thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Ladies you might want to make note of these surgeries for prayers.

    Patty- Tuesday, November 1 surgery. Patty are you have a bilateral mastectomy. I thought so but please correct me if not.

    Charlotte- Thursday, November 3, Gallbladder removed and taking a break from her chemo for SE to subside,

    Ellen- November 17 hip replacement

    Patty, I am so glad that you are feeling so loved and supported. That makes a huge difference. We will be praying for you for you Tuesday surgery and future treatments.

    If I have any of these things wrong please correct me.

    Jean, continued prayers for your family.

    Joanne, continue prayers as you and your family deal with the overwhelming stress.


    Nancy (Cubs win wooooooooohoooooooooo)

  • tatatootsie62
    tatatootsie62 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2016

    Nancy, I am sorry that I have been "off radar" for a while but in response to your 10/23 surgeon ordered an MRI because that

    is, and if it is not, it should be the protocol for "invasve lobular" carcinoma. My surgeon left general practice after several years and did another

    fellowship in breast cancer and now that is all he does is breast cancer surgery, as does his partner. I have had a second opinion and the

    second surgeon's "MO" is the same. I am glad that I did get the MRI because it revealed several other lesions undetectable by ultrasound.

    And I believe I have posted that because of this, the incidence of recurrence in the same breast is increased as it is in the fellow breast; my

    choice, after all options were given to me, was to have bilateral surgery with reconstruction. I have chosen not to be a "sitting duck" for the

    cancer to reoccur in the same breast by just having multiple lumpectomies, or for it to occur in the fellow breast. I don't believe that God is

    finished with me yet. There is a reason why I have been dealt " a bad hand"; and I am on track of figuring it out. Thanks for your prayers

    and moral support. Love, Patty.

  • tatatootsie62
    tatatootsie62 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2016

    GO CUBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 108 years, this is their time to be in the limelight...on to WIN

    the 2016 World Series. As I was watching the game tonight, I saw my cousin, Joe Torre on

    camera view. He has done a lot for baseball as has his brother Frank. If you have not read

    the book, The Yankee Years, get it and read's a great book. Mr. Steinbrenner was right

    to keep him as manager for so long.

  • tatatootsie62
    tatatootsie62 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2016

    Nancy, don't you just love it when God makes a plan come together?

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited October 2016

    Tata/Patty, I make my own bone broth in the crock pot, and I also use turmeric and drink a turmeric tea, its the only way I can walk :o).


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Thanks Patty for the reply. I will be praying. I have just been hearing about bone broth from Dr. Axe (sp?) and I saw him with Jordin Rubin giving a pitch for bone broth protein powder which sounded interesting. I had read that Tumeric could interact badly with my AI so I sent back the bottle I had just ordered after reading that. I have fibromyalgia and pain from ???AI possibly. I am a lap swimmer and that helps. I am praying for you this week as well as for Charlotte.

    Lita, good for you for making your own bone broth. I see an alt doctor so have been into the alternative world for many years. However I have had many bad reactions to things with my AI which has been a bummer.

    Yes, it is high time the Cubs win a series. Then they will have to get rid of their title of the lovable losers!!!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited October 2016

    Ade, praying for your DH, James and that he gets some answers to his mystery illness. Praying that you get encouraging news today at the doctor's apt.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2016

    Praying for everyone's needs here, especially those facing surgery.

    I am feeling most grateful tonight that my SIL has finally found a job after a year of being out of work.

    Thanking our dear Lord for answered prayers.

    God bless you all and may He send His healing grace into your lives.

    Love, Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016


    That is great news about your SIL! Praying it will be all he has hoped for.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Amen to those banners and scriptures, Joanne. Praying that your stomach problems will improve. Praying for a good nights sleep and some distraction from all of the stress you have been under.

    Praying for you Patty.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Patty, praying the the Lord will make your surgery and your recovery as smooth as possible. Praying for a successful surgery and for good pain control afterwards. As you start this journey I pray God will give you the needed strength to counter any challenges whether it be physical or emotional or spiritual.

    Charlotte, praying God will give you peace as you face your surgery this week too.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters today.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited November 2016

    Hi everyone, as always praying for the needs of everyone here. I just wanted to share that my daughter was hired today on the spot! It's not her ideal job but it can lead there. Please pray for her to be able to secure a permanent position as this one is temporary, but praise God! we really need the income.

    I have two more radiation sessions left, my knee still hurts when I walk though. I started my new oral chemo last week and so far there has been no negative se's. Please pray that this medication kicks the mets to the curb!

    Thank you my sisters.


  • quiltspice
    quiltspice Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2016

    Hello! I am new to this site..... just diagnosed last month with IDC, Right, Grade II, ER+/PR+, HER2-

    I am 59, ...... never in a million years did I expect to have BC!!!! I have had 4 melanomas, 2 Basal Cell Ca (one with skin grafting), and Cervical Cancer when I was pregnant 30 years ago! (refused hysterectomy/abortion). I keep thinking that I've met my cancer quota!

    I go tomorrow for my Plastics Consult and then surgery will be scheduled. Even though my tumor is small and at this point it looks like lymph nodes are not involved I'm opting for bilat Mastectomy with reconstruction..... I think they do muscle sparing Trams - I'll know more tomorrow. Not looking forward to surgery but I have a great Onc/Plastics team, and have a lot to be grateful for........I could not do this without the Lord... O' that Peace that transcends understanding.........

    Well....... I'm joining you all on this journey, learning so much from all the wonderful supportive women that have walked this road-testimonies, prayers, and encouragement are extremely helpful!!!!


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited November 2016

    Praying for you Aurora!!!! 2 more to go!!! Cancer die at the root in Jesus name!!! Thank you Lord for no side effects for our sister & for her daily blessings. Thank you for providing employment for her daughter. :)))

    Welcome to our group quiltspice I'm sorry we are meeting on here because of cancer but so thankful for the testimony you have of the Lord killing cancer for you twice before!!!! He did it before & He will do it again. :))))

    Blessings & Love to everyone. Praising God that it is November and that we are still here to give others Hope in the storm.

    God bless you all.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    Psalms 138:8
    The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

    The above is for all of you, especially Jo. It gives me peace to know that if I am concerned about something, He is perfecting it!

    I am very grateful today for the chronic disease support group at my church. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Aurora, that is GREAT news about your daughter. Will be praying for a permanent position but Praise God that He has supplied this one in the mean time. Praying you can finish these last two rads and so glad you are doing well on the chemo drug so far. Thank you Lord!!!

    Welcome Tracey. I am glad you found us here. I am sorry you are having to deal with another cancer but you will get through this and we will all be here to support you through your journey. Your little person in your Avatar is precious. A grandchild perhaps????

    G, glad to see your post and praying you are feeling better each day.

    Jean, praying for your family as they go through this difficult time.

    Joanne, praying for your family while this court case hangs over all of your heads.

    Patty, praying you are resting comfortably after your surgery and praying for a speedy recovery and good pain control over the next several days.

    Charlotte, as you get ready for your surgery praying that all goes well and that you have a very quick recovery from your gallbladder surgery and that you will be able to resume your chemo treatments as soon as you are able.

    Faith, praying for strength for you and praying your situation with insurance gets worked out.

    Take care dear sisters. Have a good night.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    WOW I can't believe it! I have been trying all this time to post and couldn't log back in.

    I have read every one of your posts and have been praying for you all.

    I wanted to thank you again for praying for my James. Yesterday the Infectious Disease Specialist found NO abnormalities in his blood tests OR CT Scan! Just some "old spots" on his liver, spleen & lungs that the doc wasn't concerned about. The Lord answered our prayers! James is even getting more muscle strength! I am SO SOOO grateful! Now that I can get back in I shall return soon. Love to you all! Ade

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Ade, that is GREAT news. So happy to hear nothing has been found that would be serious. I sure hope James continues to gain muscle strength.



  • quiltspice
    quiltspice Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2016

    Thank you Nancy, and I so appreciate the support that this forum offers! The picture is my granddaughter - almost 3 years ago- we have a new granddaughter now 3wks old (her sister) and I'll try to post that pic of her 'singing' as well. I have a lot to post and questions to ask but have a doctors appt this morning. oh..... the picture is huge..... sorry . Anyway...... Singing praises to the Lord!!!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Let's pray for Charlotte for her gallbladder surgery for Thursday, Nov. 3. She is in the middle of chemo and has had so stop for bad SE so she definitely needs our prayers as she has a lot going on.

    Let's pray that Patty has a good and speedy recovery from her bilateral mastectomy yesterday.

    Ade, that picture is priceless. She could be practicing for either Miss America or The Voice. LOL Congratulations on your new granddaughter.

    Praying for you dear sisters.

    It is a rainy day here in the Chicago area but we are rejoicing at the Cubs win last night. They could make history tonight!!!!!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    You've got to listen to this. Amazing!!!!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Tracey - ADORABLE baby picture! Congratulations on your newest grandaughter! Hope your doctor appointment went well.

    Lord, our Healer, we lift up Charlotte to you right now and pray she has Your peace this night before her surgery. We ask that You grant the surgeon skill to perform a perfect surgery, and that Charlotte may have a complete rapid recovery without complications. We ask that when she goes back on her treatment that You would eliminate the side effects please and give her smooth sailing to defeating cancer. We also pray for those others who are recovering from their surgeries that You relieve the pain and facilitate fast, complete healing for them. To YOU be the glory! Amen

    Great posts, Nancy!

    Blessings upon your night, ladies and sweet dreams!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    Hey Nancy...Go Cubs! Woohoo!!! Love , Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    I need prayer!!!!!!!!! The game is in overtime and I am about to have a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Jean. How quickly things can change.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2016

    Nancy, the Cubs got it done! So happy for you all. I remember how great it was when the Giants won after so many decades. Enjoy it. Buy the shirts and hats and get your picture taken with the trophy.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2016

    It's 5 am and I've been awake for over an hour fretting about my health, my family, my future. All of this I can't control. Praise my God who has all of it in control. He holds the future. He created it! He says to fret not. I just watched the video Nancy posted and am in tears remembering how faithful He has been to me all these years. He has truly "brought me safe thus far and He will lead me home". Amen. Be blessed ladies in whatever situation you find yourselves this glorious day. "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Love, Jean Prayers for all having surgeries, in pain, in need of His touch.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016

    Let's pray for Charlotte today as she has her gallbladder surgery.

    Praying for Patty's recovery after her surgery on Tuesday.

    Jean, praying that God will comfort your heart and know that He will never leave or forsake you.

    Yes, Lita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big sigh of relief. LOL



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited November 2016




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited November 2016

    I had another long chat w/my oldest brother who has COPD and congestive heart failure. We talked a lot about death today. We are getting prepared for it. We both agree that no one really likes to talk about death in American culture. We pretend like it doesn't exist. It's the "enemy," not treated as a natural part of our life process. Ignorant individuals think they can defeat death and cheat death. They are fools. We will ALL die when our time comes. Spiritual people know that God already knows the exact day, hour, and second of our crossing over. It's in His hands. Nothing we do can change it. This doesn't mean we should just "give up" and stop means we can live more fully and appreciatively. Find something of beauty and that points to the divine every day. The russet, burgundy leaves on the trees; the last autumn roses before the frost; squirrels scurrying to gather nuts; the joy of giggling pre-schoolers running down the sidewalk, so full of life and future promises.

    Our pain is a divine thing, pre-ordained. It has its purpose. It has brought us here together. Even tho we aren't sitting in the same room, we have developed deep, powerful friendships that sustain us. We lift each other up. We share each others' burdens and triumphs. We survive one day at a time....sometimes one hour at a time. Our experiences and how we handle the pain and frustration of cancer are beacons of light to all those women who come behind us. They will learn from us, and they will mentor those who come after them and save them from total despair and isolation.

    "And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

    I'm having a rough time today. Whenever I have a Zometa infusion, the SEs usually peak on the 3rd and 4th day after. The Xeloda pills aren't helping either. I couldn't sleep last night. My stomach aches. The bland Cheerios and white bread don't help....urgent, explosive diarrhea is still gripping my intestines like a vice.

    And yet I rejoice. I'm sitting in the La-Z-Boy because I dare not venture out to do an odd errand. (When it's this bad, even my Depends leak.) From my sliding glass window, I see my Japanese Maple just now starting to change color - the tips of the five-prong leaves are dipped in a golden-reddish brown; the last of my blood-red roses in bloom; a squirrel running across the fence; the peaceful, light snoring of my rescue Bulldog, sleeping beside me. The beauty of this autumn dusk overrides the pain in my abdomen momentarily.

    I am still alive. I can still see, hear, feel, and walk across the floor with my cane. Death will not claim me today. When it does, I know the trees and the roses in Heaven will be even more beautiful than those I now behold. Thank you, Lord. You have blessed me. You said that there will be trials and tribulations in this world, pain and suffering. But You have overcome them. And I will come home to You when my time comes. Not before, not later.

    Blessings to you all, dear sisters,


    (Cross posted from another thread.)


    (I love this picture of looks like she's praying while she sleeps.)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited November 2016

    Lita what a beautiful post. You are a spiritually strong, wise sister and I hope to be as mature in the faith as you are some day. May the Lord bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, be gracious unto you and give you peace. Sending a hug and thanks for your words, Ade (Love your dog - my Maggie is my helper and comforter too)
