thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Faith, yes I saw your post. Thank you for your prayers. I am glad you both made it home safe and I pray that you both can rest and get refreshed and renewed. I hope DH is feeling better and didn't get down sick. Praying for you always.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, as promised praying everything goes well and you come out of the surgery without any complications. Thank you for the Christian leadership you show us in this thread. Love in Christ.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thank you Aurora for your prayers and your encouragement. I have been praying for you as well.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Just wanted to let you know I am home from my surgery. I would like to say it went well but....................I did get sick. The doctor talked too much. I think me not knowing everything would have been better. He did numb me up very well and I was not in pain so for that I am very thankful.

    The lady checking me in was a former band parent. She came out and talked to me once she realized who I was. Her daughter is 29 now so trying to remember from hundreds of students is hard but I did remember this girl. Some years I might have 200 plus students so not easy to remember them all like a classroom teacher.

    My friend was good to take off work and then took me to Walgreens to get all the goodies. I have to have Neosporin twice a day so i need to ask my neighbor if she is okay with that. She knows about bandage changes but doesn't know about the twice a day thing. She helped me out when I had to deal with it a few weeks ago.

    Thank you all for your prayers. I am so thankful it is over now.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Thanking the Lord you came through ok, Nancy, and praying for complete, no complication recovery. So sorry you got sick. My surgeons have just done chitchat during surgeries and it helped calm me. Yours gave a narrative???? Anyway, thank you for updating us all! Rest and heal now.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, thank God you're ok and the surgery went well and it's behind you now. Now I pray to our God Almighty to give you a restful recovery and for your nice neighbor to continue helping you! In the name of Jesus I claim right now. Amen!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, so glad you are ok. My recovery is going slower than I'd like but according to my PT ladies I an ahead of the game. Looking forward to some time not dealing with major health issues, God willing. I have a followup with my chemo doctor on Monday and a bone density. I never found my cards and have ordered replacements. My hearing aid is also missing! God knows,where it is and if He wants me to have it it will show up in His time. Alexia gets her first full paycheck this Friday and has moved into her own apartment, a rental owned by my son in law. My daughter says she is trying to act like an adult. They go back to family Court in July about custody of Valentina who is still with my daughter. Prayers appreciated. Also for my newly graduated grandson to get the job God wants for him. Praying for you ladies as I read. Love, Jean

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    Please pray for a Christian sister "S" who is entering hospice. She is in my cancer support group at church, and she has stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma which is now totally chemo resistant. She is off all tx now except palliative rads to help with bone mets and she's on pain meds. Soft tissue sarcoma (which incidentally my mother died from) is fast growing and quite painful.

    "S" has accepted her "transition" home to the Lord, but she is still a bit weepy that she's leaving us and her family behind.

    Please pray for peace, comfort and an easy transition for her.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Jean, praying that things will settle down for you health wise and family wise. I'm sorry you never found your cards and that your hearing aid is missing. May the Lord reveal where it is for you. He has blessed us with so many "finding" miracles...may you get one too! Praying your grandson lands the perfect job for him in God's perfect timing to His glory. May the Lord keep Alexia on the right track and may His will be done at the next hearing.

    Praying for "S" that she may somehow find joy in her homegoing even in the sorrow of leaving her loved ones. May the Lord be her strength and her peace and in His great love and mercy take her into His arms gently.

    Praying for as little pain as possible for Nancy and that she heals completely & quickly from today's surgery.

    I am switching to taking my Exemestane in the evening tonight as I read that can help with the insomnia - which if conquered will help the awful fatigue. Still praying about quitting the meds but will consult my onc next Tuesday before making a decision. Once in a great while God grants me what would be a NORMAL day for anyone else - and it's wonderful! Just not too many of those unfortunately.

    May the Lord bless you all with a sweet sleep.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thank you dear sisters for all of your posts and Joanne for the beautiful banner. Trying to deal with the aftercare is somewhat cumbersome since I will have to depend on a neighbor to apply Neosporin twice a day. I do have quite a bit of pain today and only Tylenol and it is not quite handling it.

    Ade, the narrative I am sure from the surgeon initially was to assure me he would not start until I was numb so in defense of him he was trying to make me feel better. For me in these cases the less I know the better! I didn't use to do this until cancer meds. I do wonder if they are mixing with these injections to cause nausea because I was still nauseated for several hours at home.

    Aurora, I prayed for your sleep study and I do hope that you can adjust to the CPAP device and you will feel better after using it. Praying for your chemo today as well.

    Jean, I am sorry you had to replace those cards. My purse was stolen in a crash and grab out of the car I was in and I know what a hassle that is. My sister found my mom's hearing aid by my Dad's grave several years ago when my mom lost her hearing aid. Praying it can be found. I am thrilled to hear about Alexia. I have prayed so much that she could get on the right path and it sounds like she is. Praying for a job for your grandson. Praying for patience in your recovery. Just think, when your hip is fully recovered hopefully you can breathe a huge sigh of relief and see how God has brought you through all of these journeys to where you are now.

    Lita, I pray for S and that the Lord will give her a painless transition into eternity. I pray that you Lord will surround the family with your peace and presence and help them in this very difficult time.

    Have a great day dear sisters. Continued prayers for those waiting for answers and decisions and those resting and recharging.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, I'm so glad to hear the surgery is over and will pray that your healing is easy and complete with no complications in spite of the daily nuisance of applying the Neosporin. With the days here being so hot, you should just plan to take it easy and stay cool inside.

    Jean, so sorry you lost your cards, that is a big pain and a big worry. However, it's wonderful to hear the news about Alexia. Thank the Lord for answered prayers.

    Lita, I will pray for "S" and for you as watching someone make this transition is really hard while you are also battling cancer. It just brings our whole fight that much more into our lives even though it never really leaves us.

    Continued prayers for all of us here, have a goodnight everyone.

    Love, Faith.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2017

    Thank you all for your prayers. Nancy, I pray your recovery goes smoothly and that you will soon be well. Jo, that your family will be protected going forward. Lita, for your friend to be taken home gently. Aurora for good sleep with the Cpap. Ade, for wisdom about your meds. For all in active treatment for courage, strength and peace. The same for those in stage 4. Jesus, we need you, we love you and we thank you for all you are doing for us. Love, Jean

    Who is this coming up out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved? (Part of) Song of Solomon 8:5

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Good morning dear sisters.

    Thank you for your prayers. I have been in a considerable amount of pain and the stitches are in a spot that makes sitting and sleeping a challenge. Tylenol is really not doing much but am praying today is better. Take care dear ladies.

    Aurora, how did your sleep study go? Your chemo? I'm praying.

    Hershey, I believe you start your chemo this coming week. Praying against fear and that things will go smoothly for you.

    Faith, I hope you and DH are getting recharged and rested.

    Ade, would love to know how your supplements are working. My insomnia has resurfaced while at my mom's. I know it is such a bummer when you can't sleep. I did come downstairs early this morning and watched my hummers come to the feeder. I will never tire of watching them. They are so amazing.


    I hope everyone has a good day.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Good morning ladies.

    Nancy, I am praying for you this morning that your pain will disappear and that you will get some rest today. I believe God's creation exists to bring us joy and peace. I survived watching my granddaughter. Yesterday was my 45th anniversary so my DH took me to lunch after we picked up my next Ibrance cycle (I pick it up at the hospital pharmacy as it minimizes all of the delivery hassles). Taking care of a 2-year-old in a restaurant was probably not the best idea as she was particularly uncooperative having not seen her mommy in 4 days. Our daughter returned in the afternoon and my DH decided I was too tired to cook dinner, so he took us all out to our local beach Mexican restaurant--again with the 2-year-old! My daughter took care of her and she was a little better. We decided we didn't want to go out fancy, and it would have taken too much effort at this point! We ate outside and there were other kids around so the atmosphere was more laid-back. I enjoyed it! Today I am tired and a little sore from wrestling with a toddler, but happy. Tomorrow is Bria's 2-year birthday party outside at the bay, but I don't have to do anything except show up. Instead of hummingbirds, I will watch the seagulls and enjoy the ocean. I pray for a good day for everyone.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017


    TO CHRIS AND DH CELEBRATING 45 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy thank you for thinking of me even as your dealing with pain and discomfort . Praying for the pain to subside. If you don't Lic narcotics like me try 800mg ibuprofen which needs doctor approval but is not a narc. You don't have to suffer through the pain. You can call your surgeon to send the prescription to the pharmacy and perhaps your nice neighbor could pick it up. I'll be praying.

    As far as the sleep study and the chemo I was really tired when it was all over so I slept yesterday all afternoon and went to bed early after having a snack today I woke up at 1 pm and feel much better.

    The results will be sent to my doctor and he'll order the CPAP and I have an appointment to see him jun 28 to find the results. Thank you for your prayers.

    Everyone else I read each post and pray over it every day.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Chris, we celebrated our 45th also on May 26th. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Sounds like you had a tiring but blessed time. We'd found a car online in San Antonio so took our first train trip there -8 1/2 hours overnight. Found a nice car (not the one we'd planned but better) and had a splendid time seeing the Riverwalk & Alamo again. (We started our marriage in S.A. so it was fitting to see it again. Oh I do envy you being near the ocean! (Love the banner, Nancy!)

    Aurora - so glad you got rested and are feeling better. I'm betting that once you get used to the CPAP you will feel even better too.

    Nancy, my pain just laughs at Tylonol (and you would NOT want to read the report I read on it!!!!) so when it gets really bad I take 3 Ibuprofens which is prescription strength without the prescription. (Hubby is a nurse and suggested this to me). You need food in your tummy though and don't want to continue for a prolonged time. I pray your pain will be lessened with each passing day. You will feel MUCH better when those sutures come out too! We're ALL praying for you as you have done so very faithfully for all of us.

    I started taking my Exemestane at night and am sleeping better - at least for 2 nights now. I have only had 2 days on the supplement so it's too soon to tell on that. It is VICOCETINE. You get it on Amazon and you should read the reviews!!!! I read in another thread about Tomoxafen and may just talk to my onc about switching to that. I'd read the se's are more but the ladies on the thread seem to have less. It is my last resort med-wise before stopping altogether.

    Praising the Lord James' and my migraines are over! Bad morning/afternoon but better now. Sumatryptan works wonders PTL!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Aurora, I'm glad you got some sleep after everything was over . I'll continue to pray for little SE and as you get your CPAP in a few weeks that it will do wonders for you.

    Ade I hope this supplement works for you.Glad your migraines are over. Unfortunately I am extremely sensitive to meds period and I can't tolerate any aspirin or ibuprofen products. I realize that doesn't leave many choices. I have tried alt supplement for pain and react to them as well. It makes for a tough time in during painful events.

    I tried a fourth of a old nar drug at 2:30 am I had on hand and I was still nauseated into the evening tonight. I imagine once the sutures are out it will be much more tolerable.

    In the mean time watching movies and resting.

    Take care ladies. Thanks for your support.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Good morning dear sisters,

    I stayed home from church today. I got a very good night's sleep and am thankful for that. Waiting on my neighbor to let me know she is back home so I can shower and go through our routine with my wound. She is very good about this so I am thankful for that.

    I hope you have a great weekend here. It is very hot here and supposed to be for several days.

    Chris, I hope you have a great time with little Bria's birthday party and have recuperated from babysitting and celebrating. Have a fun day. I don't get to see ocean beaches in the Midwest so it sounds glorious to me.




  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy I'm glad you had a restful night and it is reasonable to stay home after surgery no matter how minor it might be. I'm still praying for your complete recovery and I trust God will heal you. Love in Christ.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    Even if you can't go to church, you can still spend quiet time with the Lord in contemplative prayer and reading Scripture. Plus, there are so many recorded sermons on TV, so you don't have to feel bad about missing a Sunday now and then.

    God knows your situation, and He understands. He will see you thru this so you can continue to bless others with your warmth and encouragement.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Nancy I'm sorry about the pain meds - or lack thereof! That is rough when you hurt and there is little relief. :o( Praying each day is better & thankful you got a good sleep. It's HOT here too - mid 90s - but VERY low humidity makes is bearable. Still - we're THANKFUL for the AC! The trip to Midland Tuesday will be a sweltering ordeal for sure. (3 1/2 hours travel each way to the onc appointments! Glad they are only yearly now.)



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Nancy and Ade, thank you for the special anniversary wishes.

    I am trying my best to have lots of energy for Bria's Bday party, but all I have to do now is take Bria when she wakes up and go and sit all day. I should be fine. I stayed home from church or I would have no energy. I am thankful for a couple of online worship services where I can "attend" and worship from home. I was raised in a fundamental church in a generation of guilt for not attending church every time the doors were open. It has taken me many years to personalize and understand true worship. I pray God's special blessings on you today as you rest and recover.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thank you dear sisters for your encouragement and your prayers. Yes, I have had "church" at my home all weekend long. I have heard several good sermons and watching a good special with many of my favorite Christian music groups right now.

    I had a great time just meditating on Romans 12:2. I have had some series of events that I am wondering if God is opening up doors for my photography in ways I had not ever imagined. I am praying and seeking God for direction and have some contacts to follow up on if I feel this is the Lord and will share with you when I feel it is the right time.

    Ade, I am guessing no AC in your car. When I was much younger I remember driving in my little Toyota Corolla with no air from Illinois to Texas all by myself. It was quite an adventure for me at that time. It was in July and when I arrived at my best friend's house from high school that lived in Brian Tx I thought I would die of heat. I didn't even have menopause or AI's in my vocabulary at that point .LOL So I will pray for your long trip.

    Teka, my hummers are drinking up my sugar water so fast. This is only my second year of feeding them. Do you know if the same ones come back plus all their cousins? LOL

    Faith, hoping you are staying cool and recharging.

    Jean, praying for full recovery from your hip surgery.

    Chris, praying you have the needed energy to keep up with 2 yr old and her birthday party.

    Aurora, thanks for your prayers. I have been praying for your SE's. How are you doing?

    Lita, praying for you as you cope with watching a friend in hospice.

    Ellen, praying for your trip to your mom's and that all goes well.

    Joanne, praying those spots disappear which I know can be all too much of a reminder of your angiosarcoma.

    Have a good night dear sisters. I heard this phrase today which stuck in my mind.

    This is trusting my memory but here is the gist of it. Do you want to flow into your destiny or sweat in your history? Some food for thought.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2017

    Going tomorrow a bone density, a visit with the Sloan Kettering dermatologist then my chemo doctor. Praying all goes smoothly with good reports. The appointments are at 3 different locations in NYC. My son in law is driving me down and back and I will be taking the hospital shuttle around to the different appointments. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Jean, praying you have a safe trip and you get good reports from all your apts.

    Have a great day dear ladies of faith.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited June 2017

    Hello dear ladies,

    I want to thank all of you for your prayers and kind words. Please know that they mean much to me.

    A port was placed in my chest on Friday. The surgeon chose a pediatric port based on my "tiny veins" (his words). My chest is still tender and my neck is stiff, but I am not in too much discomfort. Chemo is now scheduled to begin bright and early on Wednesday, June 14. Here's hoping my "tiny veins" are up to the task! :)

    I pray that God lifts your spirits, fills your souls, and smiles on your tasks.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Hershey, we will be praying for you as you begin your chemo on Wed. i know you have had a long wait until this all finally got started. Praying that you will do well with your treatments no matter what size your veins are. Let us know how you are doing.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Praying for you Hershey, that all will go well and for God's peace.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Five came to dine tonight. The one on the left is Old Betty and the other doe with the broken knee I have fed since she was a baby. She will eat out of the pan I hold and let me touch her muzzle. I am blessed.
