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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Praying for all of you today. Chris, I am praying for GOOD news from your scan today.

    Gumdoctor, you have been on my heart the last few days. How are you doing? Praying for a breakthrough for you with the possible loss of your insurance and discharge from the Army.

    Faith, praying you have been able to have your family in without causing more stress for you.

    Faithfilled, I hope you are doing okay on your Tamoxifen so far.

    Hershey, praying you are doing well with your LE.

    Lisa, I don't know if I mentioned how cute your little dog is. Our furbabies gives us so much joy.

    Joanne, praying those spots are ALL vanishing.

    Ade, praying that James fever has not returned and for renewed strength as you deal with getting your house ready to sell.

    Teka, did you and your DH get over your coughs and colds?

    Lita, praying you will enjoy your flowers for many, many more days, weeks, months and years.

    I had to do laundry today and it is the first I ventured into my Mom's basement in her house. Well darn if I didn't see a snake and in a place I knew I would not be able to get to. I saw it in the same place several times but with the vibrations of the washing machine it has vanished. We have had people out to help deal with them and to date NO ONE has been able to solve the problem of where they are getting in. When they took this one chemical off the market which the company my Mom used for years told me they are no longer dealing with snakes because they have found nothing to repel them at this point. Lord help us with this problem. A snake has managed to get on the main floor of the house when my Mom was here after my Dad died. She knew how to deal with it back then. It crawled out from under the sofa as she was sitting in her Lazy Boy chair across from the sofa. So you can imagine how that memory creeps me out.

    Thank you for those who have prayed for me. I am on antibiotics and even though they are hurting my stomach I do feel better and I don't have as much head congestion so I am so thankful for that.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited May 2019


    Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. There is no news on what the Army is going to do with me yet. The few people who are really attempting to help me are unofficially dragging their feet with my paperwork. They will be filing an extension to the mandatory discharge in August because the paperwork is not done yet...

    As we know in this thread, God is in charge, not the Army or the policymakers.

    I read your posts daily but do not always write back as often as I should. So much is going on here, just like in everyone else's life.

    I know you are struggling and I know God has you completely cared for thru this struggle. He promises us He will not leave us. There is some comfort in that, in certain moments.

    Sending my love and prayers to you,


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited May 2019


    I just posted this in the gardening thread but thought some might like to see it here also. God has a way of showing us His love through such beauty in the midst of dark times.

    I struggled severely last fall to plant 9 rosebushes over 3 days in 90 degrees and in 15 min work sessions (all I could do). I did this by myself, by hand, digging wirh a trowel and small shovel...I never thought I could do it or that the rosebushes would survive...

    Here is the proof. 9 rosebushes ALL survived the winter and put out these breathtakingly beautiful blooms this week.

    We can take lessons from these tiny little things that are not tiny at all. God is in charge.

    Love to All here, Gumdoctor

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019


    It is good to hear from you. God bless those who are dragging their feet on your behalf. May they continue to get extensions!!!! Yes, God is in charge but it is hard when you are in the middle of it all.

    You are a better woman than I. I was a wus last summer and had contractors take out five rosebushes and plant five new ones. Unfortunately they were not looking good at all when I left for my Mom's. There was basically only new growth and that is not what is supposed to happen but we had to endure the Polar Vortex again this winter and I am surprised anything survived.

    I am getting ready to leave for my Mom's with my dinner (salad) in hand. She eats quite early at her facility and I like to each much later. I took the day to do some laundry and I got a tiny bit of camera time as well.

    I know there are gardeners on this thread including me and we would love to see your garden anytime. It is always exciting to see roses blooming for the first time. You DID GOOD!!!!!!!!!! (I was a music teacher not an English teacher. LOL )

    Thank you for your prayers and you have mine as well.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2019

    Absolutely gorgeous, Gumdoctor. I envy you being able to plant those beauties yourself. Sadly, I can't bend over or be on my knees anymore.

    I can transfer root-bound plants to newer pots but that's about it.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    I was saddened to hear this news. I know some of you are cat lovers out there and maybe this is old news to you but I just found out this evening.

    I have had many days that felt like this cat looked!!!!! She was only seven years old.

    Today was supposed to be my Mom's hair day which is lots of driving for me. She called and said she didn't feel like going. I ended up staying home all day as I was feeling quite nauseated and probably from my AB which I still have three more days. I did find out some important info on financial assistance for my Mom so the whole day wasn't lost and hopefully the Lord making a way where it was seeming very difficult. I cannot find her marriage license though so hopefully we can overcome this obstacle. These are all things I had planned on taking care of at Christmas when I never made it because of sickness. Really feeling behind the 8 ball at this point. Because of all the hoops one has to jump through to hurry this process along my sister said she would take my Mom to the County Building and hopefully that will speed this up. Otherwise it was going to take forever as they do not honor the typical POA's.

    View image on Twitter

    Grumpy Cat became a marketing sensation, with countless products bearing her sour visage sold around the world ... She appeared in commercials for Friskies and Honey Nut Cheerios and even starred in her own 2014 movie, "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever" on Lifetime.

  • FaithFilledGirl
    FaithFilledGirl Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2019

    Hi, Nancy - I hope you feel better soon & things go smoothly with Mom next week. I so appreciate you thinking of me, I have an outpatient D&C procedure scheduled tomorrow before I can start my Tamoxifen. A pre-Tamoxifen check up with my GYN last week showed I have some thick lining & polyps that need to be taken care of before we can move forward with the Tamoxifen. Just another little speed bump in the breast cancer venture, If you & all the good ladies could please keep me in your thoughts & prayers tomorrow, I would certainly appreciate it. Thinking of you & hope everyone is doing well - Many blessings - FaithFilled Girl

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Faith Filled, I pray that your D and C goes well tomorrow and that you can make a quick recovery so you can get started on Tamoxifen. I have had many surgeries over the years and a D & C was my very first one I think. You have gotten this far with your cancer journey and you will do fine with this. Praying for a successful surgery and a very quick recovery.

    My niece and her husband from Iowa came to visit my Mom today so my Mom had five visitors with my sister and her DH there as well.

    My Mom has possibly a UTI and I will have to call her doctor tomorrow. We have been down this path several times and it never shows any infection. She has had a bladder ultrasound in the past as well and that was normal.

    I have a personal prayer request and unspoken that is weighing on my mind and I could use some prayer support.

    Have a good evening dear sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2019

    Hello friends, while I've not been posting, I have been reading and really praying for all of you. Chris, as Jaylee said on the Ibrance thread, the longer we go, the harder it is waiting for results. I pray you have only good news from your scan. My last scan in January showed no signs of the tumor. However, I get my bloodwork done tomorrow and see the MO on Tuesday so I'm also having some anxiety. The waiting never seems to get easier.

    I've also been experiencing some unusual anxiety about everything lately and don't know if it's another side effect or just too much to think about. We just had DD and DGD here last week and now we have to drive 300 miles to Ohio for DGS's High school graduation at the end of May. I've been getting PT for sciatica but it's only very slowly getting better and that ride will probably make it worse again.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear that you've had a cold while having to visit your mom and deal with everything there. I'm praying that you feel better soon and your time there is easy and productive and especially no more snakes to deal with.

    Gum doctor, praying that the foot dragging continues on your behalf. Your roses are beautiful. Can't imagine trying to plant in that awful heat with all the drug side effects also.

    Lita, you are my hero, you just keep on keeping on. Praying that God continues to bless you with many good days ahead.

    Ade, I'm praying that you and James have the strength you need to get the house ready to sell and move. We need to downsize and the thought of doing all that is overwhelming..

    Faithfilled, I'm sorry I haven't welcomed you to the thread before this but I'm the other Faith here. I'm sorry you find yourself here but there is so much wonderful spiritual support here, you will be glad you found us.

    Jean, Joanne and everyone else I'm forgetting right now, you are all in my daily prayers that God will watch over you and bless us all with ongoing good health and healing.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2019

    Nancy, we must have been posting at the same time but I will certainly be praying for your special prayer request.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2019

    Nancy, glad your mom has had lots of visitors. I know this takes a little pressure off of you too! I will pray for her UTIs (and continuing dental issues). Mine don't often show up well either, but they are definitely there. Hope she gets the relief she needs. I will also pray for your unspoken request. These burdens weigh us down but God is faithful to hold us up in His hands. I am thankful for your continued support too.

    Faith840, praying God relieves your anxieties. They are real even if not explainable. Lifting you up in prayer.

    FaithFilled, will pray for your procedure tomorrow, that it will go smoothly and without incident. And that you will feel God at your side the whole way.

    I have a morning appt tomorrow to discuss last Thursday's scan. It is also my 3-year "cancerversary" so it will be an emotional day for me I am sure. For some of you, 3 years is nothing and you have been battling this disease for many years, but I was dxd stage IV de novo so it is big for me. But God is able to do abundantly more that I could ever imagine. Looking back over my journal pre-cancer days, I am reminded that God has brought me through many different trials and fills my cup to overflowing every time.

    Blessings on you all--Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Faith, I just saw you posted as I was about to shut down my computer. I can certainly relate to some of what you are feeling and I sympathize. Having family in no matter how much you love having them and seeing them is stressful. Getting geared up for a long road trip is stressful especially when you are dealing with pain issues that may not be helping by sitting in a car. All of those things can add up to feeling more stressed than usual.

    My Mom has been quite agitated the last couple of afternoons anticipating dinner and the more agitated she gets the more stress I am feeling so even though our circumstances are different I can relate.

    I pray that your blood work will be another victory and I pray you get results quickly.

    Chris, I sure hope you can get your results VERY soon. Waiting is SO hard.

    Have a good night dear sisters. I am out of food and either carry out or soup tonight. UMMMM which sounds better. LOL I think I know what is going to win out.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Chris, praying for your apt tomorrow. Three years out in Stage four is a BIG deal. Every anniversary is a big deal for all of us. I hope you have many, many more of those anniversaries. Thank you for your prayers too.

    Here is a little photo therapy I got yesterday when I was quite upset when leaving my Mom's facility.




  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2019

    Chris, You are probably at your appointment as I write this..Please know that I am praying for a good report from your doctor concerning the scan..It is often the not knowing that is worse than an actual diagnosis, but no matter the results we know that our Lord walks this path alongside us. Even when the news is good our minds and bodies take on stress and it can result in a feeling of being sick and tired and just plain worn right out. I pray that you will have peace in your spirit today and moving forward as well.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2019

    Good Monday morning to you all. God's mercies are new every morning and Mondays tend to remind me of that blessed promise.

    Gumdoctor, Lita and Nancy your flower pix are a testimony of God's goodness toward us. He could have made creation in gray tones, or us to see in black & white like dogs do. But instead He made breathtaking colors and forms such as you have captured on photos for us to enjoy. Thank you for sharing God's goodness toward us. I don't have roses - though they do beautifully here - so below are what's blooming in MY yard today.

    Gumdoctor, I pray for God's peace for you concerning your future. May HIS perfect will for you be done in His time. I am guilty of fretting over my future as my husband wants to move to a remote place not near our 2 children in Ohio. I see us getting older (and maybe sicker) and NEEDING our kids. Yet I have to pray GOD'S will because I truly don't know the future and God does. I have to constantly remind myself of God's sovereignty in my life accompanied by His love towards me. May He bless YOUR future in ways you can't even imagine.

    Nancy, I lift up your unspoken prayer. The Lord knows what you need even before you voice your prayers and I pray He will bless the outcome of your concern and grant you His peace and provision in it. May He facilitate the obtaining your mom's wedding certificate and it not be a problem. I am glad there was a bevy of visitors for her. She must feel loved. Bless you for your loving care towards her concerns (as God is giving to you!).

    Faithfilled, may your D&C be a breeze for you. As surgical procedures go that was one of my easiest - praying it will be for you too and that you do well on Tamoxifen. (Letrozole was my first cancer med and I had SO much anxiety & depression on it, so you should do better on the new meds.)

    Chris, may you have the Lord's peace regarding your scan results no matter what you hear. (Praying for GOOD news!) Celebrating three years post stage 4 with you. That's a BIG deal! He has you in the palm of His hand and nothing can snatch you from it.

    Lisa, wonderful, timely banner! Thank you!

    Blessings upon your week, sisters.

    Proverbs 3:5,6



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2019

    Nancy, NeverFor..., Ade, and others, thank you for your faithful prayers. I received good news from my onc this morning. There is no progression and the spots we have been watching are smaller. The back pain is still an unknown but it is not mets that show, and it has been improving so maybe muscular? If it gets worse we can do a bone scan, but should get better. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Chris, so happy for your good news. That is AWESOME!!!! I am glad your back is better.

    Lisa, thank you for that banner. I needed that reminder today.

    Ade, love seeing the flowers in TX. I have no idea what those are but woven look of the greenery is fascinating with the pretty flowers.

    I took my last antibiotic this morning PTL. My depression has taken some steps backwards unfortunately which I can't really go into as to why but it has. I would appreciate your continued prayers in this situation.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2019

    Chris - Praising the Lord for answered prayers!!! What a relief for you! (My back pain ended up being lumbar arthritis which showed by xray - maybe the cause for yours too???)

    Nancy - glad your antibiotic is over. I had to take food with mine or else got very bad nausea. Depression is awful - I know. Praying for the Lord to bring a sacrifice of praise from your lips this very day, and that He will lift your spirit up above the lies of the enemy. David said, "Why so downcast O my soul? Put your trust in God." May you find rest for your soul in His Word.

    Those magenta flowers are on one of the cacti in the front lot. Choya I think. The prickly pear cacti are full of bright yellow blooms now too. Oh how I miss my lilac i Ohio!


  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited May 2019

    Chris, Praise the Lord! I will continue to pray for a resolution for the back pain too.

    Faith, I know your anxiety..Both the waiting for results, the longer stage four people continue to get clear scans and blood work the more we seem to wait for that other shoe to drop don't we? Well, I know some people may expect us to not worry as much as we do..but scanxiety is very real..and a clear scan is what we pray for..but God does not say we will never get scared, he just helps us through the fear. I personally suffer from paralyzing anxiety (literally, I was rushed three years ago to the ER with Transient Paralysis!)..So I have learned ways to cope, but it does not always work..especially at times when I am overly tired like after my family visits.

    Faith Filled.. I've had a D&C, and it is not so bad. Do expect some cramping afterwards though, and Motrin is what always helped me.

    I am on my way this morning to the U of M to see a neurologist about a numb leg. My MRI (had on Sunday) showed no cancer, just degenerative changes, which is normal for me with the osteoarthritis..So please pray that they find out why my right leg has been numb for more than two months now. It is surface numbness..meaning I cannot feel the top of my leg foot and first three toes. I only feel the inside of the leg, and the back, but nothing on the top and outside below the knee. It is identical to the nerve damaged right forearm from the elbow up to the arm pit after I had surgery and nerves got I know it is nerve damage on my leg, but the question is why?!

    I wish I could write more, but husband is getting antsy to leave..God bless~Lisa

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2019

    NeverForsaken, I am sure you are on the road right now, but the numbness sure sounds scary. Will pray they find an easy explanation and solution. I have degenerative changes in my left shoulder. I could not lay with my arm above my head for my PET scan last week it hurt too bad. They let me keep my arm down which I was thankful for. It may explain the random pains in my left hand...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Hi dear ladies. It has been a crazy day. I had some errands to run before going to see my Mom and I had just got inside after bringing in some groceries. I heard something fall and I saw my cat in front of me so I knew it wasn't her doing anything.

    When I went outside to go to my Mom's a large section one of her trees blew over into the neighbors tree. There is an empty lot between our houses thankfully. It could have been bad but thankfully nothing was damaged and I talked to the new owners and the guy is not worried about their tree. In fact he asked if he could have the wood from the tree. He offered to help take it down. Our mower guy is coming first thing in the morning to see if he can deal with it. It is always a challenge with something new when I visit. Also my kindergarten tree that is in my Mom's backyard that guy hit by lightning last year doesn't look like it is going to come out of it and it is huge and older than dirt. LOL What does that say about me.

    Lisa, I have had numbness on the right side of my face and my right foot for quite a long time. I am currently seeing a neurologist for a brain tumor and it has not been explained. Mine could be from my AI but I know you are not on those. I hope you can get some answers and solutions.

    Ade, thank you for your encouragement. I did have some nausea a few days ago and I did take my AB with food. I have nausea sometimes in the morning because of my AI I am guessing. It usually goes away.

    This tree going down ended up being a good thing because I got to meet the new neighbors and I won't go into all the details but our first encounter was not quite the way I would have wanted.

    Faithfilled, I hope your D and C went as smoothly as possible and that you have a quick and easy recovery.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • FaithFilledGirl
    FaithFilledGirl Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2019

    Thank you so very much to all for lifting me in prayers on Monday. My D&C went well & my GYN believes the polyp she removed for biopsy is benign, but we' should know more after the pathology report in a week. With any luck, this will be the last of the surgeries for awhile and I can move ahead with the Tamoxifen in another week or two. I'm pretty resilient and don't give my life long orthopedic issues or cerebral palsy a second thought, but breast cancer is just a totally different journey and what a journey it is. I'm so thankful for such a great bunch of faithful ladies. Many blessings to all of you this week J.

    Nancy, I'm glad all went well with the big tree in the end, but so very sorry to hear about the kindergarten tree. My Mom has a bunch of my Weyerhaeuser trees from elementary school in her back yard in the Seattle area, but those Pacific NW wind storms & rain saturated ground is often a recipe for the trees to be uprooted.

    Ade - I just love your beautiful Southwest picture of the mountains & the beautiful Cholla cactus. It's just stunning. We don't have a lot of big trees & elementary students being given Weyerhaeuser seedlings during field trips in Southern Arizona, but the desert landscape is definitely another kind of beauty.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Faithfilled, glad to hear you got through your surgery and praying the polyp is benign. Usually if they think it is benign that is a good sign for sure.

    Even though this has been a difficult few days I am SO grateful for our faithful mower who also is as I type taking down this tree that fell. He is so neat and so good and I was so happy he could do it today. He is a Christian and I think my sister said he preached at one time. He is from Georgia and such a gift to us. I remember the time where we were desperately seeking a good mower for my Mom.

    I know quite a few of us have many things to be thankful for so this banner is for those but it covers all of us no matter where we are in life's journey.

    Have a good day dear sisters. Ade, I would love to see a pic of the yellow flowering cacti you mentioned. The pink one you posted is beautiful.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2019

    Great banner, Nancy! I was reminded in my devotionals today (and needed it) to keep my focus on the Lord and not the problems in life. I don't know why I need reminded of this from time to time, but I guess I do. The Lord cares about ALL of our troubles and He is far bigger than the biggest of them. When we're at the end of our rope He is always there to catch us...we just have to keep that in front of us and truly believe it. Even a fallen tree can become a blessing.

    Faithfilled, I am so glad your D&C went ok and that they think the polyp is harmless. I pray they are absolutely right and that the Lord gives you peace while you wait to see. Thank you for spelling cholla right for me! I am an Ohio transplant in Texas so that's my excuse. The magentas are truly majestic! But never try to touch a bloom or it will reward you with fingers full of microscopic stickers! They say everything here stings, sticks or bites and they'er RIGHT!

    Lisa & Nancy I pray they can resolve the numbness issues for you. I guess if one had to choose between searing pain or numbness the latter is the better - but it is still concerning and I pray it will be resolved for you soon. I still have abdominal numbness from a severed nerve from a double hernia surgery 30+ years ago, and on my chest from the bilateral mastectomy. (I got a reminder last week for a mammogram due! Had to laugh.)

    Have to take Maggie to the vet today for a growth on the inside of her upper eyelid. Praying it will not require expensive surgery! Our daughter's beloved dog, Dobie, was diagnosed with a torn ACL which would require $3,300 surgery which they can't afford. I think it is ok to pray for pets as they are God's creation too.

    Joanne, Hershey, Lita, Ellen, Debbie, Teka, Kathy, Angie, Kathi, Sue, Krista, Gumdoctor, Faith, and all. . . how are you?

    Blessings upon your day!


    These are spring wildflowers - yes, stickers ares ALWAYS involved! Will get a shot of the prickly pear for you soon.


  • GinnyO2
    GinnyO2 Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2019

    Hi Faith,

    Today is my first day on this site and I noticed that you and I have a lot in common regarding our faith and cancer.! Wonderful to read how much your prayer life includes so may individual needs and your compassion and concern ooze out in your all your posts ! Thank you!

    At this point I don't see where I'm to be adding my diagnosis information but it's as follows;

    DX: 1985 Stage 2 noninvasive and unable to grade or test receptors ( old school surgeon shredded the tumor when he removed it ).

    Surgery 1985 Lumpectomy > partial mastectomy

    TX: Radiation ONLY

    DX: 5/20/2019 Stage 4 Grade 3, recurrence, metastasis to bilateral lungs, ER+PR+, Her2-

    I see a new oncologist tomorrow and I'm trying to be understand the options that I might be presented with and that is basically what drove me to this site

    Did you have chemo in 2016? And if I might ask, what are you taking Now?

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Ade, beautiful wildflowers!!! I got lost in the woods a couple of years ago trying to get some photos of fungus for this photo contest. I somehow found my way into the middle of a briar patch. I don't know what else to call it. I imagine it would have been a good episode for I Love Lucy. Every place I turned I was saying out loud, ouch, ouch. I can laugh now but at the time not so funny. Nature has it's way of reproducing and the prickly stuff is one way of doing it I imagine.

    We are getting close to taking that first step for some financial assistance for my Mom. I will be going to the Veteran's Affairs office today and see just what hurdles we will have to jump through. I have the three documents they need and then they will give me the application forms. I have been through government applications before and for those of you who have been there to you know it is a lot of paperwork and takes a lot of time. The bad part is I am not sure how much I can do when I get back home next Thursday.

    Please pray that we can get this process completed asap before it is too late to help. My Dad was a Marine in WW2 so we know there are benefits for my Mom. We also need to make arrangements for a prepaid funeral but agreeing on things has become an issue as well. I know I cannot do this in my own strength but I have to trust that God has this taken care of already. Of course He does. He is God!!!!!

    Have a great day dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited May 2019

    Ginny, welcome to this site and the wonderful, caring, and praying ladies here. I will pray your new oncologist has some great answers for you.

    Nancy, will be praying God moves those mountains of paper so you can get the financial help for your mom that you need.

    Ade, love desert flowers. We lived in the high desert in California for 14 years and I grew to love the desert beauty there but hate the cholla cacti that we had on our land.

    Today I am thankful my son and his family are safe from the tornado that struck Jefferson City, MO, where he lives. Fortunately he lives five miles from where it touched down but they spent an anxious hour in the basement bathroom last night.

  • FaithFilledGirl
    FaithFilledGirl Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2019

    Thank you for the picture of your beautiful wildflowers, Ade. They're just stunning! I'm a Seattle transplant to Southern Arizona and still learning the spellings of all our beautiful desert plants & flowers myself.

    Nancy - Best wishes & prayers for getting Mom's financial assistance paperwork going. I'll be thinking of you.

    IntoLight - So happy your son & family are safe. I was just watching the weather channel earlier this afternoon & there was discussion that New York City is under a Torcon 3 watch today. I pray everyone stays safe.

    Welcome, Ginny - I hope your new school oncologist has some answers & some good options for you. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers as well.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited May 2019

    Ginny, welcome to this thread. If I am reading correctly you have just been diagnosed with Stage four cancer just a few days ago. I can only imagine you are in a state of shock. I hope that Faith read your post and possibly sent you a PM (private message). She was traveling to a graduation out of state and she may have not seen your post yet. She reads but doesn't post every day but I am sure since you reached out to her that she will respond when she is able to do so if she has not already. I pray that you will get some positive news with your new oncologist. There is so much that can be done in today's cancer treatments compared to 1985 when you first went through breast cancer. It looks like you have figured out how to post some stats so that is good. I do know that Faith currently is only on an Letrozole I believe and has not been on chemo for quite a while. She had been on Ibrance. (Sorry Faith if you have already responded.)

    Thanks Chris and Faithfilled for your encouragement and prayers. I used to think I was a very strong person but in my present stage of reactive depression I am certainly not myself. I went to the VA office and spent about two hours there. My sister had met with some guy she liked who is now retired and one person who she did not and ended up walking out on him. My sister's husband is 100% disabled because of the Vietnam war so they have their own business to deal with at the VA. I think the guy she didn't like is the guy I dealt with today. At one point I was so on the verge of tears that I was holding back my emotions with every piece of strength and energy I had. One of my good friends from this thread who has since passed put me in contact with a senior advocate she had worked with in her job. She told her contact I would be calling and I did talk to him three years ago about getting some help for my Mom. He told me he didn't have any offices in Illinois but he did say just because they say your Mom's income can only be so much that does not mean she cannot get assistance. I said that to this guy and he got so angry that he turned his swivel chair around and looked out the window. He finally composed himself and went on a rant. The paperwork would be overwhelming in the best of times and you can only imagine at my worst that this is totally overwhelming. The part that is so difficult is that many of the needed documents are hopefully at my sister's house and this kind of thing is more my strengths than hers.

    The part hard to swallow is as of 2018 they raised the maximum net worth by $43,600. We could have possible got assistance right away if we would have applied earlier. I asked him if my sister and I should not be paying so much for my Mom now. Again he got pretty huffy at this question and said he can't give out personal opinions.

    We have to have documents from many different sources that they need to fill out which will take time to gather. I will be coming back at the end of July and I sure hope to have all of these documents in place. Please pray that we can do this.

    We had such high winds in the middle of the night last night I am SO GRATEFUL that this tree was completely removed yesterday that a big part had fallen. Thank you Lord for protecting the house and the neighbors property. Chris, I am glad your family was spared from any damage as well.

    Have a great weekend dears sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited May 2019

    Hi Ginny, welcome to our thread but I'm so sorry you have the need to be here. You will find so much comfort here and hopefully good information as well. You are right that we have similar diagnoses and the fact that your original cancer was so far back in 1985 is good news. As my Dr. tells me, it means it's very slow growing and you can still live a long time.

    I had my chemo in 1991 when my cancer was first discovered after having a mastectomy. I had no radiation but I had five years of tamoxifen. When my metastasis was discovered in my lungs in January of 2016, I was given Ibrance and letrozole. I stopped the Ibrance in August of 2017 and have been just on the letrozole since then. My last PET scan in January showed no signs of the tumor and blood work done this week was good. The tumor markers are low as my doctor just told me.(Thank you everyone who prayed for me. Praising God for answered prayers ). You have every reason to be hopeful for being able to live a good life for a long time. I won't say it's all easy as some of us have lots of side effects from the drugs, but others don't have too many. The other good news is there are lots of treatments and new ones being discovered all the time. If you are given Ibrance, there's a wonderful group of women on the Ibrance thread. They will answer any questions you may have and probably know more about some of the side effects than I do since I think I've forgotten a few things about Ibrance. That's a good thing, of course! I'll pray that you have a good visit with your oncologist tomorrow as I'm sure others here will also.

    As Nancy mentioned, I am leaving town next week but will keep you in prayer and try to answer you when I can if you have more questions.

    Nancy, as Ade said, your banner yesterday was a great one. A good reminder God is with us in all things. I'm so sorry you have so many things to deal with at your mom's, including bad weather and trees falling. You know I'm praying that everything will be okay soon. It's so hard to deal with the government and all the financial stuff especially when you don't feel well. It's all in God's time, not ours, but we sure wish He would hurry up sometimes. Right now, I'd like Him to help me get this sciatica under control before we have to drive 300 miles to Ohio. I've been seeing the PT and doing the exercises but it's not getting better fast enough for me.

    IntoLight, I can't remember if I told you how happy I am for your good news from the scan and also now that your son and his family are safe. We all have much to be grateful for and especially that we know we have a good and gracious God to watch over us. May He watch over all of us tonight and especially be with Ginny as she sees her oncologist tomorrow.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)