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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Hi Lady Warriors...glad to see you Char bayou will do well on your race and I am so impressed wih your charge. You inspired me when I started my 2 days a week at curves and now I am doing 5 days and feel good.

    Redhead you will do well on your treatment just trust in our Lord and lean I to Him. You got this with the Big Guy at your side. 

    Nancy that you so very much for sharing the email. How wonderful he is and the kind words. I think you pretty much got the word to go ahead and contact Sues mom. She would probably love hearing from you and sharing how much Sue meant to us and how we miss her so. Please tell her I think of her all the time and miss our chats. I am so glad you were able to get away and have some outting time. What a blessing and I pray your knees heal quickly. Can't wait to see some pics. 

    Well I have a shout out to God and His goodness. I had a call at the end of the day with my CT scan results and the nurse said NED anywhere new. The two tumors/nodules on the lung are still showing shrinkage since last CT scan so God is continuing to heal me through miracle and medicine...PRAISE THE LORD!!!  As a quick overview, started off with 5 nodules and now down to 2 that are less than .5cm...God is so so good. 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Redhead, we will be praying for you and managing SEs through your treatment.  I have grown to learn how much more I needed to rust in the Lord and lean on Him through this journey.   So glad the Lord has lead you here and you will see the women on this thread love the Lord and are prayer warriors.

    Nancy, thank you so much for sharing the email from Sue's pastor.  Thank him for his kind words and speaking of the group during Sue's Home Going Service.  Glad you have the go a  head to contact Sue's mom and I know you will share with her how much Sue meant to us.  Glad you were able to get away and take some wonderful pics and can't wait to see them.

    Lucy, such wonderful news and I am Praising The Lord.  

    Char, good luck on your race. You are an inspiration for me to step up my workout.  Also thank you for the information on KatieW so that we can contribute.  I think it is so awesome when you see the support group surrounding her.  I continue to keep Katie in prayer.

    Mags, Jean, AJ, Becky, Bev and others continuing to keep each of you in prayers for your treatements and SEs.

    My prayer request for today is that the infusion with Taxol goes well and that my blood work allows me to move forward with the beginnig of the 12 week Taxol cycle and that I have mimimal SEs and am guiding on how to managing them early.

             DAY # 39 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Grateful for my DH.  He has been my rock during this journey.  We were able to spend time ministering together yesterday and it has been so long. I have not done this since my dx.  I didn't realize how much I miss ministering.  He took me along with him yesterday and then we spent some alone time and just enjoyed each other's company and talking about the Lord and His goodness.

    God Bless  Lady Prayer Warriors.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Lucy, That is AWESOME news. I didn't realize you started off with five tumors. Wow and now only two and they are shrinking. All Glory to God. I am so glad I checked this before going to bed.

    Angie, So glad you got to minister with your husband. Is he a pastor? I will be praying for your Taxol cycle. I need some enlightenment here. Is it true that the first course of chemo is the worst that many of you are on for several months? Is Taxol not as taxing with the SE's? At any rate let us know when you start and I will be praying.

    Just to clarify I sent the posts to Sue's mom some time last week. I sent a sympathy card from all of us too. .  I sent a cover letter telling her how much she meant to us and how she is missed so much. I told her that I am still praying for her and her brother and I imagine some of you are continuing to pray for them as well. I left it up to her to contact me since I didn't want to come across being too pushy. She may not be ready to have a strange visitor meet with her. I am not sure. I am glad that I waited to send it until after I got back from my mom's. It sounds like she was in Colorado for that whole week after Sue's service anyway.

    Let's pray that she does contact me so I can meet her. I do think she would be comforted knowing how much we cared for Sue and seeing someone in person that hopefully would make it even more real to her.

    Good night everyone and good morning to Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Angie it sounds like the Taxol treatments are about the same time for us. I start the 12 weekly treatments on Monday.   Mine will be combined with herceptin/perjeta every 3 weeks.  

    I am also asking you faithful ladies for prayer for Monday's infusion.  That it will go smoothly and the sides will be manageable. 

    Today I am grateful for the strength to get to our women's bible study last night.   I know I was supposed to be there.  Sharing some of the spiritual part of my cancer journey seemed to encourage the other women.   There was one woman whose unsaved mom was just diagnosed.   We were able to pray for her and her mom and share phone numbers.  Such a blessing when He uses our trials for good.   Love, Jean 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                DAY #40 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Wow. We made it to 40. There are always so many blessings around us every single day that we could do a 1000 days of gratitude and still find things to be thankful for. Today I am thankful for the strength that God has given every single one of us on this bc journey. I would be willing to bet that there is not one of you here that hasn't been amazed at the strength God has given you through your journey. That is not to say that we all probably had our moments. We are human. We all know that this journey will be with all of us for the rest of our lives and that can seem like a daunting burden but it gives us great capacity to develop our faith muscles even more. I think the suffering that we have all gone through helps to makes us more in tune with others who are suffering. God can use a willing vessel and I think most of us have a desire to reach out to those who are going through stuff whether it be a bc journey or whatever challenge they may be facing. Let us give thanks to the Lord for this strength because without Him we are have nothing of value in and of ourselves. Have a wonderful day and evening for Debbie.


    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    I pray for those who are facing surgery coming soon. I pray for Mini that she will be able to have a successful surgery on Nov. 4 and that you will give her peace going into it. We also pray for her husband who may have already had the kidney stone and stent surgery.

    I also pray for Vickie's grand daughter Cass, who is facing a cancer surgery in Nov. Cass's mother, Melody is in hospice now. Such a challenge this whole family is facing. I pray especially for Cass today. I can't imagine how difficult this situation is for her but I do know that our God is all powerful and can bring peace into the storms of life. My prayers are with you today Cass and the whole family.

    KateW, I am praying for you and your family during this most difficult time. I am praying for a physical miracle and a financial miracle. I pray that God will get all the glory in what he is about to do for you.

    Mags, I hope you are feeling better and that you will be able to see your chiropractor to get some relief from the pain. I pray that the worst of your chemo is over. I am so glad that was your last treatment. You are going to be such a powerful witness when you come through all of this. You will be able to minister to the suffering because you have suffered so much yourself. God will use you. There is a reason for all of this.

    Becky,  I hope the worst of your SE's are subsiding and that you will have some good days to spend with your family.

    I have prayed for each one of you individually and I pray that you all will have a good day and that you will be able to see all of God's blessings throughout this day and evening.

    Love you all,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Day #40 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for the opportunities that God gives us to talk about Him and share His love with others. I love letting people know I am an ambassador for Christ.  Thank you Lord for these opportunities and keep opening those doors so we can do our work in salvation. 

    Having a good day after hearing the results of my latest scan. I am so happy that God is doing His healing through miracle and medicine. What's awesome is He knows all our hearts and you know He is pleased with His daughters with what we are doing on this board. I am so blessed to be a part of it and to know you all and just having you in this part of my life. There is just something about going through this journey with other women that really honesty know what you're going through that truly understand like no one else. 

    Thank you all for being a part of my journey and for the daily support in words and prayers. I love you...amazing Warriors!!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Dear Prayer Warriors, I just heard that one of my friends is in the hospital with a bowel blockage and is going to have surgery. I would appreciate prayers for Kathy. She is a very committed Christian. Thanks.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                                  DAY #41 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    Today I am thankful for the beauty of creation that God intended for us to enjoy. I had the privilege of a day trip to Starved Rock State Park this week. I am going to attach some pictures I took of the wonder and beauty of His creation.


    Below is Starved Rock. You can google it to understand the name.
    imageBelow are some of the stairs I had to climb which just about did me in.





    When I got to one of the highest points I was thrilled to see all of these pelicans.


    Hope you enjoyed seeing this as much as I did seeing it all for the first time. Something I have wanted to do for several years. If it wasn't for my bc journey I probably wouldn't have gone. I am in much better walking shape now and I want to really get out there and live and not just sit on the sidelines. PTL

    Love all of you,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Praying for Nancy's friend. 

    Grateful today for both God's and my husband's patience with me.   Yesterday all day I was whining and complaining about my endocrinologist offices inability to get a prescription for blood work faxed to my chemo doc.  My dear hubby drove me to the endocrinology office to pick up the script then to Staples to fax it.  All the while I was being such a brat that I needed to be put in time out.  God has in His tender mercy, forgiven me and so has my husband.  I am praying my dear Jesus will change my attitude.   The wold doesn't need to stop turning on its axis because Jean has cancer!   Going to spend some quiet time now so God can do some work on me.  Love, Jean 

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    Nancy I loved the pictures. thanks for sharing

    Oh please keep praying for me. my Side effects are better but I still do not feel very good fatigue, and just "bad" feelings. thanks   becky

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Thanks Becky. I am glad you enjoyed the pics. I will certainly keep praying for you as I have. You are a trooper and so brave and strong. I pray that these side effects will rapidly diminish and you can feel good very soon. You will get through this!!!!



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited October 2014

    thanks for having this thread. Hi. Jean!   I have had some recent wonderful lessons from  HIM, but everyday is a challenge. I start my day with Jesus Calling, and try to follow its word. Like many I have not questioned HIM, or thought "why me". 

    I feel like He is just not done with me yet. I coded on the table in 2012 during a heart cath. Had emergency quadruple bypass. This summer stage one uterine cancer ... No chemo, and now BC 

    I am 53, I have a great husband, and twin boys who are sophomores in college 

    Battling a pretty bad rash / reaction from taxotere.  Am CEO of a non profit. I have not shared with my team at work.  I feel like not everyone has to be Joan Lunden, and this is my journey with God.

    My exec committee members on my board know. One is a strong Christian. I have been so darn blessed that He sent me to a Christian surgeon for both BC and hysterectomy.  My MO is a man of faith also

    Really glad I found you all.



    Becky will pray :) 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, I love the
    pictures so pretty. Love the color of the
    leaves. Miss that season here in California. Will pray for your friend Kathy.

    Bestock, keeping
    you in prayers regarding your SEs. Which
    tx are you on right now is it the Ixempra? I just want to be specific in my
    prayers. I am praying for managing the SEs and quick recovery that SEs will go
    away before next chemo.

    Jean, I am
    familiar with the lesson you are talking about. Early on I had to learn that world
    doesn’t resolve around me and my BC diagnosis. I also had to learn quickly that
    my diagnosis has hit my family just in a different way. I have to say I love
    the lessons I am learning on this journey and getting to know. There are situations and circumstances that I
    have to face that are allowing me to know me better or God showing me who I am
    and just cleansing me. It is a hard
    process but like you I thank Him for the lessons and process.

    Tobbycc, welcome and
    we are so glad that God has lead you to this wonderful thread filled with
    awesome women of God and prayer warriors.
    I am like you I have only shared my diagnosis with my entire work group.
    I have shared with the Executive team and direct reporting managers and a two
    other co-workers that are Christians and participating in a prayer chain.

    Lucy, Amen on
    your gratitude it touched me as I love doing our work in salvation and being an
    ambassador for Christ. I am PTL for your
    results and pray for continued healing through miracles and medicine. Ditto on your words about this wonder group that
    God has orchestrated here on

    Vickie, prayers for you, Cassie, Melody and your entire
    family. We are interceding fervently during
    this difficult time as we know. Our God
    knows your every need and has a host of angels warring and ministering on your
    behalf and prayer warrior lined up interceding for your peace, comfort,
    strength, and rest.

    KatieW, praying for you and your family during this
    difficult time. Praying for the success
    of your benefit. So awesome to have such a strong support group and praying for
    each of them also.

    Mags, how are you doing today?

    Even if I have not mentioned you by name specifically, I am praying for each of you Char, AJ, Debbie, Sharon, Mini, Redhead, etc.. Love you all.

    Hugs Prayer Warriors,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Thanks for your prayers for my friend Kathy. I got more details today. She had been in the hospital for five days with a colon blockage. She did manage to avoid surgery at this point and they let her come home yesterday. She is not out of the woods yet but on a very mild diet to give the colon a chance to heal. She is not in pain but is having loose stools. Her abdominal area is still hard and distended so I would appreciate more prayers for her for this to resolve on it's own. She is very weak at this point. This is one of my friends I used to teach with that came to see me at my clinic after one of my treatments. I hadn't seen her in 37 years. She lives in Canada now.

    Kath, Welcome to our thread. I am glad you found us. Everyone has their own path and their own way of dealing with their bc. I am glad you felt free to share with us. This is a really strong group of prayer warriors that are here to support and share their needs. I will add you to my prayer list as one needing relief from side effects. It sounds like you have really had your share of stuff. Sorry your are having to deal with yet another challenge. You sound like a strong woman. I am sure you will get through this journey just fine.

    Jean, We are all a work in progress. Thank God he is merciful to all of us.

    Angie, Thanks. I am glad you liked the pics. How are you doing? When do you start your new chemo. I was thinking you said a Monday but I am thinking next Monday perhaps?

    Mags, Still praying for you dear one. I know you probably feel like you have been wrung through the ringer. You are going to be so strong when this is all over. I really do think that. Hang in there. Let us know how you are doing?

    Anita, Still praying for you. I know these shorter days are difficult. Hang in there.

    Bev, How are you doing? When are you going to ring that bell? Miss hearing from you. I know you are very busy.

    Char, Hope you are getting caught up with things and that you have time to train.

    Deborah, Hope you are doing well.

    Sharon, Polly, Mini still praying for all of you.

    Redhead 1 Hope you feel free to post any needs you may have.

    Debbie, How's that leg doing?

    Vickie, Still praying for your family.

    Katew Still praying for you and your family.

    Lucy, Hope you are able to have the energy to do all the things you are doing. You go girl !

    Take care! everyone. I am always praying for each one of you.


    Love you all,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Bless you ladies. I am hanging on. Still having costo twinges around my sternum. I haven't been to the chiropractor yet, my cousin is so busy with church stuff I hate to ask her to take the time, since I don't have a car at the moment. But it hasn't flared again, so I'm hoping it will calm down. My breathing seems a bit better each day. I am having eye twitching now (from the taxotere) and my mouth sores are worse than they've been before. I think that when my husband's boss brought me a frappuccino it was not frozen enough to prevent the circulation of the adriamycin like I've usually been able to do. What I've had each time is the feeling you have if you burn your tongue with hot liquid. This time I have it on my tongue, inside lower lip and both sides of the tongue way in the back where it connects, and also some on the inside of the cheeks. Salt, vinegar, citrus, spices, and anything with rough texture or crunchy is painful to eat. My cousin made some Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana which was wonderful but just spicy enough that my mouth was on fire afterward and I ate a bowl of vanilla ice cream to calm it down. It does just seem like everything has hit me this time, in spades. Nancy, thank you for reminding me that I am being strengthened by this. It brought to mind Isaiah 48:10. "See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction." Oh my.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Oh Nancy those are just beautiful pictures. So glad you're able to get out and about. What a blessing on your outting. I will add Kathy to my prayer book. 

    Ladies I would like to ask for prayer for a friend of my pastors wife. She told me tonight that her friend Carissa found out last week she has stage IV lung cancer and of course she has never smoked.  She is a strong Christian and she has 7 children the youngest is 2.  Thank you in advance for your prayers.

    Day #41 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for the other managers I work with at my office.  They are so supportive and I just love and respect our working relationship.  I have worked with Dave for the 21 years I have been there and Ron has been there for 12 years.  We work really well together and between all of us we have all supported one another for many of life's challenges.  Now they are there for me and I so appreciate them.

    Been a little quiet on here, praying all is well with everyone.  Have a good couple of days as we near the weekend.  Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Mags, What comes to mind when I read your post is that our reflection as we become more refined is the reflection of Jesus. When people see us we want them to see Jesus in us. As we are refined and tested the rough edges are coming off which is not an easy process. The end product will be pleasing to the Lord. I feel like when you get through all of this suffering you are going to shine more brightly than ever. Hang on, you will get through this. I am praying for you and I know you can do this.

    Lucy, I am glad you enjoyed the pictures.  So glad that your work situation is so positive. That is a huge blessing. I am so sorry to hear about Carissa. What a devastating diagnosis for a mom with seven children. I will certainly be praying for her and her family.

    We have only nine more days of our 50 days of gratitude. I am not sure what all the Lord intended for us in this exercise but I have a feeling it may mean different things to each of us. I will admit that some days I wanted to give up on it but I knew I had to be obedient to the Lord. I know that the Lord has revealed things to me on my time here about myself. I am stronger than I ever thought I could be and yet at the same time I am weaker than I thought I was if that makes any sense to anyone. I am indeed a work in progress. I think in the end it always boils down to dying to self so that the Christ in us can shine forth.

    Good night everyone and good morning to Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2014


    Thank you so much for your continuing prayers.  I also thank the Hospice care people, they are doing a wonderful job of keeping my daughter, (Melody) comfortable.  I believe it is not going to be much longer before life as we know it will be over here on this earth, but know that as a believer she is going to be where she will be healed for eternity.

    Her daughter's (Cass) PET scan shows her cervical cancer to be localized, I thank God for that, and a radical hysterectomy will be done 11/14.  

    Even though my heart is aching, I still thank My Lord for His care over each of us as we face the challenges we meet each day, & He knows what is best for each one.

    Again thank you!!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for a phone call from the chaplin at Sloan Kettering yesterday.   She walked me through a contemplative prayer that set me right back on track.. I am grateful for the strength to get to curves this morning and for the wonderful Christian counselor the Lord has provided that I met with today.  He provides.  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.        Ps 23/2

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                            DAY #42 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    Today I am grateful for my Christian radio station that is part of my daily life and has been for many years. WBGL is having their fundraiser this week and I am happy that God has allowed me even in a year of financial pressure due to bc dx to be able to give to this ministry. This was among the first places that I asked for prayer. What was so neat was every time someone prayed for me I would get an email notification. I had people praying for me at all hours of the night and day which just amazed me. I just got off the phone with the person that took my donation and I had a chance to thank all of those people who prayed for me that didn't know me at all. God is so good and He uses this radio station to minister to countless individuals who are lifted up  24/7 with Godly music.


    Vickie, I can't imagine what you are going through right now. I have been praying for God to prepare Melody for her passing and for comfort in that journey for you and her daughter and the rest of the family. I am praying for Cass who is dealing with so much. I know you will be a great comfort to her when she goes through her surgery in a couple of weeks. God loves you all so much. My heart aches for all of you. Know I will continue to pray.

    Continuing to pray for Carissa with her diagnosis. Praying for Clarence and Jennifer who lost their 20 year old daughter.

    Jean, I am so glad you got the phone call from the chaplain and so glad for your Christian counselor. God is providing a way for you and I am so happy about that.

    Mags and Becky, Praying for those awful side effects to fade away soon.

    Char, I know you are probably burning the candle at both ends. Praying for strength for you girl.

    Bev, I hope you are doing okay. We haven't heard from you for a while. I hope all is well and that you are just busy. I miss hearing from you. You are such a blessing to all here.

    I continue to pray for all of you.

    Have a wonderful evening and day for Debbie.

    Love you all,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited October 2014

    Hello Women of Faith,

    Nancy: Your pictures are beautiful and I have put that park on my bucket list. I read the history of the park. I think I read about sometime ago but could not remember where it was.

    Mags: I am sorry for all that is going on with you. I am praying for all that has and is taking place. Hang in there girl. 

    Lucy: PTL about your scan results. God is so good. You just keep praising and He will continue blessing.

    Kate W and Debbie: Prayers to each of you as you go through this journey.

    I am sorry this is so short. I feel like I am finally getting caught up at work with intramurals, budget, new evaluations, curriculum writing, etc. it has been a bit crazy. I did manage to run Tuesday evening and an hour last night in the dark. There are some crazy drivers out there even though I am wearing reflective gear, blinking lights, head lights and anything that makes me visible. I will practice my last 10 plus miles this weekend and taper off for my race next weekend. Then I can go train just to maintain because I have no more races unless I do A short Turkey run on Thanksgiving. 

    Will write more tonight. Must head to work. 

    Blessings and prayers to all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Grateful today that my headache is gone.  Grateful for time with Jesus this morning and how He always makes me smile.  Love, Jean 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                        DAY #43 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful that I feel a bit better today. I had some GI stuff flare again yesterday and was concerned again about the Arimidex. My headache is gone as well and I am very grateful for that too. Thank you Lord for this day even though it is not going to be pleasant weather around here for the kids today. Keep them safe.

    Good to hear from you Char and glad you are starting to get caught up. Hang in there.

    Love you all,



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2014


    Grateful today that I feel pretty good after starting new chemo regimen on Wednesday.  I am thankful that infusion #1 of 12 went without a hitch and there were no reactions during the infusion. I thank the Lord for a new day and strength to move through the next 11 weeks with minimal side effects and fatigue. My chemo days will be every Wednesday morning, with blood draws on Tuesday's to ensure I can move forward.  I ask for prayers that blood work stays within range each week and also for infusions.

    Praying for each of you, your individual prayer requests and that we continue to be a light unto this on this board.



  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone - just checking in.

    Today is the one year anniversary of my diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy to confirm the lump was cancer and not just undiscovered 'breast tissue'. :) I had lost 50# in the 6 months prior and wasn't really too sure what it was. Good thing too, like all of us, that I was obedient and proactive. 

    Well, one year later, lumpectomy, nodes (clear), chemo(4), radiation(16)-(last May 12th) and a new head of hair, I am still at peace, happy and laughing. God is so good, his Mercy and Goodness really do follow me all the days of my life. I think sometimes they are 'stalking' me. ha ha 

    The LB is still in transition - it developed staph infection (low grade kind we have on our skin) end of July, in the seroma left by surgery. (They do not know why but said maybe I had a scratch on my body somewhere - which would result in the staph to travel to the most vulnerable area of my body.) It was the size of a computer mouse - on my LB.

    I swoll up once before in December 2013 and I had it drained by the BC surgeon. Unfortunately, since radiation, the breast was, for lack of better words 'honeycombed' now and ER MDs were not able to drain it like the first time. Eventually - I saw a BC surgeon (who is like 1/2 my age and looks like a long boarder/skater dude - so cute) and he did not want to do surgery on it.

    So, we left it to drain on its own (3 weeks) and when it opened up - he sent me to the home care nurse. I now see them every other day and have it packed to keep it open. Reason is so the site can heal from the inside out. That was August 18th and it is healing - slowly. I have only seen a couple nurses twice (big staff base); LOL - God is ripping my shyness from me and making me bold - I look forward to what path He has planned for me.

    I saw the RO for my 5 month check up and she has said to not exercise (?) - I can not even go to Curves as it would exhaust my body; only allowed to walk 10 minutes per day. I know! She is young (30s ). When I told (confessed) to her that I had started to go back to work - to try it out - I got 'the look'. You know the one you would give your kids. Rather unnerving from someone so young. She said "You have to remember that with surgery, chemo and radiation - your body needs to recover" when I asked how long - she said "a long, LONG time" OMGosh! Okay, I was told - take it easy, rest, relax - same thing God (and husband) has been saying - but not (me) listening to. Now, I got it.

    50 days of gratitude - what a great idea! Well, I am coming in on Day 43 (I think) but can say everyday I am more and more grateful that God has been with me. Since I am not working yet, I spend my time visiting friends, going to the soup kitchen and visiting there and more bible studies, prayer meeting and awesome mornings in communion with God.

    To those who are still struggling - my heart goes out to you. Be still and know God - He is for you, is with you and is holding you in his arms. He is our rock, our peace, our comfort, our physician, our shelter, our counsellor, our all & all. Take this opportunity - through this season of your life - to press in to Him, seek Him more, pray more. You will discover how awesome He truly is.


    ps For a social activity and to lose those 50# AGAIN - I have joined Weight Watchers - another area to speak positive truth and share with others. Nice to lose the weight with others, this time, and not by myself - more fun.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Great to hear from you Carren. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. It sounds like things are going great even though it sounds like you still need to take it easy. I just say Amen to all of your words of encouragement to the sisters here that are struggling with side effects and all the stuff that goes with it all. You are a testament to how God can get you through and you have had your share of stuff for sure! Thanks for sharing with us.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Angie, Praying for you with these new treatments. Glad yesterday went without a hitch. Will continue to pray for minimal SE's and for minimal fatigue.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2014

    I am grateful that elections are almost here and we will stop being lambasted with print and TV ads!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited November 2014

    Nancy and other prayer warriors.,

    God answered your prayers today.  My daughter, Melody, is no longer in pain from the ovarian cancer.  God kept her pain at a minimum until he took her home to be with Him this afternoon.  I am glad she was a believer, because I know where she is and now she and her brother will be there to welcome the rest of us when our times come.  Our hearts are hurting right husband, Leon(her husband) her daughter Cassandra and I were with her when she took her last breath.  

