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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Dear ladies,

    I have a prayer request. My cat, Cammie was at the vet on Wed. and was sedated to have what was done for her. She has developed bad diarrhea in the days after that and is not using her litter box for this and as you can imagine it is a real mess. She will not let me wash anything off of her either so this only adds to the fear as you can imagine. She is eating more than usual with a new bag of prescription food and I think this is part of the problem. We will both be leaving for my Mom's on Wed so I would ask your prayers that her GI tract will normalize and my stress level be greatly reduced. Thank you. Have a wonderful Sunday?

    Lita, have you heard any results yet?



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited July 2019

    Ada- how is James doing? (And YOU!) I do pray that things are improving!

    Nancy- poor Cammie! I know its miserable for both of you! Prayers that she get back to normal soon!

    I'm in the nursery at church this morning. No babies yet so I am enjoy sitting in the glider just gliding away! Wish these things were around when my DD was a baby! I still have my rocking chair that I rocked her in. My Daddy bought it for me...precious memories!

    Have a blessed Sunday! I do have my fingers crossed that the rain will hold off until late evening. I'm missing my laps in the pool. It helps my LE so much! We have had storms since Thursday!

    Blessing to all!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Teresa, James seems to be having a better day today and only took pain meds far. I am not having a feel-good day but tomorrow will be better. :o) Thank you for asking!

    Nancy I am so sorry about Cammie's troubles! It's too bad they don't make kitty diapers like they do for dogs. Still there would be a lot of clean up on HER, and she's not too eager about that from what you said. I pray God will give you the strength and patience, take away the discouragement, and straighten up Cammie's system SOON. There are things you can give a dog for the toots - but I surely don't know about kitties. It may be worth asking the vet.

    I love this banner and just wanted to share with you all. May God BLESS your week, grant you His peace, strength, encouragement and healing. May you see His love toward you in every little blessing!



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Ade, glad to hear James is improving but I will keep him in my prayers.

    Nancy, sorry to hear about Cammie. You have so much patience with her! I will pray things have greatly improved before your trip on Wednesday.

    My DDs temporary filling came out and her jaw is all bruised, but she feels better. Hopefully she can get it taken care of tomorrow.

    I was able to get out with my DH yesterday and eat an early dinner and attend the little community theater. We hold season tickets and it is a good excuse to get out. It is on Coronado Island so it is a beautiful but exceptionally busy place, but only 20 minutes from us so it is easy for me to go. We also live only only 20 minutes from the Mexico border, but we don't feel the border troubles from here.

    Hope you all had a blessed Sunday.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2019

    It's day 3 after chemo...always the day when the worst of the se's kick in: severe fatigue, body aches, stomach issues, dry heaving, insomnia, can barely get up off the toilet, etc.

    I'm sitting in the LaZBoy with the massager and heat units going full blast, sipping ginger ale, trying my best to hang in there.

    Was told still "stable" but why do I feel worse than I felt when initially Dx'd?

    Had a real heart-to-heart w/ MO and told her if this keeps up, I may have to stop Tx. This is NO quality of life...just let me go.

    Because of lymphedema weight gain, she jacked up my chemo dosage from 1600 to 1800 weeks ago, and I know they do this based on your weight, but I haven't gained "fat" or "muscle" - only water.

    I'm not a scientist, but that might be affecting me. I talked her into "experimenting" by taking the dose back down to 1600 and seeing if there's any improvement. She wasn't jazzed about it, but when you're St 4, they try to listen to you.

    This won't take place til next week.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Theresa, we have probably had the same storms hit but actually it has saved me from having to water everything for two nights in a row so I am thankful for that. I do my lap swimming indoors but sounds like that is not the case for you. I know how much swimming helps me and obviously you too. Hope you can get out there soon.

    Ade, I am glad James is doing better but I can only imagine how difficult this has been for you too. Thank you for that banner. Sometimes we have to praise Him even though we don't feel like it. I too am having a not feel good day. Hoping tomorrow will be better for both of us.

    Chris, I am glad you and DH were able to get out and go to the community theater. Nothing like an outing at a fun event to lift your spirits. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully she can get this taken care of very soon without too much pain and hassle.

    Lita, I can't imagine all that you have been through. I am sure glad to hear you are stable but I can only imagine how frustrating and disheartening it is when you feel so lousy. I do pray that your MO reducing chemo dosage will help you feel better without making you more vulnerable. Hang in there. You are prayed for.

    Thank you all for your prayers for Cammie. I have been able to clean up quickly as much as I can. Today with church it was a little crazy but Cammie woke me up early and I was able to clean up the mess on the floor. I am not allowing her as much food and she seems okay but if I can see some normal stools from her tomorrow I will feel better. We are both having GI issues so I know how lousy I feel and I imagine she is feeling that too. For her vet visits I have her sedated so she can't have sedation again. It is too hard on her so she will have to improve without the vet unless of course she got much worse. She is literally hanging out of her cat tree so that tells me she probably feels better.

    Have a good week dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    After what seemed like a turn for the better - James still has head pain, brain fog & dizziness from the concussion. Now he is on day five of fevers. If he still has them by Monday I will insist he return to the doctor - but they are "used to" his fevers and won't say or do much, so he may refuse to even go. (Been there!)

    I have begun to do 2-3 miles on the stationary bike each day (if I can) and have determined I need to get strong for him, as I don't know what lies ahead for us now. I am having some discomfort under the edge of my ribs and am praying it isn't liver. I do have a fatty liver (but then anymore I seem to have fatty EVERYthing! haha).

    All of our 3 kids will be together for our oldest grandaughter's wedding reception on the third, and we can't be there. Had hoped to be moved by now, but trust in God's timing as it certainly isn't happening anytime soon as WE had hoped. Still so much work to do that I can't do. Well, I get more time to be getting rid of the accumulated "stuff" before the move anyway. :0)

    This was a glimpse of God's glory in the sunrise the other day.

    I am praying for you all.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Ade, beautiful picture of God's glorious sunrise I will continue to pray for your needs as your struggles continue. Your strength amazes me. Chris

  • NeverForsaken
    NeverForsaken Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2019

    Praying for all on here as I try to read and get caught up. My daughter is doing better with the ulcerative is still doing good, and due date is coming quickly (late august). As for me..I am having bad SE's from the Perjeta/Herceptin and am getting diarrhea daily as well as mouth sores (not too bad, but often). I need to be able to travel back to Indiana to take care of my daughter and granddaughter when she is born in late august. As of right now..I cannot go anywhere especially in the mornings. I also have my regular echocardiogram done on the 27th..I believe my heart is still doing OK with the Herceptin which is a cardiotoxin.

    ~Blessings to you all, and praying ~ Lisa

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2019

    I can't believe that, Ade. You could say this to the doctors in a REALLY snarky voice, "Well, if you're not even going to TRY to help him, can you at least euthanize him and send him home to Jesus?"

    Let's see what they have to say to that.

    Sorry you have to miss the reception.

    Lovely picture, by the way.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2019

    But what about suicides? Does God just allow those, and then they go straight to hell as the Catholic church believes?

    The Protesant Tradition believes that once you accept Christ and sincedely ask for forgiveness, all sins past, present and future are purged./expunged. Does that include future "Compassionate Choices / Physician Assisted Suicide?""

    I've alwaya felt you can crush and swallow as many death pills as u wanf, but God still has the final say..It may take minutes or hours 4 u to go because he's still ultimately in charge.

    So, unlike the Catholic church, I don't necessarily feel it's a motal sin, but am I willing to TEST that theory?

    I don't know.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Dear ladies,

    I have not been around because I had to make a whirlwind trip to my Mom's to meet with the VA and turn in my application which after tons of work only to find out it could easily be denied as most of them are now.

    I left on Wed, returned on Friday and was feeling horrible on Saturday but I have read and prayed.

    Ade, gorgeous photo. I am praying for you and James.

    Lisa, praying for you as well.

    Lita, continued prayers as you struggle with side effects and heavy issues.

    I watched a documentary a few weeks ago and on the way down to my Mom's I heard an interview with the producers of this documentary who are Christians. I really feel like I need to share this. The title is The Long Good Bye, the Kara Tippets story. This young lady, pastor's wife, mother of four little children show how to die with courage and grace with stage four breast cancer. You can find it on Amazon, Netflix or you can buy it on Amazon I believe. She has a book out on her story as well.

    The church doesn't often deal with tough matters like death and dying so for us on this little forum to tackle it I believe will only cause strife and confusion. I know what I believe about suicide but each one has to deal with this on your own terms. I will say that Judas is the ONLY person mentioned in the New Testament that committed suicide.

    I would strongly recommend anyone to watch this documentary. It is a tearjerker but it is inspirational and very raw and real.

    I am late for church so I have to run.



  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184
    edited July 2019

    Lita57--Catholics don't believe suicides go straight to hell. They believe suicide is wrong, but leave final judgement up to God.

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: "Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of (#2280).

    "Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God" (#2281).

    After acknowledging that grave psychological disturbance, anguish or grave fear of hardship, suffering or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide (#2282), the Catechism points out: "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives" (#2283).

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Chris, thank you for your prayers. I'm not really strong - but my Savior is and when I am weak, HE is strong.

    Lita, I know that you are to the point of suffering terribly, and I can't even imagine how hard it is, as I have not been there. But I pray our Lord will, in His great mercy. ease your pain and hardships whether He keeps you here with us or takes you to glory. May He grant you grace to endure until He calls you Home to Glory. Wish I could just give you a warm, sisterly, compassionate hug.

    Nancy, I pray your mom's application WILL go through - may our Lord bless it with favor. Are yours and Cammie's GI systems any better? How did she do on the trip? I pray you feel better now with all you have going. It's hard enough when you feel good.

    I agree with Nancy that we shouldn't get into a big debate about suicide here but should rather lift one another up in prayer and offer encouragement. I will watch the documentary today.

    I would like to offer my experience, however, with my parents' passings. My mother was dieing of congestive heart failure and as a nurse she knew it was to be a long hard road. She took medication to prolong it until life became unbearable for her, and then she, with doctor's ok, decided to go off of the medication. I was there as she was in the final stages of life, struggling for every breath. The hospice nurse asked my sister & I if we would want her to have a relaxing injection so she wouldn't struggle so, and we said she should. Within minutes she calmed down and drew her last breath in peace. I don't feel that was assisted suicide and my sister and I have peace.

    Our dad suffered from Crohn's Disease since I was a baby and when his kidneys finally gave out and he was dieing in the hospital we were asked by the doctor if we wanted him to be put on dialysis which meant a 4 hour treatment every other day at the hospital, and still he would never recover, but would steadily go downhill. He was in terrible pain and I couldn't even touch him without his flinching. I knew he would not want to go on suffering like that (was having an IV infusion for 12 hours a day as it was) so we declined and he passed within a day. We do not feel guilt over that either and don't feel it was a 'mercy killing', but rather an end to his terrible suffering. I was able to talk with both parents about salvation in the final days, for which I am grateful.

    Really, how can we say what we would do if in complete agony with no hope for comfort? So I cannot judge another and only God knows the heart.

    My grandfather lost my grandmother, and was going blind. His love was reading. He was terribly depressed and slit his wrists one day. I visited him in the hospital and he said, "Adie, I don't know why God won't let me die. . .I know you are close to Him. . .will you pray for Him to let me die?" I said that I wouldn't pray for that but would lift him up to the Lord, which I did. The next day I was on the way to the hospital to see him and praying for wisdom as to what to tell him. When I got there the Lord put the words in my mouth and I could tell my grandfather 'got it'. The next day I received a call that he was sitting up in his chair, having just finished his lunch, and peacefully slipped away. I didn't cry because I KNEW that he was Home!

    Every one of us since our diagnosis has had to think about the end of life. Only God knows the number of our days, how and when. But it is ours to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and in that He will give us His assurance of our Heavenly Home when the time comes.

    I love you all and pray I have not offended anyone in my sharing.

    Lord bless and keep you and grant you His peace.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2019

    I am Catholic. My husband and I just had a discussion about suicide the other day because a friend’s brother is suffering so and considering ending his pain.

    I would not even begin to judge someone who decides enough is enough. I had a friend whose mother refused chemo because she didn’t want to prolong her life a few months living with the horrific side effects of chemo.

    My MIL had Alzheimer’s for years. Another insidious disease. She finally had enough and told her doctors stop trying to keep her alive. Her choice, her life.

    I’ve told my husband not to keep me alive with machines. That’s not living. I won’t put him or my children or family through that.

    Whatever decision you make is between you and the Almighty.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Joanne, I also like Joni's response in this additional article... (click on underline). My favorite paragraph is...

    "Just what effect might your decision have? Your gutsy choice to face suffering head-on forces others around you to sit up and take notice. It's called strengthening the character of a helping society. When people observe perseverance, endurance, and courage, their moral fiber is reinforced. Conversely, your choice to bow out of life can and does weaken the moral resolve of that same society."
    I encourage you to read the whole article to put this in a proper perspective.

    I think of Lita's bravery and how she has helped me. I pray for her daily because I know she is suffering and is tired. However she chooses to pass on to heaven is her business alone, and I have no right to judge her or anyone else here in their deepest hour of need. In my own personal life I have lost too many young people to suicide not fully understanding the demons and pain that led them there. All I know is that my gracious Heavenly Father loves them and me, and sits beside me in my recliner and lies beside me in my bed listening to my prayers and moans as I seek His will for me. Someday I will understand. For now, it is enough to know Jesus Loves Me.

    12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
    (I Corinthians 13:12)

    Love and prayers to you all.


  • viewfinder
    viewfinder Member Posts: 200
    edited July 2019

    You are so right Teka.

    The other day was the first time I took more than a cursory look at this thread. It's made my heart heavy, and I'm a pretty tough cookie.

    A former atheist and secular humanist for years before accepting Christ as my Savior, I've experienced and witnessed a lot of pain and suffering during my long life, including the instant death of my 18 year old daughter by a reckless driver in the late 80's.

    To be honest though, the experiences and decisions shared by those with metastatic cancer are some of the most difficult I've heard.

    End of life discussions are very difficult but I believe they need to be be discussed with those who are willing and able to listen. Ultimately, it's between God and the individual.

    May God give each of us courage and wisdom.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    James has had 8 days as of yesterday, of 102 fevers. I gave him aspirin or Ibuprofen rotating every 4 hours and pushed fluids. However yesterday it hit 104.4 two hours AFTER aspirin. I called the doctor's office that morning, was transferred to the nurse, who said she'd tell the doctor. I also left a message on his portal online. He has a standing prednisone order for these previous fever bouts so I was hoping to get a script called in asap. Midday I left a message on the nurse's return call. At the end of the day around 4 I called again (this was the time his fever spiked so high) and was transferred to the nurse who transferred me to the doctor WHO WAS JUST LEAVING FOR THE DAY! (Without addressing this???) He wasn't very concerned and said he would call in the script and to let him know how it goes...period. I got the script and the fever had broken by the time I got home - thankfully!

    When I called numerous times for the concussion/brain bleed results weeks ago nobody called me back and I finally had to GO to the office to get some answers - pathetic I think. I am glad we are moving soon and will get some good (hopefully) healthcare providers.

    The nearest VA center is an hour & 15 minutes away and they are open 1/2 day a MONTH! They don't even have a working EKG machine there! It takes WEEKS to get in so if you are sick - sorry! The doctor there told him, "You're just getting OLD" when he told her his symptoms! So now he won't go back.The other center is three hours away. There are good & close centers in Ohio - that we know!

    Just so you know - I wanted to take him to the ER but he refused and said they'd just transfer him by careflight to Midland, where the epidemiologist specialist ran every blood test imaginable on him already with no diagnosis. He has had these bouts, as some of you have known, for over 10 years but they subsided after his heart attacks and were only mild after that until now. How I pray these are not returning!

    Rant over -


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Ade, I am so sad to read this. I will pray you can move ASAP! You shouldn't have to go through this. It is just wrong so rant away! One of the reasons we stay in busy San Diego is because of my health care. We like it here, but I do sometimes get annoyed at the constant noise of people. Blessings and prayers for you both. Chris

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited July 2019

    Praying Ade. How frustrating! Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    I am praising the Lord today that James has been fever free for 2 days and one night! He has times of profuse sweats but now He has some compassion for menopause and SEs! :o) Perhaps this is getting toxins out of his body that he was reacting to. (?) Anyway he is a happy fella so I am happy too. THANK YOU who have been praying and who kindly understood my venting here. I am thankful for you! God is good!

    Praying for all of you ~ Blessings upon you day,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Ade, praising the Lord for answers to prayer.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Thank you Teka. Yes, I am leaving tomorrow for my Mom's and to celebrate my birthday on the 3rd. Thank you for remembering. I also finished my last cancer pill on Monday so that has been very exciting. I have taken some very much needed me time and been out with my camera a few times and spent a ton of time working in my yard and taking a needed break from here. Love your pic. I have taken a pic of that kind of butterfly before but I don't remember what it is. Thanks again.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Tina, LOVELY photo!

    Nancy, have a safe trip and visit with Mom, and a VERY BLESSED BIRTHDAY!



    P.S. Cammie, you be a good girl for your mommy! Use your BOX!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    I typed TIKA but it got changed by the evil spell check...sorry.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    oh good night - TEKA. SO SORRY!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Thanks Teka. Yes, it was a huge birthday gift.

    Thanks Ade. Leaving tomorrow for nine days. My sister and I will get to attend a couple of outdoor Christian concerts which we do together every year. I am looking forward to that in between many visits with my Mom.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Nancy, Congratulations on taking your last pill--that is a great landmark! Happy Birthday, and praying for safe travels and a great time with your family.

    My DIL is in labor as I type this. It is her third boy and everything is going well so far. Last time my son delivered the baby on the side of the highway in the snow (everything went well) so we are happy this time she is in the hospital. Smile