thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited March 2021

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your continuing insomnia. I have no hints how to help as it plagues me from time-to-time too, but I do understand how debilitating you feel. Thank you for the update. It helps to know how to pray.

    Ade, I love your positive spirit. You are always encouraging even in the midst of your own trials.

    Next week is Spring Break for my DD and she and my DGD are taking a few days off to take a small trip and play in the snow (remember, we live in San Diego!) This gives me a few much-needed days off!!! Then after two more weeks I am having a Sisters Week in Laughlin with my new sisters. This will be a first for me and I am both excited and nervous. I will be flying alone and I pray my body will cooperate that week. I am confident I will be well taken care-of.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited March 2021

    Nancy I'm sorry about the insomnia. Don't know if any of this is helpful for you, but we take some Meletonin, turn off the TV and read scriptures before bed. I am hypoglycemic so have a little protein snack and it helps a lot. One time when I really couldn't get to sleep I challenged myself to remember a scripture for every letter in the alphabet - and it worked! Can't tell you now what they all were but the Lord did miraculously give me each one. I'm glad you have a new 'gift' to look forward to! Praying you feel better VERY soon and sleep like a baby.

    Hershey they did like the dinner - and I don't have to cook until the leftovers are gone - woohoo!

    Chris, thank you for your kind words. I am glad you get a break - every grandma needs those and you work harder at it than most of us. I needed a break after having our 3 when their power was off for 3 days an nights! I also did hot meals and laundry for the family..whew. I pray you have a deightful time next week and the Lord grants you extra strength and bodily comfort.

    Next Wednesday Texas is finally OPEN! Masks and social distancing are optional and as decided by individuals and businesses. Also my James turns 70. If anyone would feel led to send a card it would bless him. PM me for the address. :o)

    Love and prayers,


    (P.S. This is Gorilla Mountain to our west at sunset yesterday)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Chris, how did you do with your second vaccine. I know it was on the same day I had mine. I am so glad that you are going to be able to visit your new sisters. With the added security of being fully vaccinated that will be awesome. Some time off while your DD and DGD are playing in the snow will hopefully be a time to recharge. You deserve it. I am still amazed at how God protected you when Covid was all around you. Amazing!!!

    Ade, if you sent me your address in a PM I would be glad to make James one of my photo cards. I have certainly prayed for him so many times I feel like I know him. When exactly is his birthday? Thanks for your tips to getting to sleep. Better than counting sheep for sure. I have an added problem. When I don't sleep then Cammie doesn't sleep either and when Cammie is not happy ain't no body happy in our home!!!!!!

    I think I am going for a walk. Haven't felt like walking all week but last night I got a very good night's sleep and now off to enjoy this almost spring feel in the air. Can't wait.

    Love your Sunset pic Ade. I am afraid to ask why they call it Gorilla mountain. LOL



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited March 2021

    Nancy, so happy you got some sleep last night and hopefully got in a good walk. God answers prayers! s

    You didn't say how your Covid shot went? Any side effects? My second shot was cancelled because of lack of supplies, so I rescheduled for this Wednesday from my own provider--same vaccine. My DH gets his first shot tomorrow and I am a little worried as he is fighting passing a kidney stone right now. California is slowly opening up. With Spring break looming I am hoping people will be mindful and careful. I live in a resort beach town so we are vulnerable. We plan on being careful and staying in for awhile longer.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    HI Chris,

    I did get in a nice walk at a place I am not used to. It was a nice walk along this river and it was just what I needed. I am sorry to hear your second vaccine was cancelled but so glad that you found another place to get one. It has been very difficult in our county to get a shot so I feel very grateful that two different hospitals reached out to me so I really didn't have to search and hunt and call around like so many others are doing. I thought I had mentioned my second shot but as I looked back obviously I didn't.

    I had no sleep that night of my second vaccine so I didn't start off well. I had a very sore arm and then as my insomnia kept being a problem I felt like I was getting sick with a sore throat and a hacking cough. I had a headache for several days but I never really did know if that was a side effect or my body fighting off a sickness because of the lack of sleep. I am still dealing with a slight headache but all in all I was prepared to have a few days of doing nothing which is pretty much what I did because of not feeling well from no sleep. So that is probably not very helpful. My sister and her husband are set to get their second Moderna shot on Tuesday so I'll see how they do. I sure hope your DH doesn't have problems with a kidney stone as he gets his shot tomorrow. I will pray for him. Thanks for your prayers.

    I am not sure how different my life will be after being fully vaccinated but I will still be very careful as these shots are not 100% effective and these new strains are concerning.

    I'll pray that yours goes well.

    Take care.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Yesterday was an exciting day. I got my new study Bible that I ordered by mail. Oh my goodness. It is large print and it weighs a ton. I won't be taking this one with me to church when I resume. I guess I should have read the small print. LOL I also bought a new camera yesterday and will be excited to try it out soon. For those photographers out there I went from a DSLR to a mirrorless. Unlike my Bible this camera is very much lighter than my current camera but can make very large pictures and is considered a professional camera. As soon as I figure out how to use it (I am anticipating a learning curve) I will have to post some pics from it.

    Take care. Chris, I prayed for your DH that he would manage his first Covid vaccine without any added problems with a kidney stone. Praying for yours for tomorrow.

    Faith, still praying for you and DH. I hope things are improving for both of you.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited March 2021

    Nancy, thanks for continuing to pray for us. Some things are better and some not so much. My DH is getting more mobility in his knee but he has a ways to go and his insomnia is still awful. Not much sleep mostly because he can’t find a comfortable position for very long so he keeps waking up. He has big circles under his eyes and just looks worn out. I’m still struggling with this anxiety that’s not getting any better and now seems to be causing some IBS problems. I guess I’m ready to start some actual medication more than zanax as therapy is just not doing a good enough job. There is some good news, my blood work showed my tumor markers are good. Still waiting for the rest of the results. AND I’m getting my first Covid vaccine tomorrow at Walgreens downtown, so very close to home. I think it will be the Moderna one as my second appointment is in 4 weeks and I think the Pfizer one is 3 weeks apart. I was hoping to get the one dose Johnson vaccine but I guess I should just be happy to have any. I really could use some prayers as I’m worried about side effects which is making my anxiety worse.

    I’ve been reading and praying for everyone here but just haven’t had much energy to post, I’m sorry. I do thank all of you who continue to pray for me and DH. It is very much appreciated.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Faith, I am glad to hear from you. That is awful that your DH can't get any restorative sleep. I know this will eventually get better with his pain but while you are in the midst of it it can be very discouraging. Losing sleep just clouds everything as well. I am sorry to hear that your meds don't seem to be enough. I am glad you are getting your first Covid vaccine. I didn't realize Walgreens was offering shots in our area so that is great news. I bet you won't have to much of a reaction to the first shot. I think a sore arm is what most people have experienced and I can say it wasn't all that bad. I am glad to hear your tumor markers are good. That is great news. Things will get better for both of you. I really believe that. I hope once you are fully vaccinated that some of you anxiety will go away.

    We all understand if you are not feeling well that you are not able to post as much. We have all been there. I will continue to pray for both of you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Chris and Faith, I have prayed that your vaccines will not cause any troublesome side effects.

    Ade, I hope James had a good birthday. 70 is a big one!!!!

    Hoping everyone has a good day.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited March 2021

    Thanks Nancy. I had a fever last night and ached all night so I didn't sleep. I feel like I was run over by a semi! But this too shall pass. All I can do today is sit. My first shot was easy. This one was easy to get but the SEs are rough.

    My DD and DGD are just now heading home from the mountains in the snow. Please pray for their safe travels.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Chris, I'm sorry to hear you had a pretty strong reaction. I didn't sleep all night after my second shot but I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. My sister just had her second Moderna shot on Tues. and she had some fever and a headache. She is also complaining of a rash that has reasserted itself. I don't know if she thinks that has anything to do with the shot. I am still having a headache and I don't know if it is only coincidental that it started up after my second shot but it still hasn't gone away completely. I keep hearing that if you have reactions it means you immune system is working so I know that is a good thing. As we age apparently our immune systems weaken. I will pray right now for you daughter and granddaughter to have safe travels and that you feel better very soon.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited March 2021

    Chris, I pray your shot reactions are over by now and for safe travels for your family.

    Faith, I pray your husband will be able to find comfort and sleep well. As Nancy knows too well, when we don't sleep it puts everything out of kilter. I pray too for the peace of God to wash over you and heal your anxiety. I know how awful that is too!.

    Nancy thanks for the birthday wishes. He did have a good 70th birthday except when we took Maggie to the vet for a quarter size bleeding sore and walnut size lump on the top half of her tail. We thought it was an abscess but it is a growth they have to remove plus the at least 3 tumors (one hand size and flat) on her body. We were told that if the vet can't make the skin meet after taking out the tail growth she will have to amputate the tail. Maggie will be 12 in May so the length of anesthesia is risky. She's on antibiotics until her next appointment a week from today. Not what we wanted to hear.

    Praying for you all with love,


    This is the golden sun on the morning mountains and it only lasts a minute.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Ade, that's beautiful. We get a similar effect at a house in the desert near Palm Springs. The area is called Santa Rosa Cove. The mountains turn that color just after sunrise, and lasts for just a few minutes. It's my favorite time of the day!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Hi ladies,

    I just found out several posts had gone into my spam folder which never happens so I am just now seeing them. Ade, I am glad James had a good birthday. I am sure sorry to hear about Maggie. Poor thing. So are you waiting to figure out what to do? I understand waiting on the antibiotics. I will pray for wisdom.

    Your sunrise pic is gorgeous. I have been wanting to go out west to photograph the red rocks and I am guessing many of the pics I see are more about the sun hitting just right to make the rocks appear very red.

    Carol, how are you doing? Your Dad?

    I have been spending all night with Youtube videos trying to set up my new camera. Thank goodness for the pause and replay because they go way too fast for me.

    Well I need go sign off.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Hi Nancy (and everyone else :) ) Thank you for checking on me.

    My dad is doing well. He's getting around outside with a cane and has a good PT working with him. (I pity the PT who has to work with a retired orthopedic surgeon!)

    I'm doing well, too. I have my scans at the end of the month. I've been having more pain and I'm hoping it's "just" arthritis and not progression of the bone mets.

    I know I don't post often, but I do read the posts on this thread every day and love to hear how everyone is doing - both the good and the bad. The best news is that we have a Father who is in control and who provides us perfect peace in the midst of the storms.

    Love and hugs to all,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited March 2021

    Ade, I'm so sorry about Maggie. I hope she is not in too much pain or discomfort. Is the vet having her wear a surgical collar or cone?

    Nancy, you must be so excited to try out your new camera. I agree...some of those YouTube videos stream so quickly. I find myself clicking 'replay' over and over.

    I had an ultrasound of my neck on Wednesday afternoon. The nurse called me at dinnertime that evening to report nothing suspicious was found. God is so very good!

    I wish everyone a safe weekend, especially those families in the eye of severe weather.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Apparently the posts here are continuing to go to my spam folder. I work with two computers and they have different email delivery. So if my laptop puts them in spam I don't see it at all on my desktop which I am on now. Oh well.

    Carol, glad to hear your Dad is doing well and has a good PT therapist. They say doctors make the worst patients so hopefully that is not the case with your Dad. I could see how it could be a bit intimidating to the PT who is probably much younger knowing you Dad's background. I have my scans in coming soon. As I looked at the calendar it is sooner than I realized. I pray that we both have good results.

    Hershey, I am glad to hear that your neck ultrasound was okay. They have scheduled an ultrasound for me after my mammogram just in case. I was pretty sure I was supposed to have graduated to regular mammograms this year but I think my BS with Covid and doing only phone visits last year goofed on my order which he did not put in until I had to remind him. That never happens.

    I am continuing to learn this camera. I have taken only a few indoor shots of Cammie and am continuing to watch the YouTube videos. I was pleased to watch one photographer who shoots movies for big films like Mulan and James Bond. He was using the Z series Nikon camera which I got the Z7 ii which is the second generation of the mirrorless for Nikon. The place I would have normally visited with my camera several times by now I am waiting until after Tues when I am fully effective in protection. It is an orchid nursery which I can go crazy in now not only photographing but possibly buying some more for my indoor collection. In my trying my hand at growing them I have learned alot from more YoutTube videos and I have lost on of my minis so I would like to get a replacement for that one. I do have one that is going to bloom again for me and has tiny buds now. It has been fun watching the whole process. I just wish I had more room to indulge my habit. LOL

    Ade, praying for Maggie.

    I hope you all are doing well and have a great weekend. I am sure you all know but just in case be sure to move your clocks one hour ahead tonight. Yes, we lose an hour of sleep BUT we get daylight for longer and that I am thrilled about.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    The latter part of this verse is the verse the Lord spoke to me so clearly when I was facing cancer for the first time. It was not an audible message but nonetheless a message in my spirit that I knew was from the Lord. It brought much comfort to me then and still brings comfort to me now in all the other challenges of life.

    Joshua 1:5New International Version5

    No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,439
    edited March 2021

    Hershey, glad to hear your good report. God is good!

    My computer crashed a couple of days ago so my posts have been sketchy. I dont do as well on my iPad.

    I lost another friend to cancer today. I don’t even have a good count anymore...I just talked to her yesterday. Survivors guilt is real.

    I leave Tuesday for a few days to spend time with my new sisters. I just need to be with them and spend the time I have with family and friends. I pray I will be safe even with the vaccine. God has been speaking to me about obedience and putting my faith in action even during the quarantine. My sisters are unsaved...they are my mission field right now. I know God is moving in our world to call the lost to Him.

    Have a safe and blessed weekend. Chri

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Hi Chris,

    I just found your post in my spam folder. I am sorry to hear about your friend. My cousin's husband's visitation was today and funeral tomorrow. Very sad situation with them. I have a mammogram tomorrow and live too far away to go.

    I hope you have a great time with your new sisters and hopefully God will provide an opportunity for you to share your faith with them.



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited March 2021

    Chris, I am so sorry to read about your friend. I pray you find comfort and peace, and I hope your visit with your new family is a great one. Wishing you safe travels.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    It seems like someone talked about this book, but I'm not sure... My sister is reading the book Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, wife of Charles Spurgeon.

    It's and interesting, but not the easiest read, with lots of dates and names, etc., and my poor brain has trouble keeping track of everything.

    The other book that was "recommended" by Amazon was: And She Still Laughs: Defiant Joy in the Depths of Suffering. This one was written by Kate Merrick who lost her little girl to cancer, and her relationship with God. She writes well, I think, and she talks about blessings and how we define them. She also talks about women in Scripture from Bathsheba to Mary and others. I'm just reading about the woman in Proverbs 31. She refers to her as "the girl we love to hate". Who can measure up to THAT standard???

    Anyway, I am enjoying reading that (I often read - or try to read - several books at once). I'm just really touched, so far, by this. I would love to be "clothed with strength and dignity, and laugh without fear of the future". (I think that's verse 25 of chapter 31.)

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited March 2021

    Not getting to post much but reading your posts and praying for you all.

    Maggie's tail amputation & tumor removal are April 1st (no kidding!).

    Just wanted to pop in and show you what a day of high winds (up to 60 mph) does to a land crying for rain. We say that Alpine's theme song is DUST IN THE WIND. This photo is in full color untouched. Compare it with the last one I posted!

    Love & prayers,



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Ade, that's crazy! We were in the desert near Palm Springs this weekend and drove home yesterday. Lots of strong winds both Saturday and Sunday. It was kind of hazy, but nothing like your photo. It was kind of fun to drive home over the mountain and encounter some rain. We could see snow not too far away. (Rain is always kind of exciting for us California people!) When I say "drive" I meant that my husband was driving - I love being the passenger! haha

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Hi everyone. I wanted to pass on some info I got today which I didn't know. I had my annual mammogram today and the tech was asking me all of these questions regarding if I had the Covid vaccine. I said why is there a problem with the mammogram because of the vaccine. She said we are finding out that some women get inflamed and swollen lymph nodes in the arm that they received the vaccine. That will show up on mammograms as areas of suspicion which will prompt an ultrasound and they will have to be followed up in six months. She said we are recommending that you wait for a month from your last Covid vaccine to have your mammogram. Mine was only 20 days so I was a bit nervous.

    I ended up with my mammogram being fine and no problem with lymph nodes. I dodged a bullet. If I had known I would have rescheduled my mammogram.

    Carol, I know you have scans coming up. I pray they are good news. I am not familiar with those books but they sound interesting. I hope you are being uplifted by them.

    Ade, I will be praying for Maggie for April 1. That picture is amazing compared with the glowing color of the previous view.

    My BCO posts are still going to my spam folder so I don't know how to get around that as that is not a BCO problem.

    Have a good week dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Nancy, that's good info on the COVID vaccine and the mammogram. I had heard that, too, but didn't understand why. Now, it makes sense. Interestingly, I got my reminder letter for my mammogram, and asked my MO about whether I should get it on my remaining breast. She basically said not to bother. It makes sense. I mean, I'm already Stage IV, so...

    I'm a bit concerned about my scans next week. I've been having more pain, but I hope it's just "normal aches and pains". At any rate, as my husband says, "If God's in the middle of this situation, then it's all good news, right?" I'm so blessed and thankful to have that kind of support. Thank you for your continued prayers.

    Wishing you all strength, comfort and joy.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Hi Carol,

    What day are your scans? I will be praying for you as I have already. I have been on this thread for close to seven years and I always marvel at the courage and strength of the stage IV ladies including you and our other dear sisters here. I get nervous with mine when two years ago I thought my cancer had come back. So I can't even imagine how you must feel as you approach your scans. I will be praying for God to envelope you with His peace. I am glad you have a husband that is strong in the Lord and is there to support and encourage you. Glad you had a possible weekend get away. Take care.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Chris, I know this is the day you are traveling. Praying for a safe trip and a very rewarding time with your new sisters. I pray they will be open to hearing the Good News of the gospel.

    Faith, you have been on my heart for quite some time and I regularly pray for you. How are you doing? How is your DH coming along in his recuperation time. I imagine he is doing PT as well? If you feel up to it let us know how you are doing.

    Everyone have a great day.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Thank you, Nancy. My scans are on Monday. I'll get a nuclear med shot at around 10:30 at Scripps Clinic, then I run over to the hospital to drink a quart of contrast, wait for an hour and then get my CT scan. After that, I run back over to the clinic for my nuclear med scan. COVID test will be a 10:00 AM - I have to have one every month, 2 days before my infusion which will be on Wednesday. It will be a long day, but I'm thankful to have my husband will be be my driver. Actually, all he has to do is drop me off after the COVID test and then pick me up when I text him after the last scan is done.

    We go to the Cabanas at Scripps for the COVID test. Of course, we're singing, "At the COVID, COVID cabana..." I'm sure we're not the first. Sorry, Barry Manilow.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited March 2021

    Hi Carol. I will pray that all goes well on Monday. Wow, that is quite the deal running back and forth to get this scan done. I hope all goes well. That is funny with the Barry Manilow song. I actually like him but I know many do not share that same sentiment! I hope your Covid test is negative so you can have your infusion on Wed. Praying for a good result.

