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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2019

    Tori, my surgeon told me that axillary nodes are removed in a scoop. The pathologist enters the operating room, takes a scoop of fat, and returns to the lab to count and examine. The surgeon said it is difficult to determine in advance how many nodes are present (apparently they are very teeny, tiny structures). Getting a second opinion is never out of line. If your surgeon has a problem with that, let your fingers do the walking and find another one asap.

    Jean, the decision to give up driving is such a tough one. I'm thankful that no one was seriously hurt in the accident.

    Nancy, praying that the MRI on the 14th yields positive as well as definitive findings.

    Chris, thank you for your prayers.

    Ade, I hope you and James are feeling better. I pray that your symptoms are quickly resolving.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited August 2019

    Tori, I agree with the others about asking your onc questions and getting a second opinion. I have cancer in the lymph nodes, but as I am Stage IV and also have metsastises in the bones and liver, there was no surgery and no chemo so I have no experience to help you here. Perhaps it has to do with the Stage and types of cancer. As you can see I am more than three years from dx and doing ok.

    Jean, I am sorry to hear about your accident but thankful you and others are ok. I know I will go kicking and screaming when I need to give up my driving. I am fiercely independent. So much so, my DH just bought me a new car even though we are both retired and probably could get by with only his.

    Ade, how is James doing? Nancy, how are you feeling?

    I am praying God sends you all special blessings today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    I got back home last night. Road construction was challenging and added to my drive but I am doing okay. I still have quite a bit of back pain but it seems to travel from side to side. I am still doing my tennis ball sessions on trigger points which helps a great deal. My Mom's dental work is still up in the air. I am waiting to hear of another apt made and so far have heard nothing. My Mom was glad to see me each day and it was sort of like the first day I was there every day. She has convinced herself that she likes nothing but soup so this has been a nutritional challenge to her health but you can't convince her of that.

    Jean, I am really sorry to hear about your car accident. Glad no one was seriously hurt. I imagine giving up driving or even considering it is very stressful. I know it would be for me. Praying for decisions that are best for you.

    Ade, how goes things with you and James?

    Hershey, how are you doing? Thank you for prayers for my MRI on Wed. I am going without a driver and without sedation so I am praying I can stay calm during the procedure despite the claustrophobia.

    Chris, I wish my husband would buy me a new car. Oh..............I forgot. I don't have one. LOL That was quite a gift. Have fun with your new set of wheels. I am improving week by week. I have less fatigue and I am not sure what to attribute that too since I just stopped my AI recently. At any rate I am thrilled to see that improvement. It always takes me a few days to compress after returning from my Mom's so I need to see how I feel after that transition is over. I have taken some needed me time with my camera even at my Mom's so that has been a healthy thing for me.

    My grocery store that has a bank inside of it was robbed yesterday. I guess there is no safe place anymore.

    Lord, protect all of us as we find our way through this world that is so full of challenges. Be with those ladies that need to make important and immediate decisions. Be with those in pain and dealing with side effects of treatments. Be with those that find themselves in the middle of difficult work situations. Lord, we need thee every hour...........just as the hymn lyrics profess.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, we must have the same mother. My mom eats cereal for breakfast and then only soup for lunch and dinner. I feel like an immense broken record trying to convince her that only having soup is unhealthy. The assisted living dining room serves lots of cream-based soups. I guess the elderly can taste those flavors best, but creamy potato and bacon soup is not a good, healthy, routine choice for my mom. Sigh.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Hershey, I feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister and I have pretty much given up the food battle because we know we were losing. The facility says they will not make her eat something she doesn't want to so that is that. I got so frustrated with her two days before I had to come home I just wanted to scream. Her teeth are falling out because of this. When she first moved in she went through this hot dog phase so I think soup may be better. She gets the same soup for two meals a day. We do supplement with Ensure/Boost which is probably what is keeping her alive. I just have to give it to the Lord and say she is better there than living alone in her home. I think at the end of the day you have to say I have done my very best and then leave the rest to the Lord. Some days I am more successful at that than others.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your mom and her struggles with food. I have been there and feel your heartache and how hard it is to leave your mom with that going on. May God surround you with peace during this troubling time, and hold you and her tenderly in His arms.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you Chris. Our struggles started long before she went into this facility and we knew it might be the biggest challenge there and it has been on of them.

    As you know God has given me a gift in photography which has especially recently being such a gift for my stress reliever and a way to have some me time and express myself at the same time. I took this picture today and was pleased at how it turned out. It was certainly a surprise as butterflies were not on my agenda for the day.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, that is a beautiful picture! I wish I had a bigger place so I could order a copy and hang it, but alas, I have a stack of pictures already I don't know what to do with! Gleaning through them is my next project.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2019

    Thank you all for your kind words about my accident. I have decided to rent a car with safety features like warning me when I move out of my lane or get too close to another car. I also am going to see my chemo doctor on Monday for a routine check-up and ask her if this could be caused by brain fog from the chemo. If so is there any treatment for it? I will see my primary doctor on Wednesday for a follow-up from my accident. I will also ask him. So far that's all that has been decided about whether I will continue driving. We'll see. Love, Jean

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, that photo is gorgeous. I really like the soft greens and pinks contrasted with the bold colors of the butterfly. Thank you for sharing your artistic gift with us.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you Chris and Hershey. This was one of those days where I think the Lord allowed me to be at the right place at the right time. I will enter this in the Forest Preserve contest as it was taken in one of their preserves. I think I may frame this one. When I have seen these type of butterflies in the Butterfly House they won't stand still much at all so this was a special second in time for me.

    Jean, I have a fairly new car and it has all of those safety features in it. They are helpful and hopefully it will allow you to continue to drive.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited August 2019

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all the wonderful people here and

    bless them with Your comforting love. Please be with those that are

    facing mountain and need Your hand of faith to help guide them. Bless

    all those going through treatment or surgery, knowing You, Lord are the

    Greatest Doctor, Healer, and Friend. ( Also Wonderful God! that loves us

    all) Please be with in need of help or just a loving touch, to give them

    strength in whatever they are facing. Please carry in Your arms of love,

    those that are hurting or not feeling well. That Your healing love will

    surround them. Please find help for those that have bills or need help

    with food, because of the bill they are paying. Heavenly Father, You

    know everyone here and love them so much. We all love You and

    thank You for all You are doing and have done. In Jesus wonderful

    name. Amen

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2019

    Good morning sisters!

    Hi Footprints! So good to see your name, and your prayer is a blessing!

    Nancy, your butterfly pic is gorgeous..only God could have placed you there at that moment

    In my devotional this morning I read this from Proverbs 31 Ministries and thought of all of us BC survivors. Check out .....The Shepherd is With You by Jennifer Rothschild. Powerful encouragement!

    Still reading and praying for you all...Love, Ellen.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Debbie (Foots) thank you for your beautiful prayer. I say Amen to that. You covered it all. How can we pray for YOU?

    Ellen, thank you. I feel the same about that photo as I did about my original swan family. It was a God moment in time. I have often gone back and tried to reproduce that swan family pic and it was like trying to get a large group photo from a bunch of junior high students right before their lunch time. LOL It never happened.

    A belated wish to Ellen who had her 25th birthday AGAIN Winkingon July 28. Praying this new birthday year will be the best one ever. I clicked on your Proverbs link and got some unusual thing that came up. Not sure what to make of that but it was not Proverbs 31 ministry site. Thank you for posting it though. I bet it was a good one.

    It was good to hear from both of you. Take care.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2019

    Dear sisters...try this instead for their home page and you can sign up for devotionals, too.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited August 2019

    Heavenly Father, Please guide and give Your loving touch to all the

    kind and caring people here. Bless them with Your peacefulness and

    rest in Your loving arms. Please be with Nancy and others that need

    Your caring hand to guide them through the storm they are going facing.

    May they feel Your peaceful loving voice in their hearts, Please peace

    be still. Bless all those going through treatments or surgery, as You, Lord

    guide the hand that is doing it. Please help and comfort those that are

    hurting or in the hospital and need Your Spirit of Comforting peace and

    rest will surround them. Please bless and guide those in need of help

    with food or other things that You see them facing, that someone will

    find help for them. Please be with those that have family members that

    need Your care and help through whatever challenge they are facing.

    As You, Lord remind us all we will see You someday and the pain will

    be no more, cancer will be gone and everyone will be healed. Singing for

    You, Lord in Heaven, prayer and happiness. Til then please help us all

    to stay strong in You Father. Please bless and be with all the wonderful

    stage4 people, as You help and give them Your loving touch of peacefulness.

    We love You Lord, and thank You for all You are doing and have done.

    As You love surround all reading this prayer. In Jesus name. Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thanks Ellen. That link did work. I have seen Lisa on a talk show with other Christian women and she is so dynamic. This is a great ministry.

    Debbie, thank you for your prayer. Amen. Praying for your needs as well.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    I have my third brain MRI tomorrow morning. I just took this at my house tonight. First rainbow I have shot..........ever. I am taking this as a good sign. My camera froze up on me so I didn't get the pic I was hoping for but my camera is not supposed to get wet so just as well.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, I'm sure all of us here will be praying that your MRI brings nothing but good news and you will be able to put your worries behind you. I love the rainbow (I'm sure it's a good sign) and also your last butterfly picture. It's sure to win the prize this month.

    Ladies, I'm asking for prayers once again. My GI issues are still ongoing, finally have an appointment with the GI Dr. late September. I have my cancer blood work next Monday and while I'm hoping it gives me a clue, I'm worried about the tumor markers. Praying that all will be okay. The longer I'm on only letrezole for treatment, the more I worry, it will fail me. My anxiety has really been bad lately. Praying for peace and good health for all of us.

    Love and prayer,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you Faith. I have had some terrible GI issues yesterday and today and I can understand how uncomfortable and frustrating it is not knowing what is causing it and what to do for it. I know my AI caused me lots of GI difficulty but since I have been off of it two weeks it may still be that. I pray that your tumor markers will show that you can stay on the Letrozole only so you won't have to deal with any chemo. I will be praying for you as I can certainly understand your apprehension. I told my social worker today that when I have my six month mammogram in Sept. I know I am going to have to deal with some fear and apprehension since the last scenario sent me into this reactive depression. So I can so understand what you are feeling. The unknown is so hard and the waiting on results is so very difficult. I will be praying for you as I do anyway.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited August 2019

    Heavenly Father, Please be with and give Your comforting love to

    all those wonderful people here. Bless them with Your caring arms

    of love, guiding and helping them to stay strong. Please walk beside

    Nancy, Faith and other facing tests or challenges and needs Your

    Spirit of Peacefulness around them. Give strength and peace to

    all those that are hurting or going through a lot, may their family or

    friends reach out and help them through in whatever they need.

    Please bless those that are going through treatment or other things

    to help them feel better. May they feel Your loving touch as we look

    for the rainbow on a day we are going through a lot. Knowing You

    will always carry us through in You arms of love. Please bless and

    be with all the wonderful stage4 people, as You know, Lord their

    every need and challenges. Or they just need Your caring love to

    give them comfort through lifes challenges. In Jesus Wonderful

    name we pray. Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Dear ladies,

    Please pray for me as I am really nervous right now. I had my MRI yesterday and was hoping to get results today. My neurologist called me and said I could come in at noon. My apt is not for two weeks. When I called her back as I missed the call I talked to her nurse and am waiting. I just figure this cannot be good news. There is nothing in MyChart which makes me even more concerned.

    Debbie, thank you for your prayer posts and everyone thank you for praying for me.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, praying the Father covers you with peace during this anxious time, and that the reports show only good news.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Hi ladies,

    If ever there was a fiasco this one was one for the books. I took the noon apt before the nurse could get back to me otherwise I would not have had time to get there. I had not taken my bath, washed my hair or anything. Spit bath in record time and I got there. When the nurse took me back she said we are trying to find out who called you because the doctor didn't nor any other neurologist. They don't even have my MRI results back yet. (Are you kidding me?) The doctor did say kudos for doing the last two MRI''s without sedation. She said I have never heard of that before. I guess once patients have sedation they don't go back and chose not to. So that made me feel like I might still be the wonder woman in my mind. LOL This reactive depression sure knocked my image of myself as a strong woman out the window.

    In a strange sort of way I feel like God gave me a second chance to react the way I had hoped I would and the way He knew I could if I completely trusted Him.........unlike my reaction to my biopsy results in April. I think this little fiasco was from God because it certainly doesn't make any sense otherwise.

    My neurologist said she will call with results before it comes out in MyChart. So that is the story. Thank you Chris for praying. You might have been the only one seeing my post.

    Off to eat breakfast now that it is almost 2 pm.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited August 2019

    Heavenly Father, Please walk beside Nancy through all she is facing,

    That Your loving arms around her will comfort and guide her through

    this mountain she is in front of her that she will find a rainbow. Please

    be with Faith and others in need of Your help and comforting arms

    around them, as You fill them with peaceful loving thoughts of Your

    love and the way You show us hope and Your caring kindness, Father.

    Bless all those that are in need of You to walk beside them, be they new

    or going through a challenge a lot. Be with those that are facing surgery

    or treatment, as You, Lord guide their hands and give them strength and

    Your guiding Spirit to relax and do well.

    Please be with those that are hurting, in the hospital or just You, Lord know

    their need and all they are facing. Please be with all the family member and

    caring people helping. That they will rest in Your arms of comforting love.

    Please be with all the stage4 people an bless them with Your loving care

    and help with any needs. Thank You Lord for all You have done and are doing

    to help everyone here. they all love You very much, Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Thank you for your prayers Debbie and others. Amen to all of them. I have not heard any results of my brain MRI yet but today has been such a peaceful day that I am basking in the quietness and the no pressure that I am feeling. God has certainly answered prayers for me and I am experiencing the peace that passes all understanding.

    God bless all of you dear sisters.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited August 2019

    Heavenly Father, Please walk beside and comfort those that need

    peacefulness and Your caring arms to guide them. Please be with

    Nancy and others facing a lot and need Your loving strength and

    kindness. As You carry them through with Your loving arms, as they

    rest and feel Your healing love. Please bless those that are fighting

    for home care, that they will be guided with Your love Lord. Please

    bless those that are going through surgery or treatments and need

    You to hold them and comfort their fears away. Thank You for being

    with those that are sick or weak and need strength from Your caring

    love and strength, to help them. Please be with all those that are hurting

    or just need Your kindness to comfort each tear. In Jesus name. Amen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited August 2019

    Someone has a birthday on August 19.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited August 2019

    Debbie, THANK YOU for the beautiful prayers! They are blessing all of us as we know the Lord hears every word prayed.

    Faith & Nancy - praying your GI issues will all be solved (having that problem today myself in empathy!) :o)

    Nancy - praying for great results on your MRI and thankful for the peace the Lord is granting you. We ARE in His hands.

    Faith - praying for God's peace and that your bloodwork comes out VERY GOOD. BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS AHEAD FOR YOU & A WONDERFUL YEAR TOO! My sister's B-day is tomorrow. Enjoy that beautiful cake from Nancy & save me a piece!

    Nancy that rainbow just glows! I believe it is God's word to you that all will be well. He used one in that very way with us years ago. Your latest butterfly is the best I have EVER seen (and I have a butterfly calendar!). May I make a print and add scripture for one of my grandaughters? (NOT for sale - I would never do that!) I just LOVE that photo!!!

    Ellen I have signed up for that devotional - THANK YOU!!!


    The Lord bless and keep you all,


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    Nancy, thank you so much for my “Birthday Cake” it looks delicious! Can’t wait to taste it. Ade, thanks also for the birthday wishes. I decided to have my blood work done on Monday, my birthday, because back in 1991 I had my last chemo treatment on my birthday and I was stable for 25 years after that. So, I take it as a good sign that my blood work will be good. I sure hope so, although I’m kinda hoping it gives me a clue about all this nausea I’m having.

    Nancy, I’m praying that you get good results on your MRI SOON! . Ade, praising God that James fevers are gone. Praying they stay gone.

    Debbie, it’s good to see you here again, thank you for your prayers.

    Love and prayers for all,

    Faith (in the future).