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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2014

    Bev, I love that song! It's by Scott Krippayne.  I am a sure fire, born again, evangelistic Christian. I believe in God, Miracles, healings, the saving shed blood of my savior Jesus, and the comfortings and power of the Holy Spirit! It's nice to be with other Christians!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Welcome to our board. Sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. You will find much support love and many prayers. Over time you will find out about each of us. I am stage IV TNBC myself. Dx on 8/28/13. 

    Keep us posted and have a blessed day and a blessed Easter. 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Welcome wandering.  Glad to have you join us and the more who are praying with us the better!  Sounds like you've had some good results as of late so we'll pray that they continue.  I too have had the struggle with the pleural effusion - on and off with the chemo that allowed it to sneak back in.  Sooo..... have had three thorocentisis' in the last month which are not fun as you know.  Hoping this last round of chemo dries it all up for awhile.

    I will ask for prayers for a friend of mine.  I called to wish her a happy Easter only to have her boyfriend answer the phone and tell me they have had hospice at the house for the last few weeks and she's pretty much at the end.  I was so disappointed to say the least as she had been doing so well and had actually gone NED after trying a new vegan diet.  No matter who is going home, it's still hard to say goodbye.  Her name is Marguarite.

    Joyous Easter my friends!  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Oh, Sue - sorry to hear about your friend - how hard it must be for her and you.  I'm glad to hear about your insurance and Andrew's progress - what a blessing that God brought you two together.  Aren't God's "coincidences" just amazing?!

    Lucy, thanks for your kind words about my furkid, Jack. He's hanging in there but it's so hard to watch him struggling and in pain. I think it will be time for him to cross the Rainbow Bridge within a few days - so we're doing lots of cuddling and took lots of pictures today.  

    Mini, I'll be praying about your disability application. I started volunteering out at our local food pantry with the idea it would make me less judgmental. I'm not sure it's working....because I see so many young, healthy people come in every month for food who aren't motivated to get a job or do anything to change their lives....but that's a rant for another day.  We'll just have to pray that God will help you work through the bureaucracy quickly. 

    Char, hope your dad continues to improve under your tender care. Maybe having him at your house will force you to sit down and relax a bit!!

    I know a number of us have unsaved spouses, children or other family members.  My husband, Dave, is going to church with me tomorrow - he reluctantly will come with me a couple of times a year.  As my pastor said, God loves him more than I do and wants him to be saved more than I I just have to pray and be patient. As Sharon keeps reminding me, I just have to love him and let God do the rest.  I'll be praying for all of our loved ones.....that God will use this glorious Easter day to work miracles in their hearts and lives.

    love y'all - Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Welcome WanderingSpirit....Char here. No age discrimination here. Many women with stage IV as well as other stages. All of us are here for support and prayer because we believe that in God there is hope and healing. I am truly sorry to hear all you have gone through and can understand you feeling the drain of battling this for so long. May we be the well that refreshes you and gives you the strength to go on. God says "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry." All of us will pray for you as you make your requests known. May you find shelter here and in His arms in the time of storms.



  • lgoldie
    lgoldie Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2014

    Whoever said, Jesus has to put us on our backs to look up is right.  I probably would not have changed my lukewarm walk with Jesus back if not for the bc.  and the chemo has made me unafraid to die.  Im 56, I am not immortal.  Come Lord Jesus  Leah

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Sue: I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I am adding her to my prayer list and that God will not allow her to suffer. I am sure that it is hard to say goodbye. A loss of someone we love is still hard and it would not hurt so much if we did not love them so much. I will pray that God also comfort you at this difficult time.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    This was one of the songs that was sung at my wedding. It has more meaning each and every day. Sometimes it is not about us but how we represent God to others. May we be found faithful. Happy Easter.

    We're pilgrims on the journey
    Of the narrow road
    And those who've gone before us line the way
    Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary
    Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace
    Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
    Let us run the race not only for the prize
    But as those who've gone before us
    Let us leave to those behind us
    The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives
    Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
    May the fire of our devotion light their way
    May the footprints that we leave
    Lead them to believe
    And the lives we live inspire them to obey
    Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
    After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
    And our children sift through all we've left behind
    May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover
    Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find
    Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
    Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Char that is perfect!!!  

    Lgoldie- welcome to you if you are new as well. I don't recall seeing you before. 

    We will life you all in prayer in different times as we all need it. This has been one of the best things I have done for myself. 

    I believe God brings us through things  and to things and He brought me here when I needed it. 

    Have a blessed Easter everyone. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    Up from the grave He arose!

    Thank you Lord.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    He is Risen...

                          ...He has Risen INDEED!!!


    Happy Resurrection Day!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Hello ladies.  I trust everyone had a wonderful Easter.

    I've had to switch appointments for my next set of scans which were scheduled for 5/7.  Unfortunately the doc wants them before my next chemo so they've been switched to this Wednesday.  I'm not sure I can lay on that awful table for an hour with the pain issues I have.  Soooo.........I'll ask for prayers that the pain meds I'll be taking will actually work this time (they haven't worked the last two times) and that they show good results.  I know how we all tend to get scaniety.  I'm having those now.  Thanks all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Belated happy Easter Sue. I will keep you in prayer that your scan is bearable and that God removes you from your pain.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2014

    I had my MRI and ultrasound this morning. Thank goodness for modern medicine. Even with Xanax I had a hard time. Pain meds and Xanax at 8:00 am. Doesn't exactly make you want to run out and accomplish something. I think I'll take a short nap on the heating pad. My shoulders and back are killing me. 

    Here's hoping all the test come back normal.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

     Sorry to hear that it was a rough day Mini. Hope you are up and about real soon but sometimes your body knows best.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Oh Mini, I can soooooo....relate.   That's why I'm dreading an hour on the scan table tomorrow.  None of the pain meds have worked for me in the past.  Rather they put me to sleep!!  Still haven't found a doctor who will do that for me, lol.  We'll pray for not just good results but great results!

    Thanks Char for your prayers!  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Sue and Mini - you are so faithful and such an inspiration to me! Like you said, Sue, I'm praying for GREAT results from the Great Physician!  

    Thank you so much, Lucy, for all the great posts.  I was pretty proud of myself to have changed my icon - you're amazing.  The next time I blow up my computer, maybe I'll be bothering you.  :)

    Debbie -  how are you doing? I'm praying for you - haven't heard from you in a while.  Hopefully spring is coming across the pond too!


  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2014

    Praying right now for us all!!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Bummer Batman.  My scans got moved to tomorrow (Thursday).  Will appreciate prayers for the morning and NO PAIN!  Thanks one and all.  You're all so terrific.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2014

    Sue, I will be praying that you will not be in pain, and that the scans show good results.  I know how horrible it is to have scans and then wait for the results, it is a new type of torture specially designed for us.

    Mini, I am praying that your results are good and come through really quickly.

    Bev, I am due to start Taxol/Herceptin/Pertusumab next week.  The original plan was that I would have a port put in first, but that is done by a different department with different priorities, and my consultant decided it was better for me to come in next week and they will do what I call "the laying on of hands" while the nurses try to find a good vein.  I am lucky that I am not needle phobic, when I had my petscan the other week the nurse told me that my veins should be like macaroni, unfortunately they are like tagliatelli.  There is one particular nurse at my hospital who is amazing.  She closes her eyes and runs her hands up and down your arm, and then she finds the veins by touch sensitivity.  I gave up work today, even though I don't start treatment until a week tomorrow.  I came back to work on Tuesday after the Easter weekend, and told my supervisor how exhausted I was, especially as I now have back pain which stops me from sleeping.  My supervisor was marvellous, she suggested that I try working from home from tomorrow onwards.  As I currently travel 55 miles each way to work, in a country that was not designed for commuting, this will be a great improvement on my quality of life, praise the Lord.


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2014

    FridayGirl- that is fantastic news about working from home! In your pajamas! :)

    I know this is a small rant and that in all reality is a minor glitch in my life but...

    1) if someone else talks to me like I am either on my deathbed or dying in a week, I am going to go off...

    2) I feel sorry for the next person that says to me "but you look good!"  Seriously?!

    I KNOW I have just been diagnosed with stage IV cancer. I KNOW you don't know what to say. I don't either.

    End of rant. Thanks for my therapy session! Bunches of love for this group!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Debbie, that is so awesome about your job.  Just think of how much more you can get done without having two hours plus in the car!  And, thank you for your prayers.  So sorry to hear about your pain as well.  This C just stinks!

    Lucy, how is the Emu oil working?  I'm about a week on the oil and feel like my nails aren't quite as brittle as they were.  Still have a ways to go though.

    I had a book come into the library yesterday that I'd forgotten I'd ordered.  It was just released in March and it's called "Radical Remission".  Author is Kelly Turner.  I'm about 70 pages in so far and it's an amazing book that I'm now recommending to anyone who will listen.  If you can get a copy from your library or are able to order a copy from Amazon, it's well worth it.  I will likely end up buying a copy of the book for my own library so I can write in it or mark the pages, etc.  It's a must read!

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Blessings Ladies,

    Sue - sorry they moved your appt. to tomorrow again but maybe that is God's plan, right?  We will be praying for you to get through it without a hitch.  Also to have great test results.

    Mini - Praying for great test results for you as well.

    Debbie - YAHOO!!!  Working from home is a blessing, glad you have the option.  Take it easy.

    Bev - hope you are doing well, as for computer support...I just like to have fun mostly not really technically inclined.  But thanks for the kudos!

    Have a great night ladies...I will check in later...Lucy

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Kate you might want to join this thread:  It's the one about the dumb things people say to you, lol.  And, you won't believe the things people have had to endure from others!

    So when people say "you look so good", I like to say:  "I don't have cancer in my face but thank you for your comment".

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2014

    I have thought the same thing. I have breast cancer not face cancer! And Christian or no, I may just slap the next person that says well at least you can get a free boob job. Really, that's your silver lining? Some people don't have the sense God gave a goose.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    There is hope!  Ladies I had my scans this morning and for the 20-minutes I was on the table, I was able to get through relatively pain free.  It was uncomfortable but bearable and the tech had me good and propped up almost to the point where my nose was close to the top of the machine, ha ha.  Ditto for my legs.  she did everything she could to make sure I'd make it through.  Yeah!  Now I'm hoping that with this good experience, the results will have the same good news.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hi Ladies: Prayers and good thoughts going out to you.

    Kate: People just don't know what to say so instead of saying nothing, they say stupid things. It does not bother me now but when my my mother had and died from Alzheimer's I would here people make comments about their memory or forgetfulness and they would say things like "I must have Alzheimer's " and I remember how irritated it made me because if they knew what it was like to see someone lose their memory they never would have said it. It truly is dumb, stupid comments. I know those comments touched a nerve because the topic was very raw and personal. 

    I think educating people is what we can do best to help others. I stayed on this thread because I believe God opened my eyes to the silent suffering of breast cancer. I say silent because I truly believe that so many women keep it to themselves and battle it in silence. I had several colleagues who never talked about it and almost made it sound like it was no big deal. One of them had a mastectomy. When I mentioned to our school nurse about going on Tamoxifen she just fluffed it off and said she knew lots of women on it. It was like saying it is like taking a Tylenol and what is the big deal. I also found that lots of women did not like me talking about breast cancer almost as if it was contagious or they did not want to think about it. It's that old burying the head in the sand and maybe it will go away attitude. They do not want to here that 1 in 7 women will get it. 

    In my own ignorance, I never realized how much women went through aside from watching a dear Christian friend die from it. Even so, she kept a lot from many of her friends. God really touched my heart for what all of you are going through and my heart goes out to each of you. You are all amazing individuals and I am truly humbled to be on here with you. Your courage and strength is a testament to each of you. I know that all of you have rough days but God has made each of you for a great purpose. Stay strong.

    Love in Christ,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2014

    Good news. One test down and one to go. The ultrasound was good. Uterine fibroids are causing my discomfort and other symptoms; nothing cancer related. Yeah. Now if the MRI of m breast comes back normal, I'll be all set. And if my labs are normal next month, I'll be officially deemed NED. Praise the Lord!


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for sharing the kind words, Char!

    Wow, mini! That is awesome! Not that you have fibroids, but that it's nothing more serious!:). I hope the rest of your tests go well also.

    I'm at the halfway mark for my rads and counting down. Enjoy your week-end ladies!

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Mini that's awesome!  Wish mine were as good but I'll take what I can get for now.

    The hospital I go to posts your tests results as soon as they become available.  Normally with the Pet/CT scans they don't post them until the doctor talks with you.  For some reason they went ahead and posted mine so I was a little wary of looking at them if you understand my anxiety.

    So the good news is that the leg tumor is barely visible which means the radiation did it's thing.  I have no mets in any of the vital organs.  The bad news is it looks like I've got new mets in the lymph nodes in the chest wall.  Not sure how to address this one or if it's just the pleural effusion rearing its ugly head again or the lymphedema working its way up my trunk.

    At first I was devastated when reading the results but then went back and re-read them to better understand them.  Whew.  Looks like I'll at least make it to my next birthday in July, lol.  Thanks for your prayers one and all.  Hoping the doc. keeps me on the current chemo regimen scheduled for next Friday.  Want this stuff to have a chance to do more good work!

    Blessings.  Sue