thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited June 2017

    Hershey, I'm sure we will all be praying that your Chemo treatment goes well and the port heals quickly. I wanted to share something I read on another thread here about wearing your seat belt in the car. Some women complain that it rubs the port area but they use a small pillow or fleece blanket to pad the spot. Just a thought.

    Jean, praying that you had an easy trip and smooth sailing through your appointments and most especially that you have good reports.

    Nancy, continued prayers that you are healing without much pain now. I know how awful it is to deal with pain and not be able to take many pain pills. Almost everything but Tylenol which is ineffective gives me problems too. Thank you for always remembering me and all of us here. I'm getting rested up from the trips but now I'm dealing with my allergies and trying not to take meds since they seem to cause even more dizziness now along with the cancer meds. Nothing seems easy anymore when you're dealing with cancer and getting older. But as the say "it beats the alternative". 😏

    Continued prayers for everyone's needs here. Have a restful night dear sisters.

    Faith ( in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Ade, such sweet animals and such a blessing to be able to interact with them the way you do. I am not sure if I shared there is a baby robin in my front bush. I think there is only one baby and I can't believe how it has grown. I haven't spent to much time peeking because I don't want Mama to abandon the nest.

    I had a horrible night and have felt awful today. I sent a message to my surgeon's office that I was afraid the incision was getting infected. My neighbor that comes over twice a day to help me out thinks it looks better tonight than this morning. There is a bruising look to it which seems strange to me. I never heard anything from my surgeon's office. I should have called them but I was not too panicked but concerned. I went out with some friends for lunch but felt like a total zombie and couldn't wait to get home and rest.

    I think the big issue is the incision is is such an awkward place that no matter how I sit or lay in bed it puts pressure on it or stretches it. I guess if I could sleep standing up I would be in good shape.

    The heat has been miserable so it is a good week to stay inside. My flowers though need lots of watering in this weather, I am having a tree planted tomorrow. Believe me I did not plan it this way but hopefully it will live.

    Can you believe the day of surgery the surgeon didn't know which was the one to remove. Low and behold there is ANOTHER thing on the same side but down farther and he was first looking at that. I said you want to be sure to take off the correct one. So he marked it with an x so I could look in the mirror and assure him that was the one. What if ......................I don't want to even go there. However I need to ask him what this other thing is and if I am going to have to go through this stuff again.

    I cannot believe how this cyst has upset my live so many times over the years. I do feel certain it will never come back again as they showed me the big hunk they took out of me.

    Faith, I buy this nose spray called boost from my alt doctor. It is a decongestant made up of herbs and natural product. It does help when things are bad. I do take allergy shots every other week but I just saw my allergy doctor and he wants to retest me. Most of the time the shots do the job pretty well.

    I understand that my AI seems to interfere with things and my emotions are highly magnified and not in a good way. When I first started the AI five years it seemed like eternity. Now I am coming upon three years and I think maybe I can go the distance.

    Jean hope you got a good report.

    Ade praying for your long trip tomorrow.

    Hershey, praying that you will have victory over anxiety. I used to have nutritional IV's every other week and my veins are a challenge too. They did not do ports like cancer patients and I was not a cancer patient at the time but was being treated for fibromyalgia. Praying that with the port that will help with your veins.

    Please pray that I can feel better emotionally. When I lose alot of sleep over an extended time it has a cumulative effect on me which is not good. I need some days of just resting without the pressure of anything.

    Take care dear sisters. Chis hope you had a good time with Bria's birthday party and now you have time to rest and recharge.

    Have a good nigh'ts rest dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, I am so sorry you are struggling so much. I wish I lived closer and could help you. You are so thoughtful and remember and pray for each of us, I pray God just pours showers of blessings upon you tonight so you can sleep, and that He will shower your plants for you!

    I had a good time at Bria's BDay party mostly--it is a complicated situation. My daughter and Bria's daddy are not married and this is the only time the two families come together. There are culture complications, but everyone tries to be nice. They know my situation and give me hugs and I try to mingle, but it is difficult. I had to sit a lot since I helped prepare the some of the food and organize it once I arrived, so after that I mostly just sat and tried to talk from there. Didn't work well. My DH and I left right after the cake to get me home, and I walked into the house, sat down, and promptly slept for an hour. I was too exhausted to go downstairs to the pool and make an appearance at our annual condo Newcomer's gathering, and that is a first since I used to be VP of the HOA Board. Today I had to go into town and select the material for my new kitchen (I am having it remodeled). Tonight Bria opened her presents from the family since today is her actual BDay. Tired doesn't begin to describe how I feel. Still, I know I am doing pretty well and am just thankful to be around so I can complain!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2017

    Nancy I hope you are resting enough. Praying for Hershey as she starts chemo tomorrow. Thank you Jo for the banners. Uplifting for sure. I am amazed IntotheLight at how much you are doing. Glad you got some rest. My tests went well yesterday. Waiting on some results but nothing major. I came home exhausted but glad they are done. Love, Jean

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited June 2017

    Hi Ladies. It's been awhile since I was here. I thought I would stop by and say hi. I think of you all often.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Chris, no wonder you are worn out. I get worn out just watching two years olds from a distance! LOL I think all of us can relate to the family get together situations. I hope you got some rest. Fatigue has been my close friend for many years so I understand. Sometimes for me the best part of the day is when I can collapse in my Lazy Boy chair.

    Joanne thank you for all the banners. You always post things we can all relate to. Praying for you to feel better.

    Jean, glad your apts are over and hope you get good results on your tests.

    Ade, I hope you made the long trek to your apts today. I hope your new supplement is working for you.

    Ellen praying things went well at your mom's.

    Faith, continued prayers for you and for these allergy problems that have been such a problem.

    Hershey, praying all goes well for you for tomorrow. You CAN DO THIS.

    Mini, I was just thinking about your recently and here you are. I know you visited your sister in Fl and then never posted after that. Hope you are doing well and had a good visit with your sister.

    I am doing better. My neighbor who is helping me has been taking pics of my incision after I was concerned if it was getting infected. It is improving and even from this morning till this evening it looks better. I am just so tired. I am still having trouble sleeping but have dozed off a few times today.

    Praying for all the needs.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Faith, praying that your allergies get under control WITHOUT the dizziness - I know how rough that makes your day!

    Hershey, May your treatments do exactly what they're intended to do - without discomfort to you - to HIS glory!

    Joanne, perfect banners! May the Lord relieve your pain and be your Helper and Strong Tower in all you're dealing with. May His love for you bless your heart.

    Jean, rest up. Praying your tests come out well!

    Nancy, so very sorry you're having such discomfort! Praying it is NOT infected and heals soon! How long til suture removal?

    Mini, I'm new since you posted - so glad to "meet" you & hoping you're doing well.

    Finally saw my onc today up in Midland. It takes 3 hours to get there. He's fine with my going off the Exemestane and I will try Tomoxifen in about a week. If I still have such bad se's I am off ALL of it! He said some who stay on the meds have recurrence - some don't. . . .some who go off meds have recurrence - some don't. He will keep an eye on me either way which is reassuring. On the way home (after lunch, Wall Mart, & an eye appointment) we drove through a BIG dist storm like I (born & raised in Ohio) have never seen! It was a WALL that completely blocked vision of the road. Have seen snow white-outs but this was like the dust storm from the first movie THE MUMMY! The car thermometer read 108 outside! Then we went through a HARD rain and the temp was 75 - but it washed off the dust! :oD Then back to heat around 99 pulling into town. After taking care of the dog we laid down for 2 hours and are now up for supper. Whew! Glad to be home and have the med thing settled for now - and it is completely in the Lord's hands.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    Ade, I am SO thrilled for you! Also glad that your MO is on YOUR side in all of this. As I posted b4, they can't FORCE you to take these drugs. At this point, you have to think of QUALITY of life, not quantity of weeks, months, etc.

    You can't serve God joyously when you're dragging yourself around exhausted and in miserable pain all the time because of Aromataze Inhibitors. If Tamoxifen is just as bad, kick it to the curb. I suggest waiting an extra week (2 wks total) to get all the toxicity from the previous Exemestane out of your system first. You deserve that extra little break, and I don't think it will hurt if you wait an additional week.

    Nancy, aren't La-Z-Boy recliners the best? Mine helps with some of my bone met pain because I have the heat and massage units.

    Hugs everyone

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Hershey, praying your first treatment today goes well.

    Ade, God will be right there with you no matter what. Praying that you will feel much better with a meds change and I do hope the Tamoxifin is much more tolerable for you.

    Yes, Lita, I had a living room make over and I have had this new Lazy Boy chair for just a couple months. It it the BEST thing of my makeover hands down!! Love, love, love it. Can you tell I love it.Happy

    I think I have finally turned the corner on the bad pain. The incision I am pretty sure is not infected but seems worse after sleeping on it and then improves. My neighbor is taking pics of it on her phone so I can see it up close. She has been a life saver!!!

    Have a great day dear ladies.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Thank you, Lita. I will only get a one month supply of Tomox. trial. It SOUNDED like my onc thinks that will PROBABLY not be worth it either. He's a new grad (I was one of his first day patients) and he is really awesome. He LISTENS! God is so good. My first onc had me in tears- he was so NOT nice! I think this onc actually expects me to chuck it all after the trial and he is ok, knowing how BAD it has been so far. I am at peace and joyfully hopeful of the prospect of perhaps feeling NORMAL! Thank you for your support in this.

    Hubby decided to put my new shelving in my office for inventory storage - MUCH needed - but TODAY? I have been moving stuff and toting heavy boxes making the room for them. And I thought this was a REST DAY after yesterday's trip? Oh silly silly me!

    Nancy I LOVE the banner you posted (I am saving them to use on my facebook page to encourage others) My recliner is not a Lazy Boy - ours wore out so we replaced them with cushy leather ones that you just melt into. It doesn't have the fancy message or heat but it sure helps when the joints are screaming! In the winter I use a large heating pad and it does wonders for the morning aches. I'm thanking the Lord you are finally turning the corner on the pain and pray that when those sutures come out you are amazed at how much better you are.

    Hershey, hang in there - you can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you!

    Blessings to you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Ephesians 2:10New International Version (NIV)

    10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    I read a quote yesterday that said " It feels good to live in your comfort zone but no growth takes place there."

    I somehow think this scripture and this quote can live in the same neighborhood.

    Have a good day dear sisters. I am off to see my surgeon for my follow up.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited June 2017

    Dear ladies,

    Blessings to each and every single one of you. Your outpouring of prayers means so much to me.

    Wednesday was a long and tiring day, but I had the best nurse (Ann) I could have prayed for: kind, patient, gentle, and supportive. God sent me an angel in Ann. My port worked like a champ, and husband and I were home by 3pm. I got nauseous that evening, and that was the worst part of the whole experience. The prescription medication didn't touch my nausea. I sent my doctor's office an email and received a reply to come in Thursday morning to have my electrolytes checked. Sure enough, the electrolytes were off. Angel Ann started an IV, and I felt much better. She also gave me my first Neulasta injection and told me that I would probably experience some deep bone pain. So far, that pain has not come to pass. Praise God!

    I pray everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Hershey, I am so glad to hear of your special nurse, Ann. I could ditto that for my procedure last week. Good nurses are worth they weight in gold for sure. I am so glad to hear you have a good one. Hopefully this is someone you will get to see when you are getting your chemo. I know there are some remedies for the Neulasta shots if you have issues. I think it is allergy meds but don't quote me on that as I am not sure. Maybe anyone here can weigh in on that if they have had experience with that. I know some ladies in the past have talked about it on this thread. If you do a search on BCO I am sure you will find lots of posts regarding that if necessary. Praying that you will continue to to navigate through your chemo treatments with caring people and those that listen and respond quickly. We'll continue to pray for you.

    Ade, hope you are not over doing with all the work you mentioned after your long day traveling to and from your MO apt.

    Joanne, you know I LOVE that banner. I had another short night and when I do I get up at the crack of dawn and watch my hummingbird feeder for any action. I am never disappointed.

    I was at my surgeons and it seems like all my team has PA's now so initially I wasn't sure if I was going to see him but my incision started looking very concerning to me yesterday morning and today was much worse. The PA said she would take out the stitches but she wanted the surgeon to see the incision. He came in and lanced this place that was beginning to be a problem and was very sore. He took out the stitches and I am back on bandages and antibiotics. PLEASE pray that I will tolerate this regime of AB better than the last. He said he was not surprised the way it looked because he said it was a very nasty cyst. This is the same guy that downplays everything. So I didn't feel like such a wimp with this thing after hearing him say that. I have to see him again on Wed.

    My cat has stopped using her litter box again. Can you hear me SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had a chance to deal with my carpet yet as this cyst has seemingly held me hostage for weeks on end and continues to do so. I am praying the worst is over and complete healing will begin.

    Have a wonderful Father's Day Weekend dear sisters.



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy I'm sorry to hear you're still dealing with your cat's antics I know how it is since in 2010 when I had my initial mastectomy and chemo I had three cars and had to do everything by myself. Praying you continue healing and praying cat behaves.


  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2017

    HersheyKiss, if you get pain from Neulasta, try taking a Claritin (not D). I still had some aches but nothing a little walking didn't warm up and work out. Thank you all for the wonderful messages on here. I love the pictures of the deer too. Peace be with you. We had to go to a wake for a friend's son who was in a car accident last week. It's such a dangerous time of year for the teenagers. Reading the blessings on here has helped me. My husband and I were so upset and ended up snapping a few times (our son is just 7, going on 8 this summer. To think of all this effort and care, precaution and teaching and it can all be taken away in an instant is sobering). Looking forward to a day of gardening tomorrow even if a bit humid here in Ohio.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Aurora. My cat is not going in her box but where?????????? How are you doing after your treatment on Friday? I continue to pray for you.

    7 o 9 good to hear from you. I am glad you were able to weigh in on the Claritin for Hershey in case she needs it. I thought that might be it but didn't want to say since I wasn't sure. I sure am sorry to hear about this young person's death. So glad you are being blessed by this thread as I think we all are and grateful we have a Christian thread on this website. Hears hoping to some gardening time for both of us.

    I see these apples as a representation of all of us on this thread. We may be different colors, come from different backgrounds and different countries but we can all share Christ's love which only sees the heart.

    God bless all of you this Father's Day weekend.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited June 2017

    Hi All, It has been awhile since I posted but always reading and praying for all.

    Hi to the new posters!

    Praying for all. And Happy Father's Day to all the Men in each of your lives!

    Love Across The Miles,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2017

    7of9, gardening is the one activity I miss most. Seems like gardening requires the involvement of everything on me that's broken: my back, my shoulders, my knees. It is a truly healing activity which I have always done, since childhood, as both my parents were avid gardeners. This despite the fact my dad was career sea-going Navy; when he was away for months at a time, my mom would send him letters with news of the gardens, what was blooming, what was ready to pick, and even pressed flowers from his favorites. Some of those letters, with enclosures, still exist.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    Oh Mags, I SO MISS gardening too. I can't bend over anymore or get down on hands and knees because of all my mets. We are in a trial by fire, but gotta keep smiling.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2017

    Even in a trial by fire, you're in a stylish hat!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited June 2017


    Monarch on butterfly bush, from my 2009 garden pics.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,332
    edited June 2017

    Good Sunday morning!

    My choir director is going to try to Facebook live the service just for me this morning. I am not feeling well again. I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life!

    I do miss gardening. I live in a condo now so gardening is not even an option, but you all are motivating me to get my containers out and at least plant some flowers again. Thanks!

    Have a blessed day.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited June 2017

    Yeah, I should do that too...I can pot some flowers in pots on a bench so I don't have to bend over.

    I love tuberous begonias...should call our local nursery and see if they have any yet.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Happy Father's Day to all the men in you life dear sisters.

    Angie, good to hear from you. You have been on my mind and heart for a while. I hope you are doing well.

    I am an avid gardener and have been temporarily sidelined from that for a while so I can get only a glimpse of what you that are no longer able to engage in it must feel like. I am sorry that some of you are not feeling well today. I posted this banner for those especially and of course we all need to hear these words of truth as well.

    Mags, I loved your story about your garden and your father. How precious to still have some of those letters. Love your pic with the butterfly.

    Lita, I think somehow you are making lemonade out of lemons. I love your pic with the fire pit.

    Chris, praying you feel better.

    I am really disappointed that I was not up to going to church today as my insomnia has been hanging around. On a positive note Cammie used her litter box today and I can't tell you how thrilled I was with that.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and praying that those who are not feeling very well now will feel better as the day enfolds.

    Love you all,



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited June 2017

    Nancy, thank you for the banner the verse is encouraging and the flowers are pretty.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2017

    My great granddaughter Valentina and I at our Father's Day family dinner.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,874
    edited June 2017

    Thanks Aurora. I hope you are doing well this round of chemo.

    Jean, what a great pic. I just can't believe how Valentina is growing up so fast.

    Thank you Teka. Yes, Cammie has been a handful since day one but I fell in love with her from the beginning when many people would have given her up. I remind her of that fact every so often. LOL

    She has such a great personality and is so smart. There is someone in our neighborhood that is addicted to fireworks and he starts about a month before the 4th and will go into Oct if he still has supplies. I many times wonder if this is what sets her off. We not talking just little firecracker sounds but ones that sound like bombs going off in my backyard.

    My incision is still very red so I will be anxious to see what the doctor thinks on Wed. So far I am tolerating the AB which is a real answer to prayer.

    Have a great day dear sisters. I have posted this banner before but some are worth repeating.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2017

    Valentina is SO pretty! Thanks for posting.

    Love the banners ~*~ saving them to repost & forward. :o)

    Started on Tomoxafen 2 days ago - so far so good & it is FAR cheaper! Getting off the Exemestane has done WONDERS for my sleep - and that helps everything! Nancy - is insomnia a se of your Arimidex???

    GOOOO Cammie! * * * * * (IN YOUR BOX!)

    Happy for you who can & are making a way to garden! I have a squishy bug/worm phobia so though I love the produce & flowers I fear the crawlies.

    Hugs & blessings to you all!
