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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Amen Joanne. As we enter the July 4th weekend I pray that all of you will have a safe and happy holiday extended weekend. Here is a little comic relief from my outing yesterday with my camera. The heat index was near 100.

    This Killdeer looks like he is thinking this cement is really hot.




    OH what a relief it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HappyHappyHappy


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited July 2019

    Occult Fecal Poop test results back....blood was detected.

    Waiting to see what the next steps will be.

    Leaving it to the could just be hemorrhoids, benign polyps, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. I'm already having my 3-month PET on Monday. We'll see if that shows anything.

    Prayers appreciated.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Lita, praying for you. God knows what you need and will see you through.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Thanks Joanne. The paper would probably not be amused. LOL

    Lita, praying that your PET scan on Monday reveals that this blood in stool is nothing to do with cancer.

    Chris, how are you doing?



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    I am thankful today for Independence Day and what that means for our country.

    I am also thankful that today officially marks my 5yr survival from bc. I will be finished with my AI in a few weeks. It feels like yesterday and yet I feel like I have been living in the cancer world my whole life.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Nancy, congratulations on the 5-year mark--that is a great accomplishment.

    I am ok--thanks for asking. I have been a little extra tired lately with no momentum and slight tummy issues, but nothing scary. I walked down to the bay to spend time with my DD and DGD as they played in the sand and water, and just got back. It is only a 5-minute walk for which I am thankful. Both that it is close and that I don't have to spend long if I'm not up to it. We all will return tonight to watch the fireworks. It is one of the best places in the city for that and it's free! We can see multiple firework shows from there: from the OB Pier, Sea World, and the San Diego Barge displays not to count all of the illegal fireworks the neighbors set off on the bay every year, so it is no wonder it is so popular. I have never seen it this crowded already. Past years it has taken over an hour for all the cars to get out of the few-block area so again, I am thankful we can just walk.

    My DD is having major dental surgery on Tuesday and she isn't feeling too well with tooth pain. Saturday she has an all-night ER internship so she would appreciate prayers so that she fees well enough without taking medication. It is part of her EMT certification and can't be changed.

    I am hugely patriotic and thankful for our independence and freedom. Blessings on our soldiers and country.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Thank you Chris. So glad you can enjoy things within walking distance. Enjoy your fireworks. I have friends meeting at my house tonight and then we will go to the fireworks. The weather is very hot and humid and weather iffy so hopefully we won't get rained out like last year where we were already there and a big storm blew in before the fireworks and you never saw so many people scatter!!

    Praying that your daughter can get through her her internship on Saturday without bad tooth pain. Praying she will do great and get her certification soon.

    Got to run. Have fun tonight.



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited July 2019

    Good morning! I hope everyone had a joyful and blessed 4th. Praying that everyone is feeling well and peaceful. Following this thread has been such a testimony to faith and friendship. Thanks forgetting me tag along!

    Nancy- I wanted to tell you my grandson made the Asheville Youth Symphony Orchestra! We are so proud of him!! He was surely blessed natural talent. No one in our family has any musical talent. 😆

    Have a beautiful and blessed day. May your faith be bigger than any storms that come your way!

    Numbers 6:24- "The Lord bless you and keep you."

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Varga, CONGRATULATIONS to your grandson for making the Asheville Youth Symphony!!! That is awesome. I know in our area making the youth symphonies are a very big deal and you have to definitely have talent to get in so I imagine that is the case in your area as well. That should be such a great opportunity for him to play with other talented musicians. Hope you all had a great 4th. Our fireworks did not get rained out like last year. My friends reminded me that last year we went back a second night because they got rained out the first. I had completely forgotten that. I think I lost my mind some time this year and never quite found it!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Have a good weekend dear sisters. As some of you wait for important scans and others wait for decisions to be made in going forward with your treatments and as others are just holding on trying to keep anchored in the storms of life this banner though not from the Bible is a fitting one because I think we have all experienced this. Of course we know that our real strength comes from the Lord. He created all of us to need Him. Reach out today and He will give you that unimaginable strength to endure the hottest of waters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Lita - praying your test results are ok. We pray for you often and think you're a brave, strong sister!

    Nancy I just LOVE your killdeer shots! (Love birds anyway and this one's SO cute!)

    Varga - SO happy for your grandson! (My husband & I have been musicians since childhood.) That's quite an honor!

    Chris - praying for relief for your daughter SOON!

    Joanne, AMEN to your Psalm 33 post!

    I hope you all had a nice 4th celebration. We were homebodies this year. First of all our Airedale Maggie has developed a terror of storms, and now fireworks. Some ridiculous folks were setting off fireworks 3 nights straight at MIDNIGHT!!! So I was up with a terrified dog for hours. We got tranquilizer pills from the vet but they take a long time to work. We have had our share of much needed rain & unfortunately storms lately too...more spastic dog. Secondly, James fell and cracked the back of his head on cement pretty hard the other day and has had some really bad headaches since. He is on a blood thinner which is a concern for brain bleeds. He has had equal and reactive pupils, no confusion or extra sleepiness, but some dizziness which COULD be allergies/sinus. He refused to go to the emergency room because he said they would just send him by care flight to Midland 3+ hours away - which they would since they have limited testing abilities here. He is in bed (since this morning after he worked a couple of hours on woodwork). Please, please pray for James.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Oh Ade, I am so sorry to hear about James. I am praying now that he will be okay. Please keep a careful eye on him. I had a friend fall on the cement not too long ago and had a brain bleed with emergency surgery so don't take any chances as I am sure you are not.

    Thanks for the nice comment on my Killdeer. I didn't even know that is what they were until last year when I took my first pic of one and had to look it up.

    I got a possible job offer in the mail today. An insurance man from way out of town must have seen my Great Blue Heron pic in his paper as they show all of the finalists in the whole circulation area. He sent me a handwritten note and said we quite often need photographers from this office. He said I know this may not be your line of work but.....................LOL He was very complimentary of my photo which took the sting out of not winning the prize. I was considered a June winner but the the top winner was a pic of a Northern Flicker in flight with all it's glorious wings spread. Hard to beat that one.

    Ade, I know what you mean about the fireworks. Cammie was inside my Lazy Boy one day last week because of my neighbors. She was freaked out for the whole evening so I was not sure how she would react to the real holiday and next days afterwards. My social worker told me she gave her dogs some meds a few weeks ago and it has really helped her dog. She must also have alot of anxiety. My pheremone plug ins still help Cammie. Not sure if you saw my post quite some time ago that I found out they do have those plug ins for dogs too. My SW also said that in dogs once they are scared their cortisol levels remain high for several hours. I know.......... UGH!

    Let us know how James is doing?

    Chris, I know this is the LOOOOOOOOONG training session your daughter has tonight. Praying her tooth will not cause her any problems.



  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited July 2019

    Ade- yikes! That's scary for you I'm sure! Prayers for James to rebound quickly!

    Just got home from church. There were not many people there today. Lots of families on vacation. My DD didn't make it with the kids. They were on their way and ran out of gas. Bless her! She said last night when they left our house she needed to go to the grocery and stop and fill up. She always forgets to get gas!! I was already at church when she called. She drives our old Suburban and I have warned her that thing is serious about the E! It only took me 2 times coasting to a gas pump to start filling up at 1/4 tank. It's so easy to forget in that Suburban because it has a huge 50 gallon tank. So when you fill it up it last for a few weeks with just the around town driving. I'm just thankful they got back home safe and she didn't have to walk with the kids.

    Have a peaceful day! Prayers for good news for all waiting on results. I also forgot to congratulate you Nancy for finishing your AI this month!!


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2019

    Hi everyone,

    Nancy Lita good to see you on the board, I believe Ade was on when I last checked in. Sometimes the good parts about being 5 years post cancer Grade 1A without mets gets us so busy and as I carry our insurance and have changed jobs twice since last July it has been busy.

    1. Praying for you all including scans and Lita hoping your hemmocult was just positive from a hemorrhoid and not anything, praying for you!

    2. Nancy thanks for spearheading this message board. I too finished my AI this past March. Hoped to lose incredible pounds from stopping it but so far only 8 lbs since January lol.

    3. Love everyones pictures. stay well!

    Cindy Blevins

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Theresa (Vargadoll) thank you. I don't think I will know how to act when I take that last pill!! Sorry to hear about your daughter running out of gas. Bummer. I am so paranoid of that happening I have never run out of gas. Glad it turned out alright.

    Cindy, great to hear from you. Congratulations on finishing your AI. I am afraid those 8 lbs you lost I have found. I have been doing some stress eating dealing with some things now. Isn't it always amazing how you can gain 2lbs from doing nothing and then when it comes to losing that 2lbs it takes forever. I will be anxious to see just what the AI has been doing on that front. Hope you are doing well. I imagine you are very busy with your practice. Take care. It is always good to hear from you.

    Chris, how did your daughter manage this weekend?

    Lita, praying for good results for your PET scan.

    Ade, how is James doing today?

    Have a good week dear ladies. Cammie had a major set back probably in response to the ongoing fireworks next door. She urinated on the floor for possibly the first time in almost a year. I was so upset I can't even tell you. I basically got hardly any sleep last night and was not able to go to church. I have kitty litter pads (not the disposable ones) lining the whole room where her litter box is and was able to quickly take that pad up and thankfully I had just bought some new ones and was able to get one down. She has used her box since then so I am really praying this was a one time deal in response to her world being shaken up with all the noise. If I had to go through that nightmare again from last summer with what I am already dealing with it would not be a good situation.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Even though I have read this scripture many, many times as I read it again today it is a good reminder that we don't have all the answers to our whys and we won't have all those answers in this life on earth because we only are seeing incomplete pictures in this life. A good analogy would be to think of the worst blurry picture you have ever taken and that would be a good depiction of what we see on this earth. Our tack sharp focus of our reality will only happen when we are with Jesus in our eternal home. That knowledge doesn't take away the pain, disappointment and heartache we feel on this earth but it does give us hope that it will not always be this way. We can trust in the Creator of all things while we are only passing through this life on earth to our greater home to come.



    1 Corinthians 13:12 New International Version (NIV)

    12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Thank you for this scripture Nancy. I think of it almost every day. It gives me hope knowing someday I will understand and trusting in the love of God in the meantime.

    My DD got through her weekend fine although she is in a lot of pain from this tooth. Her surgery is tomorrow so I am praying it takes care of the situation. I am learning a new normal with my DH now retired. I am a very independent person and like my solitude times. He cares and doesn't want me to be alone. It is a balancing act!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Chris, how did your daughter do with her surgery? Hopefully that will take care of her initial pain.

    Regarding adjusting to retirement I remember my Mom who was a stay at home mom and having the luxury of lots of quiet time............and then my Dad retired!!! I know it was an adjustment for both of them but what was really a surprise is that my Dad's love for the Cubs baseball team rubbed off on my Mom and they would watch the games together in his retirement. Even after my Dad died my Mom continued to follow the Cubs for quite a few years. So you may have some pleasant surprises in this new chapter.

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Nancy, my DD's surgery is scheduled for 2:00 today. I will let you know tonight-- thanks for asking. I am nervous for her. She had an upset stomach all day yesterday and felt awful. Kept having to sit down on the floor. I tried to encourage her to call the Dr but she wouldn't do it saying it was just nerves or because she kept taking pain meds. Can't tell a medical person anything! (She is an athletic trainer.) She had to go to class this morning and I know she is exhausted.

    My DH has been using up his vacation and sick time so he has been home quite a bit lately. I really don't mind that, but it is like he wants to be with me every minute. (Have you seen that episode on Gilmore Girls?) I love that he wants to be with me, but I am very independent. We'll work it out. We get along brilliantly.

    How are you and Cammie doing? Has she settled down from all the fireworks? We live in "vacationland" (San Diego Bay) so we are having our usual summer party noises on top of the extra fire crackers. But we love living here. The seagulls noisily nest on our roof (which we can see from our rooftop floor condo) and the babies are all born now squeaking for food, so it is not quiet. I know it is not for everyone, and I have lived in quiet deserts and in the Colorado mountains, but it all reminds me everyday that I am part of God's wonderful world thankful to be alive.

    imageimageimageOur condo is in the gold building in the trees.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Hi Chris,

    I hope your daughter made it though the surgery okay esp. after not feeling well yesterday.

    I haven't watched the Gilmore Girl's but I get the ideaWinking. I am sure you will both find a happy medium as you move forward.

    Your babies are so cute. Your condo looks like a dream vacation to me. I can see why you love it.

    Cammie goes to the vet tomorrow and will have to be sedated. I hate having to do that but it is the only way anything can be done to her now. She is long haired and I can't even come close with a brush or comb so she has some mats that need to be shaved off. Also I think one of the reasons she does #2 on the floor is because of all the hair. I am hoping it will help. She seems fine now but tomorrow will be a long morning. I missed the vet's call and they said if I was up at 6 she could have a little food. When I made the apt they said no food after midnight and her apt isn't until 11. She will already drive me crazy in the wee hours of the morning when she sees her food bowl is gone. I think I am the one that needs sedation. LOL

    Praying DD will be just fine and hopefully will be able to tolerate more pain meds.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Update on James -

    After 3 hours at the hospital today he WAS diagnosed with a concussion. He MUST stay very still - no TV, no computer, no reading, no thinking(!) for 3-4 WEEKS! Can you imagine that? I can't. He HAS to do this or else he can have lasting problems the rest of his life. I have to call the Fort Stockton Hospital tomorrow (an hour away) to schedule his CT scan. Please pray for NO BRAIN BLEEDS. Thanks so much!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited July 2019

    Ade, I am so sorry to hear about James. I will keep him and you in my prayers for this scary situation. I can't imagine being still for that long!

    Nancy, my DD did fine except she is like me and needs double anesthesia and the dentist hit a nerve with the shot which hurt. She even ate a little homemade tortilla soup tonight (without the tortillas) and only dribbled a little! She should begin coming out of the Novocain soon. I understand about Cammie and will pray tomorrow's visit goes fine.

    I remember you other ladies in my prayers daily but don't usually say anything specific.

    May God bless us all with peace and sleep tonight.

    Blessings, Chris

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited July 2019

    Oh my, Ade. I am so sorry to read about James' concussion. I pray for his speedy recovery and no lasting effects.

    Chris, the beach and water look so inviting. What a beautiful and spectacular place to live.

    Nancy, I hope that Cammie's visit to the vet went off without a hitch. I remember our pets' visits: lots of tugging, resisting, and pulling going into the vet's office, and prancing out once it was all over. Aren't pets curious and interesting?!?

    Lita, continued prayers for comfort and strength.

    I'm getting ready to go see my mom for a week. She continues to adjust to the assisted living arrangements. Thank you all for your prayers.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    James had the CT scan yesterday - STILL no results. He is having worse head pain today and he refuses to let me take him to the ER. If I call the doctor's office I have to leave a message. (After his heart attack I called FOUR TIMES that day & never got a return call!). I messaged the portal but nothing back yet. My stomach is in a knot. I just called and talked to a machine. :o(


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2019

    Ade - Does your insurance have a nurse/advice hotline? Mine does and I call them every time there is a challenging situation like this...

    Praying - Gumdoctor

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    On the advice of our daughter I just drove to the Dr. office. They were very kind and said they didn't have the results but would call over to the Fort Stockton radiology dept. to get results then Dr. will call me. Wish they'd put a stat read on that test. No, we don't have a nurse hotline to ask questions - but I HOPE to get some answers very standing by the phone as we 'speak'.

    Jesus says, "My peace I leave with you" - and "Let not your heart be troubled".

    Just got the word - NO BRAIN BLEED! PRAISING MY LORD NOW!!!

    Thank you who prayed!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited July 2019

    Ade. PTL for no brain bleed. It is tough enough under normal circumstances on these things but to not get any answers and have to drive to the doctor's to get results is a shame. I have been praying for both of you and will continue to do so.

    Chris, glad your daughter came through okay. I am sure she is glad that is over. Cammie did really well yesterday and the way they timed her apt at 11 I was thinking it is going to be a very long day withholding food that long so when I got a message saying I could give her a little food at 6am that really helped. She was pretty lethargic the rest of the day and evening because they also decided to give her the vaccines that weren't due until two months later. I don't think they shaved her as I asked and was the very reason I took her in in the first place. Not thrilled with that.

    Hershey, I hope you have a good visit with your Mom and that she will continue to adjust to her new facility.

    I have had several days of not doing very well and last night I was out in the dark watering as it was so hot and humid during the day. I tripped over my newly staked tree and then later stumbled in the kitchen and hit my foot on the dishwasher. Today I have bad pain in my big toe joint and my Tylenol is not cutting it. I don't have time for any other issue. I made an apt with the VA guy downstate for next Thursday so I will be doing alot of traveling in a short amount of time. Luckily it is my left foot. Apparently I have two of them!!!



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Hershey - praying your mom will simply bloom where she is planted and that it blessed your heart!

    Nancy - sorry Cammie didn't get quite the shave down she needed. Even more sorry about your injuries! You might have fractured that toe. Many moons ago it was raining in on a tile floor so James jumped the baby gate at a run to close the window, slid into the wall on the wet tile and broke HIS big toe! That surely hurts and you just have to baby it as they don't cast a toe. They do "buddy wrap" the smaller toes. Tincture of time I'm afraid. Praying your VA trip will go well. You've worked awfully hard on it all. (We gave up on Tylenol ages ago since it doesn't work for us. I know you can't take most pain relievers which makes relief difficult.)

    Chris, glad your DD is ok. The nausea she had prior MAY be because she didn't have enough in her tummy when taking pain meds??? (That was the case for me once). Anyway glad she's ok now.

    I got some pain meds for James - but now he won't "behave" according to the doctor's orders when he's on it! It is HARD to NURSE a NURSE!

    Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers!

    Many hugs,


  • Serenevictoria65
    Serenevictoria65 Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2019

    Ade, I've been following your posts on James, the poor guy! Like you mentioned, I can't fathom having to lie still for that long! Please continue to keep us updated, and prayers for James, and you!!

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2019

    Thank you SO much ~*~ Bless you!
