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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    I am going to post one picture and then going to bed. This is my passion in most years. This is not my yard this year but hopefully it will look like this again next year.  My motto is you can never have too many flowers. I have flowers all over the front and in the back of my lot too.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014


    I know I posted this a while ago but it felt right tonight. Good night everyone. 

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    I have been away from the boards for a while because I was a bit depressed over completing 18 weekly sessions of Taxol, and not getting a tumour marker figure below 30.  I was completely exhausted, have a chemo rash on my face which won't go away, my nails want to fall off and to top it all I now have lymphoedema.  Well, the other week I went to hospital for Herceptin and the nurse who took my blood test said my tumour marker for CA15.3 had dropped to 27.8!  I was sending texts to my Christian friends and thanking them for their prayers.  The oncologist said that this recent chemo treatment should keep me going for two years, and there are other drugs on the market which he hopes to give me when the time comes.

    Nancy and Lucy, I wanted to say that the two of you have behaved with grace and dignity in the manner that you sought information about Sue.  You conducted yourselves as ambassadors for Christ, and I am so very glad that you are regulars on this thread.  I realize that Sue is in Heaven now, but I will miss her on these threads.  She was always encouraging, and had the gift of treating her problems as minor issues while she tried to come up with solutions for other people.  

    Love and blessings from Debbie

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    I think today is Day 21 of 50 days of gratitude.

    Today I am thankful that the Lord has allowed this bout of pneumonia because it has been a stark reminder of his words in John 15. As he taught about the Vine and the branches, he told us, "Without me, you can do nothing." It was just a couple of weeks ago as my cousin was driving me to the cancer center, we were talking about this, and I remarked, not even breathe. Without him, I cannot even breathe. Now that reality is so vividly clear. I am thankful for each breath I am able to take, and I pray I never take breathing for granted, ever again.

    Nancy, as I prayed for you this morning, for a safe trip and a good visit, I was reminded of the years that my mom lived with us. It's not easy, taking care of an elderly parent, but it can be a blessing to you as it is to her. Now my mom is with the Lord, I miss her so much, but she comes to me often in dreams, and she is healthy and happy. I know in some ways she is still with me. Travel safely, sister, and let us know when you've arrived.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    One of my July ladies posted this link. It's called An Interview with God. The message is simple, the photography is breathtaking.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for life, for my funny cat on the back deck trying to open the door to get in. I am grateful to have the house to ourselves now that hubby's brother is back in Denver. Grateful for feeling good after the A/C on Monday.  Amazing grace. Love, Jean 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    Last night I was in the middle of a big post and bam, iPad froze up on the post and I lost it. Should have learned I can not post on that anymore. Maybe I will try my Kindle and see how it works.

    Nice to see everyone back on and posting again.

    Nancy: I will be praying for you while you visit your mother. I know what  you are dealing with as I have been down that road in my lifetime. So I will pray for wisdom and guidance.  As Bev said....lots of kisses from God too. Some of best final memories were kisses from God. I haven't forgotten them and my mother has been gone now for 24 years.

    I love you photos so keep posting. I also am avid photographer and it has been a passion of mine and very therapeutic.

    Polly: I love the picture!I wish I could wear that at work. It says it all in one phrase.

    Mags: I am praying for you and that each day you are feeling better. Please don't over do but also try to get some movement in to help you breath. Coughing is good. I remember trying to make my dog cough during his pneumonia and doing chest and rib pats to help get the fluid moving. Vaporizers do help but since you have had this before, you don't need my advise so I will give you my prayers...amen. I know it is not easy when you are also dealing with BC.

    Jean: Hang in there girl. Don't dwell on tomorrow but bask in today. Three months from now, surgery may not even be an issue. We can all pray that God be so gracious. One of my favorite Bible verses from Matthew 6:25-34 God does not want us to be encouraged by these verses but he wants us to apply them to our life and live them. You yourself said that we are living in the end times. Three months from now we could all be Raptured and taken home. Our duty is to give reason for the hope that is in us and be a light to those that are in darkness so they can come to know our Precious Lord and Savior before that time comes. So let your light shine and use your BC for his glory.

    25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

    26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

    27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

    28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

    29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

    30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

    31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


    Kate W: You keep holding on girl. Your a fighter and I know that God has this all worked out. We will keep you and your family in our prayers. Remember that God has not forsaken you or has forgotten you. Remember that God knows how many hairs or not are on our head and when every single sparrow has fallen and we are so much more than these.

    Lucy: Thank you for your kind words. You are too kind. But I must say it is you and that others that fill me with encouragement. Last night I ran 8.5 miles for this run coming up and my time is getting slower and slower. I am reminded that it is not about the time but finishing the race that is set before me. I remember Sue telling me how she was trying to drag her lifeless leg into the shower so she could get bathed and I remember that so many of you are going through so much that my knee is just a minor inconvenience. At those moments God helps me rise above it all. As Deborahanne said, we are often given more than we can bare because God wants us to totally rely on him for every single thing, which I am quite guilty of not doing.

    Debbie: I am so glad to hear from you again. I was just about to send out a message to you and here you are posting. Thank you for the update on your situation. I know it must be discouraging to go through so much and not see results but sometimes results are not instant or immediate. I am glad to see that your markers did come down a bit but remember markers are not always a true test of what is happening. Besides our Lord is bigger than any tumor marker. I continue to pray for you and ask God to meet your needs. I know you are a fighter and I like that they have given you some hope for more time. We are all on God's calendar for our heavenly arrival so it will be in His time not the medical worlds.

    Bev: Thank you for updating us on you and on Sharon. I am in awe of her...really. I know she is a real hard worker and that is what teaching is all about. Those that do it so-so are not really here to be teachers. Give her my best. I know God knows the right time for her house sale and it will work out in His perfect plan.

    Okay; sorry  for the winded post.

    I tried to share this several times for my gratefulness. I am grateful for my students, particularly my K-2 students. You either love them or find them a real pain .For me, they make me laugh and smile. I am thankful for Kindergartener Ghianna whom I tease a bit each day by calling her Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle or Little Red Riding Hood because of al the adorable frilly dresses she wears to school. She did not know who Little Red Riding Hood was because she is not a Disney character.

     I am thankful for the kindergarten boy who told me there are dragons in the bathrooms including mine. He reminded me that they can be pretty frightening I hope he never has to experience the real dragons of life.

     I am grateful for the second grade girl (who can be really feisty)for her telling me each day that she can't wait to see me in class on Thursday. I am grateful for the girl who hugs me at the end of the day each Friday and tells me to have a super delightfully deliciously awesome weekend and that she had so much fun in my class that day and cannot wait till next week.

    People ask me why I have not retired by now and this is the reason I am still here. I would miss all these sweet kids who lift my spirits each day with their funny and innocent comments. I know there are days that are rough but I love my kids just as Sharon has embraced her students that she is teaching now.

    Okay. Blessings to all of you this beautiful day.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                         DAY #21 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Hello dear sisters. Yes, I should be on the road now but I am not a morning person! Today I am grateful that I have completed 7 nights of Anastrozole without a major set back. I think my body may be finally adapting. Also I have been back lap swimming for three times and my shoulder is still attached to my body. Amazing. I did really well. At first my arms were very tired but all the walking I have done now my legs were in great shape. That in itself is a miracle. I have plantar fasciitis and even standing for very long at a time hurt my foot. To be able to do all this walking is really a miracle. God knew I needed to exercise to be able to get through the whole bc journey and he made a way where I didn't think there was a way. As the Ocean song says may I have trust without boundaries. That is my prayer for all of us today. Trust without boundaries. Trust in the Lord of course.

    I have quickly read everyone's post. I only have time to make one comment.

    Debbie, I am so glad to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you are so encouraged by your tumor markers going down. PTL

    As I travel I will be lifting all of you up.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Spoke to the radiation doc earlier and they want to do the surgery after the chemo and before radiation. This will give me the best chance of avoiding a relapse.  Glad that is resolved.  Thanks for the prayers.  Love, Jean 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2014

    Hi Jean - well, I know you weren't excited about the idea of surgery but it sounds like God answered our prayers for you just like He did for me.  I was praying that He would make it an easy decision as to whether or not I needed radiation....since I'd heard so many ladies say the doctors just gave them numbers for chances of recurrence (I guess the oncotype scores? whatever....) and I thought it would be really hard to decide if I wanted to chance having a 5% or 7% or 10% chance of recurrence with or without rads. Well, when I went to see the RO, she said flat out, "you need radiation. If you don't have it, your chance of recurrence is 50%." Whew - not odds I want to play....and took any agonizing or decision-making angst right away from me. So - sounds like your doctors have just told you that surgery is in your future. So - that's God's answer and He will be right there with you in the operating room (and we'll be praying!).

    Debbie, so glad to hear from you....and glad your markers are going down and the doctors are so positive about the future. I sure will be praying that you'll feel good and get the lymphadema under control.  

    Char, loved your post - and I could just see you enjoying all the hugs and sweet comments from your little ones.  Just like Sharon in her class, God has put you there to be His light for lots of children. You may never know how many lives and how deeply you've touched them - but your faithfulness and strength are shaping our future. Thanks!

    Mags, Jean and Angie - glad chemo is going well this week and hope your breathing improves quickly, Mags.

    Deborah, you're such a blessing with all your activities - so glad we got to meet in person. I'm hoping we can figure out a way to get together again next month.

    Nancy, praying for safety and a wonderful visit with your mom and sister. Be sure to save some time to keep up with us - we'll miss you if you don't!

    love, Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Jean: I am glad you got your answer and God didn't keep you wondering for three months. As Bev said, we will be there praying for you every step of the way. 

    Nancy: I forgot to thank you for your kind words too. You have been such a blessing to all of us on here. Enjoy your time with your sister and mother. 

    God Bless,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2014

    Dear praying sisters,

    Here is a short update on my daughter, that I told you about the other day.....She has recurrent Fallopian/ovarian/endometreal cancer.

    I believe we are witnesses to the
    beginning of a miracle!!!

    When the hospice nurse saw Melody
    today, she measured her abdomen. Last week when she did it measured 126 cm
    today it was down to 118 cm. Also the past couple of days, first time in a long
    time, Melody has been able to button her jeans!!!! It would appear that the
    tumor is shrinking!!!

    Thank you for your continuing


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Char, I loved your post and the way you feel about teaching is awesome! You describing each child's interaction was so vivid that I could just picture it and brought a smile to my face. It is so wonderful when there are teachers that really care and not just teaching for the sake of teaching! You also quoted one of my favorite portions of scriptures Matthew 6:25-34. I take it to heart when you say that could doesn't just want us to be encouraged but he wants that encouragement to be lived out in our lives through application and being Ambassadors for Christ. I will be mediating on this tonight on how can I become yet a better ambassador and solider in apply God's Word in my life daily and step by step.

    Lucy, loved the gratitude dedicated to other fellow sisters in Christ on this board.  So uplifting to read this from you and others that continue to uplift each of us in your post.

    Nancy, praying for traveling grace and that you have wonderful visit with your mom and sister.

    Jean, so happy that you received the answer earlier than later. As Char and Bev said, we will be praying for you each step of the way!

    Mags, hope you are doing better and praying for a speedy recovery and that your breathing is getting much better. Hugs all the way from California.

    As all ways, Hugs to each of you and praying for you daily.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Evening Ladies,

    Day # 21 of 50 Days of Gratitude 

    I am grateful for the people at my office who are so supportive to me. They are all very caring and show their love and I am so fortunate to work at this company. I have been here 21 years last July and know I am very blessed. The two owners are amazing and support me and my needs to work from home a couple days a week. I just pray blessings on everyone as much as I can. So blessed and thank you Lord for taking care of me. 

    So I had posted a couple of weeks ago that I was attending a women's retreat Friday and Saturday and they have asked for me to share my testimony. This is something that is not easy for me as speaking in this crowd is making me a bit nervous. I am excited to share because of course I want to proclaim Gods love, Grace and mercy and my faith. This is something I would have loved to ask Sue and now I will ask you dear sisters...I would appreciate any input or advise in preparing for this as I have never done it before. I trust your guidance and encouragement. Thank you in advance for any input. I leave tomorrow at 2:00 and will return Saturday around 5:00. 

    Love and prayers to all of you...Lucy 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know that I made it to my mom's with no problem and no significant road construction. PTL

    Cammie, my cat comes with on all of these trips and she did well. Thank you for your prayers. I certainly appreciate them.

    Jean, I am glad that you are not left hanging regarding the surgery. I know facing another surgery is certainly not what anyone wants to do but if it is going to help in your treatment then we know we have to go with the doctor's recommendations. We will certainly be praying for you when the time comes. I know when I knew what my treatment regimen was going to be I spiritually, mentally and physically got in shape for the battle. I know you will as well just as you have prepared for your chemo treatments now. We are all here to support each other. You will do just fine. We will pray as a whole army of woman. We are a strong bond with the Lord at the center.

    Char, That is what I miss the most about teaching when the kids say something really special to us. It makes it all worth while when we know we are really connecting with our students and that they appreciate what we are doing. I am sure you are a very good teacher. The fact that you are not counting down the days till retirement is a testament tothat. I hope you have many more of those special interactions with your students.

    Bev, thanks for all of your encouragement. I really appreciate it.

    Lucy, How are you doing? I know we are all missing Sue. I do have a question maybe you know. I had been meaning to ask if that was Sue's little dog in her avatar. I just wonder if you know if she had a dog. If so I wonder what is going to happen to it. I didn't hear anymore from her pastor. I might contact him in a few days.

    Mags, how are you feeling tonight? I hope you are able to breathe a little easier. Yes, we need to trust the Lord for everything including our every breath. When things are taken away from us temporarily it always has a way of making us so much more thankful when it is restored. I hope your breathing is restored very soon.

    I had a chance to pray for each one of you on my way to my mom's. I feel very blessed to be a part of this family. I thank you for how you have allowed me to be a part of it.

    Love you all,








  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014


    Your post just came through while I was posting as well. In my experience the more you can just speak the truth from your heart is the best way. Don't try to be flowery in speech but be real. People identify with a genuine spirit and not with a forced speech that is not you. Speak to them as you speak to us. Your love of the Lord comes through loud and clear. Your excitement of serving the Lord also comes through loud and clear. Speak your truth and your testimony. Only you can speak your truth because it is different for each one of us. Everyone of us has their own testimony of how they came to the Lord. Each one is special and has meaning. You are a powerful witness on this thread and I really know that you will give a powerful testimony. Make it your aim to please the Lord and NOT those people. In the end that is what really matters. I will certainly be praying for you for boldness. I know that you will be awesome because you are already awesome to us and to me.

    Love you dear sister.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, so glad you arrived safely and will be able to check in with us. Not sure what we'd do without you for so long!  

    Lucy, you are such a blessing and encouragement on this's hard to imagine that you'll have any nervousness or hesitation in telling the ladies at the retreat just what God lays on your heart. I'll be praying that you'll have peace and courage about it - and that God's words will come through you to touch lots of hearts.  

    I'm thankful today for God's peace throughout the BC journey. I was talking to my dear friend, Barclay, today because she's in the midst of testing (and waiting!) for results to see what treatment she'll need for a malignant nodule in her lung. She was saying that she's really at peace and not worrying, which is so unusual for her. I told her I knew exactly what she meant - because it was several months into my treatment when I realized that I wasn't worrying or "what-iffing" or trying to plan what was going to happen (which, of course, would have been and still is impossible). It was the old situation where it takes you a while to recognize that something isn't there - and it finally hit me that God had given me peace and comfort that I was right where He wanted me to be...and that He was right there with me through it all. What an incredible blessing - and I'm so grateful that for once in my life, I'm not trying to have everything under control (well, at least most of the time!). Thank you, God, for Your peace - which passes all understanding!

    Have a blessed weekend, my friends - love, Bev

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, so thankful you made it to your mom's with no trouble. I wish I could report that I was better, but my breathing is unchanged. Thankfully no worse, but no better either. As long as I stay still, I can breathe, but moving around, walking even a few steps, and I'm breathless for several minutes. It helps to take it super slow. We had visitors today, a couple we've known probably 15 years, she runs the kitchen at our church, and he does construction. He and his son-in-law came over this spring and spent about 3 weeks working on the outside of our house, painting, gutters, clearing undergrowth. He's done odd jobs like this for us through the years, and always reasonably priced and excellent work. He was here today because one of the gutters had come loose and he fixed it. While he was doing that I had the opportunity to visit with his sweet wife and hear about all the grandbabies. Their daughter and son-in-law are expecting their eighth (though 2 are with Jesus). This is a family that loves the Lord and have been faithful prayers over me. So thankful for folks like them in my life.

    We are having houseguests this weekend, and I know it will be rough the way I'm feeling, but they are such great people, and she will more likely be expecting to take care of me than the other way around. We're not planning anything that would be hard for me, and she's bringing a wheelchair in case we decide to go out. I've been so looking forward to this, and this was the only weekend we could all manage. Please pray that the antibiotics will take hold and knock this out.

    I continue to keep you all in prayer, and especially Lucy – remember that you don't have to have the words. Rely on the Lord to provide them for you. The Holy Spirit is eloquent enough.

    Char, praying for that knee.

    Angie, big hugs back honey.

    Jean, praises for not having to wait for that news!

    Bev, I'm reminded of Isaiah 26:3, and I love the KJV for this: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Perfect peace can only come from the Prince of Peace. Not as the world gives, he told us. Amen and amen.

    Good night sisters, blessings and sweet dreams.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Vicks, That is amazing about your daughter. I am looking to see a past post from you and I wonder if it went poof because I can't find it and I don't believe we have ever met. We will certainly pray for your daughter for a continued miracle.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Mags, I am sorry to hear your breathing is still not good. I sure hope that you don't overdo when your guests come. I remember having pneumonia once in the past and I just hope you will allow this friend to be nursemaid to you and not the other way around. I will certainly continue lifting  you up. I had a nice long time of praying for you and everyone here when I was driving. How many days have you been on  your antibiotics? I sure hope you can get some relief soon,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Angie, Good to hear from you. That is a great goal to apply the living word to our daily lives and to learn how to become Ambassadors for Christ. There is a woman in my church who is a psychologist a pastor's wife and just recently became ordained and she is older than I am. I have the utmost respect for her and try to attend any class that she teaches. She always says this and I love it because it is so simple. She says we should always seek to do the next right thing. 

     How is your August chemo thread going?  Take care and thank you for your prayers.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for this journey, how God is using it to show me where my faith needs to be strengthened.  Please pray for me about the surgery as I am having trouble with my own steadfastness.  I want to put it completely in His hands knowing if it is not His will He will stop it.  Love, Jean 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2014


    The background on my daughter:  in Aug 13 she was diagnosed with fallopian tube, ovarian, and endometrium cancer.  She had surgery and chemo.  everything was looking good, until a followup visit with the Dr.  It had returned, this time the chemo could not keep up with the growth of the tumor.  She is now in hospice care, however, yesterday, the hospice nurse measured her abdomen again, in the last week it had gone from 126 cm to 118 cm.  I truly believe a miracle has started.  

    Thanks for your thoughts and especially your prayers...


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Good morning sisters. Vickie, welcome to our circle, and we will be praying that the reduction in your daughter's abdomen is truly a sign of miraculous healing. 

    An update on my pneumonia. As I have not improved since my visit to the ER on Tuesday, I called my oncologist's office today and they are adding a second antibiotic along with lasix and potassium. Even though I have no visible swelling, I could have internal water retention. I've not run a fever (not taking anything that would bring it down) and I have only a dry cough. I've had bronchitis many times, and I'm just stumped by the strange nature of this. If I stay in my recliner, I can breathe, though with a bit of effort. But when I get up and move around, when I sit back down I'm gasping for breath. Just never had anything like this before. Anyway, the MO's nurse said nothing had grown on the cultures, so I don't know what that means, but they will do another chest X-ray when I come in on Tuesday for my appointment, and if I get worse over the weekend, there is a hospital here in our suburb where I can go to the ER and hopefully not have the kind of nightmare I had at their main facility in the city on Tuesday.

    Thank you all for your continued prayers and I continue to pray for each of you.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Vicks, I imagine your daughter and your whole family have been through a lot since her diagnosis. I am sorry that she has had to go through all of this and I am sure this has been agonizing for you to watch. I can see how this new abdomen measurement could be a very encouraging sign. I pray that you could draw very close to the Lord during this time and put your total trust in Him. I am praying that what looks like a miracle would continue and we thank you Lord for what you are doing in Vicks daughter. Please let us know how things are going. We would be glad to continue to pray for your daughter and peace for you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Mags, I am fervently praying for you. If you do have to go to the ER I pray that you can get in quickly and not have to go through what you did the first time. I do remember when I got back to teaching after having pneumonia I would still be winded doing stairs so that part you shared I am not too surprised. I will keep praying as the Lord lays you on my heart.

    Lucy, I am praying that you will be an open vessel for the Holy Spirit to speak through you and that you will be such an inspiration and blessing to all those that hear your testimony. You got this dear friend! I can't wait to hear your story when the retreat is all over.

    Jean, all of us have had to stretch our faith muscles on this journey. Without the help of the Lord this journey would surely break all of us but our hope is in the Lord. When you are at your weakest is when God can be your strength whether you feel it or not. Faith is not based on feelings. I have had to learn that lesson over and over and over.......Praying for you to be steadfast. You are stronger than you think.

    I am praying for all you dear sisters. If I have any typos I am trying to type in the same room while my mom is watching Little House on the Prairie Loopy


    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Thanks for the encouragement Nancy.  Lifting up prayers now for all.  Love, Jean 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Lucy, praying for your as you present yourself as a living testimony to what God has, had and will continue to do in your life.  In my experience in speaking before groups regardless if it is sermon, my testimony or just encouragement it is best to speak from the heart and let the Lord lead you. You know the road that God has traveled with on you and he will use that road and journey in your testimony what milepost to focus on and mostly how to tie His Word into your talk. I can clearly see your testimony come through your post load and clear.  I hear and yes see how the Lord uses you so eloquently and powerfully in your written word.  Just be real and let the Lord's Words come through.  Speak about your testimony and let God use those nuggets of encouragement and wisdom that the Lord has shared with you and share with others as the Lord leads and guides you.  Only you can speak to your testimony and the Lord will take that and each person will then apply to their situtation as the Lord sees fit.  You will either  plant or water but it is the Lord that will give the increase through your ambassadorship (1Corth 3:6-7) and cause the growth in your Sisters!   I agree with Nancy, you are a powerful witness on this thread and I really know that you will give a powerful testimony.   Your focus is to please the Lord and he knows the words that each individual will hoe in on as each one of us is at a different place in our walk and only God knows what is needed for each of us at this appointed time.  God is using you as the vessel to deliver the message.   Go with boldness before God's people and I know that you will be awesome in presenting your testimony as you are already doing it here on this board!

    Praying for you as I know at times it can be difficult but this is an assignment from God and he has you! 


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Today I want to give thanks for a little verse that has meant so much to me.

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

    ... give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

    In 1996, I received a phone call from my sister. Her husband (who I had introduced her to) had just been diagnose with small cell squamous cancer. The prognosis was grim. After I hung up, the Lord brought that verse to my mind. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I hadn't been walking with the Lord for very long at that point, but I decided to take him at his word. My brother-in-law lasted four years, but finally succumbed to the cancer. My mother prayed fervently for his healing. One day, when it appeared that the end was near for him, I asked her how she would be if he died. I was afraid it would crush her faith. But her answer put my mind at ease. She said, "God is still God." I don't know why God chose to take him at such a young age – he was not even 50. But I learned to give thanks in all circumstances. And I'm thankful that I could be obedient even if I didn't know why.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                DAY #22 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Hi everyone, I am a little late posting for today. Today I am grateful for my cat, Cammie. She travels with me to my mom's and has been such a good companion for me. I am posting when she was a baby to present. She is totally attached to HER blanket. It works magic on her and I have to take it with me when we travel. She has a lot of personality and can be a pistol at times. She follows me around like a dog. She is a Ragdoll breed which is supposed to be characterized by docile behavior and is supposed to be easy going. She is NONE of those things but I love her dearly. I hope you all have a good weekend and those who are feeling under the weather I am praying for improvement.



