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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2010

    Amen...Jo.  I believe we are to love one another.  I also believe that we should agree to disagree when our beliefs do not "jive".  In my personal readings of Mark 13 and 2nd Thessalonians 2  I believe that the anit-christ comes first and Christ 2nd.  I do believe from th reading of these chapters and others that we will go through the tribulation and many christians will be deceived.  This was not taught me by any man... I don't trust men... I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me as I read....  xoxoxo

    All of this I do say in love, and I know many will disagree... and that's ok... we all have to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling....

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    And even if Christians disagree as to when rapture, 2nd coming, etc. happen...we all have one agreement...we'll be with Jesus someday and in great fellowship with each other.

    I CANT WAIT! (although I dont want my end to be BC...just had to add that.  Call me weak in faith, but I'd much rather be raptured, or go quickly and peacefully, LOLOLOL!)

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2010

    thank you all for your encouragement and love in the Lord.  it is great to have friends to share with. GramE i will be praying for your friends and you, and your loss.

    i too, find so much comfort in reading my bible, i also strated a prayer journal several years ago. it is so neat how much i have grown in that short time.

    lots of hugs, laurie

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2010

    Absolutely.... our Father loved us so much that he sent HIS son to die for us... amazing.  I am continually amazed at how he works in our (my) lives.  I love being a child of God and I won't argue any point.  We all have our beliefs and he's not done working with us yet or we'd be with him.  Love to all of you!  janet

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2010

    I am always fascinated by the different 'stories' that religions have. Sheila, don't be silly, this is just little-ole-me from other can't possibly offend on a Christian thread!

    Some of the Twinkling of the Eyes, and words like that make God sound like Santa ethereal being that sees you when you're naughty...Wink

    I have read many, many books on religion and find the Jewish faith to be the most intriguing! Having been raised a Catholic (Roman at that!), and becoming Christian in my teens, the other faiths have always interested me.

    It is One God we talk of, just different ways to get to meet him.

    Someone posted a cartoon (can't remember where) that said "Honk if you love Jesus; Text if you want to meet Him now". Gotta love it!

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010 that bumper sticker!

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2010

    My husband is a hospital chaplain.  He's been through a very good seminary.  He's taught me so much.  The lessons are quite simple.  When one is going through a life crisis, that may not be the time to "hammer" them with our beliefs, just focus in with them about what they believe and is it working for them.  If we are being a living witness of Christ, it is seen and known by those around us.  One of the counselors, who is also a strong Christian minister, at my son's rehab facility talks about everyone having some type of "midnight hour" in their life (almost always not good).  She challenges everyone to be sure that what you are believing will get you through those midnight hours. 

    The Word is our lifeline, but should not be what divides us.  My understanding is this:  Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, all thy soul and all thy mind and love thy neighbor as THYSELF. With this, we fullfill the greastest commandment.  My ORU social work professor added this last part:  Everything else is negotiable.  That has keep many things in perspective when working everyday with so many people. Blessings ladies.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2010

    Well said and I agree mbtl....  Let us lift up our sister Faith and Saint's family in prayer.  xoxoxo

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2010
    Lifting up Saints family in prayers as she lost her fight today! Cry  I am so very sad to lose another lady. Some days only prayer keeps me sane.
  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    All paths that lead to God are good.  More horrific things have been done throughout history in His name than for any other reason.  We have free will.  We are here to learn and grow spiritually.   I don't know what happens after death.  I am just grateful I have been granted the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For sure, I know that God exists, is close to us and only wants us to be happy as we grow deeper and deeper in our faith in Him.  That's good enough for me.

    Mary ... 'everything else is negotiable.'  I love that.  Sometimes, usually in those time of trouble, when we draw nearer to the Lord, we are granted a whole other perspective.  Suddenly, we see, in that grand scheme of things, that we will find peace in His arms, that He will take care of us and we will find peace in our faith.

    My great grandmother used to say that all religions were beautiful when followed.

    I cannot believe that Saint is gone.  I fully expected her to pull some reprieve out of her bag of tricks and go on (obviously without pain) for at least another 5 years with Stage IV.  Then, as Mary said, we can negotiate.  How amazing it is that one person can impact so many lives with love.

    Thank you Spar for starting this thread.  I learn so much from my sisters!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2010

    LOVE the "midnight hour" thoughts....and also what Kathleen's grandmother said.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2010

    Well said Jo...

    I had a neat experience a couple of weeks ago....thought I'd share...

    Today I met Charlie...

    I went for my heart echo at the cardiologists today.... Found out that my heart is good! I do not have to see Dr. Dabbous for 6 months!!!!

    I had some errands to run after the doctor's visit. As I was coming out of the store I smiled at a man walking towards me and mentioned what a beautiful day it was. He smiled back and said yes it was a beautiful day. As I was passing him he asked if I had a minute. Of course I did..... He took out a picture of a beautiful woman and told me it was his wife. The key word here is was. With watery eyes he stated that 3 years ago his wife was complaining of a stomach ache and went to the doctor's. It was pancreatic cancer and she died within 3 months. I could see the pain in his eyes... I told him how beautiful she was and hugged him. He said that he had considered taking a gun and ending it to be with her multiple times. I gently told him that I thought that would not be what she wanted and went on to share with him about my sister Margee, who had passed in Nov. of 2008 and how my brother-in-law was lonely too. I told him how I have encouraged my brother-in-law to be open to letting God bless him with another spouse because it would not take away from how much he loved my sister. Charlie hugged me and said, "I wish there were more people in the world like you". I then told him about my recent battle with cancer and that I was being tested today and tomorrow to see if I had beaten it. He got teary eyed again and stated that he hoped I was. I told him that either way I'm a winner, because 50 % chance I'm clear and free and I get to stay with the earthly family I love, and the other 50% I get to go be with my Father that I love. He was overwhelmed that I could think that way. This led to the opportunity to share with him that I have total faith that my GOD is in control of my life and it is HIS will that I want. We started talking about how I read my bible a lot, etc.

    He had an accent so I asked him where he was from. He then told me that he had come from Jerusalem in 1977 with his wife. I then told him that I have never had the money to travel extensively but that if I did... my first trip would be to Jerusalem. He then shared with me about Jerusalem. I asked him before we departed if I could pray with him. We did, standing in the parking lot of a department store.... He asked me to wait a minute and he went into his car and brought out a wooden bracelet. He explained to me that he had been in Jerusalem last summer and had laid this bracelet on the tomb of Jesus.! He then asked me to stretch out my arm and he placed the bracelet on my wrist. I protested that I could not accept it and he insisted. So of course, I hugged him and thanked him and told him I would treasure this gift. He explained that he was an Orthodox Christian, ( I do not know what denomination...) and he loved God but did not know His word. I told him that my husband and I would love to share what we have learned if he was interested. We exchanged phone numbers and he insisted I call him with my results when I get them. I told him I would. We hugged again and got into our individual cars. I called out, "Charlie have a blessed day", and he responded in kind. I put my seat belt on turned in the seat to back out of my parking place and he was gone! I got chills because I looked at all the exits and could not see his car anywhere.... Now, the guy gave me his phone number and told me to call him, so I'm 80% sure that I did not meet an angel unaware. I'll find out when I call him after receiving my results... and you betcha, I'm gonna call him and invite him to dinner with my husband's blessings.

    Our Father's tapestry is amazing...somtimes just a smile can make someone feel better...  I love watching the Father weave this tapestry and look forward to more "adventures" on the journey.

    Have a blessed day...

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Jo - the first line of your post is on the front of our churches.  I once hear a preacher talking abut this subject.  He said Plan A was to love God and then your neighbors.  He said Thank the Lord He had a Plan B!  The first part is sure easier than the second part.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited March 2010

    wow, arnie2!  That was an AMAZING day!  Keep us posted if he actually picks up his phone...I'd love to know if you really DID meet an angel!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited March 2010

    Even if he DOES answer his phone, I still think you met an angel! Innocent

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited March 2010
    Amen Barbe... :-)  I tried calling this a.m. got the message machine.  I'll let you guys know when he calls me back!  Wink
  • hope_m
    hope_m Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2010

    Talk about divine appointments!  We should all keep our eyes open for those.

    Hope M.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited April 2010

    Arnie, as I read your encounter I had tears flowing, what a very special thing to happen.  I know that braclet will mean so much.  I am so happy to share the thoughts of all the Christian sisters, we don't have to have the same religion, or beliefs, but we all love Jesus and want to do Gods will. Also you have the same attitude I do about dieing either way we win.

    JO you my dear friend have brought up so many good points, you are a great teacher.

    I am so sorry about Amy's death and feel so badly for her husband and children

    Saint being gone which I still can't believe has left a hollow place, I will be sending her a pink rose tomorrow.  Got the phone number off of the prayer and inspiration thread. 

    Today was my appt with the oncologiest and my lab was not good so she sent it to pathology department at the hospital for testing and sent me to the hospital for a chest xray.  The nurse called this afternoon and said it would probably be tomorrow before I get results.  I haven't felt well in a long while.  My white blood count was over 16,000.  She said that meant I had a major infection somewhere in my body.  So I am asking for a prayers from my sisters today.  The whole church has fasted, prayed, and studied for 3 days now and just had my first cup of coffee in 3 days and it was so very good.  Oh the simple pleasures of life.  Much love. sherry

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    Prayers are going up for you my sweet sister.... (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2010

    Sherry you are in my prayers. At least they are aimed in at something now.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    This is a couple of pics of the bracelet that Charlie gave to me.  Yes it is precious to me....


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited April 2010

    It's beautiful arnie!!! Some of the girls at work wear ones similar...there are pictures of saints on each block.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    Thanks Barbe... he was such a sweetie and I was honored to receive such a gift.

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2010

    Good morning, ladies.  I haven't been on this forum in several weeks - so glad to see this thread.  My 84-year-old father woke up blind last Saturday (he has had glaucoma for years) and he experienced fluid on the lungs from heart failure during the surgery.  He was released from the hospital on Tuesday and now has a very bad UTI.  He has been suffering terribly.  I know this has nothing to do with breast cancer but I hope you ladies will keep Dad and my family in your prayers.  I could surely use some prayers right now too because he is in San Francisco and I am in Atlanta.  I'm unemployed right now, so I can't go out there.  I am having severe anxiety attacks with this stuff because I went through this same thing when my mother was dying a year ago.

    Thanks so much and God richly bless all of you.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    Awwwwwwwwww...des  just whispered a prayer for you and your dad.  I was only 35 minutes away from my dad but it seemed like forever!  I remember him saying, "Honey, if I fall and can't get up I'll count my blessings, then he would name all of us kids".  That was such a gift he gave to me.  Thankfully, when he passed most of us were able to be there with him.  I remember him saying he wasn't afraid to die, just was gonna miss us!  He also told us to finish the race so we could join him....  He's been gone 12 years and I still miss him.  I'll continue to hold you and your daddy up in prayer.  ((((((((((((((((desdemona))))))))))))))))))  (((((((((((((& dad)))))))))))))))

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited April 2010

    Sherry ... I will say lots of prayers for you.  One more thing my dear friend that you have to endure.  I am so sorry. (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

    Arnie ... I must have been posting at the same time as you  -  it does send chills down your spine but at the same time it makes you feel touched by an angel.  I thinks its people God provides for you to lift your spirits and let you know it is still a beautiful world.

    Des ... I am so sorry to hear your news about your Dad.  You and he will be in my prayers.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited April 2010

    Prayers for spar and desdemona's dad!  So sorry to hear about all this sickness.  Lord, take it away and give them peace and health and strength!!!

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2010

    hi ladies,

    you will be in my prayers also. i too come with a request today. i have always been so

    up beat and so positive in my Lord. and i continue to love the Lord. but your wonderful story gave me the courage to reach out for prayer. i want to be in the place again that God can use me. but i have lost my trust in people. i use to love going to church . my husband and i were in the praise team. when i was dx with bc they asked us to step down. it hurt me greatly. i still wanted to keep on praising my Lord. we had some others to fill in for us, when i would be laid up. and from there on  and the next couple of years it seamed as though a flood gate had been open and so many of my christian friends were so very hard and hurtful. then this year at fifty, and i had to ask my mom not to call our home anymore, she is an acholic and is a very cruel lady, i never wanted to let her go, and i craved her love and acceptance. so here is my story. i feel sad that i have let this get me down. when so many of our bc sisters lose their their battle each day. i know the Lord has me here for a reason, and i want to be busy in that. but i am struggling.


  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    Jo just whispered a prayer for you...

    Ibmt...  We also left a church, my husband was the music minister and was treated horribly.  In fact he just met with the Pastor of that church for lunch yesterday and  our former Pastor asked for my husband's forgiveness.  My husband and I started studying God's word diligently on our own and then started a home bible study.  We are thoroughly enjoying it and letting the Holy Spirit teach and guide us.   In 2008 we went through 3 hospice experiences with my father-in-law who died in March, my brother-in-law who died in April and then my precious sister who left us to be with the Lord in Nov. 2008.  Two months later I found out I had breast cancer.  I have gone through a year + of treatments and tests and have had to go through a angioplasty with my husband and a rhioplasty for my sister....etc., etc.  YOU KNOW WHAT I DO?  I sing to myself; Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace...   It takes practice but it helps.  I just try to keep my eyes on the prize and on being in glory someday... and it does help.   I have so many favorite verses... lol, but the one I try to live by is 1 Thessalonians 5: 16--18   16) Rejoice evermore. 17) Pray without ceasing. 18) In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God In Christ Jesus concerning you.  KJV    (((((((((((((Prayers and hugs)))))))))))))

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    Love it Jo... yes, I sing to myself all the time...  I don't sing in front of people, that's one thing God didn't bless me with is a nice voice.  lol  My husband, daughter and son got that!  When no one is here I do sing out loud!!!  He does tell us to "make a joyful noise"... and that's what I do!  lol

    Hope you all are having a blessed evening.  The weather was soooo nice here today that I got out and cleaned the garage and one side of the driveway and back porch.  I'm aching now, but a good ache.  Wink

     Will keep you guys in prayer.... keep singin'   la de dah de dah....