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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    As we enjoy the Memorial Weekend with possibly family dinners, potlucks or picnics let us never take for granted what sacrifices were made so that we can live in a free country. We don't have to hide our Bibles and go to church secretly for fear of being branded an enemy of the State as many have to in countries that are not free. Let us never forget that many died for our freedom in this country. Of course we know that our true freedom is in Christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom from sin. We will have a glorious home in heaven as we are only passing through as strangers in a foreign land. This fallen world is not our everlasting home but we will only be here for a short time. We must use our gifts for others so that we will be able to bring along many others to this true home that we will all see for those who have accepted Jesus as their personal savior and has asked Him for forgiveness of our sin.

    God bless all of you this holiday weekend. Faith, praying that you will be able to make this very long road trip and that your sciatica will not become an issue as you travel.

    Faithfilled, I hope you are making a rapid recovery from your surgery.

    Ginny, I hope you got some good info from your MO apt. This BCO site is a wealth of information and it is always nice to "talk" to others going through the same thing." You need to be discerning as you read because as some threads can be extremely negative and can influence us and drag us down. Remember that there are many ladies who do just fine and they may not post at all. The nice thing about this thread is that we all have obstacles that can seem insurmountable but we all know that we have a BIG God that will help us through any situation and that He is always right there going through it with us and giving us strength and courage. I believe He uses all of our trials for good and He is perfecting us from glory to glory as He prepares us for our forever home.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2019

    Prayers for the men and women who continue to keep us safe. I did not know that a "sky pilot" is actually a chaplain for the troops. This song from the great, underrated Eric Burdon, came out in 1968. Makes me cry every time. Great pics, too.


  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2019

    NANCY-- that is a very inspiring song---- when I feel lost and does not know what to do,I listen to this song.

    JO-5--uplifting prayer and encouraging song. Thank you.

  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2019

    Lita-- beautiful song,

    May God bless all the people in MILITARY and their sacrifices.

    May God help all their families too.

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2019


    I am grateful to all the brave men and women who gave their lives for freedom.

    I am thankful for Jesus Christ who gave His life so we all might be free.

    God bless everyone.

    ** Lita, I did not know that a "sky pilot" is a military chaplain. Thank you for explaining the terminology. **

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Lita, thanks for sharing that song and video. It was very moving. I didn't know what a sky pilot was so thank you for letting us all know. My Dad served in WW2 and he was proud to be a Marine but he never wanted to talk of the horrors of that war as he saw way too much as he was really only a boy when he served. My BIL is now 100% disabled because of agent orange from serving in the Vietnam War. So much pain and loss but I thank God for those men and women who step up every day to protect our freedoms.

    Hershey, thank you for that banner and your words.

    Janet-Mara, welcome. Please feel free to post any time.

    Have a good evening dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2019

    Janet-Mara & Ginny, glad you joined us. Now you have a whole 'bevy' of ladies who understand and will pray for you!

    Great Memorial Day posts, ladies! Thank you!

    We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary yesterday - and did nothing but rest! It was good. We have been in love 50 years as of this fall. God is good. He has brought us together SO much closer to Him through many trials & miracles.

    I am neck deep in getting rid of "stuff", paring it down for 'the' move. James finished tiling the master bath all by himself and it was a BIG job for him! I am proud of his God-given abilities. Next we carpet the bedroom - but have to clear it completely out first. ...whew!....

    Blessings on your Memorial Day, Ladies,


  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2019

    Hello Ladies,

    It is nice to see a celebration of Memorial Day--thank you for the lovely posts and pictures. My father was in the Air Force in WWII, as was my uncle. Between my husband and me, we have many who have served, including his grandmother who was in the Waves.

    I have not posted here before, and hope I will be welcome.

    I am 61 years old and have been cancer free for going on ten years. My last check-up was last June and all was "normal."

    Normal is a funny word--though I am not under any treatment anymore, I have been significantly changed by the cancer experience. A big change is that I have become very reclusive. I love my alone time for prayer, reading, writing, sewing, cooking, walking, etc. I never know how much time I have, so I am selfish with it. My husband is with me every day and we enjoy each other. We've been married for 24 years and never had children. I have three older siblings and many nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews. For my whole life, I've suffered from the "little sister" syndrome, never feeling "good enough."

    I'm reaching out today because of a gut-gripping anxiety that has taken hold.

    It started with the end of winter. I love winter because I can hole up and no one expects to see me as I live in a very snowy, rural place. I have explained to family that I don't travel in the winter because it is too dangerous. I hardly drive anymore, not that I can't, just that I don't want to go anywhere. I'm a home body.

    My problem is that my family all live on the west coast (I live in Michigan) and I'm terrified of taking a plane to get there to see them. Then, they are all really hyper and have plans to drive all over the place, up and down California. I can hardly bear the thought of being under their control for a ten day visit. But at the same time, my sister is turning 68 and her kids are throwing a retirement and birthday party for her in a big city. Just the thought of going to a big city causes my whole body to tremble with fear. I'm terrified of cities and avoid them as much as possible.

    I don't want to go and my body is screaming out to me to cancel the visit. But then there is this awful guilt about not going.

    I love my family and it would be nice to see them (though politics, religious views, and life styles are quite different from mine).

    I've been praying day in and day out, and appreciate God's love and patience.

    And still I have this awful anxiety about taking a plane and being out of my little, cozy office, and away from my husband. My husband is so solid...he was with me through the entire breast cancer experience. It was really hard and he stuck with me through surgeries, treatments, major emotional melt downs, then menopause, hormonal therapy...and the aftermath, which includes that I just feel like being alone most of the time. (Maybe PTSD still?)

    I don't have the same energy I used to and over the last year I've developed sciatica and I've been working hard to relieve that annoying pest. I have many aches and pains and I worry, always, what is next? My oncologist explained that we tend to get more aches and pains as we get older and to push the negative thoughts out of my mind. I usually do a pretty good job, but yesterday I woke up with a migraine (first one of the year). And I'm overweight and even though I exercise and try to watch my diet...I can't seem to lose these extra pounds. I worry that fat has estrogen in it. I worry that worrying and stress will bring on another cancer. Worry, worry, worry...I don't take any meds now. I took ativan during chemo and for a while after for anxiety. I wish I had some right now, except that I usually can meditate, pray and exercise instead of taking pills.

    Then, tomorrow I have to go to the dermatologist. Not only does my family history include lots of breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer (which took my mom in '96), and throat cancer...but it is filled with skin cancer. I've been treated for pre-skin-cancer a number of times and my face has a lot of spots I need to have looked at. My oldest sister just had a melanoma removed (clear margins, and no tx other than reconstruction). My husband is driving me and I'm grateful. He drove me to almost all my cancer treatments back in 2010, and to my follow-ups. He has been awesome and I'm grateful to him.

    What I'm trying to figure out is whether I'm wrong to stay home and not go visit family in California. Am I being too selfish? Am I wrong to want to be alone and enjoy the peace of my home, where I feel safe and happy (and a clean rest room is always nearby)? Do I have to travel across the country to relieve guilt feelings? I'm so stuck right now I can hardly move.

    Thank you for reading my dilemma. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

    Wishing you peace this Memorial Day.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Dear Melody,

    I am glad you felt comfortable to post here. I know that you are probably wanting someone to tell you what you should do but I think that you will have to make that decision yourself since you are the one that will have to deal with whatever decision you make.

    I thought I had a recurrence in April and the anxiety of that and many other things I am dealing with thrust me into what is called reactive depression. It completely took me by surprise. I am seeing a social worker in oncology. I don't tolerate meds well so for me it is talk therapy and exercise and photography. The anxiety in your post is palpable. I feel for you because your mind is racing so fast that I imagine it is almost making you sick. If you have been on some meds in the past that have helped that might be a good thing to discuss with your doctor. That may help take the edge off of the harsh feelings you are enduring now. Does your family in California know what you are going through?

    I am going to pray for you now that the Lord will give you clear direction on how to proceed. I pray that He will give you comfort and peace now so you can get through your dermatologist visit.

    Whatever you decide do not allow the enemy to put a guilt trip on you because he is the author of lies. You certainly have very legitimate reasons for staying home. Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zone so I do not know what the Lord is doing but He will tell you if you seek Him in these decisions.

    There are ladies on this thread that will pray for you along with my prayers. Please feel free to post and let us know how you are doing.



  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2019

    Dear Nancy,

    Thank you for your healing words and prayers. I sincerely appreciate your kindness.

    I looked up reactive depression. Wow! I think that fits. I have heard that depression and anxiety are related...anxiety can keep you from feeling underlying depression.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I also do not like meds, so talking would be preferable. I will look into that for myself. Thanks again and thanks for the reminder about the author of lies.

    I will need to talk with my family and let them know how I'm feeling. I dread that because it will mean facing my fear. But I will do it.

    Wishing everyone a blessed Memorial Day!

  • GinnyO2
    GinnyO2 Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2019

    Thank you so much for your response !! I’ve been told that the cancer is very aggressive. I have a high level of estrogen and progesterone which are feeding the cells. Oncologist said that it’s going to be difficult to treat, so I’m praying for wisdom for him and I . I’m praying for you as well! Praying for comfort and safety.

    God isn’t surprised by anything we’re going through. He has a plan and we need only trust ....wish He trusted me with less! 😉

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2019

    Ginny, I’m so sorry to hear what your oncologist said. I hope he didn’t sound as negative as you indicated. If you have the possibility of getting a second opinion I would definitely do that especially if the doctor said it would be hard to treat. Insurance usually always covers second opinions and your doctor shouldn’t be offended if you take your records to another doctor. It could confirm what he has said or not and in that case, a third opinion is possible. There are lots of ways to treat MBC and not all of them involve chemo therapy if you’re worried about that. I will pray for healing and wisdom for you and your doctor.

    May God bless our country and everyone here this Memorial Day. I am praying for all of us and I ask for your prayers as we get ready for a long drive to Ohio in couple of days. Nancy, I’m also praying for safe travels back home for you and that you have been able to take care of some of the things you went there to do and especially for your anxiety/depression to be lifted.

    Love and prayers

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Good morning dear sisters.

    I have just a short bit of time right now. I am taking my Mom to the dentist which is pretty far from her facility and with her urgency to use the bathroom especially if she is stressed makes this a huge challenge. The dentist is getting her ready with all of these apts to put in a partial plate to replace all of her teeth that have fallen out. I am also going to meet with the director of her facility today and talk financial matters so I would really appreciate your prayers for this day to go well with my Mom and that I will have good info after talking to the director.

    Ade, praying for strength as you continue to clear out. Praise God that James can do the work he is doing. That takes some skill and a lot of hard work and patience.

    Faith praying for your trip and thank you for your prayers. I am going back home on Thursday.

    Ginny, I am praying that you will be in the center of God's will and He will keep you in perfect peace in that place of trusting Him. You have received some very difficult news but God as you have said is not surprised by anything we go through. May God give you the strength for this day and all of the days to come as you cope with this journey.

    I will check in later if I have any energy left after this day. I am praying it will be a good one for my Mom and I as I may not see her tomorrow and devote that last day here to washing and cleaning before going back home on Thursday.

    Have a good week dear sisters.




  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2019


    You need to do what YOU need to do. Don't let anyone force you to travel.

    Do you have SKYPE? You can communicate on your computer with that. I can't walk that well anymore, my eyes are bad because of brain mets, I'm in pain all the time now, etc., so I don't travel unless it's where I WANT to go, and that's local.

    Enjoy your life as much as you can.

    One day closer to seeing Jesus, my parents, grandparents and cousins.


  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2019

    Dear Lita57--Thank you very much for your words of wisdom. I sincerely appreciate. I can't thank you enough and I will pray for you.

    Dear Nancy--Thank you again, too. I hope the appointment with your mom went well.

    With all best wishes; you are all in my prayers.

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2019

    Hello, Melody,

    I am also in Michigan, also suffering from PTSD and was always an extreme introvert as well. I love the long Michigan winters as well, and also those rainy days when you know nobody will expect you to go out. Summers are hard though as our little town triples or quadruples in population..I love the quiet, and the birds and other nature as my companions.

    I ended up in the ER after I tried to attend church by myself one Sunday back in 2016..they said I had something called a transient paralysis, where all of my extremities went completely numb and I could not move at all, barely even to talk! I tried several meds at that time, but had a difficult time with them all, and currently I am not on any anxiety medication. I am completely honest with everyone now regarding the anxiety, and my friends and family seem to understand at least most of them. Two of my three daughters have the same anxiety as I do, and my husband is also an introvert, so this helps them understand. I have, however lost a couple of friends and even a couple of family members because they could not come to terms with my recurrence/ stage 4 diagnosis in October 2017... There are some ladies from church who just think I am weird because I do not attend regularly..but they do still keep me up to date and I do try to attend ladies Bible study on Thursdays. (smaller group, is less chance of a panic attack).

    The best thing I did for myself and for my loved ones was to be completely honest about what I am going through and feeling. It is what it is, after all. It was my only choice, since I knew that being in a medicated state of mind all the time, meant that I would be numb to everything and I did not want that. So I decided I would navigate through the feelings, especially the fear, and talk about what was going on inside my head with those whom I could trust. That meant I had to talk about the possibility of death. That is not easy..but, even if you don't talk about it with your loved ones, it is still right there sitting inside your head, and making you crazy with fear and you might as well talk it through. It will help, once the ice is broken..and it will help them as well.

    And for all who suffer anxiety/depression..

    *If you need medication for anxiety/depression, and can handle it, then by all means, do speak with your doctor about it..just because I could not take them, does not mean they aren't useful for others. In fact, they really helped me get through some terrible hot flashes during the first rounds of chemo back in 2014..I just could not tolerate them long-term.

    Speaking of the anxiety... *WARNING*, Long rant ahead! Sorry. Bawling

    I wanted to report that I went to UofM last Tuesday to have my numb leg looked at and it did not go so well! First, they had me get an MRI the Sunday before, which showed no cancer, (praise the LORD)! BUT..Ya know once you are diagnosed with cancer, oftentimes that's all the doctors seem to care if something else goes wrong, as long as it is not the cancer, they seem not to really care very much! Sp, this is what happened with my leg numbness..

    I was told by my MO that he would refer me to a NEUROLOGIST at the U of M..I was then called with instructions to go to one of their satellite clinics in Northville, just NE of the main U of M facility.

    I arrived there only to be seen by, first a physician's assistant, and then by an oncologist who specializes in brain cancer and brain tumors only.(I have neither) She did not in her own words "do nerves" she had no clue what was wrong with my leg..and barely looked at it. So we basically drove over 300 miles (one way) to get another referral to a neurologist. Jeff took the day off and we had a stressful drive because of detours and lots of traffic, not to mention the cost.

    So, yesterday they called to do a post visit check up to see how I am doing and if I had any questions. I told them that I did have a question: Why in the world was I even seen there? It was a huge waste of my time (which I told her is very precious with this diagnosis, and I do not just give it away for no good reason!) It was a waste of my husband's day off which he needs them for our upcoming two grandbabies births, and money that we do not have since we are in the middle of replacing our entire septic system! She asked if I wished to speak with their human resources department, and I told her no, I am not wasting any more time with them.

    So, I called my MO and told them about the conversation I had just had with U of M, and wondered just exactly who was the referral to, since my MO told me it was for a neurologist. I found out that the referral was a mistake by the office scheduler who called to apologize personally. I accepted her apology.

    I felt bad for being so stern with the woman who called from U of M..but, after this whole fiasco, I have decided to simply make an appointment with my Primary doctor and go from there. The MRI showed more degeneration of the spine and several spurs, which I have quite a lot of experience with since my late this is likely the cause of the numbness.

    I haven't the time, money or energy to take a trip all the way back down there, especially with being busy waiting for my granddaughters to be born. (one any day now), in fact, she may be induced today at her appointment according to her OBGYN!

    Hello, and welcome, Ginny! (My daughter's name also) Smile

    I am joining my prayers for comfort and strength through our Lord, for all who are going through trials here on this forum..For the newly diagnosed, or rediagnosed, for those who are going through tests and those who are suffering from side effects, whether short term or long term..and for those who are struggling with the everyday ups and downs, and the worries over loved ones, finances, and other conditions, both physical and/or mental affliction. May you sense God's love and be renewed in your minds that He is always in control, and always worthy of our praise..he makes no mistakes, and whatever it is we are experiencing now is working toward something much better, something that will always last, and it will all make perfect sense to us someday!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Dear faithful ladies,

    I am taking a short break from mopping and cleaning at my Mom's house and need to get some needed paperwork from my sister so I am very short on time. I wanted to share some unbelievable news with you. I just met with VA man on behalf of my Mom on Thursday. This is the guy who about erupted from anger a couple of times during our long visit. He was very vague on some things and wanted to pretend that there was this huge obstacle for my Mom getting approved for the Widow's pension it is called to help offset her enormous assisted living expense. I checked my home phone voice mail today which is my contact number I give out and this same man called yesterday and said after reviewing your Mom's financial situation she can be approved now!!!!!!!!!! He said to get her exam with her doctor in right away and that needed paperwork from her doctor. I haven't even begun to fill out the financial stuff and proof of everything as those needed things are at home which I will be returning to on Thursday. I don't understand any of this but I do know that God knows we are honest people and trying to portray my Mom's situation in the most honest and effective way we could.

    I do believe this only means that her application process can be approved. It doesn't mean she will start getting money asap. In fact I have read online that it may take up to a year for her application to be processed. I have not had a chance to call this man back as I am really under the gun trying to get things done before going home tomorrow.

    I thank you for those who have prayed for this situation and we know that God is in control even when things look very bleak.

    Lisa, thank you for weighing in on Melody's situation. I figured you could identify with what she is going through and also living in Michigan.

    Lita, I know you tell it like it is and I am glad for your input as well.

    I must get back to work. Please continue to pray that we can gather all of this paperwork and have it in as quickly as possible. I had planned on getting it all in when I am returning in August but it looks like with the situation changing I may either have to return with the paperwork or try faxing all of it. At any rate I am thanking God for a glimmer of hope in this situation that looked so difficult.

    Have a good night dear sisters.

    Lisa, amen to that banner.



  • FaithFilledGirl
    FaithFilledGirl Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2019

    Congratulations on the great news & abrupt turnaround of events from the VA man, Nancy. I'm so happy for you! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts & prayers as well. My D&C went well & I started my Tamoxifen on May 22nd and so far, so good!

    I'm keeping all of you faithful ladies in my thoughts & prayers this week - God's Richest Blessings - FaithFilled

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2019

    Nancy, hooray for another answer to prayer. I will keep them coming and you finish up and travel.

    FaithFilled, good news also on your D&C going well.

    God is good!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Thanks Faith filled and Chris. I spent a lot of time getting the needed documents from my sister and I hopefully have what I need. I have to finish the application after going back home because the documents I need are at home. I am so wiped out but if I can resume my swimming when I get home I know I will feel so much better and will have more energy to fill out all of the application. I want to get all the forms in asap before the VA guy changes his mind!!!!

    Faithfilled, so glad you have started your Tamoxifen and that the D and C is behind you.

    On the way home from my sister's tonight I listen to this Christian radio station and I heard this quote that said "Do not give up on the One who will never give up on you." I love that quote and have never ever heard anything quite like it. Thank goodness that God puts up with us at our best and our worst. He never gives up on us even though our faith and trust in Him can waiver as the tidal waves keep rushing over us at times. I know my Mom's financial situation has been a heavy weight for a long time and I am so grateful that we have made a huge step forward in this process. I would appreciate your prayers for strength for me as I tackle this job that I thought I had much more time to do.

    Thank you for your prayers and you know you have mine.



  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2019

    That song was perfectly worded for Nancy's, and many of others situations on here!

    Nancy, I feel as though I need to ask the Lord to calm you (his child), instead of calming the storm as you are dealing with the whirlwind of financial concern and the heavy responsibility you feel weighted under concerning this paperwork etc..Sometimes the storm needs to come through in order to bring down the dead branches, and wash away the debri that has built up. This storm seems to be heading in the right direction, and will accomplish what it should in the end.


    I just told a friend this morning that God has been handing her some pretty heavy bricks lately, because He knows she is finally strong enough to carry them and build something with stand in faith and know that Jesus has the perfect plan and will help her carry this load.

    Thank you, Nancy for your faithful prayers for me on here too..I have noticed that so many ladies here remain so faithful in spite of going through so much themselves, and I am truly inspired by this! I honestly covet that kind of love and commitment, and hope the Lord will help me to be a better prayer warrior like all of you are.

    I was able to attend my ladies Bible study this morning, and was so blessed by it.

    Our youngest daughter seen her OBGYN yesterday, and she did a procedure that may cause labor to begin within 48 hours! So if she does not have the baby by Monday, her doctor said, they will induce Monday morning. I have my treatment that morning at the same hospital, but I am praying she comes before then because I want to be there for my daughter, and I cannot if I have a needle in my chest!

  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2019

    Dear Neverforsaken, thank you very much for your kind understanding. (Isn't Michigan beautiful? I love watching the birds. Recently I saw a beautiful fox.)

    I can well relate to your ending up in the ER after attending church alone. In the past, I went to a few bc related doctor appointments by myself and had a bad experience when I got hit unprepared with needing more biopsies. Since then, I've asked my husband to go with me to any bc or c related appointments. We just went to the dermatologist on Tuesday and even with him present, I felt like I might black out from anxiety. The appointment went well, very pleasant doctor and staff, and she didn't find anything on my skin to treat (praise the LORD!). As we were leaving to go to the appointment, however, I checked the mail and there was the notice that I'm due for this year's check-ups. I cannot believe a year has passed.

    I think you are wise to be completely honest with people about anxiety. I would like to do the same. I called one sister today and said I would like to postpone my visit to later this year when my husband can drive me. That went fairly well. I still need to call my other sister and I will do that tomorrow after I've rested. I can't tell you how relieved I am to not force myself to get on an airplane. It used to be so fun...but now with all the security and I'm so slow going through the lines...trying to get my shoes off, my computer out of the bag, and everything else...with people pushing up against me to hurry. I haven't flown for a long time. I'm just so much spacier than when I was young, and out of practice in crowds. I too prefer smaller groups.

    I love that you have been able to tell your loved ones your thoughts and feelings. Like you, I don't want to be medicated. I want to feel my feelings, even when it's like now...when I work through the tangled mess of mixed emotions, I will feel better. It is difficult talking about the possibility of death. I accept death as part of life because of my faith, but I love this world and I'm not in a hurry to leave. I leave that up to Him. But most of my family is agnostic to atheist and when I tell them I pray, I get weird looks. I just try to avoid certain subjects, nod and say "uh-huh."

    I will do as you suggest when I call my other sister tomorrow. I have mentioned anxiety before, so I will just have to get more detailed about it. I think you are right, it means facing a long list of fears.

    On your rant: Great news there was no cancer in your leg! Is the numbness from sciatica? Mine is numb a lot, so I do stretches and exercises. How frustrating to drive so far and take so much time. That is wonderful you got an apology.

    I love what you said, "Sometimes the storm needs to come through in order to bring down the dead branches, and wash away the debri that has built up."

    Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and prayers!

    Dear Nancy, how wonderful your Mom's financial papers were approved. Thanks for the quote too!

    Thanks to all for being here. God's love endures forever. Psalm 136

    You are all in my prayers!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    This banner is for Virginia Beach and all of the pain and loss they have experienced. It is also for all of us who have experienced pain and loss in our own lives whether from death of a loved one or death of the person we used to be.

    Joanne, thank you for your post and the lyrics to that song. I have to believe that the big and unexpected turn around in this man's view at the VA had to have been the Lord. I also believe that the Lord gave me great restraint when this man had his tantrum not once but twice. He eventually warmed up to me and I don't even remember what he said but it gave me an opportunity to share some of what I have been going through. I tried to be as respectful to him as possible and I thank God that I didn't respond in anger or crying or whatever because I was definitely trying to keep my composure.

    Lisa, I believe some of what I am going through is because God wanted other ladies who may be experiencing anxiety and depression to feel free to post after I have been honest in my current struggles. Believe me this was NOT easy for me to do because many ladies see me as being very strong and I didn't want to let them down. Actually I think my honestly opened up more doors for the Lord to work on this thread. I have been able to share some of this with my social worker who I will be seeing this coming week after not seeing her for a few weeks because of being at my Mom's.

    Melody, I sure hope that your call to your other sister went as well as your first one to your other sister. I am so glad you had the courage to say NO I am not able to travel at this time. Good for you. Praying that you can overcome this anxiety and that you can surround yourself with things that give you enjoyment.

    I have not shared that I am an avid gardener so getting my flowers bought ( I do a ton of annuals) and getting flowers planted has been my first goal and then tackling my Mom's paperwork. She has not been approved but has been considered eligible to apply now. The process may take up to a year. UGH

    One thing I had not counted on is that I am dealing with extreme fatigue. Yesterday I bought many plants and many of them were very heavy. After getting them on my back patio and front porch I felt like someone had popped a balloon except it was ME being drained of all of my energy. I experienced that at my Mom's and I would hit a wall in the evening which was not my usual.

    I am getting ready to head out and buy more flowers. I used to plant most of my containers myself but since bc that hasn't happened and probably won't anymore.

    My sister has an apt for my Mom to be evaluated by her primary doctor and that is a form the VA wants right away. That apt is not until June 12 so I have a few days to get this paperwork done.

    If you don't hear from me just know I am recovering from hitting that wall!!!




  • JanetMara
    JanetMara Member Posts: 147
    edited June 2019

    NANCY---Amen and Amen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    One of my photos appeared on the Forest Preserve Instagram site this weekend. They said something like the time they were in deep conversation. For all of you turtle lovers out there.


    I got this shot a few days ago on the way to visit my Mom. This is a great blue heron.


  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2019

    Nancy, Thanks again for your support and kindness. I called my other sister and was honest that I've been in quite a state. She was understanding. So I am not obligated to go. Now I struggle with my indecision...knowing I'd rather stay home, but also wishing I could see family, wishing I weren't so avoidant. I wish I could just hop on a plane and feel good about it, but I just don't. I'm feeling much more relaxed and I spent the day doing my favorite pastime, writing. I get lost in creativity and feel so at peace there.

    I hope you will enjoy your gardening and not get too fatigued doing paperwork. UGH to a year long process...I wish for it to be easy.

    Your photos are beautiful...thank you for posting.

    To all, Thanks again for your kindness, inspiration and support.

    You are all in my prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Melody, I am glad your other sister was understanding. I am glad you are finding relaxation and enjoyment in your writing. I feel the same about my photography. It is therapy for me so I can relate to that. Thank you for your nice comments on my photos. Remember to not let the enemy allow you to second guess your decision. Just because you can't see your family now doesn't mean you won't be able to at a later date. Keep writing and allowing yourself to heal. I know I have to be patient with myself and God's timing because I want to be healed yesterday! The thing that I have to remind myself of is that God has allowed these trials for both of us for a reason. He is perfecting us as only He can and we have to allow the potter to have His way with the clay...........that being us. The fiery furnace is not pleasant for anyone but it is essential in the process.

    God Bless you and I pray you feel stronger and more relaxed each day.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited June 2019

    Nancy, your photos are remarkable. I especially like the photo of the great blue heron. It is striking. And what great news from the VA representative! That is huge!

    Hello Melody, and welcome to the group. I understand your travel trepidation. I used to enjoy planning a trip, flying or driving to my destination, staying in a bed & breakfast, etc. Now it can feel like a chore; I have to remember to pack the many regular things, and I must include all the cancer and lymphedema stuff as well. Whew!?!

    My brother and I been busy getting our mom's home ready for sale. She moved to an assisted living facility in April; at first she was quite angry and upset, telling everyone she was going back to her house soon. But ever so slowly, she is accepting the new arrangements. I am grateful for that.

    Blessings on you day, sisters.

  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2019

    Hello all! My name is Victoria and I turned 67 in April. I am divorced, with three wonderful children, six precious grandchildren, and a precocious parrotlet named Romeo. I live in Fort Worth, Texas. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in my right breast last Thursday. There are two cancerous masses, with the smaller one being metastatic in my sentinel lymph node. I see an oncologist this Wednesday, and the radiologist who did the biopsy said a mastectomy will be required. I am doing okay for the most part. I love the Lord so much and trust that He's the blessed controller of all things, including this cancer and its outcome. My two daughters are accompanying me to every appointment, so I will be well taken care of in that regard.

    I retired in 2017 from being an addictions therapist at a treatment center/homeless shelter. I love to travel, and had planned on purchasing a van and traveling the US now that I'm retired. That journey will be delayed for awhile. :) I also love photography and attempted to post a couple of my photos, but keep getting an error message saying "You are not allowed to post links at this time." I attempted to insert an image, not a link, so not sure why that is happening? Anyone else have that problem?

    I'm so happy to have found this forum, with women my age who are facing this struggle. May God bless us, every one!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited June 2019

    Serenevic...welcome to our group although I am sad you have to be here. Sorry you are struggling to post a pic but make sure you use the "insert image" icon. You can resize it once it appears. Depending on your medicine regimen you should be able to travel once things stabilize. I look forward to pictures!

    Melody, I understand about your hesitations. I will add you to my prayer list that God will give you discernment and peace in your decisions.

    Nancy, so happy mountains are beginning to move for you and the VA situation for your mom. Some mountains have to be moved by bulldozers...a scoop at a time! I am praying you finally find some peace.

    This is the annual week my DD has to go with her school on an outdoor camping trip and I have her daughter here at home. Even though Bria turns 4 next week she is very attached to her mom. Since my DD is only 2 hours away in Big Bear, we are hoping to go up in a couple of days and stay at a hotel nearby so she can see her mom and enjoy a little bit of mountain nature. Pray I have enough energy for this as I have been struggling a little bit more than before. Bria's BDay party is Sunday here in our condo pool, and then Monday my DH and I fly to Colorado for a week. Last year in CO I struggled with the altitude and my pine tree allergy so we are going to see if I do it again, especially with going to the mountains before. If so, this is the last trip to CO for me.