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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Yes, Anita here at my mom's we got a ton of rain today and yesterday was rainy and misty the whole day. I know lack of sunlight really affects me. I actually use one of those light boxes when I am at home during the short days of the winter months. I don't know if you feel up to exercising but that really helps me. I can swim no matter what the weather but I didn't bring my swim gear this time to my mom's thinking I could walk. I have not walked at all because of time constraints and the weather. Exercising gives me more energy and gives me an emotional up surge so without it I am vulnerable. I know that you have been in a big battle and for much longer than I have. I think it is only natural to have that affect you emotionally. I know my friends really pushed me to get out socially where as it would have been easier to curl up in a ball and stay home especially when I was so fatigued. Maybe making yourself get out even if you don't emotionally feel up to it would do you more good than you realize. I will continue to pray for you.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Well there was a change in plans for the retreat and they didn't have time for me to do my testimony after all.  I am going to be doing it at one of the monthly women's meeting night so that actually works better for me.  I actually had an amazing time at the retreat and the speaker was Shelly Love and she was amazing.  She and her DH are pastors for the Poulsbo Calvary church.  She did her message on the book of Ruth and I have read this book a couple of times at different bible studies and she did it totally different and it was great.  She is 60 years old and just a ball of fire in love with our God and she also spoke of many things and I have a few take aways from the event and I need to work on them.  One is, about a month ago God put it on my heart to fast before my next CT scan on the 20th and she confirmed that on the Friday session.  There are a couple of others like spending more time reading the word, not just books but "the Word"!  It was great to spend time with the other ladies and get to know some that I really haven't been close with.  I made it a point to hang out with others I don't normally do for just that purpose.  It was a blessing and I am glad I listened to God's direction.  Thank you all for your input and I did read them all from all who posted and I will just focus on God's inspiration to lead my testimony.  I will let you know what month it will be done in. 

    Vicks how is Melody doing, is the tumor still shrinking?  Praise God!

    Nancy so glad to hear the visit with mom is going well.  Your mom looks great and you do look a lot like her.

    Bev how is your friend Barclay and what were the results of her tests?  So excited for you as you near your next phase. 

    Mags how are you feeling and how is the breathing the past couple of days?  So glad to see that your visit with your friends was so good for you.  What a blessing.

    Jean how are you feeling about the surgery these days?  So sorry to hear you have the added challenge with DH in addition to what you are already going through.  What the others have said is exactly what I was thinking and it makes me crazy what sneaky and cheap tricks the enemy is up too.  I am going through challenges as well with DH because of his afflictions and the struggle he is having being approved on SSD.  it has been 2 years and we have an appt with the judge and attorney on the 21st to try the 3rd time to get approved.  It is in God's hands and I trust he will make things work out for us.  I am just glad that my treatment didn't go so rough on me that I was still able to do things and work from home all days but the day I went in for treatment.  My DH is always very supportive of my issues and actually is frustrated that he can't do everything for me because of his limitations.  He is a gem and I am very blessed.  It hasn't been perfect at all, his frustration has been a challenge as he is struggling with his pain and still no dx.  He would do everything for me if he could.  I am now back to work Tuesday through Thursday and work from home on Monday and Friday's.  I also started to work out every day at Curves in the morning before I leave for work and walk when the weather allows. 

    Becky we will continue to pray for you and the new phase of treatment.  I am sure you mentioned it at some point but when was the last scan you had?

    Mema LE is a horrible affliction to deal with.  I am so sorry you have to deal with it.  Our dear sister Sue suffered so with it. Where do you have it?

    Polly so happy you went to church and you had such a warm welcome.  Our prayers were answered...Yea God!!!

    Anita we all have those moments when we just want to be left alone.  It doesn't happen to often to me and I stay very busy and active with many things and in fact I need to slow down and watch the fatigue.  Just hang in there and we will keep you in prayers.

    Day #23, #24 #25 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am so grateful for the ability and changing my mind to going to the retreat.  I received so many blessings and I am so grateful that God talks with me and I listen to Him.  I am thanking for meeting Shelly Love and the blessing she gave me in a prayer she prayed over me.  What a special lady and I will be praying for her.  Grateful for feeling strong and being able to still work and having supportive owners that support me right now. 

    Good night ladies...praying for you all and praying you have a good week and minimal issues and just continue to stay strong in our Father's presence.  We need to keep Him close every moment we can.  He loves us so much and He wants us to be well. 

    Heavenly Father, I attend to Your Word.  I incline my ears to Your sayings.  I will not let them depart from my eyes.  I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life and healing to all my flesh.  Proverbs 4:20-22

    Love you all and so blessed to have you a part of life...Lucy




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Lucy, thanks for the encouragement.   Prayers for the surgical decision still needed for clear direction.   I am putting it on a back burner for now, just focusing on getting through the chemo and trusting He will show me what to do when the time comes. 

    BTW, I pray for you all as well but am not able to post for each individual yet.  

    Today I am grateful for my hubby's dear Christian friend who shared a scripture that restored his peace.  For my restored peace as well.  Also for feeling better physically after a good nights sleep.  God is still using this journey to refine my faith and trust in Him.  Love, Jean 

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Please pray they won't postpone my last chemo because of this shortness of breath. Waiting to see PA now.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2014

    Yesterday, I was so miserable. I am transitioning off some medications (another story) for a neurological issue and it makes the first day pretty rough. So I was hurting everywhere and my emotions were everywhere. I knew I needed to walk more to help my leg but couldn't do it for my laziness. I was even imagining my death and thinking the worse while feel so guilty and shameful. I didn't even want to try to get up to read my Bible. Just watched TV all day.

    I read this site before going to sleep but didn't feel like saying anything. I still have the lymphedema pain behind my knee and arm on the BC side. I prayed over everyone and myself but just watched more TV till I fell asleep. My DH is out of town. This morning, I always sleep in since I'm up late, I got out of bed standing a bit to get balanced when I didn't feel pain in my leg. I walked to the bathroom and still it didn't hurt. Went to the kitchen, to the patio and back, no pain! I thought, oh my gosh, someone has been praying for me! Someone on this site has been praying for me!

    This morning I could sing a new song of praise to our Lord! Your prayers lifted me up to His mighyt hands and I could feel that power as I walked around all morning. God gave me this time of relief, He gave me this day to feel some relief, He gave me strength. Today, I'm humming a new tune, a new song to praise Him and to give thanks for those that pray for me. Yesterday, I didn't know my body was humming a song of sorrow. I guess we need songs for both types of days. But it feels good to recognize both.

    "Sing a new song to the Lord, for He has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; His holy arm has shown His saving power!"  Psalm 98:1 NLT

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                  DAY # 26 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am thankful for the Word of God. It IS a lamp unto our feet. The Word is the Living Word. It is alive. It teaches us the character of God and how much He loves us. It gives us direction and encouragement and discipline. It gives us hope when we have none. It gives us courage when we have none. It is our road map to our daily lives. It is as relevant today as it was a hundred years ago. It will be relevant tomorrow and in the future.

    I discovered the website Bible Gateway several months before my dx in March. I do not have an account but I can still maneuver through the website. I love the audio Bible offering. I cannot tell you how many times I listened to Max ? (can't think of his last name) quote the 23rd Psalm in the KJV. There was something about hearing his deep voice and reading while hearing the Word out loud that really ministered to me especially going through the initial shock of the dx. I use the online Bible now instead of my hard copy Bible. There is a way to make notes etc but I have not accessed those features. You have many versions of the Bible to chose from and if you want to compare two versions side by side there is even a way to do that. It is worth checking out. It has a search which is really helpful.


    Lucy I am glad you're back. I missed seeing your posts. We were all praying for you thinking you were going to speak but God had other plans for you. His timing is perfect. I am glad you were blessed and I am sure you were a blessing to others.

    Jean, Glad your peace has been restored.

    Char, I imagine you are working your head off trying to get gardens closed on top of a full time job. Hang in there girl. It will all get done eventually.

    Debbie, How are you doing? Thinking of you today and praying for you.

    Mags, I hope you get some good news today with your PA. I know postponing chemo would be disappointing but I am sure they don't want your health to be compromised in the process. Praying for you dear sister.

    I am finding that my bathtub time has become my prayer time at my mom's. She has a small house and there is not many places to be alone. I think it was Charles Wesley's mom who pulled an apron over her head in the midst of many children to have her prayer time. LOL I guess if she can manage so can I! I have prayed for all of you but don't have time to post to everyone right now. I have some business to take care of and praying there will be no road blocks. (figuratively speaking).


    Love you all,




  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    No chemo for me today. As much as I wanted to finish and ring the bell, I know God has some reason. They did a chest X-ray and echocardiogram, and cannot find any cause of my shortness of breath but don't want to take a chance that chemo might make it worse. So I will see the MO on Monday morning. 

    Silver linings: 1) Since I can eat without nausea, my cousin is making chicken enchilada soup for me. 2) My husband's boss forgot the gift she had for my bell ringing. (What a sweetie she is!) 3) Since I was only seeing the PA today, DH didn't go along but was planning to meet me for the bell. But he will be taking me on Monday, and if I have chemo, he will stay with me all day. Love that guy!

    Nancy, please check your PMs. I have a request.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Mags, I was just getting ready to close up my laptop and got an email notification. I did not receive any PM's. I do check that all the time. Sorry. Maybe try again. I won't have a chance to respond right away as I have to go to do business before closing. I can imagine that you are disappointed with no chemo today. I remember I had four rads left and the machine broke down for all of those four days and I had to go into the next week but in the long run it didn't make much difference but I remember at the time I was disappointed. In fact that was my first post on this thread in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. It seems like an eternity ago. I will check the board when I get back.

    Love you dear sister.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2014

    mema4 yes I am becky (bestock)

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited October 2014


    I read your earlier post and was thinking they had better hold your chemo today if they were any kind of oncology office, and they did!  

    Oh my for your own good,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Polly, Praise the Lord you are free of pain. I am going to pray that this is NOT a temporary thing. Isn't it funny how one day can seem so gloomy and then voila the next day a Happy Dance Time!Happy



  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2014

    Ladies,  Thanks you for your continuing prayers for my daughter, Melody.  She continues to be about the same.  Has found the using the hospice provided oxygen sometimes helps relieve the challenge she has sometimes with breathing.  Our Lord continues to answer my prayers that she be spared a lot of pain.  I am adding her daughter, Cass, (31)to the request for prayers.  She is scheduled for surgery the 14th of November for a radical hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer.  We took her to see the surgeon last Wed.  She has 2 little girls.  From the surgical, cone biopsy, it appears to be in the very early stages, which we are grateful.  


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hi Vicki, I will certainly continue to pray for Melody. I am so grateful that she is not in a lot of pain. I will certainly pray for Cass as well. Catching her cancer early is a great thing for sure. Your family certainly has a lot on your plate right now but the Lord will carry you through this difficult time. I hope you can keep posting and giving us updates.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited October 2014

    Hi Vicki, I don't know many folks yet but I echo what Nancy said...your family is enduring a lot right now. I'll keep all of you in my prayers as well.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Good morning fellow cancer fighters.   Today I am grateful for a dear Christian couple we had lunch with yesterday.   They were so kind supprtive and just fun to be with.   Both hubby and I enjoyed it immensely.   Love, Jean 

    Prayers going up for Vicki's family.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Today I am grateful for the whole team at my cancer center who made the right call on delaying my treatment. Although I was disappointed at first, I know they made the best decision and I trust their wisdom in it. And so grateful for my sweet cousin's tender care and how she spoils me so, making me my favorite soup for dinner and making sure I have everything I need. I'm thankful she has her work at church that is so fulfilling to her. She is such a wonderful caregiver, I couldn't have gotten through this without her.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited October 2014

    Dear ladies, fellow survivors!!!

    I am so thankful for our Lord.  I don't know how someone with out a connection to God can make it through the challenges that can be thrown at us.  My theme song the past several months is  the song "Without Him I Can Do Nothing".  I pray for each of you, most of the time as a group, because of time constraints, but I KNOW  He will never forsake us..


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                  DAY #27 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful for my summer job way back in 1972. I worked as a crew boss for a corn detassling company. I had six girls on my crew and I had to pick them up all up every morning at their homes to get to the cornfields on time. Believe me it was a challenge and it seemed like someone would oversleep which made it even more of a challenge. I had a girl named Linda on my crew and she kept bugging me about going to this camp retreat with her. She just wouldn't leave me alone. Finally just so she would stop pressuring me I caved in and said okay I will go. This camp which was called Camp One Way was run by two ladies who remind me of the female version of David and Jonathan. They never married but were both married to Christ. They both gave up good jobs to start this camp. The first night I was there I was with some people by the lake and this man they called coach was there as well. All of a sudden I found myself alone with the man called coach and everyone sort of just disappeared. This man who we fondly remember now as Rev. Jack (with Jesus now) started asking me some very direct questions. I was a "religious" person my whole life. I was in college at the time. I was confirmed in my church and did all the right things I thought. My Dad was an usher and my mom was a Sunday School teacher. This coach asked me if I had ever asked Jesus into my heart. I had never heard such talk. I had no reason not to so I prayed a prayer of salvation with him. When the other people knew what was going on they were all rejoicing and I had no idea what all the fuss was about. I didn't feel any different and wondered what had just happened. However the next day I had this burning desire to read the Bible. That was something new. The rest is history. My life was never the same after that night at Camp One Way. I was a born again Christian and my destiny changed in that moment. Those ladies that ran Camp One Way live on the grounds now and they go to my mom and sister's church. Rev. Jack became my parents minister and then they both came to the Lord as well as my sister. Rev. Jack had a dynamic ministry both at his church and a radio and tv ministry. He succumbed to Alzheimers and didn't even recognize us in the end. We went to his visitation two years ago.)

    Camp One Way has expanded it's ministry and is still touching many children's lives as well as adults. One of the ladies Dad's turned 100 in August and I got to go to his big celebration. I think I might have mentioned that here.

    So now you see why I am grateful for that summer job which eventually changed my life forever.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014


    I am not sure I am familiar with that song but the title speaks truth. With out Him we can do nothing! Everything in the Christian world seems to be upside down in the secular world. We are asked to die to self to have life. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I am sure you all could add many more truths to these. I am glad you have the Lord going through your difficult time with your family needs.

    Mags, I am glad you got to enjoy your favorite soup. Silver linings indeed.

    Jean, Glad you enjoyed your friends company. God meets us at the point of our need. PTL

    Angie, how are you doing? Are you still very fatigued with your new added drug?

    Mini, Thinking and praying for you today.





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hey Char, How was your outdoor ed trip? I thought you meant it was this week. I know that was always exhausting for the teachers who went on that.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Evening Ladies,

    Vicks so sorry to hear of Cass's issue and what she is dealing with.  How is she after her surgery?  I have said many times how does anyone go through this horrible disease without God in their lives.

    So far this week has been busy for me.  I have added more working out time as I am suppose to increase it so I went from Curves 3 times a week to 5 and it sure is a difference.  I am still working 3 days a week Tuesday through Thursday and every other Monday and Friday from home.  On the Monday I go to treatment I just read emails so mostly working 30 hours a week.  Feeling good and strong but the fatigue does still hit me.  Thanking God he is still with me every step of the way...Thank you Lord!  I have my CT Scan on Monday the 20th so asking for prayers for good news results.  Thank you in advance for those prayers.

    Day #27 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am grateful for my friends who support me daily on my bc journey.  I know I have God with me but it is nice to have my support group as well.  I have also used this to praise our Lord for his work in my journey and I know this has brought some folks closer to God and also considering bringing Him into their lives.  This journey has certainly stretched my faith muscles.  Without the help of the Lord this journey would surely break me!  Giving Him the glory with all of it.

    ...Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

    Praying and sending lots of love to all you ladies...have a restful evening and a wonderful day tomorrow. 

    Remember...look for the silver linings...Lucy




  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2014

    I am grateful that I live close to my grandchildren. In a few hours, I will pick up my 5 year old grandson for some one on one time and an overnight. My mom was right.Kids are great, but grand kids are GREAT. The circle of life is amazing.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                  DAY # 28 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful that the rain has finally stopped. I arrived on Thursday night last week at my mom's at it has rained and been cloudy and gloomy the entire time. I am also grateful that the farmers will get some relief as well. They have a bumper crop of corn but they said if they can't get into the fields that will change. Hopefully it will dry out enough where they can resume the harvesting of the corn.


    Mini, Good to hear from you. I am so glad you get to spend some time with your grandson. I miss the interaction I had with my students. I always interjected some humor in my teaching and we had a good time while learning. I miss those kids but I still love being retired. I have no children but I had many other's children in my care and I am so grateful for that.

    Lucy, You are really going full throttle. I will pray that you can keep up this schedule. The more exercise will more than likely give you more strength. I have also prayed that your DH can be successful this time in applying for SSI. and that he could get some relief from his mysterious ailment.

    Polly, Are you still getting relief from pain? I sure have been praying for that.

    Vickie, I can only imagine what Cass is going through. As I prayed for her it really hit me how difficult this must be for her dealing with her own cancer and then dealing with her mom being in hospice.

    Mags, I am praying that you will get over your breathing issues so you can ring that bell very soon. Also praying that you will have a ride to your radiation treatments.

    I have had my bathtub time to pray for each one of you.

    I recently heard a famous Christian singer being interviewed. He said a phrase that really stuck with me. He talked about how callous we can become in this world. He asked that God retenderize his heart. I love that. I have also been praying that the things that break God's heart will break my own.

    Let's go forward today as ambassadors for Christ. Let your light shine brightly in a very dark world that needs the Lord.

    Love you all,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited October 2014

    Thank you all for your continued prayers, as I continue to lift up each of you.

    Today I am thankful that "He giveth his beloved rest." As difficult as it is to sit here day after day knowing that even the slightest activity will steal my breath away, I know that this is also his gift to me, the gift of rest.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Hang in there Mags. I am praying that you will get some answers on Monday when you see your MO. You WILL get through this time. I am so thankful for your cousin that she takes such good care of you and that you have a supportive husband. Great blessings in the midst of the storm. Still prayin'.



  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2014

    Quickly coming on to just send the biggest thank you and hugs I possibly can. Your prayers are just amazing and I just can't tell you how much you all mean to me. I have to say, we are an amazing group! 😀

    Please keep praying!

    xoxo, Kate W.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

    Katew, So glad to see your post.  We will continue to pray for you and your family. At first I was not able to get onto your blog but tried again and it worked. I know you may not even see this but that is okay too. I can't imagine what all your family is going through. I wish I could wave my magic wand and make it all go away. I do know that no matter how out of control your situation may seem God loves you so much and has a plan even though it may be hard to imagine just what that would be. Let Him hold you when you feel completely overwhelmed and when your tears flow. I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through this. We are a strong force on this thread and we will cover you and your family in prayer.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2014

    Great to see your post KateW, I know you won't see this but you're in our prayers. Thanks for popping in. We're always here. 

    Hang in there Mags, we're lifting you up.  Trust in our prayers and His promises. 

    Day #28 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    I am so grateful for the sun we had today. I was able to go for a walk after work. The days are darker longer so took advantage of it. Thank you Father God for the sun and the Son!

    Looking forward to tomorrow afternoon as we get to babysit our 2 year old grand baby. She is such a cutie and blessing. It's only for four hours but that is about all I can do. Wished I was stronger longer to do it longer. I know little is better than nothing. 

    Have a blessed evening and know you're all in my prayers and we are so blessed and God loves us so much. 


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2014

    Good morning fellow warriors.  

    Today I am grateful for some good intimate conversation with hubby last night.  Also for a meeting with a wonderful Christian counselor who helped me to express how scared I am.  I was able to drop the brave front and just sob like a baby.  I am grateful for feeling well enough to take a dear lady from my church who lost her husband last month out to lunch and to my Tai chi class.   It felt so good to be there for someone else.  Love, Jean 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited October 2014

                                                    DAY # 29 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    Today I am grateful to see the sun. It has such healing and uplifting properties. I am most grateful for the time spent with my mom. We have had a good time even though it is always challenging. I will be going back to my home tomorrow. I am trying to do a million things today before I go. There is always so much to be done here.

    Jean, I am so glad that you had a chance to see a Christian counselor. There are certainly times in our lives when we need some guidance and glad that you have one to talk to and to cry with. Jean, you have hit on the truths that many times we forget. The best thing that we can do for ourselves is to reach out and help someone else. It is one of those backward truths that is so prevalent when we compare our Christian lives to the secular world. The world is all about me, me, me and what can I do for me. Jesus says love thy neighbor as thyself. You did that in helping your widowed friend. The Tai Chi sounds wonderful. I have some dizziness and balance issues and have often wondered if that would help. I pray that you can go forward with more peace and not so much fear. We are here for you and praying for you.


    I would appreciate prayers for my travels back home. I also had some major GI issues yesterday which was quite disappointing. I had managed two weeks on taking my Arimidex at night vs. morning and it seemed to be working. Not sure what this setback means. I see my oncologist on Tuesday and I hope to be able to give him a good report.

    I have found myself really missing Sue these past few days. I hope to get all of our posts ready when I get back home to send to Sue's mother. I also am planning on emailing Sue's pastor and asking how the Celebration Service went. I'll pass that news along to you when I hear anything.

    I have prayed for all of you and time constraints prohibits me typing to each one of you which I would really like to do.

    Lucy, Enjoy your kid time tonight. I am praying for strength for all you are doing.

    Mags, You are still on my heart and praying that you will feel better very soon. Have some of your July chemo sisters got to ring the bell yet?

    Vickie, Still praying for Melody and Cass and your entire family.

    Becky, I hope your new treatments are going well.

    Bev, Haven't heard from you for a while. I hope all is well.

    Char, I know you are burning the candle at both ends. Praying for strength in all your endeavors.

    Polly, I hope your pain is gone, gone, gone!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone

    Love you all,
