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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2014

    Well hi there ladies!

    Been off for a while, so a little about me.  I finished my last chemo on 4/28 and they gave me a 2 week break so the first weekend we went camping and then we were home for a couple of days and then took off on a week long road trip.  We wanted to go somewhere and so we though of flying out somewhere but after checking various places decided I wasn't in the mood to deal with airports and all the stress that goes with that.  So we packed up the car with some bags, a cooler and our dog and we hit the road.  We have wanted to see canyon lands, monument valley and Arches.  We went on a road trip 4 years ago and hit several national parks but we didn't get to see arches.  We went through Oregon, Arizona, Utah and were just a few hours away from Albuquerque, New Mexico where I am from and so we surprised family with a visit on Mothers Day.  It was great and we had the best time.  It was great to just forget the new norm I have been involved in for the past 8 months.  So I totally disconnected for a while.  We got back and just been cleaning and enjoying some of the nice weather.  Had to buy some plants to bring some color to our decks and so that has been fun.  God has been good to us and we had several opportunities to share his love and his word on our trip.  Now I have to go back on Tuesday or Wednesday to get back to the new norm again for my infusions every two weeks of Avastin.  I start the pill as well on this maintenance called Erlotnib so we will see how that all goes.  As I am on a study trial there is not a lot of history on this pill for side effects so putting my total trust in our God.  He has been good to be and I do believe I am healed by the blood of Jesus. 

    My neuropathy has been almost gone since the past couple of weeks.  My nails are growing and not so tender any more at all.  As for my hair, it is continuing to grow and my hair is coming back everywhere...arms, legs,  I was hoping not to have to shave this summer but oh  I have been feeling good and strong and thanking and praising God for holding me in His arms during this time.  I have kept you in prayer and I want to thank you all for keeping me in your prayers as well. 

    Bev - what is he pill called you will be on?

    Anita - Happy belated birthday! How is chemo going, any se's?

    Sue - Glad you were able to find someone to be with you for surgery.

    Sharon - Hope all goes well with all you're dong with the house.  Do keep us posted when you can.  Please make sure you do all the doc says after your surgery on your shoulder.  Recover can feel long if you have to wear that sling but don't push the recovery, it is so important. 

    Carren - I like your post and I agree that sense of humor is so important during this time for us.  We have to have it as everything is so very serious all the time. 

    Well have a great evening and remember God loves you all and has never left us.  Just know there is power in the name of "Jesus"!

    I saw this posting on FB by Michael W. Smith, I think they are words from his new cd:

    As I rise, strength of God...Go before, lift me up...As I wake, eyes of God...Look upon, be my sight...Christ Be All Around Me!

    Stay strong and beautiful ladies...maybe I will post some pics of our road trip...Lucy

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    Borrowed from Debbie, "Lucy ees weeth us," welcome back and God bless your new treatment regime.,,I have.been  out with a fever, unknown origin, mo did not require that I be seen just put me on augmentin. And I begged off making Sunday dinner for my sons, dil.  Some wicked stomach virus came home from day care with our 4 month old granddaughter, so it seemed wise to decline the visits.  Oh, and since we have been so lazy, I asked my hubby to take me to the duck pond where I failed getting even 1 step climbed and tumbled into tall, soft grass.  This weakness is embarrassing.  Can I blame it on lower back mets?  


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Good morning all and happy Monday to you all.  It's a beautiful sunny day here and we're finally getting our spring - nice and warm!  I have been reading the posts with great interest and prayer.  I am amazed at what everyone is going through but thanks be to God we've got the support of our Christian sisters and it makes it seem like these are just little speed bumps in the road, rather than mountains to climb.

    Debbie, so good to hear from you.  I'm surprised they tried to access your port the same day it was put in.  I think I had to wait a week or two on mine but just a thought.  Mine does get clogged from time to time and they pump some dissolving liquid into it, wait 30-minutes and then it usually clears.  I'll pray they do the same for you because it's so much easier on your infusions.  You may also wish to ask for some lidocain cream to take  home if they have it.  Every time you know they're going to access your port (blood draws, infusions, etc.), put a little of it on the top of the port and then cover it with a patch of plastic wrap.  Do it about an hour before they access.  It numbs the skin and you'll feel nothing when they go to access it - you won't feel the pinch.  Just an FYI.  Prayers are a given for David's mother!  You are doing so awesome!

    Carren  your words are wonderfully encouraging and thanks for the laughs.  I lost 60 pounds once I got off of the hormone blockers.  My vegetarian diet never changed for the 5-years I was on them but the weight did.  Now my onc. wants me to gain weight, lol.  Go figure.

    Lucy you are one blessed lady!  How wonderful you got a vacation in and also got to see family.  Oh make us all jealous!  I'm so glad you felt well enough to travel and just "escape"!  I will pray your next chapter goes well.  Wonderful news about the neuropathy and hair!  Gives the rest of us hope when we get off of this junk!

    Anita, our journeys are so similar.  I was completely off the pain killers but had to break down and pop a few at bedtime the last two nights.  Been up several nights nearly all night with neuropathy leg pain and was exhausted.  So....I tried small doses of the pain killers and (unfortunately) they worked, lol.  Bummer.  Was hoping to stay off of them for a good long time.  Sorry to hear about your fever but glad you didn't land in the hospital.  Praying for peace and calm and no pain!

    Char, so glad your dad has you to take care of him.  My mom (88) and I were nearly in tears the other night because neither of us can travel.  I want to help her and she wants to help me, lol.  I'm praying for that knee!  Take the running slow.

    Sharon, praying you get some "space" and a little down time.  Congrats. to your granddaughter the graduate - they grow up fast don't they?

    I've had the shortness of breath again this weekend.  Soooooooooo, I'm not going to make it to the 28th for my surgery before having to have the lung drained AGAIN Scared.   Waiting to hear back on my appointment and hoping to not have to miss any more work since I'll be off the week after my surgery.  I'm really bummed that the chemo hasn't dried this stupid thing up.  The upside is that I've gone three weeks this time before having to have it drained and hopefully this will be the LAST time I have to have this done following surgery.

    Blessings and prayers for all.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Jo so glad the surgery went well!  And, great news about the path report.  That is indeed answered prayer!  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    All the best to you Jo. So glad that everything came out well in the reports. I think there will always be issues with whatever drug is being used. Our bodies were not meant to take in all these chemicals and therefore it is a trade off. Get rid of one issue for another. Everyone has to work through their own process with great thought no matter what the risk. Some of the maintenance drugs can cause cancer too so it is always a risk. With faithfulness and prayer we trust that God will direct us and show us the correct path to take. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Lucy: iIt was good hearing from you and I am glad that you got a chance to get away for a while and put this on the back burner. God knows just what each of us needs to help sustain us. I bet it was a most enjoyable time for you. I will keep you in prayer over your trail drug and that it has great success.

    Debbie: praying for you across the pond and wanting you to know I am there with you spiritually. I hope that your port is working properly now. I remember how my daughter in laws was put in wrong and we could not see her when we went for a holiday visit because she was in such pain.

    Sue: I am sorry that you are unable to be with your mother. I can only imagine how hard it must be to not have family nearby. I am praying that you get through till your surgery next week or they move things up so you can get som relief.

    Carren: thanks for sharing encouraging words.

    Blessings to all,


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Good morning all.

    It's 5:00 a.m. and I'm up to head off to the hospital for yet another thorocentesis this morning.  Praying this will be the last one before my surgery next week.  I did ask for sedation  this time since the last two have been painful.  Guess I'll get caught up on  my sleep!  Prayers are welcome for the procedure.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    Dear Lord, we join our faith with Sue's and ask for your blessing in every way over today's procedure, a Devine appointment to ease and heal with miraculous power.

    In your name, 



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    oops, no treatment today, temp up oxygen level down I am a mess.  Getting a chest X-ray .  He wants to put me in the hospitol, as I am on augmentin.

    Please pray for continued healing.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Hi Ladies - I've been reading posts and praying but haven't slowed down enough to write anything....Now that rads are over (none too soon - my chest looks like chopped meat!), I feel like my life will slow down a little bit and kind of return to normal.  In fact, I even made reservations for a little getaway for my husband and me in August - first time since my diagnosis last August (well, except for Christmas with the family).

    I'm so glad to hear about your surgery and path report, Jo - lots of answered prayers and thanks so much for reminding us to be watchful and careful. As Char said, we've had so much poison put into our bodies to get rid of the horrible cancer cells, there's kind of no telling what else the long term effects will and might be. How comforting to know beyond a doubt that nothing that happens is going to surprise God and He's in control, right?

    Sue, Anita, Debbie, Lucy and Kate - you're all such strong, faithful warriors and such an inspiration and blessing to me!  I'm praying for you daily in your struggles, remembering that God knows exactly what you need at any moment even if I can't always remember the specifics. Sue, I especially am praying for you that you'll find some "Jesus in a skin" to be with you through surgery and decisions that you have to make - and to comfort you and your mom in being apart.

    Carren, I'm praying for you and appreciate your thoughts about our Great I Am.  It reminds me of the devotional I read in Jesus Today.....gaze on God and glance at problems.  If we keep the momentary trials and the everlasting glory we'll share with Christ in perspective, it makes all the difference.

    Char, thanks so much for your support and encouragement. I'm praying for you and your dad especially as he goes through painful procedures and then returns home this week. What a blessing you are to him!

    Lucy, so glad you had the chance for a little getaway. Lots of the places you visited are on my list. It seems like the older I get, the longer the list grows so I'll have to start chipping away at it faster.  I'll be starting on Arimidex (a hormone blocker) and the MO said to wait till after rads and any SE. I arbitrarily decided that I'll start June 1 so it's a nice easy date to remember.....5 years from now.

    Here's a couple of verses that are also in Jesus Today that give me such reassurance and hope:

    I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - He Who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3.

    The Lord gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:29-31.

    Blessings to you all, my sweet sisters. Our hope is in the Lord!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Bev: You quoted my life verse. I am so sorry to here how imitated your chest has become from rads. I am praying that this will heal quickly. 

    Anita: praying for you and hoping you are okay. Trusting God will take care of things.

    Sue: sorry for seeing this so late but you were in my prayers this morning. Praying all went well.

    My dad has two more weeks of wound care. They hurt his arm cleaning out the surface tissue today. I felt so bad for him. I made him some corn on the cob, gave him two Tylenol and has crashed on my sofa.

    I am off to get some things done before I fall asleep in this chair.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Ladies, you are all so awesome!  Your prayers were just what the doctor ordered.  I didn't have a lick of pain and got a nap in to boot, ha ha.  The doctor that did the procedure has done me a few times before.  He was excited that I was having the surgery next week and encouraging that it will likely take care of this lung refilling all the time.  Yeah!

    Anita I'm hoping this post finds you at HOME and not in the hospital!  Prayers for Divine healing are showering over you. 

    Char, so glad your dad got a bit of a rest.  It is so hard to watch anyone suffer, much less a loved one.  I'm so glad you're there for him.

    Bev, I'm going to pray for quick healing for you.  I can't imagine having to have so many treatments and now that they're over having to deal with the damaged skin and SE's.  I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

    Blessings and prayers for all.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2014

    Evening Ladies,

    Yes it is late, have lots on my mind.  Today had my Avastin and meeting with the onc and nurse and Study Trial coordinator to go over the pill Erlotinib, I have to start tomorrow.  Feeling a bit anxious tonight, supposed to take it tomorrow an hour before I eat anything so on an empty stomach.  I know as Char stated, the risks of the maintenance drugs are there and we do have to process all of it and keep moving forward somehow.  The most common se's are diarreah and rash (chest, neck or face) and neither sound like fun.  Has anyone experienced this pill or these side effects before?  I know with me on the study trial, it was my best hope for a cure.  Nothing is guaranteed but with TNBC this is it.  If I don't do the pill I have to be off the trial.  I feel like I am back where I was 7 months ago in deciding on doing treatment as I was so worried about the chemo.  I put my total faith in our Lord God and I had peace in knowing it was the right thing to do and I totally trusted Him through this past few months.  He has certainly shown me favor and I was blessed with minimal se's.  I know that I am still on the same path as I was back then and this is just phase 2 of this journey and I still will trust Him.  But when you start going over the se's of the drugs it is hard not to step back and think about the side effects and that the pills can also cause other problems.  I ask for prayers from all of you ladies as I come to my peaceful place again to take this step and move forward one step at a time.  Thank you Father God for being my strength when I am weak and for loving us all unconditionally. 

    Sue - praying you are feeling alright after the thorocantesis.

    Anita - Praying you are doing well and temp is down and oxygen is up tonight.

    Bev - Praying your chest heals quickly and you are not too uncomfortable.

    Blessings to all of you and thank you for your continued you ladies and it is so nice to have you to turn too when we need the support.  I am so blessed to have you all to reach out too.




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014


    May you find the strength to continue this path that may benefit so many.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    Sue, I am still home thank you. My sis has been visiting but I don't have much to participate in. You know what? I don't think she minds.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014


    Doing ok. Love your comment about Jesus in a skin!  I pray we all have a good Thursday.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Lucy, I am praying that the Lord guides you and gives you wisdom to make the right decision.  These are the ways in which our faith is tested, by our trust in Him and our belief that He will always do the best for us.  Please just relax in the knowledge that He loves you and will give you the very best advice (I know that is easy to say but difficult to do at times) and shortly you will receive the benefit of all of the prayers from the other ladies on this thread regarding this issue.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2014

    Thank you so much Debbie.  Boy had a bit of a melt down today about all this. Don't know where that all came from. My team was all over it and was able to help me to move forward. Well I guess I had my moment on this journey so glad it's passed. My dear friends were also a great help and my DH is amazing. To know I have all your prayers is so comforting as well. Thank you all so much. My husband saw this on FB and sent it to me, it was so appropriate!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Lucy: I find it amazing that one can get through the daily struggles let alone what you and others are going through with battling BC. It also shows us that despite our desire to live life the way God wants us to and to be "Christ like' is a difficult task while we live in our sinful and corruptible bodies. And so we fall, He lifts us up like our earthly father would do and He brushes off the dirt, cleans our wounds and gives us a hug and sends us back on our way. And so we pray for each other and encourage each other and are reminded daily that we are not perfect and will not be until we come home to be with God forever. And amazingly, He still loves us despite our shortcomings. 

    Peace to you dear sister. You are His child and He will never forsake you. I shared this once before but perhaps before you joined us on here. 

    "Faith is walking through all the light I have and then taking one step more". That step is into the darkness, the unknown, that which is not seen.

    Hugs and prayers to you always,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Char, I love your saying about faith....and I've repeated it to
    several folks. Thanks for reminding us again that we just have to keep moving toward the glorious hope that
    we have.

    You ladies are so strong in your faith, your will and
    your bodies - such an example to me. Lucy, I'm praying for you as the trial continues that you'll have peace and certainty that this is the right path for you, knowing that our Great Physician has everything planned out.  Sue, praying for you with surgery this week - have you worked out somebody to be with you and help with decisions if necessary? Anita, Debbie, Mini and Kate - praying for strength, peace and relief from pain.

    My big news is that I went to church today with just my wig and no hat.  Hopefully I've changed my avatar. My hair still looks really short (goofy to me) but everybody fussed over me. What a great church family I have - God has blessed me so with you ladies and those great friends. My chest is doing just
    fine....healing a little every day and it looks much worse than it feels
    (good thing because it looks pretty ugly!).

    Happy Memorial Day, all.  We live in an incredible country and are blessed with wonderful freedom. Thanks to so many who were willing to give so much.

    love y'all - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Hello all.  Boy it's been quiet in here since last week.  Guess that's a good thing and everyone is doing fine.  Prayers continue for all.

    I'm still waiting to hear back from my friend that's supposed to be at the hospital with me on Wednesday.  Her 3-year old was send home with a fever last Wednesday and for whatever reason, STILL hasn't called me to let me know if she's on or off.  I guess I'm venting since I have to let other people know if they're helping me or not and they have to make arrangements to be off of work, etc.  Drives me crazy when people don't communicate!  I'm nervous enough about this procedure and then to have to wait until the 11th hour to find out who can make arrangements to be with me adds to the stress.  I had a conversation with a long distance friend of mine today about how after being dx'd with cancer, I have a low tolerance for those who waste my time.  Anyone else notice this?  Just a thought.

    Hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend.  Bev, you are so right about this wonderful country of ours and those who have fought and died for the freedoms we enjoy today.  Every day and every Sunday, we exercise one of those freedoms!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2014

    Well I've got some not good news. In April my tumor markers were up 30
    points. I had them done again last week (mid May). They are up 30 MORE
    points. I had a low of 130's in February, that was as low as I got. Then
    166 in April, now 196 in May! What to do? Arimidex seems to be failing.
    My dr is of course very busy, yesterday was a holiday here, now he's
    playing catchup! All I know is he will call me "soon" after he thinks it
    over, determines my next plan of action and writes "new orders". I have
    been on Arimidex since June 28 2013 (when I was first diagnosed with "it's back and it's stage IV) and Xgeva to strengthen my bones since
    October 2013. You can see by my profile what I have but I'm ER pos, PR neg, Her 2
    neg. No organ involvement per the PET scan in Feb (and it looked better
    than ever). But I did have a lot of lesions from the beginning (that were not lighting up in Feb) in
    my skull, spine,ribs, sternum, pelvis, hips, upper left arm, upper left
    femur (thigh). Lymph nodes in chest went from pos to negative after Arimidex. Still
    have sight pleural effusion (no change since drain last July) and
    pericardial effusion (that I didn't know about till May). Now the tumor markers are rising, 30 points in 1 month, last time it was 30 points in 2 months!! I guess I'm about to change meds. But now what???

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Well, Wandering, now we pray. Sometimes it's all we can do.....but it's the best and most powerful thing we can do. Even when I don't have time to post, I check the thread and I'm sure many of our other dear sisters do too. You can be assured we'll all be joining you in praying for peace, comfort, guidance in decisions you'll have to make and wisdom for the doctors to know just how best to proceed.  

    Better yet - look at the verses I just found:

    The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Romans 8:26.

    Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He Who promised is faithful. Heb. 10:23.

    God bless you....and us all. 

    love, Bev

  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2014

    Oh Bev, thank you! And the verse about the Holy Spirit is one of my favorites. I like to think of Him interceding for me!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Amen Bev. Wandering: We will pray for you. I will add Psalms 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God". Some times we panic and feel like we do not know which way to go or turn but God just wants us to stop, be still and listen to Him as He guides and directs us.

    Sue: I will pray that your surgical assistance gets cleared up. I certainly understand how you are feeling and pray God will give you peace and calm that it will all work out.

  • JoAnnaP
    JoAnnaP Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone.  I love this thread but I'm 57.  Do I have to wait to be 60 to join in?  smiling :)  I love Jesus!!! Oh, and I was told that chemo ages us ten years, so I'm really 67. lol

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Welcome JoAnna.  Any and all ages are welcome here.  The more the merrier as strength comes in numbers!  Watch out when women get together to pray....miracles happen!

    Bev, I love Rom. 8:26.  It's a great choice for so many of us when we're in this sometimes confusing journey and the decisions we have to make.  And way to go on the new "do".  I remember my first venture out when my hair started growing back five years ago.  It was wonderfully liberating!  Good going!

    Wandering, it is so hard to wait when things are shaking up a bit.  We've all been there and I'm the worst when it comes to the waiting game.  My markers bounce around here and there but I don't put too much on that particular test.  Your other results sound good and also stable so focus now on what is working.  You've had a good run on the Arimidex, PTL.  There are so many more drugs out there and it doesn't look like you've come close to exhausting any of them.  My onc. reminds me of that every time I see her, lol.  I'm going to pray that your doctor comes up with just the right combination for you.

    It's almost midnight here and I'm still waiting for the last of the evening's meds to kick in.  Have to be up at 4:00 a.m. - ugh.  Thanks all for your prayers for this procedure.  I'm so looking forward to this chapter being over and that it works at drying up the pleural effusion for good.  My friend finally emailed me in the middle of the night last night - go figure why she can't pick up the phone but I have to take what I can get at this point.  Since I'm going to be in the hospital for a few days, I'm dragging my laptop with me so when I am able, I'll post an update.

    Keeping everyone in prayer and blessings to all.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2014

    Diid every one get a chance to read this breaking news bulletin that's at the top of this page. Very interesting indeed.

    Oh my. I read just a couple of posts and would love to sit here all day reading and chatting, but I really need to get busy.  Graduation and a party at my house are happening on Saturday (granddaughter), I have two doctor's appointments tomorrow, and surgery on MONDAY! Yikes! This is Wednesday! I have to run, but want to welcome the people I haven't met and to let you know that I am going to be praying fervently for you today as I scurry around trying to get things accomplished.  I finished treatment on Christmas Eve and I'm like a bird that has been set free out of its cage. You are welcome here and will find everything you need to stay focused on the mission ahead of you. The Spirit of our Lord lurks in these pages from everyone who posts. What more do we need?


    New ASCO Guidelines Say Not All Women Need Axillary Lymph Node Surgery  

    ThumbsUpAs Sue just said, "There's strength in numbers." and miracles do happen. I pray for ALL of you as I scurry around trying to get this house on the market, plant a huge garden and fight weeds, get ready for shoulder replacement surgery, sub at school, and prepare a party for my granddaughter's graduation. I'm no busier than any of you, I'm sure, but I just don't seem to be able to get back here often. I love you guys. You are the number three reason I got through treatment so well. The number one reason is Jesus and the number two is my husband. The encouragement and love I found here is priceless. Having a place to share fears and concerns and treatment options cannot be discounted as part of the healing process. Your encouragement kept me positive and the fact that every person on this thread has a deep love for Christ is what kept me centered and unafraid. God bless each and every one who reads this today.   Live each day as if you don't have BC. I came to a realization that if there is a day appointed for me to have been born and a day appointed on which I will die, then today is mine. God gave us today, so let's all praise Him and get on with business's. It's very hard to think this way in the middle of a nausea episode, but know that many are praying for you all of the time and know that God is in control and has all of us as prayermongers just for you.



      In God's precious Love, Sharon

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    Sue, your patience is amazing. So glad your friend finally did get with you r.e. your needs for today. Thank you Lord for anointed medical care today and always.


  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2014

    Thank you all again. Prayers for you all, especially you Sue! God bless us all!!