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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Hi Becky!  Sounds like you've had good news too.  A lot of people are taking Claritin for the bone pain.  No one knows why it works but it does when getting the shots and is worth a try.  Keep up the good work!  Sue

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Hello Everyone,

    I had my first chemo since 2010 on Thursday, and spent 8 hours in the hospital.  They were doing everything slowly and watching me like a hawk because it was my first major treatment and they didn't want anything to go wrong.  Unfortunately I was suffering from pain in my back  which I have had for the last few weeks, a result of the tumours which have begun growing there.  Well, I was given painkillers on the day, and plenty of antihistamine which left me exhausted when I finally got home.  I got out of bed on Friday, and had no pain whatsoever!  I know that I am currently buoyed up by the steroids that they gave me before the chemo, and that pretty soon their effect will wear off, but so far I have had no problems and for the first time in weeks can get a comfortable night's sleep.  Praise the Lord, and thank you to everyone who included me in your prayers because they definitely worked.

    Blessings, Debbie xxx

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2014

    I  took aleve, maybe will try claritin next, I am in pain right now.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Becky: sounds like some better news. I will keep you in prayer about the pain.

    Deb: Thanks for the update. You are such a trooper and always seem to be positive about everything.  I continue to keep you uplifted in prayer too.

    Still have my dad with me. We took him to a wound care  center because of his arm. He is healing but it has been slow going. Will most likely have him another month.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited May 2014

    Hi Ladies...been a few days since I posted.  Have had a small getaway since my last chemo treatment last week Monday.  We spent 4 days at the ocean in our camping trailer and it was so nice to take a break.  It poured every day and night but one and it didn't matter.  

    Bev - the verse Jeremiah 17:7,8 is something my husband found for me over the weekend and I am amazed how God works to confirm things in our life.  On the 27th the day after you posted it we had a prophet visit our church and he actually prophesied to me that I was like a bamboo tree which although grows in the sandy rivers edge is a very strong tree.  It roots are strong and spread out for a long way and down deep in the earth and he said longevity is his word for me.  Then you post you verse and my husband finds it for me yesterday morning...amazing, right?  So what is that book about?  I am going to have to order it now.  How's the rads going for you?

    Sue - How are things, what is the status of the pleural effusion?  How did you happen to get this, was it a se of the chemo? How did you get thorocentesis?

    Anita - when you were on Abraxane did you loose your nails at all?  I just had 5 months of it every week and my nails have suffered.  I didn't loose them all but a few of them have been cut down about a third down from lifting.  

    Kate - great for you to be nominated, that should be fun.  Your question, how do you manage life, vacation etc.  I have found it a little difficult to plan things just a bit.  It is hard to plan things out in the future for me as I am not sure how I will feel and it is just hard and I find I want to focus on the now more.

    Wanderingspirit - It never hurts to get another opinion.  Also talking to the nurses have helped me during treatments.  

    Well as I stated I finished my chemo last week Monday and I have a 2 week break until the 19th.  I will then start on the maintenance pill and then Avastin every 2 weeks.  My nails are healing nicely.  My hair is growing and I actually had it trimmed last week because it was a little crazy.  It is pretty much white and it is straight and not curly as I was told.  It feels pretty nice and soft.  I am pretty sure it is the Biotin that is helping.  I am using the emu oil but not till later so it has helped keep my nails moist.  I also have been taking P5P B6 along with the Glutamin daily for the past 5 months so I think all of this has helped.

    I read a couple of comments while catching up on posts that a couple are frustrated with folks saying they look great.  I hear that a lot and I know that a lot of people really don't know what to say and some actually avoid me now, I understand that as hard as it is.  What I do when folks tell me I look great and they are so happy I look so good.  I always take the opportunity to tell them, "its not me, its God"!  I give Him the glory for how I look and how I feel.  I remind them I couldn't do this journey without Him leading my way.  I also am very thankful I am able to appear to others that I look good and have peace, isn't that what God wants?  I remember what He states when people are fasting, not to look sad and forlorn and drawn but to look happy and just be in The Lord and in His word.  Not sure if I am quoting it correctly but I think you know what I am referring too.  I know this is a tough journey we are all on but I know for me that God has shown me in many ways He is with me and I trust and believe in Him completely.  I will always give Him the glory when the opportunity comes up.

    Praying for all of us warriors in our battle, God is so good!!!

    Blessings ladies...Lucy


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Good evening all.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Debbie so glad you're doing okay.  Sounds like you're well taken care of and delighted to hear the pain meds are working!  Char you are so privileged to have your dad with you.  I would love to have my mom here but neither of us can travel at this stage.  So good he's doing better.  Lucy, the lung keeps filling up but I'm hoping my chemo on Friday will be the one that dries it up.  It's the Taxol that is supposed to dry it up but so far no luck.  This was round three and I'm praying it does the trick.

    My neuropathy has gotten worse and my left leg was hurting more today than normal.  I'm trying a couple of new supplements to see if they'll work at curbing it.  I'd love to be able to walk normally and without pain!  Becky, let us know how the Claritin works.


  • naturelover
    naturelover Member Posts: 71
    edited May 2014

    Wandering, my CA 27-29 fluctuated quite a lot but your onc wants to give it a chance because it is a great drug. Mine went up one month and dropped significantly the very next month!! Sounds like you have a great onc because he isn't rushing to make a judgment on your treatment!

    Keep us posted!!!

    Goodnight All!!


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014


    I have 8 taxols and 9 Abraxanes, which I asked to be put on weekly again, the neuropathy on taxol was bothering me, have not lost any nails yet, do,have discoloration and lifting, though.  My blood counts seem to all be affected now, and I get weekly neupogen.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Anita, has your neuropathy gotten better since going on weekly Taxol?  I'm on a three week protocol with Taxol and Carboplatin and it seems a lot worse today than I was expecting.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    Sue, I am on weekly abraxane now, my request for neuropathy help.  No change yet!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Anita, here' s a link from the Earth Clinic website and a quote from one of it's guests about what they're doing for neuropathy.  I just started the protocol so we'll see if it works.

    [YEA] 07/10/2011: Bill from Staten Island, Ny : "had stage 3 cancers in colon, rectum, prostate chemo raditation and had terrible neuropathy after for 3 years trying numerous specialists and pain killers w no results then my brother told me about actyl-l carnitine 1000 mg 2xs a day and alpha-lipoic acid 250 mg 2xs a day - within a few days an absolute miracle happened i can walk pain free and in balance my golf game has gotten much better shooting way under par almost daily - im a pga pro who couldnt finsh 9 holes until now -could play 27 if needed- hope it works 4 u 2."


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014


     I am very sorry that this is happening to you, I will be praying for you.  You are so right, He will see you through this.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Jo-5: I think you are being sincere and care and that is why you shared. I agree that breast cancer can consume ones life whether we want it to or not. I remember reading a site on end time signs and one man discussed his connection with home land security. He was supposedly leaking information about containment camps and total collapse of our economic system by April of this year. It got to the point that I could not sleep at night. I had to shut it off. God is in control and aside from others praying for me, it is all in His hands. I can only pray for His guidance. 

    I also think that while meds and treatments can save our lives there is always going to be some adverse issues directly related to harsh chemicals. The good can also cause bad. Treatments can have rebounds. My father had a stroke due to blood clots floating around his prolapsed mitral valve. The doctors knew this was possible but never told him till it happened. So thanks for sharing your information because it is something that others can watch out for.

    In the meantime, we will keep you lifted in prayer.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Hi Jo - I've been reading your posts this week but haven't had a chance to post.  I just love the saying about God doing starting with the impossible to do the very great. We certainly have a great God traveling this bumpy BC journey with us - and I can't imagine doing it any other way! I'm just finishing up rads (25/30 today - 5 boosts to go next week!) so of course your post caught my attention. I'll sure be praying for you and your surgeon on the 16th!

    I've been praying for you all - and Jo, you're right, there's so many ladies with specific needs, I just try to remember names. God, of course, knows just what each of us needs at the very moment I'm praying.  

    Sue, Anita and Lucy - praying for you with the neuropathy. Any relief from the new meds and chemo? Hope you're doing okay, Debbie, with the new chemo - praying for you, too.

    Becky, praying for pain relief for you and Kate, hopefully everything is falling into place so that you can have a wonderful vacation with the family next month?

    Char, I've been praying for you and your dad all week - hope you're both making progress.

    My skin has been holding up really well - pink (well, kind of red in the one spot right at the top of my chest) and itchy but as one friend said, God's been holding His hand over me when those zaps start coming.  The boosts won't involve the irritated part so I figure the worst is over.  Can't wait for that bell to ring - especially since I didn't get one at the end of chemo (I'll have herceptin infusions every 3 weeks till November).

    I know several of you are on Arimidex and I have the pills to start taking. My MO had said to wait till rads were over so I didn't have to deal with too much at one time. What should I expect? I figure it's about time to start taking them - maybe I'll wait another week or two.  

    Hope we're all able to enjoy spring (well, in Houston it's pretty much summer weather) and get to church for a blessing on Sunday.

    love y'all - Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    hi Bev and everybody,

    Mother's Day blessings and more to all.  I believe my fingers have less neuropathy. Still experiencing

    Some along with weakness and lymphadema to my legs, though. I so appreciate the prayers as we serve a good God.  Enjoyed a visit with my sister and bil this week.  They helped me celebrate a big birthday!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Hey, happy birthday Anita!  Hope you celebrated in style.  I'm still dealing with the neuropathy - some days worse than others - like today.  Also dealing with the lymphedema and had more swelling in one leg today as well.  I'm guessing it was something I ate because nothing worked to relieve the swelling including extra time on my pump.  Oh  well there's always tomorrow.

    Jo your information has been very helpful so really glad you posted.  Will definitely keep you in prayer through the week and definitely over your surgery on Friday.

    Debbie, how has your week gone since your chemo?

    Hope all have had a good week.  Prayers are being lifted daily.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    A birthday celebrated in style...chemo , given in my change of location due to insurance. Oh, and a couple of my sisters sent me Edible Arrangements to the infusion room!  I had a meltdown, most likely the exhaustion, and recovered to go and enjoy coconut shrimp at Red Lobster with my family.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    Hey, Anita - a friend sent me an edible arrangement, too (the week of my MX and birthday) and Red Lobster is my husband and my place to go after infusions, too.  There's a Red Lobster 1/2 mile from the hospital, which is 1/2 hour from our house so we don't get there too often. Makes the trip to the hospital a treat (well, kind of.....).  :)

    Sue, I'm so sorry that you're having such troubles with the lymphadema and neuropathy.  As I've said before, I love the saying.....  God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors!


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Hello Sue, just checking in.  I had my first treatment of Taxol, Perjeta and Herceptin on 1st May, and over the weekend I had a runny tummy and was very tired but soon came back to normal on Tuesday.  I had my next treatment of Taxol only this Thursday just gone, (8th) and feel much better.  I still have slight side effects, but not as bad as when I have everything on the same day.  Sorry to hear you are suffering with neuropathy, will pray for you.

    Anita, happy birthday! Glad to hear that you celebrated it well.

    Jo, you will be covered in prayer, thank goodness for this thread so we can all pray for each other.

    Bev, I bet you thought you would never get near the end of it.  Not long know and you will be just on Herceptin which I found really easy to take on its own.

    Becky, praying for you as always.  You always inspire me the way that you continue so solidly in your faith, you give me the courage to go on.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited May 2014

    oh Jo, I'm certainly praying for you and it seems like God is blessing you with a wonderful doctor and clear path as to how to proceed.  More answered prayers!  Hope the week doesn't seem to long waiting till the 16th - I'll be praying for peace and comfort for you and your husband and wisdom for the doctor. Isn't it comforting to have such confidence in your doctor and treatment? I thank God for putting me where I am because I've been so impressed with everything that's happened throughout my treatment.

    I saw the RO yesterday - last time since my last radiation is Friday.  She said to wait a couple more weeks to start the Arimidex.  My MO said that most people have the same SE from it as they did during menopause. I sure hope she's right because menopause was a non-event for me. We'll see....

    Debbie, I'm so glad the Taxol, Perjeta and Herceptin is going well. The only time I had trouble was when I didn't take the steroids the MO prescribed for the couple of days following the infusion - ended up with miserable diarrhea. I didn't take the steroids because I felt okay - didn't realize I'd have continued to feel okay if I'd taken them. Hard lesson to learn but I haven't forgotten to follow the doctors' instructions ever since! I don't have any SE from the herceptin alone - I've been on that since March and will continue till November. 

    Praying for you, Sue, Anita and Becky with the pain and lymphadema. I see the PT again tomorrow - first time in about a month. I have 6 sessions scheduled - I'm hoping she'll cancel at least a few of them when she sees how wonderfully I've increased my range of motion since I last saw her.  :)

    Still praying for you and your dad, Char. I'm glad your knee is improving.....take it easy and let it continue to heal!  :)

    Praying for us all, my special friends.  love you!  Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Jo: God sure does take care of us. It sounds like you are in great hands both from above and here on earth. Will keep you in prayer for your surgery.

    Bev: I am sure you are glad to be finishing rads. It seems like yesterday that you were starting them and here you are at the end. God just keep you on a smooth course. 

    Deb, Sue, Kate, Becky, Mini and Anita and Lucy: I have each of you in my prayers that God continues to meet your needs.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Thank you all for your prayers.  I've been keeping up with the posts and prayers for all but haven't checked in for a bit.

    Yesterday I had a consult with the surgeon to talk about a pleuradesis (sp?).  This is the procedure to completely drain the lung and then refill the sack that surrounds the lung with a talcum.  The talc keeps the lung from refilling all the time.  The surgeon said I'd be in the hospital for a minimum of two days and likely three and have a drain tube for those first two days.  My dilemma of course, is the fact that I'm all by my lonesome.  I'm trying to find someone who can get me to the hospital and someone I trust to be with me when I'm in surgery.  The ride won't be an issue but having someone there to make decisions in the event I can't is huge.  I'm tentatively scheduled for the 27th.  I'm okay with having the surgery but not really wanting to have it if that makes sense.  Prayers will be appreciated.

    Jo, you are one blessed lady.  I will certainly be praying for you through your surgery on the 16th!  My prayers and blessings to all.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited May 2014

    Hello everyone. I just prayed for each of you as I read your latest posts. Hope everyone is feeling well at this time. I know that I have 24 hours in each day just as each of you, but somehow, I can't seem to get on this thread like I want to. My son and I are planting a huge garden, I am trying to get his old house spruced up to put it on the market this summer, we're trying to get the pool clear of the dark-green algae, and we're cleaning out a huge old building of pure unadulterate JUNK. I have a granddaughter who lives with me and she is graduating; thus, all of the preparations and parties are on me. I do SIT a lot since I wear our after about 1/2 day's work, but when I sits, I sits. I don't do anything else. I think of you often. I am going to have a shoulder replacement surgery on June 2 and will be in a sling for 6 weeks. Maybe I can get on to talk to you during that recuperation period. I'll try hard because I enjoy hearing about your lives and BC journeys. I don't want to miss out on praying for each issue, so I'll work hard on getting back online. Sharon

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited May 2014

    Sharon, welcome back.  So good to hear from you.  It sounds like you are super busy and gearing up for your surgery.  Whew - that's a big one!  Prayers will certainly be with you.  Jo-5, we've got you covered as well.  Thank you for your kind thoughts - they have helped tremendously.

    Well, I had a rough night last night.  The leg pain and a bout of the big "D" came out of nowhere last night and kept me up most of the night.  I didn't know what to take but was up and down for hours.  Frustrating!!!!!!  Anyway, I got the call today on the surgery.  I'm now scheduled on the 28th and will work out better for the friend who will be taking me and staying with me through surgery.  She won't have to get a babysitter since it's been moved but the bad news is she'll have to leave the house at 4:30 a.m. to get me to the hospital by 5:30 a.m.!  I'm not sure I want to get up that early but at least it will be done and over with early.

    Char, so glad you still have your dad with you and he seems to be doing well.  Bev,  you too sound like you're doing well.  Debbie, you haven't checked in this week - are you doing okay?  Anita, how's the neuropathy?  Mine helped keep me up last night.

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2014

    Sharon: So good to hear from you again. Sounds like life is keeping you busy. Shoulder replacement surgery does not sound like fun to me but I will pray for you and that all goes well.

    She: I wish I lived close enough to help you out cause I would be happy to give you a hand. But I am going to pray that it will all works out and someone will step forward to give you a hand. God will make a means.

    Jo: just keep trusting. It sounds like your doctor put some serious thought in your case. God will show you the way...just keep listening.

    Dad update: He will be with us another week or two. The wound people cleaned out a scab and put more sheep gut in it today. He will have a procedure where they vac skin cells from his leg and lay them over the wound and it will produce skin. Amazing. God knows best so he is being a good patient and house guest.

    I am now allowed to add some running in with my walking but must monitor it and watch that I don't overdo. They are talking possibly six more weeks until I lose the majority of swelling. No draining fluid as the felt my knee had improved from last visit. Ultimately I would like to run my sprint triathlon it he beginning of August so I am going to try and do what I can to prep for it. Lord willing.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2014

    Hi everyone! It has been a while since I have been on here. I have finished the 16 radiation treatments. In comparing the chemo vs radiation therapy - chemo was better. Oh my poor boob! LOL Not sure if anyone else on here is having or going to have radiation so I will not whine about - the down and dirty - to you all. All said and done now until the Fall when I have another mammogram and then see the radiation oncologist. She was quite nice and suggest I take 6 - 8 weeks off after raditation before I return to work. I got the stink-eye when I told her I was returning on the week of June 8th - 4 weeks after the last treatment. So, I talked to work and am only going to work part-time. I am glad that I was told by the R.O. that the side effects from the treatments happen AFTER they are finished - who knew! So by Memorial Day I will be at the peak of them, so they say. Last Rad treatment was May 12th - OMG - that was only 2 days ago - geez, I thought it was last week ... sigh.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2014

    the procedures and life's difficulties I read about on here are humbling, send me back to God with prayers for all of my friends on here. I have some neuropathy and pain that the meds don't cover, but not too bad.  My gait is that of a drunken sailor, glad my hubbie is right here with me. I scheduled that next possible epidural injection, and that will be 7/3/2014.  Me sis is coming next Tues. to stay a couple of days, making sure my new insurance is best where it is, Still not right.  Getting 2units PRBC today. My God shall supply all need according to His riches on glory.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2014

    Carren - if it's any encouragement, my skin healed quite quickly after radiation treatments stopped. I'm praying that yours will as well.

    It's good to see everyone that has been MIA for awhile. I go in and out of here too. I think it's good to step away at times. I wish I could start my garden, but we're expecting frost this weekend. I swear it feels like this cold weather will never end. We had a couple of teaser warm days, then back to cold and rainy. Oh well. At least you don't have to shovel rain. :-)

    Blessings All

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Hello Ladies, Just checking in.  I had a port installed/implanted/whatever correct term is on Tuesday.  I was advised beforehand that it would be under a local anaesthetic, but would be so strong that I wouldn't remember a thing.  Well, I remember joking with the theatre staff about wanting a gin and tonic before I went under, then the next thing I knew I was lying on the bed with the anaesthetist at my head and a shield under my chin.  The anaesthetist, who was from Eastern Europe, said in a husky voice "Deborah ees weeth us" and began to ask if I could feel anything, I told him I could feel sensation but was not in any pain.  The shield prevented me from seeing what was going on, it is a pity because I felt like sitting up and having a look.  It was not too long before everything was finished and I was in the recovery room wondering did it really happen or did I dream it.

    I went to have my third chemo today and the nurses tried to use the port.  It is best practice apparently to insert some fluid into the port, then withdraw it and see some blood come back into the the vial.  They tried a total of three different port needles on me, and could not get the blood with any of them, even though two different nurses attempted it to see if one was doing it incorrectly.  In the end I had to have the IV in my arm again, and it was very hard to find a good vein today.  They said that sometimes this happens, and that even though the nurses were certain the port was in the perfect position and could take the Taxol, they had to follow the protocol as laid down.  I will return next Thursday when I will have the full monty (Herceptin, Perjeta, Taxol) and if they can't get the port to work they will have to send me back down for more x-rays etc.  Why is nothing ever easy?

    Hello again SewStrong, it is good that you are so busy that you are fully swept up with all of these projects.  Carren, I was very lucky when I had radiotherapy, I didn't burn and the only side effect I had was tiredness.

    Sue, I am on my own so I know what it is like to be in hospital, my biggest worry is usually just getting someone to come in and feed Friday, my cat.  I am glad that you have someone to go with you, I will be praying for you because it is such an early start and your friend will need to be alert and you will need to be calm.

    Char, it is good that your dad is being sorted out.  It is so hard to witness anyone suffering, and if that person is a relation we feel so helpless.  The procedure they are going to do to his leg is really amazing, who would have thought something like that would ever be possible.  Sometimes I feel that the medical profession has gone too far, yet when I hear that they can do a procedure like this I feel it is carrying out the Lord's will.

    Could I ask for prayer for the mother of one of our deacons?  His name is David, I just can't remember his mother's name now that I am a card carrying member of the chemo brain club.  Well, David gave his heart to the Lord many years ago, but his mother didn't.  She was diagnosed with advanced cancer late last year.  She has the same oncologist as I do, who last year said that with the current drugs available she should have a life expectancy of 7 - 10 years.  Unfortunately she didn't get on with the chemo, and instead of advising the oncologist she simply stopped eating.  She began fainting which caused further injuries, and she passed a point of no return.  Seven weeks ago she was given a revised life expectancy of 8 weeks.  David has agreed with his wife that he will become his mother's full time carer for her remaining time, and we are all praying not just that she gives her heart to the Lord but that David witnesses this happening.  David is such a lovely kind man, I want him to be able to know in the future that his mother definitely gave her heart to the Lord.  I don't know her current state, I will speak to them this weekend and try to find out how things are going for her.

    Thank you all for all of the prayers you have made on my behalf.  I know that I had my whinge about the port, but I do realise that if I had presented with this disease 10 years earlier I would have been dead before now.  I am very optimistic at the moment in spite of the silly things that go on, I put a lot of that down to Satan trying to get me down.  I receive quite a few private messages from you and they are very encouraging and I am very grateful.

    Blessings, Debbie xxx

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited May 2014

    Mini - thank you for the word of encouragement. Lady Bird (LB@2'oclock) is quite sore. It might sound strange to refer to my left breast as an 'individual' apart from the rest of my body but really, if you saw it, you would agree. I refer to it as my 'stripper boob' and the other one as the 'granny boob'. Seriously - they could not look different! ha ha  I have come to realize that people outside of this forum - when it comes to breasts, cancer and recovery - have, at times, no sense of humour! I keep trying though! :) Most of the rad pain is under my arm(muscle) and under the breast where it is a ugly purple colour and a large massive area.

    History of LB: I had lost 45# (pre-discovery), I have over the course of the last 6 months GAINED it back; but that is another story. So, my bra from pre-discovery was 42H (big, I know!) ... the other day I broke down and bought a 46DDD ... and it - is - too - small! It cuts into the top of my breast - due to swelling. I know, I know - cry me a river. I am just amazed at how much the body can handle, what 'shapes' it will take and how it recovers from toxins and radiation.

    Truly amazing this body that God has made us to be. No matter how we treat it, he will heal it. When I think further along these lines I also realize that this goes for all our other mis-treated areas of our lives; spiritually, mentally, emotionally; mostly from unknowingly mistreating it. However, the GOOD NEWS is that God will and does heal them all.

    Today God spoke to my heart and said - during time with him - "Do not focus on the 'what ifs' but on the 'what is'."  I thought about this ... What is? Jesus IS. God IS. Love IS. Jesus is the lover of my soul, redeemer, councillor, healer etc. God is love. Love is my motivation, my direction, my life. I am sure that I will learn more as time goes on but right now; when I say to you all is that I love you, pray for you and encourage you - to focus on not only 'what is' but mostly on 'who IS'.