thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Nancy THANK YOU for the gorgeous "card"! You took the photo? Wow!

    Aurora I pray your CPAP will just be a breeze, that you'll get used to it easily and the Lord will grant you peace in all you're going through. Thank you for the anniversary wishes!

    Chris, the wishes are not late - it's tomorrow! (And thank you!!!!) Praying the Lord grants you strength for your upcoming trip just as He did for me.

    Jean, sounds like your recovery is coming along well - prayers answered. Enjoy the time with your great grandaughter.

    Blessings upon your day!


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Aurora, my husband has been using a CPAP for years now. It'll take a few nights of getting used to, but he says he sleeps SO MUCH BETTER now.

    It really is a blessing. People have died in their sleep when they stop breathing.

    Hugs and prayers to all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Aurora, I pray that you will get used to the breathing machine and it will help you feel better. I have known people who have had them and they say that they feel much better with the machine because with sleep apnea you never really get a good night's sleep. Praying you will get used to the breathing mask.

    Chris, I am glad your edema is better. I hope the fatigue improves. A road trip sounds fun. I hope you will feel great when you take the trip.

    Jean, it sounds like you are doing well. Maybe this visit for Alexia is just what she needs. I am sure you will enjoy your time with Valentina.

    Ade, I hope you are enjoying your new car. God has such amazing ways of working things out for us. Praying you have a wonderful anniversary. Yes, that is one of my photos. I am glad you enjoyed it.

    Lita, I hope you are feeling better.

    Mags, how are you doing?

    Joanne, praying for you and your family as this trial nears.

    Faith, praying for you on all of these trips to see your grand children graduate. Praying for strength and that you feel relief from these allergies.

    I have had a couple of chances to get out with my camera. While my mom's caregiver was here today I had a chance to go take pics of the hummingbirds. I will post some later.

    Have a great Holiday weekend dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Isaiah 41:10

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2017

    Nancy, my gums are healing well, and the gum and jaw pain is minimal now. I got my dentures re-lined and they fit nicely now. I'll get my lower implants in 4 weeks.

    Had great conversations with the oral surgeon's nurses, who are sisters in Christ, and we had church right there in the exam room! Encouraged each other and laughed together; it was awesome. And the dentist's office plays a Christian music station. I was out for four hours without getting totally exhausted, and I didn't have a nap at all. So all good news.

    Hope this finds you all well. Blessings to all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Mags, I am glad to hear you are doing well and past the awful pain from your oral surgery. That must be great to know you are being cared for by fellow Christians. That is awesome.

    Teka will enjoy this pics and hopefully everyone as well. I had a good stress relieving time when I was out taking pics of the hummingbirds. They are such fascinating creations and even though they are small they are mighty in attitude!!!!!

    This is the little lady.


    and the young gentleman.


    This is the day that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    Have a great Holiday weekend as we honor the men and woman who have served our country and offered the ultimate sacrifice to allow us to have the freedoms that we do in this country. One of those freedoms is allowing a Christian thread on this website!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Today I finally got a chance to get some pics of this peach poppy that I have visited while here. Between the windy days and rainy days it didn't work out until today. Enjoy.





  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Mags I'm so glad the worst of your dental ordeal seems to be over. Sorry you had to endure that. Were the problems related to cancer or your meds? I've had goofy things going on dental-wise and I'm wondering.

    Nancy, hummers are SO hard to shoot! (I have tried!) Yours are wonderful as is the amazing peach poppy. You must have a good close-up macro lens. I have to shoot close ups of my jewelry and I get by with what I have, a basic "shoots everything" lens on my lil' old Nikon D40. I don't claim to be the photographer my daughter is - or YOU are! :o) So glad you find peace in it. The Lord is good. Thank you for sharing. We love your pix.

    Blessings upon your Sabbath,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Thanks Teka. I saw more blue birds when shooting the hummingbirds. Unfortunately I was walking to my car and had my hands full even though my camera was in my hand. Maybe sometime.

    Ade, I started out with a Nikon d90 and I really had the camera for several years and just couldn't make all the technical stuff stick until I started taking classes and then it was sink or swim. Nothing like the pressure of homework to kick this teacher in gear. LOL I bought a new Nikon d7200 last March and I really love it. I did buy a dedicated macro lens last year and it is one of my favorite lens now. Yes the hummers are quite the challenge. I bought a very heavy long lens that has to attach on a tripod to be able to get them in flight. I can't wait to get back home and get my hummer feeder up. I started feeding the hummers last year and it was the best free entertainment I could ever do.

    Hope you are enjoying your car and had a great anniversary yesterday.

    Remember to pray for Faith as she needs strength and relief from the misery of her allergies as she travels long hours to see her grand kids graduate.

    Ladies, please ramp up your prayers for Joanne. This court case over custody of her great grandkids which has been dragging on for months is coming to a head on June 1. The unbelievable lies and unethical behavior of one of the officers of the court is mind boggling. Please pray that the judge will see the truth and rule accordingly. As you can imagine the stress of this is mounting for the family and at present things have taken a turn for the worst possible situation.

    Good night everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited May 2017

    I had a wonderful day today first watching my great-granddaughter Valentina in the morning so my daughter and her husband could go to my grandson's graduation. Afterward I went to the luncheon for the graduates and saw my great-granddaughter Alexia as well. Praise for my granddaughter Alexia's wonderful visit with her siblings she hasn't seen in 14 yrs. Praise for a job she starts on Tuesday. Praise for my grandson graduating college today and prayers for his future and a job of God's choosing for him. Also prayer that I find my drivers license, medical and credit cards. God hears our prayers. Love, Jean. PS Jo is on my calendar for the June 1st court date. I will be praying.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2017

    Praying that the joy of the Lord will strengthen and uphold Faith in her travels and that His healing hand will bring allergy relief for her.

    Praising the Lord for Jean's blessings and that the lost items might be found in perfect time, to God's glory.

    May the Lord's hand move in an amazing way in His righteousness regarding Joanne's great grandbabies' custody hearings. May the truth prevail no matter what, and God's PERFECT will be done. May He grant His peace to the family as they trust in His mercy and lovingkindness and His justice.

    Nancy we thank you for your leadership with this group, your faithful prayers, and your lovely photo posts, for your kindness and wisdom. We thank the Lord for blessing your photography with His peace to your soul, for granting you an eye for His majesty to share with others. Thank you!

    Our friend in Ohio has a niece - a beautiful young lady - who tried to commit suicide 2 years ago and blew her face off with a gun. It has been 2 long hard years of terrible suffering and surgeries but her parents have stood firmly on the promises of God's merciful goodness regarding their precious daughter. Katie was the world's youngest face transplant recipient just a few weeks ago. The surgery was over 23 hours. She is healing but is in terrible pain. The opioids are giving her hallucinations and her parents are very concerned (and exhausted). The doctors say she will not regain her sight - but our God is the Father of miracles and all things are possible with Him. Please pray for Katie and her parents. It is still a very long road to recovery. Thank you!

    May God bless your week ahead,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Dear sisters,

    I hope you are enjoying this Holiday weekend.

    Jean, praise God for answered prayers! Praying you can find your important cards asap.

    Ade, thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate them. Praying for Katie that she can see God's hand in sparing her life and that she can recover from this unbelievable surgery. We pray for pain control. We pray that she can see God's hand on her life and that she will come to know Him in a very real way that will give her purpose and hope in her life. We pray for her parents that you will give them strength and wisdom as they guide her back to a meaningful life.

    Joanne, prayers for strength and grace under tremendous stress and pressure.




  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited May 2017

    Scripture tells us that the Lord inhabits the praises of his people. That being so, he certainly inhabited our sanctuary this morning! When my cousin mentioned that this would be Big Band Sunday, DH got really excited as that is one of his favorite things. When we say Big Band, it just means that the music is arranged for brass and percussion instruments. We had the blessing of Sandi Patty leading worship today, and it wasn't all loud and swinging, it got pretty worshipful as well, particularly when she led us singing I Need Thee Every Hour without instrumental accompaniment. It was holy. DH has never been one to raise hands in praise but at one point he took my hand and raised both of ours. Such sweet communion.

    DH has been especially pensive the last few days. A colleague, a fellow manager, called him the other day with sad news. This manager has a team member who DH has known and worked with through the years, and the man's wife was dxed with BC some time after I was, went through treatment, was NED for a year, then they found mets (I don't know where). She passed away on Friday. DH will be going to her funeral on Tuesday. He has been very affected by this, and I know that it's because she was dxed later than I was and I'm still here - but for how long? The blessing is that the couple are believers (as so many of DH's coworkers are), so we know she is with the Lord, and that her husband will find comfort. They are mid-40's, there are children but I have no details on that.

    Praying tonight for Jo and the court situation; for Jean and her family; for Ade's friends. And always for you, dear Nancy, with thanks for sharing your lovely handiwork with us. I would ask for prayer for DH Tuesday as he attends the funeral, and for us as we travel Thursday to eastern Missouri to see our friends there.

    Blessings to all.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017


    Touched by your post. Praying for your dh and for everyone here.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited May 2017

    Dear sisters,

    I hope you all had a good holiday weekend.

    Mags, your service at church with Sandi Patty sounds awesome. You are so fortunate to have someone like that in your congregation on staff. I know her husband is as well and I have great memories of them singing together at the concert I was able to hear this year.

    You sound so happy and content and I am thankful for that and that you and DH are having some wonderful times together. I pray that this funeral he is attending will not be too hard on him. Travel mercies for your trip to Missouri this Thursday.

    Joanne and her family would appreciate strong prayers for her grand daughter as she faces this custody trial on Thursday. She and her grand daughter will meet with her lawyer on Wed as well.

    Faith, I hope you made it to all the graduations and will have great memories of seeing them graduation and knowing how this was not easy on you to do all of this traveling.

    Lita, praying you are managing the pain and fatigue and holding your own as you go through each day.

    Aurora, how are you feeling?

    Ade, how are you doing these days? I know you were trying to decide what to do with the AI situation.

    Jean, I have been praying you will find your needed cards. I am sure that is very disconcerting.

    Hershey, wondering how things are with you?

    Chris, praying you are doing better.

    Teka, I think you will like this banner.

    Angie, how are you doing?

    G, if you are still reading know you are thought of often and prayed for.

    We have had quite a few new people post and I want you all to know you are free to join in and ask for prayer or share what is on your heart or just say I need someone to listen to me.

    I will be leaving for home after taking care of my mom for three weeks. The good news is she is gaining weight since I have been here. Of course the concern is what happens when I am not here. My sister in town here is now retired and I have spoken to my mom's caregiver agency to get together with the family and discuss more care for my mom. They only come in on a very minimal basis now. Also my mom gets very down when I leave and I would appreciate prayers for her in this transition time.

    I probably will not have time to post tomorrow. I will be met with my cat situation and cleaning the carpets and that whole situation. I would appreciate prayers for me and my cat as this situation is very stressful.

    Take care dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited May 2017

    Thank you for all of your prayers. I will pray you have a safe journey home, and that your mom will keep improving in your absence. It is difficult, I know, to leave your parents when they are struggling. I have been there so I will pray for you in that way too.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Thanks for prayers. Back issues are up and down. I may try some acupuncture because one can only radiate so many times before tissue necrosis takes over.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Praying for Cammie. Having a possibly sick fur baby is stressful. They can have latent kidney issues that don't always show up on tests 🙁.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2017

    Hello and prayers for each individual need. I'm feeling ok considering I'm on IV chemo i do get nausea and vomit at night and then I'm weak all day but I only get chemo once every two weeks so after a few days of rest I'm back again.

    May God's blessings be with all of us.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017 medical cannabis available in your State? It's the only thing that works for me. Zofran is like popping tic tacs. They have strains of cannabis edibles (cookies, Gummies, lozenges, etc.) that don't make you high or anxious...look for "cbd" strains, not the "thc" ones. They work very well.

    If your state isn't "legally green," as they say, keep pestering you MO for alternatives. Some women have to try 3 or 4 anti-nausea meds b4 they find one that truly works.

    Good luck.

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited May 2017

    Lita as I recall medical mj was approved last year here in Florida but I haven't seen anything on dispensaries or how to get them. I'm a little apprehensive about taking it because I have addiction problems that are under control right now and I wouldn't want to mess with it. Thanks for your input.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2017

    Dear friends, thank you all so much for your prayers while we continue to make the rounds of our three graduations in three cities in three weeks. We returned home from Boise on Sunday and now we will drive to Cincinnati for the last one. Thank goodness! Please continue to pray for us as my DH now has a bad cold and ear infection with a cough so neither of us are getting much sleep. I'm so grateful to be able to be there for these special occasions but it really takes a toll on these old bodies.

    I've been reading when I find the time but am too tired to think to try to post but not too tired to pray for all your needs. Nancy, I thank you for always thinking of me and all the others and I pray you have a safe trip back home and that things get resolved for your mother and that the issues with your kitty get taken care of easily.

    Many, many prayers for all of you and thanks also.

    Hugs and love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thank you ALL for your prayers. I made it home safely and now have a mile long list of things to do before my surgery on June 8 to remove this cyst. Between cleaning carpets myself first before having it professionally cleaned to remove Cammie deposits and buying and planting flowers and having a tree planted I will need wonder woman strength to do this. If I am supposed to accomplish all of this is a short time God will provide and if not things will have to wait if I can't.

    I will write more later.

    Today is the trial for Joanne's grand daughter for the custody of the children. Please pray for all of them.

    Faith, I have been praying for you and your DH as you finish the rounds of trips.

    Know I am praying for all of you.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Lord, we are grateful at how you have worked out this situation with Joanne's family. As we trust in your timing we can see how you work behind the scenes for our good even though while we are going through the dark times we cannot see what you are doing and how you are doing it. Help us to trust you no matter what. I thank you for resolving this long and excruciating custody battle and I pray that the family will continue to see how you have worked this out not only for your glory but for their good. We know that things on this fallen earth will never be fair but we can trust that you are the ultimate judge in the end. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. Thank you Lord for tremendous answers to prayer.

    Dear sisters, I am praying for you. I will be burning the candle at both ends the next few days to try to get my yard in shape as fast as I can before this surgery. Cammie used her box this morning and you could probably hear me breath a huge sigh of relief. I need to check again and see if she has continued. Thanks for your prayers.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Aleluya praise the Lord Jesus amen! Thank you God for moving in favor of Joan's granddaughter. I know that when the Lords people pray together mountains move!

    Nancy, be careful and don't over do it and please remind me when is your surgery so we can pray in preparation for it.

    Your sister in Christ


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Alpine TX is in the high desert and it's been so long since we received any rain. We finally got some last evening and it was so very welcomed. A neighbor posted this on facebook last evening, but that's our house with the barn red roof. God reminds us of His covenant each time He makes a rainbow. Have a blessed day! Ade


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Good morning all! I am so thankful to be blessed with another day.

    I have a question...does anyone else feel apprehensive during "friendship time" at church and shaking hands? With my low immunity, I just don't want to do it as I kept getting sick and think this has something to do with it. When I do shake hands, I try to privately use hand sanitizer but it smells so strong I don't want to offend anyone. I have purposefully arrived late but I hate missing the fellowship with my friends. I also try to hold something and just nod, but again it is uncomfortable. I just wondered whether it is me being too over-sensitive.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Joanne we rejoice with you in these answered prayers! PRAISE THE LORD! (We know personally about the judicial system! We did a "handshake" agreement with a hometown "good ol' boy" plumber on a verbal estimate. We wrote his check "paid in full" -for more than the agreed amount. Then 9 months later he sends a bill for $2,000+ MORE plus interest! We told him we'd paid him already & he sued us. He and his wife lied & contradicted their stories in court but he had the better lawyer and won- minus the interest!!! We were quit poor at the time & had to borrow the money from my dad. Lesson learned!) But so glad YOUR family won!

    YAY for Cammie! Keep it up and make your mommy proud - and less stressed! It's a pain, but try scooping every time she uses her box. It beats cleaning carpets & furniture! Some are just ultra picky that way. Nancy don't do more than you must. You don't want to be worn down for your surgery. We will all be praying for you!

    IntoLight I offer a pat on the shoulder or upper arm (even men) so you don't have to make skin contact. Chances are you won't be affected by handshake germs unless you touch your eyes, or nose or eat before you wash your hands or sanitize. You can slip off to the the restroom to do that very quickly after the greeting is over. Also Bath & Body Works has some tiny purse sanitizers with REALLY nice scents - not like strong alcohol. I don't blame you for being careful!

    Blessings on your day!


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    No, no, no, Intolight, you are NOT being overly sensitive. I've been wearing white cotton gloves EVERY WHERE.

    I've gone so far as to tell people that I'm on a chemo cycle and CAN'T shake hands. I'll do a clenched fist bump, but that's it.

    Everyone at both the churches I attend knows I have Stage 4 (I'm on the bulletin's prayer chain) so it's not generally a problem. One of the churches has a lot of older folks, and Pastor doesn't even do "the friendship greeting" anymore during the service 'cuz he just came out and said over a year ago that a lot of folks have compromised immune systems, and you don't want to be shaking hands especially during cold and flu season. (A bad case of the flu could KILL a Stage 4 patient currently on chemo!)

    So don't worry...we have to do whatever we can to safeguard our health. We can still bow (the Asian way) or smile. If you feel awkward about not shaking hands, order several pairs of white cotton gloves. You can take them off and wash them every day. (It really surprised me how FILTHY they get after just a day or two.) I went to Rite Aid and got a couple of pastel pairs in blue and mint green so I can color coordinate 🤗.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Good morning or afternoon depending on where you are.

    I was working planting flowers almost in the dark last night so needless to say I am wiped out today but will press on. Getting lots done.

    Chris, I am glad that many weighed in on your problem and all good suggestions.

    Ade, love the rainbow.

    I have to share this quickly as God has moved for me in mighty ways lately. I was so discouraged with my dominant hand as I had injured it almost two years ago and my pcp really didn't give me much hope and for that I regret. I had two cortisone shots several weeks ago and it was really touch and go as far as it working. I can say that it is 99% healed and the fact that I could pull weeds and dig two flower beds and plant flowers last night is a testimony that God has given me the use of my hand again.

    Another issue that I had all but given up on was Cammie my cat as you all know by now has been depositing outside the litterbox since my treatments in 2014. The vet pretty much said he didn't hold out much hope at this point. I had shared about the urinating and the fact that she is now using her box for a few days. I had prayed that God would show me if there is anything I can do to help her use her box for EVERYTHING.

    Last night even though I was completely wiped out I played with her for a long time. She is hard to play with as most of the time she acts uninterested so I had given up trying to do that. Well guess what??????????This morning she deposited her package INSIDE the litter box. These things have increased my faith and have taught me NOT to give up no matter how bleak things look. As Joanne has sort of shared I felt like going outside and eating worms on many occasions this year. I just wanted to share that good news. Also my GI tract is much better after getting the dx of post infections IBS after a food poisoning incident a year ago in March. To add icing to the cake one of my hummingbird photos was picked as a weekly winner for our newspaper. From that group three are chosen to be in the paper. I'll see what transpires. Thank you all so much for your prayers. This banner today is for me and hopefully will give you inspiration to not give up.

    Have a great day dear sisters




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, so glad things have improved for you. I was going to recommend acupuncture for your hand (it helped cure my daughter's hand) but then I read it was 99%. Praise God! I have always had cats and I know how frustrating that problem is. Been there, done that!

    There has been something showing in my stomach in every PET scan, but the diagnosticians always says "looks like irritation" and leave it at that. Obviously, I have not dismissed it. I am on daily omeprazole and that seems to help so I am just trusting until I hear otherwise. My markers are great otherwise. The frustrating thing is not trusting when an "incident" will happen.