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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2014

    I am grateful for having 2 DIL's that go out of their way to give us opportunities to spend time with the grand kids. I am so blessed to have them so close. 

    I'm sorry so many of my sister's here are struggling. We are so lucky to have so many sisters here to lift us up in prayer.


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2014

    Thank you, Nancy, the pain in my leg is so much better. The swelling in my arm and breast is still large but I see the specialist on Monday so relief should be coming soon. 

    Been in a real funk and sleeping a lot but I do read this thread and continue to say prayers for all.  Safe travels Nancy!  

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Polly, so glad your leg pain is so much better. I hope that your specialist will work their magic on you and help the swelling to go down. Thanks for my safe travels.

    Mini, so glad you get to spend a lot of time with your grandkids. That obviously gives you much joy.

    It has been a slow few days on this thread. I hope that is a good sign that everyone is busy and living their life. Please let us know if we can pray for you.

    I forgot to ask prayer for my mom. She loves to see me come and really gets down when I leave. She has been this way a good part of her life but now that my Dad is gone and she is alone it really affects her. My prayer for her is that this transition will be a good one. I will be coming back at Thanksgiving and Christmas but her sense of time is just not there like usual. My sister lives in the same town so she is not completely alone but she does live alone.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. Those who are having side effects or other health issues on top of everything else I pray for a comfortable weekend without pain and hope Mags can breathe a little easier and get some answers on Monday.  Angie, I hope your fatigue is better with the added Coumadin to your chemo. Some of you are dealing with very serious issues and my prayers are especially with you.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Day #29 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am so grateful for my little 2 year old granddaughter. I just love spending time with her and I am so blessed to have her in my life right now. She brings DH and I such joy.  I had a sad moment as I was coloring with her that I wished I could talk to her about Jesus. She is at the age where she loves stories but my daughter is not a believer and would not be happy with me if I did that. I pray that my kids find salvation while I am alive and choose to live their lives in the ministry for Christ...Amen!


    As I was reading the Word in 1 Peter just now I saw this in my bible and wanted to share:

    Your burden can become your blessing, and your weakness can become your weapon.

    I am reading my Joyce Meyer bible and she has a lot of her comments throughout and this was one. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Lucy, What a precious child. We can certainly pray for salvation for your family. I love Joyce Meyer. I love her humor and her directness and I love her testimony of how she was completely transformed into the dynamic speaker she is now.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2014

    What a beautiful child! Such innocence in her big eyes! You will have made a difference in her life as she looks back on her life. With prayer and your example, she too will someday walk in faith.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Good morning dear sisters.  Lucy I am praying for that precious granddaughter.

    Today I am grateful to be alive.  

    I will be having my last round of A/C on Monday.  Round one done good Lord willing.  

    Love, Jean 

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    Dear Lucy , Jean and all other who prayed. I had new chemo 2 days ago and feel pretty good , been doing the claritin (supposed to help bone pain) with the Nuelasta and have not felt too  bad this far, had shot 3 pm friday.

    I will hold you all before His Holy throne, He loves US and hears our prayers.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Blessings All.  I am coming out of my fatigue and SEs this round and hope  to catch- up with the gratitudes or at least consistently post.  I do read the board as much as possible to stay up and in touch with each of you .  Thanks so much to those who inquired about how I was doing!  

    Nancy, Happy belated Birthday to your Mom!  She is beautiful and such a striking family resemblance.  Save travels home.  

    Vicki and KatieW know that you are in my prayers daily.  I pray for peace, comfort, rest and most of all that God encamp his warring and ministering angels about each of you and your families and friends.

    Bestock, PTL that you have started new chemo tx praying for minimal to manageable SEs

    Lucy, your granddaughter is adorable.  I will pray for an avenue to tell her about Jesus.  

    Mags, hope you are feeling better.

    Jean, alrighty then and congrats on finishing your last round of AC.  I finished my last round a week ago and will now start on 12 weeks of taxol.  I need to start researching thus treatment to know what to expect.

    All in my thoughts and prayers daily.  I read this thread almost daily to keep up and pickup on new or changing prayer request.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                    DAY #30 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    Tonight I am grateful that God spared me from a very close call on the road tonight with three lanes of traffic going at high speed. I thank you all who prayed for me for safe travel because God's angels were definitely in play.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Day #30 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for the word and the desire, thirst and hunger to know more and to wanting more of His presence every day. 

    Nancy so glad to hear our prayers are answered and those angels are taking care of our sisters. Thank you Lord. 

    Had a good day today. Worked out went to co op for groceries and went to baby shower. Came home did some chores laid down to rest then made dinner. Read the word now posting. God is so good, all the time. Hope everyone is having a good restful weekend. Having my 8 week CT scan on Monday so asking for prayer.

    Love and Blessings warriors...Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, so glad God protected you.  Praying for a clear scan, Lucy.  

    Today I am so grateful for the gift of tears flowing freely.  Cleasing me like an internal shower.  I  always tried to be strong and brave, taking such pride in my ability to cope.  God has stripped me of that.  Today I cry at the drop of a hat (oops wig)!  A dear sister/friend gave me a hand crochet prayer shawl to wear to my last A/C  chemo tomorrow and I just sobbed.  When I put it on or just hold it it feels like Jesus has His arms round me.  Also, last night after service,  when saying goodbye to pastor, I just couldn't stop crying.   This precious man who by his own admission is not very people skilled, have me a hug!  Wow, what a blessing.  I have never seen him hug anyone.  Last I was praying during service for the pastor I had been feeling somewhat resentful toward and for God to take away the resentment.   After service he came right up to hubby and I and asked how we were doing.  God is just amazing.   Love, Jean 

    PS Wishing everyone a blessed, restful Sabbeth.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for Life.  Not just life but the abundant life that we have in Christ.   I am so happy that I can have a Life abiding on the inside of me that will continue to grow me spiritually and teach me through this journey how to abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  To move me  so in my daily life that I can have that everlasting life. The life that God allows us to live out here on earth is not just about the quantity of that life here on earth but the quality of that life here on earth.  A life that we can have when we believe and have faith in Him.  The quality that we power into our families, our Kids, our loved one's, our friends, support group and mostly ourselves.  A life where I understand that God works in my life daily if I allow Him.  A life that I can be an Amassador of Christ to others and even unto ourselves as he works on me.  God never indicated the road or our journey would be easy, that we would not have struggles, that we would be rich materially, but He did give us a promise that if we abide in Him he would abide in His.  Thus we have a life that is beyond our imagination because of who we Serve.  As John 10;10 states, ...."I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." .  He provides and gives us strength, joy, comfort, a host of angels, a support team here on earth beyond our imagine.  He can call on 10,000 to stand in the gap for us and pull a group together like here on where we still see his provisional hand in the mix.  I group that prays, supports, encourages  and has an tremendous impact on our life's and so much a part of this particular journey we are going through.  I again am grateful that God orders my life, my footsteps and that He enables me to look at life in a way that keeps and sustains me through this journey.  Although at times I must adjust my sails and this group helps me course correct through the inspirational words, encouragements, prayers, etc while on this journey and helps me keep my eyes focused on Him.  As one poster indicated I am not sure how some get through this journey without depending on Him. Again, I am grateful for the Abundant Life that Christ has allowed us to have.

    Daily praying for us as a group and specific prayer request that have been requested.

    God Bless Prayer Warriors,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Oh Angie, I agree completely with your thoughts! I am so thankful today for this sanctuary from the insanity that is the world. Thankful for each each one of you here, for your prayers, your wisdom and insight, for your meditations and devotional thoughts. You have so many times drawn me back from the brink of despair by your reminders of his constant love and presence. My dear sisters, you have been to me Jesus with skin on, and for that I am more grateful than words can say.

    Please pray that the oncologist will approve my last chemo which is scheduled for tomorrow. I really want to move on – but my times are in God's hands.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2014

    I will be having what I hope will be my last surgery on the 4th. It's same day, so thankfully no hospital stay. Please pray for my husband. He has to have a kidney stone removed and a stent put in. We were hoping the meds would shrink it enough to pass but no such luck. He doesn't have a date yet.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Here is some of the beauty of God's creation.






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                        DAY #31 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful for a beautiful day that allowed me to spend all afternoon after church taking pictures of the beautiful display of fall colors.

    Angie, Thank you for your birthday wishes for my mom and your nice comments. Your post was beautiful.

    Lucy, praying for your scan tomorrow.

    Mini, Praying for your upcoming surgery and prayers for your DH as well.

    Mags, I have prayed for you so much. The Lord has brought you to mind so many times in the last few days. How is your breathing? I know you are very anxious to get your last chemo in. I pray that your MO will clear you to have it when you are ready whether that is tomorrow or later. I hope it is tomorrow.

    Jean, Glad your pastor gave you a hug. God knew that you needed that for many reasons.

    Bev and Char, Did you guys fall off the face of the earthSinging Hope you are both doing okay. Praying for both of you.

    Becky, Praying that your new treatment will do it's intended job!


    Have a wonderful week to all our sisters.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    I am back....after posting three times late at night on my iPad only to have it freeze up. So lesson not learned that I must now use a computer to post or get locked out. Sometimes I think it is Satan deliberately stopping me from sharing. has been a rollercoaster ride this week. Lots of bus issues to resolve and no boss around to help out. I figured them out on my own and if they don't like it, oh well it is their problem since I could never get either one of them to help resolve them. My first after school intramural game and boys telling lies and fighting after the game. I felt like quitting but I know its not far to the others so I set up a three strike system and they are out of here should it continue again. Camp is tomorrow and I must take a shower and pack but wanted to show you that I have not fallen off the earth. I worked Friday from 7:30 am till 8 pm packing and getting my class ready for my sub. My Suburban is filled to the roof with equipment. I had to paint my archery arrows Saturday a fluorescent pink so they would not get lost under leaves because I have been moved to a new location this year that is not a nice place to teach. I raked leaves late this afternoon after running early this morning doing my first 10 mile run. I am bushed.....phew.

    I am grateful for my new team mate. He stayed till 6:45 Friday night helping me pack equipment for camp. The first to help me since my first team mate left back in the late 90's. I really wanted them to hire a woman but prayed that God would give me a wonderful team mate to work with my last few years. I know now that he did just that and really appreciate this young man. He has been a real blessing, easy to work with and likes to team teach with me. Makes our jobs much easier doing things together.

    My dad saw his heart doctor this past week and they say his heart rate has gone from 60 beats to 30 beats when his pacemaker is shut off. I know that  he is feeling it and I think he caught my nephews cold so prayers are much appreciated.

    Ladies I have been trying to keep up with the posts. Been praying for all of you and actually called out each of your names on my 118 minute run this morning. If anyone heard me, I did not care. God knows that each of you were spoken aloud for him to hear my requests.

    Nancy: I am so glad for your time with your mother. I know how precious that must be with her memory fading. I will continue to pray for her transition from you. Glad you got home safely. I am also glad that you got through your close call. I know God was watching over you.

    Lucy: Praise God for your precious grandchild. She is so adorable. I can see why she brings you much joy. Children...oh how they can lift the soul.

    Mags: Praying for your chemo to go through. Hope you are breathing better. What wonderful friends you have to come so far and give you comfort and the machine to help you breath. A kiss from God of course.

    Vickie: You are on my mind. To have your daughter and grand-daughter all dealing with such serious issues and of course you yourself. I cannot imagine all this. You are so inspiring and of great encouragement. Hang in there. I am praying for all of you. Keep us posted on the surgery.

    Angie: All I can say is Amen sister. You are so right and I agree.

    Anita: Hope you are doing well too and getting strength back.

    Becky: You are inspiring and always amaze me. I am praying for your new treatment. But you are right, We can not fail without our Lord and Savior walking steadily beside us all the way.

    Jean: Praying for you chemo treatment. Hang in there girl. It will pass before you know it. We are with you in prayer.

    Poly: My prayers are with you too.

    Mini, Debbie, Deborahanne, Sharon and Bev: Love and miss all of you. Praying God meets all your needs.

    Kate W: So glad to see you post even for a moment. I will continue to check up on you on your blog and keep everyone posted. You just keep hanging on girl and we will keep praying for your miracle. They do happen.

    Okay Ladies must get finished packing and showering or I will be getting to bed late. I will try to check in on Wednesday when I return. I would ask that I have no incidents with archery. It is very stressful and I am always concerned about safety. So keep me in prayer and maybe to keep the raindrops away too. There is nothing like cold and rain to ruin ones days at camp.

    God bless all of you!

    Love in Christ,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2014

    hey, ladies, I'm here, too!  Sorry, it's been a busy week but I've been checking the thread and praying for you all. Nancy, so glad you had a good visit with your mom and safe trip home - I love the pictures and appreciate you so much for sharing them.

    Jean and Mags, praying for you with chemo tomorrow - go get 'em!  I was thinking about you both and remembering last was in the middle of my taxol/herceptin/perjeta rounds and Satan was just having a field day with me. I'd been doing so well and God was answering so many prayers.....but it was just a bad couple of weeks and I couldn't imagine hanging in there till my last chemo on January 22. Well, one of the young pastors at church preached that Sunday and used a video clip. He was a track coach before he entered the ministry full time so he generally includes some type of sports "stuff" in the sermon. I don't remember the topic of the sermon but the point was not to quit - God will help us be victorious in the end.  He used a clip that brought me to tears then and just did again.  Take a look if you get a chance:

    It was just how I was feeling then....and maybe some of you are, too.  The runner fell flat on her face in the middle of the race - then not only got up and kept on running, she won the race!  Satan had me flat on my face - but that video and the idea that God could get me back to the mountaintop with Him made all the difference!

    Char, I'll be praying for you this week - such energy! I'm so glad you've got a good teammate - what a difference that makes for you. 

    Praying for each of you....and that God will soften the hearts of all our Dave/Davids!

    love, Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Morning Warriors!!

    Day #32 of 50 Days Gratitude

    On our way to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) so grateful that we have such a great facility so close to our home. It is a 2 hour drive but so worth it. We have been doing this drive for over a year now and we have been blessed.  Have the CT today at 10:45 so it will be a little longer day.  

    Lifting you all up in prayer fellow warriors this rainy day. DH is driving and we are worshipping our Lord for all he does in our lives and will do.

    Praying you all have a good day with minimal issues. 

    Deborah, Jean and Anita you're on my mind this morning so extra prayers for you. 

    Love you sisters will get caught up on postings later today. 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Lucy, you are in my prayers today.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Dear Sisters, this was truly a day for kisses from God! My oncologist approved the chemo, so I got to ring the bell today. But that was the least of the kisses. I sat in a chair in a double suite by the windows, and the other chair was occupied by a woman with lymphoma which is in remission. She gets an infusion every two months. We chatted a bit before her Benadryl kicked in and she nodded off. Then, my husband's boss came to visit, bringing me a Starbucks frappuccino for my adriamycin push, and a graduation gift – a necklace from Origami Owls, with "survivor" and "hope" emblems in it. My husband has the best boss, she has been so supportive through this whole journey, sending cards and encouragement. Then, after she left, I visited some more with my neighbor and found out we have mutual friends, she is also a Christian, and we shared so much good conversation. Knowing we wouldn't be meeting there again, we found each other on FaceBook and are now friends there. In the process I found we have another mutual friend – a young lady I taught at the Vo-Tech in '97 and eventually shared office space with when she was getting started. Haven't seen her in years, but she goes to my new friend's Bible study every week! Truly a small world! 

    So I finished, and rang the bell, and was given a certificate of completion which all the nurses had signed with their best wishes. And a bell of my own to take home. 

    Today I am thankful for kisses from God.

    By the way, my oncologist has reviewed all the tests and says he doesn't think I have pneumonia, but he hasn't a clue what could be causing my shortness of breath. He can't hear any congestion in my lungs, I'm a little anemic but not enough to cause shortness of breath. He is sending me to have a lung function test tomorrow. So we will see if that finds anything. His comment on my echocardiogram was that my heart function is actually slightly better than before I began chemo. Go figure.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014









                                                               YOU DID IT!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                               DAY # 32 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    I am thankful today that Mags got to ring the bell today and had so many blessings on top of that. God is SO good all the time.

    Lucy, I have been praying for your scans throughout the day. Hope you will have some good news to share with us.

    Char, I thought your outdoor ed ( what we call it) was last week so we'll transfer all of those prayers to this week. I hope you have great weather, lots of fun and learning and no incidents. Praying for strength for you too.  My principal totaled her car on an outdoor ed trip when a tree fell on it. She was not in it thank God and no one got hurt.

    Bev, Glad you are alive and well and just busy. That is a great thing in our new normal lives. Thanks for your nice comments about my pictures. I will keep posting them if it is okay to do so. I just watched your video clip. Now that girl has heart. A great inspiration for all of us who stumble and need the courage to dust ourselves off and get back in the race. Thanks for posting that.

    For all the sisters who are in active treatments my prayers for you are that you will have minimal side effects and that you can soldier through this time in your lives.

    The Marines I think it was had the saying when the going gets tough the tough get going. I think they should adopt that phrase for bc warriors. We are tough. We are strong woman of faith and we have the most powerful force in the universe living inside of us. When I think of that fact it is beyond my imaginations.

    Mini, Praying for your upcoming surgery and your DH's as well.

    KateW Praying for you and your family during this tough time.

    Vickie, Praying for Melody to not be in pain and for Cass for her upcoming surgery. For you as well, sister.

    Anita, I hope you will let us know how you are doing.

    Becky, How is the new treatments going for you?

    Debbie, How are you doing across the miles?

    Deborah, I hope the fact we haven't heard from you for a while means that you are busy being a light everywhere you go.

    Angie, I hope you can be around more. You are a great blessing.

    Sharon, Still praying for you regarding the selling of your house and your sub position.

    Jean, I hope you have a great week and minimal side effects.

    Polly, Did you get some relief from your Lymphedema specialist?


    I will be seeing my MO tomorrow. This is the same guy that several months ago I had real doubts if I wanted to keep him as my MO. I must say that in our electronic communications when it looked like my Arimidex giving me so much trouble he seemed very caring and said all the "right" things which made me take a whole different view of him. My prayer is that I will still have that same positive feeling for him after my office visit. I am so thankful that changing the drug to night instead of morning is making a difference. Thank you Jesus.

    Have a great week everyone. Here in Illinois the leaves are just gorgeous.

    Love you all,




  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, thanks so much. You are such a blessing to me, and all of us.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2014

    hello everybody!

    I am happy to report that I am well, just sleepy all the time. Good problem to have, considering that no one needs me , like to tie their shoes, make their lunch, that kind of stuff. I get labs drawn 11/5, port flush, back end of Dec. for scans, etc. We enjoyed a visit yesterday with our DIL, you know, the beautiful red head.

    All is well, 

    Love across the miles, 


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Thank you Mags. You are a blessing to all of us. So happy for you.

    Anita, glad to hear from you. I am not sure if you got all the rain that we did when I was at my mom's but that can certainly make you want to curl up under the covers and stay there. Glad your beautiful redhead DIL came to visit.

    Lucy, I am sure praying that you got good news today and had safe travels with all the rain.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for Nancy. What a blessing you are to us all! I just love the gorgeous Congratulations sign for Mags - yay from me, too!  

    Jean, hope your chemo today went well - done with the bad stuff now!  

    Lucy, Becky, Angie and Anita (you're the ones I think are in the midst of the tough stuff now) praying that you'll feel God's presence and power this week.

    love you ladies!  Bev

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    I am with Nancy,

    I am grateful today that Mags, one of our own has reached a milestone and was able to ring the bell.  It is wonderful and I teared up when I read the good news report.   Mags, in my heart I heard the bell and rejoiced with you all the way from the Bay Area in Cali. The Word says rejoice with those that do rejoice and Mags we rejoice with you.  Your smile on the July Thread was just telling your happiness shown through and that this was an important milestone.  Praise The Lord, Praise The Lord.  Amen!

    Blessings Sister Warriors,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Thank you Bev, that means a lot to me. I have wondered more than once why God led me to a thread with women who have mostly had chemo and I have not. I can offer prayers but  I cannot personally relate to all the side effects that all of you have experienced or are experiencing now even though I do sympathize with the difficulties of the side effects and losing your hair. I would probably freak out if I lost my hair. You all give me so much just watching your courage and strength. You all are my heroes.  While this was not true for most of my time here I  probably have more energy now which allows me to spend more time posting and lifting you all in prayer. Many of you probably don't have that energy to post especially when you are right at the beginning of a chemo cycle. So I think maybe that is why God led me here to be an encourager and a prayer warrior for all of you. Thank you for that privilege.

