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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Udate: Baby boy Asher Thomas was born healthy and strong. Momma is doing well after only one hour of labor (did I mention she is quick?) What you all don't know is she is only 5' tall and is a labor and delivery nurse. I won't be able to go see him for a couple of months, but thank you for the prayers. God is good!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Chris, thank you. Congratulations on the new baby boy. Mama is fast. So glad she didn't have to deliver in the snow. What a story.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, congratulations on finishing your last AI pill. I hope you feel lots of relief from the side effects very soon. Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎊🎁🎂🎈!! I pray you have a safe and relaxing trip to visit your mom.

    Chris, congratulations on your new grandson. Pray all is well with momma and baby.

    Sending love and prayers to all,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thanks Faith. I am anxiously waiting to feel some improvement. Hope you are doing better. Packing in a frenzy so need to sign off.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2019

    Chris - congratulations on the new grandson, Asher! Thankful the Lord answered our prayers completely. (Wow - ONE HOUR!!!)

    Teka thanks for being so good humored. My maiden name was Holtry - you can imagine all the weird things I was called - poultry - hall tree - halty... :oD

    Blessings upon your day, ladies,


  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    Greetings my sisters in the Lord! I wanted to ask if any of you take/took Arimidex and, if so, what side effects did you experience, and how soon after beginning it did your side effects begin? I saw my oncologist today and, even though my surgery won't be until mid to late August, she wants me to start the med.

    Also, I am in my 60s, and my Oncotype score was 1! The oncologist said she's never seen a score of 1 before. Anyone else over 60 have a really low score? I see the surgeon next Wednesday to schedule my lumpectomy.

    Thanks for any insight you can provide!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you Teka. It is officially been my birthday for 2 min. LOL I was getting ready to go to bed and checked in. Thank you for my beautiful cake and all the presents. Can't wait to open them and eat the cake Happy.

    Victoria, you have some interesting circumstances. I have never heard anyone going on an AI (like Arimidex) before they had surgery. We all know or will learn eventually that every one of us is different with different variables in our treatment plan so there is not a one size fits all treatment plan. The Oncotype Test is as individual a test as you can get as it tests your own genes. I have never heard of a score of 1. That is as good as it gets. My score I believe was either 16 or 18. I would need to see the chart but I was in the low level of recurrence but at the high end of that category but it still told my doctor that chemo would be of no value in my treatment. I had my surgery in March of 2014. I started rads a little bit early and was supposed to finish at the end of June for insurance purposes but the machine broke down and I didn't finish until July 3. I started on my AI on July 24 or 25 which my MO wanted to start after healing from radiation treatments. I think he did not want to muddy the waters trying to figure out side effects from the pill or from radiation. I started having issues three weeks into taking the Anastrozole which is the generic to Arimidex. I went through a battery of GI tests and all things pointed to the cancer drug being the culprit. I will say that I would not hang out on the threads that are exclusively for the cancer drugs because for one it can get very depressing and scary. Also remember the there are many women who have NO issues on these drugs and go on and live their lives without posting, I was told early on that those who exercise have a better time of it. I was a swimmer and still am so I made it through and finished my five years just a few days ago. Was it hard.................yes. Was it always Things kind of went in cycles. I initially read some of those threads and finally decided to mainly hang out on this thread where faith and encouragement were the dynamics which I believed were more healthy to our healing. Some ladies may read side effects and talk themselves into having those. That is one of the reasons I have not spoke too much about my AI.

    I pray that you can get your complete plan in place soon so you can have a plan of attack. I think for most of us the unknown is by far worse that knowing what we are dealing with. We kind of go into fight mode and just get ready to fight this disease with all the strength we need through the Lord giving us that strength. Having a good attitude during the process I think is so important. I think the people that fight against the disease and are having a huge and ongoing pity party have more trouble. That is certainly not to minimize what we go through and the fear and anxiety that most of us feel initially. Crying and whatever emotions you may have are what you need to express but then there is a time to move forward and say I can do this. The Lord is on my side.

    Praying all will go well for you.



  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    Thank you so much, Nancy! I, too, was puzzled as to why the oncologist wants me to try that medication first. She did say something about only being on it until surgery, and then going back on after radiation. Also, since she's never seen n oncotype of 1 before, I'm wondering if the rest was in error. I forgot to mention that, when she mentioned the tumor yesterday, she found it has shrunk from 4.5 to 2.5! She was very surprised and chalked it up to the past higher measurement being from biopsy swelling....but I really think God is at work here!

    Thanks again for your input...I'll get the prescription filled.on Monday and we'll see how it goes!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2019

    Happy Birthday Nancy!Heart

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2019

    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear Nancy,
    Happy birthday to you!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2019


    Victoria we will pray for healing for you, courage to fight and wisdom for your med team. (Yes I think the Lord shrunk that tumor too!!!)


    Lord bless and keep you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you Jean, Hershey and Ade for the good wishes. I have not seen the news but heard briefly about more shootings.

    Yesterday after visiting my Mom I came home to a bunch of police cars around my Mom's house. There were blocking off the street along the side of the house. When I left to go pick up my sister for our outdoor concert celebration I stopped in the car and asked the policemen if I should be worried since I am in that house alone. They said there was a shooting but everyone is okay. I read on internet that someone shot at a house. YIKES Don't have any details but scary as this neighborhood has become increasingly unsafe. I am so glad my Mom is out of here but in the mean time I am here.

    Going to another outdoor Christian concert tonight. Had a good time last night. I am having terrible back pain and had trouble sleeping. Did lots of stretching today

    Have good day everyone.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2019

    Rx Voltaren (generic diclofenac) gel is the only thing I've found that works for intractable back pain. I don't like to take too many pills 'cuz I'm already taking enough stuff, but I did take an Aleve earlier.

    Praise the Lord! I talked my MO into letting me have a chemo break for 4 wks. I hope I can get over some of this blasted fatigue and get some energy back. Plus, I haven't had decent sleep for the last few nights:o(.


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, I hope your back pain subsides and you are able to enjoy tonight's concert. I pray for your safety and that the neighborhood gunfire was an isolated incident.

    Lita, here's hoping you get some restful sleep and turn the corner with the fatigue.

    Dear ladies, I could use some prayers. The environment at my work is becoming very strained. My supervisor likes to believe that everything and everyone are just fine and dandy. He does not like hearing suggestions, let alone an issue. I am 3 years away from retirement. Right now, that timeline feels like a long slog. Please pray for endurance and perseverance. Thank you all.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    Praying for all here who need prayers. Nancy, so sorry to hear about your back pain and also the upsetting news about your Mom’s neighborhood. I can certainly understand your apprehension about it all. Happy day after your birthday, hope you enjoyed both concerts and your back pain is getting better.

    Lita, you are always in my prayers, you are an inspiration to me when I’m feeling bad. Glad you can get a break from chemo and will pray that it helps.

    HersheyKiss, so sorry you are dealing with all that stress you have at work. Prayers that it will lessen, we all know how bad stress is for our health.

    Ladies, I could use some prayers for healing. My bursitis is very slowly getting better but my GI issues are really bothering me and I know I need to see the GI DR. But I keep putting it off. I’m having a hard time making that appointment. Of course none of this helps my anxiety and depression. I really need to trust that all will be well and just get on with it.

    Love and prayers for all,

    Faith (in the future)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited August 2019

    I am sitting here today praying for all us ladies and the physical and personal pains that we are going through. On a Sunday, which we are to set aside for worship to God, I am reminded that God loves us more than we could ever show in our puny acts of worship. And I am thankful for His mercy.

    I pray just now of Nancy and her back pain as she strives to care for her mother: for Lita as she pushes through all of the challenges facing her: for Hershey and her work environment and unknown future: for Faith for relief from physical issues that compound her discomfort. I pray for Ade and her concerns for James and the sale of her house, and Victoria and the decisions she has to make. There are more, so many more decisions and struggles here and I pray as they come up because my memory and organization skills just don't allow me to remember them all later. I also pray for our country that struggles with controlling senseless violence even as we fight for the freedom to live our lives without controlling bonds, and for the people who grieve for loved ones who have become victims for no reason. And I know there are many unspoken prayer requests we don't even know about. In the midst of these storms, I am thankful for a God who cares enough to provide shelter and strength for the now, and so we can know that someday we will live without this pain.

    Thank you for sharing your hearts and prayers. I am blessed that God allows me to know you this way.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2019

    Praying for Victoria, Hershey, Lita, Faith, Ellen, Chris, Joanne, Nancy, GumDoctor, and all of you not mentioned.

    Praying for the victims in Dayton & El Paso too. (We used to live just 45 minutes from Dayton - and now are 3 hours from El Paso)

    Amen, Chris!

    I hate to even mention it but really feel terrible and the fatigue is even worse. There are new symptoms I won't go into also, but James' fevers are back again. He is (WE are) discouraged and I need to be able to care for him, and do the chores for both of us now even as I feel worse myself. I am not pursuing my new "stuff" with my doctor until we can get James straightened up as I just don't have time or energy to go through diagnostic testing etc right now. If/when we can get him better - then I surely will. I just need some supernatural strength and easing of symptoms right now to get through this time and do what I need to do. Obviously finishing the house getting ready to show it is on hold indefinitely.

    Nothing that happens to us is beyond God's control and power. He wants us to come to Him in prayer with every care and need. So we continue to lift each other up to Him in faith that He is already at work on our petitions for which we praise His Great Name. We are His children, the sheep of His pasture. We are our Beloved's and He is ours. Hallelujah! His grace is sufficient.



  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited August 2019

    I'm feeling a tad better since I talked my MO into letting me go on a brief "chemocation, or chemo vacation." At least I can walk across the floor now, but the fatigue is still there, and the GI tract issues come and go.

    As we all know, chemo drugs are VERY toxic. The longer you're on them, the more "poison" you ingest and the worse the SEs become. After you finish "treatment," the SEs don't dissipate immediately. . .they can last for years, unfortunately. Many people complain of chemo fatigue and brain fog five years later :o( .

    AI drugs are no picnic in the park either.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you all for your prayers and suggestions. My back pain after using the ole tennis ball trick on trigger points and lots of stretching is helping. I am also relieved that they caught the shooter in our neighborhood here. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident. This lady and her kids were in the car as she pleaded with the shooter to stop. He went from his automatic rifle to a handgun and continued to shoot at her house. Why????????????? Don't know.

    I know there are great needs here. I am supposed to be taking a break from the forum but I have come back from visiting my Mom and am home for the night with some time.

    Lita, I used to used use Voltaren when my podiatrist tried me out on all different pain meds when I realized I cannot tolerate any of them. I am not sure if there was a generic at the time I used it which was many years ago. I may have to look into that. Glad you are able to take a break from chemo and I hope that helps you greatly.

    Hershey, I will pray for you as you endure what looks to be a long ways away from retirement. I had a difficult last ten years of my career but I don't want to go into it on a public forum but let's just say that the Lord brought me through and allowed me to work in a very difficult situation because he wanted me to become stronger which is what happened. One of the ladies in my church that I admire so much said that sometimes there are people around us God calls us to love. She said is like hugging a porcupine.

    Faith, I can relate to so much of what you are saying. I have cried out to the Lord in the recent past just saying I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I pray that He will lead you beside green pastures and and restore your soul. (Ps. 23)

    Ade, I hate it that you are dealing with issues and waiting for James in his. I am so sorry to hear that his fever has returned. The Lord does everything in His timing and I will just say that all of this delay in the housing situation may be all according to His plan even though it sure doesn't seem like this stuff should be happening now. Lifting both of you up for healing, restoration of health and strength.

    Chris, I will say a big Amen to your post. In the blinking of an eye we will be with Jesus where the madness of this world will be long forgotten. Some days it can't seem to come fast enough.

    Praying for the victims of these senseless shootings and for the families who have lost loved ones. Praying for healing in these two communities knowing that this world cries out for Jesus. They just haven't realized it yet. That part is up to us.



  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    Thank you so much, Ade!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2019

    I go Thursday for results of my followup thyroid sonogram to check on the nodule there. Please pray it has either shrunk remained the same or dissappeared. I am a bit tired after sweving at VBS last week. It was awesome. Thank you, Jean. I do pray for the needs here as I read most every day.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Jean, praying your nodule will not be bigger and it would be great if it disappeared. I have to have those ultrasounds every two years as I have nodules on both sides that are large enough to have to keep an eye on.

    I will also have a repeat brain MRI on Aug. 14 and praying there is no growth. I pray that they will be able to definitely identify what this tumor is a the last two MRI's have had conflicting reports on what it is.

    Veronica, I am praying that these tumor changes for whatever reason will change your stage possibly. It would be nice to give God all the glory in this change of events.

    Have a good night dear ladies.



  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    My lumpectomy surgery is finally scheduled. It will be August 27th. I would like to ask y'all another are SO helpful! When I met with the surgeon on Monday, she said she will be removing ALL lymph nodes in my breast/under arm area. Yet she said it looks like only one axillary mode is cancerous. I asked why all nodes had to be removed then, and she just said, "That's what I do.". She's one of those intimidating surgeons who is strictly business and doesn't show much compassion, so I let it drop. Does her approach sound reasonable? I read that removing all lymph nodes heightens lymphedema risks, so I'm really concerned. I got to thinking that, perhaps, since I'm not having chemo due to my low oncotype number, maybe she wants to remove all nodes as a precaution?

    Also, she said that, even with removing the main mass and all lymph nodes, she won't prescribe any pain med other than Ultram (Tramadol), but no narcotic pain med, and no NSAID due to increased bleeding risk. That just seems wrong to me! For those of you who had a lumpectomy, were you prescribed Percocet or some similar narcotic for pain?

    Thank you in advance for any insight you can give me!

    Victoria (I actually go by Tori)

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2019

    Tori - I don’t recall getting any pain meds after my lumpectomy. It was 8 year’s ago this month. Anyway I didn’t experience any unmanageable pain.

    I had a micromet in my SN. I asked my MO why they didn’t remove other lymph nodes and she said no reason to. Removing all those nodes does increase your chances of getting lymphedema and it’s brutal. I don’t get her response. It doesn’t explain why just that that’s what she does? Seriously

    Your doctor sounds too clinical for me. I want expertise but I want compassion too. Sounds like she’s lacking in the latter. Maybe a second opinion?


  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited August 2019

    Tori, definitely a second opinion is in order. Lymphedema is for life, and removal of more lymph nodes is a known risk factor. Unless there is some specific reason for that drastic a step in your individual case, it's a risk you don't want. If she can't verbalize her reasons then find someone else who can.

    Gentle hugs,

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019


    I don't know of anyone who has had any cancer in the lymph nodes that did not have chemo. If I am understanding your stats it looks like 2 out of 2 nodes were cancerous. Is that right? If I am remembering correctly your Oncotype score was only 1. Does your surgeon trust that is accurate? Your circumstances are quite different than anyone that I have seen. Can you get a second opinion asap? Is this surgeon your only choice at this point? I am not positive but I thought I had Hydrocordone afterwards. I don't do pain meds well so I doubt if I had to use much of it because I would probably remember that. I had some complications with a seroma so my situation was a little different and not the norm according to my surgeon. I would not want all of those nodes removed if it is not necessary but the fact you are not having chemo makes this decision more complicated in my mind. Have they changed your stage since your tumor shrunk? I am praying for peace as you go into these decisions.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2019

    I would also go for a second opinion if possible. Also I had a car accident yesterday. I rear ended another car. Been experiencing dome distracted driving lately and am scared. My car was not drivable but thank you Jesus neither I not the other driver was seriously hurt. Please pray for me to have wisdom as to whether to give up driving. Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2019

    Jean I am sorry about your car accident and can understand that it might frighten you. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, although you are probably sore after it. May the Lord grant you wisdom whether to continue driving or maybe take a break until you perhaps clear up a bit, and may He grant you His peace in the decision.

    Tori, I agree with others on getting a second opinion. Taking ALL of the nodes does sound drastic. You might do some research online about it too. I had a lumpectomy, a growth removed from my scalp and a growth cut out of my thumb all in one office visit under local anesthetics. There were no pain meds prescribed at all. She said I could take over the counter. (I did get by on that). A couple of weeks later was the bilateral mastectomy at the hospital and I went home on the 3rd day. My doctor was very non-compassionate. I was terrified after the lumpectomy and she waited days AFTER she got the results to call and tell me on the phone, "Well there is good news and there is bad news. It IS cancer but not an aggressive one." She almost chuckled to say that they were so sure it was benign but were surprised. I didn't see that as too funny - let alone being told by phone. The next appointment she quickly ran through the options like she was reading a grocery list and it was really no big deal. After the mastectomy she only popped in quickly each day and there was no concern for my pain relief. Long story short - I would get another doctor if I had it to do all over again. That was the surgeon. Then my oncologist exploded at me for asking questions at my 2nd visit. My husband and I were in astonishment. I immediately got a new oncologist that I really like. Found out later that several women left that fella for getting ugly with them. You do have a choice - don't be afraid to use it. Praying for wisdom for you.

    Lita, glad you are getting some relief.

    Nancy, thank you. Praying you are doing better. Hope your visit with Mom was a good one despite the neighborhood shooting! Did she get her dental work completed? Is Cammie back to doing ok again?

    Blessings on your weekend, ladies,


  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    Thank you all for your replies! I am going to call my oncologist first thing Monday morning and express my concerns. Nancy, I need to change my profile on the lymph nodes. I have cancer in one axillary lymph node near my under arm, and a 2.5 mass in my breast. Yes, my oncotype number was 1, according to my oncologist, which the surgeon confirmed. So, according to that low number, chemo would not be beneficial, per the oncologist and surgeon. The percentage of possible cancer recurrence was listed as 9%, so I don't know what is going on. Hopefully my oncologist will answer my questions and, if I don't feel comfortable with the explanation, I will tell her I want a second opinion. Thank you all again so very much for your support, and I will update after talking to my oncologist!

  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2019

    So sorry about your accident, glad you are okay!