about a 15-year old cheerleader and the PA was a 45-year old man. Am I getting old or what?

    Lucy, your words about trials are perfect - thanks. I'll sure be praying for you today - for traveling and for the new drug. How often will you have that - is it every three weeks? When I was first diagnosed, I wrote Romans 5:3-4 on a paper and put it on my fridge: We should rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, because we know that they are good for us - they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation.

    Praying for you, Char, as you wander through the insurance morass this week. I know we've all heard the saying "your misery will be your ministry." You said you're on the school's health council. Maybe part of the reason for this happening is that you'll have the opportunity to help others in the same situation?

    Lovewins and Terri - praying for smooth chemo this week. Lovewins, you have four treatments, right? Is this your last one, Terri?

    Kathy and Sharon - hang in there with those rads! So glad the weather has cooperated for you so far - you'll be done before you know it!

    I'm not sure where I read this - but it's another saying I wrote on the fridge:

    God will turn our difficulties into deliverance and our problems into praise.

    I'm thanking God for you all and for His great goodness. God is good - all the time! - Bev

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Bev', glad you're back home and doing better. I hope this is your last visit to ER! Tomorrow will be my first treatment and I think lovewins is on her last...? I guess you turned us around...although, I wish tomorrow was my last!

    I am having some allergies or cold  the past several days and Claritin isn't cutting it. I've been coughing, sore throat, drainage, etc. Wondering if I should call MO and see about tomorrows' appt. I am concerned about my WBC taking a dive and ending up with bronchitis or I over-analyzing? But, I don't want to delay chemo either.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    So glad you are home Bev, hope you continue to feel better.  My counts went up from 60,000 to 100,00 so I never thought I would say yeah for chemo but yeah I can have chemo!  I am getting taxotere right now...have a little over 2hours to go...better get back to my room so she can change my bag.  Prayer to all that are having chemo this week...I pray you all have light SE's.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    oh, lovewins - isn't it amazing what is good news in cancer world? I remember how thrilled I was after my PET scan to only have cancer in my breast and lymph node. A couple of weeks before that, the idea of having BC was devastating. Is this your last chemo? Sure hope this week goes well!

    Terri, I'll be praying that you can go ahead tomorrow - that you'll know how best to proceed today.

    To all - wishing us a blessed Christmas season. Hope we all keep the reason for the season foremost in our minds and hearts, even as we enjoy family, friends and festivities.


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Ran intom problems with the carplotin (sp) starting getting nauseous and itching all over.  First gave me pills and then stopped and gave me ativin drip and I felt better after a long while.  Put me back two hours but I am glad to feel better and I was able to take all my cocktail.  It amazes me how good I was feeling before I started today and after the taxotere I started feeling like crap pretty quick.  This is my 2nd to last one.  I am thinking of how to celebrate....but I must do something for sure.  What did you all do?

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Evening Ladies,

    Bev - glad you are home and feeling better.  I read Romans 5:3-4, very good.  Will keep you in my prayers for continued recovery and strength. 

    I had my 2nd treatment today and it went well.  I tried the ice gloves to see how that would work.  I didn't use it on the first round so thought I would give it a shot.  My blood work and WBC and other info was really good today so I was happy about that.  On our way home I noticed a little tingling and numbness at the same time on the tip of my tongue and inside upper lip.  I also noticed tonight that my scalp is sore, interesting.

    Anyone have anything to share on SE's on Abraxane?

    Keepthefaith - Praying your cold gets better quickly.  Might be a good idea to give your MO a heads up.

    Lovewins - Praying you have a good evening and restful night and better tomorrow. 

    They want me to start taking glutamine so I will start tomorrow, 3x a day 10mg each time.  This is suppose to help prevent neuropathy.  I was reading my manual of things to review on what to watch for, eat and not eat and prepare meals and clean counters there is so much to remember.  I read that I am not suppose to use anything out of bulk containers.  I have used some as I shop at Fred Meyer's and they have some items I get there that are organic.  Anyone else do this?

    Well may as well get ready for bed to get some rest and see how my tomorrow goes.  Praying all will have a restful night and a good day tomorrow and light on the SE's. 

    Blessing Abundant - Lucy

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    thank you for your prayers spiritbless, I pray you are feeling well too. It is a lot to remember for sure! You will surprise yourself on how much you remember becaue it is so important. God Bless.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Wow, lovewins, what a day - glad you were able to get through chemo and only one more is definitely reason to start planning a celebration!

    Lucy, I hadn't heard of glutamine for neuropathy but I read alot about B complex vitamins and just started taking that. It also has biotin in it, which I know is supposed to help with hair growth.....which I'm still hoping/waiting for. I chewed ice during every chemo except the 3rd A/C and had mouth sores and metal-mouth that time. I haven't had problems the other times and it may be a coincidence but I'm going to keep chewing! When I mentioned the possibility of icing my fingers and toes during taxotere, my husband just laughed....I'm always so cold, he knew that would never work for me.

    Hope the first treatment goes well, Terri! Mine was like a non-event - really no SE so maybe yours will be the same. Until my hair started falling out, I almost wondered if somehow they hadn't given me the right drugs!

    My temperature was normal yesterday at noon and has stayed there - thank you, God! My husband has me pretty much under house-arrest this week but I'm getting lots of Christmas decorating and yard cleanup done so I guess it's all good!

    Thanks, all, so much for your prayers and caring. Love you! Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Spiritbless, so glad things went smoothly for you.

    Glad you're back in the saddle Bev!  I hadn't heard of Glutamine either but found this very interesting article:

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Well, duh, Sue, guess I could have done that - but thanks so much. That link is great. I see one of the benefits of glutamine is to help with diarrhea - boy, am I ready for that! It looks great for lots of chemo-related SE. Since I'm going to Costco tomorrow, it's on my list. Thanks, to both of you. Lucy, God certainly brought you to this thread just for me this week!

    Hope all the northerners are keeping warm. We in Texas are getting our chill this weekend - so till then, we'll enjoy nice warm weather.

    Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry. Ps. 37:3-4.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    tanks for the verse saltyjack exactly what I need to hear!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    well, that's good, lovewins, and just what I was hoping and praying. I was the one I wanted to remind, though! Worrying sure comes so easy to me - even when I know it doesn't do a bit of good and just distracts me from doing something productive.

    Okay, here's another saying I wrote on my fridge that caught my eye (because God knows I needed to be reminded of the truth of it today):

    God doesn't waste suffering. He will deliver in His own time, in His own way, and for His name's sake. (I think this was from "The Red Sea Rules" book - I should have been better with my quotes - sorry).

    To God be the glory!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Awww, Bev. It was worth it. I couldn't get to sleep until I knew what was happening. I made up for the list sleep last night. I just glad you're home and doing well. Listen to your jailer, Dave. He is concerned about you. I'm just glad he didn't flog someone in the hospital corridors.

    Mile high: I like your speed bump analogy. I guess we can look at all of this that way.

    Spirit Blessing: I agree. I am always saying " Praise God in ALL things for this is the will of God concerning you." When we look back on lifes' trials, we can see clearly how God used them for our good, but when we stand face to face with a new one, our vision is clouded and we sometimes can't see how we can give praise for what scares us mortals half out of our minds. We just have to trust God and march forward and praise Him for what he is doing and ask Him to give us wisdom through it all. Since you are new here and you are one of the few of us who has Triple Negative BC, I have a special connection to you. Im praying that researchers will stumble upon a targeting agent for us soon.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Welcome all of you whom I haven't chatted with!

    Thank you ladies for your thoughts and prayers. My first chemo was smooth; no problems. Easy port access, nice people to visit with. I had a little redness on my face from steroids, but it's gone. Will have my neulasta shot tomorrow. Follow up with onc next week. Next chemo Dec 26th. One down, 3 to go!

    Dr gave me nasonex to try to prevent a sinus infection, also saline spray, for my allergies. Dentist wants me to use a fluoride tray also.

    My list keeps getting longer, but I know I'll get the hang of it. I hope once I get this down pat, it will be over!

    Blessing and HUGS to all! Have a week of comfort and peace!





  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Praise God for answered prayer. You are right Bev when we think about how our perspective changes in our daily journey. God sure does show us what is and isn't important. So glad you are home.

    Love wins and Keepthefaith: Praying for both of you that you have smooth sailing.

    Lucy:Keep us posted on your treatment. We have you covered in prayer.

    Sue: How are you doing these days?

    Sharon: you are such a wonderful person to keep us posted on Bev.

    Okay,,,after midnight here and 5 am comes early.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Sorry I didn't post yesterday, got home a little late then had to watch the Seahawk's game.  My treatment went really well overall.  On our way home I noticed a tingling on the tip of my tongue and inside of my top lip.  It pretty much lasted most the night and into the morning but is did subside by the time I went to bed.  I also noticed in the evening that I ran my fingers through my hair and my scalp felt tender.  I checked my manual and it is a side effect so didn't worry to much about it.  I felt pretty good all evening and slept well and was pretty good all day and stayed busy puttering around the kitchen cleaning out drawers and organizing shelves. 

    Bev - Yes I read about the B complex and asked my MO about it and she said no but to use the Glutamine.  I picked some up on my way home yesterday so started it today.  I also did some ice chewing yesterday and didn't at my first infusion so thought it might have something to do with my tingling.  I also read and heard that Tea Tree Oil is good on your nails to help avoid the thinking and lifting during treatment.  I asked my MO about it and she said it would be fine to try it as she has heard women trying it and it has helped.  It is a bit stinky but I will do my best to be proactive on things to help eliminate or help any SE.

    Sue - Great article, it is very similar to the one my MO gave me yesterday that is why I stopped by on my way home to grab some.  I started it today.  You're welcome, glad I could help.  So how do you put that note at the top of your diagnosis and treatment details?

    Sewstrong - I would love to hear more about your TNBC treatment and diagnosis.  If you like you could email me.

    Sharon - I also agree with your update on Bev.  That was very thoughtful and that we were able to pray for her so quickly was awesome. 

    Well it is pretty cold here in the Washington state.  I was thinking today I am glad I am able to work from home and I won't have to drive in the nasty weather.  Well off to bed now so chat tomorrow.  God's blessings to all of you ladies, here are a few things to think about: God loves us unconditionally! We will not live in fear!  We trust in the Lord completely and there is nothing to worry about!

    I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.  Psalms 34:4

    Blessings Abundant!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Keepthefaith: You are having T/C, which is exactly what I had in four 3-week rounds.  Your tumor is positive and mine is negative, so that's confusing to e, but what's new. im always confused. Your second treatment is Dec' 26, so at least you will feel relatively normal on Christmas. The side effects I experienced were thrush, overall flue-like symptoms' and msjor  pain from the neulasta shot. I usually didn't get symptoms for a couple of days, then came out of it within 8.10 days. If you have a lot if bone pain from the neulasta shot, ask them to cut back on the strength if they can. That doesn't alleviate it altogether, but helps somewhat. I drank almost a gallon of water a couple days before, during, and after and didn't have kidney isapsues or other side effects I've read about. I'm praying that you will feel God's strength given to you by all on this thread. All things work together for those who love the Lord, so hang in there and know that being in God's hands will see you through. You can pm me about TNBC if you want. I don't check my email like I should but I'm on here and Facebook- Sharon Hall Baker. I have read everything I can get my hands on about it. There's a diet we can follow to strengthen our immune systems and we're told to exercise and to follow a low-fat  diet. Im trying to get back on it but I'm having a very hard time.  Maybe we can help one another. TNBC is not to be taken lightly, no matter the size of the tumor. Love in Christ Jesus. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Sharon. This first treatment seems so hard, not knowing what to expect and sleep last night, but all else is good, so far. Trying to take one day at a time. How are your rads going?

    I may go to see my DD and grandkids today. They are an hour away, but I am going to have withdrawals if I don't see get to see them for  another week or longer!:)

    Blessings and ((HUGS))







  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Terri- I remember one of the hardest parts of that first chemo is not knowing what to expect! I didn't find breast until at least a week or two after my first chemo. So i really had no idea what to expect! I remember being so afraid that first time thinking how can I do this for 12 weeks. Thankfully I had many praying friends and God comforted me with them. I soon found all 12 weeks were not as bad as that first week. I had such a hard time with the steroids... thankfully the doc reduced them for me on the next 3 rounds!

    I am sitting right now at my radiation center waiting for my son to get out of class and pick me up. We are having our first real taste of winter here in Minnesota. A winter storm going on right now. I almost didn't come for rads as we are to get 6-9 inches of snow. Winds pick up this afternoon, causing near blizzard conditions. My stubborn son planed to go to classes so I decided to ride with him as his university is in the town where I get rads. 30 miles away. Well, I had to close my eyes the whole way here...teens can be crazy drivers on snow! I got tied of telling him to slow down and stay back from the truck ahead of us. I just closed my eyes and prayed. I am sure he is sorry to have brought me with too. Would love prayers for a safe trip home. I am making him skip his afternoon class so we can get home before the winds start.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Just got home and saw your post, Kathy - praying that you and your son are home safely by now. You'll have to try to get out tomorrow and the rest of the week, right?

    So glad you're feeling good, Terri - enjoy the family! That cold, nasty weather is even coming to Texas this week so get your visit in ahead of it!

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for praying Bev. We made it home. A couple of times I wondered if we would though. We all most couldn't get up the hill by our house and up the driveway. Got home just in time for my other two boys who had school close early. They did get stuck in the driveway. Thankful to have them to shovel the thick heavy snow...something I don't have the strength or energy to do right now.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Thanks  Manka! Glad you made it home okay. I have family in Madison-was born there...but like they say down here. " I wasn't born in Texas, but got here as fast as I could!" Ha! I don't envy you in the cold weather. Our winter blast is scheduled for tomorrow morning. I know what you mean about your son driving-mine is 30 yo and I sometimes have a hard time riding  with him in perfect conditions:).

    Got my Neulasta shot 2 hrs ago...starting to feel some slight nagging in my back. Took a couple of IBU-will see how that works. Saving my Tylenol PM til bedtime, I guess. I did take Claritin this morning. Only one more dose of steroids, so hopefully I will sleep better soon.

    Bev', I guess your fever is down and you are feeling better..?

    Blessings and ((HUGS))~






  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    Terri-We lived in the Fort Worth area for a yr and a half. I loved the winters there. If you had a winter storm they shut down the roads, town and stayed home. None of this "oh it's a little what if you end up in a ditch and it's -25 degrees're a Minnesotan you can tough it out" No when it storms I like to be home with a book right next to my wood burning fireplace! Hope and will pray that you get some sleep tonight! I know those steroids can make life difficult.

    Bev...glad to hear that you are doing better! It sounds like Dave is taking good care of you!

    Sharon- How many rads have you finished? How many more to go? Things going OK? Any "sunburn" yet? So far none for me. I think I have 11 of 25 done. Unless the weather man turns out to be completely wrong I don't plan to make the drive in for rads tomorrow so now my last day will be Christmas eve.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2013

    Hi. Ladies. I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I haven't posted much, but I try to keep on the thread. I keep you ladies in my prayers.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    I'm having some nasal and chest congestion from seasonal allergies. Nurse wants me to go in, in the morning to get checked out...grrrr. Taking mucinex tonight. Luckily no fever. I hate this time of yr! Hopefully, they can nip it in the bud before my WBC drops!






  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Mankato: today I finished #17 of 30. I too the ice were supposed to get. I am scheduled to finish on Christmas Eve unless I have to miss tomorrow. I am just now beginning to notice redness and itching under my breast along the fold. I used hydro cortisone for the itch. The nipple on that side is darker. I just started noticing that today. I fear what it can be like by the end. I folded a wash cloth and stuck it underso skin wouldn't touch skin. Im praying I won't get open wounds. I'm using the cream prescribed religiously. I pray for you all of the time. I hope you're doing okay. I can't imagine if my husband were gone part of each week. He's always gone with me. I forgot the length of your drive. Mine is 45 minutes. Just driving there and back is tiring, let alone exhaustion from rads. I get winded easily now. Ice been noticing that for several days. What about you?

    KTF: I hope you don't have too much neulasta pain. It can get really bad.