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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, praying for you as you go through this process. I am right behind you and in a quandry also...I pray God will guide me when it's time! We just have to do what is best for us.

    Bev', yay for your wispys! I will probably be wearing hats full time also. So glad your counts and progress are good and you are ready for your next TX on Friday!

    I am feeling good and so thankful~

    Blessings and ((HUGS))



  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2013

    For you ladies losing your hair.,

    When my daughter started to lose her hair in late Sept. the American Cancer Society gave her 2 wigs free. She also had a friend who runs a beauty salon in California someplace that had several that she sanitized and sent to her. Might ask your local hair dresser about it..

    Ask your cancer center or medical staff what might be available in your area.


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    I cut my hair shorter but left it chin length...I have not lost all my hair...prolly 90%.  I like having the hair I do have to stick out of my caps and when I look in the mirror I am not completely bald.  I have one more chemo to go....if it were me I would wait a bit to see what happens. 

    God bless all of you...I am sorry I am not able to keep up with everything and everybody.  I just got done with my 5th chemo 10 days ago and today is the first day I feel half way decent.  Hardly left the house for 10 days which is way worse than first treatments.  Couldn't make it to my folks.  Fighting depression and a lot of crying this time.  Been praying a lot more.  Praying for all the best for all of you.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Bev/Saltyjack - you said it perfectly..."a little shower of hair falling around me"!  I too have had minimal SE and wondered if it was working.  Also, 16 days exactly just like you...strange!  As you can see in my pic my hair is short but a month ago I had it cut shorter and I haven't dyed it for 3 months so it is pretty grey as well.  In fact when I was trying on wigs on Monday the brunettes didn't look right so I went with a short style and grey blended with dark brown so it really looks like my current style. How often do you do your treatment?

    Regarding the neupogen, how did you feel when you took it?  I had my first shot on Monday because I couldn't do my chemo due to my blood work being low. I had to go in the next day for a second shot.  Most women are taking neulasta so it is great to know of someone who is doing the neupogen.  I didn't start to feel anything until around 6:00 that evening and then by 10:00 I could really feel that my bones were a little achy.  Not bad enough to take anything but then during the night I was restless so I noticed it more.  In the morning I woke pretty achy but again not worth taking anything.  It mostly felt like I did a hard workout.  When I got to the clinic I realized I hurt to get up from sitting or sitting from standing so I took an ibuprofen just before I got my second shot.  That afternoon I felt it pretty good by early evening I was slowing down pretty much and I was sore all over.  Today felt pretty good and only felt it slightly till mid day and by 3:00 I was feeling normal.  I was able to ride my bike and walk on the treadmill so did my workout for an hour. 

    Have you ever had a time when you didn't get your chemo due to low blood work?  That is exciting to know that you have had a significant change due to your treatment...Praise God!!!  Are you done with A/C totally now?

    Terri/Keepthefaith - When did you start treatment? I don't know how I will feel with a bald head actually.  It is very cold right now so I am sure I will wear something. 

    Vickie - I got my wig on Monday along with several scarfs and wraps and a really nice hat from the facility I go too in Seattle.  They have been very good to me.

    Lovewins - When did you start treatment? Sorry you are in a bad way.  Don't be a stranger that is why we are here to support one another.  I'd like to hear more of your journey if you don't mind.  I am late to the board so don't know everyone.Praying for you...

    Well i am off to bed and to read for a bit.  thank you all for your support and praying for all of you.  Praying for mi imal SE and restful sleep...Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited December 2013

    Hi Lucy - I agree with others about not cutting/shaving all your hair off. I lost a lot of hair starting on day 16 of my first treatment but it didn't become really noticeably gone until the end of day 17 when I asked my husband to shave all the hair off. He said he couldn't do that (emotionally he couldn't) and I am so glad he couldn't! because not all the hair came out. It's very thin on top but I've had some thin bangs and lots of hair on the lower back of my head so when I wear hats and scarfs people probably think I just have very short hair. It also feels great to reach up and touch the hair especially since it feels like there is a lot of hair there. Now that chemo is over I'm hoping to see significant hair growth in about a week. The American Cancer Society gave me three free wigs to take home to try. None of them look and feel right for me so I'm planning to return them and I've been wearing hats and scarves. I'll admit that I'm getting really tired of the hats and scarves. Tonight I have a special event to attend and I'm already dreading "what to wear" but overall it's not the worst thing to go through and all my friends and family have been so encouraging. My husband said he really prefers me to wear hats and scarves and NOT wigs.

    Lovewins - Big HUG for you!!! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. You are in my prayers and will continue to be. Let me know if there is something else I can do for you. You only have one more treatment, I know that's super hard, but it will be the LAST!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    lovewins, hang in there!  We are all praying for you. Please ask your medical team for help if you need it regarding depression, etc.

    Thanks deborahanne for the encouraging words regarding hair loss. I have a beautiful wig if I need it and a few warm weather caps also.

    SB, I started treatment Dec 3rd. My SE's have been minimal, thankfully. I have taken Ambien to sleep and I think I got about 9 hrs of restful sleep last night. I have been working since 8am  and am now ready to crash!:) Still have a few things to do, though. My appetite has been crazy lately. I want to eat constantly. I am not much about food, normally.

    I'm so glad we are getting some sunshine. I cannot tolerate too many days of dreary weather without it getting to me.

    Praying for you all every day!



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Thank you ladies.  Today was a better day.  My emotions are all over the place.  I pray the best for each and everyone of you whatever you are going through.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013

    lovewins...I too am praying for you!

    I agree with everyone who just cut hair short but didn't shave the head. I truly wish I would have done that myself. That being said I was so stressed about the unknown and felt like I needed to shave my head because that is what everyone said to do. I was afraid of the hair loss and wanted it on my terms so I shaved when it started to come out. I did gain a peace about it at the time (stopped having dreams/nightmares) but now having seen how much hair never did fall out I might of left it so I too could have some hair to peek out of my head coverings.

    Deborah I know exactly what you mean about getting tired of wearing things on the head...all I want for Christmas is my hair back! I noticed this week my eye lashes And eyebrows are falling out. My last chemo was Oct. 22nd so I think that is kind of weird. Anyone else who had chemo have this happen so late to them too?

    Well, I have 8 days left of radiation and then I am done! Yay! A little red and just starting to get tired, but so far the hardest part has been the winter driving.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2013

    My husband said he didn't mind losing his hair, but he really missed his eyelashes. He never realized how much stuff his lashes kept out of his eyes.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    I realized after I posted that I actually waited two (not one) week after my hair started falling out before I cut it all to about 1-1/2" long. During that time, I wore a little knit cap at night (so I wouldn't rub any out that wasn't ready to fall) and didn't wash it (knowing that tons of it would end up in my hands and drain if I did!) By the end of the two weeks, I was ready to be done with it! My eyelashes and eyebrows are thinning alot now - I just seem to have noticed that in the past few weeks. I've read on some of the other threads that some ladies have almost cyclical thinning of the brows and lashes - long after chemo is over. Isn't that something to look forward to?

    I haven't had any nail problems....yet....but know lots have. My MO just says to keep them short and clean, which is no problem - I've never had a manicure or very nice nails so at least this isn't a big deal.

    Lovewins, so sorry this has been a tough round but glad you're feeling better.

    Yay, Kathy and Sharon for winding down with the rads! Praying that the weather cooperates these last couple of weeks...

    Lucy, I had four A/C treatments (every 3 weeks) and just started 4 herceptin/perjeta/taxotere treatments (every 3 weeks - last one will be January 24 - yay!). I had low blood counts twice and needed the neupogen shots but like you, just had a little bit of achiness -nothing like folks have experienced with the neulasta shots. Originally I was scheduled for the MO appointment and chemo the same day but just by a fluke (like God working it out?!), the first time I had low blood counts, my appointment was on Wednesday so there was time for me to have the neupogen shots before Friday's chemo and it didn't have to be delayed a week. After that, the MO always scheduled me for Wednesday bloodwork just in case I needed the shots (which I did once but not another time - go figure). When I asked the MO about ways to improve the counts, she said there really isn't anything to do as far as diet.

    Suppose Santa will bring us our hair back if we ask really nicely? I'll make the cookies....chocolate and peanut butter....think they'll work?

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Well this was a good day for me.  I went out for the first time to do a little shopping after my shots of neupogen.  The said that by Wed I should be fine but I waited one more day to be certain.  Did a few hours of work this morning then went to Olympia to do some shopping for Christmas.  I have to say I am a little paranoid to be out and about in public.  I am so worried I will get some big bad germ.  I didn't touch anything and use purell like crazy.  I am becoming a narcotic I think.  So maybe someone can share how you go about eating out at places?  I am told to avoid it if at all possible and eat at home where I am in control of food prep.  Made it a bit difficult being as we had to rush home to cook dinner, but I was tired and ready to call it a day. 

    Deborahanne - Thanks, that is encouraging for sure...I want to wait and not get to proactive about buzzing my head.  DH said he will do it but I think it will be hard for him.  I don't think I will be having a party about it...not my kind of thing.

    Terri/Keepthefaith - I started a week ahead of you. I don't have issues with sleep at this time anyway.  I did early on when I got my dx.  Once I laid this on the cross I had a great peace about me...Thank you God!.  Your still working, you go out to your job daily?  How does that work for you being as we have to be so careful with germs etc. What about eating, have you changed your diet? Do you go out to eat? If so, what and how do you order?  Sorry for all the questions but we only eat at home and I make all my food and it is all organic.  This is per my nutritionist as it is all best that way to help fight this.  My daughter does come out on Fridays and does a lot of meal prep for us.  I make my DH go out with his friends and eats out so he doesn't get tired of it all. 

    Lovewins - Stay in touch, glad to hear your having a better day and our prayers are being answered...Thank you Lord!

    Mankatostate - Glad its going well for you.

    Bev/Saltyjack - I have a little nylon cap they gave me at the hospital so maybe I will wear that tonight.  I think I will cut it shorter now too and wait it out a bit.  For my nails, I started the glutamine and also I put tea tree oil on them now and then.  I also used the ice gloves during the Abraxane.  My MO said the same thing to me about keeping them short and clean and not to pick at them.  I have a friend and she has the neulasta and suffers terribly from it.  I also asked MO if there was anything I could do with my diet to be proactive to help blood count and she said nope...bummer.  It is prayer all the way baby!

    Well this girl is going to hit it now and get to bed.  I get to spend a good part of the day with my 13 month old granddaughter while DH and DD are cooking away.  Good night all and know you are in my prayers. 

    Blessings Abundant - Lucy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, glad you are feeling better! I am a self-employed Realtor, work out of my home; so I am able to somewhat structure my work schedule myself. I had a lot of driving to do yesterday to a closing and then on the other end of the world to pick up a sign, etc. I was surprised that it made me so tired. I think my counts must've been a bit low yesterday; I couldn't pile enough blankets on to keep me warm! I have changed my diet some, but usually eat pretty well anyway. A lot of organics. I do eat out now and then and I do worry about it sometimes, but for the most part use a LOT of hand sanitizer. My grandsons' 5th bday is at Gattiland tomorrow...still not sure if I will go:(.

    I am at the end of my nadir right now, so being a bit more cautious. My counts were good on the 10th when I was a week out.

    I have used the tree oil a few times too-don't care for the smell!:)

    manka, glad you are doing well!

    I hope you all have a wonderful week-end!



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Well, home from chemo #6 - two more to go! I'm trying not to get discouraged.....I know each of us has a different treatment plan and different diagnosis and different doctor and different everything. I started out on the August chemo thread and still check it and the September ones - so many of those ladies are done with chemo and ready for surgery. Here I have more than a month to go with chemo and won't have surgery till the end of February. Oh well....back to our mantra, right? This is God's time. In fact, I got to talking with my nurse today and she was such a blessing! I ended up writing out the mantra for her and she said she'd pray for me. Like Sharon said, God brings us just who we need, right?

    Lucy, I'm pretty much the opposite of you as far as being careful about eating out, etc. I love summer vegetables and fruits and ate them all - even though we're not supposed to eat them (well, except stuff like bananas). I couldn't resist the cantelope, pineapple, peaches and strawberries! I also ate pretty much everything in sight at my ladies' Bible study all fall - everybody brings "snacks" which in Texas (where everything is bigger, of course), that means a 30-ft. heavily loaded buffet table. I had low blood counts a couple of times but really didn't have a problem until last weekend when I ended up in the ER with a fever....and that was really kind of my own fault and pretty dumb. I volunteer at a food pantry once a week and the Tuesday before Thanksgiving was the day that everybody was picking up their it was much busier than usual. There were lots of folks sniffling, sneezing and coughing - even one lady who sounded particularly bad who said she'd just gotten out of the hospital. I should have had the sense right then to run as fast and as far as I could, I know. I paid for it with 6 hours in the ER the next weekend so hopefully I learned my lesson.

    I also volunteer at a local organic farm once a week so get lots of good vegetables there - that's the good part. I also am very careful about using hand sanitizer after the "greet each other" time in church and as I go into a grocery store and get a cart. Other than that, we eat out once a week and I've never had a problem (of course, we eat unfashionably early so we're always right in and out - never hanging out with lots of folks waiting for tables).

    Char, hope you're not getting too much snow up there to shovel out! I talked to my old neighbor near Harrisburg, PA and they have 4" of snow on the ground and are expecting 4-6" more today (and sadly, her cat just died yesterday so she's going to try to have to find a soft spot of ground to bury him tomorrow. Can't really say I wish I was there in the snow but I kind of do so I could help.....).

    Anyway - keep warm and keep looking up! I read a great selection yesterday in Jesus Today:

    Be willing to keep climbing this high mountain with Me. Sometimes you look back nostalgically at a long-ago stage of your journey. You yearn for that easier, less complicated time in your life. But I want you to recognize it for what it was: a base camp. It was a time and place of preparation for the arduous adventure ahead of you.....The higher up the mountain you climb, the steeper and more challenging your path becomes - but the greater your adventure as well. Remember that the higher you go with Me, the closer you get to your ultimate goal - the heights of heaven!

    The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited December 2013

    Thank you all for the discussion on the hair.  I'm on the fence with this.  My first treatment is Jan. 8.  Doc. said it will fall out about the 17th day.  First go round I hated the mess and had a friend at church that shaved it off for me when it started falling out in droves.  Now, I'm having to psych myself up again to lose it a second time.  Don't like hats or scarves but do still have my wig.  Had hoped not to have to think about any of this over the holidays and I find myself somewhat jealous of those of you who are almost finished!  LOL.  I know once I start cranking it up again it will become just another part of the schedule.

    You are all doing so well.  Bev, I'm nervous about the fever thing and it sounds lke we're alot alike.  I don't always take the precautions I should but I'm praying my SE's are as minimal as yours have been.

    Lovewins, so glad you're doing better.  Have had my ups and downs but I'm chalking it up to the pain meds - make me kind of loopy at times.

    Blessings and peace to you all.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    I want you to know that I am truly amazed by each of you. I read your daily procedures and feel so truly blessed by your strength, courage and faith.

    Love wins: I am asking all of us to lift you in prayer. I think depression is just an attack by Satan when we are at our weakest and his way of putting us out of commission. I was there once when I was first diagnosed with epilepsy. I am praying that God shield you and uplift you.

    Bev: More snow coming tomorrow. I think 4 or so inches. The deep freeze in the teens the last few days have been pretty rough. My hands actually got so cold Wed. that they were hurting for about 10 minutes after returning from my walk with the dogs.

    I came down with a sinus infection on Monday and finally got on some antibiotics last night. My first one ever. Hopefully the meds will help. I actually got my first night of sleep that was over four hours. I have been averaging four hours of sleep for about two weeks now. Praise God I have not really been exhausted.

    Another article that came out in our paper yesterday. It was quite interesting and thought provoking. So I have attacked the link below.

    Prayers to all of you and hugs too.


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited December 2013

    Hi There and THANKS so much for keeping this valuable thread moving right along. I moved recently and will start my new job on Monday in Fort Worth, TX. as a Registered Dietitian. I will be back on the Boards ASAP thereafter. Happy Holidaze! Peace, Prayers, Hugs, Love and Blessings to ALL plus your families, friends and co-workers.

    Carolyn (aka Flowers) Happy


    Edited by Mods to remove member's personal contact info

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited December 2013

    I have not been on the Boards for a while (but I am OK)! HappyThumbsUp

    Missed U all VERY much too!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    I want to thank you all for your prayers and let you know God is good and He put His hand on me yesterday.  He has reached out to me in ways I can see now.  For a time I was living in such fear I could not see and your right Char depression was taking hold of me.

    I went to see my RO yesterday and I think he realized I was about to crack and called my social worker who God love her spent at least 2 hours with me and helped me break through some of everything I am going through....this cancer and losing my best friend 6 weeks ago, issue with my work and Christmas and my treatments getting harder.  I didn't realize I was so close to the edge but I applaud the skill with which the social worker helped me....and she is a believer and I know and answer to prayer,  This is why I am telling you all this. 

    Special thanks to Lucy I will get back with you.

    God bless you all...I am thankful for you all. 

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    lovewins, praise God that you are feeling better! Keep it up:)

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Yes, Lovewins - so great to see that God gave you just what you needed at the right time - and what a blessing for the social worker to be able to help you mentally, spiritually and physically. God is so good!

    I had my second taxotere/perjeta/herceptin treatment on Friday and learned that the first "loading" dose took 5 hours while the rest of the "maintenance" doses only took about 2-1/2 hours - yay! Best of all, I can drive myself so I can do lots of errands on the way to and from (errands with my husband are NOT fun for either of us!) You may remember that I was feeling good after the first treatment so didn't take any of the steroids afterward that my MO prescribed - I guess I misunderstood that they were to help me feel better if I had any allergic reaction or aches. Well, turns out that apparently I missed the class in med school as to all the beneficial effects of steroids - the MO said that they help systemically to remove fluid build-up, which may have led to the week-long diarrhea I had last time. So - I'm taking about half of the prescription this time, even though I feel just fine (but I want to sleep at night, too!). At the very beginning, my MO said emphatically "do not suffer - call me because I can fix whatever the problem is." Guess I shouldn't have tried to be such a "good" patient last time. :)

    I'm praying for you all - Terri, Lucy and especially Sue, with hair loss. I've been getting through the past couple of months thinking BC is a once-and-done-bump-in-the-road so I know that your road these days is particularly challenging, Sue. Lots of prayers!

    Char, hope the snow is manageable - and that your infection is on the way out and your scar is healing up. How is your husband doing? Thanks for the link. Our newspaper also had an article about that conference but the link you sent had more information. I'm hoping the less-treatment tendency will help me when the rads decision needs to be made.....

    Debbie, you're such an inspiration - hope you're continuing to work through the pain (and figure out how to minimize or avoid it!)

    Carolyn - welcome back! Hope all goes well with the new job - how exciting!

    Have a blessed Sunday, all!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Bev'!  You are a veteran now and can hold our hands! So glad you are up and running.  It seems as though this can be a hit and miss kind of thing; about the time we figure out what we are doing, we will be done!

    I am having hair fall out this morning. Have it in a hair net now. Pulled a lot out, but then decided I will deal with it later. Not ready to give it a buzz just yet. Worried about telling my 5 yo GS...we're pretty close and he hated it when I just cut it short a week or so ago.

    I hope you all enjoy this beautiful Sunday~

    Blessings and ((HUGS))


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Okay, Terri - that's a plan. I'll do everything wrong/dumb so you all will learn from my mistakes and can be model patients for your docs. Sounds good!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited December 2013

    Hello ladies....I hope you are all feeling ok.  I am having chemo on 12/23/2013 so I will not be able to celebrate Christmas this year.  I am also on short term disability that runs out at the end of the year so I did not buy any gifts.  This is a first for me I usually spend Christmas at my folks with my brother and his family.  I was disappointed at first but I realize this is how my life is unfolding right now and I better accept it.  Are you all getting ready for the Holidays?  I love Christmas.  I do enjoy and feel the Christmas spirit talking with friends and family and that is nice.  I read on another thread recently that someone changed their focus on memories and experiences not things....I like that, so that is what God is teaching me this year.  Hope you all have a wonderful evening...God bless everyone.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies, Bev- Regarding food, I eat fruits and veggies...heavy on the veggies light on the fruit because of the sugar as sugar feeds cancer.  So I stick to more of the berries or organic dried fruit now that fruits are out of season.  Why do you say you are not supposed to eat veggies?  My nutritionist wants me to focus more on veggies organic and whole foods.  What do you order when you go out to eat?  What restaurants? I am a bit paranoid about eating out, I think that I have taken this diet to the extreme and I am worried about being out in crowds as well.  I went to church today and wore my mask at friendship break and it worked because people didn't come up to me to hug on me or touch my hands.  It was hard and I had a realization that with all this precautionary actions it is easy to become isolated.  I am staring my neupogen on a regular basis now I think, do they take blood test before to see where your count is or just do it automatically after treatment?  Bev, I appreciate all you share and I know I look to you for advise and support and probably bug you with a lot of questions.  So blessed you are part of my support team, so thank you for the time you give to me personally. 

    Carolyn/Mods - Would like to hear more about your field as a dietitian and how you apply that to your regimine?

    Lovewins - So glad to hear you have been in communication with a social worker.  This is such a tough time for all of us and we all need the support.  I know how you're feeling about the holidays, I feel that too.  I have just decided I can't fight this and I have to think of me first.  Not easy as I am a give not a receiver.  There is always next year, I didn't do Christmas cards, shop for many friends, etc. Everyone understands.  The one I feel for the most is my DH as he has to endure so much as part of this journey.   I am so blessed to have you to talk with as well.  I am here for you.  Lots of love - Blessings Abundant to you my friend.

    Terri/Keepthefaith - My thoughts are w/you w/your hair loss.  Its hard for me and I find myself praying in the shower for strength to get me through it.

    As for me, my hair loss since Wed. and today day 5 still wads of hair at shower and after drying.  I thought about what Bev said where she didn't wash her hair as often and I sleep with a cap on and when I take it off in the morning my hair looks like  I did get a really nice chemo cap from a have to check out this they are amazing.  I had to shop and get me a couple of others as long as I have to deal with this for another year when my hair finally comes out might as well make it fun.  The one my friend gave me was a Abbey Cap...awesome!

    Well ladies...tomorrow off to Seattle for Treatment have to be there for blood draw at 8:00, hoping all is well after the shots this week so we can have the chemo.  I also meet tomorrow after with the onc for our monthly meeting.  I have some questions so if I can I will check in while I sit and wait.  Everyone have a great restful night sleep and a great start to the week.  Blessing to all...xo...Lucy

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    It's hopeless. This us the 4th time in a row I typed to everyone only to hit a key that made it all disappear! I can't believe it. I have been pretty exhausted lately from radiation, I guess. I'm going to have to change the way I think of this thread. I don't like to just address one or two of you because I feel like I'm leaving out someone. You guys are great at including posts to everyone. I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and can't type very long before my hands go numb,so I feel like I'm missing out on being part of this thread. I pray for everyone and sometimes cry when I read some of your posts. They are so heart-wrenching. I love reading about the way the Lord is working in each of your lives. God bless every one of you and have a Merry Christmas in spite of the circumstances that surround you. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    Lucy, don't shave your head. I wish I hadn't cut mine 1" all over because the hair around my hairline stayed for weeks after the rest fell out. I could have had hair under my scarves and hats.

    I got wise. I copied what I wrote to Lucy so when I scroll up to read other posts, I won't lose it!!!

    Spirit blessing. You and I are both Triple Negative. I am wondering why I had Taxotere and cytoxan and you're having something different. That is a great big question in my mind.

    Bev. I know I've thanked you privately for your prayers for a Triple Negative breakthrough, but I'm saying it again. That means so much to me and Spirit-blessing and others with TNBC, you have no idea. I'm thankful that God is blessing you with such a great response to treatment. Research says that chemo works well for TN in the beginning, it's just that they haven't discovered precisely what feeds it, so they just don't give us anything after chemo and radiation. When a breakthrough occurs, you are part of that miracle. Thank you for thinking of others so much in the middle of your own treatment.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited December 2013

    I'm sorry I couldn't respond to others. My hand is burning like fire. Carpal tunnel won again.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Thank you all for the hair loss advice. Praying that your SE's subside soon and we all have a wonderful week!

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2013

    Okay, Lucy - you got me to put my money where my mouth was....I'd heard and read alot about eating fresh vegetables but didn't remember where or exactly why (except they could carry germs, bacteria and spread infection). So - I searched a bit and here are some links to other threads and areas:

    All TopicsForum: Healthy Recipes for Everyday Living → Topic: Infections/weak im system : wash und cook fruits and vegetables

    In the second one, it notes that "buffets" (like my Bible study "snacks") are the type of thing to avoid....but too bad. Life is too short to go nuts over this whole thing. So, see - you probably don't want to ask me any more questions, right? As far as eating out, we went to Landry's (seafood restaurant) for Thanksgiving and loved their buffet - of course, everything seemed to be kept appropriately hot or cold. My husband and I eat out once a week - just got back from Five Guys (okay, we don't do that too often but once in a while, can't resist) but usually get in and out pretty fast (no hanging around in the lobby/bar/wherever - generally places like Applebee's, Chili's or local restaurants). After the first time my blood counts were low, my MO always scheduled me for blood work two days before I was scheduled for chemo so there was time for two days of neupogen shots (which I needed twice). I think I remember you have chemo every Monday so unless they're able to schedule you for bloodwork on Friday, that probably doesn't work (and then I don't know if you could get the shots on the weekend anyway - I know my facility is only open Monday-Friday).

    I often wait to go into church to miss the "greeting" time but if I'm there, I use hand sanitizer right afterwards. The only time I wore a mask was when I went to the ER with a high temperature - I asked for one as soon as I got there then stayed as far away from everybody as much as I could. I'm sure you won't go wrong being extra precautious...but you'll just have to decide what's right and comfortable for you. What about the rest of you? Am I the only wild and crazy one?

    Lovewins, my heart is breaking for you and you'll be in my prayers for the holidays. You've spent alot of time with your parents after chemo - won't that work for Christmas? I hate to think of you being alone, missing out on good family times and memories.

    Sharon, take care of yourself - you're winding down with rads and nearing the end of your treatment - plus your hair is growing like crazy!!! Save some energy to enjoy your family at Christmastime - Dr. Bev says!

    love y'all - Bev

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2013 frustrating to lose a post! And with carpel tunnel too! I haven't been posting much either as I have been busy, tired with rads and hate typing on my little key board on my cell phone. I don't get on my computer too much anymore...combination of having the smart phone and just getting out of the habit of it this past fall with all this crazy cancer stuff going on.

    Lovewins-I will keep praying for you! I hope you are not alone at Christmas even if you are feeling crummy!

    Prayers to all of you going thru chemo during the Christmas holiday! I am so sorry you have to do this...especially now!

    Lucy- for what it's onco said not to worry about if it was ok or not to eat raw fruits and veggies. He felt eating healthy (or actually just eating) was what was important during chemo. He told me you are more likely to get sick from germs on your own body than from the fruits and veggies. If one wants to be real safe...don't eat it when your counts are low. By God's blessing I made it thur chemo without catching anything. I acted like "monk" you watch that tv show? But I didn't catch anything. I did end up in the ER but that was because I had allergic reactions to the meds not because I was ill.

    I can't remember if I wrote this last week or sorry for the repeat if I did. But last week my eye brows and eyelashes started to fall out. I find it weird because my last chemo was all the way back on Oct. 22nd. I do have some eyebrow hairs growing back but this is disturbing to me as I thought I was all clear and was able to keep my lashes and brows.

    I am hoping to be done with rads on the 24th. Still praying that winter weather doesn't keep me from making it to radiation as we plan to leave for Florida on the 26th...not a day to spare now.

    I also could use prayer for trying to figure out if I should go back to work come the new year. We had just moved here and I was diagnosed before I found a job. Now that things are wrapping up I feel like I need to start thinking about going back to work. There is an opening come January at my sons school that I might be a good fit for and have been wondering if I should apply. I figure they would understand the missing hair and what is going on with me. It is a Christian school so I know that it would be a good place to work too. One big thing though is I really only want part time work and worry that I won't be able to handle a full time job (it's a full time job)...especially one I have to learn right now as I still am feeling the "chemo" brain and being tired from Radiation. I feel if I apply I really need to be sure it's what I want to do...but I hate to be slow to act and then 3-4 months down the road regret not acting on a good job. Then of course they might not even hire me as it's been quite a while since I have done the kind of work needed for the I said I could use prayer for wisdom of what to do!