thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Good evening dear ladies.

    I made it to my mom's tonight and am here safely with Cammie (my cat). I was able to get 44 days of my bp med at the pharmacy here at my mom's and it is the last of it. I will have to change bp meds when I see my pcp in a couple weeks. I am so sensitive to meds and this is not something I am looking forward to as I have been on this particular med for many years.

    I have not had a chance to review all of the latest on the hurricanes events as I have been busy packing and driving but from what I can tell things in Florida are much better than they were predicting. I know from reading the paper today that the situation in Haiti is dire and I pray that relief effort will be able to get to them asap.

    Jean, so glad to hear Alexia is finally going to rehab. I know it has been a long time coming. Glad to hear your family weathered the hurricane. I pray that all those that had friends and family in the path of the hurricane came out okay.

    Ellen, glad that NC was not hit too badly since I know the flooding was awful from previous storms.

    Faith, praying your scan went well today and I hope you don't have to wait long to get results.

    Aurora, praying you were still able to get your radiation set up and hopefully you were not adversely affected by the high winds.

    Lynn and Phyliss praying you weathered the hurricane as well.

    Joanne, glad your daughter and family were able to weather the storm but with a little damage.

    Thank you for your prayers. We will be celebrating my mom's 91st birthday and I hope to have a wonderful time here.

    Love, Nancy


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2016

    Nancy, glad you made it safely to your mom"s. Praying you'll have a nice celebration for your mom"s birthday. 91! Wow that is a blessing.

    We did well with the weather I could see the hand of the Lord protecting us! Feeling bad for those it affected. May they recover soon.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited October 2016

    Nancy, so glad you made it safely to your mom's house. Hope it was a relaxing drive. i know you will have a wonderful time celebrating for your mom's 91st birthday. So much wisdom and stories to share at that age.

    Aurora, and all others in the path of the storm. I prayed for each of you. Praying for recovery for those affected. Specifically the devastation in Haiti. Putting pray into action and donating to relief funds.

    Praying always.

    Love across the miles,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Hi dear sisters,

    My mom's internet was SO slow today I couldn't get on to post when she was also on her computer. I can finally get on.

    Faith, I have been praying for you. I sure hope that your scans will be good news.

    Joanne, continued prayers for God to intervene and allow justice to be served for your grand daughter and her children.

    Thank you Aurora and Angie. I made it home with no problem. It is gorgeous weather here today and enjoying the changing colors of fall.

    I have some very important decisions to make regarding my mom's investments as she was with Wells Fargo and I am sure most of you have heard the negative press they have received lately. I am not sure if it is a sinking ship at this point but my mom's investment advisor jumped ship and now I have to figure if we will stay with him. We just received all of this in the mail today. NOT HAPPY!

    I need wisdom in proceeding. It is one thing making financial decisions for yourself but when you are making them for someone else I feel a great responsibility and in this situation I have no idea what is really going on.

    I am so glad that many of you weathered this hurricane as well as you did. I agree with Angie that we need to pray and help those victims affected so horrifically by the hurricane.

    I love this banner as it speaks to every one of our situations no matter what we are dealing with.

    I pray you all have a good evening.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2016


    That's wonderful that your 91 year old mom knows how to use the internet! You'd be surprised how many older folks are just plain scared of technology.

    Seems like you have a "fiduciary" responsibility with your mom's assets. I have some stuff with Wells, too, but not too much. DH wants me to move it, so I have to figure out what to do with those funds in the next month or so.

    My church Women's Fellowship Group is going to see Queen of Katwe tomorrow, hopefully I'll up for it because I'm mid cycle with the Xeloda chemo pills. I'll throw a pair of Depends in a tote and hope for the best (no emergency accidents).

    Praises to the Lord for the people in Matthew's way that there wasn't as much damage as anticipated.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Hi Lita,

    My mom regularly emailed until a few months ago, Her laptop does goofy things and she gets frustrated with it which I can totally understand. I live three hours away from her. It makes it harder to keep tabs on her because emailing could be done any part of the day or night. She loves her solitaire so she is mainly doing that. She has dementia so I come about four months out of the year to keep tabs on her and check and see if she is still able to make it on her own. She has a caregiver that cleans and does her laundry but that is very minimal. My sister and I do the rest, What I can't figure is if her advisor left Wells Fargo because he felt it was a sinking ship or if he was the one of thousands that got fired for defrauding the customers. I met with this man last year as he was newly assigned to my mom's account. I liked him so much I was even thinking of making a change in my holdings to him. Sure glad I didn't do that now. I am sure Wells Fargo would be upset if they knew he was drawing his clients away to another company. This is really not something I had planned on when I was here so I am not thrilled with that. There is always so much to do anyway normally.

    Hope you ladies enjoy the movie. Is that the one Lupita N. is in? Can't spell her last name. I have seen clips of it but not sure what it is about.

    Yes, the hurricane could have been much worse but certainly devastating to Haiti for sure. How is your pain levels. I do pray for you especially for that.

    Take care and I hope you enjoy your outing with the woman. Sounds like fun.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2016

    Yes, it is the one with Lupita. Pain in lower back a little worse. Cannabis oncology nurse told me to get a vape pen for breakthrough pain.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Lita, I hope you will find something that will help your pain.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited October 2016

    Good afternoon, prayer warriors;

    I feel blessed today because we have survived this hurricane with just "tree trash" and 15 hours of no cable/internet. Florida may have had less damage than predicted, but North and South Carolina, (and probably Virginia) have more than expected, so please remember folks here in prayer. The storm killed 7 people here, most by drowning or falling trees. I have seen hurricanes my whole life, but this is the first one I saw during daylight hours. Some areas flooded last week were flooded again yesterday, but worse. Over 500 people were rescued from flood waters in my area alone....and we actually live inland from the ocean. The post I sent out Friday about remembering different people still applies .

    Saying a prayer for those of you dealing with worry, pain, and side effects today...Our God is able to heal and change, Ellen

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2016

    Ellen, prayers for those caught in the path of the storm! I live in East Orlando and by the grace of God my neighborhood wasn't affected at all. We prepared and everything but God saw fit to spare us why? only He knows. Praying for those whose lives have been disrupted by this hurricane. May they get the help they need.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2016

    Praying for your needs, Jo.

    My granddaughter Alexia is to finally go into rehab today. This has been a long and difficult wait for my daughter. Please pray that all goes smoothly today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Dear ladies,

    It is always a busy time at my mom's and I am not always able to post as I usually do. I can't imagine what it is like to be dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane as I live deep in the Midwest where we have tornadoes and floods but not the two mixed together as I imagine that is what a hurricane is like magnified many times over.

    I always feel somewhat out of the loop and somewhat isolated from the events of the day as I don't get to watch the nightly news as I do when I am at home. Many times I don't even get to read the paper.

    I know that their are some relief organizations that I know to be top notch that are active in Haiti as it is a dire situation there with much suffering as I listen to my Christian radio station. I know that when these things happen many of us feel totally helpless as to what we can do when natural disasters occur. I know that we can pray and when the opportunity arises to give monetarily to help in the much needed medical supplies and food supplies and shelter that are so crucial to these areas that have been hit so hard.

    As Joanne's post mentioned we all are involved in our own personal storms as well where we need guidance and wisdom from the Lord.

    I feel for those who have lost loved ones and have suffered more damage than expected and relieved that some areas didn't get hit as hard as expected. I know from Ellen's post there were lives lost in NC and the flooding that was already an issue prior to the hurricane was only made worse by it.

    Sometimes it is easy to lose hope and faith when we see these things happen. The world asks why and blames a God that they don't even believe in or at least that is what they say. The Christians asks why as well but have a more solid foundation (hopefully) to know that God never said our life on this earth was going to be easy. In fact the Bible says to expect trouble. Our suffering is not without hope though. That is the BIG difference as Christians asking why as opposed to the world asking this why. We know that we have moments that our faith can be shaken but when we reach deep we know that God is with us no matter what. We know that this suffering on this earth is only temporary. You may then ask how do we get through it. We can ask the why of things to which we are NOT going to get an answer that will satisfy our human brains. The more crucial question is the HOW will we make it through this, whatever that is for you. I remember telling a dear friend that was dying and was not giving up that you have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. We cannot sit down and give up. That is exactly what the enemy wants us to do and even with that thought it makes me want to put on my boxing gloves and go back into the ring one more time................and another and another.

    I know that advice didn't sound very spiritual but the reality is that a big part of our living out our life on this earth is about putting one foot in front of the other and expecting that God will give us that strength to do just that. It is keeping on when we don't feel like it. I know my feelings are sometimes my worst enemy. However when I wake up and realize who I am fighting against and who is actually on my team it makes it easier to put one foot in front of the other.

    We are on THE winning team and we know what the final outcome is going to be. That is our hope for our future and our hope for today. That is what gives us that strength to put one foot in front of the other.

    I hope you all have a restful night. I made some tough decisions regarding my mom's care and her financial situation and I would ask prayers that these things will go well and will not be met with resistance when changes are going to happen this week.



  • capinva
    capinva Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2016

    hello ladies

    I know it has been a while solincwni posted. Started Xeloda and Lita I know some of how you feel. I have lesion she on spine and femur . Side effects are not fun but praise God tumor markers went down 14 points after first treatment . Dr lowered dosage so we will see how these two weeks go.

    I have been catching up on the posts . I do pray for you ladies. God knows every need we have .

    It is finally feeling like fall. Could have first frost tonight.

    Hugs to all and God bless

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016


    I am so glad to hear your tumor markers have gone down after only one treatment. That is great news. I have been praying for you as I know you had to go through a change in treatment plans. I will continue to pray for you. Praying that SE's will lesson with a lower dose. Are you still working in the school office?



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2016

    She's in...My dear granddaughter Alexia is in. She was admitted to an amazing, beautiful rehab this morning in the country near a lake and a river. They will admit her daughter Valentina in a month. My daughter said Alexia sobbed as they dropped off Val at the sitter on the way. This place is women only and has medical, psycological, group, and job counseling.... Child care and 12 step work, recreation and much more. Now let's just pray she does the work. It could be life changing. If they are willing, they even take them to church. God is so good. My daughter is finally back home with her husband and son! HappyHallelulia!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2016

    I spent 2 hours getting an MRI of my femurs on Sat. Today they called me to say the doc wants another one in 3 months. I have a spot on my right knee and they want to see if is getting larger. I always pray that my tests be negative, but if there is something that it be found early so it can be treated sooner. Maybe this is just an answer to that prayer, but I hate having something hanging over my head. Joanne - your banners and devotional were right on point.

    I have the crud. My poor throat is is beyond sore. I hope the in like a lion out like a lamb applies to colds/flu. :-)

    Blessings my Sisters

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Dear sisters,

    I am praying for you even at my mom's. I thank God for answered prayers and pray for the newly expressed needs.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2016

    Dear Nancy and all our sisters in Christ, I continue to pray for your needs and thank you for your prayers also. I had a PET/Ct scan last friday and it looks like the cancer is stable but I probably have a lung infection in the same area where the tumor is in my left lung so I ask for continued prayers. I am on an antibiotic and hopefully things will improve shortly. I've been coughng a lot and thought it was all due to allergies since mold is so bad right now. I guess I need to pay more attention to these things as we all should.

    Nancy I will pray that you get things sorted out for your mother, I know that's a big responsiblilty when you are making these decisions for yourself let alone for yur mom.

    Jean, so glad to hear the good news on your granddaughter's rehab. We pray she gets the help she needs quickly.

    Jo, as always thank you for your timely words and banners. They are truly uplifting.

    Praying for all your needs and for all those whose lives were so badly affected by the hurricane.

    Love, Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Faith, so glad to hear that things are stable after your Pet scan results. Praying that you can get over this lung infection. I am glad that it was discovered so you can be on some treatment that will hopefully knock this infection out.

    Mini, praying that these spots will prove to be nothing serious. Praying you feel much better.

    Jean, so glad that our prayers have been answered regarding Alexia. Praying she will get the needed help.

    Joanne, continued prayers that justice will be served for your great grandchildren and that the stress of it all on your family will be taken over by the Lord and that He can carry those burdens. Praying for your pain and that you can continue to regain strength.

    Aurora, how are you doing?

    Ellen was your mom affected by the flooding?

    My compute is acting up. I am going to close but know I am praying.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2016

    Thanks ladies for the prayers for my granddaughter Alexia. She calls my daughter every day saying she wants to leave but so far is staying. My daughter is beyond exhausted between that and taking care of the baby who doesn't sleep at night plus working full time as a middle school teacher. She hasn't gone home yet because Valentina couldn't handle another change. May Jesus give her strength.

    I am praying in agreement with all Nancy's prayers, plus for you Nancy to have wisdom in your mom's decisions. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2016

    Thank you for asking Nancy. I feel relatively ok just a bit of pain on my left knee which seems to be new mets. Yesterday I had a bone scan to determine more clearly if the knee and femur are affected.

    Today I went to the radiation-oncology clinic to get "mapped" so next week I can start my treatments. (Mapped means they wrote with a sharpie pen on my thigh so they can guide the radiation"

    I'll keep you posted and thanks for the prayers.

    As always I read and pray.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2016

    I was able to look at my MRI results today. I have a lesion in the marrow of my right knee. They are watching this to see if it gets larger. My research shows that it can be from osteoarthritis damage. That would be a best case scenario. I am praying it is healed, and no lesion shows on the MRI I have at the end of December.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited October 2016


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2016

    Good evening dear sisters. We took this picture tonight & I thought of all of us on here. God's promises are true, He does not change. We still trust in Him.

    My apologies for not being on here much. A dear friend named Sarah, age 32 with 4 young children and a homeschool mom like me passed away this last week and it shook me pretty hard. Her last words to her mother were "I still trust God". I feltlike tonight someone on here may need to hear that too. So to my forever friend Sarah and to my pink sisters; may we all chose to say the same thing. We still trust Him.

    God bless you all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    G, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and at such a young age. May God comfort her family and friends. I am sure you were a blessing to her. Love the moon shot. I saw what looked like a full moon behind clouds as I returned to my home on Saturday night from my mom's. It was so beautiful and I am still excited when I see God's creation. If God created the sun, the moon and the stars He is able to handle our lives and our path. Yes, it all boils down to trusting Him and His will. He is the I AM and we are not. God Bless you dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2016

    Ok, I think I need to start posting things I am grateful for again each day. Some of you ladies may like to join me.

    Today I am grateful for a day of warm weather. Also for my granddaughter Alexia being in rehab. May God bless her time there. I am grateful for the provision of an ortopedist who will give me a shot to help my knee pain later. What wonderful access to medical care we have here. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Love, Jean

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2016

    Good idea Jean! Today I'm grateful to be alive to celebrate my grandson's 5th birthday!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2016

    It is SOOO refreshing to see Christian women expressing their faith and encouraging one another here! I just found you today. I had read in the guidelines that expression of religion was not allowed when I first found this forum so was just content with gleaning news about the medical issues - but this is a delightful surprise!

    I'm 65, married to my best friend for 44 years, mom of 3 grown children, and grandma to 13 grandchildren and 2 great grands. ( I AM BLESSED!). Born & raised in Ohio, my husband and I retired here in Alpine TX 4 years ago (under the Lord's direction) and are at peace and blessed to have an awesome church family.

    I could not live in this ol' world were it not for the Lord keeping me going and loving me. When I was diagnosed with cancer on 12/17/15 I kept it quiet as to not put a damper on anyone's Christmas, then I had to tell everyone as my surgery was the 29th. They all were amazed at how calm I was and I was blessed to give God the glory - as I still try to do. I had a second surgery 8/5 because the "leftover" tissue was growing. Praise God it was just suture left in & festering and not more cancer!

    I would ask your prayers for my husband, James. He has had fevers off & on for years and tests showed nothing. This last one lasted 2 weeks and his temp hit over 104 degrees at one point. He was referred to an infectious disease specialist who drew TWELVE big vials of blood, asked MANY questions & ordered a CT scan. James was put on a cousin to the statins for high cholesterol and had a really bad reaction in his muscles. This may be a muscle wasting immune system disease. His arm muscle has dropped way down on his arm and he is painful and weak. I have never seen him this bad. Though I took the cancer verdict pretty well it is harder to do for him. God knows what is the correct diagnosis & treatment & I pray for the doctor's wisdom & God's healing. We return to the specialist 10/31. Thank you so very much! Blessings, Ade