thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    Nancy I'm so sorry for your pain & suffering! Having had those I know what it is like. I had on on my waist at the back and let it go too long until I ran a fever and it made me really ill, not to mention the agony of the pain! Had it surgically removed finally. I pray the infection and pain leave your body and the Lord takes away your nausea, replacing them with strength and comfort. Sorry too that you had to miss so much. I stayed home from all of our church's Easter plans all week (home with James) but did get to go Sunday morning. It is true that the Lord draws us near at these times of inactivity and suffering. Being up with James at night and then not getting back to sleep has become a blessing of good prayer intercession time for me.

    Praising the Lord that our brother in the Lord, Dean, had successful 1/2 cancerous lung removal surgery this morning and is on the road to healing now.

    (Yes we were from Ohio - born & raised a Buckeye!)



  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2017

    Ade and Nancy, just prayed for you... very true, getting deeper with God thru suffering. pls pray that wednesday endoscopy will be fine and that i will make it thru my last cycle on friday... God we love you and we praise you. You are the Lord who heals us. ame

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited April 2017

    Thank you for all your prayers dear friends. My wait is over and I had good news this morning. There appears to be no progression of my cancer, so all the prayers and meds are working right now. We are most grateful and giving praise to our Dear Lord.

    While I was waiting I kept hearing the words in my head, "Wait for the Lord, be strong take heart." It became my mantra. We need to pray for strength and faith in the Lord.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you are still dealing with that abscess and the pain from it. I will continue to pray that it heals quickly.

    Ade, you and James are in my prayers also that the doctor may find the answer and easy treatment for this illness. How frustrating it must be not to know what's causing his fevers.

    Echoing Nancy, Teka and Joanne, the banners are beautiful and I love them. They always seem to be there at the right moment.

    Lita, I'm sure your message of hope on Easter was so uplifting to everyone there. God bless you for having the courage and strength to speak about this battle we fight daily.

    Continued prayers for all of you here, even those just reading and not posting.

    Hugs, Faith (in the future)

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited April 2017

    Praying for all of you for healing and release from pain and nausea.

    Nancy, nausea is no fun. I'm having my share with radiation Tx now. They are radiating my L2 thru L5 vertebrae, but they have to go through the abdomen to do so which means nausea and diarrhea. The anti nausea meds only do so much, and you have to stay on top of them b4 the nausea comes back and gets worse. Hope you can get out and about and enjoy the spring weather.

    Our faith will bring us thru all these challenges.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    Rejoicing with you Faith! Prayers answered! This must be a HUGE weight lifted for you. I'm thankful for the Lord's assuring you during the wait. (Thank you for prayers)

    Lita I pray the Lord will ease your nausea too and bless your treatments.

    Be strong in and keep trusting the Lord, Sisters


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Faith, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled to hear your good news.

    Thank you for your prayers ladies. With so many of you not knowing what tomorrow holds I know my issues probably seem insignificant to all that you are dealing with. My abscess and all the challenges with that was just the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. I am dealing with three physical issues one going on for over 2 years and the other for a year. This plus the pressure of my mom's dramatic and unwanted weight loss has been a lot of pressure and stress. I will be returning to my mom's in May for three weeks and I need to have a talk with my sister about this weight loss and what we should do. I don't want my mom to have to go through a bunch of cumbersome tests if she doesn't have to.

    I was at a sporting goods store today looking for a specific type of thumb brace and I got so nauseated I thought I was going to pass out before I got out of the store. In all of this one of the salesman was in PT school. He gave me some advice on my trigger fingers and thumb and I came home with some exercise balls. I won't see this hand surgeon until next week and this intense two day workshop for photography is coming in two weeks so I am a bit panicked about how that is going to go with my hand it this brace. The nausea meds made me hyper and the antibiotics is what is making me sick I think. I only have two more pills to go and will finish tomorrow. I will probably have surgery to finally remove this cyst maybe in the summer after it heals.

    Yes, Ade it is hard to believe that an abscess can cause this much problem. Actually I had this cyst removed 8-10 years ago and the doctor did not get all of it so that is why I am still dealing with it. If only..................God has His plan and I still have Romans 8-28 as one of my favorite verses.

    Lita, how many more rads do you have to have? I had to stop my nausea med after one pill because it made me completely hyper. That was worse than the nausea but I am sorry you are dealing with this as well. Continued prayers for pain and for the nausea.

    Kae, praying your endoscopy is going to be fine. Praying for you last treatment as well.

    Have a good night dear sisters. I have prayed for all of you and will continue to do so.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited April 2017

    Nancy, I have seven more Rx sessions to go. I'm placing next Monday in the Lord's hands because I will also have my quarterly Zometa IV infusion then, along with rads. RO thinks I'll be able to handle both...I'll just have to make sure I take Zofran for nausea and Benadryl for the IV se's

    Hope your thumb gets better. I've found that when you have multiple issues, it just makes it harder to handle them all. Your tolerance for pain and nausea just takes a nose dive, and the days just drag on.

    Hang in there. It WILL get better.

  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2017

    Lita, i pray that the Lord will cover you with His blood on your rx and infusion..

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Lita, praying that you can feel God's presence as you go through these remaining rads. Praying against pain and nausea.

    Kae, I imagine you will get results after your endoscopy tomorrow. I have to have those scopes regularly once they found polyps in both my stomach and colon. If you have never had an upper endoscopy before it really is nothing to be fearful of. You will be sedated where you won't know what is going on. Praying all is clear. If the reflux meds didn't really work I bet it was just a strong reaction to the chemo.

    I took my last antibiotic today. I can't tell you how glad I am for that.

    Mags, I don't know if you are still checking in. The last I remember you were having your last treatment, family was coming in and you and DH were going to Branson. I hope everything is on the upswing for you.

    This verse is not only a promise but a road map for living our lives. We should live as every day is Easter because IT IS.

    5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

    6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Ade, how is James doing? How are you doing? Hopefully you are getting enough rest.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    Pr.3:5-6 is one of my very favorites

    James is the same. Fever spikes and then aspirin will knock it down a bit - 'round the clock. I hate his taking so MUCH aspirin but his temp goes REALLY high if he didn't take it. Ibuprofen is worse on the liver and Tylenol is completely out of the question.

    I was able to get him aspirin (with crackers & milk) BEFORE the temp spiked last night/this morning around 4 a.m. and actually got to finish the night in OUR bed! Neither of us sleeps well but at least we were together. (Misery loves company, right?) The doctor said that if we didn't hear from them by tomorrow to call so I'll give them until afternoon tomorrow. They changed computer systems and had completely LOST all those test results from the specialist last year. They were SUPPOSED to call & get them re-faxed but I'm not holding my breath. The surgeon who did my bilateral mastectomy in December of '15 left a message on our phone last week to call them and get a 6-month appointment - and added "I guess we should have done this last year"! I don't have much confidence in competency sometimes.

    Thank you Nancy for asking. I'm HAPPY you will be off the antibiotic now and HOPEFUL that infection is gone! I also hope when you have the cyst removed that it never comes back. The one beside my nose was removed FOUR times (and THAT was fun!). Like I said, now if I get a flair up I put the topical antibiotic on it twice a day and by the 3rd day it is fine. I would be happy to send you some of mine if you would like to try it. :o)



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited April 2017

    Nancy, thank you for asking. Yes, I still read this thread almost daily, and you all are in my prayers. Unfortunately the news from the scan was not good. My lung mets are showing a 20% progression overall instead of the remission my MO was hoping for (and assuring me of!). However, I only saw his PA, and can't get in to see him until 5/2. I'm sure he's going to want to try another aggressive treatment. In the meantime, I'm getting my dental work done - full extraction and implant-retained dentures.

    I did make it to church for Easter, a Saturday night service, and it was glorious. And Sunday I prepared our traditional leg of lamb, which DH is still raving about. My special herb blend.

    My sister's granddaughter had her baby last Thursday, his name is Thor, and he was born during a thunderstorm! Cutest baby, redhead like his daddy. Mom and Dad are over the moon in love with him, and each other.

    My new avatar is a picture DH took of me while we were in Branson; my new wig looks great I think, after my hairdresser worked his styling magic on it.

    That's all I have for now. Still struggling with the fatigue, but PCP is trying me on a bit of Adderal to see if that will help.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Ade, I sure hate to hear when things like that happen and blatant mistakes are made when we are trusting our medical team to give us the best care. Praying test results get faxed and your mammogram a year late will still be good news.

    I sure hope James fever will break as this is so hard on both of you.

    Thank you in your willingness to share. I will see my pcp next week and I want him to look at this cyst and tell him about the antibiotic making me sick and just see what he says about preventive treatment. He may just pass me off to my dermatologist or my surgeon. Because I am a swimmer I am open to alot of stuff and I did go swimming the day before this got really bad. I know now what NOT to do. I also have a cyst on my nose and have not done anything. After your experience I will leave it alone unless it becomes a problem. That sounds like a very painful place to have one removed. No fun for sure.

    Mags, I was hoping things were going well when we didn't hear from you. I am so sorry to hear your results were not what you were expecting. I will certainly be praying for you and for wisdom in what to do next. Glad you are getting your your dental work done.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter and your lamb was definitely a hit! Good for you.

    Thor, born during a thunderstorm. Makes me smile and a redhead too. Congratulations.

    I love your new wig. You look great. I hope you had a good time in Branson.

    Don't be a stranger. We will pray for you during this journey.

    Have a good night dear sisters. I just heard an hour message from Priscilla Schier (War Room). Boy can she deliver a message!!!!!! Powerful.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited April 2017

    Not too much time to post or read right now I'm enjoying my moms visit but I did have chemo last Friday and I'm feeling the effects now. Went to church with my mum on Sunday. Saying a prayer for all of us.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Aurora, praying for you during your treatments and the SE's. Praying that they don't last long. Praying that you and your mom are having a good time and you will have good days to enjoy her company.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    Praise the Lord this is the first full day in 9 that James hasn't had a fever. I am hopeful but cautiously so.

    Last week the Dr. said to call if we had not heard from them regarding the recent culture test results by Wednesday. This afternoon (Thursday) James called and they could not FIND the results! UGH! Then he was disconnected. He called back and was transferred to someone else who didn't answer their phone and a message came on to call back later. Since James talked with them twice already today and they knew why he was calling he THOUGHT they would return his call. Of course they didn't. So - we wait - yet another day - and HOPE that when we call back tomorrow SOME one will have some answers for us. I am trying to be in His peace about this...not easy.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Ade, so glad to hear James fever broke. That is maddening when you are waiting communication and things go awry. Praying for some answers.

    I had a good day yesterday. Today I am feeling hyper. I got some blood work back. I suspect my thyroid meds may need adjusting after seeing one of the test results. My HDL is 135 which is actually getting a little scary for me. That is the good cholesterol and I have no idea why it keeps getting so high. My pcp will say that is great but it is just strange.

    More later.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Kae, how did things go for you on Wed? I know you had hopefully your last chemo yesterday. Praying for tolerable SE's.

    I thought I would resurrect one of my first banners I made after just starting out in photography.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited April 2017

    Good morning sisters.

    Mags love the new look. You are right it looks great, just beautiful!. Will be in targeted prayer for your next treatment plan and upcoming dental work.

    Always love your banners Nancy, praying you are feeling better.

    Aurora, praying you and your mom are living it up 😜. Interesting how I now cherish and just love spending time with my mom! I get excited like a little kid when she comes to spend the weekend with us. This is a testimony as bing brought up by a single mom and being the oldest kid needing to take on responsibility that was required our relationship has not always been healthy. But God mended and we are so very close and she is my hero and anchor. Just get emotional thinking about our journey.

    Praying for all especially for our sisters that are in active treatment, dealing with any pains and or may need emotional and spiritual strength and uplifting. I pray for all often and targeted prayers for those that have PM'd me and for our sisters that are dealing with life long treatment.

    I ask that you continue to pray for me and our ministry. Ministry is approaching two years young and God is blessing. We are small but God has sent us some powerful and skillful laborers. He has specifically spoken to us that our Ministry will be a house of prayer and outreach. We are full force following his orders. So keep us in prayer. Our first Prayer crusade was a blessing and brought a lot leaders and each night we saw the need and attendance grow as the word spread that our Heavenly Father was doing His thing. Our days that focused on specific prayer request was uplifting and powerful. We covered each specific prayer request. We have also started an outreach for young adults and older teenagers on life skills. We are in an underprivileged and spiritually lacking urban area and the need is great for this type of ministry. We are humbled and just in awe of the success and how God is allowing us to speak to the physical need and lay a foundation scripturally and spiritually at the same time. There is a hunger out there for God's ads and love.

    Blessing and praying always for my loving Sisters in Christ. I read often to stay in prayer for each of you. Always feel to PM me

    Love Across the miles,


  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2017


    Thanks for asking, endoscopy went far so good and doctor think my gastroparesis ( delayed gastric emptying is the culprit).chemo yesterday.pls pray for minimal side effects.thanks for asking.have a blessed weekend sisters in Christ.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Good morning dear ladies of faith,

    Angie, good to hear from you. I will be praying for your ministry. Thanks for your prayer support.

    Kae, praying you can make it through these next few days.

    It has been a very busy time for me and I would appreciate your prayers for strength for this week as I have a bunch of doctor apts crammed into a few days. I will see the hand doctor tomorrow finally.

    Since the cyst is still not looking good I can't swim so I hope to go out with my camera today. It is a gorgeous day and I am taking advantage of that.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    After 5 calls to the doctor we just went to the office today and finally got a copy of the test results. Boy they (labs) don't give you ANY info! Looked up some things (10 out of 15 were "low") and best guess is an auto-immune disease or anemia. James is a nurse so knows a tad - but we need a PROFESSIONAL diagnosis. He's going to hopefully make an appointment by calling tomorrow. I can't believe they never mentioned a follow up appointment! Praise the Lord he's feeling weak but MUCH better!

    They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. - Psalm 112:7 (NLT)



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Ade, so sorry that this blood work has been such a hassle. Do you have a way to get medical info online? I got to get my blood work results days before I see my doctor so I can be prepared and not shocked by anything. I hope James can get an appointment very soon so you can know what is going on.

    Today for me felt like a mini vacation. I had no doctor apts and nothing on the calendar. Since I am not able to swim yet until this cyst heals more I had a beautiful free day so headed towards our local arboretum with my camera. I will share some recent pics. Thank you for your prayers. I am feeling so much better. My fingers and thumb is the big issue now. GI issues much improved and I am SO thankful for that.







  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2017

    beautiful Nancy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Thank you Kae and Teka. Today's gorgeous day out in the woods was like medicine for my soul!

    Kae, how are you managing so far?

    Teka, I saw about 14 pelicans migrating through a couple of weeks ago when I thought I was going to have to see one of my doctors at her out of town office. On my way to find her office I dropped by this migratory refuge and saw my first live eagles and then all of these pelicans. I was not feeling well back then so just went to watch and didn't have my camera but it was fun seeing these large birds.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2017

    Hello everyone! Finally a day off today where I can just go to a dexa scan and even get lunch with a dear friend. When you are on a busy whirlwind you sometimes wonder if you still have friends when things settle down. So I am grateful for the people God puts in our lives-He gives us who we need to be a shot in the arm.

    Lita I would love to hear more about how your sharing in church experience went. Loved the picture of you and your daughter at the tea and also the one of you at church. God isn't done using you to bless others, so take that, Stage 4! Praying for your nausea and the radiation.

    Ade, what is up with that office? Praying for James' ongoing recovery and that they get to the bottom or things. Yikes, the office manager might need to hear of your experience. Where I work isn't perfect but they would shut that hot mess of miscommunication down. So sorry to hear he had such a persistent fever and hope things are better soon!

    Jean, hoping you feel stronger each day in all the goings on with Alexia. I just had a patient come in post hip surgery yesterday and she said it was the best thing she has done, and she is 70. They did the kind where they go in from the back of the hip sorta to the side and back with a pretty small incision, so she said her healing was better than she expected. Praying yours goes well in May!

    Aurora, did you have a nice visit with your Mom? What a nice treat to see her! I sure miss mine but I am so comforted knowing she is probably cooking up massive amounts of food for everyone up there in heaven :)

    Nancy, those cysts can recur and getting them removed is helpful but they don't typically do that until the antibiotics kick in and the infection quiets down. How yucky for you to deal with that. I dislike antibiotics and try to avoid them but when you are between a rock and a hard place what on earth can you do?

    Love your pictures and hope the trigger thumb thing is resolved soon, it would be a loss to not see you take more pictures, they just refresh the soul.

    Faith glad things went well with PET. I do not take anything for granted, for sure. I want to seize each day and make the most of it and try not to let stuff drive me nuts that I cannot control, and this comes from realizing that things are not always roses and perfect, yet so many on here pick up their sword and keep fighting.

    Kae, reflux is awful and I hope they figure out some solutions that help you.

    Joanne, you have blessed us all over the years and I am hoping you are doing well. xo

    You are all beautiful people and I pray for each of you. Forgive me for those I missed.

    Edited for typo. lol

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited April 2017

    I am blessed today with a great dose of His peace despite the whirlwind around me. Calm in the,storm for aure. I am thanking God for whatever He is doing in my life and my family even is I cant see it. He gave me this word recently and I will share it hoping it blesses someone here.

    My dear child I know that you like everything in order and in its place. I know you feel more calm when you know exactly what's going to happen. However, sometimes disorder is my will for you, sometimes I am doing something new and it requires a time of disorder and change. Learn to trust me in this. I have everything under control so you don't need to. Rest in me child, I am the one who never changes. Love, Jean

  • dimetriamajor1
    dimetriamajor1 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2017

    Yes, I'm a Christian Deconess of Heaven Belong to you Ministries and currently under went radical Mastectomy of left breast. If it was not for Jesus on my side, I would not be as calm and serine. I thank God that despite me going every year for mammogram and breast ultra sound, this did not catch a 4cm stage 3 carcinoma in front of my chest, so in praising God for them him making a way for me special. I hope other people feel what I feel every minute of every day. I have hope for the future

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited April 2017

    Welcome Dimitria. It is nice to meet you but we are always sorry that we have to meet new people under these circumstances. God has allowed for us to all meet on this thread and lift one another in prayer and encouragement. Feel free to join in our little community here and post whenever you want to. Praying you are doing well in your recovery.

    Jean, good to hear from you. When is your surgery date in May? We will be praying for you. I still am praying for Alexia too.

    Cindy, good to hear from you. Hope you are basking in the light of your accomplishments and having more time for some R and R. Yes, my photography is so therapeutic just like my music performance used to be when I was able to play. My neck surgery stopped that but God blessed me with this totally unexpected blessing of photography and that only came about because of my bc journey. God has a way of weaving every part of our lives together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

    I just got back from my initial visit with the hand surgeon. I am actually typing without my splint for the first time in a month. I got two cortisone shots in my hand which he said is 70% effective for trigger finger and thumb so I would asked prayer that I am part of the majority! If not we could do a second shot and then surgery if that doesn't do the job. I finally have some hope that a good resolution to this issue will happen in the near future. I hurt my fingers way back in Sept of 2015 pruning my trees and the problem never resolved but developed into trigger finger and then the thumb issue came out of nowhere.

    I saw the PA today first and he was young (very good looking tooHappy). The nurse told me he looked like prince charming. LOL Let's just say that he could be a male model! Okay, gals, I am single and yes, I notice. LOL I asked him if he was aware of the trigger finger/thumb issue on the bc hormone blocking drugs and was not surprised when he said no. When the doctor did come in he said if anything it would maybe lead him to not delay treatments since I still have over two more years to go on my AI. I actually thought he might say the opposite esp. regarding surgery so I was glad to hear that.

    Now I am off to the eye doctor. I have a 12 hour photography boot camp the weekend after next and I actually have hope that my fingers and hand will be able to handle all the hands on sessions we will be doing with our camera and tripods. I feel like the light at the end of my tunnel is visible now. I know I will have to have this cyst removed probably when I get back from my mom's but that will resolve. If my GI issues would completely resolve I would be so incredibly thankful.

    Take care dear sisters. I pray for you all the time.

    Lita, how are you doing? I hope your rads are over now and your pain and nausea are manageable.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2017

    Dimetriamajor1 welcome - so glad you joined us! It took them YEARS of mammograms, untrasounds and a bleeding nipple to diagnosis me - but we just thank the Lord FOR a diagnosis, treatment and HIS hand upon us!

    Nancy those flower pix are exquisite! Praying for healing for your hand so your gift of photography can flourish and continue to bless into the future.

    Thank you for sharing His word, Jean. He IS our peace for sure and when He speaks to you He drives the fears away. Thank you!

    James FINALLY has an appointment to discuss test results Thursday! Thank YOU Lord!

    Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11 KJV

