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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    unable to dp chemo this week. platletts too low try for next Monday.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Oh, Lovewins, I'm so sorry - I'm praying for you that your blood counts will improve and you won't be discouraged. I was thinking about the same scenario (NOT worrying, right, because that doesn't do any good, I know!) last week for me. My MO has started having me come in for bloodwork on Wednesday of the week when chemo is scheduled for Friday so there's time for two neupogen shots - I've needed the shots twice now and I'm not sure what I did differently the time in between when my counts were fine. In any event, last week I started reminding myself that in the big scheme of things and the whole course of treatment, a ONE WEEK delay was hardly something to get worked up about. Look at it this way - you'll be able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your parents and not be waiting for SE to hit.

    God's got it.......! :)

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited November 2013

    thank you saltyjack...I know you are right it just scares me because I have been gone from work so long. I am going to pray about it and give it to God. thanks for your encouragement.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    lovewins- I will prayer for you too! Praying that God gives you peace at knowing you are in his care! His timing is perfect and not always ours!

    Tomorrow I go in to have my port removed! Yay! Prayers that they find a vein to put an iv in so they can knock me out. I decided to go under vs having to sit still and feel them yanking on me for a half hour ( not thinking it really will take that long, but that is what the doctor said) I am so tired of all this "stuff" that I just want to take a little nap and be done with it! :-)

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Bestock-so happy to hear your good news!

    manka, prayers for you on your port removal! One more step! Let us know how it goes.

    lovewins, praying that you find peace while you wait for your next treatment. We all know how hard it is to wait and not to worry.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2013

    Please pray for me I have had back pain on the liver side for a month or two,,,,,,so the dr scheduled a scan tomorrow, I have to drink all that stuff and travel 70 miles for this scan. Please pray it is not cancer related. I had an xray that did not show anything.

    Thanks so much

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited November 2013

    You're doing great Bestock.  Claim a positive result on the scan - you're on a roll!

    Lovewins, just think - you'll be able to have turkey that really tastes like turkey instead of chemo, ha ha.  A blessing in disguise!

    Love to you all.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Becky, praying for you - that you'll get good news from the scan and relief from the pain.....maybe even in time for Thanksgiving?

    Sue - how are you doing? I've been praying for you since your last post about changing drugs after the Xeloda wasn't as effective as the doctors had wanted.

    Hope any who are traveling have safety - sounds like much of the country is going to have challenging weather for the next couple of days.

    love you and thank God for you all! - Bev

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2013

    Prayers, thanks FOR PRAYING...The day went amazingly well, no bad traffic....lovely weather here in the "west"..

    900 ml of contrast went down okay,Scan uneventful..

    met a nice lady who I chatted with to pass the time.

    thanks.for all the prayers..

    I will get results next week.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    bestock, praying for good results on your scan!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for asking SaltyJack.  I had a down day over the weekend but figure the news could have been a lot worse.  Spending my days being thankful (not just on Thanksgiving, lol).  God reinforced that lesson in church on Sunday as well - terrific service and everyone was very caring and compassionate so it was a great lift.

    In all things give thanks.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Dear Ladies -

    lovewins - I'm glad you are getting another week to recover. Praise God that this is His help to you and don't worry about your job. God's ways are always better than ours. I hope you'll be able to enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    Manka - hope all went well with getting your port out. I didn't have a port but if I had I would have requested a pain free removal just as you did.

    Bestock - I praying for good results on your scan. I'm so glad the procedure went well. Another sign of God's provision and care!

    milehighgirl - praying for you and thankful for how God is so kindly encouraging you through His Word/sermons/and through fellowship! God sees us through the valleys as well as the mountain tops.

    keepthe faith - praying for you as you get ready for chemo.

    update on me:

    After being sick for over two weeks I am finally feeling significantly better! It's so wonderful to feel almost normal! Thank you for praying and encouraging me. I thank God for you all and all the ways He had been so kind to me. May you have a God blessed Thanksgiving and days ahead, remembering who to give thanks to: "Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever" Psalm 106:1

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Deborahanne!  I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling so much better! I hope you are able to enjoy Thanksgiving!

    Blessings and HUGS~

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited November 2013

    Belated Thanksgiving wishes to each of you. I did not have to make dinner this year thanks to my sister. Interestingly I am having some issues with the end of my incision. It is almost like a cyst has formed. It is a bit painful to touch. I will monitor it and give my BS a call if it continues.

    My husband is slowly improving but we got a EOB saying that my husbands surgery at the hospital was not covered because they are a non provider. We are hoping it some mistake because the Surgery was over $30,000.00. We did check prior to surgery and the hospital shows it's in our insurance plan. Keep us in prayer.

    I hope all of you had a blessed day with family or friends.

    Deborah: so glad to hear that you are finally feeling better. I am sure you wondered if it would ever get better.

    bestock: Will continue to keep you in prayer

    Praying that God meets each of your needs.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Oh Char - what a horrible Thanksgiving have to wonder how the insurance coverage will work out and have to wait till next week. I'm praying for you and your husband that you'll be able to enjoy the time together and he'll be able to concentrate on healing....and then that you'll have patience and wisdom in how to proceed.

    Deborah, I'm so glad you're finally feeling better - this was a long time coming.

    I've had a pretty yucky week after my first docetaxol/herceptin/perjeta chemo last Friday. I had no side effects through the weekend but then Monday they hit.... I've had diarrhea and aches and pain all week. This, of course, is after I'd celebrated being done with the "hard" A/C chemo. Oh well.... One bright spot - Dave and a friend and I went to a great Thanksgiving buffet at Landry's - a local seafood restaurant - and I felt just fine for the afternoon (got to eat lots of seafood and several desserts!).

    I told Dave this morning that I was as tired of laying around as he is of watching me....and he said that he's just glad I'm taking it easy.

    So - I'm thanking God for a patient husband and a nice Thanksgiving day....and since I checked online and it's supposed to take 7 days for docetaxol to leave the body, I'm figuring it's just a matter of hanging in there a couple more days.

    I'm praying for you Becky, as you wait for the results of the scan; Sue as you and the doctor figure out how best to proceed; and Terri and Lovewins as you have chemo this week.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a blessed Sunday!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Well this is my first time on this board as well. From what I have just read you gals are awesome and I am so glad I found this board. I was on another but then found out recently I have cancer on the lung so my focused has changed and didn't feel comfortable on the other board. So a little about me: Dx in Sept of TNBC and had a CT scan but the current Onc and surgeon didn't do anything regarding the nodules that showed up. They both said focus on the breast did an MRI no other tumors so we did surgery. I then wanted another opinion because something in my gut just didn't seem right. So I went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and they said I needed a PET scan. So they sent me to a facility nearer to my home in Olympia and it found those nodules were in fact TNBC as well. So that Onc sent me back to SCCA and I have been working with them since. I am so glad actually even though it is a 2 hour drive, it is the best place to be. They work with Fred Hutchison, Children's Hospital and University of Wash. I love the team I have working with me and I am currently starting on a Case Study trial and my first treatment was yesterday. It is using Abraxane (chemo weekly) and Avastin (targeted therapy bi-weekly) for 24 weeks. There is another targeted therapy called Erlotinib that is a pill but won't be started until after the 24 weeks. Depending on the results of this plan Avastin may be used after the 24 weeks as well. I know the TN makes a big difference as it is a very aggressive cancer.

    I am glad to have found this board with other Christian women.  I am my Father with me every step of the way on this journey and I know He has a plan.  It is amazing through all the doc appts. and various tests how God has given my DH and I opportunities to share His love and pray for many people. 

    So just looking for any input and also hoping to find a home on a new board. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited November 2013

    Welcome, Spiritblessing! We're so glad you found us. Many of us started on other threads but ended up here because we found that talking about sending "warm fuzzies" to women going through a crisis and not being free to talk about God and His wonderful care and comfort through the whole BC journey didn't make any sense at all. We'll sure be praying for you as you start this new treatment.

    I have triple positive BC but I know Sharon (Sewstrong) and other ladies have TNBC. We're praying for advances with the research into TNBC so that there are good treatments developed (so when the doctors have done what they can, you don't have to just focus on eating healthy and keeping your weight under control.) Yep, those are important, but we want there to be some drugs or treatments like there are for triple positive. I live near Houston and am being treated at MD Anderson, who just got a grant to research eight "tough" cancers - one of which is TNBC - using the supercomputer from Jeopardy "Watson." So the stage is set and we believe God will answer our prayers! (If you Google MD Anderson and Moon Shots, which is the name of the program, you'll get lots of information - they have funding of $139 million!)

    We'll be praying for you!


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited November 2013

    Spiritblessing: God sent you to this thread for me and put me here for you. I was DXed June 17, 2013 with TNBC. I had never heard of it. I read everything I could get my hands on and became very depressed, but after turning it all over to God after 10 days of panic, I found peace about it. In so glad you're here. I've been looking for other TNs. I'm sorry we both have it, but I'm sure we can help one another. There is a diet from Jennifer Griffin who has TNB. Her tumor was the size of a woman's palm when found. Google Jennifer Griffin and read her diet and experiences. It's encouraging. The secretary at my oncologist's office is 8 years out from her TNBC, so that's encouraging as well. I didn't know there was any targeted chemo for TNBC. When did that happen? When I go back to my Onc after 17 more radiation treatments, maybe he will be able to put me on something. I will be praying for you big time. You didn't stumble upon this thereafter by accident. Where two or more gather asking in His name, there will he be also. The Spirit of The Lord is here with us, in us, and all around us. He has us in his hands.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited November 2013

    Thank you SallyJack and Sewstrong. I am so glad I checked more boards out. I really enjoy communicating with the other women as we share so much in common whit BC. I do believe God led me here for the support, encouragement and faith building I will receive.

    I too went through a few days of fear and confusion and then realized what it was doing to me mentally, physically and emotionally and has a serious prayer chat with our God and gave it all to him. At that point I have had peace with it all and am very positive of my outcome. I know He has a plan for me as the last 6 years since I have been on my walk with The Lord have been amazing.

    Sewstrong I just recently heard about Jennifer Griffen and so I googled her. She actually refers a cook book I bought at SCCA after my first visit there. I have used many recipes already. My daughter is a huge blessing as she eats like this every day. She has committed to coming over every Friday to precook meals for me and DH to help out. She is pretty much taking up the charge of my nutrition program which helps. She has trained me on how to use my food processor to the fullest (I never owned one). For Christmas she is going to get me a dehydrator which I can't wait.

    Diet is so critical to all of us not just us with TNBC. I have had a pretty good week after my first treatment. Sewstrong have you been on Abraxane? What has your MO told you about this cancer?

    Being on this case study is a little different and I am praying this regimen is going to do the trick for me and many other women. I am very hopeful as I know God is in the middle of all this not to mention we are bathed in His blood.

    Hoping all have a blessed day today.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2013

    Char - I'm praying for you and your husband, healing for him, that your insurance pays, and that you can rest knowing God is in control and He knows what's best for those who are His.

    Bev - When I was on the Taxotere receiving my treatments on Friday, it was Monday that it hit me the hardest. Are you getting the Taxotere weekly or every 3 weeks? I'm praying you'll adjust well to the side effects. I love Landry's! I really miss having fresh seafood now that I live so far from the coast. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy that meal. The taxotere might end up altering your taste buds so enjoy what you can.

    Spiritbless - Welcome to our group! I agree with Sewstrong/Sharon, God brought you here. I'm praying these new targeted treatments work for you and that you and your husband will continue to be a witness for Christ.

    Sharon - Thanks for the information on Jennifer Griffin. Even though I'm not TN, she's a great encouragement and motivator for all of us to focus on a healthy diet and exercise.

    Update on me: I am continuing to feel better ever day. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my son's home and my daughter-in-law did an amazing job preparing a delicious Thanksgiving meal! I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy the meal since my taste buds are still altered but most the food tasted great. I'm seeing my oncologist on Monday to make sure my blood counts are back to normal and he will start me on an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) at that time. He says he has to start me on Arimidex first since the insurance companies require that be started first. I'm going to ask him why when I see him on Monday. Please pray that I'll have no or minimal side effects with the AI. I'm also needing to get more proactive with exercise especially to prevent osteoporosis since the AI's can further thin the bones.

    Here I am on Thanksgiving with my youngest grandchild. :-) I hope you all have a blessed Lord's Day and week ahead. You'll be in my prayers!


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited November 2013

    Spirtblessing welcome!

    Deborahanne-What a cute grandchild! I am glad you enjoyed your day.

    I have been keeping up by reading and praying for you all, but have quickly found myself busy again....partly because I am busy driving to and from radiation every day, but I think just suddenly feeling better now that chemo is over and the holidays I have found myself crazy busy again and don't always have time to post

    I am still anxiously waiting for my hair to show real growth. I feel a little stubble but still look very bald one month out. It sounds like others can see hair growing by this time...makes me kind of anxious but I need to remember God won't give me anything I can't handle. I am so sick of wearing head covers and really want hair soon! It's so much worse here in COLD Minnesota having no hair to warm the head. Sharon how is your hair growing?

    I hope everyone (here in America...sometimes I forget the web is world wide Nerdy) is enjoying their holiday weekend.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Deborah, love the picture and I'm so glad you're feeling better (also, I'm impressed that you can post a picture - I was proud of myself that I got the one on my profile!)

    I had a scare today but I'm praising God - I think He needed to get my attention about being a little more careful these days. My temperature is generally 95 or 96 but this morning it was 97 - then at noon it was 98 and at 4:00 it was 99.1. Yikes! I called the MO on call and he said to monitor it and go to the ER if it hit 100.5. I texted my three great prayer warriors and 1/2 hour later, it was 98 then an hour ago it was 96.8 (which is normal for me). The MO said that the diarrhea I've had is mostly from the new drug, perjeta - since it increases the effectiveness of herceptin so much, guess I'll stick it out but I'm not looking forward to the next three infusions.

    When I was at the food pantry on Tuesday, lots of folks were sneezing and coughing - and it was particularly busy since it was the day to pick up the turkey-and-fixings boxes for Thanksgiving. One lady who sounded particularly bad said she'd just gotten out of the hospital. You should have seen me run for the hand sanitizer for the pen she used as soon as she left. However - since I've had low blood counts several times so far during chemo, I'm thinking I need to take it seriously now and stay home from church tomorrow. Fortunately, I can watch the service on the podcast online - and no germs.

    Mankato, so glad rads is easier for you than chemo. Still no hair for me but hair loss is also a SE of the docetaxel I'm on. Some ladies have said they started getting a little light growth before the second round, which would be about 6 weeks after the last A/C. Sharon is our star with hair growth!!

    Prayers for us all - Bev

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Awww, Bev,! Your hair will grow. You wouldn't want it to start growing just to lose it again.

    I'm so sleepy. I can't write more now. Praying for all of you.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Spiritblessing! I am sorry to hear your dx of TN. We will look forward to hearing about your treatment and trial drug as others on here such as SewStrong FridayGirl are also TN. As others have mentioned, most if not all of us have been led to this thread by God's doing.

    We got a bill from my hubby,s dr today for $17000 plus. I told my husband not to worry and think I know what happened. I am on our school's health council and we address insurance issues and help people with open enrollments. We'll the enrollment form asked if anyone in family on Medicare part A/B. My insurance person in our district office told me to change mine to yes. I asked her if it was for those on part A and B or did it mean part A and possibly but not necessarily part B and she said for either one or both. So I made the change and my insurance thinks hubby has both a and b while he actually has a and has my insurance as b. Our insurance director was incorrect and they are saying that he is not primary on my insurance. Needless to say I have a mess to straighten out. Also I keep getting billed by some oncologist for chemo treatments back in May when I never saw any doctor. Oh life is grand.

    On better note: love your photo Deborah. I can see the family resemblance. What a precious picture.

    Bev: I am so sorry to hear that you have been experiencing some issues. Will continue to pray for you. Be careful in crowds. We have had lots of people sick at church too. I worry about my dad. Who by the way turned 90 today. PTL for blessing me with his presence in my life all these years. He is still in his home.

    Goodnight ladies. Sweet dreams and my prayers for all of you are ever heaven bound.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2013

    Thank you all for your encouraging words!

    Bev - I'm sorry you are having the fever. This is what I went through for over 2 weeks. I think my last treatment just wiped out part of my immune system and it took me a while to recover. I was concerned that I might have to go to the hospital for further evaluation but I managed to keep my temperature below 101. My doctor put me on an antibiotic but it didn't make any difference. I'm certain I just had "febrile neutropenia" with "flu-like-syndrome". These are terms used for patients on chemotherapy where the treatment causes a low neutrophil count which is one of the white blood cells we have. I'm not saying this is what you have but if your doctor uses these terms you'll know what they mean. I avoided crowds, church and anywhere sick people might be each round of chemo around days 7- 14 when the counts would be the lowest. I took 2 ibuprofen for my fevers and aches and found that it usually worked quicker and lasted longer than tylenol. Bev, I'm praying for you as you go through this. I'm also praying that your doctor will have a good plan for you now that she/he will be aware of the side effects you are having.

    Char - So glad you figured out what happened to the insurance! I'm praying it all gets resolved! My grandmother lived to be 103 yrs. She did well until about the last year of her life. She did eventually move into a minimally assisted facility and she loved it. My aunt had planned for her to move in to their place, even made a special room but my grandmother never wanted to move there. She preferred the social interaction of the facility.

    Mankatostate - Have you checked out the "hair, hair, hair another question" group? It seems that it takes about 3 weeks after the last treatment has gone by before hair is noticed, in other words 6 weeks from the last time you had your chemo infusion. I think I'm feeling a a few stubbles too, but I can't see them in the mirror. I have started taking Biotin 300 mcg daily hoping that will help the hair grow faster. I am wearing soft cotton caps with either a fleece or crocheted cap on top instead of scarves most of the time. I'm so glad it's cold outside because caps don't look as strange to people as caps do. And for some reason I've been more concerned my scarf might fall off but the caps feel more secure.

    lovewins - I'm praying specifically for you as you'll be having treatment 5 this week.

    Love, blessings, and prayers to you all! Deborah

    "I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

    This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:21-23

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Bev ( SaltyJack) is on her way to the hospital with a fever of 101.6. Please join me in praying for her and her husband, Dave. She is going to St. Luke's, which adjoins MDAnderson.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    prayer said for saltyjack, thank you for your prayer foe me deboranne. I am sorry I haven't been posting but please know I do read everyday.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    thanks for letting us know, Sharon. Please let Bev' know prayers are coming her way:) 

    lovewins, I hope you are feeling better and can get your next treatment soon.

    Blessings and HUGS~

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    praying for Bev...thanks for letting us know!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Bev, we are lifting you up and praying He will make this a short, restful and healing visit.  Just another speedbump in the road.

    God bless you.
