thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2021

    Hey, all, just popping to say hi. I'm heading out to the desert tomorrow to spend about 3 weeks with my sister. I'm so looking forward to it.

    I do read all of your posts daily, and even when I don't post here, you all are in my prayers and thoughts. Life seems so hard lately for so many of us, but I'm so grateful that we have that blessed hope to hang on to.

    A while back someone here (I think) posted about a new song by a Christian group. Part of the words were "If I had known the last time would be the last time..." Or something like that. I want to find that song again, but can't remember what it was. Can anyone help me with that?

    Nancy, your comment to Ade about the stars made me want to share one more thing with you. My husband loves the stars and astronomy and will sometimes set up his telescope in our driveway. He puts a sign up at the bottom of our driveway inviting anyone who is interested to "come take a look". He'll write out what the featured star-gazing event will be. We often get our neighbors to come and look and the responses are usually something like, "WOW!!!" "REALLY???" and "OMG!!!" It's so fun to point the telescope at a seemingly blank area in the sky and have it come alive with stars. It gives me goosebumps to think of all that is out there and to think that our Father cares so much about this tiny speck of a planet and even more cares about each and every one of us.

    Love and prayers,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Hi Carol,

    Scars in Heaven by Casting Crowns is the song. I tried to post their video and now YouTube is making you pay for their videos. You can still view it but it won't let me post it. I posted that video several weeks ago but I wonder if that is blocked as well.

    Your stay with your sister sounds awesome. I hope it is a time to get recharged and refreshed.

    Your husband sounds like a great guy offering for others to take at look at his telescope. That would be awesome.

    I hear that song on the radio quite a bit now and it is really touching. Mark Hall wrote that after losing his grandparents.

    I love their music so much. Theirs are about the only CD's I have bought with Christian artists.

    I am up again after being dead tired and then not being able to go to sleep so we will try again in a few minutes.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited August 2021

    As we mentioned stars I just wanted to share this pic with you. My breast cancer friend from our church, Cathy, took it. James & I look at the Milky way every night with our 'Jammied' star gazing. No telescope - just glorious stars, shooting stars and satellites every night. We keep score between the shooting stars and the satellites. There are fashings in the sky and we discovered it is the satellites, because they are moving. The panels must catch the light as they rotate and flash the light back to us. Looks like someone is taking flash pictures up there. Cathy is a phenomenal photographer. She lives in WA now and I miss her.




  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Ade, that's incredible! God's handiwork. I was laughing today thinking of how you and James are able to get away with "Jammied" stargazing. I'm tempted to make that a thing out here at our home if someone in my family will just buy the telescope.

    Shannon, what a beautiful photo! I can see the joy of the Lord in your countenance and I know He is guiding you through this. He is giving you a special ministry even in the midst of it.

    Have a great time in the desert, Carol!

    Well, I survived the first few radiation sessions. Long story, but they are painful because I am so underweight. The Lord is helping me through with a square of Depends quilted underwear that I cut out and place under my tailbone :) They pulled my hips into a strange sideways position at the mapping so now I have to keep that awkward pose for seven weeks. No idea how my very thin skin on the upper chest will hold up after 3 treatments, much less 33 but I"m trusting Jesus to see me through "the fire." The song I love to sing during rads is "There is another in the fire" by Hillsong.

    I'm closely following your prayer needs and praying for you all, dear sisters.

    Nancy, I pray restful sleep for you.

    Love and blessings,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Ade, that is a gorgeous photo. Kudos to Cathy. I now have a lens to capture the sky (not great but it will do) but traveling a distance to take pics at night by myself in unfamiliar territory I am having second thoughts.

    Esther, I am sorry to hear you are having issues at the beginning or radiation. I was never put in a position that was uncomfortable but I had a tailbone flair up last year and I was in PT for my lower back and my exercises were causing me great tailbone pain so I can really relate to that.

    Have you had only one treatment so far. I know the mapping sessions are long. The treatments are very quick but if it is an uncomfortable position that may make it seem like a long time. I will be praying for this situation. I finally got my fountain cleaned out so will take some pics soon and post for you.

    I have an unspoken prayer request that is really a situation totally out of my control and something I am terribly disturbed concerning a friend. I am asking for prayer for this situation which has put me in shock.

    Have a great day dear sisters. On my way to church. My friends will not be sitting with me today. They have Covid. My elderly friend is who I am most worried about. Her daughter and son in law who she lives with both have Covid. He just got out of the hospital and now her daughter has it. The ladies were vaccinated but the man was not.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Thanks Joanne for the beautiful banner.

    Elizabett, we are praying for a rapid recovery for you after your surgery.

    Bookpusher, how are you doing now after you are a week out on your surgery?

    Esther, how did your Monday treatment go?

    GB, how are you managing your second chemo.

    Shannon, when do you start your Taxol treatments.

    Praying for all of you dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2021

    I'm managing. The second one was less nauseating, but I had more fatigue than the previous one. Still dealing with a lot though. I just discovered a black bump that looks awfully like the scary melanoma pictures online--is definitely new, so I sent a message to the oncology nurse this morning. Still waiting to hear from them. I feel like I literally can't handle anything else, but what do I know?!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited August 2021

    GB, sending prayers and hugs special for you today.

  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited August 2021

    Please please pray!!!!

    Our hospital just shutdown any overnight stay elective surgeries. Which my mastectomy is not considered elective. But the reconstruction after is.

    Please pray that by the time I’m ready for surgery (around November) that these restrictions will be lifted. I’m so worried. I don’t want to have to go through a harder surgery later down the line because I could not get expanders during the ma

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    GB praying for you tonight as you deal with each of these challenges.

    Shannon, much can happen between now and then. Try not to look too far ahead as it can be too overwhelming spoken from one who is prone to worry! We will pray that your surgeries will go forward as planned.

    Esther, how are you doing? Tailbone issues? We're praying for you each day.

    I have some great news and some prayer requests. My Mom's house which is now my sister and my house has sold as the termite inspection passed. We can now give God the glory and say the house sold in one day which it did contingent on this inspection. The closing we already had down as Aug. 27 so I am praising God. I guess it is not a done deal until the closing but in my mind it is a done deal!!!

    My cat has her exam and shots and blood draw tomorrow. She was very sick in June and it has been a very slow process weaning her off her regular food and totally into the prescription diet. She has two conditions which stress aggravates. Her apt tomorrow is not until noon but she is to be at the vet at 8am. No matter what I said it didn't change that. So basically she will be scared to death for four hours in my opinion needlessly.

    Also my insomnia has not been good and that makes everything seem harder than it probably is. I have my brain MRI next Wed and the pressure of that is mounting. I have a brain tumor which was discovered three years ago. It is benign but at the base of the brain and would not be good if it started to grow. I have to have these MRI's to check that. So I would appreciate your prayers as well and you all have mine.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, I join with Nancy and the others in prayer knowing God holds your tomorrow in His hands. He can move mountains for you.

    Nancy, Praise the Lord your mom's house sold so soon. I know it is a relief for you and your sister. I will pray for Cammie's visit and results tomorrow. May God grant you peace to sleep and give you strength as you face your midical tests. May the tumor remain benign.

    My DD and DGD are in NY visiting my son so it has been very quiet around here. This past week my husband and I are enjoying each other's company learning what retirement would be like if we lived!

    I have a couple of prayer requests too. Next week I will have an MRI for the new growth that showed up in a new area. I am praying it is nothing serious and I can continue on my current medicine. It is not the easiest, but it still keeps me from IV chemo. Also, on the 26th my daughter takes the NCLEX for her nursing license. This is why she has been working so hard, and I am so proud of her pushing through her schooling even in the midst of Covid. She needs this win!

    Blessings, Chris

  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited August 2021

    Nancy and Chris,

    Praying for you both favor healing and good results on your tests!!

    Thank you both for the encouragement and prayers. I know my God is bigger. And I keep asking myself, or rather reminding myself, whose report am I going to believe???

    I choose to believe God's word over political decision makers, over the drs reports everything.

    Covid and cancer are real but they are not TRUTH!!

    I'm standing on that tonight as I lay my head on my pillow.

    Love and hugs to all and prayers going up,


  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Sweet sisters, I am praying for each of you. Nancy, I tend to have insomnia as well. I listen to the sounds of "Crickets at the ocean" on YouTube, and when I toss and turn, a few more drops of melatonin. I always have to clear my mind of fearful thoughts by reminding myself that this is my time with Jesus and now it's time to sleep and not worry about anything while my Savior is with me. I started doing this about a year ago and it does help.

    I will continue in prayer for you Nancy and for Chris, Shannon, Jo, GB, Elizabett, Bookpusher, Ade, James and Penni until seeing an update for each situation. Praising God for the good report that Penni was doing better than expected. I'm also praying for Cammie the cat. I can't believe she has to cool her heals there for 4 hours. I wouldn't be a happy camper either.

    Today's radiation was day 5 of 33. My tailbone is better now that I slipped that little pad underneath. I am a caregiver for a parent so each day presents a logistical challenge but somehow God works it out each and every day.

    Night! Love and blessings,


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2021

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you are dealing with insomnia. It's draining to push through the day on no sleep. I pray that God's loving touch brings you blissful slumber tonight.

    GB, did you hear back from the oncology nurse? I have atypical moles that mimic melanoma (they are called dysplastic nevi and are completely benign). I'm glad that you checked in with your nurse.

    Chris, I will pray for a good MRI report next week and passing exam scores for your daughter. Completing a rigorous nursing degree during a pandemic is quite the feat.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Hi dear sisters.

    I am really completely drained tonight but so glad this day is over for my cat and for me. Thank you for your prayers for Cammie. I dropped her off at 8am and she finally got home around 2:30 so it was definitely an all day affair for her. She was SOOOOOOO glad to get home. I have never seen her quite like this before.

    The vet said for her age which is almost 13 1/2 she is doing well. She will send blood work to TX again and compare with the one two months ago when she was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. I think she is doing really well over all so hopefully this disease will be manageable as I know it can become serious.

    Chris, we can pray for each other on the MRI front. Praying we both get good news.

    That is so great that your daughter has come so far. Praying she will get her license with flying colors. How is Danny doing? I am glad they are there visiting him. I hope you and DH are enjoying your alone time.

    Shannon, it sounds like you are in a better place now. Most of our battles are in our minds and they seem to be the toughest ones to fight. Thanks for your prayers. You have mine.

    Ester, I hope to deal with my insomnia with my primary doctor when I see him next which isn't for a while. Mine has been worse since my surgery and got pretty bad on my cancer drug. I am glad you have been able to deal with the tailbone issue with some creative thinking!! We have been in a pattern of really bad storms for several days. So I haven't had a chance to take a pic of my fountain actually running because it has been so cloudy and rainy. Continued prayers for you as you tick off those treatments.

    Hershey thanks for your prayers. I am so exhausted tonight I hope I can sleep. I am glad you have been able to give GB some good advice and I hope her issues are nothing serious.

    GB did you find out any info from your oncology nurse regarding your concern? Praying things will get less stressful for you. You have had a lot to deal with.

    Joanne had some storm damage in their yard. Praying they can get all of the tree removal settled without costing an arm and a leg.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2021

    I did hear back from the oncology nurse. They said that the NP would look at it next week if I can't get into derm or PCP before then. So I reached out to derm via their portal (since calling to schedule would probably put me about a month out), and the nurse wrote back this morning and scheduled me for tuesday. Fast track derm appointment...they clearly weren't thrilled at what I described to them. But I'm not thrilled at what it looks like. If you google nodular melanoma, it looks exactly like the pictures. Right on my eye socket. BUT...I have a long history of dysplastic moles, so maybe it's just an extra weird one that chemo set into motion.

    Headed to GYN in a bit for some sort of rash "down there." I wonder if I have yeast issues but it's hard to tell--i don't have much experience with that and my symptoms don't exactly match what you read online. I did just have two rounds of oral thrush so who knows. I was going to call oncology, but decided to try GYN first since that's what they look at all day long.

    Thankful for a workplace where I can just text my manager that I'm coming in later because of an appointment...

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    I'm sorry you're going through that, GB, but I'm glad they are getting you in soon. Are you on a good probiotic? I thought I was (for what I was paying for it) but turns out it wasn't good at all. I now take Probiotic 225. It's proven and very helpful if you'd like to Google it. It's a phenomenal product and has done wonders for me.

    Nancy, I hope you slept last night. I'm sure Cammie did, after what she went through yesterday. She must have been so happy to be home. Did I tell you about my new windchime? 66% off at Hobby Lobby, and I love the deep notes that it plays.

    Praying for all needs for every sister in this group, and the upcoming appointments. You're always in my heart.

    Heading to radiation day 7. I just posted in the Metabolic Forum because there are some amazing women there who have already done the research I'm just beginning. Such great info for detoxing and healing. It makes me feel much better about radiating my body 33 times.

    Jesus is with us, especially in the fire. He will see each of us through it.

    Love and blessings,


  • loverofjesus
    loverofjesus Member Posts: 174
    edited August 2021

    Hello everyone!

    I’m so in a better place mentally today! Funny how depression and anxiety were never much in my vocabulary until now after a diagnosis! Yes I believe in Jesus, yes I know I’m my heart He heals, but there are days when between to enemy and my human side those two things just seep into my day. I’ve learned that doubt doesn’t mean unbelief. You have to believe in something to even doubt it.

    Esther01– you mentioned the words that caught my eye. “HOBBY LOBBY” lol. For sure one of my happy places! In fact when it cools off where I live I’m going to take a decorative table I have on my landing at my stairs and I’m going to sponge paint it to bring it into the now. I love the table it just needs updating. But I have to wait till it cools enough to do it in the garage.

    You guys I’m praying for you all!! And I’m so so glad I have you all. I have chemo next week. I begin Taxol. I’m a little nervous. I don’t know why because AC was supposed to be the bad stuff. It’s even named red devil. But I prayed every time before they began and thus far I have done really well. No nausea. Just hypersensitive smell and odd taste buds, and tiredness have been my side effects. I praying Taxol will be easier.

    I pray all you have a wonderful weekend and have joy, peace, relaxation and lots of laughter and fun! I’m sure we will be outnumbered with teens this weekend as our house is the go to house. It’s ok the love and laughter in their hearts and fun they have is good with me.

    Hubby has had a Summer cold but is getting better. Pray for him. And pray I don’t get it.

    Hugs and love to all!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    GB, I'm glad you are getting an apt soon. Praying nothing serious. Hope your gyny will give you something for relief. You have certainly had a bumpy ride for the beginning of your treatments. It has to get better for you.

    Esther, I did sleep last night but today I am so fatigued I can hardly do anything. Maybe it is all just catching up to me from all the other nights of losing sleep. Yes, Cammie was so thrilled to be back home she just wanted to keep rubbing against me. I bet she was freaked out for hours but I don't even want to think about that. Your new wind chimes sounds awesome. When I retired all the music teachers from the whole district got me several gifts and one of them was these beautiful wind chimes that sound the first six notes of Amazing Grace. I actually have them in my kitchen because we get a lot of windy days which can make wind chimes annoying for neighbors and for myself. I need to find a good place for them because they are deep sounding and beautiful. I bet you will really enjoy yours. Day 7 already. I xed off the days on a special calendar. It will go by faster than you realize.

    Have a great weekend dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Shannon, we must have been posting at the same time. I think most of us deal with that same conflict. The enemy is out to steal our joy and to destroy us. We are in a war continually but the sooner we recognize who we are fighting and who is on our side that is half of the battle right there. I am glad you are in a better place now. I don't have personal experience with chemo but if what you say is true then you have tackled the hardest part. We will be praying for you as you begin Taxol.

    Enjoy all of the teen energy around you. I bet your household is a fun place otherwise they wouldn't all hang out there. Have fun.



  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    Just checking in to wish you a good night!

    Ade, how is Penni recovering? I was sitting in the radiation dressing room about to be called in and managed to type a question for Dr. Ellithorpe on what will help Penni's stroke recovery. She spent 5 minutes answering in thorough detail.

    Here is what she recommends. It's at minute 17:45.5:30 PDT tomorrow is the weekly Q&A so this time I'm going to ask about insomnia for our dear Nancy (and likely all of us from time to time). Nancy, I hope my windchimes don't bother our neighbors. They haven't mentioned it (fingers crossed). I would love for them to chime, "Amazing Grace," like yours.

    Love and blessings,


  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    And Jo, I loved that banner and needed to be reminded of that. You are such an encouragement.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,917
    edited August 2021

    Thank you Joanne for that banner. I hope your tree guy comes soon to clean up your yard after the bad storm.

    Esther, I have slept pretty good for a couple of nights and last night I got to sleep and woke up very early and couldn't get back to sleep so I watched some of the video you posted. I love that this doctor is a Christian and not afraid to proclaim it. I wish my alt doctor had been. I hope what you asked for Penni will be helpful to them. Lots to digest there for sure. Thank you in advance for asking her about insomnia. I really appreciate that as I know many of you could benefit from that as well.

    My church has had revival every night since Wed. I was able to catch most of it online. This morning will be the culmination of it. We have had so many people come to the Lord which is really exciting. That was before the revival so I can't wait to hear from our pastor from this week of revival. We have had guest speakers each night.

    As we all put on our armor for another week lets take time to rest in the Lord today.

    Have a great Sunday dear sisters.




  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2021

    GYN said I have some superficial folliculitis but didn't seem alarmed. Gave me an antibiotic gel to start using if it starts looking more infected, and Nystatin to use to see if the rest of the rash gets better. It's steadily looking the same with no change from the Nystatin.

    I don't know. If it's still like this when I show up to chemo on Thursday I will ask the NP if I should use the antibiotic anyway.

    Derm appointment looming. I wonder how they handle skin biopsies so close to the eye. Like would she do it, or send me out to a plastic surgeon? I doubt I escape biopsy. My derm has always been big on "making sure," for better or worse. She normally makes me feel like swiss cheese.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2021

    I haven't been on here for a bit. Stopped getting reminders in my email. Jean

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited August 2021

    Jean, I've missed you and wondered how you were doing. Hope you are getting along ok. Chris

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited August 2021

    Health is good. So far no reoccurring. Good meetings last week at Sloan Kettering with my surgeon and dermatologist. Just some back pain, fatigue and challenges at home with driveway paving, septic, gutters etc. Hubby has had a breakthrough and has been freed from anger he has struggled with for over 65 years! He is so peaceful. God is so good!

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,438
    edited August 2021

    Jean, so happy to hear about your good health. And the breakthrough for your Hubby. God is indeed good!!!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2021

    GB, I had a suspicious skin lesion located on my lower lid. I was referred to an advanced dermatologic surgeon for removal.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2021

    Good to know HersheyKiss. Having anything on that area removed sounds awful, but what you can you do?

    My daughter and I were reading on the sofa this weekend and she looked over at me and said, "mommy there's dirt on your face." I told her it wasn't dirt and she looked at it closer then shrank away in horror..."are you diseased?"

    Sigh. I sure hope not... I mean, besides the breast cancer...