thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Ade, I love your sunset and deer pics. Keep em comin. I will continue to pray for your hard decisions.

    Angie, thanks for your prayers. I continue to pray for you and your ministry. I love the fact you are reaching young people who so many feel like there is no hope in this world,

    Aurora, thanks for your prayers. You know you will have my prayers.

    I am posting some pics from my class. These were subjects that we had to shoot for practice. Not my usual subjects but I did learn alot.

    I just realized when fiddling with several computers I have an issue. Will have to jump to my other computer.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Okay here they areLoopy

    I know this is really exciting isn't it. LOL


    Can you guess what this one below is?


    This one is more my style.


    Okay show and tell is over. LOL

    Have a good day.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2017

    #2 a basket??

    Yeah my fav is #3 too!

    Thanks for posting them!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Aurora, no it is not a basket. I will reveal the answer later just to see if anyone can get it. I think pretty much all of you know what it is once I tell you.

    I was supposed to have a tree removed today and my guy bailed on me. So much for the best laid plans!

    I am going to try pet urine detector black light. I had no idea such a thing existed. Cammie has certainly added some spice to my life for sure! I had a very expensive custom sofa bed made and have only had it less than a year. I am suspecting that might be one of the places.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Jo took the words out of my mouth. Looks like a slinky to me, too. I really like that shot.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Joanne and Lita are correct. It is a slinky. If I ever find my old one in my Mom's attic then Joanne can have that as the prize. Maybe I could cut in half and give a part to both of you.LOL Joanne, if you magnify your pic it has a gold cast to it as well and it is the way certain lighting does to things.

    You cannot believe how long I worked on that picture because the black background was not completely black so it took me forever as I am a newbie at the advanced parts of my software editing.. To show you how crazy I get I stayed up until 2 am last night and most of the time was on that pic. I think the lighting in the hotel gave it a little bit of different color cast so I just went with that. I used an orange filter as well to even make the gold stand out more.

    I just got home from buying a bunch of cat supplies. I bought the urine protector black light and OH MY GOSH. The room where I am typing now and is basically her cat room spots lit up everywhere on the carpet. She had a kidney stone a couple years ago so this could be even from that. . Lord, help me now. I am surprised I am taking it so well because I knew I would be upset only to stew about it for the next three weeks when I can do nothing about it until I get back home from my mom's. I did shine the light on my new sofa bed and Lazy Boy chair and nothing. Whew. That is what I was most concerned about. I have stuff to remove the pet odor and stains but at this point I don't have time to deal with it now. I feel like the detective in the movies where they detect blood stains. I didn't realize they are using black lights as well. Who knew? Apparently not me.

    Off to fix a late dinner.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2017

    Nancy, exact center of your third picture starting with the dark spot looks almost like an unborn baby, a fetus at about 2 weeks. Amazing how God repeats patterns in all of his creation. From a shell to an unborn child. Wow. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Aw Nancy, your pix are exquisite! (I knew that was a slinky too! But what a creative thing to shoot!)

    This is the kind of photography our daughter does -



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2017

    I want to share with you all an insight that I received Sunday morning. I was able to go to church, and my son's mother-in-law was with us, visiting from up north. It was a wonderful service, and one of the old hymns we sang was Nothing But the Blood. I love that hymn, but for some reason, the words resonated and stuck in my mind all day. And then it came to me: I was looking pretty good, from the outside. I had my Knitted Knockers on, my new wig, my new dentures so I could smile, yes, I looked pretty good - but nothing can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

    It's true for all of us, at every stage of life, health or illness, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to bear witness to it in the flesh now. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

    Blessings to you all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Thank you Ade. I love the dogs pic. Does she have a photography business? I met a lady at my workshop who does dog photography. I took another class that she was in and I asked her about her business. She has a dog grooming business and does the dog photography as well. A pretty clever duo.

    Mags, isn't it amazing how God can work in us through a hymn and have it really get into our soul. We are all flawed and it is only by the blood that we are made whole. When we get to heaven we will have new bodies without disease or pain. Thanks for sharing that. On my way to my mom's i have prayed for you.

    My tree guy that bailed on me yesterday rang my doorbell this morning and I was still in bed. He cut the tree down today. It took them all of 15min to cut it down. I tried to go back to sleep but that didn't happen. I made it to my mom's. It rained most of the time i was packing up the car. It is storming now at her house and there are tornado warnings. Now that my mom uses a walker I am not sure if we had to go to the basement how that will work out. We had to do that in the past and Cammie went bonkers when I put in her carrier and put her downstairs with us.

    Please pray for me as my three week visits are always a challenge and usually full of stress. I am also praying that Cammie will use the litter box while here. I haven't seen her use it since we got here but we have only been here for 21/2 hours.

    Have a good evening ladies. I prayed for all of you on the way home.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Mags, thank you so much for sharing that. It is so very true.

    Nancy, praying your beautiful kitty will behave herself as a guest and that the Lord grants you His perfect peace in your visit with your mom.

    Praying for you all.

    These are the May flowers that April showers (If we'd gotten them) brought.




  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited May 2017

    Mags, so glad to read your post and everyone's. As I was preparing for my graduation and presenting my project to classmates tomorrow night I found myself thinking about how very much I let stupid things like my appearance or comparing myself to others impede my joy or dictate who my day will be. Thinking of the verse "Lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets you" Why do I let the negatives drag me down, I am upset when I do that. Satan knows our weak spots and I am asking God to help us all to be filled with joy in those things we cherish and still have.

    Ade, your daughter is a great photographer, how she kept those dogs all still is a wonder!

    Glad your hip surgery went well Jean.

    Praying for your cat Nancy

    Hi everyone else! Lita you are my hero. You always remind me to be grateful and seize each day. My doc tells me that I only need 2 more years on AI since the most recent research says 5 years. I think there is a fine line between when to stop or not and I respect those decisions people make.

    Hugs to all!


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Praise our Lord that I was blessed to make it to this big milestone for my DD. She graduated from college today, 5th in her class.

    I am dismayed however at how much the Stage 4 cancer has eaten away at my spine. DD and I used to be the same height...and in this pic I'm wearing 1.5 inch boot heels.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Praising God with you Lita! Congratulations to your daughter - wow! 5th in her class!!! I love your look beautiful.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2017

    Dear Ladies of Faith,

    I just finished reading "Hear My Heart," and it so beautifully says exactly what I have been trying to pray the past couple of days.

    I have been in a state of despair after receiving my final pathology report on Wednesday. My surgeon is out of town and has not seen it (his PA gave me the report). She told me that 3 of 16 lymph nodes were positive, and I was OK with that. However, she did not mention that they all had macrometastases. (In fact, one node had focal extracapsular spread -- that really does not sound good.) Maybe the PA hadn't thoroughly read the report, or she didn't think that that aspect would be an issue, or perhaps she didn't want to break bad news to me. It wasn't until we got home and started to dig through the report that we saw the 3 lymph nodes' characteristics.

    The PA told me that my case is going before a "tumor board" next Wednesday. I'm not sure what that means for me. She gave me some recommendations for an oncologist. The earliest appointment is the 24th. I already feel like I've been immediately propelled into Stage IV breast cancer.

    I saw one of my PCPs yesterday and gave her a copy of the report. Her comments were, "Well, the results could be better. You're going to need some chemo. The oncologist is an excellent doctor, and she'll be able to answer all your questions." So I've started a big old list of questions. If anyone has suggestions of what I should be asking, please let me know.

    All this waiting and worrying is excruciating. Please continue to pray for me and for my family (especially my husband and my 89-year-old mother). I continue to pray for you dear ladies as well.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Dear ladies,

    I am just now catching up from not being able to read posts yesterday. I was able to go to my sister's retirement banquet last night and it was a nice evening. She is a teaching assistant and after starting later in life after her kids were older she still managed to get in 33 years and she is older than I am and I have been retired from teaching for six years. Time flies for sure.

    Ade, love your May flowers.

    Cindy, I picked this banner before reading any posts. I think maybe that first phrase is worth repeating over and over to defeat the enemy when he tries to throw darts into our weak areas. I hope you can embrace all of the blessings of your accomplishments in this graduation ceremony. I truly am proud of you and I am sure all that know you see your beauty that comes through your words and personality.

    Lita, I am glad you were able to see your daughter graduate. What a huge honor and accomplishment to graduate fifth in her college class. You all look beautiful.

    Jean, how are you doing in your recovery?

    Joanne, it seems both you and Hershey have been blesses by the same book. You know I am praying for your and your family.

    Glad to see you posting.

    Hershey, I am sorry to hear about your situation. I was not familiar with that term so I looked it up. They talked about situations where the original tumor was early stage and I heard no mention of stage four. I can only imagine how difficult this is in waiting to get details from your MO. I have heard someone on this thread someone mentioning a tumor board but I don't remember who it was and it could have been someone who is not currently posting. As difficult as this may seem I would spend these days before you actually get the plan of action trying to immerse yourself into the Bible and spending time in prayer. That will serve you much better than trying to search the internet and get yourself so upset and maybe obsessing about things that may not pertain to your individual situation at all. We will lift you up in prayer as many on this thread are used to living with fear and anxiety over their diagnosis and learning how to cope when those fears start to take over. The scripture "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." Praying for you dear sister.

    Good news. Cammie is using her litter box at my mom's which does give me hope that I can retrain her at my home after dealing with all the carpet spots and some unpleasant confining to a room with no rugs and her box.

    Take care dear ladies and I hope you all have a good weekend.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2017

    Blessings to you, Nancy. You chose a Scripture that speaks mightily to me. Your wisdom and kind words mean so much. Prayers to you and yours.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Hershey, this may or may not help you, but I was dx'd STAGE 4 right from the get-go 13 months ago, and I'm living with it. I have mets EVERYWHERE, but I can still walk, drive, eat pretty much whatever I want (except the days b4 PET scans, ha ha). Worst case scenario (I always prepare for the worst but hope and pray for the best), you WILL get thru whatever He "permits" you to have.

    Lots of times we think it's way worse than it actually is. Give it to the Lord. He will sustain you.

    I will keep you in prayer, and Nancy always has great advice!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2017

    Hershey I'm stage 4 and from what I understand a "tumor board" is a team of cancer specialists usually from a big cancer center or teaching hospital that along with your oncologist review the results of any scans and pathology reports and decide on the most promising treatment for your specific case.

    I know waiting is hard but whatever happens we will be here to listen to you and pray for you.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2017

    Good morning friends, I've not been posting much as I'm trying to put cancer on the back burner a bit. However, I just wanted to tell Hershey, that if indeed you are stage 4 it is not the end of your life for probably a very long time. I'm now stage 4 after first having stage3 cancer 25 years ago, it has come back with Mets to my lung and some lymph nodes. However my dr. assures me I can live along time with this and my QOL is still pretty good. I take 2 targeted therapy pills for now and have for the last 17 months. I expect to do this for many more, and when the time comes, I will move on to something else. There are many new drugs just released or coming soon and these are so much easier than the Chemo of the old days. Even the Chemo of today is easier to handle. All of us here know your anxiety and fears and we will be praying for you. All the wise women here have given you great advice, so trust in the Lord and all will be well.

    Nancy, I'm happy to hear you arrived at your mother's safely and Cammie is coming around. I hope you can enjoy this time there without too much stress.

    Lita, you continue to be my inspiration and congratulations on your DD's graduation and I was so happy you were there to see it. I loved the picture you posted on another thread. Beautiful family!

    I am keeping all here in my prayers. Have a wonderful and happy Mother's Day.

    Love and prayers. Faith (in the future)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited May 2017

    Hi Ladies. This is my first post on this forum and I thank God I found it. You are all an inspiration.

    I was originally diagnosed with Stage IV BC that showed mainly in my lymph nodes but spread to most of my core bones, (spine, ribs, hips, clavicle, etc) right arm and liver. I was given 2 years, but my oncologist does not know my God! After 11 months I can tell you God has touched me and my metastases to all the bones and my liver are resolved. They are no longer active and no longer show on the scans. My doctor is amazed at the liver success as this is rare as I had multiple tumors there. She does not know what to do with me :) The cancer is still in my lymph nodes though, so I remain on my daily Ibrance oral chemo. I still have daily struggles, but I can function, andI know I have aged 10 years in the 11 months since my diagnosis. At first I just wanted to hide under a rock, but God told me that if I don't stand on the mountaintop and He heals me, who will hear? Hiding my light under a bushel will not glorify God. So I share with anyone who will listen.

    I have an amazing support group of Christian family and friends who pray for me daily, and I am proof God listens. I do not know whether God will heal me completely, or use my progress for encouragement and faith. I just know that God loves us all. I still have days of discouragement when I can barely get out of bed, but I know my Redeemer lives and is taking this journey by my side.

    Thank you for your notes of inspiration. May God keep us all in His care.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2017

    Faith, Joanne, Aurora, Lita and Nancy,

    You are amazing, powerful women. Your wise and thoughtful words are so comforting to me. Spending time with you online and in the Word this morning has been calming and reassuring. I am so thankful for each and every one of you.

    Prayers and love to you all. Happy Mother's Day, too!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Welcome intothelight. I really appreciate you sharing your good news story which I hope will give Hershey and all the stage four ladies hope for them as well. Feel free to post anytime. This is a great bunch of ladies of faith and we will pray for you.

    Aurora and Joanne, I am glad you both could weigh in on this tumor board question Hershey had. It sounds like a group of experts will be all bringing them minds together to discuss on patient. With God and a team of experts that is a great combination for anyone going through a complicated diagnosis.

    Faith, I hope you are enjoying some pleasant distractions. It is a beautiful day downstate and I am getting ready to have some camera time at a nature center. I hope your weather where you are is as lovely as ours here.





  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Nancy, your banner is perfect. Glad that the beautiful Cammie is being a lady as a house guest and hoping she will have formed a GOOD habit there! Hope your photo jaunt was a productive one & very enjoyable.

    Hershey, we understand you here for sure, and you know you are not alone in your emotions. I pray for divine wisdom for the tumor panel and that the Lord will use the treatment plan to bring healing to your body. May He grant you the peace that passeth all understanding to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus in the meantime. You certainly have our prayers.

    IntoLight, God BLESS you for your testimony of hope, faith, and encouragement in our Lord. Thank you for joining us. When I was diagnosed I didn't pray for healing, thought I certainly WANT it. Rather I prayed that whatever may come that He help me to endure, and that HE be glorified. He is with us, He is in us, He is for us. May we bring glory to His name everyday.

    Mothers Day Blessings to all of you - whether you're a mom or not, you were born of one.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2017

    Happy and blessed Mother's Day to all. Heart

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2017

    Happy Mother's Day to all my BCO Sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Amen Joanne.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Thank you Joanne - Needed that!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    "WASN'T ME!"
