thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and your prayers. It seems like an eternity to wait until I see my gynecologist on Friday.

    To make matters more stressful I made a call to see what was the hold up in legal matters regarding my Mom's estate. I am so frustrated. They sent all of the legal documents last Monday for review and I called to see if there was any news. I found out that more documentation is needed. I just went into my bedroom and let out a scream I was so frustrated and stressed. I am sure my cat was thinking I had totally lost it and I feel like I am about to.

    I am about to have my devotions to help me lean in on Jesus who is my source and strength.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2020

    I am sorry I haven't been here much. After being down a while there is so much piled up (especially with my work) and so little energy, that I am just taking one day - one task at a time as most of you are doing too. Still I have been praying for you all (pray without ceasing) and for all that's affecting our world right now. We may be physically limited but we are fully equiped and powerful spiritually!

    Nancy I join with the rest of our sisters lifting up your tests and your challenges to the Lord for His help and healing. You are strong in the Lord trusting in His might and whatever He places before you He will see you through as He always has. Don't trust in your feelings as they're fickle and will bring you down. Rather remember how much you are loved by all of us and most of all by the LORD and that the battle belongs to the Lord. He is mighty to save.

    Love to and prayers for you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2020

    Praying Nancy for God's peace, mercy and protection.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Thank you Ade. I am praying that you will completely recover from the virus and start to feel 100% soon. Yes, feelings are fickle. I have felt the prayers of many and have been doing very well until today hit. I am very anxious about this gyny apt. tomorrow. It was already an early apt (for me) and they called and now it is an hour earlier plus it is out of town. Maybe I will be so asleep that it will help my nerves.

    Jean, thank you. I know you have been through more than one cancer if I am trusting my memory and can identify.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2020

    Nancy, you are in my prayers that this appointment tomorrow won't be too awful for you and the results will ease your mind with nothing to worry about. I know how worried you must be, I've been there but God always seems to help us find a way through the storms of life. May HIS peace be with you and comfort you.

    Ade, I'm glad to see you back here again but I'm sorry you and James haven't been well and now your work is so backed up. You are both in my prayers. I pray you recover completely from that virus.

    This virus is becoming very scary and much more widespread than it was in the spring. My daughter just called to say we probably won't be getting together for Thanksgiving. Her two daughters are both nurses and they say things are really bad. My granddaughter's future in-laws are both doctors and they are both infected and very sick. The mom is so dizzy she can hardly stand. This is going to be a very sad holiday season.

    Love and prayers for everyone here and many prayers for an end to this virus.

    Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited November 2020

    Faith thank you (and others) for the kind words & prayers. We're doing better. I pray for healing for your mom and that the others who have to work around the virus can stay well. I am prayingf for ALL of you dear sisters, for peace in this viral and political storm, and time of medical tests, that God will protect ALL of you!

    In just less than 2 months TWO elderly friends lost their husbands suddenly, another (elderly too) lost her only son unexpectedly, and the teenage son of our daughter's Christian homeschool group family just committed suicide and his younger sister found him. Such sorrow and so much of it! God knows their names if you will kindly lift them all up in prayers. These holidays even without the virus restrictions will be so hard for these folks.

    That being said, we count our blessings.

    With love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    HI dear sisters,

    I saw my gyny and was completely relieved that it was ONLY a talk session. I had a pelvic ultrasound many years ago and he wanted me to see if I could somehow find record of that as he couldn't find it in electronic records. I tried and got nowhere therefore am having a pelvic MRI on Dec. 2. He is not worried but things were stated in the radiology report that make this not just an easy wait and see kind of thing. He did say we do not take out fibroids as this one is dying or dead and not large. He thinks it has broken up but I know that these things can turn into other things but he didn't say that. Obviously to go ahead with the MRI he wants to play it safe. I am relieved but would have preferred having the MRI next week but that didn't happen.

    My sister is trying to talk me into going down for Thanksgiving. I had texted her saying things are so bad here and they are recommending staying home as much as possible. My niece is coming from Iowa. My sister is going to have us eat socially distanced and in the living room. I actually didn't realize how close this MRI was to Thanksgiving so I won't be staying too long. I had wanted to get a good start on seriously throwing things out at the house but that may have to wait until Christmas.

    Ade I have prayed for these families. The suicide is especially heart breaking with the younger sister finding him. I know that the whole country is not in good shape with the virus spreading like wildfire. How are you and James feeling now? I am still praying for both of you.

    Faith, thank you for your prayers. How are you doing with your meds? Adjusting or changing them. I am sorry you will not be seeing your family for Thanksgiving. Yes, this holiday season will not be the same for many. With this vaccine on the horizon I pray that we will get some relief from this pandemic eventually.

    I am tired and weary but the VA account is now closed out after waiting on the bank to make a determination. To think that occupied so much of my mental energy and time for 17 months it is really hard to wrap my head around the fact that my Mom didn't get to benefit all that much and now my sister and I have some of that money now.

    Thank you all so much for your support. This is a very lonely time for me without being able to see my friends. I don't think many of my neighbors know about my Mom yet either.

    What do we do in times like these? We put one foot in front of the other and move forward with God's grace, strength and mercy. These times will not last forever and our eternal hope has never changed. We know where we are going.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2020

    Nancy, so glad to hear that your gyny appointment was not as bad as you feared and I will pray that the MRI shows nothing of concern. However, I know the fear and anxiety are never really gone, they always seem to be there in the background. I hope you can enjoy a nice trip to your sisters house for Thanksgiving even if it is a short one. Thanks for asking about me. I’m having good days and bad days. Right now, I’m not on any medication and the last one gave me terrible side effects so I’m reluctant to try something else. I praying that talk therapy, exercise and prayers will help me conquer this. I watched a Catholic mass again today and also listened to three good sermons online. The best one was on the topic of “Melancholy “ and the way to conquer that, is with “ industry “ or rather hard work. So true!

    Ade, I have prayed for these families who have lost loved ones. There is so much sadness and death in the world it’s hard to have faith that we will come out of these times but I know that Our Lord is in control and there will be an end to this suffering so many people are enduring.

    Chris, I hope you are recovered from your trip to Colorado and feeling okay without too many side effects from the chemo. I know that chemo can really take it’s toll on your body and it’s more tiring the longer you are on it. Lifting you up in prayer that all is well with you.

    Love and prayers for everyone here,

    Faith (in the future)

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Faith, thank you for your prayers. I am recovered from my trip to AZ. My allergies always kick in when I visit and this time they hit hard, but I am over them now. My DGD has come down with a "common cold" (have no idea where she got it) so I am avoiding her as much as possible which is going to make online kindergarten rough. We have gone to the purple tier for Covid here in San Diego so places are closing down except for outside. It is going to make Thanksgiving and Christmas difficult. Of course people at the beach tend to disregard the rules which is why we are closing down!

    Nancy, I am sending continued prayers for your tests and that there is a simple solution for your struggles. I hope your Thanksgiving trip will end up being a lovely time with your sister and family. It is just going to be the 4 of us this year. Our son is going to try to come out for Christmas but is having minor surgery before and we are hoping he is recovered well enough to fly.

    I am praying for all our friends and families struggling during this trying time. I only know for sure that God is always present and has promised to stand by us through the toughest times. Chris

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Faith, thank your for your prayers. I appreciate your concern. I continue to pray for you during this difficult time. Before I was at my Mom's I had been on a regular regime of walking every other day. I have to say that during that time I felt better than I had in a very long time. Do you have a treadmill? I gave mine away a few years ago when I got into swimming. I won't be swimming during this pandemic so I am buying winter hats and gloves for walking outside. I hope you can find the relief that I did. I am trying to get back into that schedule.

    Chris, I am glad you made it to AZ and back home safely. Allergies are a challenge. I am glad you are over that. I pray that you don't catch anything from your granddaughter. I hope that the remote learning is not such a burden for you as it has been. Our area is getting tougher restrictions as well. I am praying that we as a people can get a handle on this and do what we can to avoid the spread of it. Thank you for your prayers. I hope your Thanksgiving will be a wonderful time and I hope your son will recover well from his surgery so he can join you for Christmas.

    I ran a short errand today and the battery icon went on my dashboard. My battery is not even three years old so I am afraid it might be the alternator. I am praying that it will start in the morning so I can get out to the dealer without it dying and get this taken care of immediately.

    Praying for all of you as we all tackle a new week.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    I am grateful today that my car battery did not fail while going downstate with Cammie. I was able to start the car and get it to the dealer yesterday and it was just the battery which now has a new one. I am so thankful knowing it could have been a really bad situation if I had broken down on the road.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Praise God for answers to prayers even car trouble ones. He is faithful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    My car story has another chapter to it. I had the car to the dealer on Monday and they said the battery was bad and replaced it. On Wednesday I was heading out to have my car detailed and the same battery light lit up on the dashboard. I remember reading the paperwork after they replaced the battery and it said the battery light was not on. I thought that was strange. So I called the dealer as I waited for the detail shop to open up. They said bring it in as soon as you can. So after getting back my nice clean and shiny car from the detailer I go out to the dealer. I get a guy who I have dealt with before. This is a huge place with many people working the repair dept. He says that light is for the battery for your remote!!!!!!!!!!!! I said so is it possible they put in a new battery for no reason. He said the guy you dealt with was a new guy when I said why couldn't they see that this other battery light was on. So long story short I will never know if my old battery still had life in it but I do now have a new battery in my remote!!!!!! I still will choose to be thankful that nothing happened as far as a break down on the road going downstate. You have to smile at these obstacles are you could lose your mind. (Which I probably lost a long time ago so had I nothing to lose.)

    I believe this scripture with all of my heart even though the terrain has been pretty rough lately.



    Psalm 27:13-14New International Version

    13 I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
    14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Nancy, sorry you had to replace the battery but think of this: some of the new batteries go out all of a sudden, without warning. That has happened to me, at the hospital, right after a scan when I was starving! You might have been saved being stranded somewhere. At least there is one honest mechanic in the bunch!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2020

    My granddaughter is coming up for Thanksgiving with the baby. We plan to go over and just meet the baby outside with no contact, my son and just partner will not be coming up because he has been teaching live in school and doesn't want to take a chance on giving covet to the baby or the family. We will be eating at home just hubby and I, nice quiet Thanksgiving.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Jean, I know your arms will ache to hold the baby, but it is nice you will get to see it. Thanksgiving and I am sure Christmas will be so difficult for us all. It will be just us for Thanksgiving also but my son and his husband are coming for Christmas. I won't get to see my other son, DIL or grandsons until some time next year. We are all sick with colds right now. Our DGD has her first dance performance Saturday and I pray I am well enough to sit outside and watch it in the parking lot. rough times.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited November 2020

    Yes this lockdown is very inconvenient. However it is not tragedy except for those who have lost loved ones. One of my sons students lost both her parents in the spring. Next to that, not holding baby Jackie or hugging my other granddaughter is quite bearable and this will like all things come to an end.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Had an ambulance trip to the ER this morning with a syncope episode--my first. Lasted at least a minute and scared my DH. All tests well so I hope it was nothing. My DGD and therefore house family all have colds so perhaps related. Just tired and weak but glad to be home. Spending a long time in the ER alone is not fun!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Chris, I am sure that was a scare for both of you. Did your blood pressure fall or do you have any idea what caused this. I had been praying that you would not catch this cold from your granddaughter but it looks like you did anyway. I hope you can get alot of rest and feel better. Could this be a reaction to your chemo? I have only passed out a couple of times in my whole life and as an adult I remember feeling really off for the rest of the day so I am not surprised that you are weak and tired. Sitting in the ER for a long time is tiring even if you are feeling well.

    Jean, I am glad you will get to see the new baby even if you can't hold the little one.

    My sister decided with covid surging that we will not have Thanksgiving this year after all. I had suggested about a week ago to not get together as we are all considered vulnerable. We were getting so many signals to stay home and that is what we will be doing so I will be having Thanksgiving with no one but Cammie.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    Nancy, they have no idea what caused my syncope but all tests including BP looked good. Could have been a TIA but that is difficult to ID post episode. We will see if my onc wants to do anything about it.

    Sorry you have to spend thanksgiving alone. This will be a tough holiday season for all.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Chris, I sure hope that you will be okay and not experience another one of these. Praying you all get over these colds as well. I am sorry that things have been so hard for you. I wish I could wave a wand and make all of these challenges disappear for you and for all of us but God has a curriculum for each of of us and they are individualized because none of our paths are the same. That is because we are all created as unique and special persons. He allows these hardships for reasons that we may not know while here on earth but I do trust that they are helping shape us into the people He has called us to be and one day we will understand the why of it all.

    We all care about you so much and pray that you will start to feel better.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited November 2020

    Chris, I am so sorry about the fainting spell and that you had to spend time in an ERD. I am prone to fainting (low blood pressure) and know how scary the episode can be. I hope yours was nothing of consequence.

    Nancy, I'm sorry that you and your sister will not see each other over Thanksgiving. That must be hard for both of you. My husband and I will spend the day with each other only. Indoor and outdoor gatherings are not allowed in my area due to surging COVID numbers. I pray that people follow the rules and not let down their guard.

    I wish everyone a peaceful weekend.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    I plan to attend an outdoor dance performance (which is still allowed) for my granddaughter tonight (her first) . It is based on "Beauty and the Beast" and she has a solo dance (at five years old this is amazing as it is her first formal performance ever.) She is the Feather Duster! I am a little apprehensive, but when do you draw the line? The dance company is making every effort to set chairs by pre- reserved grouping (no more than five), requiring all wear masks, and washing down everything. When do you draw the line? After my scare yesterday I am so thankful I am able to even attend!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Thank you Hershey. I hope you have a nice quiet Thanksgiving. I'll be fine. I don't think I have ever spent Thanksgiving by myself so this should be interesting. I will share a peaceful photo I took as the sun was going down tonight.

    Chris, I bet your little Feather Duster will be adorable. Kudos to her for performing a solo dance. I bet she is very talented and I know this will be a thrill for you to see her performance. I bet she is so excited. I am glad you are able to attend after your episode yesterday. You'll have to let us know how it went.

    Here is a picture I took tonight. The actual sunset was a bust as cloud cover took over but I liked this shot a little earlier. The rainbow colors on the left was not from my lens but actually in the sky. I am not sure if that is what they call a sundog or not but it was interesting.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited November 2020

    My DGD was adorable--of course. Here is a picture but I don't know how to copy the video. Everything was spaced, clean, and appeared safe so I was able to relax.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    She is adorable. You would never know she is only five. I bet she is five going on thirteen.Smile

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2020

    Chris, your DGD is adorable and I’m sure you’re very proud of her having a solo at just 5 years of age. That’s quite something. Two of my granddaughters took dance and we saw lots of recitals but no solos. Those girls are both nurses now, living together in Chicago and working at good hospitals. However, the youngest probably has Covid as she has a lot of the symptoms, they are waiting for the test to confirm it. Since they live together, I feel sure the older one will get it also. With working at the hospital, I’m surprised they weren’t infected until now. I’m just praying that they won’t be too sick and will be well by Christmas so we could at least enjoy that after our lonely Thanksgiving. I was so sorry to read about your trip to the ER, I know how scary that is for you and especially DH if he’s anything like my DH. My first episode happened the day my allergist called to say a chest X-ray showed the tumor in my lung which was the BC that had metastasized. It happened again not long after I started IBrance and I’m assuming that was the cause but don’t know. It’s all scary when we have cancer.

    Nancy, I’m sorry you won’t be spending Thanksgiving with you sister this year especially since I’m sure you are both grieving your mother. It would have been nice to be together right now but it’s understandable that you can’t. It seems like nothing and no one is safe anymore. Please God let this awful year and virus come to an end. I’m praying the vaccine works and we can get it sooner rather than later.

    This past week has been very stressful in both good and bad ways. DH was able to unexpectedly get an appointment with a new knee doctor that he liked and will maybe finally get a knee replacement, which scares me, but he really needs it. Of course now with Covid, it will probably be delayed for months. I keep telling myself, God always has perfect timing. Sure hope so! The other stressful thing happening which is good if I can do it, my choir is going to do a virtual Christmas song to play at the Christmas Eve service that will be online. We are all supposed to make a video of ourselves singing “Do you hear what I hear?” Well, I haven’t sung a note since March so my voice is terrible right now. We have to memorize the whole thing so we are only looking at the camera while singing. I’m used to singing with a director to bring us in at the right measure so my timing isn’t good without direction. Once I figure out how to do this I have to upload to a specific site and I’m not very technical. So, I could use a few prayers that I can do this and have it done this week. I’ve decided if it’s too stressful, I just won’t do it. However, I’ve been a member since day one when they started the choir before the church was even built and we were meeting in a school gym. So, I need to do this. Please pray that I can make a semi-good video.

    Praying always for all of you. Jean, so happy to hear you will at least get to meet that new great grand baby and see your granddaughter. Ade, thinking of you and hope you and James are well. Nancy, I love that sunset picture. It’s so unusual which makes it good.

    Well, have a goodnight all, sleep well.


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited November 2020

    Chris, your DGD is adorable and I’m sure you’re very proud of her having a solo at just 5 years of age. That’s quite something. Two of my granddaughters took dance and we saw lots of recitals but no solos. Those girls are both nurses now, living together in Chicago and working at good hospitals. However, the youngest probably has Covid as she has a lot of the symptoms, they are waiting for the test to confirm it. Since they live together, I feel sure the older one will get it also. With working at the hospital, I’m surprised they weren’t infected until now. I’m just praying that they won’t be too sick and will be well by Christmas so we could at least enjoy that after our lonely Thanksgiving. I was so sorry to read about your trip to the ER, I know how scary that is for you and especially DH if he’s anything like my DH. My first episode happened the day my allergist called to say a chest X-ray showed the tumor in my lung which was the BC that had metastasized. It happened again not long after I started IBrance and I’m assuming that was the cause but don’t know. It’s all scary when we have cancer.

    Nancy, I’m sorry you won’t be spending Thanksgiving with you sister this year especially since I’m sure you are both grieving your mother. It would have been nice to be together right now but it’s understandable that you can’t. It seems like nothing and no one is safe anymore. Please God let this awful year and virus come to an end. I’m praying the vaccine works and we can get it sooner rather than later.

    This past week has been very stressful in both good and bad ways. DH was able to unexpectedly get an appointment with a new knee doctor that he liked and will maybe finally get a knee replacement, which scares me, but he really needs it. Of course now with Covid, it will probably be delayed for months. I keep telling myself, God always has perfect timing. Sure hope so! The other stressful thing happening which is good if I can do it, my choir is going to do a virtual Christmas song to play at the Christmas Eve service that will be online. We are all supposed to make a video of ourselves singing “Do you hear what I hear?” Well, I haven’t sung a note since March so my voice is terrible right now. We have to memorize the whole thing so we are only looking at the camera while singing. I’m used to singing with a director to bring us in at the right measure so my timing isn’t good without direction. Once I figure out how to do this I have to upload to a specific site and I’m not very technical. So, I could use a few prayers that I can do this and have it done this week. I’ve decided if it’s too stressful, I just won’t do it. However, I’ve been a member since day one when they started the choir before the church was even built and we were meeting in a school gym. So, I need to do this. Please pray that I can make a semi-good video.

    Praying always for all of you. Jean, so happy to hear you will at least get to meet that new great grand baby and see your granddaughter. Ade, thinking of you and hope you and James are well. Nancy, I love that sunset picture. It’s so unusual which makes it good.

    Well, have a goodnight all, sleep well.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited November 2020

    Faith, I am praying for your granddaughters that if they end up both having Covid that they will have a mild case of it and will be good to go for Christmas. Praying also for your DH that he will get the perfect time for his knee replacement whenever that might be. Praying that you will be able to master this technology so you can participate in this viral choir. I know how important this is to you. I love that Christmas song and I bet it will be beautiful when all voices come together. Isn't technology amazing in that way. We will have to find things to be thankful for even though our plans are going to be very different for Thanksgiving. We are alive and breathing and during this pandemic that is a big blessing. If we stopped to write down all of the things we are grateful for we would need pages and pages. I am going to concentrate on those things on Thanksgiving and I know that will help me enter into the presence of God. Thank you for your nice comments on my sunset. I couldn't sleep last night and got up at 4am to make a greeting card for a dear email friend who is suffering so much and is in terrible pain after having some surgery. I used that photo and it turned out nicely for a greeting card so it is fun to be able to use my photography to bless and encourage others.

    Ade, how are you and James doing? I am concerned about you both. I hope you are not still feeling the effects of the virus.


