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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2019

    Nancy, Your photography is beautiful and I'm glad you find it soothing. I take some photos, but I've never learned to do it well – mainly point and shoot type photos, so I really appreciate your talent. (I tried to post a photo of a woodpecker I saw, but as Serenevictoria65 mentioned below, I'm not allowed to post pictures yet so will try at another time.)

    My writing and sewing are very healing. I appreciate your reminder not to let the enemy second guess my decision. Thank you! As you say, "God has allowed these trials for us for a reason. He is perfecting us as only He can..." It is not pleasant, but essential. I read today that as we allow God to take control and we choose to walk in His obedience, we will become more and more like him. That makes me smile.

    God bless you too, my friend.

    Hersheykiss, Thank you for the welcome, I sincerely appreciate. Packing all the essentials is much easier if I drive. I was worrying about how to get everything into 100ml bottles and two little carry-on bags to board a plane. It makes sense to postpone my trip to when my husband can drive. I will pray that your mom continues to settle in.

    Serenevictoria, Hello! I am new here (and haven't been allowed to post pictures yet either). It's nice to meet you. I'm 61, married, never had children. I'm sorry you were diagnosed with cancer. It's a bit of a hassle, but having faith makes the journey much easier. I was 52 when I was diagnosed and though I've had a relationship with God all my life, since the cancer diagnosis, the relationship has deepened. That is wonderful your daughters will go with you to appointments. After a couple bad experiences, I decided never to go alone. Congratulations on your retirement. I hope your treatment won't delay your US travel for too long.

    IntoLight, Thank you for your understanding and for adding me to your prayer list. I hope your Big Bear plans work out, as well as Colorado. Pine pollen and high altitude can be difficult. Take care of yourself.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    You are all in my prayers.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Hi dear ladies,

    I am on a fast track at the moment and will post later this evening. Thank you all for your wonderful encouragement on my photos. That does give me a boost and I do need that now for sure. Welcome Victoria! Since a couple of you mentioned about posting pics I am not sure what message you are getting but more than likely your photo files are too large. I just checked and they would like the pixel count to be 800 to 400 which is REALLY small as I deal with huge files. I resize my own pics to around 3mb which is still pretty large but they allow that. I use the icon above that looks like a mountain in a rectangle. If you do it the way I do I resize first and bypass the BCO resizing. Then select that icon and choose the file you want to post. I'll be glad to give more details if that doesn't work for you.

    I will check in later. Hershey, Chris, Victoria and Melody........I have read your posts and will respond tonight.

    I love all the new ladies that have come on board but I know each one has come here out of a diagnosis none of us ever wanted to hear.

    I wanted to see if I could still post a pic. This is one from my online collection and this one is not mine.




  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2019


    Thank you, Nancy! This is reduced to 400. It is a woodpecker I saw last January.

    Peace be to all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Melody, YEAH. YOU DID IT. Beautiful woodpecker pic. I have never seen that kind in my yard. I see Downy woodpeckers usually.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Okay. I am back but running pretty much on empty. My very last trip to get my LAST cancer drug refill never happened and after going to Walgreens three times I finally gave up. I couldn't figure out what the hold up was and then I found out they reduced their pharmacy hours dramatically and this store is the only one open late and people were coming from surrounding towns. Oh well.

    Hershey, I can so relate to putting your Mom in an assisted living facility. My Mom was so confused and I stayed the first night with her and got NO sleep at all because she was up a gazillion times and couldn't find the bathroom etc. The next morning she was all dressed very, very early and said I am ready to go home now. I really thought this would be the end of her for sure as she didn't want to leave her home but here a year and a half later she has adjusted. I pray that your Mom will as well. Because I am living in her house when I visit we have not been in a big rush to sell yet. I sure hope you and your brother can quickly get the house ready to sell. I can certainly appreciate all the work you have in front of you. My sister and I have cleared out alot but we are no where near ready to sell as so much needs to be done inside. One thing with this VA pension I am seeking for my Mom is they do not require us to sell the house.

    Chris, I sure hope your granddaughter can get by without being too lonesome for her Mom. Visiting near your daughter sounds like a good plan. I have already prayed for your upcoming trip to CO and I sure hope you don't have all the issues you did last year.

    Victoria, welcome again. I must say that you seem very at peace with this difficult news you have received. I pray that as you move forward in this new journey that things will go smoothly for you and that all pieces will fall into place for you so that you can eventually get that Van and travel. Your daughters sound very supportive so it looks like you will be well cared for. Please feel free to post anytime and let us know how you are doing and when you will have your surgery so we can be sure and pray for you.

    Melody, those point and shoot cameras actually can do a great job and your beautiful winter pic proves that. I have only been into photography for about five years and it was totally a silver lining to my breast cancer. I won't go into the whole story now but I did post about it some time this year I think. I have taken several classes and I have become very passionate about it. Because it is such great therapy and I love it and can get totally lost in the moment it is really healing for me as your writing and sewing are for you.

    Well dear sisters, this ole gal is signing off for now because I am done in and done for the day. Have a good night.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    Melody and Victoria we welcome you and you have a whole "herd" of ladies who have been there to pray for you. May the Lord graciously grant you His peace throughout the process of your treatments and restore health once again to you.

    Thank you Melody and Nancy for your pix! Isn't it a thrill to be privileged to record a wonderful glimpse of God's nature for all to see! I have been blessed to shoot birds, fox, wild burro, jack rabbits, cottontail, javalina, aoudad, deer, and even rattlesnake and tarantula here. There are mountain lions and bear but I haven't seen them in the wild (and that's OK!!!). Most of my photography is of the glorious sunsets we are blessed to have often here in southwest TX. I will surely miss them in Ohio (or WV or KY - wherever the Lord has us to go).

    Nancy - time to REST your weary bones! You need it.

    Melody I'm glad you decided to stay put and that your sisters understand. You will have far less stress - and you don't need stress right now - we deal with enough of that day to day anyway.

    Hershey we have been through relocating Mom and then dealing with the house. It isn't an easy task but one we tackle out of love. May the Lord help you and your brother get through all that it involves. May your mom continue to adjust well.

    Chris, may the Lord bless your travel, grant you strength and keep you well. It seems what we used to do easily is a chore anymore, but our Lord is the source of our strength and He is our hope and joy.

    I continue to work hard everyday with James to get this house ready for sale. We have to have the bedroom completely empty (and the floor of my walk in closet) by Monday for new carpet. You can't imagine how much STUFF one can accumulate in a bedroom & closet - and there's really no place to put it! We eliminate half of it but you just can't give away ALL of it. NEXT house will have a BASEMENT (without snakes, Nancy!). We are hit hard this month with the carpet, Maggie has to have surgery, and my old car has to have MAJOR $$$ repairs - all in the same month when the savings are already drained. We need God' strength and His provision for these big bills. Somedays you just sit down and say, "HELP, LORD!".

    Blessings on your day, dear ladies,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Ade, I can only imagine how difficult that is. When I think of dealing with Cammies room that she used as her litter box I have no place to put all the heavy stuff to even tear out the carpeting. God grant you supernatural strength as you go through this process. When you do move I will miss your glorious sunset pics from TX. So beautiful.

    I have two things that make me smile today. Cammie has used her litter box for ALL business since returning from my Mom's house where she has always faithfully used that box there. Can she sustain this??? Also I just put my hummingbird feeder up late yesterday and one little girl has found it already and was at the feeder today. Those little things God gives us are sometimes the things that sustain us in the big trials we face.

    Have a great day dear ladies. You know my love affair with swans has many meanings for me so I thought I would share a swan banner today.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited June 2019

    Ade, I will add a prayer for super strength to Nancy's today. We finally cleaned out our storage unit so I understand your fatigue. I am not replacing our floors for that very reason! What fits in our small condo and storage area here is all we are keeping. So hard! I can't imaging moving ever again except to that heavenly city!

    Nancy, so happy Cammie is doing well. We are still struggling with ours but have decided as long as she is content with the new diet and the diabetes is not hurting her, we will keep her going as is. She actually has more energy on the new diet.

    BTW, our granddaughter slept all night, alone in her own room and bed with her mom gone, for the first time last night. Thank you for the prayers!

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2019

    I wish I had more time to post replies to you all on here today..but it's a roller coaster ride for my family and I as first, Youngest had the baby Sunday morning..Everything went perfectly, praising the Lord! But then last night we got a call from our (7 months pregnant) daughter who lives in another state that they were sending her to the ER for a blood transfusion, and she is to have a test similar to a modified colonoscopy (less invasive) tomorrow..She is admitted in the hospital until afterwards..She's had severe rectal bleeding/large clots since November, and they are just now taking it seriously and only because her blood counts dropped seriously low. There is risk of all of this inducing labor, so please pray! And as if that isn't enough...We got a call this afternoon that our oldest daughter was in the hospital and has (by now) had an appendectomy! She is in recovery. The last time she had surgery over a year ago, she had a hard time waking from the anesthesia..So we are praying!

    My bags have been packed since yesterday..but now I don't even know which direction to go in! Also, my cell phone just died today. I had my infusion yesterday, and fighting off some side effects, even though my MO will not admit that they cause any side effects other than the diarhia from Perjeta..which I do not have anyways, at least not ever very bad.

    My family needs all the prayers we can get as it seems the enemy wants to fight us.

    God's word says: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper,...(Isaiah 54:17 ..)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited June 2019

    Neverforsaken, sending prayers in all directions!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Lisa, praying for you and your daughters. Life often times is a combination of great blessing and great trials all at the same time. Praising God for your new grand baby and praying for recovery for your daughter who had surgery and we pray for protection for your other daughter and her baby she is carrying. May God lead you where you need to go.



  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited June 2019

    Greetings, ladies! Long, draining day today, as I saw the oncologist for the first time. During her exam, she found a second lymph node nodule in my right armpit area (I also have a second cancerous mass of 4cm at the 10 o'clock position), so it appears the cancer is not just in my sentinel node. She also found several lymph node nodules in my left armpit, which wasn't noted on my mammogram. Third, she found a module on a lymph node in my clavicle area on the right side. This scared me, but she said even if it's metastatic, I'd still have Stage 3, not 4, due to the way the lymph node system is connected from the breast. She's ordering a full body CT scan, and will decide surgery and treatment options once results are in. She's also setting up an appt with a breast surgeon. So, more WAITING!

    One thing that surprised me is she said a lumpectomy might be an option, rather than a mastectomy. She said women having a lumpectomy have the same survival rate as women having mastectomies, if no other bad news is found on the scan. She said the choice would be mine in that case. Did any of you encounter the same situation and which option did you choose and why?

    Going to go make some hot chamomile tea and crawl into bed. God bless you, my sisters!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    Victoria, this must seem very overwhelming to you right now. We surely understand! I pray for accurate diagnosis, that the nodes are NOT cancerous, and for God's peace to surround you as a shield. I had the option of lumpectomy (1/3rd of my breast) with radiation/chemo to follow - or mastectomy followed by oral meds. I chose the latter with mastectomy of the unaffected breast as a prophylactic measure to give me more peace, since both breasts were fibrocystic for years anyway. I am perfectly fine being 'breastless' and I LOVE not wearing a bra! I did not choose reconstruction and am fine being who I am. I was self-conscious at first but not now. I am not advocating that you do the same, but you asked and I just shared my experience. Do whatever gives you peace. May the Lord grant you and your doctor HIS wisdom.

    Nancy - YAAAY FOR CAMMIE!!! Keep it up, kitty girl, and give your mama a break (which she needs)!!!! >^..^< It's bee a while since we saw a pic of Cammie :o)

    Joanne, no problems here. Maybe your phone???

    Lisa, bless your heart, you have a lot on your plate right now too! Congratulations on the new grandbaby - one prayer answered! I pray for God's healing hand upon the other 2 daughters and that the unborn baby will not be affected or come early. May the Lord bring calm to your heart and work out every situation you are dealing with. Often when we're in a crisis mode and everything seems to attack at once we forget that He is already working on it all, we just can't see it yet. Hold on, and see His mighty hand move mountains!

    I am not supposed to lift with my left arm as to not incur lymphedema. I also Have lumbar arthritis. But DH is having me lift some awfully heavy things (he's a nurse and knows why I shouldn't) and now my back really hurts and I have SOOO much to do everyday. Pray he will understand why I just can't do these things anymore and that he won't then try to do them alone. Thank you! (men!)

    Prayers and hugs for all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Hi dear ladies.

    I have been getting my yard in decent shape and this is proving very difficult as I am dealing with so much fatigue. I don't think I posted yesterday at all.

    Victoria, I know this news sounds very overwhelming but I am glad to hear that it would not change your stage 3 even if those areas prove to be anything I am praying they will not. My breast surgeon is probably one of the best known and respected surgeons in my area. He told me that lumpectomies vs mastectomies in my situation prove to be the same outcome as far as recurrence and survival rates. My tumor was very small and the lymph nodes were not involved so I took his advice to have the lumpectomy. Every one is different and your peace of mind in the end is what will help guide you through this decision and of course seeking the Lord's guidance. We will be praying for you as this unknown and waiting period is the WORST!!!!

    Ade, I am not sure if you have an LE sleeve and glove but I had to get one when I had shoulder therapy with an LE specialist during my treatments. They gave me exercises for prevention. I later had to have LE therapy because it looked like I might have LE. So I don't know for sure but I did put on my sleeve yesterday as I did some heavy garden work. I know that if you do not have one that is probably not going to happen with all the added expenses you have on your plate now. I would recommend getting a set in the future just in case. They told me it was a must if I flew which I don't or haven't at least. The only flying I do now is by the seat of my pantsWinking. I know trying to get my yard in place and then tackling my Mom's VA application feels like climbing Mt. Everest so I can empathize with all the work you have on your plate. I try to give myself reachable goals each day and that helps when I can look back and see something accomplished. Hang in there. We are praying for you.

    Lisa, praying that your daughters are okay and that you are okay as you travel.

    Joanne, no problems here with BCO but some issues with my new modem.

    I had a session with the social worker today for the first time in a month and it was canceled. It is a cooler day and I can use that extra time in the yard. Cammie is still doing great. PTL

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • melodymay1
    melodymay1 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2019

    Dear Ladies,

    Thank you for being here. I have been praying for you. Yesterday was the 23 anniversary of my mother passing. I miss her. I'm so happy I stayed home with my husband. I'm still a little on the anxious side, but doing better knowing I'm staying in my routine.

    Today I opened my bible to Psalm 13, Prayer in Time of Illness. It was a perfect place for me to be and I wanted to share verse 6:

    I trust in your faithfulness.

    Grant my heart joy in your help,

    That I may sing of the Lord,

    "How good our God has been to me!"

    Wishing you all a blessed day!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2019

    Just read all messages and am praying for all needs. Love, Jean

    Victoria, you can check my treatment options below. I had a lumpectomy and an axillary dissection on the left side. So far 5 yrs,with no reoccurance.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Joanne, I am sorry you are having such difficulty with email notifications. I wonder if it is something simple that no on is noticing. I am not quite sure when you say you see the numbers in your favorites. Maybe the mods will be able to figure it out this time.

    Melody, I am sorry for your Mom's loss. Going through those anniversaries are hard. You must have been pretty young when she passed away. I am glad that you are doing better and that the Scriptures are encouraging your heart. May God grant your heart Joy.

    Jean, how are you doing?

    I have really been pushing myself in my yard this past week but it is coming together quickly because I am feeling so much pressure to start on the VA application for my Mom. I have not heard from her Home Health Care owner which we used to have for her and that is disappointing because she could hopefully provide a needed pieced of this financial puzzle.

    It is time to go to bed. Have a good night dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited June 2019

    I am doing well Nancy, thanks for asking. Some family challenges with my brother in law staying with us to help son in law renovate his rental apartments to prepare the building to sell. Praying they can work well together without conflict. My granddaughter is still not ready to step up and be a mother to our great granddaughter who is now 4 yrs old and being raised by my daughter and son in law. Prayers would be appreciated. So far Jesus has kept cancer at bay! Still facilitating the group for sexually abused women. One member has relapsed and praying for her to return. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    "HE gives strength to the weary & increases the power of the weak... Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run & not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
    Isaiah 40:29, 31.

    Blessings upon your Monday,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Thank you Ade for that verse. I really need that today.

    Jean, prayers for your family as they prepare the rental apts for selling. That is great that you are facilitating the group for abused women. I know that is sorely needed and I would imagine a very rewarding yet very difficult ministry. May you continue to keep cancer at bay.

    Prayers for all of you today dear sisters.



  • FaithFilledGirl
    FaithFilledGirl Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2019

    Hi, Nancy & Ade - I can't tell you how much I enjoy your beautiful pictures. They're simply stunning & I appreciate you sharing them with all of us. Many blessings to you all - FaithFilled :)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    I will share some pics I got at this very small nursery near my Mom's facility when I was there. I haven't had time to take any pictures as I have been planting flowers and mulching and weeding and more weeding and more weeding. The unbelievable amount of rain brought a bumper crop of weeds with it too. One of our mowers mowed over one of my rose bushes and the hydrangea bush I planted last year and was coming back up either got whacked by an over zealous landscaper or the rabbits chewed it to the ground. So there have been some disappointments which is going to take more work.

    Thank you faith filled for your nice comments. Here are some pics from this little nursery you might enjoy.

    Chris, praying for a symptom free trip to Colorado. Enjoy your travel and family time.






  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    Thank you Faithfilled! :o) Nancy, thank you for the lovely flowers - how nice to see those this morning. I'm sorry some of your plants were mown. That's disappointing. We planted a whole row of maples on year along our long farm lane and someone mowed all of them down as he mowed our field. He mowed as a favor so we didn't say anything. Last spring we planted 8 burgundy lilac bushes along the front of the house. They were supposed to be zone hardy and we watered, but only 2 survived. This spring we planted Russian far so good!

    Yesterday we were supposed to get carpet laid in the master bedroom. We were up until one the night before getting the room cleared out (BIG BIG job!) then up at 6 to finish cleaning etc. They didn't show up until nearly noon. (Typical for here!) Then yesterday they laid tack strips & pad but not carpet because it was raining and they didn't want to get it wet carrying it in from their pick up truck! (Really?) They used some kind of STRONG solvent that horribly permeated the entire house. It was AWFUL! We opened the windows & ran fans all last evening & night, afraid we were burning brain cells. First of all they should not USE that stuff inside - whatever it was. Second - what are they doing to THEIR health! They were supposed to come back an hour ago - but there is a cloud in the sky - haha! Hopefully it will get done today.

    Tomorrow is Maggie's eyelid surgery. I noticed that the growth is now tunneling further back inside her eyelid - not just on the inside rim as before so I'm concerned they will have to take a BIG wedge from her eyelid. Prayers for God's hand to guide the vet and grant wisdom - and healing for Maggie please.

    This is what yesterday looked like (outside my office window). A little rain makes the greens come out quickly here. The bushes are Cat Claw & the stickers are shaped like a cat's claw. They grab you if you get near & won't let go - so are also called Wait-A-Minute bushes!

    Blessings on your day,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Ade, such a beautiful picture. How special to see this from your office window. I think God allows these "things" that we perceive as disappointments and discouragements like mowing over the newly planted maples and mowing over my rose bush to help us to foster those traits that He is longing to see and perfect in us. I can say that now but yesterday maybe not so much. Each day are new trials and new opportunities for growth. I just wish it didn't have to be a painful pruning but many times it is.

    I can't stand awful smells so I really sympathize with you in this ordeal of waiting for contractors and their lame excuses. To add to the challenge is Maggie. I will definitely pray that her surgery goes well tomorrow. Poor little thing. I know how awful to be the Mom of these helpless pets that we love as part of our family and seeing them going through this. I know the financial burden is certainly not what you need now either.

    Praying that you and James can get through this time with strength, courage, provision and grace. Praying the the future will hold some wonderful new possibilities and adventures for you. In the mean time I will be praying.

    This banner is really a reminder to myself that no matter how hard things seem to be there is always something we can be grateful for and by expressing that it miraculously lifts our moods during difficult times.

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    What a beautiful banner today. Thank you, Nancy, for that and your kind words and prayers. Without the rain there would be no rainbows.

    I did order a sleeve but it was too strong for my need so I reordered a 15-20 as this is for prophylactic purposes. I have already done some HEAVY lifting and there's MUCH more to go! Not supposed to lift but with a husband who had 2 heart attacks & open heart surgery plus stent - and son is away until September - you do what you have to do. Hopefully the reorder will work. I appreciate the suggestion, Nancy.

    Well my little Fluff-Muffin is in surgery right now. I am afraid it will be much more extensive than previously thought. It took 2 1/2 weeks to GET the surgery appointment and the growth has since tunneled up into the eyelid now - no longer just on the inside rim. It is in the Lord's hands, but as you know, I have anxiety about it, and almost cried when I turned her over to the vet tech and she trotted merrily off.

    Here is what the Lord blessed us with last night. He is so good!

    Blessings upon your day, dear sisters,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Lord, I pray for little Maggie today and I pray that her surgery will go well and the problem will be taken care of. I pray for Ade as I completely understand how attached we are to our pets and how much anxiety it causes when they are not well. Praying for a great outcome and that the finances will miraculously fall into place. Praying also that your sleeve you ordered again will work and prevent any LE issues with all the heavy lifting. God give both Ade and James strength as they forge ahead with their house and preparing to sell it.

    I have a praise. I decided to bite the bullet and buy another hydrangea. They don't carry the kind I had so I ended up buying a rose bush to replace the mowed over one. My neighbor who works at this nursery who I don't talk to very much came up and had heard through one of our HOA board members about my brain tumor etc. Long story short this lady is as strong as an ox and offered to plant my new rose bush for me. She said how about tonight (which was yesterday). I usually don't ask for help and I said yes that would be great. She had that rosebush in the ground faster than I could say thank you Jesus. She came directly from work to my house to plant before she had even eaten dinner and it was approaching 7:30 pm. God is good.

    Then I called the same nursery in another town today and they have the hydrangea I wanted and will hold one for me. So after my AC guy comes today I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on getting my yard finished if I can get this hydrangea and the last of my mulching done.

    Beautiful sunset Ade. You need to have a scrapbook of all the special pics you have of Texas. We don't see sunsets like that in the Midwest usually.

    Have a great day dear sisters.



  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited June 2019


    Sometimes we need to experience something completely opposite from our challenges and ugliness in the world...



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited June 2019

    Amen. There is something very healing about nature. He gave us sunsets at the end of the day to refresh our souls from the challenges of the day. Beautiful!!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited June 2019

    Gumdoctor - how beautiful ~ Thank you! I find God's peace and serenity in a sunset - or sunrise. I think He meant that to be.

    Nancy - what a godsend your neighbor is! May your new plants "bloom where they are planted"! When the things we plant are blessed by the Lord to grow and prosper it surely blesses our souls to watch.

    Thank you again, Nancy, for your prayers for Maggie (she is almost back to par today!) and strength (we truly need it!) and finances (praying for a miracle). Is Cammie keeping her record clean (and your floor!) :o)

    Blessings upon your day, Ladies,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2019

    HI dear sisters;

    Just checking in to let you know that you are in my prayers. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my BC journey and also the way God has brought us together to inspire and encourage each other. I am so grateful for the thoughts and prayers I have received from many of you over the last 5 years. My only regret is that I didn't know about this amazing site when I was diagnosed in 2010.

    Things here in NC are going well; it's been a nice spring until a couple of weeks ago when summer came our area it reached over 100 degrees several days. That usually happens in July and August so the young flowers took a hit. But God sent some refreshing rain this week that brought back growth and beauty. He is so amazing, and right on time! I enjoy the pictures you all post so much!

    I am still on Tamoxifen; not a choice. Although I had that year on Arimedex, my MO feels I need to complete a full 5 year cycle of Tamoxifen. I am eligible for Medicare next month so I'll see how much my MO appointments will cost with that and my state Medicare supplement.

    Our family is excitedly waiting on the two new members...Connor is due at the end of this month, and Awesome Cal's baby sister is supposed to arrive in October. Since I entered motherhood later than some, and my children have done the same, I'm an older grandparent, but oh so blessed!

    We are still ministering to our church family where God placed us nearly two years ago. I felt led to teach a Bible Study to the ladies this year, and I think it blessed me as much as them. We studied different Psalms. I'm praying about a study for next year. I plan to continue my CBS study too; if you are unfamiliar with Community Bible Study, "Google" it and see if there is one near you. It is such a wonderful opportunity !

    I'm writing all of this to say that I will be a "lurker" from now on and not posting. Praying for all of you in your various stages of treatment, recovery, and life itself. Our God can heal any disease, in any way, at any time. Continue to trust Him..

    Love you all, pink sisters of faith!

    With love Ellen.