thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Chris, I listened to the first part of the virtual concert and hope to finish it but probably not tonight. They are really excellent. I had to smile at the emcee named Noel. Very appropriate. I am sure you are quite proud to be affiliated with this university. Is apple cider a Christmas thing in your neck of the woods. I am guessing like hot cocoa in ours possibly. Thanks for sharing that.

    What did you do at the University when you worked there?

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2020

    Ade, I will certainly keep you in prayer for your Christmas performance. I can imagine how nervous it makes you just thinking about it. I've been there, believe me, but I feel sure God's got this and you will do well. After all it's all for His glory, isn't it.

    Chris, I watched a bit of your university concert and will watch more when I have time. It looks wonderful. I'm amazed by how many of us here have a connection to music. When I see those beautiful young singers, it gives me hope for the future. We see so much destruction and looting on TV by a lot of young people that I feel despair for our country but seeing these virtual concerts gives me hope.

    Nancy, I'm so happy to hear you are getting your financial problem worked out. You sure didn't need that right now. That virtual concert from Downers Grove high school was wonderful. So much talent there! My DH heard me playing it and was very impressed, he loves good music, especially classical. He asked me to forward it to him so he could listen to it again.

    It’s hard to believe Christmas will be here in just a few days, doesn’t seem possible. However, with this lockdown, I’ve had more time to just focus on the real meaning of Christmas instead of running around doing unnecessary things. I even baked cookies today which I haven’t done in several years but I will say, that was exhausting being on my feet for three plus hours. They are good though.

    Have a goodnight all, I’m tired.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, there is no special meaning to "Cider Celebration" in our area. It is just a Christmas festival. It is sort of a take-off of the Jewish Seder celebration. Our denomination does not drink alcohol so Cider is the beverage of choice at Christmas. I was a staff developer training professors to teach better. I also worked for the online department and wrote and edited a number of courses to make them more effective. I taught some classes on the side too. It was my dream job. I attended the university for two years as a student until my husband and I left to pastor our first church, so teaching here was coming home full circle. I didn't graduate college until a number of years later.

    I would appreciate a little prayer. My son arrives for Christmas tomorrow and I have not felt good the past few days. I am not sick--just my medicine. I have a routine PET scan scheduled the 29th but I don't expect there to be any change.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Chris, I am praying for you.

    Quick note. My surgery is on Wed Dec. 30 have to be there at 5:30 am. Surgery at 7:30. A nurse is going to call me in a minute with m

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, Will be praying for you.

    I’m feeling a little better today. Thanks for your prayers

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    My last post was cut off short because the nurse was calling me. I am not sure how much I will be able to post in the next coming days. I will pray for you all as I am able.

    I will have a lot of alone time because on Sunday I have to have my Covid test and I have to self quarantine until my surgery. I am fortunate that I can have only one visitor as opposed to none in the past during Covid. My friend who lives near me and the one who delivered my fruit bouquet is going to take me and pick me up the next day as I will be staying over night.

    My house is getting very organized so I am happy about that. I wish I had a few more days before surgery but I actually thought several days ago that Dec. 30 would be ideal and that is what I got. Pray for me for strength to get done what I feel I need to so that I will still have time for any last minute things before quarantining.

    I did tell my niece I didn't think she would need to come. I hope I don't end up regretting that but staying over night in the hospital is really what I wanted so that will be a huge help.

    Chris I am glad you are feeling better and hopefully you are enjoying your son visiting.

    Ade, I play flute as well so I understand the breathing challenge. I have confidence that you are going to play beautifully. When I would be in those situations I would try not to look at the people directly and would love over their heads. YOU CAN DO THIS.

    Have a very Merry Christmas to all of you if I don't get to post before hand. For the last few weeks I thought Christmas was on Thursday. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, I'm glad that your surgery date is set and you will spend the night in the hospital. Praying for good outcomes all around.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Those in he East may have seen a Christmas scene like this recently. We have not seen this yet.

    You California girls will just have to dream of a white Christmas so this is for you and everyone.

    Have a Merry Christmas.

    Hershey, thank you. I could use some prayers for sleep which I got almost none last night. I worked hard getting off of my prescription sleeping pills and have only used this herbal supplement combo and it has worked but I have to stop that combo as of yesterday. They let me use melatonin which didn't work. I have my pre op tests today so have a little time since I can't eat breakfast.

    Ade, I expect to hear beautiful flute music in the air on Christmas Eve.

    Chris, I hope you are feeling good and can enjoy your son's visit.

    Hope this scene puts you in the Christmas spirit.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, it's good your surgery date is set but oh, the early morning time is not great. I know you prefer to sleep later as I do but I guess you probably won't get much sleep the night before anyway. At least with this early time, there probably won't be any unexpected delays as sometimes happens. I will be praying that all goes well and there is NO cancer found and you have a speedy recovery. If your niece is available, it might be comforting to have her there for a day or two while you recover. Think about it. I know you like your independence but sometimes it helps to have a companion there.

    Chris, hope you feel better and are able to enjoy you son's family visit for Christmas.

    Ade, I'm sure you will do well with your flute performance. A priest once told me to think of all those people as just a bunch of cabbage heads! I think it worked. -:).

    Dear friends, I could use some more prayers for help in conquering this anxiety I'm feeling. I've been trying to deal with it without medication and it's just taking its toll on me. My PCP has prescribed a new med and I'm so undecided about taking it. Please pray for wisdom for me as I make this decision. I'll be forever grateful.

    To everyone, you are all in my daily prayers. I pray you all have a wonderful Christmas in this crazy year and we can ask God to bless us all in a New Year with good health, no Covid and new beginnings with peace in our world.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Faith & Nancy thanks for your prayers & words of encouragement. (Yep I feel like that kitty in the banner, but I believe the message!) I did better in the 2nd practice yesterday but there were only 4 of us there! I got moved into a corner (YAAY - not front middle!) and pulled the music stand way up so it covers the audience from my vision. That should help. Glad when it is over. (CABBAGE HEADS - I will remember that one - haha!)

    Chris, do get some rest whenever you can. Let things go if you need to, it's ok.

    Nancy, surgery first thing in the morning is GOOD! I had one scheduled for morning and it got put off after I arrived because of an emergency, until late afternoon...and I thought I would starve to death! I feel better that you are staying overnight, but having had both abdominal and vaginal I would highly recommend that you have your niece with you for a good week at least if possible. Then it would be nice if the church ladies & neighbors could bring you dinners for a while too. I was hospitalized for 3 days and still needed some help after getting home. If they offer you another night in hospital - take it!. When you have a general anesthesia, as you already know, you are tired for a long time afterwards and at first you need pain management too. I think you will be glad if you plan on enough post-op care. I made up some soup and froze it for when my post-op care ended and was glad I did. I will pray for your anxiety to vanish in God's peace - with or without meds as He leads. Thou wilt keep him (her) in perfect peace whose eyes are stayed on Him. You will feel so much better when this is over. Sending a cyber hug (no mask needed), and remaining in prayer.

    Please pray for Joanne & hubby who are not feeling well now, thanks.

    Love to all,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, I had a thought. Forgive me if I'm out of line. If they are going to remove your uterus, would they consider removing your cervix at the same time? I had a hysterectomy in 2005, but kept my cervix and ovaries. It was abdominal because my uterus was so large. In retrospect, I wish I had had my cervix removed at the same time to reduce my chances of cervical cancer. I've never had any problems, but it would be nice to never have to have another PAP again.

    I do hope I'm not out of line. Forgive me if I am, let me know, and I'll delete my post.

    Continued prayers, hugs and more prayers coming your way.


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Carol I would agree with you - my hyster was done in bits 'n pieces (3 separate surgeries). One where they get it all will be in the long run easier and less to be concerned about later.

    Just a P.S. - The Point Loma Nazarene University's Cider Celebration concert is amazing if you haven't had time to hear it yet. Such talent in vocals and instruments! Those are GOOD kids not out looting, setting fires and hating others. God bless them!


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited December 2020

    Ade, thanks for the shout out about the PLNU choir. I am biased but I agree. I hope you are feeling better and I always include James in my prayers for you.

    Nancy, I had a full-blown hysterectomy the first time so I can't say more, but it was one of the best things I could have done. I felt so much better afterwards. But I agree with the others to get as much help as possible.

    Faith, I pray that you will be able to find a good solution to your anxiety meds issues. It is no fun to deal with that on top of everything else.

    I am feeling better today and in a minute will venture out with my son to the grocery store. He does the cooking while he is here which is a treat for me!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Hi dear sisters,

    I emailed my niece last night and told her she didn't need to come. Maybe I was too quick to do that. I did say if I get home and realize I can't do this by myself then I could let her know. She would have to take off work but mentioned about staying for a long weekend. She would come from Iowa and I would hate for her to have to do that if I don't need her. I go to a Mega church and under the circumstances I don't know about meals. I don't think that is going to happen. I have a very small freezer and it is already full but I live in an area where all I have to do is pick up a phone and order delivery if I had to. Carol, you are not out of line. at all. I am 69 and there is really no reason to keep any of the organs at this point. Of course at this date they will do what they are going to do which is take out everything from what I understand. They will actually wrap the uterus in an envelope of sorts so that if it is cancerous it will not spread. If there is mets it would be a slim chance of survival bar a miracle. I have had so many scans that I would think things would show up if there with other problems. However one of the scans did mention an abnormal growth out side of the uterus and I can't remember what this cavity was called. It is a robotic surgery which is supposed to have less pain and a shorter recovery time but it is interesting that the surgeon did not mention anything about that. Of course by then I had watched many videos on this da Vinci Robot. It feels a bit creepy but the robot hands can move in ways that human hands cannot so unless the robot has had to much coffee that day I should be in good shape. Winking. The surgeon will actually be sitting down while operating the robot and my gynecologist will be there assisting as well. He can operate this robot too.

    I actually won't know how they remove the uterus until I wake up. It was supposed to be vaginal but my canal has shrunk or is too small possibly so they may enlarge one of the the five abdominal incisions to take it out that way as this is still considered laparoscopic assisted.

    I only got about two hours of sleep last night without my sleep herbal combo so I am really dragging today. I I have passed my pre op tests so far and the Covid test will be on Sunday.

    The night of surgery I have to drink two 12 oz bottles of gatorade. One 12 hrs before and the second one four hours before which will be in the middle of the night with two extra strength tylenol. This seems very strange as it is starting to feel like a colonoscopy prep.

    Ade, I hope your new position in the corner will help your nerves. Yes, hike that music stand up so that you can't see all of the cabbage heads!!!!!!!

    Faith, praying you can tolerate this new med and that it will give you relief. You have been through so much for so long.

    Chris, I hope you continue to feel well enough to enjoy your son's visit.

    Carol I know you have scans on the 28th and Chris you mentioned the 29th if I am remembering correctly. Praying for good results for both of you.

    Hershey, I hope your Mom's symptoms stay mild and that with the vaccines that herd immunity will start taking place very soon in your Mom's facility.

    Joanne, praying for you and Dan.

    Please pray that Cammie will be okay overnight in the house by herself. She can get herself in situations as she can open cabinet doors and closets. I have one closet with a big ole heavy typewriter in it's case blocking the door so she can't get into that closet. She will probably just sleep and wondering what happened to me. I may have my neighbor come over and check on her.

    It's garbage night and I need to get busy. I am making great headway in my house. Still lots to do but the worst is done. Now a thorough cleaning and I'll be all set.

    Have a good night.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Ade, YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Beautiful post, Joanne. Thank you!

    Nancy thank you for all of your encouragement. The first song I had a little trouble breathing but no glaring problems. Then the Holy Spirit filled me somehow and I played the 2nd and 3rd with gusto. THANK YOU for prayers and encouragement, ladies. I am SOOO glad that is over. It was a beautiful celebration with communion and a candlelight hymn sing. There were some unsaved folks who really listened to the message. And God was glorified.

    May our Lord bless your Christmas tomorrow whether with friends and family or alone like others of us, because He is what it is all about. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with all you have within you. Who knows, we may ALL be celebrating Him in person together next year! Hallelujah!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Joanne, beautiful banner and words. Praying you feel up to your celebration tomorrow.

    Ade, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you did well. God is good.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2020

    Here's my shot to share. DH got a new telescope. Now he has one for viewing the planets and the new one for "deep space objects". This is the Orion Nebula. It was crazy to see all the colors. As usual, the photos don't do it justice.

    It was around 3:00 AM and we were in our side yard. It was all I could do to NOT run out to the middle of the street and start yelling, "You all have to see this!!!" We had a socially distanced viewing of Saturn and Jupiter on the 21st with his "other" telescope. We'll have another event tonight (masked and distanced) to look at some more cool stuff.

    "The heavens declare the glory of God!" (No kidding)

    A blessed Christmas to all!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Carol, thank you for sharing a spectacular shot of God's creation. You would love it here where the skies are so clear and the stars so bright.

    I pray every one of you have a blessed Christmas as you ponder the wonder of God Himself, Emmanuel - God With Us, coming to earth as a baby to show us the way.

    Love in Him,


    We didn't have snow on the ground, but we did have gold upon the mountains to bring in Christmas Day.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2020

    Ade, that's gorgeous. We have a place in the desert, near Palm Springs, that we go to. The mountains, which are very close to us, turn that same amazing shade of color just after sunrise. The area is called Santa Rosa Cove.

    Your spot is beautiful! Is this a daily view for you?

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Carol, yes, it is right across the road. We truly enjoy mornings and evenings on the porch. It never gets boring. Our little town is surrounded by mountains and it is very peaceful and quiet here. The sunsets and sunrises are amazing - a gift from God. We are blessed. Thanks for your comment.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited December 2020

    Beautiful pictures ladies. God's creation is more than I can comprehend sometimes.

    Praying you all have a wonderful day and stay safe.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Carol and Ade, your photos so varied in subject but both declaring the glory of God's creation from the heaven's to the earth. Both so beautiful!!!!! How appropriate on this Christmas Day.

    My niece sent me some beautiful pics of a gorgeous sundog taken at their "green" house in IA.

    I hope you are enjoying this special day. This has turned into a work day for me as I had more chores than time left. I have prayed that the Lord would understand my predicament.

    Merry Christmas everyone.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited December 2020

    Nancy I wish you weren't working so hard. You will need your strength for days ahead. Anyway Merry and Blessed Christmas to you and Meowy Christmas to you know who! (Sandy Claws)



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Thanks Ade. Cammie is now laying on my lap as long as a blanket is on me!!!

    Thanks Joanne. Continuing to get that big ole ox out of the ditch. Getting ready to go to the grocery store for the last time as my Covid test is on Sunday. Now I understand why this lady scheduled for then. Of course she didn't tell me I would have to self quarantine so that was the reason. Even the lady last Wed who did my pre op tests said I don't know why they don't schedule these all on the same day. Well know I know.

    I am getting anxious today and I need a walk but I just have to get this cleaning done so I will have at least one day to rest before Wed.

    I survived Christmas alone and God will get me through whatever comes. After watching George Bailey last night I have had a Wonderful Life no matter what happens.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited December 2020
    • Nancy, praying your Covid test is negative tomorrow. I am praying everyday that your surgery goes well and no cancer is found and you have a speedy and complete recovery. You still have a lot more life to live! God is good all the time and He will be good to you, His good and faithful servant.
    • Love and prayers,
    • Faith (in the future)
    • I don't know why I'm getting this bullet dots now and don't know how to get rid of them. Sorry
  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Thank you Faith. I pray God answers all of those things you prayed. I hope you had a good Christmas. Maybe with these vaccines rolling out it will help with some of your anxiety. When I was at Edward last week for some pre op testing it sounds like the medical staff already got their first dose.

    I know Carol and Chris have scans coming soon and I have been praying that you both will get good news.

    Have a good rest of your weekend.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited December 2020

    Carol and Chris have scans this week and with my surgery on Wed. I figure this scripture would be good for us and for everyone.

    I let my school community and a board member in my neighborhood HOA know about my situation yesterday. I was absolutely flooded with emails and I spent most of last night taking phone calls and replying to emails. Then my sister started sending me screenshots from her Facebook page. She sent out a call to prayer for me and 125 people responded. One neighbor called and said there were three ladies in the neighborhood that would love to bring meals or do grocery store runs or whatever I needed. One of my fellow retirees asked if she could drop something off for me after my surgery. She didn't even tell me until later that she just had a hysterectomy on Dec. 15 at the same hospital I am going to. This part freaked me out a bit. She said she stayed overnight and they had to convert a broom closet for her room as there were 100 Covid patients there as well. She said she got excellent care. Another retiree had a hysterectomy in Oct at the same hospital and when I asked her if she thought I would be able to manage by myself at home after staying one night in the hospital she said yes. I have had people offer to stay with me on Thursday night but I am believing I will be just fine. After today (hopefully) my house will have never been this clean all at the same time. LOL I should have surgery more often. I didn't get much sleep last night. I was wound up but my spirits were lifted for sure.

    Take care dear sisters. I am still praying for you all.



    Psalm 46[a]

    For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth.[b] A song.

    1 God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
    2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
    3 though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, so happy to hear all of this good news. It is a real answer to prayer to know you will have all this potential help. God is good!

    I had an infusion today and a scan tomorrow so I am in medical mode for the last couple of days of my son’s visit. But it has been good. I am tired and hungry but will hang in there.

    Blessings for a good new year

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2020

    Nancy, how wonderful to hear of the support from your friends and neighbors!

    I had my scans today and will probably hear the results on Wednesday. My required COVID test came back negative. Am grateful for that.

    Prayers going up for you, my friends!
