thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited September 2020

    Nancy, it is good to see God moving to take care of your mom and you in the midst of all this disruption. I pray He also grants you the rest you need and the strength to soldier on through it all. God does make a way through the rubble and smooths our paths all the way through.

    Ade, I continue to pray for James. I know this is difficult.

    Faith, praying your meds and treatment are working and you are tolerating things well.

    Facilitating my DGDs kindergarten online lessons is tougher than I thought. Apparently there are so many people accessing all the zooms, videos, etc., that technology is stretched. There is sometimes a 15 second lag between when the teacher shows something and when it finally shows on Bria's Chromebook and by then, the teacher has moved on. But Bria chimes in anyway anticipating what is there and she is usually correct! It is made tougher because my daughter is in class online and sometimes my husband is working online at the same time. It causes Bria to fidget and lose attention which in turn makes her not want to sit there. I don't blame her. Her class runs for an hour, then we have about an hour or so of additional work I take her through. Somedays she has an additional half hour in small group online. I am exhausted by afternoon made rougher because I still struggle a bit with the oral chemo meds I am on. Sounds like complaining, but I'm not really. I love that God has found a way for me to be useful and that my cancer status is more than stable right now. I believe God has healed me for a time--the meds keeping everything quiet and inactive.

    Praying for special peace and rest today for us all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited September 2020

    Ade, I will continue to pray for James. Please Lord let there be a solution for these headaches for James and comfort for both of them as this is so hard to watch and to deal with for them.

    I have killed one snake early on when I got to my Mom's house. That problem has never been solved and we have reached out to numerous people who we thought could help and just no answer. The dehumidifier has stopped working and it is causing me to cough a lot. We still have to move my Mom's belongings out of her apt. and my sister has been very busy with other things she has committed to so I just don't know what is going to happen. I can't lift much because of my back problems so we need a plan and fast.

    Chris, your situation sounds so difficult. With so many trying to access the internet in one household is tough. I remember when my Mom and I both were on our computers at her house it just wouldn't work. I pray that God will give you the strength and patience to deal with all of this complication and with Bria's natural tendency to want to see what her parents are up to.

    I can't lift the dehumidifier myself so I need prayers for something to happen. I bought this last one and couldn't lift it downstairs. With the one not working the house is really not good with the dampness of her basement.

    I know God will work this out. I just need to trust and be patient as time is running out on my Mom's rent at her old facility and we need to get her belonging out soon.

    Cammie is doing fine. We had a little mishap when she first got here but she has settled in. I accidentally stepped on her doing my back exercises today and now she is a little scared of me. In general she has been doing very well and I cannot take that for granted and am very grateful for that. I did get a good night's sleep and that will help tremendously.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2020

    Wow Nancy, so glad God arranged for your Mom to know her new roommate. Ade, how is James? Love, Jean

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2020

    Thank you, Sisters, for asking about & praying for James. You are very kind to add him to your prayers. He has had 7 migraines this month. Was given only a little increase by the VA because "he only has one a month". Obviously the reviewer failed to even read the records before making that decision. We will appeal it but it takes a long time doing ANYthing with the VA (right Nancy?) Meanwhile we really need prayer for some kind of treatment to slow or better yet eliminate the migraines and constant headaches. His are really bad and he suffers. They don't even give enough medication for the length of pain so he ends up taking a LOT of aspirin and Ibuprofen which is tearing up his stomach now, as he has had decades of this. The VA is SUPPOSED to get him an appointment with a neurologist but it hasn't happened yet and sometimes it just DOESN'T happen with them. So we wait and he continues to endure. Again, thank you for thinking of & praying for him.

    Hugs to all of you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited September 2020

    Dear Sisters,

    I bought a dehumidifier and my sister was able to get it out of my car and into my Mom's basement. Usually for me anything like setting up anything takes about four times longer than expected. God is good. It was easy peasy getting it set up with the hose for continuous draining. My sister said she could empty my Mom's apt and didn't seem too stressed about it. Furniture will go to a charity. I will be headed home maybe tomorrow. My emotions are a mix of extreme gratefulness to extreme grief and sadness. They are doing some arm strengthening exercises already for my Mom with the carrot dangling in front of her to get back to bed to rest. This is the premier nursing home in this town and I am impressed. My sister and I will have a three way conference call next Friday to tell them our goals. i think all of her team will be a part of that. Pre pandemic I would guess we would have had a sit down with all involved and it would be nice to see their faces but a lot of trust has to happen. We have not even seen inside the facility but it came so highly recommended that I am okay with that for now.

    Hershey, are you feeling less stress from working at home now? I sure hope so.

    I will continue to pray for all of you knowing there are such great needs here.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited September 2020

    Nancy, my brother lives in Wheaton. How far is your mom's nursing home from there? He knows a few nursing homes in the area and may have some insight. I am thankful you found a good place and understand your sadness and pain in this stage of your grief. Praying God sends you peace.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited September 2020

    Oh my goodness Chris. Your brother lives right next to our town. My Mom's nursing home is three hours from Naperville. The prices in my area would be far greater than the one she is in now which is an excellent facility. I talked to my cousin who used to be an administrative nurse at our hospital. She confirmed that the place my Mom is in is the best in this area. The only reason they would want to move her is if she became a danger to herself. She has never been a wanderer or a flight risk so that was their big concern before taking her.

    I am trying to find a vinyl siding cleaner and wanted to try cleaning some panels on my Mom's house but not finding the product I have used on my own house. Someone stole my Mom's ladders so I am very limited in what I can do. My sister is so overwhelmed I am trying to take care of some things she has not been able to do. She really needs prayer. Her blood pressure was so high yesterday it was scary and she keeps putting off telling the doctor which she saw several days in a row at the hospital as he is my Mom's doctor as well. They met to discuss my Mom as he was doing his rounds.

    I bet you are glad it is the weekend to have a little break with the online learning. I read that my school district is going to resume in person learning soon. I was pretty surprised with that but we'll see how it goes.

    Have a good weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited September 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I am home now. I got in on Sunday night. Challenges happening from every side. There was a horrible sewer smell in my Mom's basement. The more the new dehumidfier worked the worse the sewer smell became. I finally figured out it was a pretty simple fix and it only needed a few gallons of hot water down the basement drain. Thank the Lord it was nothing more than that. The day I left a seal in the dishwasher broke at my Mom's house. When I got home to my house there was a horrible dead animal smell in my living room. I think a chipmunk got in between the walls and died. Yesterday I found out that my natural thyroid meds was recalled and I have about six more pills left and my alt. doctor is supposed to get back to me. I have been on this med for 17 yrs and the traditional script for my condition I couldn't tolerate years ago. So I am very concerned about that. I am planning on going back to my Mom's in a couple weeks and I am really praying that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He has done that a lot for my family lately and I trust that He will continue to work on my behalf and yours as well. I have prayed for all of you today.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited September 2020

    Nancy, I am sorry to hear about all your troubles. House issues are never fun. It sounds like yours are particular annoying! Hope you get all your answers fixed reasonably and soon.
    Our condo was built in 1970 and in dire need of painting and elevator replacement right now which means extra financial assessment and hurdles for all who live here (40 units). The painting will be fine but we live on the top floor (4 floors plus one for the garage underneath) with only one elevator access. I cannot do stairs so this will be difficult when they are working on that elevator. All other floors can also access the elevator on the other side so they will be fine. Some have offered to help carry groceries, and me! I will only have to climb one floor and then walk to the other side of the building to access the other elevator, then walk a ways to the car. I will let my DH get the mail. I am still struggling with my meds so I may just plan on staying put for awhile. The quarantine has taught me how to do this!

    My granddaughter's schooling trudges on. I really need for schools to open as I don't have the patience or energy for this very energetic, outgoing, bossy five year-old. I manage, but probably not as well as I could if I felt better. She is also reading well, so it is tough getting her to stay with the rest of the class online. This is actually my specialty (gifted education) so you would think i could do this, but I didn't work with kindergarteners. Oh well, it won't hurt her any.

    Sorry to chat. It is just where I am today.

    Take care. God is right beside us, an ever-present help in times of troubles, even when we don't see Him.

    Blessings, Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited September 2020

    Chris, I feel for you as you deal with the elevator replacement and all that means for you coupled with Bria's e learning. Either one of those things would be a big deal for someone in good shape but for both of those in the mix with you dealing with your chemo and all those side effects is just a lot to deal with. I am praying that solutions will happen for you and maybe even in unexpected ways. I think our school district is supposed to resume in person learning soon. I read recently in Sept that it would be next month so does that mean October.....not sure.

    I am quite stressed about my new thyroid med that I just picked up today after the pharmacy had to order it. Yesterday as my natural thyroid was running out (it has been recalled) I didn't know what I was going to do when I found out the pharmacy didn't have it. That worked out but I have had a really bad experience with a prescription thyroid many years ago and that is making me very fearful.

    My sister and I have a very important three way conference call with my Mom's new nursing home on Friday discussing our goals for her. I am hesitant to start this med knowing what could happen but at the same time I need to start it so that I can have it in my system when I have my phone visit with my doctor next week. This scripture was part of my devotional today and it could not have come at a more appropriate time for me and possibly for you too.

    Take care dear sisters.



    Matthew 6:34New International Version

    34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2020

    Teka, beautiful picture.

    Prayers for all today.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2020

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Although I don't post here often, I do read the posts daily. Nancy, thank you for the reminder not to worry. Praying for all of us that we can remain faithful and trusting in our all-powerful and loving God.

    (((hugs))) and love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Teka, beautiful pic. It is definitely feeling like fall here now. Thank you for your prayers and thanks for remembering this important call tomorrow.

    Carol, how are you doing? How are your treatments going?

    Well, I JUST a few minutes ago discovered the dead animal smell. I had forgotten that I had kept this mouse trap set and totally forgot about it. The mouse moved the trap apparently because I found it behind my microwave cart. Strangely the smell in the living room was better today so I don't know if I had two problems or not but this one will be OUT soon.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2020

    Nancy, thank you for checking on me. I had my scans yesterday, so I'm waiting to hear the results.

    I'm glad you found the source of the dead animal smell. That doesn't sound like fun at all. I hope your new thyroid meds aren't too hard on you and that your conference call re: your mom goes well.

    Sending up prayers...


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2020

    Just got the results of my scans on my patient portal (love that thing) and both scans report that I'm basically stable. Slight uptake on some of the bony mets, but liver and lungs are clear. Hopefully I'll continue with the same treatment plan.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Carol, stable is ALWAYS good. Sounds like your treatments are working. I do remember you saying initially that mets to the bone was the best case scenario for mets so I am praying that you will remain stable.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2020

    Carol I'm so thankful for no bad news on your scans! Also that the wait for results wasn't unbearably long, like they can be. Hopefully you can stay on the same treatment plan since it seems to be working.

    Teka - lovely photo! Makes me a bit homesick for Ohio (just not the winters!). We actually do have some pretty fall colors here in the southwest high desert - just not as outstanding as up north. I LOVE when it finally gets cooler here! Our highs are in the 80s now with lows in the 50s (FAR better than the high 90s we had for so long). We did get a little rain but not nearly enough. and that was a couple of weeks ago. Before we moved here they had an 18 month period without rain!!! Praying this isn't another one of those! I don't know how the wildlife survives as there are very few ponds and no streams around here. We water the birds and sometimes it is nearly empty as a stray deer must have slipped in to take advantage of it. The little birds surely do love it though.

    Chris, I'm praying the condo upkeep will be over soon and that you can manage that elevator detour and extra walking. That may not seem like much to most but it can be a BIG deal when you aren't well and strong! I pray the schools open soon too. as the kids don't get the serious cases of covid-19 unless they're health compromised (and those shouldn't be going back right now anyway).

    Our state is still mask mandated. We had to go to Odessa yesterday to the VA audiologist and waited in the VA waiting room almost an hour with masks on. I have a lower oxygen level anyway and I felt like I couldn't stand it much longer. Whenever the waiting room emptied out I took the mask off and enjoyed just breathing. The good news is that James got NEW hearing aids and they are making a HUGE difference! For the first time in years he can hear a whisper. Right now the loudness is about to drive him nuts but he will get used to it. He said, "Has the ceiling fan ALWAYS made a noise?" and "Wow that bathroom door has a loud squeak!". It's like when my cousin was 7 and got glasses. She exclaimed, "There are WIRES between those phone poles!!!"

    Nancy, it seems that when it rains it pours right now for you! But remember In 'The Eye of the Storm' is His presence there for you. May He bless the new thyroid med, may all of your mom's house troubles be minor ones, may the conference meeting go perfectly, and you and our sister have God's peace in this difficult process. (I am VERY thankful that stinky little mouse was NOT in the wall!!! - nice of him, right?)

    Faith are you ok?

    Tonight we get to eat out with friends! May just drive through DQ and sit at a picnic table but it's still a "date night"! YAY! (Who knew that would be a big deal someday!)

    Hug to you all,


    Our daughter's family adopted a baby skunk (domestic bred) and they all LOVE her! This is Essie -


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Ade, I am enjoying the cooler weather too but our cool weather now is much cooler than 80 degrees!!! Actually our weatherman said we should cover our plants tonight. Some areas north of us will experience their first frost. I don't know where this year went but I can't believe we are in fall already.

    I am so glad to hear James hearing aid translating into great hearing. That is awesome. My Mom will get her second hearing aide possibly tomorrow and I hope it will make a world of difference for her. My sister found one of her hearing aides so we don't really know how that helped since she is still in quarantine.

    I have seen baby skunks and they are very cute. Hopefully Essie will not be able to produce the smell they are so known for.

    I was hoping to get some pics of the harvest moon tonight but not sure if it will be visible since it has rained on and off today.

    I did go out of town to get some sunset pics last night and on the way home the moon rising was just gorgeous. So we'll see.

    I too have wondered how Faith is doing? I do pray for all of you regularly.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2020

    Little Essie was "destinked" when she was with the breeder before our daughter got her. Also her canine teeth will be pulled and she will be spayed when she is bigger. Back in the 80s we had a domesticated baby raccoon (Rosemary Coonie) and she was spayed & canines removed too - makes her more gentle. She was a lot of fun when the kids were smaller. We lived on a small farm and had goats, sheep, cows, a Peach Face Lovebird, Cockatiels, ducks, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, chickens, squirrels, and a groundhog. (Not all at once though!) It's no wonder the kids grew up loving animals.

    The moon is so pretty tonight! Glad you got pix. Our skies are almost always clear and we love watching the stars pop out over the mountains in the evening from the porch. We didn't get that blessing often in Ohio.

    Our daughter brought back SIX baby skunks on her trip. Five were for another lady. Here they are -

    Blessings upon your night, Sisters!



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2020

    Dear friends, thank you for thinking of me and asking. I have been reading and praying for all of you. However, I am having a tough time with my anxiety right now and could really use your prayers. I feel like my insides are shaking much of the time. My PCP gave me a medication and after six weeks, nothing was better. I also had a few sessions with the therapist he recommended and her coping skills didn't help either so she suggested we end the therapy and I agreed. Went back to PCP and he gave me a different med. Well, I picked it up and then read all the side effects and decided I didn't want to take it. He also gave me the name of a psychiatrist but the appointment is still 3 weeks away. I guess they are busy nowadays. In the meantime I decided to see a hypnotherapist who does seminars at my cancer center. I had my first session on Tuesday and while I felt okay when I was there, I was pretty much shaking the rest of the day. He gives you a recording of the session so you can do it at home so I listened to it today and I feel shaky again. I'm so discouraged. My PCP and I believe that my AI is causing this as I have read that the longer you are on it, the more anxiety it can cause. So, please pray that with God's help this will go away somehow.

    Nancy, I'm sorry you've had so much to deal with lately and I really pray that your phone call tomorrow with the facility goes well and you feel good about the place your mom is in. I'm glad you found the source of the awful smell in the house. We had that happen not long ago. There was a terrible odor coming from my dryer, think it was a small animal that got in from outside. I ran the dryer on hi for a long time and used some perfumed dryer sheets and it finally went away. Thank goodness!

    Chris, I feel so bad for you having to deal with the elevator repairs and maybe not being able to get out much. I hope it goes quickly. I so admire you being able to tutor your granddaughter while dealing with the SE's of your chemo. That has to be really exhausting. You are in my prayers.

    Ade, I'm so happy to hear that James finally got his new hearing aids but I'm so sorry he is still dealing with those migraines. That has to be exhausting for both of you. I pray that the VA will do something for him soon. It's been much too long.

    Sorry to have gone on so long about my problem but I know that God hears all of our prayers and there is much power in our numbers. Praying for all your needs.


    Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2020

    Faith, thank you for posting. I honestly know what you are going through as I was on letrozole as my first med. I am not saying this is your case but after only 3 months I HAD to go off of it. I was losing my mind and hated being turned into someone I was not. It was truly a nightmare physically and mentally. I did MUCH better off of it, however, the other two meds following that were not very much better physically for me so, not being as advanced as you are now, I was allowed to go off of all meds after just 18 months of the 5-10 years (knowing that I am at greater risk now for relapse). My onc said that quality of life was important and allowed me to make the change. Is there another med that you can try? I am so sorry you have had to go through this as I know how awful it is. I am praying the Lord will give you relief soon.

    James has suffered from migraines since 1972 when he joined the Air Force and was subjected to a barrage of inoculations. We can't prove anything but he was part of a Viet Nam Era Identical Twins Study on military men - and his genetically same twin brother has none of the maladies that James has. The VA is treating his migraines with a med that I take (Imetrex / Sumatryptan) but they limit the number of pills you can get (9 per pack) and it is woefully short for the number and intensity of painful migraines that land him in a dark bedroom for the day. I often have to give him mine when he runs out...and I only get 9 per pack too. He needs prevention. They were supposed to get back with us for a neurologist appointment but when he called to check on that after months of not hearing from them he was told that they had cancelled it! While we rejoice over the new hearing aids there are still things that fall through the cracks. He is a mild mannered man who doesn't like to ruffle feathers so often the "mama bear" in me has to intervene (which I don't LIKE to do but SOMEbody has to).

    Praying for all of you,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2020

    Faith, I am sorry you are going through this and I wish I had a clue for you but don't. Sometimes the meds make you feel worse than the disease. I know mine do, but letting the disease run rampant is worse.

    Ade, our VA system needs a complete overhaul. I would vote for any politician who would take this on! The skunks are adorable! I wish we didn't live on the fourth floor of a condo so our DGD could have a pet, but I can't bend over to care for a cat box any longer, and going out several times a day to take care of a dog is out of the question right now. We are also limited in space to taking on any critter is not a good idea. Her momma is hoping to get her own place in two years so she can have a pet then.

    Carol, so happy to hear your good news. I will pray your meds keep this nasty disease away for a long time.

    Off to an infusion today, and I got a flu shot yesterday so I am praying the two so close together don't send me to bed.

    Take care.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Hi dear sisters,

    This is day three for my new thyroid med. We had our phone conference with the nursing home yesterday and it was nothing like either my sister or I were expecting. I had typed up goals which I thought was the point. It worked out fine and we got an update on what my Mom was doing and how she was doing. We got to hear from the PT, OT, speech therapist, and two others who coordinate my Mom's care. I don't know if I was expecting a huge change because they are supposed to be so good but I think the harsh reality hit me like a brick. If there is an emotional bottom I hit it yesterday after that. On top of everything else my upstairs toilet handle broke on Thursday. I did get a part last night and thankfully was able to fix it in a matter of minutes today. Thank you Lord. My Mom turns 95 on Oct. 12 and I was planning on going down but I really not sure about that as my Mom would freeze outside in this weather for an outdoor visit. Her new hearing aid won't come in until Monday and hopefully that will be a game changer for everyone involved with her care.

    Ade, the skunks are so cute. I've never seen almost all white ones before. Love the Rosemary Coonie name. So cute. Yes, I agree with Chris that the VA needs an overhaul. Actually I think that already happened but you wouldn't know it according to my experience and I know Ade you would agree with that. After having my hour long phone interview with the field investigator or whatever her title was I got another piece of mail after getting home and because of the lag time or whatever it was more forms I was to turn in and it was DIFFERENT info that what she wanted. I am ignoring that as I see I am getting another VA letter in the mail today. I get USPS informed delivery so I can see what mail is coming. I had to have one character reference for this lady and this piece of mail says I need two. I think she trumps this old piece of mail hopefully but with the VA you can NEVER assume anything.

    Faith, I am so sorry you are going through this. When I have a bad reaction to a med or something is not adjusted with my thyroid med I get that internal shakiness and it is so difficult to deal with. I may have asked you this before but have they ruled out any thyroid issues? I know you have to be on an AI. I was on Anastrozole and I think there was a reason you were not put on that but I don't remember. It might have been due to the weakening of bones side effects it has. When do you see your MO again? I hate to see you going through this and Chris, the same for you. I pray that there will be a solution for both of you that would not compromise your health.

    I have to keep laying all of this "stuff" at Jesus feet and I have to do that over and over again. I think without Jesus I would truly go crazy at this point. That is the only thing I can say to all of you is that no matter what it is you are dealing with try to keep your eyes on Jesus instead of all the problems. If you have to go through this exercise a gazillion times then keep on doing it. God said He would never leave us or forsake us and I know that He will make a way for each one of us during this time of suffering and hardship.

    I think it goes without saying that we need to pray for our country in this most vulnerable time and we need to pray for our President and his wife and all of those people who have been infected or will be soon.

    Take care dear sisters. I did get some moon pics.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Here is one of my moon shots. I guess you could say I am OVER THE MOON because I just got my mail tonight and I got my my letter from the VA stating I am the official fiduciary for my Mom only if I can get her bank account set up within 14 days of the date of the letter. I love how we wait for months and months to hear anything from them but when we have to respond it is a very short timeline. It took six days for me to even receive their letter so that means I only have few days to get this set up or they could appoint another fiduciary. I also got my toilet repaired and it took me all of about five minutes to fix. So in the midst of many challenges some good things are happening.

    Have a good night dear sisters.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2020

    Beautiful moon shot Nancy! I never noticed before but the bottom looks a little like the bottom of a melon where the stem comes out. So glad to hear you are on the way to being your moms fiduciary and pray that all the paperwork goes smoothly. I don't believe I have a thyroid problem as I have very extensive blood work done yearly and I think it would have seen something.

    Ade, thanks for your thoughts but my MO thinks all the AI's give the same side effects so not much use to change. I might just have to finally take an anxiety medication although I'm very reluctant to do that. Praying for God's wisdom.

    Chris, I hope you are doing okay after having your infusion and the flu shot back to back. That's a lot for your body to handle. Sending prayers.

    Well, dear friends, I'm sitting here waiting for the results of a Covid test. I started having a sore throat last Tuesday and then cold symptoms and body aches on Thursday night and Friday, all signs of Covid. Since my health is compromised, I decided to go to the quick care for a COVID test yesterday. Still waiting for results. They were very nice and also gave me a chest X-ray and a strep test ( negative). The doctor also gave me a RX for an antibiotic in case something is brewing in my lungs since I'm short of breath. So now I wait. Can't decide if I want the test to be negative or positive for a mild case so I don't have to worry anymore. I guess negative is best if it's accurate because things can turn bad quickly I understand. We are all in God's hands for whatever will be.

    Sending prayers for all your needs and good health.


    Faith (in the future).

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2020

    Nancy, amazing moon shot--very professional!

    Faith, I am praying with you that your results are either negative or your symptoms mild. I identify with your hesitation of your preference whether you have Covid or not. It is one of the things that keep me hesitant about sending Bria to f2f kindergarten when/if it opens. In the past she has brought every virus home to me and I was sick often, but I fear Covid for me since I am struggling everyday without an extra virus to contend with. I will probably try hard to avoid her if that happens, but that is difficult when our daily cuddle times are so important right now. There are discussions that schools could open here by the end of the month...

    I am feeling ok with having both the flu shot and an Infusion back-to-back. I am a little achy but that is all. I even cooked breakfast this morning so that is something!

    Have a worshipful Sabbath everyone! Remember God has already won the victory over sin and evil in this world.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Faith, I am praying that you don't have Covid. I can understand your not knowing if you want to have a mild case to get it over or not. It doesn't sound like even getting it makes you immune for very long so really hoping you don't have it. I will continue to pray for your needs. I know it must be so discouraging feeling like you are in between a rock and a hard place. I do know that God can work in these situations when all avenues we have tried seem to be dead ends. Please let us know how things go. Thank you for your compliment on the moon shot.

    Chris, I know you are also between a rock and a hard place with your chemo drug and trying to facilitate Bria in her remote learning. I don't know why life has to be so hard but we know this is not the last chapter of our stories. We are all in a marathon and have to pace ourselves to reach the finish line. Beginning a race is the easiest part but we all know when we are in the middle that is the place where we can't see the end and it is very easy to get discouraged questioning if we can go on, questioning our stamina and strength. In my online church service today which was on prayer out pastor mentioned praying with Scripture and speaking back to God the promises He has made known in His Word. My strength is made perfect in weakness is the scripture that is a good one for you and for all of us who feel overwhelmed with our situations. I pray that when you feel like you cannot keep going that God will carry you and give you rest and hope in Him. Thank you as well for your nice compliment on my moon shot.

    Have a restful day dear sisters as we face another week.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited October 2020

    Well, I have good news, no COVID! While I’m very grateful to have a negative test result, my natural anxiety makes me wonder if it’s a false negative. I just can’t get this awful feeling under control. I really have to learn to trust in God more that all will be well. I need to get the devil out of my head and body. I don’t know how I’m going to deal with another year or more of worrying about Covid. I just heard someone on TV say, a vaccine will probably not be ready for general use until 2022. UGH!! I pray that’s wrong and we have one sooner.
    Sending prayers for all of you,


    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited October 2020

    Faith, so glad you test was negative. I heard Dr. Fauci saying just last night that there are a couple of vaccines that could be approved by the end of this year. They are already producing them in hopes that they will be approved. He said the first bunch would go to the health care workers but he also mentioned those most vulnerable. I would think you would fit into that category. A lot will depend on your doctor's recommendation when that time comes. Probably for the general population it could be a long time later but we really won't know like so many uncertainties. I do have good news. I sent what is hopefully the last forms to the VA, I got my Mom's VA bank account set up and I got her retroactive check and got that deposited. Now I will wait and be sure the fax was received and it will be a smooth transition from one bank to another. Last night when I thought I was all done I just felt like crying that this whole uphill battle getting her some needed financial assistance was finally over. I still had more work to do on the forms today and now I feel more relief than anything that hopefully it is finally done.

    I am possibly going to go back downstate since the weather looks a little more promising. The outside visits at this nursing home are not ideal as the visitors stand at a fence to be able to talk to their loved ones in the courtyard. My Mom will be 95 on Monday and I cannot possibly see myself not going at this point.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2020

    Faith, good news on not having Covid. I am praying all your symptoms will clear soon.

    Nancy, happy to hear the VA forms are done and it sounds like it should all be ok now. Good news. I understand about wanting to visit your mom on Monday. A 95th birthday is no small accomplishment! I do regret that I didn't understand my mom's cancer issues more before she died (it was before I was diagnosed.) I visited, but not enough, and mostly I cleaned when I was there and not just sit and talk. Perhaps I was spared for a reason.

    I seem to be losing ground here with my fatigue and energy and ask for prayers. There is nothing specific, and I am even on my off week taking the meds, but just feel lousy. I barely made it through a short shopping trip today. I am hoping it is just the results of getting the flu shot and my infusion so close together and that I will improve in the next couple of days. But it plays havoc with my emotions and desires to get things done. Sorry---rant day!